Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Aug 1967, p. 16

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, August 18, 1967 si . ° : *g: ° d 8 2 T Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday to 12. A challe feasts for Sale 11--Pets and Livestock -- [1S--Employment Wanted Ing, Pro Eh Oe amalgam Bas ey ick ano cap OR SALE -- Beagle puppies, three|RELIABLE WOMAN will care 5 tor sic person in their home, by the week. Li Ing to -- ~-Believe It or Not/| SUMMERTIME SPECIALS ene a Sone een in prod a for training, talking strain, Apply T. RTE ond sole "3 Wilson's Furn fed EAE J al LL MIM 'wilson ip ow Tele. company et f . at days hae Sec es eres 30.08 |HORSES BOARDED -- 8 -Bar- L Ranch, phone 576-0366 Res: pg MO! Pp s Garrard Rd. N. Box stalls, exercise pai INDOW, il and 2-pc. chesterfield suite 109.95 Foe plenty of room to ride, Riding, club, Fee a atninance: reuderiie) pecs at lation © etitive james, 3-pc, bedroom suites 99.50 Ierses trained' for, western pleasure, mercial, anitors' supplies. Mull/-Clean ond be. in + 1M [TV--Radio R 20 CHURCH STREET slock and trall, Call 725-4394, 6 a.m, to Janitoria ue Y a All. maj Accountants |Ruilding Trades. ertgnges -- GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers,|" °:™-_o% Pm. to 8 p.m |17--Female Help Wanted and exc stad H y H en Eon eeee Tee: eee Peon s tah Bemeeere| REPAIRS | | . ire, Catt hile, | 12--Articles Wanted | vam Telephone Oshawa 725-6539. | MORTG AGE | pertect Simcoe South, 723-0011 BUNK BEDS WANTED, in good condi-, WANTED NOW ! Kindly r HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charter- ALTERATIONS 5 KVA WELD.o-mariC "spot. welder,|tion. Telephone 576-2059. Teenagers, mothers, grand- Ing te ed Accountants, Financial Trade Bulls ADDITIONS | LOANS tv water cooled. 'O003 condiion, BS ag reag lly ~igl wooden #8-/ mothers, Start at oe te GOO! tng, 187 King Street East, Oshawa, On | t 6 728-7677. ' de = show our exciting line o' Bench 725-3509; fag T. Hopkins, CA; H. | to | duc ACCORDION -- i2i-bass, just like new.|WANTED, barn siding, weathered, In Christmas cards and gifts to eadie : : HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES on Call 728-4241 good condition. In or near Oshawa. Will] fo. neighbours relo- YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND €O., Cher Ree R a ih Moneys availoble for tirst |pick up if necessary. 728-4331 or 778-9943.) 'riendis, wed ile én RL fered Accountants. Licensed Trusiees in| ec Rooms ond Kitchens - | and second mortgages. Open | YW DOUBLE RED, headboard, and ma ineeo "gin $8} Call Doo Gower, 7s-| tives. Earn extra ¢ Bankruptcy, 57\2 Simcoe Street wedi 0 Specialty | mortgages, No bonus. First | ey ee een Street or eal (005, Bowmanville Auction Barn, We! Christmas souitira yg No of Oshawa, 7: 7) | ' | ick up any articles and sell experience needed. Our cata- chanel t 5 d tgoa Ch I LYW -- wil pic Par. Pr abaDON A DAYS Cenitied Generat| JMeS Allen and Sons) Reon. arene wercoers jannels Si tha. line oF Bart holes. Fetch, 9x 15 TENT, 'cottage type, screened-in them for you, logue, with over 300 items Bow Accountant, "ute. 205W, Oshawa Siop-| 725-6126 punched i} with ON THE FIRST MONDAY AFTER Felephone 725-725, bike. Best cash price. | EXECUTIVE OFFICE furniture in 900d beautifully illustrated! in full- ping Cen t J | siti ted ft two offices. Harry * CLA ounting serves | Riu FvPEs Gh leary wok, | a oe SUNDAY, WERE REQUIRED Nt GIBSON Hummingbird guitar with Gib- © Perry. 285 Bloor Sireet W. 723-3443, colour, helps We Me o Pie Complete bookkeeping service, 178 SIM- Heys, fireplaces, "and concrete' work | M. F. SWARTZ | WTO THE RIVER LEGUER AY son case, best offer accepted. Telenhon€| gop USED FURNITURE wanted, eC. ty of orders. Write today c coe Street N., 725-0397. Res. 723-7608. _| Free estimates. Call 728-5264 evenings. | 26'%2 King St East | antenna 3? Times WA ROW-FULly CLOTHED, otek ae a: Furnitu dirt sii nasi een ia wily ei We Monares JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered 'accoun- ] : "chesterfield, blue, '50.,| Furniture, 6 an ree catalogue, Ir JOSEPH OUTMANN, Charitres,*Ginus ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE Oshowo, Ontario pe ant Te cubic foo! Westinghouse' freer --| Ona Co Dept, 22, 217 East. Telephone 723-'833. = ty tis ail work guaranteed for three 723-4697 A | oe ee eae ees 13--Articles "for Rent Cannon St _Hamilton._ r ~ - - , --2 Blueprinting PlODEN hot mn sites | : Polish National -- 1GDEN ROOFING - eavesiroughing,| | as ous ationa BELL DRAFTING and Reproductions |rooting, cement work, general repairs FOR MORTGAGES | tv | x 17, with a § x 17 HEAD NURSE Ltd., 52/4 Simcoe Street North, 723-4661. | 728-5657. Bee es | j WHO BECAME A MAJOR | . Price very reasonable Hall for Rent Blueprinting and photostatic copies |ROOFING, CHINNEYS, ail types ai | Alwoys deal with a member 4 coll | W THE US. ARMY IN 8 Inquire 311 Burk Street. ee AIR CONDITIONED (ADMINISTRATIVE) ee cement work, stoops, sidewalks, etc., f th 4 SIX-PIECE 'oak dining room set and ® : Building Trades 685-3061. F. McCann, RR3, Oshawa. | ONT ARIO MORTGAGE i 723 5278 . H ALSO SERVED ASA five-piece pion gin 4 plus other Wedding Receptions, El 3-11 SHIFT = -------------- ------ TERRANO PAVING, 10 years in busi-| BROKERS ASSOCIATION | MAJOR IN THE ARMIES jhovsehold articles. Telephone 723-7043 quets, Parties, etc. . ater f This is ness. Guaranteed work, 19¢ square foot MOTORBIKE, $60; desk, $35; power if desired, For more informa- Registered Nurses an No Down Payment 117 Bond East, 723-5841 | OF RUSSIA AND FRANCE, $16; ing! j i sition f Monthly Instalments [=------------ | Our memebrs in your oreo: | COLOR || twe spur TREE AS A LIEUTENANT COLONEL beds $29; double. bed, 39; goit_ clubs,| tion call' Joe Dlugoss | 728- Registering Assistants i ciel Carpentry _| SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. | | | A Yucca m the Mojave Desert, Calrt, THE DUTCH FORCES, |$24i, crib. $14), cheat of drawers, $12: ee ee Full time, rotating shifts, and salesme . aa ee 360 King Street West, | BLACK and WHIT | | WHICH GREW AT BOTH ENDS To no AS AN AUSTRIAN rocker, $22; vacuum, $9. 728- 4401. i ag RSS LA RE ae eg port-time positions available. adverti: Remodelling | Quality Carpentry | | CK a HITE FORM AN ARCH -AND bWTH A ROWEL MAJOR GENERAL \ Li Dish- 127 bed hospital, salaries as AVI ROSEN FOR THE BEST CALL | | JUTTING FROM THE ToP OF IT WEDDING DRESS, worn only once, size} Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dis howeve @ Bathrooms GENERAL. REPAIRS 58 Glengrove Street | © Kes Fete Syma, Ine. 1967 id ghee 10-12, Satin, with train, Call 568-2949, es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee in Metro Toronto. Consider- @ Kitchens | Home Improvement Specialists ced FRE eon | T We | @) We BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE sed Ums, Punch Bowls, Bridol ation for experience ond edu- suitable @ Recreation Rooms | Serving Oshawa ond District <2 | . . owe : urniture or anything you have. The! Wear Men's Formals, White cation. Excellent fringe bene- @ Goroges | for Many Years | MORTGAGE FUNDS TELEVISION 5--Troilers 8--Articles tor Sale alg min guna Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. fits. Apply nursing office, would t | Hones s | a bs | 4 Ajax and Pickering General A new department of Osh. | Honest and Depenable Service | @ Low Rates @ Immediate FOR CLEANER, SHARPER ~ |TYPEWRITER, standard, $25) _portable| q ! 9 awa's Quality Builder | Phone 725-8576 | Committment @ No Obliga- | 0 TV aie Ne E | $25; 1.B.M. electric typewriter, $487 aaa| SARGEANT'S RENTALS _Hospital, Ajax, 942-2320 Excellen Call Today for Free Estimates or 623-3411 | tion | Your Own 0 0 oin tn machen Se shee Meee, eset! 462 Ritton Kd. 5. 725-3998 ory and ee : A. ROSEN | = on g FISHING RODS and reels. Coleman|WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walk- KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION | . | | products repaired by experts on prem-lers, reducing machines, sick room sup- HOUSEKEEPER ~ fringe b Coll today for Free Estimates |Dresemaking | 795-0832 Evenings | TV TOWER l 7, ler from $199., with SnD ne corners 103 Byron SH. Iptles, Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 7251644.) 4, a6 gy a. | right m DRESSMAKING and alterations. Rea Evenings | 79 ent trailer trom + wit SIX SERVICE BAYS ny:_______________lafeRTainine? Fifty to one hundred ge is to live in --- 728- 7583 \sarepie rates and reliable work Apple-| ond Weekends 728-5623 - mottresses. 25 used trailers, FOR FASTER SERVICE CONTINENTAL BEDS from $29.95, mat-|peopie: Oshawa Tennis Club for ban-| for light housekeeping duties, d iM area. Telephone 728-5709. $< --___--__--__--__-- Corner Bond ond Divisior 8 models, in good condition; [one-third price, all sizes, eres quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen,| cooking, must understand and Call 92 your aie wag suits, coats and chil- |Money to Loan rer Bond and Division | to be sold below cost, Make WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL. | ___|parking. 723-7726, enjoy chlidren, 2 school oqe, a ly? For repairs call rm 3842. ale eer Mra Keane ea | WEEO CASH to consolidate your" bilis, an offer. No money down. h [Revers ie Cantras bd reg ep bien 14--B fr.) rt 2 pre-school age. Good re- will be ROOFING, hot tar and or hing |buy that new car, boat, travel expenses. | Rentals available from $25. Chev., Dodge, Ford, --Ply- PTs bide s : usiness Oppo naa muneration: Stote references fobs, L. and H.|ORESSMAKING -- expertly fitted wuil#,|We feature secacd Coins caenanses: | her weak G6. itches made mouth, Pontiac. We correct : : mee confide 725-6937. |coats dresses, Beautifully tailored slip-|cent. Also first mortgages available, con-| | ind installed from $10. wheel alignment, inspect and useD TIRES, most all sizes, B. | Apply in writing to ALU TYPES building repairs. Rooting, covers, drapes. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372 figentjs\, private funds. Call 723-4631 | sagdauph sae then eta hk! - UD. correct castor and' combers | comet ee_King Street _West, 78486. DISTINCTIVE 32575 eet ett Win, "ce (Gardening ond Supplies me au IN OSHAWA" | MACDONALD'S TEXACO, | siian'torin'ond toe surto, YAGUUM, EERIE al mbit, eo time Business Onoortuiy |. Oshawa Times ae ARI DRIVERS wanted, over 25 years| Ginting | an lecorating © 24 ] Eost of Bad Boy. correct condition $7.95 Bemis: vacuum Service, Main Street, | Men or Women Exclusive With | -- Se @, full and partime. Must reside In/ AINTING AND DECORATING by ex.| We give you ao better tower | Don't be late to save now, | @ Parts extra if required SS SEMEN Sen RES eer ea A Dihiee e | AVON. CALLING ADAM Whitby. Telephone 668-5110 or 668-3383. | |perienced workman. Reasonable. Tele for | | @ Torsion bar adjustment SUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, ee D A i Prone oases or less money. | BA television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and | Sag an Mi eee Sein POS a ge ae - : Al Furnit ; call on yor erha CLASSIFIED RATES | PAINTING AND DECORATING, inte-| OSHAWA 7 V, | | e [up Alcan Furniture and "Appliances, 452 LYONS Fae ~ tee hone 2 ; r. Very reasonable prices. | | eo MARR ! worRD ADS Fp rs | SUPPLIES Free estimates. J. O'Toole, 76-1829 any | 'Clea rance Sale | BRAKE SPECIAL dd hase FENDERS trom $29.95 OF CADBY HALL delay turn your spore time inte Tesh -- 1 insertion o wor | jtime, | M id UP. na Used AUTO Paris. money -- Service custo ee ele ae mennraiote aed FGlesniemenemary ywese7 peerseareas | SUPPLY LTD. | 1967 Glendettes & Citations | Reale pee mypbentay ie eee ae. eer (The world's largest Age yout: Horne ONS ee tional words 13¥4¢ woo g onten SUPER ae cas oiled Plumbing and Heating -- TAUNTON RD. E | al Serene oe ge | $14 88 "TYPEWRITERS, new, used, sales catering organization) perience required. We train M tive insertions 'ef 24 words. addi- ' SRASS } . roiler Parts and Acces- | ; Il makes. Free esti tienal words 24¢ each. | PARKLAWN GRASS MIX Plumbin Di t (Just East of Ritson) | sories Priced To Clear. Buy | Plus $2.00 Per Wheel |Roval dealer," EB gen tag ver FOR ihe saniationel HAW Bat For drial inteemation | SA Charge--10 per cent additional charge! SUBURBAN GRAS MIX g iscoun 723-813} 723.8132 | Now. lu aber ais ee! |FURNITURE -- Three rooms of new! fresh-brewed coffee service io 8 OF ae ao " 795 | for Sub ¥# not paid within 8 days. | TIMOTHY & ALSIKE Hq 149 Brock St. North EES oe cs we : i \furniture. Pay only $15 monthly. Baron's; that provides fresh coffee ot Sion gad, Usnawa, . | Methed ef Counting -- Less then 24 MERION BLUEGRASS | WHITBY 668-6601 ras COOK'S TRAILER e |Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South. 5c a cup. Brewed right ot of- ETE SRE IRE ae Applicar words epunts a Zé words; each word | KENTCKY BLUEGRASS | TELEVISION -- RADIO | SALES LTD. | FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted | free.| fices, plants, factories, etc., EARN EXTRA @ selling ane werd; phone number eeunts, two INDIVIDUAL GRASSES | Direct to you. plumbing sup- | 24 Hour Service 1910 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa | WHEFL BALANCE SPECIAL Surchuse trom Western 'Ol Company | using "Canada's finest coffee MONEY @ willin words. | GOLFGREEN 12-6.6 | plies. Everything in the | | Open Eveninas9e.m.-95.m. | Including wea per ey 725-1212, brewing equipment, operatina earn BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- j EVERGREEN 6-9-6 | plumbing line. 20% off oll | HOLMES Bee | each 1.95 |swimmine Poole hlorine, ail 8 with 62% profit picture for Show Canado's finest line of @ hones SOCIAL NOTICES ' EVERGREEN WEED KILLER supplies |BOX TRAILER, 4' x 6', $50. Telephone | SHOCKS, MUFFLERS j cactus: Gers and other, supplies. © Vie mteolmes,: Gairbutcr, Christmas cords, Wraps, No- @ would Soo oor lesetticn Witt nin k cove CJ.L. TURF 10-6-4 | ee 9 | ELECTRONICS | 942-5806. | FRONT-END WORK ot --[2ifabt" "NY Cullgan Man." 'Whiby.| You simply supply established velties, etc, Over 300 items. @ pro ; J ). | 2 p.m p.m. House Waniee ce ee x 6864. eccounts wi' For free, beautifully illus- om IN MEMORIUMS SO-GREEN 7-7-7 | fee + 16 long, room for s, COMPARABLE PRICES GLASS REPAIRS to aluminum and H Sone $2.50 for the first 28 words and 6c MILORGANITE SATURDAY 9 @.m.-- 5 p.m. We a nee |wood windows and aluminum screens. Ls Coff trated catoloaue .samples, on Pleas Fe ae aac ae tie at 0984, 20 Brock St.,, Alax | YA Free pick-up and. delivery. 7 ons ottee opproval and the fastest ser- eal verse; 25¢ additienal eherge If not paid Sipe eas __CLOSED WEDNESDAY r V RENTALS |etewoace ai' x 8° trailer, two bed UNIRO L |SRIDESMAIDS' ORESSES;--3n.95, new| You will hove on opportunity vice, Jeandron Greeting Card to within 8 doys, EAT MOS ALL" TYPES repairs and remodelling, TOWERS rooms. Excellent condition. Apply vo10 \fall styles. Sargeant's Bridal Shop, 463] ; i Co., Ltd., 1253 King St. E., POTTING SOil new and used materials. Reagonabie Dundas Street East, Lot | [Ritson S. 725-3338, to expand rapidly into @ large Hamilton, Ont. ADA CARDS O! OF THANKS TANK SPRAY rates. Estimates free. 723-119) oley. PHONE | 668-5679 _|TRAILER HITCHES made and installed. | nda RLSSeS era | and lucrative enterprise with |_ forte, first oe 236s ond 5 pUBAYERS Freee er re re -------------- Alsg all types. of aiding" done. alee: The New Home of jBEAUTIFY and 'protect asphalt drive.| ae CASH RETURNS WOULD You le Teler mt ith Sakrete Sealer. Professionally, phan within Everything for the gorden ug ry Service | SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 [esuiement"for_ Fant DOMINION TIRE STOR applied, -- tl OSHAWA Fast TV. § HOUSE TAREE, 38° x 10, excellent 17 Park: Read AM ia te STOVE, ge ae THE selected applicant must TOY CHEST iinet inch Aran alepiey: $2.00 for the . | | as .V. Service prema $3,650, Telephone 668-8961. Phone 725-6511 1795-128 ; 900d condition. Telephone) be able to devote a few hours OFFERS ret 20 words and 6¢ each thereofter ooper- mit | RUG CLEANERS | DOMI ION sa--C he ee ee -- -- | PRWRITEaS ------.|__ per week to his business in MORE $$$ MORE FUN p sandy tas CO | Professional rug and uphol- | N ae i? LUMINU Hg i ag TE ry Cree te Neer, er too sles oc: DEMONSTRATING TOYS, WH | rentals, service, trades. Bill Hamilton,, COunts supplied wi vons We Will Train You $2.38 PER INCH PER INSERTION. | | stery cleaning done in your | TELEVISION __ |season-END CLEARANCE M Raglan. 1906-740 | Coffee. A minimum of $l- | No Investments, Collect DEADLINES 16 CELINA ST | home or our office, Call for | 728.5154 9 om. to9 pm. | on ALL Trailers, Tents | @ SIDING |FLOORS custom designed in colors and| 500 is reauired to commence. Voss: peaks | 723-2312 723-1139 Information dc : Si. i | @ AWNINGS [patterns to provide a perfect background Bank financing available for 723. 3568 4 p.m. DAY saga | DELIVERY SERVICE 725-9961 JOE' S COLOR TV oe oe e Ipatto, pool deck 'Sencavra 'ones'en'ovsr| Parties with good credit -- Los AND FOU | Pa dani iSO aba saan star PRICES CUT TO COST @ WINDOWS [any sound surtace, inside or outside, See}. stonding and reasonable de- /EXPERIENCED WAITRESS wanted for The bem. DAY OF "min. ICATION | RE-UPHOLSTERING | @ DOOR jancoura at Oshawa Discount House.) posit. For interview in your | Night shift only, shift 3 - 11.30. Apply in suns AND DEA | TOP SOIL -- MANURE 725-9332 . | and Radio Service Hinges deoseeaguibet evaleeie LES s Phone for free estimate, 725-1343, oreo write 15e4-s0u0, to Rainbow Restaurant, Whitby, Gm. DAY OF PUBLICATION Ee © Wide selection of Fabrics | SPECIALIZING 1S 3 eee Sey Sin Sa mat woot torabare| Box M32809 [RELIABLE WOMAN to mind two chil , { ' : ces. One location only. Pretty | jo mind two chil- IN MEMORIUMS ond | asp 1 eee ee e yy oremansnlp Guaranteed ie RADIOS AND KAMPING f V E N | 5 S Furniture, 444 Simcoe th, 723-3271. |_ OX -- | fren, aged the and six, five days weekly, wW. CARD OF THANKS | . A S : Z (tive full years) APE RECORDER REPAIRS | R CEN my own home, while mother works, e@ neec p.m. DAY PREVIOUS | ed with cattle manure for top © Eosy Budget Terms--Free 13 Bond W 576-1670 UNLIMI SALES LTD. eeRe CENT OFF = Aetite sheeties: WE 'ARE OFFERING to the --|Clark" street, saaizes y getic.yor CLASSIFIED DISPLAY : dressing. Well rotted cottle | Estimates e cor edasadbuat TED 15 Prince St 725-4632 _|water Color paints, some oils. Variety of| "'9 shah Me Opportunity HOUSEKEEPER, plain cooking and awo ore 1 column--4 p.m. doy previnus; 2 ecl-| monure. Prompt delivery | Over 36 ean eerie T.V. Rentals R | Sal iS aay.) ra 7 picture frame moldings in tengths.; to make excellent earnings ight housework. Live in, Two adults. at he umns or larger -- 10 a.m. doy. previous. | | THE FURNITURE CONTR e evs ental --- Sales --- Storage CITY TV televisions, radios, [Photo enlarger, best offer. 725-1265. with a prime manufacturer of | Telephone 725-4802. : k CANCELLATIONS. AND 655-333) 90 § SRG 4 New oes TOWNLINE ROAD NORTH service and repairs. Service COMPLETE living room and bedroom| patented plastic household |RELIABLE WOMAN wanted tor taby- backarou CORRECT | imcoe St. North ALCAN dept. open 7 da week. suite, Barely one year old. Beautiful _ {Sitting and light duties. Telephone Ajax cess, an Sy dy 'OF PUBLICATION 4s See EEE (1 mile north of King St. East) PE OP YS © week. condition. Must sell before August. 29.| Products 'presently merchan | 942-5744, Week wi Fe ey Getore! OSHAWA GARDEN PROFESSIONAL FURNITURE and 728.9942 tari oes rag and | After 5.30, 728-2482 : | dising through many of North eRe two-ROOM apartment tor" ian loka. pb publication will be charged one day's| SERVICE LTD. RUG CLEANING APPLIANCES BED Lies ae ee Peiaiied et | WESTINGHOUSE stove and iaundromat, Pe oP cel asta Lee re tie parcel One. Senor. For on | ial a Hace iha a4 . '* " . it ~meta chen cu ards an sini © multi-million dollar growth, jage ci 7 lig! Ouse! oe ag ine pera aclagl og 2 Boy Servies | "4syoor | |e eeeement Sie Cusec Se cal F26, (| RI ee Ie. - lSeemnEGbLN WOMAN sara forward replies to box numbers to the J; KAMSTRA - Free Pick-Up and Delivery | CHRIS CRAFT 0500 All, ae " BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap| (MODEST INVESTMENT guor- [care for. two Beso " Ly ny advertisers as soon os possible, we ac-| inlets NEAL 'S Communications Service SALES and SERVICE work guaranteed. | pjiances. Call Elmer, 263-2294, 2652495. | anteed by inventory, com- |home. Children welcome. Telephone ees ae it LANDSCAPING Angus-Graydon Settee, "epelre Guaranieed service.) McVay fibreglas soil boats, T.V. TOWER -- --|FIVE COMPLETE "rooms 'of turniture,| Piet@ly returneble. [Port Perry, vas2in failure or Haley Sn forwarding seh rs one 728-6254 | Crestliner, Peterborough and | HOLIDAY SPECIAL Hed Pete asin $320, seaahe 2,5 WE Nee cones you for a [Soren = "BiPerienced waitress fer VENE lies howe used whether b gli ek! ES TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- = 40-foot tower aiid o r. lephone private, fully informative in- a4 lop. Apply Sou' n estau- ance oF otharwice The Fines will not GARDEN SERVICE RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts, Estab: structure, all-channel antenna oot tower | oo el Evin- | BOI ian ae |after 5 o'clock. : 2 Lavine at hs foctory or in (fants 5 Bloor Street East E 3e responsible for replies uncolled for 728- 8267 ished | 20 "years. | Workmanship quaran-|850. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton| Tude ou card motors. om 4 inch heavy - duty GAS RANGE, 30-inch, Findiay, (Our ahea |REQUIRED -- experienced short order SER im 20 days. eed, | rae a ims es. redit terms. Mat-|Road East, just east of Ritson Road. Oshawa Yachthaven | structure with double B2-13 phone Whitby 668-8940. hs < |cook. Evening shift. Apply South End REGULATION® Snhcumaresass a Uphoisterind WEY Daan Auaeee Winn oO 723-8186 all-channel_ antenna com- |SOLID, POLISHED BRASS dining room| YE ARE interested in the |Restaurant, 5 Bloor Street East. VERSA GUL. NS 1 "| Welding ' ra : | Mier, fi i erson we appoint to this x anions sieht Read aes pletely installed, $70. chandelier, five candles, new; also white pr PP |CLEANING | LADY required for one THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT BE PATIOS BUILT CHESTERF! <~ --_---- y |bathinette with aluminum top and pad,| situation. We will allow part- | Morning or afternoon weekly. Telephone TIseaents.suMerrito. OtMeRwist Miatret oonti tae ae) ARC WELDING CLEARANCE | RIO TELEVISION, 7205149 eh, eae me TOT) ieee bn ek caren maar bs | Ld | | | queers one 728-8443 : ae HAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE ral for re-covering. Slip covers made j 12 ft. Aluminum -ear top. | se = - --- ---- prepared after a trial "'per- | 8 Han our meron oranse, §=AND REBUILT ie order. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles 2 WE REPAIR Nome tw er, yu iod"' to go into full time, |'8---Mele Help Wented _ Man for Kae ah NOR ait CHD HE Expert workmanship. Reason- | year 'guatonine be as |BEDROOM SUITE, bed, chestertieid WRITE giving only name, od- GUIDE REALTY oappeora SERTION IN WHICH ERROR NOCEURS, Phor 16 728- 3] 73 Sales 'ond Service | able rates due to low over- MARINE STORAGE | Pad lie pee wi Pil bg crown), small pciectrical apptian aes aid phone number to f 25 - ; ER Ae na SEC SAEED s, garden equipment, trailer jces and other household articles. 723- X 31553 OSHAWA TIMES LIMITED The Oshawe Times reserves the right to head. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m and SUPPLY LTD. | hitch d i 5416, Balibtacbrct ta Badbitd aptitude slassify advertising according te its APPLIANCE | . ? ' itches made and installed. |*"°_ Rear Bee Siete aati 16 Simcoe Street South servicem oroper clossific 655- 3641 Open to 2) P. M. | 9 . h : MERION-KENTUCKY SOD R | 728-1872 -------- " Free Pick-Up and Delivery | --Market Basket Lo alist Colle e awa Minimur In the coses of display advertisements EPAIRS |i" MOLDED plywooa boat in good cae y 9g i h t \ BLUE GRASS pAEER REE oR aS hi 508 4 | TOMATOES, pick your own at Scott's Due to increased business we years hi ° All-Green Nurser Expert repairs to all makes 2--Personal | Hieron" Natal SE Pel CAR GEORGE'S FIX IT SHOP |Farm, Harmony Road N., to the end of} ae " have opened a Branch Office Good si Sod G wid a eh oe oS aire OLYSIS 21' CRUISETTE boat with 75 HP Evin 400 Mary St. E., Whitby wiht eeen Belleville in Whitby and require soles benefits. 201 rowers ete ELECTROLYS! jrude motor. Call evenings only. 623-2993 668-6211 or 725-8427 ' representatives for Oshawa a 2 Sic Ps "O84/ __|ONTARIO NO. 1 Cobbier potatoes, free) Announces that a course in A ' Tel of advertisement if any inaccuracies in ; visitors Welcome @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ 723-4641 NEW 1 FIBERGLAS fishing bos! with REFRIGERATOR, Prestige, automatic |'lVer¥. Telephone 723.94. Municipal Administra- oui ond District. If you MR. 4 ontai: ther : ities wh ! " ni ailer, oA ' H . Hibictertiertndigtoeas 25 igh b: Alc ANE N ALCAN Removal' of superfiicus hal" memeaa! Mia wiser asta | Go cnn. $80. Can be seen at 63 POTATOES, Di $2 & bushel.| tion (Assessment) leading to eke ti Pahari ag ha taniban a3 , nor aur m riage _ . . nites | lot jouma. i . ra TIMES ACTION WANT AD ---- ----_-- 4 Marie Murduff will be in |suitD your own fibregias boat ----_--__-- Bada ARPES ws an assessors licence will be F portal el abes \ Cal Clacitiaa Buca FURNITURE and APPLIANCE Oshawa Aug. 28th, 29th and [piece mould cost $960. "Sell for ses [MOA P chatte proegioom TUB) Seti Ae rosa, e. tine. eae $1 per) offered this fall. pont gertial vie ahd oy : « ( 723-3492 ce D Ape pimces > = Caiewe 30th. Phone Genosha Hotel |e Stee er lbeispread' Snd dranes, Walnut. bones! FRESH VEGETABLES. Tomatces, pep. Joterested grade. 12:13. pra- feat ost ag 38 tee 723-349 CULTIVATED FIELD .. on these dates for appoint- |14' FIBREGLAS runabout, brand new,|svite, washer, dryer, Iwo, relrigeraiors:| ores, onion era ote ies ace ypee| duates or mature students LOYD G@ CORSO, MA\ Telephone 723-0011 $300.00 or best offer, also. several new/lelectric stove, kiteh f |pers, onions and potatoes. Walter Huron Call LLOYD G. CORSON. aR - Excellent Quality, Low Price : = -- bce boat windshields. 725-1770 Hire screen; Tron tnckal (olMaRIS POR, fon' seivicn. oii ee oy Ce oe ee President, for information ae c . ' rICeS. s ncheeetd aechth Sitnoaaeneaeae 4 No! service roa . F INDEX TO Loaded or Delivered NOW YOUR THROW-AWAYS mean $s 8's 91/19" CABIN CRUISER, 60 HP motor and 8747 Hi ati Nc WOR. ELLIS, REGISTRAR without obligation, 723-5281 CLASSIFICATIONS Visitors: Waleama Bring me your mowers, tillers, the Bowmanville Auction. arn. Call fralier. Best cash efter oF Will: 001) 60-1 wana, Goud cipudlting SI or Gal 9A--Eggs & Poultry LOYALIST CAMPUS es be Pe] e 2 4 ' bi, . ' Rd oug Gower, Auctioneer, , arately. elephone "4 ? 2 CARs coo aR So PA a naa 725 9674 outboards, all makes, air a = SETANGRART BREN, Wael "oa trade, for SO0- 10 é00-nound bost trailer. Ecos SEDANS FRESH" DAILY i a ai Experienced pe e ie s Colt Z cooled enaines aris. or = je Feather Farms, 1, 655-4759. i 2--Persona! - ee eee gee, O08 otorbikes _____|Evinrude motors. Open seven days 8\ piano, large size, television, 21" con.|Picked' up, delivered. yt ere ee' hori: __PHONE 962.9501 j ee Sa reran's Cohiron vice. Largest service in week. Marine Storage and Supply Utd.» i een a elivery truc as gener : : ti : GENERAL LANDSCAPING and : "47 DUCATI, 250 c.c. Excellent condi-|Brooklin 655-3641. sole, treadie sewing machine, other |/---- "RAR more 'Motorcycles tole Las Lc Ba Oshawa. ee Hon, ust twe monn 'eld Telephone | eae ee irouah Rena OUstheld_ttfects. Telephone 576-1656. " |10--Farmer's s Column PICKERING _ Driver' . : Excellen &--Marine Equipment Patios, fences, exterior painting, etc, 655 Ty ee ore Laat pane Ads 723-3492 today for action He ny al model, $40. Apply DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock benefits 7-Swap and Barter en ! _ SE eA ike lil Re cecbiak cokes 1966 HONDA $0, excellent condition, only |Ho! GET IT: If you do not find the MIRROR -- orga Ef etkigd ® Lebel pera ae re BUSINESS FOR SALE Age 25 Years or Older ditions ° 700 1 Call 668-2949. G avy ~ plategiass velled| Tyrone. Telephone collec! jampton 263- Ss. oparket Basket Instruction -- : Now Located In Oshawa |- Li ecahel sc ______-- | fran een are Bet it Dial 728-302. "ledges, size approximately 5%' x 4', suit-|2721. Licence 101-C-67. Con be purchesed for stock. Good wages for willing worker 1--Pets and Livestocn Seaway Demolition Co. [ath wa31. €e good condition. Tele 14" CEDAR STRIP boal, with wina- eee " wary a 11--Pets d Li k Sood (eee tron excellent: turr- a eee Chrysle Taearticies Wanted Rutherlord's S i Gngrance jc Encpee -------~--| shield, tarp, controls, etc, 12 HP, NET PLAYPEN $i at ay carrie | e an _Livestoc over. Owner hos other inter- 852 3691 rticles for Rent | nc guide to 46 SUZUKI motorcycle, 150 ce, $400.|motor and t trailer, $425 complete. | + $15. POODLE CLIPPING and shampooing,| ests. For further information - os se eine Opeceiueliies | fait ond service. |Telephone 725-7662. Telephone 728-2681. [Paternity comir, sizes 12-14. 576-0454 and peanenehly priced. Also stud service! Verq Krishko ! Atter 7 P.M. 668-4630 Aja . . oll Us At 728-2801 for an [ya FOR SALE -- 10%-foot cedar strip sail e itby. Telephone 668-6977. . - 30. 16--Ageni. Wanted ») S h | ; i. |YAMAHA - SUZUKI--Authorized dealer. ing|REFRIGERATOR, apartment size, Vik- VEARGLD Gig Ge ae 2741 17--Femaie Help Wanted estimate. No Job Too Large (Repairs all makes. We buy and sell.|boat with oars and tarp, cartop fishing|; 4 FIVE-YEAR-OLD bay mare for sai nonce eee ie--Mele Help Wanted | rVINg cnoo or Too Small. Fully" THe reee Ray Whitaker, 150 Willam St, 728-[boat or, selling trainer, excellent cond Bee Oe Apply xcellent for experienced rider. Te GRIFFIN on ESTATE 19--Male or Female Help Wanted | ---- 2 bus cerns , Bye er anna | PRONE ering 942-2779. _ . Experien 20--Real Estate For Sale | (Licensed by Police Commission) |waken sewn nice she Tepairas | alll iy wep YAMAHA 908 cc) In new \7--S d B rule Wks pape aia ol eee auto:lcozy-3_ RANCH. Reg'd, German Shep: pone ened: 20e--Summer Properties es, new hoses, brushes, new Palate | C0. new|7-----Swap an carter matic, like new, ; oil _space heaters |hergs, pups. Shi i 942-3310 i ore oe tor bale @ Gounesus Instructors Jack Lees, pick up and delivery. 728:| Ieonaition, 4,000 miles. Telephone 728- aavh AND LAUNDRY Wuss STW suitable for cottage, $15. Telephone 728-|10,' hore, Bany. Pate Wann peste utcher MAN WANT! 22--Lots for Sale | ' S TS | 5. ee ee Jeqvipment, clothing. Ashburn, 655-4662, |BEAUTY SALON, well established, ii Aug. 21, 9-13 23--Real Estate Wanted @ Dual Contro! Cars GUARANTEED REPAIR to ail wringer lett basing, $10; pressure systems, |e SULT 383 V4, sutomatic transmis-|.-- Bed oe north west area, local cllentele. Bf Wanted St. N Osha 24--Stores Offices and Storage washers ard ranges. Free. estimates. 5--Trailers mae ges alle ath fonds pint a sion. Body of 's9 Pontiac and ADITRALIAN gold (ing. sironih tor vipped, listed $3,500. Call Mabel Boud- ' S 2e--Houses for Rent @ Fully Insured Call 728-1742 or 7280011. Hinge cars trucks, trailers. Ae Chinn, (Parts. Used fires and rims. Alax 92-10%" rained. 935 glob, dollvered: 968. |feeupe! oe NEAR UXBRIDGE noni The partmats fo - d if . acta "| 1569. lor a 26a--E, po Accommodation Septic Service | Trailer Clearance (2 "=™ a -- | 2845. 11 Bridgela 2 --_____--__________|TY TOWER SPECIAL -- 4-4/1. structure ONT TT Poa ae TWO separate a downtown. Newly| Regular hours. Goo 787-4573 Bose we eer 125-6553 SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, Prompt serv- 8--Articles for Sale nil nesta Pe Sale pointe toa ale one. St aac decors Pai. oe | Accident. ond sick pi eg ENERGETIC PGR or cees de Agro ' aires Wait, watts a Chestnut | Rentals, demonstrators, refrig- | YariETY.. Thistle carriage, walker, |aorcs ee =z |9ne, Seal, one female kitten, Best offer eee eet Cee after 7 p.m. 668-4630 25, ab olen 30--Automobiles for, Sele. 14 ALBERT STREET 5 | eee) ~ gators, hedters, cots ete. baby crib, sitter, electric dryer with fuse heater baby, carriage," 990d ee af bere cure A 15--Employment Wanted» facturing pl 'ue sa urve ox and heavy duty wiring. Best offers 2 U sg RVICI jain 8 a Semen Lerdeich commensurat So TTUCKs ter Pale | sia Eceienies fe Ll gt . . accepted. Call 942-1268 Ale nable. Telephone 668-5086 728-9409. WiLL. BABYSIT In my home. One or two 852-3691 portunity fo 33-Automobiles Wanted | DO Mill 7 | Se Avtomociia « Repelr Mortgages DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On ier rauers AUTOMATIC WASHER, GE, 2) cubic AND WHITE" Thistle ~ carriage paOPESiONRe toe Soe ee children. Best of care. Kathleen Rowe asset. Call 9 od fat det ario Land Surveyor, Commercial blue-! A 17|$20., tent trailer, sleep¢ six plus dining School district, Whitby. Telephone 668- at f 35--Lost and Found oo -------- senpraiamecens| pnt i * HARWOOD NORTH, AJAX foot freezer; five-piece dinette suite, 30 Clipping all breeds, pocdies our spe- WAITER for bevi " 1 FIRST AND SE ri je Prints. 11 Ontario Street. 725-5632 tent, 9 x 12', $225. Telephone 725-0808. 5259. fo erage room, experi: MECHANIC 3--Lega COND morigages, sale . bunk beds, springs and mattresses, 30" cialty. Free pick-up and delivery; board- oe ee -" man preferrét. Must have in | Bi ei agreements purchased and sold. Hennick H. FLIM, ONTARIO LAND Surveyor. /FOR RENT-- tent trailer, sleeps 6|GE range, 14 cubic foot Frigidaire re|1é FEET OF DRAPERY, unlined, sixling and training, Doberman. Pinschers|WILL MIND children in my home, nighi|-" "ctor reterencetS® Steady emenne er 3--Coming Events and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King saul ce 47 Prince St, Res, 103 Elgin §. |easiy. available the rest of August and|[frigerator, automatic defrost, all in im-jmonths old, several ladies' dresses,jand German Shepherd puppies for sale.jor day, five-day week. Simcoe §&. area|ment. "cid Manager, Hales Lancaster: pe La 4 ll eas, Farah, B sueaun, 4 'bans. 5057, sizes 12 te 16, good condition, 723-9613, 'Dachurst Kennels, 655-3881, Telephone 728-9952, anytime, Osha : Honkeplg yt , 4d. Luste 29--Notices

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