Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Aug 1967, p. 25

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TOWNSHIP of WHITBY TENDER FOR TS CULVER 4 Tenders clearly mark- to contents will be re- 4 by the Township Clerk 4.00 p.m. E.D.S.T, Monday, sgust 28th, 1967 he construction of 7.5" « 11-6" x 86 structural plate pipe culvert located on Lot 'oncessions VII and VIII. 6/5" x OA1N. x 84" structurol plate pipe culvert located on Lot Soncessions VII and VIII. 9" x 6-7" x 142' long tural plate pipe arch cul located on Lots 20 and Concession B.F ler Forms, Plans, Speci- ions and further informo- can be obtained from office of the Consulting 1eer upon payment of a 00 non-refundable fee. tender must be accom- ed by a Certified Cheque id Bond equal to 10% 1e total tender amount. lowest or any tender not ssarily accepted en, Sims, Hubicki & ssociates Ltd., sulting Engineers, Dundas Street East, thy, Ontari.o Mr. Wm, Wallace, Clerk, Township of Whitby, Brooklin, Ontario ONTARIO -PARTMENT OF UBLIC WORKS OFFICE SPACE REQUIRED OWMANVILLE missions are invited from ers or authorized agents ease approximately 2,900 are feet gross of office e to accommodate the ario Provincial Police De- ment at Bowmanville. litional requirements pre- ed: --- all services and sired partitioning, includ- inside accommodation for 'ars and outside parking approximately 25 cars. itten offers on existing or posed buildings will form basis for future negictio- s and should be forwarded later than August 17th, 57, to -- Mr. W. G, itley, Chief Property Offic- Reo! Estate Branch, De- tment of Public Works, 0 Bay Street, Toronto, On- io --- Telephone: Area de 416, Dial 365-4778. ase refer to File No. 252 Bowmanville. vest or any other offer not essorily accepted. T. R. Hilliard, Deputy Minister. -Auction Sales 10:00 A.M. GANTIC AUCTION SALE urday, August 19, Prop- y of Six Points Lodge, ghway 28, 14 miles south Bancroft, 12 miles north Apsley on Silent Loke. me antiques, complete con- its of 15 room lodge, 2 cot- yes and 8 cabins, kitchen uipment, deep freeze, re- jerator, dishes, bedding, . Also 6 boats and quite w aluminum canoe. Terms sh, Note time 10 A.M, No serve, Lodge Sold. Orval -Lean, Auctioneer, Lindsay, 4-2791. Auction Sale will sell by public auction STIRTEVANT'S AUCTION ALL, 33 Hall St., Oshawa. JGUST 17 at 7:30 P.M: esterfield suite, chairs, by high chair, television, cuum, radio, step table, ffet, play pen, gossip table, ' extension ladder, work nch, electric range. Mony ore articles too numerous mention. Terms cash. AYLES KING, Auctioneer BIG OR SMALL WE DO THEM ALL 2OUG. GOWER JCTIONEER 728-1005 Coming Events OWN and COUNTRY SUPPER Ved., Aug. 16 at 4:30 p.m. at IN HOLT'S, COURTICE Adults $1.50 Children under 12----75e sponsored by Rebekah Lodge No. 3 ASSIFIED ADVERTISING DNTINUED ON PAGE 19 MICKEY MOUSE LI'L ABNER JULIET JONES LA WHAT DO YOU SUGGES FOR A BIRTHDAY GIFT FOR A y-- (your BOY eae FRIENDP Be ¥ 3 -- o OAGWOOD, * LET'S MAKE UP THAT ARGUMENT _4j WE HAO AT THE BREAKFAST TABLE AND LET 'TH BEANS BURN? HAVE THE DECENCY TO REMEMBER PERKINS TO *KISSIN' ROCK? AH GOTTA KISS HERS! "AH TAKES MARCIA LARGE SELECTION OF '67 MODELS IN OUR LAST ALLOTMENT NATCHERLY!! BUT, STARTS KISSIN; WE'LL MISS IPS ong A taattted TH' FUN! / aan PONTIACS, BUICKS, BEAUMONTS, VAUXHALLS, G.M.C. TRUCKS YO! MIGHT'S WELL ARN NOW, SON= LOVE. 7 _ IF YOU'LL FORGIVE MY IMMODESTY, I'VE HANDLED SOME OF THE BIGGE: YEARS TO GIVE. TO HIS ag PUBLIC.+ 'ST NAMES IN SHOW BIZ... AND I CONSIDER PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL JUST THAT, A MAN HAS SO MANY ars WHAT IL TOLD YOU * BUZ SAWYER SHORTAGE OF 'THERE ARE MANY Bur SON. SCHOOL FOR ONE. WHY CAN'T \ AND I'M AFRAID YOUR GOING ALONG WOULDN'T THIS 1S ONE TIME I DON'T KNOW HOW 'TO FIGHT, We CAN' ONLY HOPE AND PRAY, SON-se HOPE AND PRAY» & NOT GOING To FIGHT? THATS CELIA IN THERE! JUST SITTIN' THERE DRINKIN' : SOME. JASPER/ CHERYL. SLEEPING BEAUTY HERE MAY BE HARD TO EXPLAIN! SECRET AGENT X9 YOU'RE AN FBI MAN AND... WHERE BACK IN THE ALPS, THEY | USED CARS ) = The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Ltd. TELEVISION LOG Channel 2--Buffale 3-6-12--Education and 7. Family Game Channel 3--Barrie Computers 4--Dick Van Dyke Channet 4--Buffalo 10:00 (P.M, | 3--Ed Allen Time Channel 6--Toronte 1---Merv. Griffin 2-4--Hollywood Squares Channel 7--Buftalo 4--Steve Allen | 12 NOON Channel &--Rochester 24--1 Spy | 1i--Hot Line Channel 9--Toronto 5 .M, | 9--Teronto Teday Channel 113--Hamilton 3-6-12--Hogan's Heroes | '--Meney Mevie | 11:00 P.M. Channel 12--Peterborough 3-4--Luncheon Date 12-11-8-7-6-4-3-2--News, | 4--News, Weather and WEDNESDAY SVENING | Weather, Sports | .. Sports | 2-#--Jeopardy 12:30 P.M, 14:20 PI 5:00 P.M. | Viewpoint 1i--Movie 11:25 P.M, | @--Evye Guess @Superman \|--Plerre Berton | 46--Search fer Te 7--Superman 9--News, Weather, | see orrew é--Forest Rangers Sports | 12-3--News; Weather, erry Mason é--News, Weather, | Sports Sports | &Merv Griffin ele 7 a bd 2 4--Greatest. Headlines 12:43 PLM. tMcHales Navy 1:30 P.M. 44--Gulding Light jews 3412--Canada Outdoors ~_--mM 1:00 P.M. 9-Of Lande and Sees | F--Movie 6:00 PLM. 17:98 PM, 11--Marriage 12--News, Weather, Thriller : | Confidential Sports 1:45 P.M, Dialing For Dollars G--How's Business 12--Movie sya Virginia Graham 7--Movie, Western reais 6--Green Hornet {erie Bre -6-12--Luncheon Date 2:00 * | 412--News, Sports, | 1l--Mystery Theatre | 4--Meet the Millers leather 12:10 A.M, sar ia P.M. a cal .. | Sieve t--Let's Make 8 Dea! 6:30 P.M. wr 12--Road West THURSDAY coe Pierre Berton 8:00 A.M 0" 7:00 P.M, News, Weather, 4-@aptain Kangaree M. Sports | . MA. | 7--Newlywed Game 4--News 9--Uni ity of thi ir} 24--Huntley-Brinkiey Uni hn Abt e Air | Sony tation 7:00 P.M, 7--Dialing For Dollars | $8--Days of Our Lives 11--Littlest- Hobo Virginia Graham | 2:30 P.M. 9--Batman : 12--Summer Scene @--Lowell Themes 1i--Ed Allen Time | 9%--Romper Room éT y 4--Lowell Themes @--Biography J--Dream Girl $--Daktar' 4--Cariton Fredericks | &--Coronation Street 2--News, Weather, 2--Topper | 4-House Party Sports ae 9:30 A.M. | 00 P.M. 20 11---Hawkeye %--Werds and Musie 3--News Weather 9--Uncle Bobby 7--General Hospital 7:30 P.M. &--Glor! 4--Te Tell The Truth jorla 4--Love of Life | #--Jack La Lanne | 10:00 A.M, | 12---Incredible Forest 11--Jamboree %--Hollywood Palace 3-6-12--Take 3 4-2--Another Werld 3:25 P.M, @2--Virginian | 11--LItle - People 4 Mews 7--Batman 9-2--Snap Judgment 3:30 P.M. 6---NFB Showcase 4--Candid Camera 1i--Mike Douglas 4--Lost In Space | 10:30 A.M, | %--It's Your Move 8:00 P.M, | 1l--Expo People | 7--Superman Show 1--Movie | 9--Cartoon Playhouse 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night --MOnroes, 7--Dateline: Hollywood | #4--You Don't Sey 3-6-12--Green Acres | 4--Beverly Hilibillies | 4:00 P.M, 8:30 P.M. | #8--Concentration |. %--1 Love Lucy 9--Sports Hot Seat | 1:00 A.M, | &--Match Game It's a Match 9--Fractured Phrases 7--Honeymoon Race 4--Andy Griffith 3--Good Morning 2-8--Personality 11:30 A.M. 4--Beverly Hilibillies 3-6-12--Bob Hope 9:00 P.M, 4--Secret Sterm od reread | &Mike ovens if M. $--Pro Football | 7--Movie 4--Green Acres 28--Bob Hope 9:30 P. 4:30 P.i 11--Munsters 9--Movie 4--Truth or Conse- | Bonnie Prudden [ -M. quences | 4--Gomer. Pyle, USMC 9--Flying Doctor 3-6-12---Vacation Time CROSSWORD F Ackoss DOWN 21. Husk WE San 1. Famous 1, Stand up of WHOTRIE ML LAIM IA Harlem 2. Food fish wheat cabby 3. Poem 22. In 5. Persian 4. French a ruler pronoun dolt- 9. Incline 5. CLA men ish 10. Leaves of 6. Suspend man- Be 8 book » 7. Malarial ner PIL IAICTI (OMB AIBIC IE | 12. Elmer and fever 23, Host- GERS BE a Texas 8. Proclaims lers LIE IOISREMIAIRIS I university 9. Seize 24, Frees Yesterday's Answer 13. Harden 11, Becomes 25, Heart 14, Inquire aware of 27, Place 33, Petition 15. Sea 15. Auxiliary 29. Swerves 34, Stagger between "verb 30. Lean-tos 37. Beard (H Greeceand. 17.splendia 31. -- of Turkey 18. Overhead Christian rye 4 hear gg trains' Andersen 38, Ocean ). Elevate: railroads Y, 1 fe fs |4 HAs je ft je 20. Vex La 21. Portend 9 Ga a 23. Small valleys 2 444" 25. Gross 7 7 ; ¥ Li 26, Part 27, Lounge WH VA, 28, Hawaiian 'e 7 |1® Uy bird 29. Shellac Y, WY 20 2b j22 82. Fish hawk. 4 4 35. Urial 23 |24 yyzes 36. Affray = V2, 37. Pale 2 Ya Yt 39. Scoff 4 40. Unites 2 Gia 30 [3h metal Z 41, Name- 32 33 [34 Y VW, be sakes LLL of de Y BT [38 actor = V, Mineo 39 Y a0. 42, Nega- 4 tive Y, 4 $ 42 votes "a Le | SMART TIME TO TRADE NO '68 PRICES AVAILABLE YET HUBERT CHART, PLEASE- LAST LINE! B2-O-L-MA- fo Ake here SCHENECTADY, N.Y. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 16, 1967 25 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) South dealer. East-West vulnerable. 41098 ¥Qs9 See5e 8 ob AKI7652 Q4 $7 Sis @5868 eQ04 43 Qio7s @AK10865 @ATSE @AK10 The bidding: South West North East red 26 39 Pass . Opening lead - king of spades, There is nothing extraord!- nary about a declarer playing in a contract that has almost no chance of success, but some of these so - called hopeless contracts can be made when there is exactly the right com- bination of luck and skill. Here is a fine example of the combination at work. Con- sidering his strictly limited re- sources, North should probably have passed two spades, but, since his voluntary raise result- ed in making a slam, it is somewhat difficult to criticize him severely. West led the king of spades and continued with the ace, which South ruffed. At this point there was not much hope for the contract, but declarer played for whatever chance there was by leading a low heart to dummy and returning a club. When East followed low, South inserted the ten, which held the trick, Once the double finesse had succeeded, South was well on the way towards making the slam. After draw- ing three more rounds of trumps and washing the A-K of clubs, declarer arrived at this posi- tion: North 10 $210 48 : West oot \ i, @Q94 4186 #2 Bouth #10 @ATS South now led the ten of yourerian? ) [ANLP |" hearts and West, who could not afford to part with the jack of spades, discarded a diamond . Declarer thereupon discarded the spade from dummy and now East, who could not afford to part with the queen of clubs, also threw a diamond. As a South won the last three tricks with the A-K-7 of diamonds, which seems te prove that North's three heart bid had more merit than is visi- ble to the naked eye. i JOGFQ i E Y NN \ | "YOUR HEALTH Many Children Are Late In Learning To Walk By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: My Daugh-ja year, and to toddle alone at ter is 20 months old and is not|about 15 or 16 months. Remem- even close to walking. She can|ber that these are averages; crawl, but would rather drag|some walk sooner, some later. herself along on her stomach. | I do not think you should re- She can stand as long as|buke' yourself over using and there is something to hold onto,|then withdrawing the walker, I but she just collapses if you try|don't advise doing that, but I to get her to stand alone. can't think that you'ye done Everyone says she's just|any irreparable harm. slow, "she'll walk when she's ready," but I can't help wor-|SEE DOCTOR ' rying. But neither do I go along with This same child was manipu-|those who say she will walk lating a walker through some) 'When she is ready." Rather I pretty tough obstacle courses|Would have the child checked when she was six months old,|by your doctor for any possible and would stand alone in the | defects in herfeet and her mus- walker for a minute or two at a/Cular co-ordination, after which time. {he can tell you whether you When she was nine months 1/Should wait or whether some- decided she should learn to|thing needs to be done. Then crawl before she walked (she/ Stop worrying. would just fuss when put down! on the floor) so I took the walk-| Dear Dr. Molner: I have al- er away, | ways had very fine hair so am : jelated with the wiglets and hair SLOW WALKER |pieces available now. Is there Well, it took her about four|any possibility that overuse of months to get up on her hands|them could contribute to hair and knees and crawl, and ever|loss? I attach them with bobby since I've wondered if I did the/pins; will that damage my right thing in taking the walker|hair?--Mrs. J.E.G. away. Can you give me any ad-| I see no cause for worry. The vice?--Mrs. M.D.W. bobby pins might conceivably What goes on in that little;}break off some of the hair girl's head is hard to guess. |shafts, but the hair would grow Perhaps, since she got along so|out again, anyway. There would well in the walker, she thinks it} be no hair loss, doesn't make much sense just} Ordinary hygiene is neces- to crawl. Or she may have|sary--just the normal periodic gathered the idea (when the | snampoos, and keeping the wig walker disappeared) that she itself clean. wasn't supposed to walk. Who knows? | Dear Dr. Molner: How long In short, she may have been|are smallpox vaccinations ef- conditioned by the early use of|fective? Do they last a_ life- the walker, and her pattern of| time? If not, how often should a locomotion was disturbed. It is|person be vaccinated?--Mrs. best to let youngsters do what} S.W. comes naturally. | No, they do not last a life- They usually start to creep at| time, which is a fact that many about 10 or 12 months, to walk|of us have been trying to make with one hand held (or holding} clear. Re-vaccination every five Actress Lands Role By Chance By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK (AP)--Chance plays a major role in almost every human life. It proved a stepping stone to stardom for Yvette Mimieux, one of the brainiest as well as most beautiful of the young American actresses, Ten years ago, while riding on horseback through the Holly- wood hills, she saw a helicopter make an emergency landing. She galloped up to see if she could be of assistance. To the pilot, James Byron, a publicist and talent manager, the blonde girl looked like a vi- sion of Joan of Arc on horse- back. He signed her as a client. Since then Miss Mimieux has been in 14 films, ranging from The Time Machine to Toys in the Attic. In her latest, Dark of the Sun, she stars with Rod Taylor. "Right now I feel I stand somewhere in the middle in my career," said Yvette, a talented girl who likes to cook, sew her own clothes and write poetry and short stories. QUEENIE MW acest "A. singing inter-office memo! Tell J.B. I like the way he does things around here!" if you go abroad, you must, te return to your own country, show that you have had such @ vaccination within three years. Otherwise you are subject to retention in quarantine on ar- rival in the country. Dear Dr. Molner: Does @& woman become frigid if she has her fallopian tubes tied? Will it affect marital relations in any way? Can having this surgery ruin a woman's health?--Mrs. A.F.T. onto something) at a little over'years is the safe rule, However, \ 4 No, no and no.

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