r Together ¢ndships Barnes says looked like Sunday school picnic." ON TOGETHER e had 14 kids, four adults, trailers and one three- d dog," she said. "Their 'en are eight to 18; ours ive to 15, so it was perfect, got along like absolute es. e built a snowman at the yf Whistler Mountain and snowball fight at the Co. a icefields. e got a special family rate | e chairlift at Whistler. The lant didn't believe it, but uld only see four parents," the evenings, the children over one trailer for ghost ~ s, while their parents ab- dd the peace and quiet of her. ause even for the best-sr- ed families, 14 kids are a > never had our own iam. - oard,"" says Mrs. Barnes, we tried to keep seven in car." IRLS ARE STOPPERS 'HBRIDGE, Alta. (CP)-- ists slow down better for n flagmen, says construc- engineer Bob Wilson. He hired four pretty high- | and college girls to sig. ivers to slow for construc- vork on Highway 3, west hbridge. & 3 FE PRESERVER ity salt boxes make idea) banks for youngsters, them up with colorful ve - backed plastic. HAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS Available At |-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 1 King St. &., Oshawe x 10 -- 1.50 each x 7 -- 1.25 each '% Discount om Orders | S or More Pictures It your rapery needs see Hy Haydl ERIOR DECORATOR King Street East TOM MADE DRAPES one 725-2686 eliers }fixtures Regular Stock OFF LIMITED -- Ample Parking hopping tre rs. & Fri Bae AL BR A mE OE DORs Es A BO yh WB AS BW A BD Bs i it im be i & there is no government and cost $4,000. Ottawa and HOME are in partnership in ior on an 88-lot project which went on the block last week. These are still under development but four oth- er projects, one of them in Cornwall, have been completed since 1965. There are nearly 50 new projects now under investi- gation including 1,300 lots in Prince Albert, Sask. In most places on the prairies serviced land has not been a problem but the land assembly also gives the two governments a say in urban planning. Other projects are at Dunnville, Guelph and Oakville in Ontario and Moose Jaw in Saskatchewan. EVENING COSTS The problem of high land icosts has had the effect of even- ing out total home ownership costs. In Sudbury a_ typical bungalow of about 1,150 square feet will cost about $16,000 to build and the land $2,600. In Barrie building costs would be lower but land costs woul bring the total up to more than $19,000. In Fort William con- struction costs are higher, land costs lower, bringing the total again just over $19,000. These are all higher than the national average for the same bungalow Buying Attached And Supported jnate the need for Ontario hospi- |tals to keep large stocks of |drugs. Mr. Denholm also warned that consumers should not expect to pay 12 per cent less for their medications after the federal sales tax on drugs is removed Sept. 1. He said drugs which now cost the pharmacist $6 will cost $5.28 after the tax is removed. However the cost to consumers will be raised to $7.28 by the standard $2 druggists' fees. The reduction on the whole- sale price was 12 per cent, but ringer) retail price, Mr. D only about 10 per cent on the said. Poorer Fruit Crop Seen ST. CATHARINES (CP) -- Spokesmen for fruit growers said Monday that Ontario's fruit crops are expected to be below last year's figures with the exception of sour cherries. They said this year's late spring, with wet weather, resulted in a poor blossom set in some crops and extensive winter damage had forced heavy pruning. "We expect that the peach crop will only run to between 60 and 70 per cent of the average crop of the last five years," said J. M. Sandham, manager of the Ontario Fresh Fruit Mar- keting Board. Robert Wilcox, extension spe- cialist with the Ontario depart- ment of agriculture, said crops this year are spotty with some areas having to' thin peaches and others with only a light crop. Keith Matthie, secreary to the Ontario fruit Growers Mar- keting Board, said canning varieties of peaches were expected to be down in volume from last year. Grapes and pears also would be less' than last year he added. PRODUCE TORONTO (CP)--Wholesale to retail carton eggs average weighted prices quoted by the department of agriculture as of Monday: A large 48.5; A) medium 39.1; A small 28.3. | Eggs: Wholesale price to country stations fibre cases quoted by the Toronto Board of Trade from wholesale egg deal- ers: extra large 43-44; large 40; medium 31-32; small 20; B 27; C 20. Butter prices: Canadian Dairy Commission tenderable carlots buying 39 score 62; buy- ing 40 score 63; selling 63. BOND MARKET TORONTO (CP)--The Cana- dian bond market was unchanged in quiet trading Monday. Short-term Government of Canada bonds were unchanged with the 4%-per-cent June 15,- 1968, issue closing at 99.72 bid and 99.77 asked. Long-term Canada and prov- incial bonds remained the same with the 4%%-per-cent Sept. 1, 1983, issue, closing at 85 bid and 85% asked. Day-to-day money traded at 4% per cent. Treasury bills _ Dr. John F. McCreary, dea must be established. drug dosages and suggested that the hospital should be responsible for the di ing of individual dos- ages. Industries' Poor Productivity | 'Seen As Harmful To Canada only more rapid increases in productivity can bridge the gap in per-capita income between Canada and the U.S. "Consequently, the Economic Council of Canada has been devoting an increasing amoun! of its efforts to the task of determining the basic causes of this disappointing performance, and the steps needed to improve it." An earlier council report, he said, recommended more effi- cient use of manpower in the economy. Another recom- mended raising the educational standards of the Canadian labor force. Mr. Deutsch said the coun- cil's next report, expected next month, will stress the need for industry to specialize and to extend production runs. | The main shortcoming of |Canadian fiscal policy is in the development of procedures for longer-term planning and co-or- dination of government capital outlays and other Mr. Deutsch said. ependitures, a community | of quiet elegance located in oshawa' northern residential area. Simcoe and Taunton If you are looking for a lot to buy .. . visit cedar ridge -- use a builder of your choice, for information. phone 723-1194 OSHAWA | TODAY'S STOCKS | our Economy TORONTO 10:4 A.M. STOCKS 10:40 Net Pe Distributed by CP Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge woe ee en ee Ee | F COTA ention Turns Quotations in cents uniess marked $.| Burns Fds 406 $id 44 14a 2--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-| CAE Ind 905 $13 13° «13 rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is| Calgary P 300 $23% 2312 23'2-- % from previous board-lot closing sale. Can Cem 50 $38% 38% 38% + % e | Can tron 20 $21%4 21% 2194 MINES |tn & 3 Oo omd an Perm 200 Ve ~ les Hi oe Net | Sab B das $8) 8 8 ih Mm, * In rew " a] A = Phong tee en nn grt ote S| CoBrew Ap 710 $39% 3934 393% By WARREN BALDWIN Housing Corporation in partner- Accra 1000 10 «10 10 CBAIAw 220 67 65 4% +4) OTTAWA -- If you are plan-|ship with the provinces, the fed- ae ee ee eT concen a ao Sh ee Be ning to build or buy a newjeral governent paying 75 per Ang Am 10400 36 314 38 + %4|) ©.Chem w 300 390 390 --;}, |home in one of Canada's small-|cent of the cost and the pro- Ang Ruyn 100 103 103 103 -- § ec Manas sooo ito 99. «110 «+11. |er centres the chances are that|vincial government 25 per cent, rita ev pe ad a) aad + 5 |S ore 4 Pa bd nd the federal housing agency,|the initiative and some - be rgosy $00 80 80 80 +4 | Cdn Equty 0 12% 12% 12% + ve |Central Mortgage and Housing |luctant to have serviced lan aie 7500 a" es a" sty é Imp Bk "o $14 "tare 1+ Me Corporation, is taking a look at|available since it can lead to Aunor 250 28) 250 280 C Ind Gas 400 $12 Tie Wie + %)iust the problems you may bejhousing that is unprofitable Bankene 1500 80 a0 80 + 8 | CL De ea, facing from a tax angle. Ottawa offi- Fy ital co eae Soe sot sri 70% 204-14 | Ten e\cials deny that the land assem- Bethim 200 625 625 625 10h ere Tee ee Ten OF More years Apo Oney s Bralorne 200 170 170 170 +5 pF | jks ed hg ys. y of the major and reasonable«| bly plan is designed to keep 40 40 0 -- _ 7 tas 8 "y m1 te Sroul Reet 5900 aa 3 7 | Utilities 50 $41 at cy jeriticisms of the federal agency land ye down. " cig on Boner H be 2 OM | Cer ae: fi 4 04 = |was that it was administering sr ote d nit ead sag bid ail C Mines 17000 109 106 . 106 be i si erwise would not be avail- Cemflo 250 310 310 310 pilbsia ey a e+ ee Ie bpd bi and it was on this ground € Tung 1200: 215-214. 215 --1 | Columbia = 120-470-4704? lthe benefit of the big city|able an 8 g' € Jamiesn 7200 90 9 90 bgt id ay a4 rae ldweller. Some changes were|that the federal government 5 9 8) eri avings * : vr fet ay "pt ae ¢ 'Malart "000 now 0 % Con Bdg 710. 130 130 10), made then including estadlish- turned down Ontario S| Home cis ae BS 4) ee ea as as --w (ment of regional offices Other Ownership Made Easy B ie haa Cand 1 | eee | ea | Con Pap w 3 _ " lg 7 canta 600 110 105 110 +7 | Con Papr p 400 $26 25% 25% |improvements have been real brs aie pre etn e nie Capt $7000 25 22 24% +212) Cons Gas 1158 $20, 20 lg 18 |ized over the years and today |though it is participating in Cassiar 100 $17% 17% 17%-- Ye) Con Gas B 0 $4 Sts Se la study is being made of the|number of other HOME de- Chestrvile 1500 (3) " nu 'Orby vi 4 ed hib ™ 1000 60 «460 460 --1 | Coronatn gis ale A Bl j, |situation in small urban, capt velopments. Chi 2600 76 «75 «75 --3 Cosmos meres ¥ reas the g : ez Coin Lake 6000 18 18 18 Crestork 720 $7¥2 74 Ma urban and rural deo A BIG LAND OWNER Comb Met 9000 23 23 23 Crush Intl 125 $122 12¥2 12Va problems and the prospec In Peterborough, Government| Coniagas 8000 66 «64S + 1 '| Delta Elec 250 35 365 365 +15 | On the whole, there are prob-| 41 9479 Jots under devel Conigo 2400 43 «442 «#43. +4] Distl Seag 500 $38% 387% 387% + \4 | fj dvantages than dis- with 2,17 ots under develop- C Callinan 2000 14ve 10s 14h + Yo] Dome Pete 425 Sette SB Site + 16 ably more ait Hf town build-/@"t is the city's largest land Halli 1600 55 55 55 D Bridge a 7 | 0 small tow ig praaennrey wr E Morin $00 450 Add 448. + S| Dofasco" 154d $26%% 264. 2614 janvantases shlam is likely to|oWner. These were purchased € Neg 57150 126 131 133 +5 Dom Glass 160 $10'2 102 In2+ %ling but one prob in 1952 when a total of 5,950 én Nichol 2500 16 184 14 || | Bosco SH 7, aig [be money. Private morlZaee iots cost Ottawa $1,294,000. Last Store z ic 7 by » bd iy" tora 40 52S} ag 5435 $145n 14% 142 -- Ye| money Is nL hg enh -_ ae year 2,119 lots were purchased Cop Man S500 3635S Dupont 110,322,292 22 Ito the big city he Fone peed at a cost to Ottawa of $3,788,000 "oulee 5 Jo 'alicon saad tiv y ih Craigmt 200 $12 12 12 | Fleet Mfg 9950 215 210 210 jbut the eater nenite ig likely OF an increase of 800 per cent oan: ee ti) Ford nda 108175. 175, us jin the aa 'ar to get a direct | unserviced land costs in the Deer Horn 500 24 24 24 Fee ne ag +1 la oe ie ity 14 years. Peterborough is one DiEldona" S400 217 216 216 --1| EPE Pn pr seit) th 1) +) |toan from CMHC than the city | vicse you can still buy a typi- Pella ee Ge | GL Paper, 125 $2372 23% 732 -- Ya dweller. Last year 40 per cent! 1 it" for Jess than $2,000 or Bona ee at ats | on Ree 7t00 te Miu ia of CMHC lending was done at least could in the spring of ' Sreyhn A ' | oi on areas com- s 3 aE cer ea eae | Guar Trt 225 s10% 104 10M eet or ine oer cael by this year. In Barrie wherelof $17,000. 6200 39 «35)--(39« + 3) «Hard Carp = 200 rg | Dare g sein satire ieee cee 187 475 «475 475 Hard Crp A myed bing rd as % private lenders. Got Masct 1000 128 120 120 | Have Ope 7 anise: ae 21M + Me Gio Exp 0M el tome Be PERSONAL COVENANT u ruds Caarim == $700 70---70«70---- 1 | Horne Pit 375.385 385355, -- 5 | There is good reason for this. Gortdrm 2 at ffir on 0 Sys 19% 19% %(In smaller centres the govern- orarer 26800 49 143 4B + 8 | Husky C pr 160 $644 64 " 1, |ment agency puts more weight Granduc 150. 59 $0 530 | Husky Dw pile a on the personal covenant. It : Granisle 200 610 610 6 - A e, t Green Pht 2100 60 60 60 +5 Imp Tob 5 oe nd ae interested in Dermanenc Fi uleh 1100 27 (27 27 Ind Accept 200 Sa ea ise (prefers to lend money to : Gunnar 76 30200 200 Ind Miner! 350 $154 154 194+ 4) blished resident of a small| TORONTO (CP)--The bulk Saye "exp oo + 3.| Ingersoll 125 $26 26 26) | community even if the physical buying of drugs at discount Jelex 5500 40. 38 38 -- 12). Inland Gas 160 sting tas Ti + "| security may be less. Shopkeep- prices by governments and hos- yrs ei rh rH 40 Mg BM id 775 $800." 330, S30 lers lawyers, doctors and others pitals was both attacked and u ; Fy K § S Karn Kotla 1500 300 900 300 ee ae on 12+ 1 |who have a stake in the com-|supported Monday at a conven- int Uti 4 -- : : reat ba ; 2 tary " Bf hy » 30 Int Util pr 125 $37%2 37" wa -- Va munity are likely to be privil tion of the Canadian Pharma K Anacon 2100 71 71 7! Intpr Pipe 575 $23%e 23, 238 + Ye leged customers. ceutical Association. Loo wn 00 2 i Y 4% iter staal 00 ris 0 pas | Permanence is less probable) Douglas Denholm of Toronto, Leutauit 1780 $11va 1% 114 In 'crp A #10 39% 9% 9% and therefore a less important association president, said the L Osu ee ee ae 38a Bea 32 + asset in the big city, Turnover|governments and hospitals angie $00 36 36 36 --2| Jefferson. 350 $04 9 47 lof houses is so rapid and usual|should not be allowed to enjoy Leitch ee | oe Se ae 5 \that the NHA mortgage holder!discounts on bulk buying 1 155 | kei one | ; 3 et 1500 15a 15%" 15' + "A! Cabatt 350 $28 28% 28% -- "|and CMHC as the insurer of the because such purchases must Macasse 100 140, 140, 14d ,| Lafarge A 100 $12% 12% 12%-- v6) mortgage if not also the lender|be subsidized by the drug con- ines ee tae | psllibeadlagey pee IF 'ose 2 {can expect to be collecting from |suming public. Martin. woo 21 2h .| Levy B pr 1155 $25%-- 25% 25% perhaps half a dozen successive) He called on drug manufac- Maybrun 1000 Ws vs Mig +) Civingsto 190 dls be ea owners. turers to raise their prices to pata - 2 3 ee Oi cee ie a aa A major contribution to hous-| government agencies and lower Merrill 4 ts --" 1 Lob Groce WON a lg ing in the smaller gp ey has |them for retail pharmacists. Meta 3000 18 Loeb M pe been the acquisition and serv-| Ontario Health Minister Mat, 195 +10 1 2 een c Minore 500 "3 "% 3 +' acter 2 io % 3 s3 --1 Jjicing of land. This has been|thew Dymond said, however, Mogul Min 100 415 415 415 5S) pas Ltd 275 $28% 26% 28%--'%lagne by Central Mortgage and|that bulk buying has saved Mt Wright 1500 25 24% 24@-- "4! pragna BI 600 S$17!2 17'4 W7'a : f bout $t,- Multl-Mi 1125 156 (155 a > + Mass-Fer 1525. $217 2% zi ¥ pegpetg bong i a py A New Ath 1000 24 a + Met Stores 115 $2824: 285% 2858 -- 500,000 in the last seven years. Brad og isis) her eB. 8, | STOCK §MARKET |"te's1 Nomcone 100 6 60 --10 | Molson ey 450 S104 10% 10% | He said the health depart N Harri 22375 28% 25 27' +2¥4) poore 600 $33 33 33+ ._,_\ment started a program in 1960 H $00 184 184 184 +4) forse a $0 $25 25 25 --%| TORONTO (CP)--Industrials whereby it buys drugs in large N Imperal 2200 350 345 345, || Morse pr 25 $6084 6034 6034 weakened for the third consecu- tities by tender, although Myle }0000 8 24 i= 4) 'Murphy 250 cg as Sade tive session on the. Toronto ida ana MA ae ler, : ee 7000 s , , i Ner acme 500 10 10. 10 Minoy er 2 a ee Steck Exchange Monday while |'°, lowes tender is not n Norbaska mn 8 8 | Nt Contn w 100 475 475 475 h ine oncuta Ale Wwed sarily accepted. _ Norbeau $000 37-35 S| NB Tel 15 $1480 143m 14% Pe er cag ee fh pS | Dr. Dymond said his depart- "8 4 Sé62 S62--- 0) 5 . j ij ish- Normetal "Tap 395 HSS + 5 Norn @ 100 sida 16 124+ % spas ou say the market's ment is considering establish Northgat 4320 820 810 815 +5) Ooiivie a $13 13 13 "iment of a central pharmacy to N Rank -- 1000 34 34 34 | Ont Steel 100 $25 2525. weakness reftected oy hg provide further y. Such North Con 23 1 Met or tle] Oshawa A 60 sy ine oe. yj uing decline on the New York). nove, he said, would elimi- Obrien 1000 42 4242 Bac vee oe ais eis ois + 8 exchange. ; git Orchan 1500 250 38) 20 1 | Pembina 750 $i4%e ue 14 =| «AS a result the industrial Patino. ao 10 10 |. Bow Core. 3 soe 140% 304 > index t,he key indicator of the Pax int 2000 16 16 16 +1) I COM O7m siave 12% 124 market's performance, slipped Peo exe 90 28 Oe +17) QN Gas 270 $10% 10% 10% 57 to 170.88. eerless Ss: 8s hy Pick Crow 100 35. 35 as -- 2) QNG $2 or oh seh a a, Inco dropped 1% to 108%, Prob oe 12878 i q " vy Rapid Gr A 100 $82 82 82-- %*/\CPR and Industrial Acceptance Probe be i D % Syrenia 200 345 345 345 | Rennes Nigel ye a 41% each to 72 and 22% and Sma ey 2 3 +3 Robertson 75 $262 262 26¥2 Moore Corp. %% to 32% ' GUELPH (CP)--Canada's ar oe | Rothman 245. $7836 28% 28+ %%| Algoma Steel eased 1% to 27\ performance in world markets Radiore 4000 40 40, 40, | Sem A "TO 2502 2a ava [after being down to 2614 earlier |i; heing hobbled by the rela- 49h 3494 + Va ' F i fe : Rie 0 Pr ee Sm 72 974 -- $1 Maurice 5000, me ». : at in the session. tively poor ee pot its 3 22% 23 | ¥ i d "h, chair- muon tn pL ac fi. 94+ '2| Sayvette 200 300 bed ~ HEAVY TRADING industries, John cea io ie ee secur cap MO Silla a4 312+ %| Speculatives continued their man r the grin nd ouncil 0 San Anton! ae oe 29 fe tenn ; Consoli-| Canada, said Monday. 7 75 +10 Shell. Can 338 $29% 29 29% heavy trading pace as Consoli + Sherritt S00 "uo as 440 +5 | Shop Save 495 Sida 13% J hides "|dated Negus climbed 21 cents | Over the last 10 or 15 years Slivrfids 200 44485435 1S] Silverwd A YS Sh, ata atm--%elto 1.28 on 452,000 shares and|Canada's rate of improvement Siivmg §-- 4500 Foy 0 | Slater SM 125 Sil2 11% 1%2-- %| Satellite 14 to 65 cents on 383,-|in productivity has been slower feep 7965 T0700 705 +S] Sogemine 100 $14. Ths HM ang shares \than for most other industrial el joutham Ma s 1 is ou at Fy Sthisen i 380 380 20 --10 | Stee! Can 2495 $25¥a 247 25 ==) | ~=Among western oils, Hudson's|countries,"" he told the joint Teck Corp 500 480. 475 480 + 5 | Suptest od 100 $262 262 264+ 4 Ray gained 4 to 37 and Home|meeting of the American Farm Ut a re Hg we + 2| Thom N P 25 $30%2 30%2 30¥2 A % to 2114. Dome fell 1 to 58. |Economics Association and the tae 3 8 Tot: BBN MS ee %!" On index, golds were up .67 to|Canadian Agricultural Econom- Towag me ee Mt? Tasers) 208 $23 23 «23. -- M4 |175.80 ,base metals .07 to 102.69jics Society. Trin Chib 2500 "0 Na 9 Transair | 3230 ign ras "land western oils .53 to 197.51. ont eS Seighied next ~ Pl. 2160 390% Sve 97,000 shares|month as head of the govern- Tundra mo oy 31 ie een 900 Volume was 5,497,000 shares : t Vineness Trane" mt" 990. $2134. 21% 71% -- Yalcompared with 5,823,000 shares ment-appointed but oo eggeve M4 Un Carbid 115 $19% 19% 19% + %| Friday long-range plannin ly, sai Un Keno 700 S65 S65 565 -- S| Un Gas 1980 $15% 15'%4 15i4-- Ye Friday, ree Ss rane ee habia ange: PIBDMNS PeUy, PR Un Mactie 1000 13% 13/2 13/2") | un wourn 4033. Séla 6a 6M -- a West Mine 200 24 2 28 1] U_ Sections 200 $14 7% 7% # # ae en ae ae Vascan 9 5 390 --10 Wine ts SE. | Yak E's" New Biology Discove aie Load SS os as us Versatile 400 $40 4040 xi Ser vp Ve) Wainoco O 400 81 81 81 --2 : Zulapa 4900 24 23° Bat) Walk GW 1510 $35% 354 35% -- Va : i Westeel 210 $24 .24 24 fy OILS, GAS W Pacific ~ ae rg Fa a | T C C r | s A a r Alminex 500 530 530 530 | wore, B 100. $185 185% 1R5e + Ve ay ea 0 ancer u Asamera 300 495 495 | White Pas 250 $18 18 18 : Bantt 100 $16% 16% 16% +e ished ; ete ee Gk oo ci | mete 11 a aoe. WASHINGTON (AP)--A drug| Interferon is a protein pro- i oe S Horan ee ein | FOREION 'TRADING ~- firm ig -- pen! its|duéed. by. the body in response Cent Del 36 : 150-150. 180 cientists have made a biologi-|,. se Grumic a fo in ie +6 Cent Bel 400 214 2a 24 + Mh cal discovery "paving the way to viral infection. But the body nami ag = Fargo 300 450 450 450 --10 for a possible new and practica-|d0@s not always produce 6 Sloine 25 ay me Ne ay PRICES ble approach to the prevention |enough to combat a full-blown Gt COllsds 225 J Me Meee _ of viral cose in man"--per-| virus attack. 50 = . Y i i ancer. mill city 1600 175. 170 70 OTTAWA - (CP)--Consumer |haps including ¢ PREVENTS REPRODUCTION Nat Pete 200 Q - _s |Prices rose in all key cities) Merck Sharp and Dome Of|' jnterferon inhibits spread of s oat bad do 3s 40 +3 |between June and July, with)West Point, Pa., made public | infection by preventing viral Numac wt 1100 105 105 105 +5 |advances of almost one per/|three reports of research team reproduction in cells. It works Permo 18000. 30.» 2-29, ~ | |oent in Montreal, Edmonton/studies to b blished in the |< Procuction : oe. 90 25 MS 25 +18 | OO Cal the Deminionlorosesdingn of the National|] 22 ut et ® broad. range of Place @ 300 270 270 270 +5 |and Calgary, the D P 8 ational viruses, but only in the cell spe- Ponder od ey) a = 24 Bureau of Statistics reported Academy of Sciences, beginning | cies in which it is produced. Ranger 7h ss 45 48' -- 4 | Monday. ' with the current issue. Therefore, attention in recent Tried Ol) 1500 220 220 220 +3| The bureau earlier reported; 'he scientists reported they years has been directed U Ghee. wane es 370 3 =, [the consumer price index,/have discovered the essential|towards finding a safe and YW Basie 700 292 292 292 +6 |based on 1949 prices equalling | requirements of stimulating the| practicable substance that 100, rose in July to 150.2 from | human body to produce a natu-|would induce the body to pro- INDUSTRIALS 148.8 in June. _|ral germ-fighting chemicallduce its own interferon in| Abitibi as seu 94 9+ %, Other index increases were: |cajled interferon. They|advance of viral infection. Aeklands 200 $iti4 11% Ive Ottawa to 147.9 from 147.0; /deseribed also promising} The obvious implication is aeune et 130 3274-2727 Toronto to 151.7 from 150.7. results in animal tests with|that if such a substance, or sub- Alcan ae ee oe a three newly-noted interferon-in-| stances, could be found and put Alcan 14 $37% ¢ 'Ang CT 4 210 $38%4 38% 38% SEEK TREASURE i: g Pagan cab Human |to practical use , the method Anthes A' 100 $32%6 32 nod %| MOSCOW (AP)--Soviet frog-|trials may be undertaken. might be a substitute for vac- $10% 10% 10% ; : ' ' Argus C PF Oe s23e 23Ve 23V8 men and scientists are search cinating pee with vaccines Atl Sugar 1000 $115 11¥ 11% ing the bottom of Stoyacheye INCOME UP containing killed or toned-down AH Sus A, We ote "is tne Lake 200 miles west of here living viruses representing dis- BACM Ind 515 812% 124 12% -- |with electronic equipment for} LONDON (CP)--The average] eases. Bank NS 25 $15 M4 : +%\treasure abandoned by Napo-|British workman now earns| A merck spokesman told a ly ', "4 ine) = Sell Kine 1666 rig % 16 +%/\leon in his 1812 retreat from AS week, an increase of reporter that whereas each con Bow Viy w 200 865 850 850 +10 Moscow. Tales of the treasure $2.79 in the last year, reports | ventional vaccine works only Bramaion 200 312 24 12% say it included 25 cartloads of|the labor ministry. The figure)against a particular virus, a ecg cf aur 3B gold, silver, jewels, furs,jis based on the earnings of the|successful _ interferon-inducing BC Forest 24 $202 Me 20% | armor, rich clothing and other 6,500,000 manual workers in|medication would work against Se ee? HS Saw Sn ie items, Britain, all viruses, n of the medical school at the University of British Columbia, | 182-day bills at 4.63. told the convention that a bet- ter and safer method of getting} drugs from the hospital phar- macy to the patient's bedside He said neither nurses nor interns are sufficiently trained in the handling of complicated pharmacist iia d with the 91-day bills closing at 4.32 per cent and the Majority Vote For MONTREAL (CP)--A_ cimu- lating vote on an Aug. 17 strike against Canada's inland ship- ping companies rolled well past the needed majority Monday as Seafarers left their ships to cast ballots in the St. Cathar- ines area. "It doesn't look good','. com- mented Benjamin Truax, chief negotiator for the 32 companies responsible for carrying the bulk of cargo passing through the Great Lakes. On the other side Leonard McLaughlin, head of the power- ful Seafarers' International Union, said he expects votes that have yet to be cast in Toronto, Port Arthur and Fort William, to bring a vote of 96 per cent' for the strike among the 5,400 members involved. The St. Catharines vote by men from 51 ships brought the) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, August 15,1967 1] Of Seafarers Strike Action ballost last week , the SIU's headquarters have issued a statement terming "unaccepta- ble" certain recommendations of a conciliation board report on their dispute with the com- panies. The union said board recom. mendations for wage and fringe benefit increases of about 30 per cent over three years were "acceptably close" to the Sea- farers demand for 36.8 per cent. But the report had failed to offer the 40-hour work week also demanded by the union under provisions of July, 1965, federal legislation implement- ing the 40-hour week for most nationwide industries. However, Mr .Truax said Monday that wages and fringe benefits are still in dispute between the parties along with the 40-hour week demand. number of seafarers who have so far indicated approval of a strike to 71 per cent of the total membership. By union rules a majority of 66 2-3 per cent is required for strike action. The SIU leader said 75 per cent of the membership have cast ballots so far. Mr. McLaughlin said Judge Rene Lippe, head of a three- man maritime trusteeship set up in 1963 to oversee SIU affairs, has been meeting sep- arately with the parties in the dispute. "There have been no joint meetings so far,"' he added. "Still an understanding {s possi- ble at the last minute." However, Mr. Truax said there was no chance the com- panies will change their stand on the dispute. Before sending out the strike Federal District Opposed In And Around Ottawa HULL, Que . (CP)--French speaking Canadians would "drowned" in an_ English speaking majority if a proposed federal district were set up around Ottawa ,a Quebec gov- ernment commission was told at a public hearing Monday. The commission, set up to study the "'integrity of the terri- tory of Quebec," briefs from individuals, private be on problems related to the proximity of Ottawa and Hull. The proposed federal district would include the city of Hull . Expressing opposition to the plan Monday were two Roman Catholic priests and two Angli- can ministers who termed the idea unacceptable. Abbe Jean Brunelle, secretary to the Cath- olic bishop of Hull, Abbe Jac- ques Carriere, director of Cath- olic social action for Hul diocese, Rev. Lydon McKeown, Anglican rector of Hull parish, and Rev. Maurice Nerny, min- ister of the French-language St. Marc's church in Ottawa, said the solution to the problems of the Hull region are a matter for the Quebec government. They called on_ provincial authorities to provide the "services and funds indispensa- ble to carry out territorial plan-|he said. ning'.' In another brief, Dr. called for Hospital, establishment of a h -|to most of the needs of the] He said the 350 beds of the A third brief heard Monday present hospital are insufficient | was a one- man effort from | region's 100,000 inhabitants. |Richard Welsh of Breckenridge, Forty per cent of the hospital|Que. ,who complained that the needs of the Hull region were | National Capital Commission being looked after by Ottawa,|had expropriated half his land and. Quebec consequently was|in 1948 without paying him just losing nearly $2,000,000 a year. 'compensation. is hearings} organizations and public "bid Stabilization Proposed For Agriculture Sector GUELPH, Ont. (CP)--Gard- tions during periods of unstable ner Ackley, chairman of the|demand. U.S. Council of Economic Advisers, called Monday for|STEM EXODUS government efforts to stabilize the prosperity level of the agri- cultural sector of the economy. Mr. Ackley's statement was delivered by Peter Dorner, a CEA member t,o a joint meet- ing of the American Farm Eco- nomic Association and the Canadian Agricultural Econom- ics Society. The fickelness of both export jdemand and crop yields makes agriculture the most unsteady band in the economic spectrum, The chairman of the CEA which advises the president on economic policy, also suggested measures be taken to stem the exodus of manpower from the farms, This could be done by direct- ing economic expansion at the new centres of growth rather than metropolitan areas, Mr. Ackley said . Mr. Auckley lauded Canadian economic policy as more inno- vative and imaginative in many areas than U.S. policy . "There are days when I envy Mr. Ackley urged that gov- J.-P.\ernments follow the recommen-|C anadian Finance Minister Chagnon, speaking for about 50\dation of the U.S. were|doctors of Sacre-Coeur de Hull|fiber commission and establish|leagues their greater freedom- the|reserve stocks of non-perishable|under a parliamentary system cen- food and|Sharp and his cabinet col- Pires Such re- serves|to administer a flexible fiscal tre in Hull. would minimize price fluctua-i policy." featuring CENTENNIAL BUSINESS REVIEW Shop Here For The Best In Service - Products - Prices! RUSSELL'S TEXACO @ Allen tronic Tune-ups for Spring @ Firestone @ Good- year Tires. S. M. Moss, 39 Simeoe N. Dodd & Souter Decor Centre @ CUSTOM DRAPERIES @ BROADLOOM is e 107 Byron S. Whitby 668-5862 Have Your Spring and Summer Garments Whitby Cleaners Lid. 150 COLBORNE E. 668-2345 Ajax Cleaners 72 HARWOOD £. 942-0310 | | | OSHAWA TOWING «e: part's osHawa'728-7711 | "CORNER PIZZA AND RESTAURANT ALUMINUM:CANVAS WHYTE BROS. 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