2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, Auguet 26, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Youth, For Diefenbaker wos a eae Active But Strategy Secret wine 2tetstta vative leadership, the Manitoba premier is running hard for the big prize. He has set a tight a . oF Longer Profits campaign schedule and _ sticks WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sur- to it. OTTAWA (CP)--The scene that most reflects Duff Roblin's | campaign Style is the candidate TORONTO (CP)--The Youth|Little said in a prepared state- for Diefenbaker Committee) ment. romises to make {is presence felt at the Progressive Conser-| Gardiner Ill geon-General William H. Stew-| The sandwich scene occurred yative leadership convention jart accused the American Friday around 7 p.m. in the but it will not say how. TORONTO (CP) -- Frederick |tobacco industry Friday of an Ottawa valley community of The committee's co-chairt-|G Gardiner, former Metropoli-junconscionable effort to gain Smiths Falls. When ii was time men, Bill Hatton and Keith ja, Toronto chairman, was|'longer profits' with new, to go following a meeting with Martin, said Friday their plans|taken to Toronto General Hospi-\extra-length - cigarettes which voting delegates at the Sept. 6-9 will be kept secret because any'ta) Friday. he said pose an_ increased leadership convention in 'Toron- demonstration from the floor qocpital officials released noMealth hazard, to. Mr. Roblin went. So did the will be ruled out of order. information on the 72-year-old) Stewart also advocated a sandwich he was munching. "But we are determined 10), ver and a spokesman at Mr. Tequirement that the tar and He left the private home have some kind of demonstra-|Gardiner's home said there | nicotine content of cigarettes be where the handful of delegates tion whether Mr. Diefenbaker) wouyid be no report for 24.hours.|isclosed on the packages and had gathered, climbed into a runs or not, Mr. Martin said. | Mr. Gardiner, who had been in advertisements. history Pg 9 for a high- The co-chairmen were disap-| . heduled to speak at Friday's . e,* maa ppg gral er fina] pointed that the convention Canadian National "Exhibition Police Petition --{i"Bnano'seing "ot c 3 | 4 plans for a tribute to the party poh pre Fey pveetes ue TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian) After the evening Kingston leader. vanes Aa . policemen want the right 'to meeting with more delegates, it vente aby: hold public office now denied was on his rented executive jet them by law. for a night flight to Northern Convention co-chairman Crime Curbed Syd Brown, president of the Ontario. Edwin Goodman said a tribute Toronto Police Association said would be "unfair" to other leadership candidates if Mr RED DEER (CP)--Cansdian|ftrem"®, holice, Association 280 avg PRECIE r, police departments so far have| Association plans to petition) The Kingston affair was his Diefenbaker decided to run ROBLIN'S REALLY RUNNING WEATHER FORECAST f 5 ues to move eastward above the upper lakes but is slowing|in temperatures, Southerly down. At the moment is is a/winds 10 to 15. Cloudy, Some Sunshine, Few Showers On Sunday TORONTO (CP)--Official, sunny intervals today and Sun- 'orecasts issued at 5:30 a.m.: day. Considerable fog this Synopsis: Colder air contin-| morning. A few showers tonight and Sunday. Not much change 0-50 proposition whether the; North Bay, Sudbury, Sault cooler air can penetrate lower|Ste. Marie, northern Georgian lakes regions by Sunday morn-| Bay, northern Haliburton, Algo- ing. In the méantime, warm|ma, southern White River, latessummer weather can be|Timagami: Variable cloudiness expected with considerable|with scattered showers cloud, yet some sunshine, later today and tonight. Sunny but Hamilton, | with cloudy intervals and cooler Windsor, London, Toronto, Lake St. Clair, Lake|Sunday. Southerly winds 10 to Erie, Lake Ontario, gian Bay, southern Haliburton,/rane, western James Bay: Killaloe: Cloudy with a few|Showers ending this morning. = an Lake Huron, Niagara, southern Geor- Northern White River, Coch- 0 Soviet Leaves Tokyo Games the 10-day world student games Turning cooler. Sunny with a few cloudy intervals Sunday. Northwest winds 10 to 15. Ottawa regions: Sunny becoming cloudy mainly cloudy Jater in the day. A few showers tonight. Sunday variable cloudi- (Reuters) -- Three/ness with a few showers. Not TOKYO Communist countries, the Soviet|quite so warm Sunday. Light Union, Bulgaria and Romania,| winds. fficially withdrew t f | area Waneae.Loaey 10m Observed Temperatures Both Mr. Hatton and M ® ; : ng h tonight Low overnight High Tuesday ' "| -|been able to hold down organ-|Ottawa for changes in law to third meeting Friday with east- opening here tonight. -- . tee acnd dacide " ized crime in this country,|allow policemen to hold office.ern Ontario delegates afier The withdrawals raised the|Windsor ..... 62 15 i Solicitor-General Pennell said} 'The NAP has about 20,000/flying to Ottawa in the jet from number of Communist countries| St, Thomas + 62 15 " Apintriites plage' 10 pur- Thursday. members, and reasons that/Regina. All is precision and boycoiting the games to eight, London eA ae ae) 15 chase 1,000 copies of Mr. Dief-. Mr. Pennell was speaking in|with the present restriction timing and planning. ao gin ty yen gs com-| Kitchener iti a 15 enbaker's recent record, I'm alan interview after arriving at|police are being denied basic At each stop a rather striking CT dae Va ee Canadian, for distribution to/the RCMP training depot at democratic rights. blonde, Nancy Poole, wife of and 'Cuba a2 Sis caries ben . 58 722 delegates. |Caadian Forces base Penhold 7 Mr. Roblin's Ontario campaign The Ceoruclt coniiie. ae. Lrg pac aes + 62 75 The committee also will passjnear here for a tour of the Stratford Strike chairman, got the name and posed the designation of NerthiTeonte ... a 4 pi Bag Hie Siet nutans a crime, particularly STRATFORD, Ont. (CP)-- econ Be oll oo ae Ld : |Korea as the Students Sports Peterborough - 58 75 stickers. , " : 24 ; fe at. E ; B He 5) Pe The co-chairmen said they/major syndicates such as the|E™Plovees of Blackstone Indus: you note later. The invited ones) MANITOBA PREMIER made no deals with Nova leadership of the Progres- |Peopie's 'Republic of Koren by nee" _-_ 4 were "more than pleased" with| Mafia, is "constantly on our| yo cisike Friday when nego-/ "20 did not attend get a wish-| Duff Roblin tells an Ottawa Scotia Premier Stanfield _sive-Conservative party. lthe gemes committee athe ele Bake 5 the support the committee has/doorstep," he said. Improved|iiiio4. for a new agreement you-were-there note. news conference he has in the race for the national (CP Wirephoto) North Korea: originally de- Killaloe .... 55 72 received from all parts of Can-|communications and greater) voke down While Mr. Roblin mixes, his manded to be called by its offi.| Muskoka 55 722 ada. mobility are largely responsible Nezotiations had been going executive assistant, Joe Martin, retary, are the two men with|date had lunch in Ottawa withjapplauded. He speaks without/cial name of the Democratic si dag r 4 . . cobs on for two months 30, checks delegates on their|the candidate all the time. Peo-|100 delegates, alternates and|notes, flips over easily into|People's Republic of Korea.|: yeh ee 0 Girl Abducted About 150 strikers, members leanings. It's a kind of counter-|nje like the Pooles join up asifriends, and hit the nearby|French. | After a compromise agreement/ca wit ste. Marie 48 Hf ee ; House Collapses of Local 1132 United Auto Work- rage 'an extensive research by|the candidate passes throughicommunities of Cornwall,! The crowds vary. There werejon tne adoption of abbreviated Ker aE RAI aa 70 LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Wood- ers, had picket lines organized 'he Roblin team on how dele-|their province to get the neces-|Smiths Falls and Kingston,|100 at Ottawa with drinks and ajnames of student organizations whit Ri eee 35 0 row Garnet Snake, 24, of the) BRIGDEN, Ont. (CP)--A 90- and on strike signs up within an 84tes will vote. A card is kept! sary work done. moving by limousine. |bar. There were 30 and dough-|rather than the names of coun-| yy Peraeeves 8? 3. 68 Muncey Reserve was sentenced) vear.old two-storey brick house |hour after the 8 a.m. walkout. 0" each of the 2,343 voting dele- His message usually involvesjnuts and coffee at Cornwall,|tries, North Korea objected to| moo' °° 37 0 London, 84tes going to the convention. to two years less a day in jailjon the main street of this farm) George Specht of "When we go on to the con- Friday after pleading guilty t0}¢gommunity about 15 miles|uniou international representa- abducting a 15-year-old girl. Snake and the girl arrested July 17 on the reserve. occupants but killing no one. . : ment including hourly after spending two months in In hospital with a back injury incieases of 45 cents the first leave from his the Detroit area ; F year ; ee ss 0-year- ; ; The girl, who described is James Porting, a O0-year-old year The union was also ask- Paign, Snake as her "boyfriend, said|Second-hand dealer who was ing fringe benefits, Mr she is pregnant. She named knocked off his feet in the i er. , sh Snake Pied ag wis Kitchen when his house buckled Golden Gavel ith 'Shake' and several other once and then slid with a crash a: a8 : fe wit into the street. TORONTO (CP )--John W Fisher, Canada's centennial commissioner, Friday. received girls and youths. | Garbage Risky Floating City the Toastmasters International 4 Golder Gavel award, highest OTTAWA (CP)--The presi; MONTREAL (CP) -- R. honor of the public-speaking dent of the Canadian Union of/ Buckminster Fuller, designer of!organization, for his efforts in Public Employees warned Fri-\the geodesic dome which|building better world communi- day that any contractor wh0jhouses the United States pavil-| cations bids tc take over garbage col-|ion at Expo 67, said Friday he Reward Offered lection in Brantford will find|now is designing a floating set- TORONTO don, 41, Mr. Roblin's press sec-! himselt bankrupt. rahedronal city that will rise Stanley Little was comment-|out of the ocean like a moun- counci] to call for tenders unjdents. which publishes 12 daily news-)At that time, the group com-| \ if q : ; (CP)--Ontario papers in the United States, has|prised only five daily newspa- ng on a decision by Brantford's|tain and support 1,000,000 resi- provincial Police have offered been sold to Thomson Newspa-|pers, all in Ohio. Brush-Moore! MET PRESS were| Friday, carrying with it six/for a two-year working agree-|many first-ballot votes we have ing, there was a capital press|away from massive, universal rated got," Mr. Martin said. He's on| Conference management) Press and 20 cents the second consultant's job for the cam» Was reported later to be a little/ly needy. surprised the questioning Martin and Harry Mar- wasn't tougher. Then with the Ottawa! corps. But Mr. Roblin| the 50-year-old candi- | | a reward of $2,000 for informa-jpers Inc. for appr garbege 'collection. The city | ly|also "A tetrahedron," Mr. Fullerjtion in the shoofing death of $72,000,000 in the largest news-|neyspapers in California and several weekly; | garbage collectors, members of) .i4 at a news conference, "is| William Hall, 17, of Port Credit./paper transaction of all time, it| elsewhere. CUPE, have been on strike| " ; ; Hall, last seen alive July 19,/was announced today since Aug. 14. The primary|® four-sided triangle. Like a was found July 31, with a bullet Announcement of 'the largest issue is higher wages. pyramid. wound in the back of his head. newspaper transaction of "Any contractor who thinks) He was commissioned to More Married he can get rich by taking over|design the city for "influential this contract may soon find/parties" in Japan who would himself bankrupt instead,' Mr.|like to float it in Tokyo Bay. Striking Seafarers Seek Appointment Of Mediator By ROSEMARY SPEIRS ! Meanwhile Friday reports ; MONTREAL (CP) -- Leonard|from across Canada A ght to Bookmaking "Red" McLaughlin, president/paint a gloomy view of the piuprINGTON. Ont of the striking Seafarers' Inter-jeffects of the strike by 5,400 wijjiam Renda. 35 national Union, Friday sent a|seafarers that began at noon, ton Pa telegram to Labor Minister|Aug. 17 months hard labor in Nicholson asking for appoint-| Reports that 200 elevator tory and ment of a mediator to end the|worke:s had been laid off for h seafarers' dispute with Great|lack of work in Port Arthur, 100 Lakes shipping companies. of births registered in provin- of Thomson Newspapers. cial offices in July rose 1.6 per' Thomson Newspapers Inc. Is cent to 31,683 from 31,174 in : sa: July last year, the Dominion the United States sybsidiary of Bureau of Statistics reported! Thomson Newspapers Ltd. Friday. Marriages were up 7.2 Aggregate week-day circula- per cent to 20,438, and deaths tion of the newspapers--six in rose 4.1 per cent to 12,226, Ohio vania and West about 365,000 The largest single newspaper Virginia--is (CP)-- was sentenced to six/The Plain Dealer in Cleveland] reforma- to § !, Newhouse for a report- fined $5,000 Friday ed $50 000,000. after he was convicted July 29 . cleat : on a charge of bookmaking jin Fort William, 16 in Quebec 'prig} evidence showed Renda 23 PAPERS IN U.S. The Thomson group already The telegram says Mr.|City and an undetermined num- had recorded more than $14,000 Publishes 23 daily newspapers |stabiiity, time was made jointly by G.)ours Gordon Strong, president and|Ppectec y ; i publisher of Brush-Moore, and|Moore people for a long time.| Slate headed by Chief of State/states would go along with. a OTTAWA (CP)--The number|Kenneth R. Thomson, president| The company has a splendid} ; reputation, not only in news-|that if he is beaten in the Sept.| would reciprocate paper circles but among the 3 elections, he will go back to| 3 general public as well. MAKES PLEDGE "We pledge that these news- mander for the campaign. papers, as an integral part of| three in California and|0U? ; fe one each in Maryland, Pennsyl- to give to their communities the| the same platform with the 10 p ";./same_ efficient service they have so signally | rendered in the past. : especially pleased that Gordon , of Burling- purchase earlier was the sale oflsteae tay areca to eisain oP pees eet | Mr Thomson said: "We are proud to have these al] Outstanding newspapers join We have known and res- many of the Brush- organization, will continue and dedicated| We are | |the operating head of the pro- perties. Mr Strong, one of the selling shareholders, said: ! "We are " impressed by the strength, and high McLaughling has receivediber in Sorel, Que., added to the in pets on horse races 4and in the United States, 26 dailies|morale of the Thomson group. 'numerous complaints by ship-|complaints of 1,200 marine offi- ,,.; base pers and various authorities"}cers and 4,000 ships' captains, BLOKE SHE SENS Been: in about the effects of the shipping/mates and other officers left tie-up and asks for the appoint-| unemployed by the strike Students Gather ment "in the public interest." Mr. McGiffin, who is also OTTAWA. (CP)--More than Sunday Times. , P 1,00¢ Canadian and American England, Wales, It comes on the heels of state-| president of Canada Steamshi ments made Thursday by John|Lines, McGiffin, president of the|men, hired by Canaaian Lake Carriers Asso-|had been sent home. Several emergency for the 32 shipping' were reported out of work in companies involved as yet." Quebec City. However, Mr. McLaughlin : said Friday, '"'my desk is piling LAYOFFS EXPECTED : up with anguished cries of mis-| In Montreal, Ray Green, day with a series of committee ceeded rapidly and smoothly. ery from people being hit by|President of the Montreal team-|Sessicns and ends Wednesday) 'The purchase will not involve ~ this strike." sters brotherhood said layoffs afternoon with the installation the issue of further common The companies altogether/are expected soon to start Of a new executive board shares o: Thomson Newspapers have 181 ships operated by SIU/affecting 6,000 teamsters work- Lid crews. Three of. these in Arctic|/ing on the docks and on over- Sea Route Open The sale was made in the waters will continue to operate land freight jobs throughout the strike under spe- In Ottawa earlier Friday, Mr cial agreement with the Cana-|Nichelson told reporters dian government prospects of a settlement 'are hama Friday afler opening Only Upper Lakes Shipping, a not too bright." new shipping route between company with about 30 ships) At the same time. President Europe and the Far East which bargains with a different|McLauglin replied to Mr.'through the Arctic Ocean. The' union, is not affected by the McGiffin's claim that the ship-route from Hamburg, West lake carrier tie-up ping companies are prepared to Germany. was 7,300 miles com wait until the shipping season| pared with 11.400 miles between REPORT COMPLAINTS ends, with "we can wait too,|London and Yokohama via the Apart from shippers, the tele- oyr men's morale is terrific." Suez Canal gram said, complaints have! The SIU is providing bed and, - come from the Toronto Board )hoard for about 140 union pick of Trade, McCabe grain eleva-e{s and negotiators. in port tors in Gooderich, Ont., K. A./along the strike-bound rive Powell grain company in Winni--system. It claims to have) peg and the Quebec and Ontar-!asseis worth $2,000,000 -- most| io Transportation Co. of Mont-'|y in buildings -- that can be| ig which ships coal to Toron-! converted to support the strike. 5 pass = Pao 40th anniversary year of -TORYO (Reuters) -- A Rus- Brush-Moore Newspapers, Inc., the sian Freighter docked at Yoko- organized in 1927 by Louis H flan z : 1 "h 4 a community "We are advised by Mr. R of quiet elegance | | | | | i i | | B. Boyd of Quebec-Hydro that) CALL OR SEE more than 19,000 workers may| locoted in oshawae's be laid off unless the Hydro DIXON'S northern residential project at Manicouagan, Que.., | is able to resume the delivery) FOR area. of cement by ship," the tele Simcoe and Taunton gram says. OIL FURNACES : Pee LABS If you are looking for a lot to ff SERVING OSHAWA OVER buy .. . visit cedar ridge -- 50 YEARS oe a Sha of your choice, r_ info ion, i A é | T 24-HOUR SERVICE -- BUY DIRECT 313 ALBERT ST. phone 723-1194 TONE-CRAFT KING PARK PLAZA e , { 723-4663 OSHAWA in Canada, more than a dozen) Our discussions with them were Scotland!on a high plane, and the agree- and Northern Ireland including|ment reached is eminently fair The Times of London and the to all cencerned. "Brush-Moore was offered to . The announcement of the sale,n0: Giher purchaser. We gave said that 550 longshore- iver sit y students are to/said the transaction with|the Thomson interests first the company. arrive in Ottawa this weekend|Brush-Moore was completedly chance hee sulatibg 10 pre ; fac 6 9 - es *" for the annual meeting of Circle|swiftiy. When holders of Brush-| Knew tha Mealy 4 . ciation, who said: 'There's nojhundred dock workers also K International, a service|Moore shares had reached the|Serve this organization intact organization of male students' decision to sell they invited the| and sponsored by Kiwanis Interna- Thomson organization to make {9 operate these papers with tiona,. The program opens Sun-\an offer and negotiations pro- a maximum degree of local autonomy. FOUNTAINHEAD i % OF SERVICE - them because we that they would continue 5-Year | Guaranteed Investment Certificates NOW EARN 614% per ennum for five years by investing in Guoranteed Investment Certificotes which are Gueranteed--as to Principal and Interest. Flexible--may be used os Col- lateral for loans. Redeemable--by Executors in the event of death. Authorized--os Trustee Act in- vestments. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshewe 723-5221 23 King St. W., Bowmonville 623-2527 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS end SATURDAYS a need for national unity, a sys-|where Mr. Roblin was southeast of Sarnia collapsed |tive, said the local was asking vention floor we'll know how|in Ottawa by jet Friday morn-|halt runaway taxation, a moveling delegate support. With Mr. Roblin Friday was|ing Canada originally were ex- welfare programs in favor of; his wife, Mary, tiny and chic in|pected aa a knee-length navy blue dress| games. wo vata parm bhere with frequently campaigns with him| leaving their two children at! filling the demands of the real The trim, boyish figure in the} dark blue suit is always cor- dially received, frequently home where it's quiet. ont ia ANH Me 12 Newspapers Purchased | Ky Says Army Officers Fired In Large U.S. Transaction CANTON, Ohio (CP)--TheBrush, Roy D.,Moore and Wil- | Brust-Moore Newspapers Inc.,|liam H. Vodrey, all now dead.! For Corruption, Inefficiency SAIGON (AP) -- Premierjask North Vietnam '"'if they Nguyen Cao Ky confirmed|want to meet to talk about| today that many South Viet-| peace." namese army officers would be! a . Swept out for corruption and| WELL STOP BOMBING inefficiency. "It is not a purge but rather a cleaning up of the army ranks,"' Ky told a palace press conference. "This has always been the policy of my govern- irally, "I will agree to continue the war." The premier, running for); rahe : vice-president on a military | n° pause Aug. 8 but observers Nguyen Van Thieu, also said the South Vietnamese Air Force : 4 and "'be a pilot." Ky took leave |Huong, considered the leading of his post a air force com.| civilian candidate, showed his strength in My Tho, 30 miles In the Mekong Delta, Thieu| pak har A made his first appearance on many cheers as Thieu. civilian candidates running for |had avoided campaign appear- president. Thieu told a cheering | 4" es with the other throng of 2,500 at My Tho that|@@les. peace. If Hanoi does not show good will for peace, we will Thieu first suggested a bomb-} in Saigon doubt that the United pause unless Hanoi indicated it Former premier Tran Van} {south of Saigon, by drawing as) Until today, Thieu and Ky candi- fhe|KSSA because, they said it was After the Roblin team arrived/tem of spending priorities to|fourth candidate to show seek-|a shortened form of their title. jand a big white round hat. She} A ti A merica's Cup trials Tuesday night, leaving unbeaten Intrepid $ |and Columbia to fight it out for |the honor of defending the cup to jin September. Intrepid, newly jbuilt this year, and Columbia, which defended the Cup in 1958, probably will start their final battle today for the right to meet challenger Dame Pattie of | A \Timmins . A total of 44 countries includ- to take part in the TWO YACHTS DROPPED NEWPORT, RJ. (AP)-- merican Eagle and Constella- on were dropped from the ustralia starting Sept. 12. or more "If necessary," Thieu told the | bombing North Vietnam for one| wis bo en jDombing North Vietnam for one | will be originating from Expo. week to show good will for s s Som Sabe STRAIGHT FROM EXPO Four August programs on Christian Frontiers LEWIS OPTICAL Established for over 30 years 10% King Street West 725-0444 NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 286 KING STREET W. 723-3487 if he is elected president he will! ee ee CANADIAN HEARING AID CONSULTANTS 10 Bond St. E. 725-2771 OOPS! A BIT LATE TUNBRIDGE WELLS, and (CP)--More than 100] households in. this community) received mail posted more than three years ago. Eng- DO YOU WISH TO MAKE A HAPPY MARRIAGE ? Or Do You Wish Sincere, Compatible Friends of the Opposite Sex ? YOUNG MEN -- YOUNG WOMEN BACHELORS--WIDOWS---WIDOWERS --DIVORCEES Between 18 and 75 Years of Age The Centre Francois Vanier, in association with the Francois Vanier Centre of America and F. H. Vanier Centre of Canada Ltd., is reputed internationally for its unique and ultra modern methods of finding lasting friendship, love, com- patibility between the sexes, ond for its many thousands of adherents Are you waiting for the hazard of a chance meeting? There is a risk you may wait for years. At the C.F.V. the persons who will be suggested to you are all members of the Centre. Their -physical appearance, personality, prefer- ences, intellectual and social level have all been analyzed ond classified by an IBM Master Computer. The CFV receives many thousands of requests and its methods are fully recognized and used successfully all over the world. Take the First Step Towards Complete Happiness Fill out the coupon below and mail. In a very short while, you will receive a completely fascin- ating documentation which will change the course of your life. You Are Guaranteed Absolute ond Total Discretion VANIER CENTRE INC. 797 Don Mills Rd., Toronto Plense send me (sealed and discreet mailing) your documentation with no obligation on my part. | am enclosing $.25 for handling and postage, NAME STREET ....... qerece eeceee asceesecane edeneacs aes J Garin pr Seu ark aA ey ey PROVINGE iii Offices: Montreal, New York, Toronto, Weshington, Los Angeles. As seen and heard on National TY and Radio in the U.S.A. and Canada. OSH T 67-26 Wanted Immediately Several SALESMEN 25 to 35, previous ex- perience desirable, but not essential, os h ining plan. ve tr we have a Pp Due to Company growth over the past 10 years we require additional sales-staff and we are prepared to pay $125 per week sal- ary, plus a sales commissfon. A company car is supplied, along with other excellent company benefits. Reply in writing, supplying o complete resume, te general sales monager. All replies treated in strictest confidence. General Sales Manager c/o Box 69, Oshawa Times Our Employees Are Aware Of This Notice! | SERVICE STATIONS OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. CLEMENT'S SUPERTEST STATION 102 SIMCOE STREET NORTH LAWLESS SHELL STATION 227. SIMCOE STREET SOUTH MEADE'S SUNOCO STATION 588 KING STREET EAST JIM CROWELL'S B-A SERVICE STATION 263 KING STREET WEST KEMP'S SHELL STATION 1047 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH SID ASHTON'S SHELL STATION 478 PARK ROAD SOUTH HOUSTON'S TEXACO 67 KING STREET WEST EXPERT A Bene Four By JOSEPH M MONTREAL (C pean expert says distinct similaritic otherwise, with countries -- Belgi erlands and Luxe! Baron van secretary-general lux economic uni that such countri and the Benelux coming closer tog 67 tha. the major "We are mor Baren van Lynde interview of the E of the smaller ai countries. "We have the today to make a world and Expo en humans to thin personally are mi world." The baron, 52, address on Ben Expc 67 celebrate special day Frida delegation attend three countri¢ Dupuy, Expo general, gave a honor of the visito Angli * NGLUCe OTTAWA (CP)- priest told his chi synod Friday nis refuse to re-ma persons as provid marriage canon : lier in the weel resign rather than clergyman perfor mony in his paris! "TIL never off: marriage of a | son." said Arche Abraham of Sa synod considered ment to the ni canon that would to refuse for cons to re-marry divor« She church. The amendmen permii bishops to er clergyman to marriage of a di in the parish of has refused. Archdeacon Abr ed such a pro result in the adv cable marrying | anglican Church. "If I were a pr situation by retur op would receive tion" SUPPORTS AME Rt. Rev. E. S. Non-Ur Earlier LONDON, Ont agement at the Emco Ltd. plant thwarted belligere sending non-unic home earlier thar Only about 20 p hand when three number of cars f plant gates at 2: hour and a hal! normal quitting ti In a surprising officials at the the few pickets United Steelwork ica, to stand departing cars. Spectators outn ers five to one at School C NDP Cor TORONTO (CI MacDonald, .Onta ocratic Party | criticized the pro ment for faili French-language a secondary scho His criticism after Premier announcedt would take stey French-language all secondary s where a_ sufficie exists. "The sacred H private seconda Sudbury, announ that it was goir doors at the en demic year,' M said. "'In a city \ cant percentage are French-speal a perfect opport to the provision education in Fre existing seconda tem." The school, un Call o Mem OSHAWA ani REAL ESTA' and List mio MULTIPLE LISI