2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondoy, August 14, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE | Unity Greatest Problem For Canada, Martin Says Place Names UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) | Plans to obtain worldwide; agreement on the standardiza-| |tion-of place names were an-;| nounced by the United Nations! Sunday. Fake Bill Hoard HAMILTON (CP)-- The big-,~ gest problem facing Canada to day is national unity and Cana dians should realize they have everything to make greatness,| (4 Pau! Martin, minister for ex- ternal affairs, said Sunday. "] don't think we are a mid-| dle power . . . we will be al secondary power and within a} quarter of a century, we will) | aeuies : : easily become more important MERANO (AP)--A £5,000,000| BE ss ge eg in influence and service than cache of counterfeit British) = > Seon eas countries like the U.S. or France," he said. Mr. Martin, speaking at news conference, said Canad; relations with France do not ap- pear to have been harmed by President Charles de Gaulle's visit. "] saw the French ambassa- dor the other day and there is no change in our relations, everything is normal . . . the government's view was siated firmly by Prime Minister Pear- gon and I have nothing to add. Mr. Martin said the prime minister is secure in his leader- ship, and made no comment on the leadership race in the Lib- eral party. He said he would urge the Russians and Americans to col- laborate on the Middle East problem. : Mr. Martin was in Hamilton for the city's centennial cele- brations. King Warns U.S. | JACQUELINE 4 SAUNDERS | jbank notes, printed by the 3 Nazis during the Second World War, was found Saturday night in a church organ in this north Italian city. Duster Crashes SPARTA, Ont. (CP)-- A sin- gle - engine crop - dusting plane crashed and burned Saturday afternoon on the tobacco farm of Ray DeVries, of RR 4, St. Thomas, about two miles west of here. The pilot, Noel Condy, 26, of London, walked from the wreck- age with burns and cuts. Family Defects GMUEND, Austria (AP) -- |Seven members of a Czecho- slovak family ran through a boy |border guards, Austrian police|tries, reported Six members of the/Corporation. The Drake Street firm also| steel sides for the pre-fab swim-|nue*in Oshawa, family were wounded by the Exports Increasing For City Pool Firm MANAGER HENRY DESCRIBES SWIMMING POO ty: eg Major Pool Equipment Corp., Expands In City Michael Starr, Ontario riding|square feet on four acres of started in 1960 in a 500 square) MP. Major Pool lhail of bullets Sunday to escape|Saturday for a 10,000 square/the city. Mr. Henry said the linto Austria, but a 12-year-old|foot, three-acre addition to one|expansior was part of the pro-|remains as a wholly owned sub-| was captured by Czech|of Oshawa's fast growing indus-|cedure Equipment| manufacture of pool tables and|pany. moved into a 1,000 square) for modernizing the officially cut the -ribbon|land in the south east part lice factory in Whitby as Trop- icana Swimming Pools, which} sidiary. In March 1962 the com-} the stamping out process of the/foot factory on Valencia Ave-) WASHINGTON (AP) -- Dr.| Martin Luther King said Sun-/ tiring but police said they were! invited local dignitaries includ-|ming pools. In 1964 the company made jits move to its present location L DOME TO MP MICHAEL STARR First Inter-Racial Marriage Performed In Deep South CHARLES LEADS POOL HI-JINKS LONDON (AP) -- Prince Charles dunked a fully clothed countess during some post- midnight aquatic hi-jinks at a party last weekend, the Sun- day Express reported Sunday. Quoting unnamed guests, the newspaper said the Queen's 18-year-old son was at a party swimming with other guests in a heated pool at Buckhurst Park, country home of a polo:playing friend of Prince Philip. It was after midnight and WEATHER FORECAST TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m. today. SYNOPSIS: A high pressure area promises continuing fine August weather today and Tues- day. Isolated thundershowers have developed over Northern' Ontario. : Windsér, London, Toronto, Hamilton, Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake Ontario, Georgian Bay, Haliburton regions: Sunny, light winds and seasonable tempera- tures today and Tuesday. Sudbury, North Bay, Algoma, Timagami, northern White River, regions: Mainly sunny and continuing warm today and Tuesday. A few cloudy periods and chance of isolated thunder- showers Tuesday. Winds light southwesterly near 15. Southern White River, Coch- rane, James Bay regions: Sunny with a few cloudy periods and a few widely - scattered thunder- LAFAYETTE, La. (AP) -- In what is believed to be the first inter-racial marriage performed in the U.S. Deep South, Carol Ann Prejean, a Negro, and John Zipert, white, exchanged wedding vows Sunday in a Ro- man Catholic church here. The church was jammed and onlookers crowded the sidewalks outside. More than 600 persons, most of them Negro, attended the hour - long ceremony and mass at St. Paul's Roman Cath- High Pressure Promises Continued Fine Weather {showers today and Tuesday. Winds light to southwesterly 15, Forecast Temperatures Low Tonight, High Tuesady Windsor ....+.++- . 60 $2 St. Thomas ... - 60 80 London ... 55 80 Kitchener ..- 55 80 Mount Forest . 52 80 Wingham ... 52 80 Hamilton ..... 60 82 | St. Catharines Toronto 82 Peterborough . 55 82 Kingston ..-. 60 80 Trenton . 62 82 Killaloe ... 52 85 Muskoka 52 85 North Bay .. 55 80 Sudbury . 55 82 \Earlton 58 85 |Sault Ste. Marie 55 85 Kapuskasing «. 58 85 |White River .. 55 85 Moosonee ...+++005 58 85 Timmins ... 85 for the Congress of Racial Equality, he engaged in organ- izing a co - operative among sweet potato farmers in a "sweet-potato alert'? project un- der the anti-poverty program. Following up on a newspaper story early this year, the Lou- isiana legislature's committee on un-American activities said in a report that Zippert be- longed to a policy committee that recruited delegates to the Communist - dominated World (erence tr By NEW I colonial r dia 20 yé they left | uistic anc life that There ; nationalis India is 1 ain. When 1 rulers, in life had Now that fashionab ish. I. 8B: country's pendence of contin language their bre AL VISITOR | Tou T om OTTAWA (CP)- ansky, a tough-ta leader with a de appearance, was confer with Pr Pearson here to talks could produc fireworks. Mr. Polyansky, deputy premier, a for a Centennial ceeded to lay cl jin fair condition at an Austrian'ing Oshawa Mayor Ernest] yx poRTS | ; hospital. |Marks and Industrial and Busi- the Queen had left the party. on Drake Street i 5, | pis: on Forty - eight - year - old Mr. Henry said his company] square foot factory. | olic Church. /Youth Festival in 1965. gression against day there is growing opposition | to the war in Vietnam and the) ness _ Commission chairman result may be massive protests H it 'ee now exports 32 per cent of the} "py 4 iti Primrose, Countess Cado; About 150 stood outside F : pote . : si 965 th silities ' apie 'yee - niger da--the Unit and a campaign of consclentions | Entertainment Morris Hart to its open house. | oducts to European countries peed A Ae olin aac Preah wasn't participating because | Zippert, 21, and his wife, 23, re gl wig objection, Appearing on the Na- JAKARTA (Reuters)--Central, The pool equipment firm)inctuding Sweden, Switzerland C tet! she didn't have a swimsuit. |smiled and kissed as they i square feet of manufacturing The slight, pale emerged from the church, The ber of the Sovi "Primrose was wearing a blue silk dress," a guest said. "She was running up and manufactures swimming pools,|and England. He said the com- 5 a s d ; pool tables and more recently|pany had just finished negotia- othe pA ogg now| ) |help Indonesia's vital birth con- swimming pool domes. They/tions with an agent in Australia/nas plans for further expansion| s\trol program is to organize|8Ze, as manager and president/and that the Oshawa-made/anq plans are already under-| 2/mass entertainments for vil-|9f the company David Henry| products would soon be on sale|way for a new addition to house| lagers so they do not go to bed|Points out, The largest manu-|'down under". spray painting facilities. too early. facturers of in-the-ground pre-| Besides the swimming pools, : 2 romeo RM ypbrseind eee in| pool tables and domes, the com-/42 EMPLOYED Fire Hits Aden e British Commonwealth". | pany produces many of the ac-| "The company when it was ADEN (AP) -- Fire believed Java's governor, Brig. - Gen. tional Broadcasting Company's | Moenadi, says the best way to television program Meet the) Press, the American Negro) leader also said that racial) disorder in American cities is a} national emergency that should be met immediately. Jackqueline Saunders and) Family Eaten Mary Ann Marzullo, both 14, DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) |were found dead, their bodies party's ruling pol cite either countr an address Sund: dinner given in hi Pearson. But his accusa line with frequent the Kremlin has the U.S. and Isra "At present the situation has seri group crowded around and con- gratulated them, and then the down the side of the pool, |bride anc groom took off for a wondering how she could get |huge reception in a nearby in. school cafeteria. "Then Prince Charles and wl a con waa Prager . e v another guest, Prince Ali of locat anti-poverty program. Murshidabad, gripped her | Last Wednesday U.S. District hands and pulled her in with | Judge Richard Putnam ruled at all her clothes on." Opelousas. La., that the state MARY ANN MARZULLO | The plant extension brings the|cessories and sauna baths. started by the Henry family i manufacturing area to 22,000' Mr. Henry said the company/1960, employed one tose ane A 50-year-old man told @ Tan-jnoung together with heavy ; : y 1 anian court he developed an| : ry jcaused by crossfire between na- limited capital. Now, with a Tarrasistible Sasita for Puman|foPe eee pace ice in' atte snipers aad British lpr $30 Milli 2 P . gi employment of 42 persons rel sinc Pprtin gl od ated as a agar " after killing and eatin, ry ouched off a fire Sunday whic t @ company's value is esti- 4 1g sion against th ag Brgy ogee Simarshy area of Chittenango|destroyed 200 wooden shacks l 10n Sarnia rojec |mated in excess of $500,000. | Caouette Backs grag meg rere ' people and agai | | A former student-body presi-| py) ANNING A countries," said | ee Polyansky, maki visit to Canada than a year. The dinner wa private affair, bu 'Prayir his father, wife and three chil-/creex The girls were residents and left more than 1,000 Arabs dren. The man was held in custody to await a high court|/°f Syracuse suburbs. __ homeless in the Al Qahira area. decision whether he should he | sentenced for harboring the in- struments of witchcraft -- to which he pleaded guilty -- or charged with murder. n 1960 the company just I Halted By Expanded Strike no's" pre - fabricated t Py j pools, in 1964 production in ll h Pp jvinyl materials started and rovince versial figure in nearby St. {feet ae oe -- to the! RoUYN, Que. (CP) -- Real|Landry parish early this year. bal ln 6 de to keer kev an |Caouette, leader of Je Rallie-) A former white field worker ployees r to keep key €M-| ment des creditistes, is throw- ptt ; g "': support behind a move- Mi. Henry said « the creation of an dent of City College of New York, Zippert, short, with dark, wavy hair, became a contro- Wither Fall? | 17 Die In Rush BERLIN (AP): -- Six years) MADRAS ,India (AP)--About | after its erection only 30 per|2,000 pilgrims waiting to pass cent of the West Germans know|by a religious statue in a 2,000- year-old Hindu temple surged © BANQUET © CONVENTION © MEETING First Class Facilities SARNIA (CP)--Sarnia's ex-| A local union official said on panded ironworkers strike, the weekend pickets were placd which tied up a $30,000,000jat the Parsons project and at Imperial Oil Ltd. project andjthe lumber and supply firms Fast Action eee) istralian J . jthe year in which the Berlin ; Fi r : New Hippie Drug |wall was built, a public opinion|into a stampede Saturday. Sev- brought picket lines to five|because the union heard a ru-|ssency was started because theme. i , CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE, \institute reports. The Allens-jenteen were killed and 10 se- lumber and supply companies|mor that members of the con-|-¢acons there are reve eleventh Canadian province in| For 20 to 400 Guests 5 (AP)----A health official has ch. Institut Kuer Demoskepie\verely injured, last Weck. ontinued baroushous struction Bssociation were..tak-|prem Ganeda and if the opera-|hormestern Quebec. | HOUSE SALES! Quolity Service y ifeciseed that a new unidentl-| says 21 per cent of those guenied\ : the weekend pickets w' laced\ing supplies to the Imperialliion poes as expected th gg The proposal for creation of| i tied hippie drug said to stimu-|in a poll admitted they could Air Fare Down sight. |project through gates reserved Shir coal Lat 6 COMm-| | new province in this area of| Col 0 Mabon ot hb Experienced Staff l) ays fate sexual desire and potency|not name the year, 22 guessed The 314-week-old strike has|for Parsons' people and not|Doo! fre sear round market. |Quebec and another suggestion OSHAWA end DISTRICT || RESERVE YOUR LONDON (Reuters)-- An in-lalso affected construction pro-/Picketed because of the intet-\" phe yinyl domes produced by| for one which would incorporate REAL ESTATE BOARD FUNCTION NOW! WELIAMEON, A 15-year-old boy is circulating among youths in between the years 1953 and 1960 and others, the increased sexual the adjoining area of Ontario,| southern New Jersey. But Ray-jand 27 per cent said between dependent British airline saidjjects at six petro - chemical|national agreement. ; d Sa | ; 4 al| ? \the company are constructed in mond A. Neff, public health|19¢2 and 1965 Sunday it will reduce its lowest|plants and operations at six| The union, representing about) jqjj:j ; A ; | end List Photo P 3 ¥ | ' ' i 1 have been put forward in re- 464 f fear co - ordinator for Cape naw d F jtransatlantic round-trip charter|welding and fabricating shops|170 ironworkers in the Sarnia Neco li gle yea ge cent times by resident of both!| 723 1 poser Phy well saic¢ County, said "In many cases | Crash Kills 9 \fare to £37 ($111) next year.|in the area. |area, is seeking a wage increase): soning the inside outils arank. | pital bed here with this drug, as wilh LSD} VENTERSDORP, § Fy cceigliben dys bagels An official at Ralph M. Par- pelegg Me hag Play ay 4 be slightly higher than the outside| Mr. Caouette said in an inter-| HOTEL "praying help ENTE » South ; Pi Meade ng the hourly!sir pressure. Mr. Henry said|view Friday that the Abitibi re- ge onard Boyce drives are in the user's mind. Africa (AP)--Nine colored per-|ger from Gatwick Airport, near One man we heard of, who|sons died when the light van in here, to New York or Montreal ; : : claimed phenomenal sexual| which they were travelling and and back. This year the lowest Imperial Oil project and not!49 to 37% hours. affected by the strike at first ----------____-- prowess while under the in-), heavy truck carrying four charter fare to North America : : erect "7 because of an international D j D d fluence of drugs, was observed!racehorses collided head-on in\/from Britain was $132 return. ' during his entire trip crouched|this small town 86 miles west\" --_____________ |agreement with the union, said i on the weekend no decision has in a corner." jof Johannesburg Sunday. Six Hi : S k eat a ae Gaaier the LBJ Less Popular Wore tel eng a Ga cen Ippies ee company will seek an injunction and two men died on the way to halt the picketing Mother House -- were killed outright in the crash WASHINGTON (AP) -- Pres-| ; ident Johnson's popularity with} Hospital. Gallery Grants TORONTO (CP) -- The Dig-| 1,000 Sea Cadets gers, a self-help group for the} the United States public has hit city riots, his call for a surtax} gprawA (CP) -- A total of hippie set in the city's York-| Rally In Kingston iwar draft dodgers from new lows in the wake of big- Uni " i | category as agen 4c lero ge, ig 000 in Canada Council ville coffee-house district, want Loyalists, but their motive i reported Saturday Both the | stants to public art galleries to rent a mother house for' Harris and Gallup polls re-| "ay, 'unounced today, homeless' hippies. | e Art Gallery of Ontario In' David Depoe, a spokesman a , Fi hoe i Pee Pees' | Toronto gets $89,750 to top the|for the group, says the tana. |"ifferent ng coe ye hed 2% and social service. dened approved ét the ray (lst in grants for preparation of/lord--the city of Toronto--is | Quees i Doers 6 deh ie . Johnson is doing his job. Both exhibitions, 'conservation and stalling on when the Diggers! oie i haath Md al ache 'figures were the lowest ever acquisitions : ; "can move into the seven-bed- for Johnson in the respecitve The ¢ anadian Craftsmen's As- room red-brick house. polls sociation gets $10,000 for a five-- He said the group has paid : bog onference later this month|$25 deposit and are prepared to in Kingston. pay $225 a month rent so the Flyer Traced Canadian Theatre Centre,|house could become a drop-in TRENTON, Ont. (CP)--Cana-| Toronto, gets a grant of $1,000} centre for young people in need| After the service the cadets He then handed over dian search and rescue officials |! circulate exhibition of theatre of a meal and a bed were taken as guests to Kings- cheque for more than $3,500 t complained Sunday that United|P If city hall can be persuaded |ton homes for three hours. Toronto Quakers, collected at States officials failed to notify to rent the house at a meeting) The cadets are taking part in rally last Sunday them that a search had ended for a light U.S. plane until nine : : ,,.. Quakers Friday, Mr. Hord sai Rev. Keith W. Gleed of Tor-\poth fled their country for goo onto and Rev. John Pearson of reasons--the Loyalists to retai Peterborough, Royal Canadian their link with the |Sea Cadet Corps chaplains led)crown and the draft dodgers t |service. sary war. osters hours after the aircraft was) CHAIN SAWS STOLEN and not allow any narcotics, 'lege, der. found at Port Huron, Mich. The. WHITBY (Staff) Thieves 'i ce ee re Ce De ie Cae ee search for Dr. Herbert Winkler) broke into Fisher's Store in of Baltimore, Md., began late! Ashburn Thursday morning and Friday after he was reported) made off with five power chain missing on a flight from Buf-|saws valued at $711.50. The' falo to Toronto, en route to De-| owner discovered the theft wher troit. he went to the store Thursday} S morning New Pill Tests JAMBOREE WASHINGTON (AP) -- The BOWMANVILLE -- Bowman- U.S. Food and Drug Adminstra-|ville recreation department will tion has directed that a new/|SPOnsor a country and western series of long-range tests be |jamboree at the Flying Dutch- started immediately on all con--man Motel, Wednesday, Aug traceptive pills already on the |23, Starting at 8 p.m market as well as those in the | esses final stages of testing on hu- | ; man beings. There is no plan, however, to BUY DIRECT The new tests were ordered TONE-CRAFT after animals developed abnor- ceptive drug known as MK-665. : This drug has not been on pub- 25 PRINCE ST. Corner FORD SALES Where friendly people meet .. . AND SAVE" SEE THESE A-I USED CARS 50 MORE TO CHOOSE FROM '67 PLYMOUTH '65 FORD 2 Door Cooch. (ex O.P.P. Cruiser). This cor has to be seen to be Custom. 6 stondard. appreciated. Lic, K17235 Lie. 577957 oe '67 VOLKSWAGEN | Lic. K15088, *1750_ A ool oie eae '65 RAMBLER '65 CHEVROLET Classic 660 Sedan ss 595 igs ' re! Hardtop. $9195 ic, 4 Lic. 297241 "With two locations to serve you better' MacDONALD 520 KING st. w., osHAwA FORD SALES (Opposite Oshawa Shopping Centre) (OSHAWA) LTD. 219 KING ST. E., BOWMANVILLE '65 MERCURY Leaistr ert 12908 the market. given an experimental contra-| ------ remove any present drugs from malities in breast tissue when KING PARK PLAZA lic sale. Prince LOOKING FOR A COMMFORTABLE QUIET RENDEZVOUS DOWTOWN? THEN GO TO THE Tally-Ho Room Hotel Lancaster For All Estote Your Reol Needs Coll 576-0140 | ' f 27 KING ST, WEST sons Construction Co., Los Ange-| ate to $4.90--and He u les, general contractor on the ine nae 4s ni egal nc in the United States 75 per cent ieee by almost one-third Same As U E L | during the past seven years de- aadedde® | spite increases in labor and ma-| TORONTO (CP) -- Vietnam/|terial prices. 'The expansion) the| Possibilities for this company| United States are in the same United Empire ; a better one, says Rev. J. R. KINGSTON (CP)--Sea Cadets Hord, secretary of the United and Sea Scouts from' a dozen Church's board of evangelism) In a speech to a group of British |the 1,000 cadets in the public protest a cruel and unneces- in Blane, HERE AND THERE Thursday, Mr. DePoe says the|the Centennial Sea Cadet mus- Washington, south of Vancou- Diggers would police the house |ter at the Royal Military Col- ver on the Canadian-U.S. bor- of all swimming pools with the jexception of Florida, Hawaii and California, are now made }of vinyl | Mr. Henry said that prices of ne Oshawa made pools have gion, which would be in the heart of the proposed new prov- ince, has been treated worse by Quebec City than Quebec has been treated by Ottawa. He said that if the region be- came the 11th province it would be sufficiently rich to survive on its own resources. He intendedd to raise the mat- ter in Parliament. 'are unlimited,' he added. 5} Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With Little Worry | Do your false teeth annoy and em- d barrass by slipping, dropping, or wob- | bling when you eat, laugh or talk? dj Then sprinkle a little FASTEETH on FREE Estimetes, Reasonable Rates, Repair Speciclist. in| your p lates. FAS' 'H holds den- tures firmer and more comfortably. | Makes eating easier. It's Hydre 24 Hour Tanks Service Installed 0 doesn't sour. No gummy, gooey, | pasty taste or feel. Helps check plate odor. Dentures that fit are essential to health. See your dentist regularly. | Get FASTEETH at all drug counters, | a 1 Fest bie Redio Plumbing Service, SERVICE MADE US. Call 723-1191 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE | CROSS CANADA PAVING | has 3 YEARS GUARANTEE also 6 - 12- 18-20-36 month to pay | No Payment For 2 M i @ FREE ESTIMATE... Call 728-9292 Cshawa hs After Completi 0 | a No one likes "'the waiting game" it! It delays us -- and it delays y Credit Card with exclusive new Beneficial... now! $5000? GET THAT 1G YS --- and at Beneficial we don't play 'oll. So why wait? Phone for vaca- tion cash now and get that Big O.K. fast, Plus your own Beneficial 30-day Free Loan Privilege. Call Beneficial YY, Py " FINANCE CO. OF CANADA yy -- beans up 10. $5000--- Your fonn can be Iife-insured €xP067 42 month contracts on loens over $7500 police py vig tne 2 on ° ae MINE ON ERG. rica ayer cane a RS 723-4 ® 600 King St. East, East Mall Shopp. Centre .. 703.8134 OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT = PRONE FOR HOURS ae | KIDDIES' RACES -- | DURHAM | PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOC. | PICNIC | WEDNESDAY, ORONO PARK PICNIC LUNCH AT 5 P.M, SPECIAL M.P. GUESTS MUSIC -- BINGO A REAL P.C. GET-TOGETHER AUGUST 16th GAMES AT 2:30 P.M. nian aac ae Van Belle Take A Drive To VAN BELLE GARDENS For The... DO-IT-YOURSELF Fertilizer Spreaders Tools Topsoils Ete "Your Friend| | S Minutes No. Seeds, Etc. * Advice on your Garden Problems Van Belle Gardens Garden Centre" 'est of Oshewe Gardening 623-5757 as in '"'good con He was withou for sips of water late fed him th .during his ordeal His confinemen at nearby Lenore ern West Virginia tucky border, e p.m Saturday w! cautious rescue ° him to safety. Their efforts hz by the fear that Declin Despite The birth and | for Oshawa, an and Durham Ci the second quart typical of those tario. This was figures released trar - General. There was a birth rate in bot Durham Countie same period of increase in the for the period to The city of O ical of Ontario « respect but diffe the death rate § Deaths in Osha ly, from 149 fo quarter of 1967. | tario municipalit decline in 'the | Despite a_ fri: rate, the birth r: continued to dec! ond quarter of This trend wa in 1961 when t births fell from 663. There has b decline in the of births since | the figures for 1 it is estimated ber of births \ 28,000 fewer the for 1960. The number o tario in the sec 1967 is 33,821, SUM! BACHE You cen still en with thet home while the fomily | "60 TO LANCASTE 27 KING $ Parking Ree