TEE NG verall stitions irk these young- [VIC represenia- -and otherwise, ch time on the 1 at the taxpay- lice Reardon of nt up the ques- supports conven- ple, attends the f ey allow for bet- 'lected represen- inicipal officials, me strong reser- he city's present Cy. she wants. City se it with an e y when ,endorsa- a NiagWra Falls endation. id that the cost complimentary sptions and din- ning an ever-in- n upon the mu- zp as host. OES r municipalities act as host for cause of the fi- ations. Niagara vat all associa- to municipal ed to increase m fees to an nt to cover the ention meals and S$ generally ac- e Oshawa would en they played 'he City's finan- it would be far | sent delegates pays transpor- om conventions, y for meals and even allows enses. rdon is on firm r request. esire to. be nig- municipal rep- such functions, 'trong tendency far-away event e much closer Oshawa will ht delegates to licipal Associa- in Port Arthur evision js con- could do worse annual expendi- hings as Civie- rs for visiting itaries, etc, RY fons south of orld War years ago to- Gen, Sir Har- was appoint- er-in-chief in st, succeeding chinleck; Lt.- Montgomery | to succeed {. Ritchie in he 8th Army ds Army re- rman forces talingrad, LE ath God raised » all are wit- 32 truth of the ot only that the in Heaven, but ieve un earth indant life now ice of eternal fter. 'Because re also." ne, ye are the t abideth in me, - same bringeth t; for without thing." --John 15:5 11 success with- . The segret is ity but in the bide in me." TA a-18 FRANCE OUS STORM SHOULD HE F HIS LIFE IE LANDED» WHITBY -- AJAX NEW BRIDG The Wesney Road bridge over the railway line in Ontario County Council WHITBY (Staff) -- Ontario sia E OVER RAIL LINE OPEN IN PICKERING TOWNSHIP Road will be closed to traf- fic at the tracks. --Oshawa Times Photo Pickering Township was completed recently after nearly a year of construc- tion, Westney Road will be taken over as a county road shortly when Greenwood U.S. WHIPS W. GERMANY DUESSELDORF (AP)--The |United States track and field team, led by world record hold- lers Randy Matson and Jim urchases More Fores Roun om, fe Thursday and whipped West : Ger r 132- j j 10+ Road from Highway Y to,county and the CAS with re- acy ace Re ppl emery ber Uxbridge. spect to the shelter. who holds the world record at County forests are growing. County clerk William Manning reported to council that forests owned by county residents now cover 1,500 acres in Uxbridge township and over 1,000 acres in the townships of Mara and Rama. County council purchased an- other 200 acres for reforesta- tion purposes when a bylaw was passed paying Archie Newman of Pickering township $6,500 for the parcel located at Lot 10, Concession 8 in Mara township. The 200 acres was assessed at $800, and Ajax Reeve Henry Polak said under equalization, the property should have been assessed at $2,400, considering the sale price of $6,500. AMBULANCE MEETING Reeve Polak suggested a spe- cial meeting of council to held in September to decide on a county ambulance service. Mr. Polak said a decision about the service to be admin- istered by the provincial health department be not delayed by council. Council decided to have a September meeting at the call of Warden Charles Healy. | Mr. Healy said the tentative) date of the meeting would be| Sept. 12. | INDIAN GRANT Ontario county treasury was swelled by a provincial pay- ment of $388 this month when it received its unconditional grant of $1 per capita for the population of its Indian re- serves according to the 1966 census. The grant will go to the ad- ministration of justice in the county. UXBRIDGE ROAD Council passed a bylaw for Stewart Observes Area Crop Damage MARA (Staff) -- Ontario Ag-| ricultural Minister, William, A.! Stewart and Deputy Minister, Everett Biggs spent several hours observing crop damage) in Mara and neighboring Rama townships. The deptuy minister said there, was evidence of considerable rain damage in the townships, but that crop insurance had been available to the farmers. Mr. Biggs said only 22 farm insurance policies were purch- ased in al] of Ontario County, | and many farmers felt it was, betier to insure themselves, He said crop damage was under investigation by the department; of agriculture. Mr. Biggs said Mr. Stewart and he had also visited apple, orchards near Port Perry to in- | spect hail damage. Mr. Biggs| reported some orchards had) suffered a 100 per cent loss, resulting from a_ hail storm, five weeks ago. One-Stop DECORATING | The county will sign an) Committee members agreement with the consultant)Study would also be made for a 3:38.2. caper the giant firm of Totten, Sims, Hubicki|'%e detention of juveniles in the from Texas A and M who holds jand Associates to execute the|"!'Y 8nd county. tr eda ee ae |design and _ performance of] COUNTY ROAD oe eee ap uh work on the development road.! Ontario county roads and . The distance of the new county) bridges commiitee members SHEIKS AND SULTANS said County Road 4, from High-. Sheikdoms Sultanates oe will be 13.4 miles and the and | provincial government will pay way 1? to Brock Road in Pick- along the coast of Arabia are. 100 per cent of the cost. ering township, would be pre-\Muscat and Oman, Aden, Bah- oie RECONSTRUCTION engineered for a distance of rein, Qatar, and the Trucial | Council agreed to reconstruct Boyes this year. |County Road 1A, from Highway| committee members said 2,851,000. ecision on the timing of con- said no the mile, won the 1,500 metres | States with a total population of Settler Arrived In 1852, WHITBY, --A number of the | descendants of Thomas Emmett, who migrated from Whitby, Yorkshire, England about 115) years ago and settled on a farm here, held a family reunion at |the home of his granddaughter, |Mrs. Charles Broughton (Cath- arine Oke), last weekend. As a prelude to the reunion many of the members of the! family attended the morning jservice at St. Mark's Unite d| Church, Whitby, owing to Al- monds Church, which their an-| | WHITBY-AJAX PERSONALS -- | Mrs. Helen Mallon, convener of the St. John the Evangelist) bazaar to be held, Nov. 4, at) jthe Denis O'Connor High |School. was hostess for a card party at her home recently. She was assisted by the co- convener, Mrs. Mary Forbes.|his wife. Other direct Strickland | The party was held to help de- fray the expenses for the vari- ous tables, Lunch was served. The friends of Mrs. Jim John- ston, 600 Centre St. N., Whitby, are sorry to know she is a patient in the Oshawa General Hospital, where she is expected to remain for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. T. §S. Beer, 226 Centre St. N., have returned} from a month's trip through) western Canada and the United States. They were accompanied by Mrs. Viola Dixon of Cooks- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Bristol, England, jtheir son, Rex Mrs. Hopkins, 121 Bowman Ave., Whitby. Recent visitors at the Hopkins residence were! Mrs_ Hopkins' sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wetmore and family, of Inuvik, North West Territories. | W. Hopkins, are visiting Hopkins and DRAWN FROM OUTSIDE | Sixty per cent--227,000 people --of the unskilled labor on South African gold mines is drawn from neighboring states. ~~ Descendants Hold Reunion cestors attended, being closed. Most of the living descendants of Mr. Emmett attended. Joining Mrs. Broughton her husband were their and four children, Ted, Dick and Jim Broughton, all of Whitby and Catherine (Mrs. Jack Cham- bers) of Burlington and their 10 children. Other grandchildren of Thomas Emmett attending were Mrs. Broughton's brothers, FE mett Oke of Whitby, accom- _|panied by his wife and Edward| Oke, of Lindsay, with his son} Douglas and family; a first cousin, Mrs. James A. Duff (Eugene Emmett) of Toronto,! Mr. Duff and their two children. Thomas Emmett married Han- nah Strickland, a member of a well known pioneer family in the Whitby area. Included in the gathering were Hannah Strick- land; Emmett's nephew, Thomas Harding of Toronto and descendants including Miss Agnes Strickland of Oshawa, and Charles and Norgrove Clem- ence, accompanied by _ their wives. AJAX SCHOLAR Peggy Norris, 18, of Ajax High School, has won an Ontario Scholarship. from the department of educa- tion for high achievement in grade 13 examinations. Peggy won the $400 award with her 81 per cent aver- age on the best of seven departmental credits *| Anderson Collegiate's On- |7 easterly 2.11 miles to Oshawa| |Suburban Road 2. The program will be under the supervision of Totten, Sims, BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION struction would be made at a later date. BUY YOUR |Hubicki and Associates. The Ontario county standing : ai | : si committee on roads and --e / SHELTER bridges reported that three @ ARROW | 3 report from its property bridges are now under con- @ ALPINE committee recommending that! struction in the county. @ SIMCA jan architect be engaged to ad-| Aji three bridges are located vise on renovations of the Chil-|on County Road 4, west of High- dren's Shelter in Oshawa W&S\way 12. The Pardon and, adopted by council. | Squires bridges were said to be The committee reported fol-|progressing well, while con-, lowing # meeting with city offi-| struction of the steel plate Arm-| cials and the CAS to review the| strong Bridge has just com- Present agreement between the| menced. All With $ Year 8,000 Mile Power Train Warranty BELL'S GARAGE 668-3693 DUNDAS £. WHITBY WITH GOOD C (CAL Office 668-8841 RAE R. JONES REALTOR Do You Want To SELL? WE HAVE BUYERS ASH PAYMENTS PLUS SOME ALL-CASH BUYERS L NOW) Residence 668-4003 a UL \V Ay VA.) " ; ee es \} } IN€ [) ws tA ve fam ---- WHEN A FELLOW NEEDS STORAGE SPACE... A BEAVER GARAGE! @s good os your home, After all, they Now is the time to build before Winter catches us unprepered and unprotected. A Beaver garage is the best way to winterize your cor or cors, and provides that needed extra storage spoce. Ask for a Beaver Gorage Selector with all the garage illus- trated ond priced for your canven- jent selection. HAVE THE More Than 20 Model Selection A Beaver garage will stand by your home for a@ housetime, Te make sure that your garage compliments. your home, more thon 20 models with dress-up options so thet your garege will look yeors, so it's important thet they look well together. G00D Beever hes a selection of will be pertners for many, meny NOTHING DOWN As Low As 18.00 A MONTH Budget plens te suit your pocket book end « six month Deferred Payment Pion. STORAGE a screwdriver... As Low A Rugged, bonderized steel with baked enamel fin- ish -- ready to assemble. All you need is SHEDS 89.95 RR, Wes No Better Time Than Now! Before The Winter Daylight Saving hours ere precious when you're build- ing, so now is the time, DO-IT-YOURSELF Build your Beaver garage from easy te follow blue- prints. Complete mater- ials delivered, ready to build. SHOP @ Wallpaper end Murals @ Custom Draperies @ Broadloom @ C.I.L. Paints ond Varnishes @ Benjamin Moore Paints DODD & SOUTER} DECOR CENTRE LTD. PHONE 668-5862 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Wii ECONOMY LOW, LOW PRICE, GOOD VALUE! WHITBY 419 Dundas St. -- 668-5818 LUMBER STORES BOWMANVILLE 96 King Street East -- 623-3388 ! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, August 18, 1947 5 THEY LIVE HIGH ; REGULARS IN MAJORITY Two-thirds of the inhabitants) Sixty per cent of the Austral- of Guatemala live more than|ian army are regulars, 40 per half-a-mile above sea level. icent national servicemen. TALKS CARS How Important Is Your Radiator Cap? ae pee. A | WHITBY SCHOLAR | tario Scholarship winner is Anna Dovgalev, 18, of 498 | Dieppe Ave, in Oshawa. Well, it's not an ornament. And its principal purpose is not just | to keep the coolant trom spilling out, Without it your car could net } Anna attained an 80 per éperata propasty. ¥ ar's engine coolant from boiling out Each pound of cap pressure roisen 'ooling the engine more efficiently. item, for instonce, reaches o boiling } cent average on grade 13 | examinations. Although now Radiator caps prevent of the rodietor through living in Oshawa, Anna . hrenheit. A pressure system with @ 13 pound ; i cop odds @ 39 degree extra copacity by bringing the boiling point up attended the Whithy school to 251 degrees. She will attend the Univer The water pump and heater depend tly on the redintor cap for their ifficiency. It prevents loss of anti-freeze and water and it minimizes vapor lock and detonation, ' In addition to the standord radiator cap, there is @ special cap available to prevent scalding by boiling coolant. It features a button in the middie of the cap thet releoses pressure instantly. Your pressure system should be checked periodicolly to make sure thot the pressui ximum to allow full operating @f- sity of Western Ontario this fall. | TOP PONY CLUB RIDER | BROMONT, Que . (CP)--Lin ficiency. Our well e will be able to check the pressure da Zang of Annapolis, Md., was ie 'or Tehiee ne jremonts for ll mekes you're etweys on the sole the leading rider in the A divi ida Shea vos desl win Northside. a . sion and Leslie Zaiser of Toron to the top rider in the B class (] yy) 4 of the Canadian Pony. Club ne Mae national centennial rally which i if ended Thursday.. Miss Zaiser ' E CHRYSLER DODGE also topped 'the B division of 0 D the three-day cross-country and WHIT LTT stadium jumping competition 918 BROCK STN WHITBY ONT. Jean Henry of Toronto led in "To BE ON THE vy DEAL WITH NOLTHE/ the A division of the event Final Clearanc WHILE THEY LAST CHRYSLER OUTBOARD MOTORS 20% Off Motors In Stock SPECIAL Bie Ra ih cs a cs Reg. $182 .... $146 Leas ; Reg. $328 .... $262 Bi 2 Se REN seee Reg. $408 .... -$325 H.P. Elee. ... Reg. $480 .... $375 we, yc, Meg, $520..... SOR8 H.P. Elec. ..... Reg. $641 .... $513 H.P. Elee. .. Reg. $742 ..... $594 H.P. Elee, oo. Rem. «S033 3... SEGT HPS SOG. feawics Reg. $934 .... $748 H.P. Elec. ..... Reg $1302 .... $1042 BOATS While They Last Aluminum Punt ...... Runabout, seats, lights, steering, windshield ...... Runabout Springbok Arrow Springbok Rocket Runabout, conv. top ............ {967 Peterboro fibreglass deluxe Fury and Con. top, | only 1966 Runabout, 45 Chrysler and trailer complete . . 1967 Chrysier Boat, 75 H.P. motor, 1200 Ib trailer, reg. $3419 MP rinra yea Wee ce oe te eet fa oe Ee ae cae ee BOAT TRAILERS 500 Ib, A, Frame, reg, $159.50, Special ... 600 Ib. tilt, reg. $179.50, Special ............. 800 Ib. tilt, reg. $229.50, Special ......... 1000 Ib. tilt, reg, $269.50. Special ....... eee. S150 .. $185 sicee ee ss seee WE ALSO RENT BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, TENTS, ete. WILDE serie a: SALES 1415 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-3226 / j