Sia oll had ' ' . . ZS di) Gh ae de BA al ae eae ' ' * oe ey 5 2 ' eG FOP EIT GE S 'i ; Pty A i he, Miah Mie Ma Mins dda di, ck ok dk e 'THE ROD (0,000 fishermen try their luck in nquin Park this m THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 16, 1967 3 HEES WOULD ABOLISH COMPANY YOUNG CANADIANS son, -- DX -- DX VISE: MIZE! $ E $$$ yor ¢ By THE CANADIAN PRESS Candidates for the Conserva- tive party leadership took a variety of approaches Tuesday as they continued efforts to pick up delegate support for the Sept. 5-9 convention in Torunto. Most of the activity was con- centrated in Ontario. Premier Robert Stanfield of Nova Scotia projected a quiet, the day to Kitchener and Ham- ilton. veorge Hees, former trade minister, told a Toronto rally he will abolish the Company of Young Canadians if he becomes prime minister and Davie Ful- ton, former justice minister, told a London meeting he has found multitudes of uncomm:t- hold the leadership convention over the objections of present Leader John Diefenbaker. Mr. Fleming, who called for a federal-provincial meeting on fiscal matters, told a press con- ference that Mr. Camp's recent suggestion that Canada should get out of military alliances does not reflect the views of the ond look at the universal and compulsory nature of the gov- ernment's medical care insur- ance program due to take effect next July 1. Mr. Roblin also disagreed with Mr. Camp's NATO state- ment, although he said Canada's foreign policy and defence strategy should be ish Columbia which "exceeded my expectations." Mr. Hees said the Company of Young Canadians "'is a com- plete waste of money and I per- sonally can't see any zood that it's doing."" He said the volun- teer youth service, incorporated last year by Parliament to help community development, was because "'they don't like the kind of government they've been getting.'"' Mr. Fulton had one good word for Prime Minis- ter Pearson. He told his London meeting he agreed with Mr. Pearson's note to French Presi- dent de Gaulle that prompted the French leader to cut short his visit to Canada after becom- Heat Piha ihe inert a tobacco crop for his Kills Man, 56 DELHI, Ont. (CP)--Walter) Rogers, 56, of Delhi died of lextreme heat exhaustion in al | kiln on the family tobacco farm | jnear Lyndoch, provincial police said Monday. PAINT BUY DIRECT TONE-CRAFT KING PARK PLAZA Police said Rogers had been) ' ted voters looking for a political party generally. examined to see "if it meets ; ing embroiled in a separatist "call me Bob" image during a home which the Conservative He said he personally sup- the needs of the seventies.' atk es of the reise ae controversy. Van Belle oit day-long tour of the Ottawa party could provide. ports Canada's membership in Premier Stanfield told a panes Pr ec egemen aes He said he seldom agreed | ¢ Valley. In Regina, another former NATO and NORAD. small gathering at Arnprior, & with Mr. Pearson but in this 68-3341 The other premier in the cabinet minister, Donald Flem- In Toronto, Mr. - Roblin Ont.; he was encouraged by Mr. Fulton said. his 65.000 case the prime minister "spoke race, Duff Roblin of Manitoba, ing, turned his attention to Dal- repeated his calls for a system support in Ontario and the miles of campaigning has for Canada with authority and DX issued a call for national unity ton Camp, the party president of priorities for government Atlantic provinces, as well as shown him that many voters in moderation, and I support - DX -- wi in Toronto after visits earlier in who spearheaded the drive to spending, and suggested a sec- his impact in Alberta and Brit- are undecided and frustrated him. A ERSTE RA Sg VING Take A Drive PARK WAS BUSY one Ae, CHAN | Nearly - blind Scholar 13 | | Hit By Car | watt stss paroe ve te e / ited Ontario's 'Algonsuin Pro- VA B ® ree injure B j vincial Park in 1966. GARDENS » poy uisnessman slain Tops 46,000 Students BURFORD, Ont, CP)--A| == ARE ob P . eee letion e sighiyaarid' enndnes' @ Paes Fast Action DO-IT-YOURSELF TORONTO (CP )--Gord on Pesos ly 18, whose aver- seriously injured Tuesday when sae h vancouver CS ate, 2 tgeareld, neatly. |aze was 96. sear struck them and inoekea | HOUSE SALES! || fertilizer blind Toronto student is the top tin ta the lant year for prov-|them through the wall of a @ Spreaders wa : /Scholar among the 46,000 Ontar-|ince.wide Grade 13 finals. They|tobacco kiln, Gall & Mimkas ck he @ Tools : VANCOUVER (CP)--One of past-president of the Boy s',io students who this June wrote|haye been abolished by the) he accident happened on th OSHAWA end DISTRICT @ Topsoils | Vancouver's better known busi- Clubs of Vancouver. He was ajthe last provincially-set Grade| department of education, to fern at Mrs. Elveheth Mat : oo @ Seeds, Etc. a nessmen and community work- director of Big Brothers of B.C.|13 examinations. relieve the pressure on students| of RR 3, Burford. ous sagen einai d ileal @ Advice on your Garden Probl ers was shot and killed by three and of the Canadian Association) Gordon, who lost most of his and ty make the year a better : oes end List Photo y ssbb See densa 9 bullets in his office Tuesday. for Retarded Children. He was) Sight core ago syte PA ill- | Preparation for university. eae hoon ioidine ee His ther is t i ness, had an average 0 on Sons re § n V 6 II G d poe Suid falls way Gs 4 ects aot dae ae awa seven best papers. Entrance to university will in|jof the kiln when the car struck an ée ée ar ens charge of capital murder. dhe Cankdlan eed Cross. | He scored 96 in mathematics | future be sree on o regres s ag ea then crashed through "Your i Eclendly Gorden, Centre" Jack Dietrich, 48, was arrest: |A, 100 in mathematics B, 99 in| /previous record and tests ii e kiln . Minutes East of Oshawa ed in the office of Dietrich-Col- ge oe Phong py Toes vceg physics, 98 in English, 96 in I hagher bait lmag to succeed Brantford is 10 miles west off MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE On Highway No. 2. . . 623-5757 lins Equipment Ltd. after the Mines Ltd., and directorships in Chemistry and 91 in history. nated Miatreshhol thodenaae firm's president, 51-year-old Fred H. Dietrich, was found National Cablevision Ltd., Canadian Wirevision and West- "Vm utterly *lastounded,"' he amazed and| declared on) ern Wheel and Parts Lid. He| hearing the news. Gordon, a student at the Uni-| Cer a te versity of Toronto Schools, used| braille on six exams. He plans} gonepeate ; e to attend Massachusetts Insti- Premier W. A. C. Bennett. tute of Technology in the fall. said Mr. Dietrich was "a good) 'The department of education citizen in every respect, a good | said Tuesday 80 per cent of |fesnity sangeet he i man in/candidates passed the exams. i i SPP aR UES Over 2,300 won $400 Ontario) vice-president, John Enemark,| Fred Dietrich was vice-presi-|@¢cePting Some n lb rushed into the office. dent and a director of the Bank |eeuue serving" business in cy ares by obtaining 80) City prosecutor Stewart) lof Brit 1 Es per cent or more on seven cre- McMorran said the shooting fol- f ri = oe pea | An inquest will be held Thurs- alts, lowed an apparent financial dis-|°| ")mon "taser Universtiy, /day. Funeral plans have not) close behind Gordon was pute. vice-pr of the C |been a. another Toronto student, Jane| Company empioyees said the| Forestry Association, and pres) | SS | dead. A man had driven up to the building, walked into the office, pulled a small automatic pistol § and fired three shots. All three bullets struck Fred Dietrich in the chest, one reaching his heart. He slumped to the floor just as a company y} ALS FREDERICH DIETRICH . In 1947 Photo HUNDREDS Fred Dietrich leaves his wife, man who entered the office just|dent of the Junior Forest Ward-|lizabth, daughter Mary Lu.| before the shots were fired had|ens of Canada. sons Gary Scott and John LOOKING FOR A been a frequent visitor in the| He also was a director of ge and his widowed COMMFORTABLE QUIET last few weks. Boys' Clubs of Canada and a! mother. ee Gey RENDEZVOUS DOWTOWN? ag 39c THEN GO TO THE Hig SNCC Draws Shar Rebuke| + ally-Ho Room 5 . ine ,' Pp he Qreaiesome at SPROULE'S Super Save... e tins 79¢ For Anti- Jewish Charges Rene ROASTING OR FRYING 83c ins 2.09 ATLANTA, Ga. (AP )--The Student Non-violent Co-ordinat- ing Committee's charge that Jews are committing atrocities against Arabs has brought cen- sure of the Black Power group from Jewish and civil rights director of the National Urban League, a Negro group, said in New York that SNCC"s "divorce from reality is best illustrated by the resemblance of their comments to those of the American Nazi party on this The Negro leaders said SNCC} apparently "has formed an unconscious alliance with right-wing anti-Semites and extremists, while consciously trying to undermine liberal forces in this country." FRESH KILLED, GRADE "A", 212 to 3-LBS. > CHICKENS 33: loz. 49e leaders. question."": _ | A spokesman for the Israeli| "Israel is and always wes In a joint statement A. Philip) government at the United "Ideal for the Barbeque" Never Frozen the tool and foothold for) Randolph, vice-president of the] Nati id SNCC was taki : wii aah ihe American and British exolote[Arr-cio' and. president of the| the Arab pvoneemade Tine Ls @ Pork Spare Ribs «60° tt Pork°Chops~ tion in e iddle Eas i . Ib. 29¢ Africa," said Ralph Feather-| Sleeping Car Porters, and Bay- COLD PLATE SPECIA stone, SNCC program director.jard Rustin, executive director © FREEZER FEATURES ° 25 PRINCE ST. Presswood's Lunch Meats -- 6-0z. pkg. Featherstone, Executive Sec-)of the A. Philip Randolph Insti- Eihel Minor held e press con-|wte #ald SNCC anti-Israeli pro-|/ -- Cerver DUTCH LOAF MEAT & CHICKEN LOAF RED BRAND CHUCK AVERAGE WEIGHT 75 LBS. c z i ements reflect "a com- 89e sere nemsleticr which charged|lete divorce from the opinions MACARONI & CHEESE LOAF c ee lb Vv" Pe and aspirations of merican 43c tot ee Cre es ROASTS, GROUND CHUCK, ETC. i massacres. The newsletter _ PICKLED & PIMENTO LOAF ea 8% | charged that the Israelis CANADIAN REALTOR | destroyed more than 30 Arab a A ne ee ae HEARING AID Fer All Your Real . Shop and Save at Sproule's . . . Our Consistently Low Prices Make It Worth Your While DING took control of Palestine. |) = @ONSULTANTS totete Needs all SKI-DOO P ] t e quickly from sevy- 10 Bond St. €. e SUNSPUN | Gal sonrces, 725-2771 | siti sios "ER" GRANULATED : i WwW h i tney Young, exec utiveld , ae : --. c CHEESE | , THE LIVELY ONE ". i. P | IS HERE! Bos SLICES kg. FO R> The classic Ski-Doo takes on sleek, new action styling... Sure to make winter the live- pee eee ne oN COMPARE 2 FOR 316 COMPARE 43e AMBASSADOR Ski-Doo "68" on display NOW LUNCHEON KRAFT P C 12-02, C é ) noe wane | DINNER MEAT 2 i j i ARINE Resounding taste... ata quiet price cert A. & ee 555 King St. E., et Wilson TILLED omTLED 1 Compare 23¢ TEA BAGS """ -- io, 69° Garbage Bags """" 10 'sir 59° VALLEYFIELD, CAN || Oshowe 728-5565 | LAR Silverlect 5 ea '] < (CARNATION MILK 2;;.33' DOG FOOD """"*" '10° PICKLING SALT Bor 23° - [INFANT FOOD 3%*;.,8,..89° MARGARINE "" = ,(,;; 23° CATSUP "*" 2 Nien 8 SEA WAVE Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon vy, 39° © BAKERY FEATURES * © FROZEN FOOD FEATURES ® DELIVERED FRESH DAILY Save On Fresh Milk At Sproule's WARNING | Super Save 49c Value. Fresh Baked ss Sac di ~~ big Bae Bigs APPLE PIE se" 38°) FILLETS of SOLE 23:11] @7e Gye SB BUTTERHORNS 610 reo, 4L°]|] FRENCH FRIES Pag '] PLUS DEPOSIT re Trade Mark oir Fresh Oranges Country Fresh. Grade "A" Selected | )N The registered trade mark Sunkist is clearly stamped on the skin of only | L ARGE Ki AN AN AS the very highest grade of California and Arizona oranges. Look for this Sunkist stamp--it is there for your protection in buying the | EGGS FRESH PICKED t quality. NOW AVAILABLE FOR PICKLING... : als 'i : 4 ne Sunkist O aber tied wel Fresh Dill, Hot Red Peppers, Garlic Buds etc. Corn on the Cob... Arriving Daily aution Genuine Sunkist Oranges are never, never § | i i ity-- | Thursday, Friday and Saturday Nights 'til 10 o'clock any other name. If you are offered a substitute for Sunkist quality. e STORE HOURS: Open Tonite--Wednesdoy, au ursday, Friday ne d Saturd A remember that there is no substitute for the finest brand of oranges. If an orange is not 8 PR oO U LE'S i} | | i | | | noney where , and yoney. your stamped Sunkist it is not "just as good". This notice is published in the interests of Canadian consumers by Sunkist Growers SUPER SAVE |B} corner of KING at RITSON ROAD, fe mtottote