Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Aug 1967, p. 17

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tic E! EFT! \LE the sale e dollar, Buy tra dollar re- YS' Shirts and styles. 8 to 18. THE E OF 1.00 ITS ORTS 28 to 38 [ ...ND NAMB ORT IRTS nrunk. All top range. 4, 98 ow 395 Men's nd Name RESS IRTS eeve. Sizes | Invited ti Centre sday and Fridey eee Bathrooms Are Modernized In Colors, Ideas And Fixtures The room with the gold star|fully accepted until the begin- on the door these days is the| ning of this century and, in 1849, bathroom. when an énterpri The editor of one glossy homes salloeg Wvdiee ga magazine writes: "The bath: named Miss Beecher designed a room has recently witnessed|S¥stem of running hot water, more new thinking and more|this idea was considered curious exciting -- than any "-- but of little interest. | room in the house. From the ; ; most elemental arrangement of Resistance to improving ane fit beautifying the bathroom still ures, it has now become a 'led i . prevailed in the early nineteen- room big a -- look = rel thirties when, in a new trend, decoration scheme second t0/the home decorator was offered none. ;colored fixtures, sunken tubs, Rea! estate agents say, "One|yanity table 'ofthe first things a client wants| decorative accessories, similar] : to kniw about a house is the|to those in demand today. ib number and style of bath- | ipa being frivilous, just as the Anything anyone could dream colored pastel tissues were re-| { of to enhance this new - found) jected by the public as long ago glamor room is now available-- as 1929. Originally billed as water spouts, and taps in the|*sanitary cold cream. re-| | forms of gold or silver dolphins) movers," these absorbent cellu- or pine cones, marble counter) cotton tissues were traditionally tops, basins with a floral de-|white, and that's the way the sign, moisture-resistant wall-to- people wanted them. It was not| | wall carpeting. 'until 1955 that pastel tissues Effective accessories include| were accepted -- as the bath-| color - coordinated towels and|room revolution began to take!" cover hair spray cans and tissue tboxes with specially-designed |Florentine, rose and petal pat-| imaginative bathroom decor and feet ile mt a decorator touch. | facilities to a bygone era when| ith all this going on, its | 5 hedonistic approach to life was -|wonder that it took so long to) thought to be sinful. Now, due |arrive at this stage. But with the io @ modern awareness of psy- exception of the era of sump- chology and a more GEIR inal tuous private baths in the villas contemporary view of ourselves jof the Roman Empire and for lit is recognized that increased {certain periods in the 17th and| 18th centuries in France, the| Psychologists. trace this nega-| tive attitude toward colorful, THE BATHROOM has be- come one of the feature areas of the modern home. The tendency now is to in- dividualize bathrooms with special features, vanities, ornate mirrors and decora- tive accessories. Color Explodes On Furniture In New Modemistic Designs _[isn"atvrer f athroom has been pretty well! By ELEANOR ROSS in the newest offerings, some-jignored throughout the ages. "Mod" is very nuch on the\times sizzling, always striking, | scene for summer '67 furniture, and ee a a harmony ~ When "mod" landed on the fur-| With the tempo of today. derpinning because of its neat i niture world recently, the im-| Nips rich colors, sprawling |non-lumpy contour and yealll-lon' ue cactus tants ss Heed pact was resounding, with new/florals, flowing, undula-|ence, No plumping is ever need- ieti 4 a aia . designs orbiting into all areas|ting forms -- "mods"' electric! ed. ae [and existing fixtures more func: of home furnishings. influence charges up all areas' Dignified, ele gant English H 5 | The impact included an ex- of the home-furnishings scene. |furniture and American tradi- In the a ak an appealing plosion of color in electrifying) 'The "mod's" ambiance|tional, those all-time favorites,|ssert 0) BO! et hues, big bold splashes of black] brings a new freedom to uphol-| more than hold their own. They| ee yf db i ek fat and white on shiny, wet-looking|stered furniture this year,|dominate the traditional Bene ee eee altider You a surfaces, a brittle flash of glass|"Softedge" is stressed. This is) Much is made of the Queen da t pet bi et abe on see-through tables, screens! characterized mainly by welt-|Anne period, but the old mas-| ' baa ea mae ble and hanging spheres of light. (less, gracefully rounded uphol-|ters, Chippendale, Sheraton, neh SAE Piniella at Swirling, undulating patterns | Stery. restrained in treatment and Hepplewhite, are also in paid it possible per almost vied with the dazzle of highly, --bulky yet weightless in effect| evidence. The Jacobean English) ony period aivie raluting: 16 aA burnished metals. Decorating)--away from the chunky over-|type has gained ground since) joining rooms. And ai can schemes of previous months|Stuffed idiom of last year's fur-|last year. : leasily change i color scheme by seemed suddenly to look niture. Lack of welting smooths} 'Mod' has even made itself) i sly addin jewel-tone towels frumpy and "'old hat." out angularity with softened/felt in this rarified, traditional | * Sy hi tt doth nay . contours. The large generous|atmosphere with colored wood|® Malching soap pi 44 chat NOT A FAD iscale is there, but the illusion is|finishes appearing and a hold|Cessories to complement what- "Mod," however, is not a fad,' one of grace and elegance. 'colorful floral patterned fabric) (Ver mood you wish to show: but afull-blown wind of change, | its " »\here and there, replacing the revitalizing everything in ils ise je Seen in various seneds|Classic, muted designs of the) SEEK SEX EDUCATION path, giving decoration and de-| and styles, ranging from tradi-| Past. PRAGUE (AP)--A recent sign a shot in the arm--away|tional to contemporary: welting) So, "mod" starting as a fad study of Czechoslovak elemen- with stodginess and conformity.| and its clumsy, squared-off look NOW seems to be part of the/tary education calls for child- "Mod"' supplies the key to se-ij, gyt." s | scene, acting perhaps as the ca-| ren between 12 and 15 to be told lecticism. | |talyst that will finally bring| about conception birth, mother- 'It has brought a torrent of THICK CUSHIONS Anerican furniture into full)hood, adolescence, love and fresh air to the furniture scene| This new upholstry treatment| focus. ifriendship. Secondary schools and new verve to desgisn in allows for deep, thick seating,| We will have more detailed|would be taught about motiva- textiles, wallpaper, floor cover-|son.etimes in depth for top luxu-] accounts of the summer '67 fur-|tion of sexual relations, preven- ings, furniture and accessories.|ry comfort. Latex foam rubber|niture market in a future col-|tion of premature sexual ond appreciation of one's surround-| ings show "a high level of cul-| In Canada, the bath was not vs Alig reflect mental wel Experts in bathroom planning | ensembles and| } standards of hygiene and an ---- These ideas were rejected as|} -- soap, figures of papier-mache to) pjace. ite THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 16,1967 17 Long Way Round International Control Commis-|motor was only used to charge By Sail Boat sion and decided to take up|batteries, By setting the sails in VICTORIA (CP)--Ron Rob-|*#iling. : |a fix position they were able to erts was last in Victoria 10|. They set out from Singapore maintain course for long per- years ago and he spent half in 1962 and went through the/iods of time. that time getting back. Malacca Straits, to Penang,! «Once we sailed for four full across the Indian Ocean to Cey- > Summay yen iss He and his wife Barbara took/jon and then through the Suez Saye URL WEY Se Se ae the long route--via Suez, Pan-|canai per. ama and Hawaii--in their 35- ' And although Victoria is foot sloop-rigged sail craft. ON TO HAWAII home, the sea is still calling. "We've been in places where} The family spent two years in| "We'll spend the summer they would steal the fillings out|the Mediterranean before head-|here and then head for the Car- of your teeth, but we didn't lose|ing west to the Caribbean, the|ibbean where it's warmer," a thing," Mr. Roberts said|Panama Canal and Hawaii. | said Mrs. Roberts, when he returned to his home-| They left Hawaii for Victoria in town recently. May In fact, they gained a son-in-| They had no radio navigation VANCOUVER (CP) -- The law when their daughter Patri-| thr their world voyage|University of British Columbia cia married last year when|which was done completely/has announced plans to build the'r cruise took them to thejunder sail, Mr. Roberts said/three more student residence American Virgin Islands in the|with obvious pride. buildings. The new buildings West Indies. "We have a chronometer and|will provide accommodation for Mr, Roberts, a former armyja sextant that's older than 600 women and 600 men over maior, retired in 1962 in Saigon|me," he noted, the age of 21, says the univer where he was with the Vietnam) The ship's small auxiliary sity. BUILD MORE HOSTELS some fostessing in summer -- the front dips low in the | made, te) d som or in any season, for that back and, for that new e been tore matter -- is a breeze when belted look, a green fringed hange> of ou S you plan your fashion stra- cummerbund, which picks Some c deat : re) tegy around a unique print up the green in the multi- dded since " retirem™ coupled with the latest ex- colored print, is sashed faces dt e "ned citing pajama fashion. A loosely around the waist ew ra Broae, det rmine Bently rounded neckline at --By Tracy Adrian : manager Til e ar OM A artnet te no place pet +h g new trained 7" my P iehere sn had " With onstt re j ite : (zations dem Osha ice org0" ppLid d service \ eller URGENTLY NEEDED anc indark of X° dof apP "Na ea FOR: DOCTOR'S OFFICES, CLINICS sche \G\D erat Motors SY NURSING HOMES, PRIVATE DUTY, featuring xed by Ge" ME : NURSERIES, INDUSTRY --"~ products quan belt ecu SPECIAL GRANTS FOR tion plan- 90 >! ALE SUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS protec \ZAT\ NS TRAIN NOW FOR A SATISFYING pLIA N ¢ the year. AND REWARDING FUTURE AP . nce BUYS © ' m AGE REQUIREMENTS 17 TO 8S h yy see t e plianc 5 N m STUDY IN SPARE TIME ou P "there m HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION \ \\ di sc ove n-- DESIRAB \ \\ al slog? m MEDICAL BOOKS AND EQUIPMENT and y e r SUPPLIED +e will rov This " u wy \comed you'll be we * Me AREN, NAME AGE ARR resident ADDRESS PHONE ° CITY OR TOWN PROV. For Full Particulars Mall This Coupon TODAY CANADIAN SCHOOLS OF PRACTICAL NURSING LE Elm St., Toronto 2, Ontario. Phone: Area Code 416-362-1907 Dept, 34 Registered as a Trade School under Dept. of Edutation's Trade School Act It takes on a new sohpistication|performs admirably as the un-'umn. and the like. ey Fs and SAVE today while selections are at their peak! FRIGIDAIRE IMPERIAL SUPER-SURGE MOBILE DISH- WASHER HAS STRIKING NEW CONTROL PANEL WITH CYCLE-INDICATING LIGHTS AND 5 PUSH-BUTTON CYCLES! Budget buy in. a big-oven FRIGIDAIRE "Here's The Sale You've Waited For!" Larry McLaren's Calling all careful shoppers! The time is now -- the place is here -- the price is right. This is that sale of sales you mustn't miss! Imagine a whole storeful of brand new Frigidaire Appliances (these are just a few) -- every one selected for just one reason: outstanding dollar value for you! If you've been thinking about a new appliance this year, you'll never have a better chance to make the best buy ever -- FRIGIDAIRE -- in the model, size and color of your choice. Come in LOWEST PRICE EVER FRIGIDAIRE Cycia-matic Cay ONLY $269" RA38K @ Roomy 23-inch wide Even- Heat oven makes big-meal cooking a picnic! © Two big 8" and two 6" Fsillses Whe surface units with unlimited heat settings. @ Removable storage drawer for pots and pans. @ Extra-Powerful 4-Way Super-Surge Washing Action, @ 16 table-setting capacity (NEMA)--loads of space, @ 150° Hot Water Wash. Sanitize your dishes. top in Cherrywood color. vacate 7 @ Hand Panely $229 BUY NOW...LOW PRICES...EASY TERMS There's No Place Like Two great names... FRIGIDAIRE and GENERAL MOTORS ! Our appliances ore bocked by the integrity of these two greot names. Model CD14L 14.45 Cu. Ft. ¢ No defrosting ever in Refrigerator Section. ¢ Store 110 fbs. im zero zane Freezer. ¢ Twin Porcelain Enamel} Hydrators. ¢ Roomy storage door! $299 95 HOME APPLIANCES (Oshawa) LTD. Re-Onganization i SALE STARTS TOMORROW Bargain-priced FRIGIDAIRE Dryer has Durable Press Care! FRIGIDAIRE Automatic Washer with Soak Cycle! DP C means Durable Press Care! WDDRL White only ® This Jet Action Washer soaks automatically! @ Patented Deep Action Agitator cleans deep! ¢ Jet-simple mechanism! © Jet-Away lint removal! e SudsWater Saver Modei DEASL, © Low in price, but with big features! 2-cycle Timer lets you set exact drying minutes--handy No-Heat cycle is ideal for airing, flutfing! © No-stoop lint screen is right on the door! 95 95 © 'Gentle Flowing Heat . 3 pampers your fabrics! © Rust-resistant Porcelain [AR PROTECTION PLAN Enamel drum won't snaj YEAR PROTECTION PLAN --_ +s-AT MO OXTRA QnAROSS or mark delicates! . oooh OO EXTRA GuAREEE THNUUUUUUAEENUUUGAAAUEOAUANENEEOHAE AAGEEALCUUUGGEUEUOUGLGEENUUAAGANUUGAEAGAUUAAddneeUtaneNdTOUAAANARUAAAAEAEUAEAALLUUTY OME Appliances Ppplances Limited | 90 SIMCOE ST. S. customer ff SATISFACTION t OUR GOAL ! We have built our i business on satisfied, loyal customers. You must be satisfied or we'll make it good. 725-5332 ,

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