. approval for current expansion) anparently caused by a wave of condition at Z 4 Tie government ordered the & +i : : Former MP Charged banks to close because of ahead striking the man a sec > THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, August 29, 1967 1 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE ' Seek Children's Hospital | To Build Roof Heliport TORONTO (CP)--The Hospi-y ' tal for Sick Children will be! Banks Closed | Remanded allowed to place a heliport on) JAKARTA -- (Reuters)--The| SIMCOE, Ont. (CP)--Blake the roof of one of the hospital's|{ndonesian government closed! Rockefeller, 48, of Simcoe wings for a one-year trial! down three more private banks pleaded guilty Monday to drunk perivd, it was eecided at a Met-|today, bringing the total clo-|qrivin,; after twice driving his ropolitan Toronto Buildings and| cures' in the last four days tO car over a transient lyin Pa A Deveiopment Committee meet- 19 garden : des ing Monday. Tne closures follow a heavy The victim, Jack Bennett, 53, Tne hospital received yyy on \bank liquid 'reserves of no fixed address, is in poor . | Norfolk General plans and for large-scale addi-! speculation in foreign currency. | Hospiial here with broken ribs, tionai expansion if desired. Businessmen were drawing Pelvic and internal injuries. St. Michael's Hospital briefly; pygc amounts of rupiahs to buy Crown Attorney Frank Reid outlined plans for extensive | foreign exchange certificates Said Rockefeller's car backed renovation, including construc-| sold on the Indonesian stock Over concrete blocks into the tion of a high-rise teaching and) marxet for the importation. of garacr area where Bennett was research building. esselitial goods, lying cn the ground, After back- ing over Bennett, he drove also ond time. He was remanded in shrinking reserves with the : R of custody until Sept. 11 for sen- RENFREW, Ont. (CP)--For-| rndonesian State Bank, but it WEATHER FORECAST | | | | | | | | | ! | | | | FINNISH PREMIER ARRIVES AT MONTREAL Paasio attends Finland Day day. ceremonies at Expo 67 Tues- recepiton at Montreal city hall Monday night by Mayor and Mr. Jean Drapeau. Mr. (CP Wirephoto) mer Conservative MP James)". tencing Baskin of this Ottawa Valley | Said the closures were only The scoilent. happened off Prime Minister and Mrs. community will appear Sept. 18 'emporary. Noro Connty aol 7 abbot. lee Teams of Sale to face four charges of break- . ° eight miles west of here. _contop, Are. grecied. at ing the town bylaws. Thai Terrorism Renfrew reeve L. C. Ringrose siege S t L b D T 1] laid the charges Monday, con-; BANGKOK (AP)--Three et Lapor Vay 10 tending Mr. Baskin broke one| Communist terrorists have been secu uae < f bylaw by converting two trailer|killeé and five captured in a m) oes ( sl bel agi units into motels, The other|week of scattered fighting with yl he socdinte ok U nik 4 charges were laid under a fire) Thailand government tr 0 ops, ae : Ie ae limit bylaw. |Premier Thanom Kittikachorn Mr. Baskin was MP for Ren-|said Monday. He said the ter-\.tiona) safety Council _aaid| . frew South from 1957 to the|roris: activities, centring main-\\iong.y Last Labor Day week-| MONTREAL (CP) -- The . States swapped rocks during) early 1960s. ly in the northeast provinces jhas increased. The terrorists Jare estimated to number about Rocks Swapped 3%, BOLTON, Ont. (CP)--More) é Tropical Storm than 500 mineral collectors) MIAMI, Fla. (AP)--With the end 636 persons died on. the/|strike of 5,400 inland Canadian} highways, the council said. jseamen entered its 13th day jtoday with little optimism on Collector Surprised |*"*: side for an early resump- |tion of talks. AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP)--A| Join McGiffin, president of refuse collector found what he|the Canadian Lake Carriers thought was a small penlight,| Association, representing 32 from Canada and the United) . y reek} ; clos | : the weekend at the Cold Creek) hurricane season about to close) |) ¢ pushed its button to see if|companies against which the " The collectors 'travelled 100/lite pictures of the latest tropi- -~ ment by : * effects of glaciers on central/growing weaker as it thrashe _ Hippies Remanded Young Negroes siest boss by officials of the| Mr » remands to Nov. 6. conservation area near here.| ts thi th, satel a F ; viigead jout1is third quiet month it Seaiarers International Union wasn't a flashlight. The worker|0f Canada struck Aug. 17, said the : - | Was taken to hospital for treat- Mondiy he doesn't think point that the weather pattern ed | ment after his eyes were filled| has yet been reached ¥t which with tear gas. | mediation could help. "Mediation can only worked. It worked, but it miles of the Niagara escarp-|cal depression showed Monday car, studying Ontario. They finished the field)about in the eastern Atlantic help < tour at Georgetown, Ont.,/The depression, with winds of! ps ® ie ans - where they collected specimens/39 miles an hour, popped up Pick Crabbiest Boss": pita 3 pag en in a quarry. Bolton is 20 miles|durinz the weekend about 2,000 north of Toronto. miles east-southeast of Miami. CRISFIELD, Md. (AP)--Ray|Manner." he said. "I don't Fuchs of Pittsburgh, Pa., has|thinn we've reached that point been named the world's crab-|Y¢! Griffin made his remarks TORONTO (CP)--Forty-eight/ oe a _National Hard Crab Derby.jafter Leonard McLaughlin, hippies, charged with credtina| , MUL WAUREE ak Dead Fuchs's secretary complained | Presicent of the SIU made a n organization of yOuD&/that. while driving her to work|Public package deal presented a disturbance Sunday, Aug. 20, Negroes plans to return tonight were remanded for trial when); the predominantly Polish they appeared in magistrate's).ouih side. where an open-house court Monday. to tne employers by the union shortly before the strike began Fuchs's secretary is/ Mr. McGiffin described the pre- % viousiv unannounced package las "'unacceptable." been held wei ; ; No. talks have Pill Helps Acne between the union and tie iake PHILAEELPHIA (AP) : and taking her out to lunch, he) talked incessantly about his Most received! t yyy Children. march Monday night brought his wife. out thousands of taunting, threatening whites. Stolen Cash, Arms | One minor injury was report- QUEBEC (CP)--Provincial|&4 during sporadic boitle-and- police said Monday they seized] ck throwing from white per- more than $10,000 believed ecg shouted, be part of an armed robbery), : ; |may have met its mast th } 3,000 th t 3 s ster in the involving $31,000 taken Wednes- to tiple lined the route of} pill--at least where girls are day from a suburban Sillery conceined. branch of the Canadian Impe- rial Bank of Commerce. Police says "treatment of also found four revolvers and POPLAR HILL, Ont. (CP)--| acne is not much better than it| ammunition when they broke} ni UL, Ont. | was 2,000 years ago," reports) WASHINGTON (AP)--A plea| into a Lower Town house. |Many clergymen are Stilll«ine estrogen component in the|for reorganization of the finan-| p a janxious to see local churches! pith control pill is very help-|cial structure of the St. Law-| Pollution Warming ees a ie oe eet" in treating girls afflicted | Fen Seaway was made today} COLLEGE STATION, Tex.|Council of Churches said here gedit y Senator Walter F. Mondale, (AP)--Man will have no place Monday. Bui boys better beware. Minnesota Democrat. i ; "We can't give female hor-| In testimony for a Senate j Dr. R. S. Dunn, tor of " i lk gets petggeoe gs Rog meiner Road Baptist Chink in eu to boys, Said Dr. Albert/t Ae ¢ works subcommittee, animal life, scientists warned|Toronto, said church renewal| M., Rileman. keoig Pe adian "oe gps tag . Monday They called for new|must be aimed at solving the) : petted lway. tol" cerdeha tere aes kinds of co-operative research|Problems of today and tomor-| Peres bh se: si and fact-finding to halt the ae not i" past ' Teenager Charge horthd pollo pot bebe decay of the human enviren- ce said church people are; ,..., . | y. eave ment and to improve or pre-|becoming impatient for renewal|. NEWMARKET, Ont. CP) oe to work out a per- xerve its quality. They spoke atjand "if the leadership doesn't -- Tse re Got id bee mere et to the seaway's ¥ i . Inearby Richmond Hill was| financial problems," he said the annual meeting of the|come from the clergy it will Hg ' N : ival|c : t é " charged in magistrate's court) No amount of bookkeeping American Institute of Biological] come from the laity here Monday with non-capital| Wizardry can hide the gloomy Sciences. | '" a rd d laught in|reality of seaway finances, he Diplomat Replaced} Fire Kills Stock the sunday stabbing death of » said oe ip oma ep | HARBJISTON, Ont. (CP)--Six- | Toronto architect at his cottage Ba ens problem is not going to MOSCOW (AP)--Dmitri P.|/fy Hereford yearlings, part of a near here. |disappear or solve itself,' he Pozhidayev, who handled|herd received by John Den- Taivo Kapsi, 31 |said. "It is going to get worse assistant | > The seaway has no reasonable Soviet-Egyptian relations in!Quden Saturday, were killed professor of architecture at the) ext : Cairo during the Arabs' disas-!when fire destroyed the barn on| University of Toronto who | Spligati : her ge " (ous June 510 war with larael,|his Harrision area farm early|helped design Toronto's new) ) 2 Sc 00s. Sit He PiGse y city hall, suffered a chest \financia) structure without a has been replaced as ambassa-| Monday dor to Egypt. He was replaced; Damage was by Sergei A. Vinogradov, 6", @! more than $25,000 top diplomat, | . The feeder cattle were amon s herd of 76 he had purchased a Bribe Spurned' few weeks ago. Three of the 19 NEW YORK toll increase." . wound 10 inches deep and an estimated at P The subcommittee is consid inch wide. Beatty was remand- g ed to Friday on $5,000 bail, | Japan Flood jother Western Senators. | WOULD ELIMINATE DEBT Uncer this bill, cattle that. escaped from the (AP)--Th€plazing barn will have to be) TOKYO helped put James Hoffa in| 'The fire is believed to have! swirled through Japan's Tice | se, c ion' Ag : 4 Fi § s a ¢ seaway corporation's Prison is said by Life magazine heey started by lightning. bowi--Niigata en to have spurned a bribe of $1,-/ Harriston is about 35 miles day, leaving death and wide-|the u.s 000.000 to recant his testimony.! norin of Stratford. spread destruction in its wake. nance costs would be In its Sept. 1 issue, Life says National police said 19 per- through congressional appropri the offer to the witness, 4 ° sons W ts Peet as Ne PRR Peps Lauciani ppropri- Edward Grady Partin, was Mexico Rains ait a fo het ta iis aHORS as Dee wet: SEPTEMBER 15 ad 16 . 17 made through the Cosa Nostra. MEXICO CITY (AP)--Tor-|and two grandsons. Forty-five It would retain tolls at their * rential rains falling in most of|persons are missing. Present, Me possibly _ reduced, |" sf aun Magistrate Ill Mexice during the last few days; Forty-four houses were pag Pe eae abe bees widespread floods | destroyed, many of them swept flood 4 '~ , are Causing TOKONTO (CP)--A prelimi-\in gi least four states, official) away in the nary hearing into charges Of| sources reported Monday. waters conspiring to defraud the public) Foremost among them is| At least of $100,000,000 against four) Tamaulipas, in northern Mexico|swept away, river banks col- Toronto men was adjourned bordering Texas, where Jate|!apsed and 17 landslides were Monday when Magistrate David/ijnformation said the Riojreported. Many acres of rice Coor fel! il. Grande is about to overflow in| paddies were under water He reportedly faintithe area of Matamoros and is held by the treasury. Unoer present laws, the sea 17 bridges were Way 1S required to be entirely raging GAMBLING MUST GO fe --A firm which wanted to con Nearly 5% inches of rain fell vert & . opposite Brownsville, Tex on record. In the northern state of Manuel |pyrango, widespread flooding ed are Myer Rush, 43 Williams, 54 municipal authorities Joser SIU, Shippers Stalemate | sie, drm he Hie 4! BEWOnd Outside Mediation "we want|Acne. the pimply scourge of| : : for safety in an industry with 2 » Police estimated that|Countless teen -aged youths, as enaior ee 0 ution i: accident rate were "ridie- rsons ulous." s s Church Renewal .2, "unica deeawesss Of Seaway Financial Puzzle. cv. erste: tering a bill by Mondale and 13 the $140.- (AP)--Torrential | 990,090 construction debt would Teamsters Union official wh¢\destroyed, Mr. DenOuden said.|rains touched off floods which/ be eliminated by converting the revenue | prefecture--to-' bonds into capital stock held by $5. treasury and mainte- paid ROCHESTER, England (CP) ihe aod of tne aabreing 0 5 ne ' a building formerly used threatening to flood that city in Niigata Monday, the heaviest ,. 5 police station into a bingo! hall was refused permission by | Press Told 'Get Closer' MONTREAL (CP )--Daily carriers' association since the|ly of tringe benefits, including a newspapers must "get closer to strike got under way. |40-hour week, and would actual-/people"' if they are to withstand | Main issue involved in the|ly put only 4.7 per cent more in|competition from television and| dispute as it now stands|actuat cash into the pockets of| suburban weekly newspapers, appears to be the manning of) the seamen. the president of the ee | ships, which the union says is . see al Circulation Managers' Asso- of Nar ADEOUAD" importance WANT 3 WATCHMEN ciation said Monday. Mc. McGiffin said Tuesday) The manning demands--in-| «we've got to find out why| manning is the prerogative of Cluding the provision of tWO/negple read our papers and | management. watchmen on the decks of all) sive them more of it," said| Some Cloudiness Tonight, Then Scattered Showers TORONTO (CP)--Official, Winds southwest 15 today and forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m.: northwest 20 on Wednesday. Synopsis: It will be a warm Western James Bay: Showers sunny day across southern{and scattered thundershowers Ontario with afternoon temper-|and much cooler _ today. atures climbing to the 80s. Over| Wednesday cloudy with showers the rest. Skies will be variable|and continuing cool. Winds and there will be a few widely |northerly 15. scattered showers or thunder-| Montreal and Ottawa: Mainly showers in other parts of the|sunny today. Wednesday sunny province, This weather is|becoming cloudy in the after occurring in advance of cooler/noon with scattered thunder- air moving in and by late|showers. Warm. Winds light. Wednesday all of Northern and central Ontario will be in the cooler air. Toronto, Forecast Temperatures |Low Overnight, High Wednes- a Hamilton, London, as Windsor, Lake St. Clair, Lake| Windsor .. 60 70 Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Ontar-|Trenton -.. 60 75 io, Niagara, Haliburton and|St. Thomas .- 60 70 southern Georgian Bay: Sunny|London ...- 60 70 and warmer today. Variable|Muskoka . 55 70 cloudiness tonight and Wednes- Kitchener .. 55 70 day. Widely scattered showers|North Bay - 55 65 or thundershowers dnesday. | Sudbury 55 65 Winds westerly 15. Wingham 55 7 North Bay, Sudbury, northern | Zarlton os 8 a A .,|Hamilton ....-- 60 5 Georgian Bay and Timagami:|cayjt Ste. Marie .... 50 65 Sunny. Becoming mostly cloudy |St. Catharines . 60 15 with widely scattered showers pos one ; 2 " 'oronto ..- . or thundershowers by after: Paterherodeh: 55 cs noon. Wednesday cloudy and turning cooler with a few show- ers. Winds southwest 15 becom-| ing northwest 20 Wednesday. ) y" Sensible Way to anilsoma; Variable cloudiness' Relieve Diarrhea or thundershowers today. many peeps nore bird woes = jarrhea will quickly subsi t Wednesday mostly cloudy and do nothing. Others prefer to take a fast- cooler with a few showers. |acting, dependable remedy right at the Winds southwest 15 today and |start, like Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild northwest 20 on Wednesday. pak pp valde it rons roe: Feb iae * * n , jan jarrhea--gently restores intestin White River, Cochrane: Vari- |paiance. Family-proven for over 115 years. able cloudiness and a few wide-| For those sudden attacks that can ly scattered showers or thunder |strike at home, on trips or vacation, showers today. Wednesday keep Dr. FOWLER'S Extract of Wild cloudy with showers and cooler. ees Strawberry on hand. "Our ships are manned prop-|Ships and one in the engine)Teon Reed, circulation mana- erly and we are not going to rooms of diesel vessels-- would) ger of the Arkansas Gazette of put additional men on just to Mot put any money in the/Tittle Rock. satisfy the union." sailor's pockets, They would "The day of the ivory tower 4 spokesman for tne take to Hi! even easier for him i. gone with the editor sitting in | Sal e vn sf carriers association his office telling people how the} shippers are required by the The rest of the demand was world ought to 5 oie he told! Canada Shipping Act to post|™ade up of an 8.9-per-cent cost members of the Canadian Cir-| security watch on ships in port.|f0r the 40-hour-week, 13.2 per Security watch varies from|Ccent tv cover one day off every! at their annual meeting. 'two or three men" on small! Week. 3.4 for an improved pen-| wr Reed called for more ships to about a dozen on larger|Sion Plan, two per cent for market research by newspaper | vessels and may be larger if|¢limination of a 24-hour work ¢jreulation departments to| cargu is being unloaded or load-|SPread_ and 0.8 per cent (9 determine what readers wanted | ed, the spokesman said. cover welfare benefits. and what changes would] Mr. McLaughlin told a news Mr. McGiffin said the pack- increase circulation. conference that the union's|28e deal proposed by the SIU is) He also suggested more package dea! would cost the|@ctua.Jy worth 43.35 per cent. attention be paid to children as) companies 33.4 per cent more This excluded the cost of the newspaper readers. for labor over a three-year/Manning demands which he) ff children are entertained by period. considered "not a quesiton we {elevision cartoon shows instead This would be made up main-| Will bargain. of newspaper comic strips --_----<<--<--$-- -- Mr McLaughlin's suggestions "we've lost them," he said that watchmen were necessary |~ 7 -- culation Managers' Association | ELECTROLYSIS Removes superfluous hair 'We're not the type of people painlessly ; jon watchmen. We are not Try Our Kree-Imperial self-sustaining. Mondale andjendangering the health of our! Machine other members of Congress|employees. We just don't think! from Great Lakes states con-|more men are necessary." tend this is discrimination) He said he expects the ship- against the Midwest. ping tie-up, now affecting most| "Tne St. Lawrence Seaway s\0f the 32 companies' 181 ships, | the only U.S. waterway which|coula reach crisis point for the has tc bear the burden of tolls| Canadian economy in about five} to pay for construction, opera. | days. ! MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa et the GENOSHA HOTEL August 28th, 29th, 30th PHONE 723-4641 For appointment on these dates tion end maintenance Costs,"' | pean he sa'd. "Every other waterw ocean port channel United States was developed and 1s operated and maintained at the expense of the, federal government." OSHAWA HOME SHOW 723-5278 CITY OF OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM (ONE) CARETAKER/MAINTENANCE MAN (Shift end Weekend work) Some knowledge of general repairs, painting, carpentry, plumbing, ete, Sweeping, polishing, washing of rooms and areas of building. Class ""B" Refrigeration papers or equivalent, ice-making experience @ definite asset. May be required to relieve Refrigeration Operators. Oshawa residents only. Applications received until 5:00 p.m., September Ist, 1967, Rate - $2.66 hr, -- 6 months - $2.75 hr, -- 9 months - $2.85 hr. Higher rate when relieving operators. Apply in person to: THE PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT City Hall, Oshowe a Oshawa Public Schools SCHOOL OPENING 1. Schools will epen Tuesday, September 5th, 1967, at 9 a.m. 2. All pupils should report to the school to which they have been assigned. Persons who have moved or ore new to the city moy determine school boundaries by colling the office of the Superintendent,of Public Schools -- Telephone 728- 1644, Any pupils not already registered should register at the pee school on Thursdoy, August 31st, 1967 9 a.m. to 745 a.m, 3. Pupils will be admitted to Kindergorten whose fifth birthday is not later than December 31st, 1967. BIRTH CERTIFICATES WILL BE REQUIRED FOR ALL CHILDREN ENTERING SCHOOL FOR THE FIRST TIME. J, ROSS BACKUS, Business Administretor end Superintendent of Secretary-Treasurer Public Schools $. E. LOVELL, Chairman Oshawa Board of Educetion Cc. M. ELLIOTT, NOTICE To Property Owners considering Sale of their pro- perty and who want the best deal they can get ! The Real Estate Department of CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST can Look to MAJOR POOL EQUIPMENT \- Corp. (Can.) Ltd, For Everything for your Swimming Pool Hangs Self sie et Nac ant Oe et pepe ; res tiago and Sauceda River|' BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP)--Dan- e Steel Pools Colluci. ibatine. caming wideanroed loss|iel Campbell, 5, hanged himself | Sohn Ovens 0. D. @ Block Pool Kits . . of crops and destroying a num-| accidently Monday while play-| OPTOMETPIST @ Aquelock Domes Libel Action ber of houses. = ing with an electrical extension | @ Aqualock Covers QUEBEC (CP)--Antonio Fla-/,,! Aguas Calientes state,|cord attached to. the basement | PHONE 723-4811 © Melligart Valves mand, Union Nationale member npg evacuation is taking a of his home in suburban | 8 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA © Absve Gicaad Pecks of tle legislature for Rouyn- 2 oid ie PR rn nt rnsnencenmw noun cn oe @ Sand Filters Noranda, entered a $100,000 © Diatomite Fil defamatory libel action Monday w 4 ee omnis -- against Jean Bienvenue, Liber-| ee eee "4 @ Vacuumatic Skimmer 10 YEAR Free tet al member for Matane and for- | mer chief Crown prosecutor. | The action stems from state- ments allegedly made by Mr. Bienvenue at a political rally Aug. € at Riviere du Loup. Conservation OTTAWA (CP)--A conference of young people interested in| conservation has suggested that the federal and provincial gov- ernments work together to pro- vide more youngsters with sum- mer work in conservation activ- ites. } / Resounding taste... at a quiet price DISTILLED SCHENLEY f wd All Pool Accessories and Poo! Maintenance Low Cost No Down Payment FINANCING AVAILABLE Installed in 3 Days for Nominal Charge a@ipartan STEEL MAJOR POOL EQUIPMENT TROPICANA a division of CORP. (canada) LTD. Major Pool E: . Corp. -¢ 2) ee TT BRUCE CAVERLY." 690 Drake St. Call 728-8609 -- Evenings 576-2287 get you the best deal in the sale of your property -- WHY ? 1--Because we are also a mortgage company who can often refinance the sale to get you more cash. 2--Because we charge you ONLY 4% comms on town and city homes (That saves you a lot of money !) So just think about this when you wish to sell end property to YOUR best advantage--then call us. Real Estate Dept. Central Ontario Trust TEL. allege Tom Houston 668-4416 Allen Thompson . 728-2870 Harvey Hogan 655-3663 Ralph Schofield 576-1680 eT etn DOING A Ang Sati By DAVID I OTTAWA ( workers are goo psychologists clai of the Anglican | ada must be doir A church surve clergy in nine of dioceses shows per cent find ov tion with their wi And 426 out of be ordained if chance to mak again. "In spite of thi satisfaction," sa: published in Take a 235-page book Canada's Anglic: should not be tak United ToAdd By DAVID D OTTAWA (CP is the theme toda: can Church of Ca synod hears an Rt. Rev. W. C. I erator of the Uni Canada, and con' of church union way in the churcl Dr. Lockhart prior to debate o resolutions from | affairs committee About 250 del attending the which began last The debate v exclusively with / United Church also will consider cal movement ger The United Chu cans already ha' to a document. on of union and t establish con would study how union work. Co-operation wi munions and the sharing work wi been a_ recurring lying current as tI virtually with év the church's work AT RC CENTRE It is meeting ¢ Canada ToRen By DAVE M OTTAWA (CP). renounced @m nuclear weapons pared to sign a nu liferation treaty. But will Ind Israel, Egypt, Ind erland or Swed some of the maj and at presen nations? Informants say the real test of a tion treaty whic will be ready for spring or summer The United Stat have tabled a joir before the 17-na' ment committee i that it lacks is ¢ clause concerning peaceful uses of n External Al Martin said in Thursday: "Some non-nucl have expressed the draft treaty hz natory' aspect. § of discrimination unavoidable by very nature of the seeks to prevent % itary nuclear developing. "T nevertheless nuclear powers W compensate non-n tories for their vo ciation of nucleat offering them rea: Hospite TCRONTO ( services tot Ontario rose 13.8 1965's costs to $39: The 1966 report Hospital Services released Monday of running OHSC employees, five m was $6,015,426, | cost tu $398,608,42 Administrative OHSU was 1.5 pe total cost of the p Morc than 99 p province's eligib was insured--a r cent uver 1965 to | Premiums brou 332,956; the feder was $191,215,368 ; inces share $54,56 In addition to ices, whose cost the federal gov Ontarie departme paid $20,731,2841 f pital services and tuberculosis servi Pal TONE-C KING PARK