1d ition e continent in nen received a r. Ashley Mon- orn American 'opologist, told e that women of the same men if given nities. His lec- | a series on World and fre ne of the natu- women, 1 on k, they again removed 'metery alonz | to improve ' their border ards number Berlin's 100- h East Ger- ice say there firmed deaths *s borders in tatistics give st German re- to the west , through the 5,180, despite » fields along order. -eeamepceenrscna nec noon "7 PAINTS SS RORS of the many Rigas 723-1181 pieecmecaerromnermamt eeererntenneroneney 3etween at food, ney. On to do, ent. Go 33. fic office. NICATIONS 1 SYSTEM menenrweenl raianaiaicnteaelll See cl. Y 31-2-3-4 ERATIONS: | AENTS 123-7001 atime d oo | NO IMMEDIATE STEPS PLANNED THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, August 12, 1967 3 BY CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY Two Sisters Get Respite From Separation PRESTON, Ont. (CP)--Two little sisters, inseparable since they were abandoned and placed in a Preston foster home early this year, Friday received respite from immediate separa- tion in two adoptive homes. W. A. Hunsberger, director of the Waterloo County Children's Aid Society, said Friday he will take no immediate steps to ov- ercome the refusal of foster mother Mrs. Arthur Timbrell to give up Valerie, 3, and Peggy, 5 'Mrs. Timbrell, mother of nine 4 children of her own in 23 years as of, marriage, Thursday refused entry to two social workers of the society who wanted to take the girls to two homes where they may be adopted. "I won't have the society split the girls up and put them in separate homes,' Mrs. Tim- bre!l said. "They're going to have to bring.in the police. These two kids are like glue-- they're inseparable. It's cruel." Meanwhile in Toronto, John Yaremko, minister of social and family services, said in a written statement that informa- tion he has on the case is in- complete but that he is "averse" to the plan to sep- arate the girls, "Family ties should be respect- ed and maintained wherever possible," he said. He is awaiting the report of a senior department official who went to Preston and neachy Kitchener to study the case. Mr. Yaremko's statement did not touch upon the religious ele- ment in the controversy. Mrs. Timbrell is Anglican and the girls have a Roman Catholic background. The soci- ety wants to place the girls with two Catholic families who have offered to adopt them. Mrs. Timbrell said she has asked the society for permis- sion to keep the girls, offering a guarantee the girls would be brought up in the Catholic faith. A Catholic neighbor would take the girls to church every Sun- day. 4 Toronto lawyer, who has offered his services to Mrs. Timbrell said there is nothing in Ontario's new Child Welfare Act that says a child must be adopted by a home of its par- ents' religon. This was confirmed by an of- ficial of the social and family services department who said the final adoption decision is up to a judge. Mr. Hunsberger said the soci- ety had made every effort pos- sible to place the girls in one family, but such a home could not be found. "We would prefer to keep them together, but how long can we postpone placing them in. a permanent home?" he Said. "A child's insecurity grows with the length of time he doesn't put down roots and re- Mains in a temporary situa- tion." 'Shift Asked -- 'By Fulton | Mt Constitution US. Seen Ready To Incidents At Lacolle, Que. WASHINGTON MONTREAL (C P )--D avie/mants said Friday the U.S. al-| ment. | Fulton former justice minister most certainly will investigate|the United States' Trading with| Canada. |and candidate for the Conserva-|incidents at Lacolle, Que., the Enemy Act, and the justice} |tive party's federal leadership,|where an American inter-iaith department, which would have) LACKED LICENCE Probe Youth, 15, Trapped Down Well 'Threatened By Falling Rock LEONORE, W.Va, (AP)--|his two sisters about 12 and 13. a' : Falling rock threatened to! His mother s ietly, Friction is reported to exist|that the United States, at the crush a 15-year-old youth hone Sperone gs lass (CP)--Infor-| between the treasury depart-|Lacolle border-crossng point,| tran) yay { pa z Pr-CTOs : ped mid-way down a well ae . i responsible for policing|"ex ported' its problems roitraee as rescue workers called jy he ade ee dently in heavy ditch-digging equip- fo, water. ' " ment to help pull him free By ARCH MacKENZIE | Fearing even slight vibrations ' said Friday the Canadian con-/group tried unsuccessfully to|to decide whether to prosecute,. RCMF had to tug from aj "Tell them don't stop," plead- 'aus ~ave-i ' : pemimen casemate stitution must be changed to|move medical supplies over the|the Americans 'nvalved, "The dozen members of the group|¢4 Leonard Boyce from his en- rest nacre more cave-ins, po meet the requirements of ajinternational border for ship-/U.S. applies the act to such|Packages addressed to North|ttapment 14 feet underground. hall oiered ie Puck ae GOOD NIGHT SWEET PRINCE! | modern urban society. ment to North and South Viet-| countries as North Vietnam and\and South Vietnam because He was buried in rock from oat ro B DESTBY | URW ay ' | He stressed that major/nam via Canada. Cuha. they lacked the necessary U.S.|/his_ knees to his chest at) an¢ inthe were ordered not to Goliath, a Great Dane while three - year - old of the dogs shown al a re- |amendments are needed, not] The group, which included] So far, the justice department|€XPOr! licences. The U.S. cus-/9-15 p.m. Friday a ee aes owned by John Blake of John Blake Jr. ,takes a cent dog show in Barrie, |only to meet the needs of Que-|Quakers, Unitarians and Epis-|has not initiated proceedings toms would not grant the li-| Boyce, of nearby Parsley's| Rescue teams included men Grimsby, Ont., keeps watch cat - nap. Goliath was one Ont. "Problems do not exist only|lie He urged an intensive septs and provincial study of such na- housing, urban renewal, Jury Ignores Coroner At Prudhomme Probe ik, eeer el Oe ST. CATHARINES (CP)--Anjsearching for an arsonist when|Louth Township volunteer fire, If such ; inquest jury Friday ignored aj|he disappeared in the fire. department testified Frida y|meetings were held, partici- Suggestion from coroner Dean| Dr. Macdonald told the jury|that the centre lacked sufficient/Pants would not only study the Macdonald that John and|the evidence showed the fire|fire protection and the owners|Problems, they would also set George Prudhomme, co-owners|did not start by itself. establish who would be respon-| (CP Wirephoto) bec, but of all the provinces. | copalians, a in Quebec. They exist in all the|supplies provinces and in every munici-| Montreal. pality throughout the country." |---------- tionwide problems as riggs end 24 p I iests, Seminar ions wieaiormiea ON Canoe Trip To Expo Id also set! MIDLAND, Ont. had been told so before the fire.|UP @ clear set of priorities and) yecuit priests and 19 seminary | themselves, i poe ear-|against any member of the in- pes nt by Sree law. Bottom, a small mountain com- ant Pein thet 5 ite is id t this week from) taking the/ter-faith group. jsuich parcels could not enter| munity near this southwestern|<® ape iakaaemnuhios over the border to' There is some private grum-| Canada ora 'Virginia pi yew be "dug deep enoigh fo rach 'bling among Canadian officials) The point, Canadian officials : sie * Boyce's legs and pull him free ------ = | say, is that U.S. law could halt|fed hot chocolate through a rub- feet first. But they found heavy protesters before they reach Per nine as tre alverrd Wiroug machinery was needed Canadian soil. e night, Earlier in the week here a| He was trapped while. trying TO OTHACHE Quaker spokesman, Ross Flan-|'0 inspect the well for cleaning.| wn, sitter spony? tn minutes get rellet thet agan, said he fear Canada "has| Workrs reached Boyce today) lasts with ORAJEL. Speed-release formula f : BESS ' puts It to work quickly to relieve throbb undertaken to do the dirt work by digging a trench alongside| toothache pain. Ask aud for the U.S." He said he would yell'. ; wo | Your pharmacist for : wecome "a legal charge being the well's casing. But tlt m= pte Bike y | enough funds for provisions andj laid against us by the govern-/Tock began falling on the boy ora-jel youn oe (CP)--Five|the students raised the rest| ment, but they apparently don't|after a small hole was dug © cern want to do that."" through the side of the-well for | goo es pm MVEENINE yy, By, SEAN FINLAY of Prudhomme's Garden Cen- | tre, be held responsible for any deaths during a fire at the lay- ish tourist complex June 23. It ruled that watchman John Healey, 60, of Hamilton, whose body was found in the ruins several days later, died in the fire of reasons unknown. It at- tached no blame in the death. The jury also ignored a suggestion from the coroner that they should find that the fire, which destroyed a major portion of the centre, causing about $3,500,000 damage, was deliberately set. Almost 500 guests and cus- tomers were forced to flee when the fire broke out in the well-known Prudhomme's com- plex, which included a restaur- ant, hotel, curling rink, theatre, bowling alley, lounges, and other entertainment facilities beside the Queen Elizabeth Way at nearby Vineland. LASTED THREE DAYS As the three-day inquest ap- proached its close Friday, Dr. Macdonald said in his charge to the jury that the Prudhomme brothers should be '"'held per- sonally responsible for all who might have died in the fire." He accused the owners of ig- noring the building laws of Louth Township and said the employees and the owners themselves 'ran around like chickens with their heads cut off" during the fire. "We should have some law that would make them pay-- they should make them pay for being so arrogant,' Dr. Mac- donald said. During Friday's testimony a Prudhomme's desk clerk testi- RETIRES SIX HOURS The jury retired for six hours and returned Friday night with 18 recommendations, among them a_ suggestion that the Hotel Fire Safety Act be amended to require builders to construct proper fire safety walls between each unit. Ten of the recommendations were aimed at hotels already built before the act went into effect in August, 1966. The act applies only to construction of new motels, or older motels which require liquor licence board approval for renovation. The jury called on govern- ment agencies, such as the de- partment of tourism and infor- mation, which lecence public ac- commodation buildings that do not serve liquor, to start at once to force hotel and motel owners to: --install fire hoses, and other fire-fighting equipment in stra- tegic locations in all buildings; arrange for power sources or independent water systems for areas not served by munici- pal water systems; --install fire alarm in all buildings; --see that employees are drilled in sounding fire alarms, evacuating guests and using and maintaining fire-fighting equipment. CALLS FOR RESTRICTIONS | In other suggestions, it asked that hotels and motels be prohi- bited from converting areas under staircases into storage areas and that smoke barrier screens and doors be installed systems at intervals of 200 feet or less in long corridors and passage- ways. fied that he thought Healey was Roblin Speaks In French _ Asks For National Unity VICTORIAVILLE, Que. (CP)| --Premier Duff Roblin of Mani-} toba Friday night urged nation-| al unity.of French and English-| speaking Canadians through. a) renaissance and reconstruction of federalism. | In the first major address of} his campaign to become national) leader of the Progressive Con-) servative party, Mr, Roblin said in a speech delivered in French that his top priority is national unity. "Not any sort of unity, not unity of the melting-pot but the only unity which is compatible with human dignity, unity with-| out uniformity.". Mr. Roblin spoke in this com- munity of 22,000 about 100 miles northeast of Montreal following a 175-mile road trip beginning in Quebec City, with a luncheon stop at Trois-Rivieres and civic receptios at Drummondville and the city hall here. Introduced at least twice as the "future prime minister of Can- ada" and hailed everywhere he went for leading the campaign to permit teaching in French in Maritoba's school system, the 50-year-old Winnipegger said: "The Progressive Conservati- venarty presided over the birth of Canadian Confederation. It will preside over its renais- sance." TOURING QUEBEC He concludes his first of three Trepanier, president of Que- bec's federal Conservative asso- ciation, who introduced Mr. Roblin to Quebecers as the future} prime minister of Canada. | Mr. Trepanier said he hopes jhe will be able to deliver for ceived, Mr. Roblin 300 of Quebec's 535! vutes in the nine-way leader- ship race. Premier Roblin tackled the; tricky "'two nations" concept of! Canada at a press. conference in Quebec. City -and. in his speech here, saying Canada can) be considered as two nations culturally but one nation politi- cally. , "If in your idea and definition of 'nation' you consider that the state is the decisive factor, there is one nation in Canada because there is only one Cana- dian state politically in the po- litical sense of the federal form." Mr. Roblin said that as pre- mier of Manitoba he did his part to restore the status of French in Manitoba's schools, making it possible for French- Canadians there to live as "full-fledged citizens with com- plete equality." The Manitoba € y a bili recently amending Mani- toba's public school act to per- mit teaching in French in public schools. Previously} teaching was permitted only in the English language. trips to Quebec today by whis- tle-stopping through five cen- tres in the Eastern Townships, starting at Sherbrooke and end- ing at Granby, home of his strongest party support in Que- Sohn Ovens 0. D. OPTOMETPIST 8 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA PHONE 723-4811 | Chief Douglas MacNich of the | Scarborough Centennial College without appearing before &lin a softball game and at Trout! Australia to direct travellers. 'EEE He said he had warned the § 4 ific Students leave here Sunday on 'The paddlers leave dl reas-| . > i Prudhomme brothers that there|sible for carrying out specific). 549 mile trip to Expo 67 in Sunday. at 11 a.m. shar ad en seyret ee oo et ee were no proper fire stops in the|Projects, and who would pick Montreal a : , ury departmen' has done ev-| ; : curling rink-theatre section|up the tab--perhaps on a cost-| O™Teal. brating mass, erything it can to frustrate, FEAR CRUSHING where da hen apparent! es re sharing basis. Paddling four New Bruns-| gis --/intimidate and harass our pro-, Operations then were halted ed Pparently start-'S"Referring to Quebec's de-Wick-built canoes, they will fol- Belleville B k gram." Decanie of tents Uiat the yout E. J . Beauchamp of the|mands for special status, he|!ow the 17th century route used elleville Backs That includes freezing some| WOuld be crushed by stone. Ontario fire marshal's office | said the people of Quebec must) by Jesuit missionaries. Each Quaker bank deposits, orders to As rescuers gingerly picked 'i jup rocks from the trench, post offices to refuse to sell testified that construction of the|have equal rights with other Canoe is 22 feet long and weighs| Expo Go-Go iB ted | Boyce repeated: BELLEVILLE (CP) Expo-| money orders clearly bound for complex was not up to stand-|Canadians in all parts of the|250 pun ards and there were not enough | country. | The trip is expected to take "I want out. Hurry and get fire exits and fire alarms, It was not possible for the) three weeks, with arrival at the/Go-Go, a project to send 350|/Canada to buy Vietnam aid re- me out." Quebec provincial government|C hristian Pavilion at Expo|children on a one-day excursion| lief and efforts to get Canadian) 51. somained calm, however.| NO FIRE WALLS to have the same powers held|Sept. 3 |to Expo 67, has caught the in-|banks to co-operate in detecting! , mone the some 150 spectators John Prudhomme , who with| by the federal government. The trip is more than a cen-/terest of this community. \bank deposits used to send aid one | THE NORTH will invade THE SOUTH Monday, Aug, 14 SEE MONDAY'S SPORTS PAGE FOR DETAILS : i i -dawn his brother planned and de-| "Mr, Fulton said both federal /|tennial prject, says the leader,| More than $2,000 has been money te Canadian Quakers. gg iver ye toch signed the centre, testified|and provincial governments|Norman Lawson, 28, a semi- U.S. officials say the treasury|Mr, ana Mrs. Ben Boyce and under the protection of the Can-|nave been neglectful of ensur-|nary student from Timmins, |Contribted by industries, busi-\enforces the Trading with the ATTENTION FARMERS ! pose add erp Act. He said the) ing that French-speaking Cana-| Ont. _,\hesses, churches, unions, serv-\Enemy Act through the office ee Oe ee tite, Walls, fire|dians bnefit from all the rights| 'The theme is unity," he said\ice clubs and individuals. Local|of foreign assets control. Then, doors or enclosed fireproof) A he 7 ; if 1 4 agreed upon at the time of con-\in an interview. "We have a spokesman said Friday, OR ir eg | roancation, French-Canadians, English-Ca- Supermarkets and wholesalers treasury investigations of viola- WHY PAY bas 2 lesk clerk at Pru- ai and. Ameri pad-\|have contributed food from tions are sent to the justice de- + M dhomme's, John Rempel, said dling with us. We are trying to!which 800 box lunches will be! partment for study as to wheth-| FE O PREMIUM He ela y might have been Probe Ordered create French-English unity, made. er prosecution should occur. _| QUALITY be Agate dB abies when é American-Canadian u ait y at Operating unions of the Cana-| o ft Ay : in the fire. Into Detention aber as Protestant-Catholic/gian National Railways have of- CALL OR SEE Oil on ae Peeve rpg se pore MONTREAL (CP)--An inves-| ity. i footbag red aves on. *, Gasoline = Diesel and Motor Ss id i slate igation has been ordered into a| PLAN JOINT SERVICE F , DIXON Ss ; , it ... I am going to get tigati "% three Hamilton men| "We are going to conduct ec-|at no extra cost. Farm Tanks And Pumps Available The owners, neither of whom | who ony they were held by umenical cirigebeer sgh ae "-- spi gabs Bie ane ee, Cua FOR Out " --?* -- as iii $ Montreal police for more ~ way pas xk religious leaders/ren and 50 adults who will act , 58 hours without being charged,|of all denominations to sign a oii fe Centre aera: i5-room [Leslie Hobbs, assistant-director/deerskin parchment for dispiay by the ietaneeviss rere OE el Ge hn lof the Montreal police depart-) at Expo 67." y j *| = 7 sng to grow in (haat ania Miley. For 10¢ years, from 1624 on,|Council of Montreal. _ time of ak me peewee Mr. Hobbs said in an inter- there was a Jesuit involved in' jt is expected that all child-| filled i c bade view he.could confirm only that/eyery major exploration and! 4! illed its 200 rooms were just alin en were.detained "for al edition in Canada, Mr. Law-|Te? between the ages of 12 an | part | oF ila daily visitors Who | oectain period" and that an in looy said ' 15 in the city who could not oth: | hole golf course and. tre une: | vestigation was under way. Starting at the Midland site erwise afford the trip, will be! tre's other facilities Ernie Hamilton, ep eet ar of the Maity's me we a able to attend. row, 38 and Cyril Birch, 33,! dedicated to five Jesui' assa- said Thursday they were artes: |cred by the Iroquois in 1648 and | led by ao last} 1649, the erg will go weekend and he or more/and portage via Georgian Bay, | ithan 58 hours before their re- the French River, Lake Nipiss- | lease Monday ee he ing and the Maines and Otta-| Under the Criminal Céde, a wa rivers to Montreal. : ee aa person may not be held in po-) At Pembroke the Jesuits will | solidly booked jice cells longer than 24 hours! play a local radio station team | had any architectural training, OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 'unt' DX OIL FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY $ $$3$%33%3%$% College ie Solid Booking TORONTO (CP)--Student ap- plicants have ARNOLD PALMER'S SPECIALS % and are rapidly filling the other magistrate or justice of the|/,ake near North Bay, Gerry | 19 community colleges in Ontar- H ; peace. Herauf, 26, of Regina will con-| io. | duct an open-air community | bor new colleges are de- I t ational sing-song. | signed to provide further educa-| [Nft@IM , ject is $5,000. | tion for Grade 12 graduates va ee eee. | Jesuit superiors supplied) LEWIS OPTICAL Established for over 30 years 10% King Street West 725-0444 5-Year ¥ Guaranteed Investment Certificates also take unqualified suidente| Body Urged over 19 years of age who show i | scholastic aptitude. TORONTO (C pies cho . mh a - to a 40-city, internationa con- | sn le a cn ference on urban problems now) P' under way in Toronto are con- erating in its second year, It) UNGer ; has doubled its capacity from|Sidering the garg of 500 to 1,100 but more than 2,000| WO Permanent agencies for in- applications have been re. t¢r-urban co-operation. fee A call was issued at Friday's session for the establishment 0} Humber College of Applied | an international body to act as Arts and Technology has filled! a clearing house for solutions to 500 out of 525 places, and more transportation problems facing than 600 students have enrolled large cities. at Seneca College of Applied Early next week, the 240 dele- | Arts and Technology in subur-|gates from six continents will} ban North York, leaving 200/discuss a proposal for an inter- seats. jnational secretariat for exvaiel| e 2 pair SLACKS e 2 pair TROUSERS © 2 SKIRTS urs ere e 2 SWEATERS No Limit Durham College in Oshawa Pal affairs. A decision is expect: | NOW EARN has only 70 applications for 250,ed before the 10-day meeting | places. Sheridan College im ends Wednesday. | Cooksville, Ont., has 347 appli-) 1; 2 0961 cations for 500 seats, SUMMER | 4 (4) FREE PICK-UP & DELIV -- . Total enrolment for all col- leges is expected to increase by} BACHELORS | per annum ON 3 ITEMS OR OVER | 'i ood 4 3,000 to 6,000 students over last| You con sti snloy goed | feed for five years i while the family is away ot the cottage. GO TO THE LANCASTER HOTEL 27 KING ST. WEST Parking Rear of Hotel by investing in Guorant Investment Certificotes which are Gueranteed--os to Principal and Interest. Flexible--may be used as Col- lateral for loans. year's total of 12,500. | CASH & CARRY SPECIALS IN ADDITION TO ABOVE ITEMS , 25% DISCOUNT ON ALL OTHER DRY CLEANING i 1 Hour Service Every Hour On The Hour White Dress Shirts ...... 5 for 1.00 ' Beautifully Leundered and Finished Mon. thru Fri. -- Sat. 12 Noon ARNOLD PALMER'S CLEANING CENTRE MAPS IN THE GROUND "Mud maps" scratched in the} hard-baked soil are used by| ranchers in the backlands of| CASH & CARRY CASH & CARRY the event of death, Trustee Act In- vestments. CENTRAL ONTARIO. TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawe 723-5221 CROSS CANADA PAVING has 3 YEARS GUARANTEE also 6- 12- 18-20-36 month to pay For 2 Months After Completi 23 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2527 OPEN FREE ESTIMATE... FRIDAY . vend King Park Plaza -- King St. West Spc: ; NEXT TO A&P FOUNTAINHEAD Call 728-9292 Cshawa K rae Hy bec. Mayor of Granby is Paul O.