Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Aug 1967, p. 10

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aiicahenka! oe et ee ee Every Child Needs Fatherly Affection Dear Ann Landers: Tears filled my eyes when I read the ANN LANDERS. golden years we should be re- laxed, but we aren't. My hus- leony band is driving me crazy be- cause I am not able to save any money. He keeps asking, "Where does it all go?" I have tried to explain that the cost of living has gone up, letter from the 16-year-old girl who complained because her fa- ther hugged and kissed her too much. She said it was embar- rassing. That girl doesn't know how lucky she is. I would have given anything if my father had kissed me even once a month. I really shouldn't blame him too much because he was almost 38 when he married Mom and he didn't know how to show effec- tion to small children, although he had four of his own. Dad died three years ago. I was 15. I cherish the memory of the few hello and good-bye kisses he did give me. hope every father who reads this letter will ask him- self when was the last time he kissed his children--yes, boys, too. They need affection as much as girls. There isn't enough love in the world today, | care up, and we can't drive car free. lers, something." Will give him an answer?--Tired Toledo Dear Tired: He doesn't wai It's probably his best form recreation since he retired. ing, hand him the list. should settle his hash. taxes are up, club memberships We have not touched our princi- pal. We live on interest and So- cial Security, but still he hol- "Everyone should save you please an answer. He'd rather holler. Start next month to keep an itemized account of every dime you spend. When he starts yell- That a in nt of and the place to learn how to Dear Ann Landers: I am al give and receive love is at|16-year-old boy who may be} home--Raleigh Miss |killed by his mother one of} Dear Miss: You are unu-|these days..I know she would sually wise and perceptive for|never forgive herself, but I'd be an 18-year-old. And you have a|dead just the same. forgiving heart, too, which is) It is my job to empty the good. I hope the fathers in my|wastebaskets and the trash. My reading audience will take in-| mother is always throwing aer- ventory. Was Miss Raleigh losol cans into the wastebaskets. speaking to you? | When I burn the trash the cans jexplode. Sometimes two or Dear Ann Landers: My hus-/ three cans explode in a row, band sold his business a few|and it sounds like a sonic boom. years ago and retired. We are| I have read of people getting not wealthy, but we have a nice|killed by these things and I income from past investments,|don't want it to happen to me.) plus Social Security. j\I've told my mother three} I have always handled the| times to please keep the aerosol! money in the family. My hus-|cans out of the wastebaskets, | band doesn't know what it is to} but she forgets. What can I do? Seen here outside the Air Canada Pavilion at Expo '67 in Montreal with the air- MISS OSHAWA '67 GETS V.LP. left, Miss Cheryl Aikman, Miss Centennial from Parry Sound, Ont.; Miss Oshawa pay a bill. I also helped him in|--Shocked his business and paid the com-| Dear Shocked: You can sto) pany bills as well. cars on your mother and/| Now that we are entering our line's Zurich manager Mr. 67, Marty Frankfurter, and p| A. Penner, are, from the Linda Wilson, Miss Central sort out the trash yourself, Bub. | | a si TREATMENT Ontario '67. Miss Centennial was escorted around Expo by the two young ladies from Ontario for two days. At each pavilion they re- FASHIONS IN Mexico are divided between haute cou- ture salons for international clientele and boutiques that eater to the tourist. This is an example of haute couture Mexico's Fashion Houses Cater styling by Genne Matouk of Mexico City, featuring a high collar with a scarf ef- fect and long cuffed sleeves. (CP Photo) | CHILD GUIDANCE | Early-Rising Children | Don't Get Enough Sleep By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD bladder pressure. It is possible|WomenIntemnational. | During the summer your/to let him learn to wait to aj, hould set ® tt ae child, two, five or six may have|regular later period for the|/Y Svould actualy write e been waking with the birds. He| morning feeding. It is better to|cheques," she says. "It gives a may have forced you to rise|let him get wet rather than to|man more independence. He then, robbing you and him of\be taken up unduly early, |/ikes: to think he's the head of several good hours of sleep.|Though he may at first cry a the family and the breadwin- Like many other parents, you|long while, he will go back Cee Siar cerning ep tishe p ae may have supposed nothing can|sleep if you don't take him UPI Mrs McCracken, an expert be done about it. till the clock rings. lon credit and bill-paying, says Write All Cheques | VANCOUVER (CP)--The jhusband should pay all the \bills, says Lillian McCracken of !Vancouver, president of Credit vas in Tunisia, where Islam is the state religion, now risk 2 prison sentence as courts be- come more stern in cases in- newspapers frequently publish reports of court sentences on keep their marriage vows.) to prison. Some parents work out a way) The youngster three, four or| by which the child over four or|five can learn not to sit up or five is allowed to get up as|stand till the bell rings or you early as he likes and entertain|go for him. Say nothing about her husband handles the books in the McCracken household de- Ispite her qualifications. No matter who writes the cheques, she says, any family should be on a budget. himself. While he may thereby|sleep, just say, ""You must not} allow you and the rest of the|get up till the bell rings, and| family to sleep, he greatly re-|that you must keep quiet." (Pains acerade aamaily. cue aig ee eg anc CONSISTENT lon some sort of budget and among the army of over-active|, If he does get up or call, gojthey usually know how much jittery elementary school child-|t® him, bare his bottom and|they're spending . . . but there ren. Some of them are under|Sive him a smart slap on his)are always some who don't, un- the physician's care and bare thigh. If you are consis-|fortunately. calmed down with sedation. tent and carry through this) Mrs. McCracken, who has) procedure without exception, he| worked for the Credit Bureau of PROMISING CURE almost surely will learn to|Vancouver for 15 years, also A more sensible treatment,|sleep up to any regular hour/had some words of wisdom for often promising cure, is to train|you choose. |budget-conscious families. these youngsters to sleep to a| It may take only a week or "Credit payments shouldn't reasonable regular hour. less to accomplish this. ger income the 25-per-cent mark of Instead of letting the young-|don't expect him to sleep longer|income(that leaves enough for ster 6 or 8 get up when he/on Saturday or Sunday or a hol-/food, shelter and health)." pleases, even if he disturbs no-jiday. You must follow the clock| body else, require him to stay|the year around if you wish to in bed and be quiet there. If) get good results. | SOCIAL NOTICES there is absolutely no doubt in| Some parents will suppose AT HOME his mind that he must, he will./this can't be done. Some others; yr snd Mrs. Harry Cookson Furthermore, he will almost|may try it for a morning or two|RR 1 Whitby, will be pleased surely go back to sleep on wak-|and give up. Let them keep atiig receive " their relatives ing early. Don't tell him he/jit consistently for a week OF|triends and neighbors at their jmust sleep. Tell him only that even longer, The youngster/nome on Sunday. August 20 |he must stay down in bed and|must know there is no doubt be-|1967 from 2.00 Pp m. to 9.00 Pp mn. not be heard. fore he will adapt himself to! on the occasion of their 30th |for three months. Train your baby early to such a program. I know it can sleep long enough in the morn- be made to work. I saw it work ing. His waking very early, at,with our own children and *|2, 4 or 5 may be related to his|grandchildren. What a differ- |morning feeding period, and to ence it can make for the whole | family. jis Mexican-born Ruth Duran. gs hs del ~~ ~ |Her Spanish-born hus band,|¢raini poy DOF on AUC lean cleeh ine haned Sie busi.| ene for a few mornings will seas? GRA A foe seontne PPT dike to lose hours and hours of when he became director of thet te ge ~~ newly-created Mexican Fashion | wit) hardly get as much i Institute, comprising textile! as he needs : 6 companies, ready-to-wear) c houses, chambers of commerce | ANSWERING QUESTIONS | . i A as weli as fashion firms turning; Q. If I say "no" to son, 2, To Tourists, International Clients|z,,* sms 4 sno throne,» tanseiee--aat | A. When you are sure you By MARGARET NESS shions here are divided between|Catching on and are extremely haute couture salons with Mexi-/Popular. can and international clientele|17z79 MUST MOVE . { 4 aa sont tanta that cater to the! Tila Bath also has a boutique Oue of the latter is a smart a oe tittie shop fin by Ulla Bath, oleh e Now vont aonee New Yorker who came to Mexi-| cuoat-born New York designer, ab 95 years. ago, Among hae fa, | Cs po recently opened a mous movie customers are =e Elizabeth Taylor, who favors! Tao Izzo--the Tao is a nick- "hot violent colors, and Audrey|"2me--is a Mexican designer Hepburn, who likes 'lila's sheer|¥i" 8 charming series of salon white blouses with fine tucking|[OOmS, in 1 building that is and lace inserts, jbeing demolished around him to Lifa's fashion reputation was| make way for a hotel. It is dif- first acquired by Angel ficult to find good locations in dresses in this tucking and lace Mexico's fashion centre just off combinations, with boatline or|*e age} thoroughfare, the Re- square-cut necklines and loose,|{°r™2- 50 Tio doesn't know yet short full sleeves. 'These are| "Here he will relocate, variations of the Mexican wed-|, He studied in Paris and then ding shirt. This year, Lila has became one of the designers for introduced a horizontal effect in| Elizabeth Arden in New York the tucks and lace inserts. before opening his own salon in In her small, crowded bou- Mexico City 18 years ago. The tique on Niza Street, Lila de-|Wife of President Diaz Ordaz is signs most of her Mexican-in-|@™ong his 'international clien- fluenced clothes, from ruffled |'le- ponchos to peasant embroi-| Ancther Mexican designer in dered dresses, as well as ele-|the same fashion district is gant caftans in Mexican cotton|Genne Matouk who presented a prints designed and hand-|collection of his clothes in screened in her own work-|Toronto last year. He also in- rooms. |cludes a few boutique models, Here in Mexico, the skirt with both price-conscious Mexi- lencths vary drastically. Mexi-/can women and tourists in cans wear them long and tour-| mind. jincbes above the knee is the MEX1CO CITY (CP)--Fa.|lim.t But fancy stockings are) FAMILY FIRM should say, "no," say it once | The main task of the new in-|anq mean it, no matter how he etiam ben agra pero acts. Unless he then endangers lexport. Duran has already Pd acne ne oe he oh |suaded the Paris-based Interna- | Prorer Koling oe Os Sande tional Color Association to PrO-| ost mote Mexican colors for next spring under the title of Mexica-/ na '68. These will include bright] FRESH CORN lpink, hot orange and vivid red! August to September is fresh las well as deep green andicorn season in Ontario. Prepare bright turquoise. for the long winter months by The three Duran sons are all|stocking your freezer with corn in the Monique firm, started|while there is a plentiful sup- eight years ago. Monique man-|Ply. This can be done in two ufactures everything from| ways, while cobs or in kernel sportswear to formals and sells not only all over Mexico but on the west coast of the United States and to a Canadian de- partment store. Mrs. Duran has won the top donald Institute, Guelph, recommend a little of both; the cobs to be used for suppers, the kernels for casseroles or mixed with other vegetables or a vege- form. Food specialists at Mac-! jwedding anniversary. | CHOSEN MISS DUMPY | AT EXPO ceived the V.I.P. treatment fitting to queens. --Air Canada Photo Wemen 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, August 14, 1967 THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TUESDAY A most stimulating day can be expected as a result of present configurations. Plane. tary infl favor busi and financial transactions, deal. ings with superiors and negotia- |tions involving long-term pro- /jects. On the personal side, ro. mance, travel and group activi. \ties are especially star-blessed, Peace Corps Volunteers Performing Vital Tasks But he is disinterested in |FOR THE BIRTHDAY If Tuesday is your birthday, your chart for the coming year promises a possible cccupation- By ROBERTA ROESCH Dear. Roberta Roesch: What job skills are needed most by the PEACE Corps? I hope to volunteer for this service after I finish at college . Dear R. M.:Half of the volun- teers now serving in the Peace Corps are liberal arts gradu- ates, and many of them with no definite or specific "skill" are performing many needed tasks. But when it comes to specific skills teaching is high on the list, since teachers for all sub- jects at every level are request- ed by developing countries. Skills in science, mathematics, and agriculture are always in particular demand. In addition, there is a con- R.M.|we found him a second job he aisurveyors, experience stant need for carpenters, bricklayers, nurses, doctors, engineers, social workers, home economists, physical edu- well cation instructors, mechanics, architects and laboratory . tech- nicians. Dear Roberta Roesch: My teen- age son is a job hopper who is ruining his opportunities to do something worthwhile this sum- m So far he has given up two excellent chances for jobs that his father landed for him. Both of them would have given him for the future vo- drillers, jal promotion, some monetary gain and (or) an_ interesting avocational opportunity in late December. } Despite these indications, gave that up in short order be- operas, don't, ih a spirit af cause he didn't like it. loptimism, go overboard finan- He is stubborn and rebellious|cially in the ag og since and convinced he can run his|conservatism wi a "must" : zy «juntil Dec. 20, when you will own life. But he isnt Sone enter an excellent cycle gove very well. How can we giv€)ing monetary interests that him some job sense when he/jast until mid-February, by won't meet us halfway. |which time your material con- loathe should be well stabilized, Mrs. C, P. = a | Next good periods on the fis. Dear Mrs. C. P.:As hard as it/cal score: June, July and Au- is for parents to watch children|gust of next year; on the job make mistakes, experience is|front: September, the afore- still the best teacher for shak-|™ these opportunities he was fired from: the first job before he worked two weeks. Then when entioned Dec. 20-Feb. 15 ing a full measure of job sense |CY' into many people. cle, the latter part of April, |mid-May, June and July. Actually, all is not lost be-| SHOULD BE HAPPY cause your boy is wasting his | This new year in. your life summer and doing a less than ; i "\should be an extremely happy perfect job at handling good op one from a personal standpoint. portunities. He may learn something. the hard way, as many people have--especially when the lack of a summer job also means no cash. To combat his rebellion and stubborn attitude I would sug- gest going easy on him and let- ting hin. learn his own lesson. And while you're at it I would also suggest going easy on pin- With the exception of brief per- iods in early March and (or) early June, when some stress may be evident, domestic inter- ests should run smoothly, and romance will be governed by generous influences in Septem- ber, late Decmber (an _all- around good period for all Leoites), next April and May. Except for short trips, your most auspicious periods for cation we would like him to have. TUNIS (Reuters) -- Casano- volving 'immoral behavior." As these cases increase, seducers or men who fail to Some unfaithful wives also go| In one of the most serious cases, a grandfather fell in love with his married grand-daugh- ter and she with him. He was sent to prison for five years. A photographer who had a love affair with a girl after she "provocatively" walked into his studio was accused by her later of failing to keep his promise to marry her and was imprisoned In another case a young Tuni- |couragement, Husbands Should | No Clemency For Seducers, President Of Tunisia Decrees "Relations between sexes, al- though natural, can be legiti- mate only if consecrated by marriage," the 63-year-old Tu- nisian leader told a gathering of judges. He attacked seducers for whom, he said, there should be no clemency. "The state has the task of protecting young girls who are in practice the only ones to suf- travel will occur in early Feb- ruary and during the weeks be- tween next May 15 and Sept.10. A child born on this day will be endowed with fine intelli- pointinng the future vocation that you would like him to have. Guide him and give him en- of course. But, remember, his vocational deci- sion is one that belongs to him. and an all-around versatility. gence, a magnetic personality | SUMMER fer from the evil consequences of guilty relationships," he said. ps President Bourguiba played a decisive role in emancipating Tunisian women them equal rights with men. He sometimes defied Arab tradi: tions and even the established rules of the Moslem religion, but he is anxious that this new freedom shall not go too far, too fast. and giving sian who approached a foreign girl tourist in the street and tried to embrace her was sen- tenced to three months' impris- onment. A six-month sentence was/ passed on a married man with| four children who fell in love} with a girl, although she later) was declared a virgin by an ex-| amining doctor. A woman and her lover, her husband's friend, were both im- prisoned for four months and a/ woman who abandoned her hus- | band and went to live with an-| other man received a six-month} sentence. tery and "guilty relationships" | was given by President Bourgui- ba. OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS Available At NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. £., Oshewe 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each 5x7 -- 1.25 each 20% to 40% OFF 'On Our Entire Stock of Fine Furs Highest Trade-In! Budget Terms Arranged! MARTEN'S FURS 15 KING ST. EAST OPPOSITE HOTEL GENOSHA The signal for fighting ips" 20% Discount o n Orders of 5S or More Pictures | KENNEBUNKPORT, Me.) \(AP)--Lindley Hunter reigned jover National Dump Week at Kennebunkport as Miss Dumpy of 1967, She won the title over jeight other contestants. Her {costume was discarded maga- zine covers. 'THEY SAY THAT. MONEY DOESN'T BRING HAPPINESS | . , . but wouldn't it be fair lif we all had a chance to! find out for ourselves? All work and no iplay will make Jack @ lot of. jack. Blessed is he who will work enthusi- astically as a mem- ber of a committee of which he want- ed to be chairman, BOB EAKINS Example of an understatement is a wife who soid to her husband: '1 scratched the front fender a| little dear. It's in the front seat if) you want to fook at it." table by itself. If freezer space fashion-designing award inj, limited, freeze as kernel Mexico, called the Golden Scis- sors. She was the first director jof the Fashion Group of Mex- ico, organized in 1962, which is affiliated with the New York Fashion Group, as are the To-| ronto and Montreal branches. | These fashion groups are con ELECTROLYSIS Removes superfluous hair posed of women in executive) painlessly positions in the fashion world. | Try Our Kree-Imperial For tourists shopping with) Machine. grandchildren in mind, there's| a boutique near Lila Bath's with children's clothes. It is) calied the Fibi Shop. And there} MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa et the GENOSHA HOTEL 1 A Monsoon is @ hurricane that! corn only. lcouldn't afford to go to Florida. | We pride ourselves on the quel- ity of our cleaning, our moderate prices and quick service. Won't you give us a try? | Gillard | CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. are many other stores and bou- August 14th, 15, 16th, DRY CLEANING, SHIRT LAUNDERING ists appear in mini-skirts. But Mexico also has the flourish-|tiques, such as the Saturday) PHONE 723-4641 725-3555 you see few ultra-short ago nrd ready-to-wear firm called|boutique centre and restaurant skirts on the streets. About two)Momique. Designer and owner ? in tae Angel district. i For appointment on these dates. | | BARBARA ANDERSON Both the above young BUSINESS COLLEGE in the graduated early in May and ladies enrolled at MARY DEVINE te OSHAWA Sept. 1966 Fall Term. Both obtained. excellent positions. Choose from THE SAME OPPORTUNITY AWAITS YOU FALL TERM OPENS | SEPTEMBER 5, 1967 | one of these ! JOB-ORIENTED Courses: EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAL 12 mos. Grode 12 required BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 12 mos. Grode 12 required Accounting 11 mos, Grade 11 required | Secretarial 11 mos. Grade 11 required ! Steno-Clericol 10 mos. Grade 10 required | Junior Clerical 9 mos. Grade 9% required Individual instructi i modern i ieul i includes: MeBEE Accounting and DATA Processing, Stenotype | hine shorthand Hy speed Longhand | 10 Simcoe St. North, Dial 725-3375 } Nome cvccccssccsccesecs Address Clip and moil this coupon for complete deteils on career courses and Time-Saving Training. pees vesence). AO ences * dae a ee ea 3 Where's The Towel? Occasionally minor little catastrophes, like articles missing when needed, occur in the home. But if, some night, hubby finds the draperies and broadioom missing, that will be no catastrophe! That will be calculated common sense by dear wife in sending them to BAKER'S for BAKER cleaning. pepe or anytime required, many smart Oshawa and area jOusewives send their carpets and draperies to BAKER'S. They know they can depend on the gent 'are and thorough clean- le 9 care and 9! "Free Pick-Up and Delivery" "Just One Call Does Them Al' "Over 80 Years Experience" BAKER Cleaning Co. CALL ZENITH 9-9100 We Pay The Charge TOL TORONTO 10:4 Distribut 'oronto Stock Quotations In cen 2z--Odd lot, xd--E rights, xw--Ex-war' from previous boa Mil Stock Sales | Acad Uran 8000 Acme Gas 7000 Akaitcho 1500 All Pitch 500 ng Am 31000 Ang U Dev 4500 Area 200 | Arcadia 2000 Atlas Yk 2000 unor 200 : Barex 1000 Beth'm 200 ¢ Big Name 72125 BL Hawk 1000 Bounty Ex 21 Bralorne $00. | Brou} Reef 9500 Brunswk 100 : ®unker H Cam Mine = 7116 | Camfio 300 : Camp Chib 250 | Cc Tung 900 | Cc Dyno 200 | C Lencourt 3000 Cc Nisto 43650 Cantri 1000 Capt Chestrvile 1000 Chib M 1000 Chimo 7000 Coch will 700 | Coin Lake 3400 Comb Met 7400 Coniagas 1000 Conigo 3500 Con Fardy 100 : Co nGillies 2400 Cc Halli 7800 Cc Mogul 700 ¢ Morisn 500 Neg 67150 Con Nichol 1500 Cc RedP 29550 Conwest 100 Copreorp 1000 Cop-M 2500 Coulee 1000 Cstland 1500 D'E'done 8950 | Denison 317 | Donalda East Sull 100 Endako 100 | F Mar 2900 F Orenada 500 robex 28 Gient Yk 1oo | Glenn Exp 6000 Goldray 7500 Go'drim 1900 Gortdrm 1200 : Gradore 1500 Grdroy 53625 | Grandue 100 . Guif L 1000 Gunnar 200 | Headway 2000 Hollinger 200 | Huds Bay 175 | Hu-Pam 500 Hydra Ex 72140 iron Bay T 200 ; sO 300 Jaye Exp 1000 jelex 3000 Jonsmith 3000 Joutel 1700 Jowsey 1000 Kam Kotla 600 | Kerr Add 2850 Kelly Dsd 1000 K Anacon 1100 Kid Coper 3000 Kirk Min 1036 Kirk Twns 2500 Dufauit 280 Lakehead 500 300 Lelteh 250 | tL Lee 2 Lorado 2100 Macasse z Macdon 500 Madsen 530 Marchant 200 jertin 1000 Mattomt 640 Maybrun 1000 Mc intyre = 225 MecWet 500 Merrill ooo Mete 1500 Midrl 3000 Min Ore 20500 Mt Wright 3000 Nat Expl 5000 N Cal 170000 N 2000 N Harri 400 N Hosco 800 N Imperel 1400 Newlund 1500 N Myla 96500 Nick Rim 3500 Ne 7000 Norlex 1000 N Coldstm 3900 jat 4850 N Rank 2100 N Rock 1000 Nudul 79000 Obaske 2000 Opemske 220 Orchan 100 Osisko 1800 Patino 280 Pax Int 1000 Pee E 9116 Pick Crow 2000 Pine Point 420 Preston 125 Pyramid 100 Chib =: 2200 @ Matigm! 1000 Que Sturg 500 Rediore 200 Rio At 23 Rio Alg cw 100 Rix Al 500 Roman 1985 Rowan 26000 Ryanor 1000 San Antoni 1200 Sate! 18500 Sherritt 205 Silvma 3500 Siscoe 100 Stanrek 100 Steep R 5195 Profess in varic Grade 12 gr mission to th @s craftsmen marketing ov Residence ac 18, 1967. For THE RE 4 '

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