Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Aug 1967, p. 17

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, esday, August 29, 1967 AEE Rie Ee, SRIDGE y B. JAY BECKER tecord-Holder in Masters dual Championship Play) dealer. sides vulnerable. NORTH 1072 @ A106 * @K109 K543 WEST EAST K QI 8543 B74 K5S2 553 vets 10762 + SOUTH @A96 9QI93 @AI82 bad ling lead--king of spades. t count is sometimes just pful during thé play of a as during the bidding. s a case where East put owledge of point count to nt use to defeat a three »p contract, Jed the king of spades ontinued with the QJ, playing the 4-3-8 in that Declarer won the jack ne ace and led the queen rts and finessed. won with the king and ed a heart, deliberately iz to cash his Jast spade. is trying to sell declarer ea that West had the g five of hearts. h had eight sure tricks at oint and had to decide way to take the diamond : for his ninth trick. Act- ider the impression that iad the missing spade, he he heart return with the led the jack of diamonds, nessed. This play would made the contract, even | the finesse lost, if West 1d the thirteenth spade. East showed up with the of diamonds as well as issing spade, and South jown one, It is true that oht have gone down any- East had cashed the five des earlier, but East's defence practically South to misguess the nd finesse. 's play was well founded. alized, after West had up with the K-Q-J of ;, that South had every g high card for his 16 to int notrump. West had up with 6 points, dummy 0. and East had 8, thu iting for 24 points. South pre had to have the miss« points, which necessarily ec the A-J of diamonds. | knew that if he deliber- neglected to cash his at trick five South would | surely finesse the dia- through West in order to e"' the contract. This was lass thinking on East's - and it paid off. oser Ties oposed IDON (CP) -- British Rayner Heppenstall says as "always been very ed'? when English-speak anadians of his acquaint: show a disinclination t¢ French. penstall said in an inter: that in addition to a sr interest by English ing Canadians in French, vors closer ties between js on the one hand and France and Britain on the ently singled out for spe« nor by the Arts Council eat Britain, he has written > and also critical works g with French literature. has displayed a keen st in politics, and written irs of such personal sas George Orwell and Thomas. Yorkshireman, Heppenstall e always been very ed when CanadiansI didn't bother to know h, since they have so French-speaking people 'ir country." ain and France should closer together, while h-speaking Canadians i draw closer to France English-speaking Cana- to Britain. QUEENIE T. inner--Filet of soft crab W. er items included such ones as "Dinner--Breathe y passing delicatessen," "Breakfast--Boiled out } of table cloth." ir Dr. Molner: Did you hear of wearing a piece of 1 paper over chest and mach for car. or kness? - Mrs. B. J. , and even mentioned it in olumn. I have no idea why nuld work, but sometimes s. It is probably a psycho- | effect, BIRTHS OBITUARIES JOHN A. COTTINGHAM birth of @ son, William Joseph, 6 pound: 9 ounces, at Oshawa General Hospital o: Dawn. RIORDAN Riordan (Verna Harrison) 4 son, Pete at the Oshawa General brother for Maria, and Anne, < 1967. A_ bi fourth floor. rival of their first child, @ boy, Stephe: Gregory,-7 Ibs., 2 August 28, 196) at Oshawa Gene: thanks 10 Or. Beckett and Antonevych @nd fourth floor staff. MOSIENKO -- David and Lynn (nee| hurston) are happy to announce the/Oshawa resident for 44 years, s./died at Oshawa General Hospi- ard, on Monday , August 28, 1967 iy ghd Hospital, | He moved to Oshawa in 1923 and yioreitel. , Merv Street United Church, Lodge, AF and AM, No. 375/Twaddell had stopped another WAGNER - Jim and Linda (nee' Sym) are pleased to announce the birth of a son, David Scott, 6 pounds at Civic Hospital Ottawa on Saturday August 26, tuesday, August 22, 1967. A brother for |tal yesterday. He was 78. | Mr. Cottingham was born at - To Dr. and Mrs. Peter Omemee, Ont., the son of Wil- riliam and Emma Cottingham. residca until his death at 133 SHARP -- Stew and Shirley (nee|Adela'de Ave. E. Greenwood) hg neeey, to vakirceseg the ival of their second son, Trevor Ed- i arid, 6 ibs. 8 ozs... 0n Friday, August 25,|Ployee of General Mr. Cottingham was an em- aby brother for Art. Many|Canada for 33 years before his thanks to Dr. Spragge and nurses of/retirement in 1957 He was a founder of Local 222, United THEXTON -- John and Sandy (nee , : R Clarke) wish to announce the safe: ar. Auto Workers and is a past pres-|terms on ident of the organization. He was a member of King Lorne at Omemee and served as chairinan of the Oshawa War- 1967, First grandson for Mr. and Mrs.|also a member of the Oshawa J. W. ind first grandchild fo and Mrs. W. Wagner of Saskatch- | Weifare Board. Tne late Mr. Cottingham mar- ried the former Margaret Fee DEATHS of Omemee in 1916- She died in 1958. BONGARD, Sarah (May) tered into rest in the Oshawa Gen- Spot parry eral" Hospital on Monday, August 2,,John F, Cottingham of Toronto. Unionville, Ont. and one son Jolin Hubert Cottingham, an He is survived by a daughter|ial of this person's car, dented Mrs, Stuart Jacobs (Lois) ofjhis fender by kicking it, and Albert Bongard, mother of Mrs. James don Sayérs (Helen), Brampton; sister of Mrs. John F. Donovan (Charlotte), Brantford, in her 68th year. Resting at 1967, Saran (MAY) enn aicow Of Lee/He is also survived by twOland with committing mischief. w. Heath (Marie), Oshawa, Mrs. Gien-| granddaughters Lynne and Wen- BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE trate's Court Monday. Harwood Dr., received jail each of the four charges guilty. the driver. This caused the attacked person's foot to slip off the brake and his car shot forward colliding .with Twad- dell's vehicle. Twaddell then broke the aer- struck the driver again. He was later charged with assault On a later date Twaddell was driving south on Park Road Seven Men Sent To Jail | By Oshawa Magistrate Seven men received manda-,orial Clinic in Mimico for "what|for sentencing after being con- | viction for impaired driving. tory jail sentences when they|seems to be a.very serious al-|victed on Friday of the theft appeared before Magistrate Don-|coholic problem." Motors ofjald Dodds in Oshawa Magis-l;HRER MONTHS An Oshawa youth asked for Robert J. Twadell, 20, of 515) .44 got a three month term| in reformatory which wi!l en-} : able him to receive treatment to which he pleaded) fo, his, alcoholic problem. Ger- : ald Tompkins, 19, of 319 Bloor On the evening of June 2g pleaded guilty to two charges of minor cons i y car near Harmony Road and of aicahol. meee Sons PROM Ie DAYS : accused the driver of cutting JAIL, FINE | time Salvage Board. He was\him off eerlier. He then struck Tibi paaees DRUNK DRIVING A conviction on the charge of resulted in a small car parts from General] sentenced to 30 days in costs or an additional three|neth months in jail. of $2,700 worth of tools and|ASSAULT ATON'S drunk driving 15-day jail sentence for Tom. |Pittman, 22, of 666 Simcoe St. S. Pittman had a previous con- his car and punching him 'six!10 DAYS | or seven times." Denis Kobier- ski, 18, of the Lansdowne Shop- |tario, pleaded not guilty to aj ping Centre Apt. 1 pleaded guil-|charge of assault causing bid-| /Motors while he was empioyed/(Wo copa rade ee been at-jin the county jail. ing the tending night school was sen-} ies test ne pee ee oar|tenced to 15 days in the county DISMISSED the Jail when he was convicted of county jail and fined $1,000 and| assaulting a police officer. Ke Roy Rozell, who has record dating back to 1960, ad- jmitted kicking r the leg and groin when the of- that grabbing his wife by the A former police cadet was/ficer approached him on Divi-\throat was not sentenced to 10 days in the/sion Street to investigate a dis-|threatening because he ofteniin a fine of $25 and costs or! Helmut Kroner, 34, of 558 county jail when he admitted|turbance on the night of Aug.|did that when about to kiss her.|five days for Gary P. Shaw, Lansdowne Dr., was appvaring' pulling a total stranger from 5. Jonas Kelly, Queensboro, On- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, August 29, 1967 17 lily harm. The evidence indicat-| led that Kelly had gone to the} home of a female friend where a group had gathered following a picnic and struck John All- man, knocking him unconscious A second charge of assault jagainst Kelly was dismissed by '$25 FINE Charges of threatening the officer in/POsition in court. He argued INTOXICATION a|missed when Donald Bouckley,|costs or 10 days for Michael La- 1/846 Sylvia St,, explained hisijoie, 22, of 319 Bloor Si. E.| Pleading guilty to a charge necessarily/of public intoxication resulted! As for the committing. 'mis-!21, of 275 Ritson Rd. S. Frank! chief charge, Bouckley argued|C. Hermiston paid a fine of that he could not possibly have|$50 and costs or 10 days when been the one who picked his|he pleaded guilty to the same jfridge up and threw it across/charge. the kitchen spilling the contents MINOR jon the floor. He argued that jsuch an act would require the'charge to which Terence A, trength of more than one man. Smith, 20, 121 Byng St., He was fined $50 |Magistrate Dodds. He convici-|, Alan H. Hayward, 23, of 200 and costs or 10 days. A Bramp- led Kelly on the first charge Woolner Ave., Toronto, pleaded ton youth pleaded guilty to the A 23 - year - old father of and sentenced him to 10 days Suilty to a charge of having|charge of minor consumption |liquor in a place other than'of alcohol. Peter C. Edgett, 19, ja residence and was fined $2i who resides at 31 jand costs or five days. A con-|Aye., was fined $50 and costs and viction on the same charge re-|or 10 days. n-commiting mischief were dis-\sulted in a fine of $50 andj -- Minor consuming was ed guilty. Parkway LEWIS OPTICAL 725-0444 y. The deceased is resting at the|South when his car went out of the Armstrong Funeral iHome, Oshawa, MeIntush - Anderson Funeral|control on the curve at Hill- a leit wa 2 em intermen|Home. Service in the chapel/side Avenue and struck a north- Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa, | will be held at 2 p.m. Wed-|bound car. In leaving the scene COLLINS, Nora jnesday. of this accident Twaddell al- Entered into rest in the Oshawa General! Inierment will be held at/most ran the other driver | Hospital on Thursday. August 24, 1967, Emily cemetery in Omemee. |down. Farther down Park Road "i Jehn Collins, mother of Maurice, Rich-| Twaddell struck another north- mond, B.C., sister of Fred Oonevan, Osh-| MISS ANNY DeVRIES |bound car. This time he jump awa and John Donevan, Lansdowne in| her 87th year. Funeral from the Sly and) Son Funéral Home, Lansdowne, Ontario took place on Saturday, August 26. Inter- Anny DeVries, 43, 500 John St. W. in Whitby, died yester- ment Union Cemetery, Lansdowne. COTTINGHAM, John H. In the Oshawe General Hospital on Mon day, Aug. 28, 1967, John H. Cottingham (133 Adelaide St. East), beloved hus- band of the late Margaret Emily Fee and dear father of Mrs. Stuart Jacobs 5 of To-| Whitby for 14 years and was alinsulting language in the pre- (Lois), Unionville and John F. day at Oshawa General Hospi- |tal after a lengthy illness. Miss DeVries was born at Bakhuizen, Holland, the daugh- ter of Berend and Maria De Vries. She lived in Canada and ronto. Grandfather of Lynne and Wendy A and brother-in-law of Mrs, Irene Schaad|urse's aid at the Ontario Hos- of Oshawa in his 78th year. Resting at|pital, Whitby. the Mciftosh-Anderson Funeral Home, | 152 King St. East. Service in the chapel bs on Wednesday, Aug. 30 at 2 p.m. Inter-|Of St. The deceased was a member John the Evangelist ment Emily Cemetery, Omemee about! Church, 3.45 p.m. De VRIES, Anny At the Oshawa General Hospital, Mon She is survived by her par- ents, three brothers and seven day, August 28, 1967, alter a iengthy | Sisters. Her brothers are: John iliness, beloved daughter of Berend and| (Sarnia), Ryan (Newcastle) and Marie De Vries, dear sister of Nirs. Van Der Werf (Regina) of Newcastle, W-| Frank (Whitby). Her sisters Mrs. G. Bruinsma (Tine) of Hastings,|are: Mrs. W. Van Der. Werf Mrs, A. Lamars (Atie) P, Witteveen (Corie) of Oshawa, Mrs. M. Doleweerd (Beppie) of Whitby, Mrs. T. Smith (Jean) of Sarnia, Mrs. . f Orillia, Mrs.|(Regina) of Newcastle; Mrs. G. Bruinsma (Tine); Mrs. A. .|Lamers (Atie) of Orillia) Mrs. Bucking (Dianne) of Cannington, Frank P. Witteveen (Corie); of Osh- of Whitby, John of Sarnia, and Ryan of Newcastle, in her 44th year. Resting at}awa; Mrs. M. Doleweerd (Bep- the W. for requiem mags at St. John the Evan- gelist Roman Catholic Church, Wednes- day, August 30, at 10.30 a.m. Interment St. John's Cemetery, Whitby. Rosary 8 p.m., Tuesday. (Visitors commencing 10 a.m., Tuesday.) IRVINE - James Currie Port Perry, on Sunday, August 27, 1967, James C. Irvine, dearly loved husband of Ethel Howard, dear father of Olive (Mrs. Jack Gibson) May (Mrs. Don Raby), Barbara (Mrs. Garry Evans, Jean (Mrs. Vin Walker), Winnifred (Mrs. Michael Tobin), Winston, Herbert, David, Darlene and Kenneth. Also sur- vived by fourteen grandchildren in his 58th year. Resting at the Chapel of McDermott - Panabaker, Port Perry. For service on Wednesday, at 2 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. SZAPMARI - Lestio Entered into rest at his residence, 425 Albert Street, Oshawa, on Saturday, August 26, 1967, Leslie Szapmari, hus- band of Anna Csoma, in his 39h year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home Oshawa, with Funera. Service in the Chapel Wednesday, August 30, at 3:15 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery Oshawa. Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 STAFFORD BROTHERS LTD. Authorized Deolers ROCK OF AGES FAMILY MONUMENTS 318 Dundes St, E. 668-3552 tby, Ont. IN MEMORIAM KEMLO ~ In loving memory of @ dear brother, David Kemlo, who passed away August 28, 1965, --Lovingly remembered by his sister Nan, brother - in - law, George and family, KERR ~ In loving memory of @ dear husband, and father, James Kerr, who Passed away August 29th, 1949 Sunshine fades and shadows fall, But sweet' remembrance outlasts all.|The Dsily Double, Dreamy Jo (8) and ~Always remembered by wife Helen|Dew On Roses (1), paid $36.20. @nd sons, LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangements and floral arrangements for all occasions, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-6555 A_ LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Park Office. 723-2633 5-Aye Aye, Grubb 6.40 3.70 3.10) 7-Richard B. Good, Kelly 7.90 4.80) 3-Bruce Tartan, Walsh 3.60 *| Time 2 CARD OF THANKS |; C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, pe) of Whitby; Mrs. J. Buck- ing (Dianne) of Cannington and Mrs. T. Smits (Jean) of Sar- \nia. | The funeral will be held at iy. The rosary, will be said at 8 p.m. today at the chapel. Interment will be at St. John's Roman Catholic cemetery. FUNERAL MILDRED HOUSTON The funeral for Mildred May Houstan, 34, 237 Lupin Dr. Whitby, who died Aug. 26 at Oshawa General Hospital after a lengthy illness, was held yes- terday from Town Funeral Cha- pel, Whitby. Rey. Stanley Armstrong of All Saints' Anglican Church Whitby, officiated. Interment was at Groveside cemetery. Pallbearers were: Gerald Donavan; Merile Jones, Gilles Brisbois, Warren Tuttle, Len Pridie and Ralph Service. Whitby, the daughter of George ed from his car and ran off through a' residential district. On a 'third occasion . Twad- dell was arrested on a charge) of public intoxication. When he} was taken to Oshawa General} Hospital. to be treated for a| cut arm he used obscene and| |sence of the nurses and refused! |to allow his arm to be stitched. | Magistrate Dodds sentenced |Twaddell to three months def-/ jinite and three months indef- inite on the leaving the scene of an accident conviction, 20) days on the assault conviction,| 10 days on the intoxication con- viction and five days on the mischief conviction. The sent- ences are consecutive. | Magistrate Dodds also sus- pended Twaddell's licence for) 18 months and recommended) that the Department of reform! institutions arrange for treat- ment at the Alex Brown Mem- 'and Eva Willis and attended 10:30 a.m. Wednesday from the | Whitby Township public school |" Suddenly at the Community Hogpital,, Town Funeral Home in Whit-|and Whitby District High School. She was married Feb. 10, 1951 and moved to Oshawa where she lived for 11 years. The years ago. Saints' Anglican Church, a mem-} ber of the Canadian Order of couple returned to Whitby six, « See The late Mrs. Houstan was), a Sunday school teacher at All Sm Foresters, a member of the auxiliary for cubs and scouts and an active member of R.) A. Hutchison Home and school | Association. She was also an| active worker in the cancer! cer Society, Whitby. She is survived by her hus- band, two sons Anthony (Tony) and Brent and a daughter Nan- ey. She is also survived by | her parents Mr, and Mrs. George Willis and a sister Mrs. Mrs. Houstan was born at|T. Carson (Barbara) of Sault % Ste. Marie. GREENWOOD 4Daring Bunty, Alter A-Miss M. R. Mucel, P. and P.- Mucel entry B-F. Sinardo, F. Apa, P. Drouin and B G. Jackson entry SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,300, claim- ing two year old fillies, foaled in Cae., furs. Dew On Reses, Kelly 11.89 420 3.00 2-Scotland's Girl, Gomer 3.00 2.40 5-Teenie Dee, Grubb Time 128 4-5 Also Ran tm Order: Miss Tiger, Red Rick, Across The Line and Gay Sister oo iy s THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,200, maid- en, two year olds, 7 furs. | Also Ran Im Order: Stanhope Gate, Swanky Franky, Solarman and Wee Chop Chop FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,200 maid- en two year olds, 7 furs | 7-Count The Green, Kelly3.90 2.80 2.40 2-Sailor's Rest, Dittfach 3.60 .3.00 4-Turn Aside, Hale 4.50) Time 127 4-5 Also Ran in Order: Goo Goo Eyes, Old Mill Road, Inti-Raymi and Red' sChoice RACE INDAY, AUG. FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,200, meiden|1A-Career Lady, |3 and 4 yeer olds, foaled in Cde. 7 furs./4-Rullahs Image, Walsh 8-Dreamy Jo, Walsh 6.50 3.80 2.80/5-Prompt Response, Harrison 2.20 4.10 sor 202 4-5 40 Ma : Buckminster, A-|¢ Little Quill, Jive Mister, + More Mischief, A-Mom's Pride end B-|B -- F. A. Roberts and Mrs, A. D. Tay- Ticket to Ride lor entry RESULTS | ing three year olds and up, 1 3-16 miles Kelly 5.00 2.80 220 2.80 2.30 Also Ren: B-Latin Artist end Erin Pan | Late Scratch: A-Dream Plan, B-Li'l Ed- y A -- E, Lieberman entry The Exactor, Career Lady and Ruilahs Image, paid $10.10 SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,000, claim- | three year olds and up, 7 furs. 5-Thirty Grand, Kelly 7.20 4.00 3.20 7-Well Now, Platts 11.20 6.20 3-Helen Mary, Gordon 3.80 Time 128 3-5 Also Ran In Order: Dula Gail, Berno Miss, Peter Picker, and Royal Regret Late Scratch: River Party. SEVENTH RACE -- Purse claiming two year olds, 7 furs. 5-Krakatoga, Kelly 11.40 5.30 2.30 4-Ace Countess, Bell 5.10 2.50 1A-Walkin Dud, Gomez 2.20 Time 127 4-5 Also R. $2,500, i lan: Dialogue and Cuddle and ss Late Scratch: A-Tiger Court, Moody Marty A -- P. Smith entry The Exactor, Krakatoga and Ace Coun- fess, pald $62.30. EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,200, claim- ing three year olds and up, 1 1-16 mile 2-My Boy Richard, Kelly 7.70 3.80 2.80 3-Phil's Delight, Bradfield 5.40 3.00 6-Fast Answer, Bell 2.60 ie rm Also Ran In Order: Mighty Patrol, Ann _B. Good, Harry's Marilyn and Val- FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,300, claim- WEDNESDAY, AUG. 30 | CLEAR AND FAST | FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim- ing (3000). Three-year-olds and up. 7! urs | Football, Kelly X101 j Silver Gus, No Boy 116 j Bomb's Away, Gibson X10 1 | ks|Fast Elsie, Harrison 106 d friends for hbo: indnes beautiful floral SS ai ributes, cards of sympathy and the con-|Aged soling words of the Reverend J. K. Mof- fat, during our recent bereavement of a Hear husband, father and grandfather. --The Hughes family. MacLEAN -- | would like to thank veryone who sent cards, flowers, and wa General Hospital. Thanks to my riends, neighbors and relatives, . who ere so kind. A special thanks to Drs,|Take The Pot, Potts 117 Russell and Cuddy. Thanks to|A--L C Morrisroe entry . DO, everend Butler, nurses and staff of 3F. --Mrs. R. Maclean Jewell r. and Mrs, C. Haslam and family. ARKER - The family of the late James J er wish to Neighbors for kindness andjNo Such Animal, Gomez pathy shown In the loss of a beloved| Landy \ Star Tudor, Platts X11) cially wish to thank Smith's Trans-|Cept'n Roo, Green XXX112 i-|Leelover, Kelly X104 x--S Flash Star, Grubb X11 isband, father, grandfather. ort, Major Woods, Dr. Shaw, Dr. Glil- and Armstrong Funeral Home. "X11 pitts to me during my stay in the Osh-|Maple Beauty, McLeod XXX101 McGILL -- The family of the late/of Ist). 7 Furs 'obert McGill wishes to express their Artista, Gubbins 108 incere thanks to relatives and friends|Marshall House, No Boy 116 or their beautiful floral tributes and/Suit Cleaner, No Boy 116 fp tonll Packed, Tuckwood XXX102 | 3 of a dear son|Fifth Street, Harrison 106 |A--P Smith entry . Special thanks to Rever-|Fablus Fanny, Steve 108 and Armstrong Funeral|Portmaker, Grubb X103 Go Beatles Go, Grubb X11} FOURTH RACE--Purse $2,300. Claim-/Red Purse, Kelly X115 Monistéo, No Boy 120 Thunder Jay, No Boy 108 Li'l Eddy, No Boy 123 |Whirling Rihc, Kelly X109 Seventh Line, Fitzsimmons 117 thank --relatives,|ing (5000). bhi be vie gaat Furs Broth of a Boy, Brownell X108 Daring Daryl, Kornblum 106 ged Dust, Gubbins 113 ' Kenteek, Grubb X108 SECOND RACE--Purse $2,100. Claim- ing (4000). Three-year-olds. 7 Furs Kool Copy, Kelly A-X101 Roman Cutie, Brownell XX99 Bush Hawk, Grubb X114 THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,000. Ciaim- ing (3000). Three-year-olds and up (Divn Dee, Grubb X11) --Mrs, J. Parker and 7 .(EXACTOR WAGERING) 'POST TIME 2 PM i GREENWOOD ENTRIES James Bay, Platts X104 Northern Blonde, Grubb X114 Walkin Dud, Ni Old Flame, Green XXX106 Minmognovich, Platte X109 Miles Was Rejected, Platts X106 | XXX--10 Ibs AAC 'y Town Attendance, 7,741, Total Handle, $458,664. FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim. ing (3000). Three-year-olds and up (Divn of Ist), 7 Furs Tony's Count, Green XXX103 Dosea, Kelly X111 Nearctic Myth, Green XXX103 Rozanne R., Bradfield X106 P ind, No Boy 116 Bench Warrant, No Boy 116 Social Jewel, Dittfach 111 Silver Run, Werry 116 Jiveoli, Bell X103 | SIXTH RACE -- Purse $3,000. Allow- ances, three-year-olds. 7 Furs Amber Tea, No Boy 126 Toward, Kelly X116 Evivar, No Boy 117 (EXACTOR WAGERING) SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $2,600. Al- lowances, two-year-olds. 7 Furs Prince Brother, Grubb Xi14 Hi Duke, DitHach 112 Dual Personality, No Boy A-111 lo Boy A-117 Federal Law, No Boy 119 Khaki John, Kelly X112 Post Pioneer, Grubb X111 _ EIGHTH RACE--Purse $2,200. Claim- ing (3000), Three-year-olds and up. 1 1-16 tbs aa pated ibs AAC; workshop of the Canadian Can-'/f Established for over 30 years 10% King Street West Give your Home fhe Bright Modern Look of ALUMINUM Porta-Porches An added dimension to your home. This entrance en- closure is designed and custom-built to blend with your house. Base panels come ina host of colours. A very con- venient place for storing overshoes, umbrellas and many other things, during the fall and winter months, During the summer screens turn the portable porch into a pleasant patio area HARDWARE, LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 453 Shepherd Casters Shepherd casters are especially designed to be kinder to your floor . ordinary furniture legs Shepherd casters do not mark even the thickest carpets, the shin- iest hardwood or tile floors. Replace furniture legs with legs with Shepherd casters. New Shepherd Casters with walnut-finish legs Shepherd casters, All-Weather Aluminum Doors and Windows In winter you get effective cold weather protection. In summer, screens slip easily into place to provide cooling ventilation, Duel-track, extruded aluminum windows. Cus- tom-made doors fit snugly, keeping out drafts and come complete with door-closer and wind chain. Screens includ- ed, ESTIMATES WITHOUT CHARGE OR OBLIGATION A single call will bring an EATON representative to your home to take measurements, draw sketches and supply esti- mates of your needs. All this with no charge or obligation te you, PHONE 725-7373 . and to you. Unlike . simply unscrew old legs and replace with 4.50 3.15 A. Satellite -- Bright brass for carpeted floors. Pair B. Meteor--For hard floors and carpets. ' es THE ESSO HOCKEY CARAVAN IS HERE! Come and meet NHL Star Bob- by Baun, Friday and Saturday! You can see the display Wednes- day, Thursday, Friday and Satur- day ...on the Mall ! See EATON fashions come fo life... Wednesday at 2 p.m. -- in the Young Oshawa. Shop. HARDWARE, LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 253

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