Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Aug 1967, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, August 12, 1967 ee in FIGNORG Would Gil i> Training Of Doctors The College also suspended TORONTO (CP)--Discussions| notice" to doctors outlining its on ways of shortening the time|disciplinary jurisdiction. -\required to educate a doctor] It also carried a report of the jwill be held between the com-|findings of the discipline com- + | mittee on education of the On-| mittee, and outlined the rules _\Surgeons and the deans of- ing registration in Ontario. | # Ontario medical schools. crease in doctor production is Was named. an urgent need. PLEADS GUILTY | No final decision was reached; Dr, Martin W. Stapleton of on ideas presented to the com-|Serforth, Ont., pleaded guilty to |mittee, but it was felt an over-|conduct unbecoming a medical |all examination of the total edu- practitioner, the report said, in cational program, including dis-| haying issued a certificate re- cussions with heads of medical Jating to the mental compe- schools, was necessary. jtence of a patient, "which cer- The report of the college, |tificate he knew to be false and which licenses all doctors and| which he later repudiated." has disciplinary power over| Dr. Stapleton was reprimand- their professional and private|ed and ordered to pay costs of conduct, included a "warning/the hearing. Disciplinary Committee Acts In MD's Cases | TORONTO (CP) -- The disci-| With this year's report was | j ' 'ollege|issued a "warning notice' to} ae spite ei es bid College doctors outlining the college's of Physicians and Surgeons Of) qiccinlinary jurisdiction. It can Ontario considered the profes-|qecertify, suspend or restrict sional conduct of six doctors in|doctors for a variety of of- the province in the last finan-/ fences, some legal crimes such (CP Wirephoto) 'cial year jas hit-and-run driving or nar- aurea --------- |. Its findings resulted in one| cotics offences, and other per- reprimand, reinstallation of two/sonal' or professional actions doctors to practise within de-|such as advertising themselves, lfined limits, refusal to lift ajadultery or treating a patient | narcotics-prescribing prohibition| while drunk. from one doctor and approval; The report also warns, in a " Correspondents In China 4 4 of another's loss of major oper-| "special notice" that "foreign Recalled By Scandinavians ries ele staal ; ject. not be referred to as 'clinical OSLO (Reuters)--The Scandi-; The Norwegian news agency |correspondent received a" findings of the discipline|clerks' or 'interns' and should navian news agencies have de-|NTB announced the recall deci-|"stern warning" Monday. The oonmittee ,mentioning only one|not be masquerading as doc- : 'is lsion on behalf of the other|agencies said he now is on the of the six doctors by name,|tors. ... cided to recall their joint corre-\avencies--RB of Denmark, way home. os were published Friday in the|from non-approved schools spondent from Peking following, FNB of Finland and TT of Swe- INVOLVED IN INCIDENT callece'a annual report. Te -alao|AbOUIG' nok be" permitted 40] a warning from China that his/den. ye i included technical rules for|carry out medical procedures} news reporting has been "'un-| Apart from supplying nurses and new regulations for even under supervision." friendly towards China," it wasjand commentaries on Chines registering foreign-trained doc-| Other items in the announced in the Norwegian|affairs to the four agencies, tore'is Ontario: capital Friday night. Munthe-Kaas, a 29-yea r-old S july 23 The Chinese foreign ministry) Norwegian who speaks Chinese, quare July < also said China found it "totaily/has also delivered reports to He was driving with unacceptable" that the corre-|The Times and The Sunday|Swedish cultural attache, Jon|nower over their professional| amphetamines, spondent, Harald Munthe-Kaas,|Times in London and the Far/Sigurdson, and a Canadian re-/and private conduct. land sedatives. had been distributing news re-|Eastern Economic Review in/|porter, David Oancia of the To- sos Hong Kong. ronto Globe and Mail, when the eam Severe Shortage Foreseen Of Airplane Pilots Here f 4 ll SURVIVORS ARRIVE FROM SHIP Haddington 188 miles northwest of Vancouver pert arrive at Alert Bay. Some 300 passengers were evacuated from the $6,500, 000 vessel after she ran First lifeboat of survivors from the grounded B, C. Ferry Queen of Prince Ru- news Munthe-Kaas, who began 'iis e assignment in Peking in the |middle of April was involved in an incident in Tienanmen port to non-Scandinavian news- j papers. The announcement said the|car was surrounded by hun- --idreds of Red Guards. The jguards severely damaged the shouts. ots in Canada appears to be in-|pilots will be of ] <=: insulted the three men and oman een an S qua. |spat on them Soldiers seized a tape record- If Opportunities Sam ppo unl 1€S a e The soldiers drove the three|evitable in the next decade and|year. to the foreign ministry,|the transport department is| 'There now are 6,300 commer- er with which Munthe-Kaas was : men ; MONTREAL (CP)--Dr. Ash-|given the opportunity for|put the Red Guards beat them|studying ways of encouraging] cial pilots in Canada. A recent ley Montagu, a British-born |@chievement. + i a {mith fists and belts and took{advanced pilot training to over-| transport department study of 'American author and anthropol-| Bares constitu arog 4 eaateer them to the security bureau,| come it. the situation estimates that be- ogist, said Friday women are |tp Sosa and was greater diff |where they were held for sever-} The upshot is likely to be an|tween 9,200 and 12,200 will be| nda . : Ss "lal hours, expansion of the current pro-| required in 1976. | capable of the same achieve-jculty recovering from illness, 'The men were told that they|gram under which Ottawa pays| The $200 pilot bonus was start-| ments as men if they are given the speaker said, adding sk had provoked the masses,| $100 to each person obtaining ajed in 1949 and up to the end of the same opportunities. jwomen are more ag | "whose action was justified and] private pilot's licence and anoth-|1966 a total of more than $5,- Delivering a lecture at the cause of the part they play in|must be regarded as a serious|er $100 to the training school. |500,000 was paid out on behalf Hospitality pavilion of Expo on i. ask a ee reports from Peking! A department statement Fri-|of 28,156 flying school gradu- herwae " *! said. day. said the country's six|ates. | the natural superiority Of|ther in a matter of a few sec-| 'The incident drew a sharp|major carriers expect their| Top airline pilots can earn required each|ads the surgical qualified specialist, 'because of an unusually high incidence of privileges of a complications in a certain sur- |tario College of Physicians and | for foreign-trained doctors seek-| gical procedure." Two. physicians Five cases of action involving | suspended by the college were | Phe college's semi-annual re- the discipline committee were/ reinstated, one with practice port, issued Friday, says an in:|listed. Only one doctor involved restricted to institutions and j both subject to annual review. Another doctor's application for reinstatement was refused, the report said, because of his "attitude towards the use of narcotics in the relief of pain regardless of the risk of addic- tion." physicians warned This was warning from the college urg- ing physicians to use the great- est discretion in prescribing barbiturates, tranquillizers, amphetamines, sedatives and }other mood-affecting drugs. over-prescribing of "The these drugs Graduates Canada, hospitals to tions should as 'clinical vision'.' Mailed to report along with the report was a 10- range from a plea for legible|page booklet entitled Warning The college licences all medi-|signatures on. medical certifi-| Notice, detailing the college's cal doctors for practice in the|cates to a warning about over-| Prescriptions the province and has disciplinary|prescribing barbiturates,|conduct and 5 tranquillizers|Ppension or loss of licence for "improper conduct." Among the 13 regulations in the booklet were warnings against excessive fees, adver- tising of medical skills and re- bates for recommending optical companies or alists to a patient. A doctor may advertise in a OTTAWA (CP)--A severe|For the industry as a whole, an|newspaper for three days when trying to record demonstrators' shortage of qualified airline pil-|average of more than 1,100 new|he opens a new office, but other are prohibited. He may have a Yellow Pages listing, but he may ous problem in some areas," the report said. The basic rule for foreign- trained doctors seeking regis- tration in Ontario was said by the report to depend on whether the college approves the candi- date's medical-school training . proved must take at least two years of medical either the last two} years of the MD course or two| years of postgraduate study in| a limited list of specialties. The report also warns that) "foreign students employed by} and should not be masquerad- ing as doctors. CHECK ACTIVITIES | "Foreign students from non- Foreign students|approved schools should not be permitted to carry out medical procedures even under super- listing or detail his office hours. previously accompanied by a has become a seri- of schools not ap- training in fill technical posi- not be referred to clerks' or 'interns' Onario doctors for professional threatening sus- medical speci- not order bold-face the largest women, part of a series Mlonds and drop. dead and it ' | ; anit & , S , At protest from the Swedish gov-|top-category pilot requirement}between $20,000 and $30,000 a Woman and her World, Dr. wouldn't make any difference in| ernment. 8 pyr ay the next a years. | vear. EXPORTING POTATOES | LETHBRIDGE, Alta. (CP)-- The old saying about shipping coals to Newcastle was recalled here when it was arranged to send Alberta potatoes to Idaho, United States. About 1,800 peo- ple at the world boy scout jam- boree being held in Farragut State Park, the 10-ounce Albertan potatoes. | producer in the Idaho, will enjoy Montagu said: jthe preservation of the species. 'Tf women. were gien the!The female must survive." same opportunities and took the} Dr. Montagu told the audi- same advantages as man they/ence consisting almost entirely would make greater achieve--of women that the male dies ments than men do." jearlier than the female because He said the reason women gen-/he takes in more energy, uses erally have been considered in)more energy, burns more en- the apst to be inferior to men is|ergy--and thus burns. himself because man throughou the ages out. has imposed his will on women.| Despite this, he said, women This was done simply because|work longer hours and manage} men are more muscular and big-|to survive an average of almost | ger than women. six years longer in the United Men have been credited in|States, the average life-span of the past with all the greatja woman being 73.4 years and achievements of mankind, Dr.|that of a man 68.7 years. | Montagu added. But only in re-| The lecture series is spon- cent years had women been|sored by Office Overload. Four Voyageurs | End Long Journey = By JOSEPH MacSWEEN He said their 18-foot glass-fi-'| MONTREAL (C pee bre canoe carried no motor and | moder y voyageurs , paddle ein meee blades flashing in the evening 'ne group--t a api and nue sun, came gliding .into Expo/|are the only married men--had completing a canoe}no sponsorship. *y of some 3,400 miles "Between Kenora, Ont. and ; = o ike Ae Lake Superior there are 39 Seis @Pl-| nortages and the last was the Fee UPPER CANADA VILLAGE inate neau a descendant of the famed €X-| recalled ruefully as he told of ader of the quartet and longest at 8% miles," Papineau wei cheb ee nat { two men carrying the 124-pound eee we mbar the trou- | canoe and the other two hefting rice ig 100-pound packs over the land 27, Art McCann, 29, and Derick janblawas Andrews, 20--all Vancouver . longshoremen in the workaday|S!x-foot waves in Lake Supe- | % world--began their great ad-|Tior's Nipigon Bay but the |e venture at Rocky Mountain|/ Canoe did not overturn or sink | ¥ It is 1784-1867. You are there. A time House, Alta., .May 16 and pad-|and the men were able to make | % machine has drawn you back into the 19th century, back dled and plodded for 87 days. |Shore. A canoe rib was broken. | % to the days before Canada's Confederation. You will They were the first to arrive| Ordinarily the adventurers see the smithy's shop, demonstrations of spinning and ON RARIOS LOY UG LE UR UNA Ge (see it on your way to Expo) You will love it. The canoe was swamped in excellent course, Ti of several groups. that ae slept under the stars--they had / > weavi he U aa il litters ecaal ies to U i king Centennial Year by |no tent--but twice had the Juxu- | ng, Ipper Canada mail coach clattering over standing recrea facilities. Come pper Canad pei fia ag elt ag A iy of hotel beds, at Rainy River | the corduroy roads of yesterday. You will enjoy home- Village and oe Canada's Centennial. It's the old waterways by which the and Fort Frances, Ont ; cooked meals in the 1850 surroundings of Willard s Hotel. located just off MacDonald Cartier Freeway (High- Papineau said 60 miles would History comes magically to life at Upper Canada Village. way 401) on your way to Expo. explorers reached the heart of Close at hand are hush green parks, sandy beaches, marinas, fully equipped camping and trailer' sites, an iding stables and all sorts of out- be covered in a "'good average' the continent. i i | by day but between sunrise and EXPLAINS _ k bout ft sunset on one big day they cov- | %& I had been thinking about 1) oreq 96 miles from Cumberland es for about a year and wanted tO} House Sack to Whe Pas Mai is see Canada the way the voya-;___-_ "ke id--and fi t what geurs did--and find out wha! EXPERIMENT IN LIVING | Sem 2 Upper Canada Village on Highway 2 near Morrisburg is open daily from MAY 18 UNTIL OSTOBER 15 the country looked like from a) : canoe," said Papineau, inter-] MONTREAL (CP)--Visitors | % viewed at the Western Canada /to Montreal under the Experi- | 3% pavilion at Expo. |ment in International Living, % "The other boys and I decded jinvolving 42 countries, are bil- | & it would be a nice thing to do/letted with local families in ac- for Centennial Year.' cordance with project organizer | A badly crushed finger by|Dr. Donald B. Watt of UNES- McCann was the only injury of /CO's ne that '"'men can't live | 7a pee #1 ici aeeeniaas the trip although lightning once) peaceably together unless they Ciks 'iy III Wy wee Oe hit within 10 feet of the travellers| know how the other man lives." 3% iis \ Lisi SG. y Ll uged J, v and their canoe was swamped Eleven participants visiting the Leenceree 6 buet 4 ave in Lake Superior, Papineau|Expo city work at the sae added. community centre day camp, ' For further information write the, Public Relations Officer, The St. Lawrence Parks Commission, P.O. Box 340. Morrisburg. Ontario THE ST. LAWRENCE PARKS COMMISSION MORRISBURG, ONTARIO JOHN P. ROBARTS, @.C., LL.D., PRIME MINISTER OF ONTARIO Fashion-Mixed GLoss House PAINT HITE TD-1010 CHALK RESISTANT W Super One Coat' 25% OFF! TECO Deluxe PAINTS The Best Quality Paint In Canada Colour your home beaue tiful with the many shad- es of Teco Deluxe. EATON TECO Deluxe is specially formulated to go on quickly, easily and last in loveliness through the years. In an almost limitless variety of shad- es and uses -- indoors and out. Teco Deluxe -- Best for washobility . . . best for colour fastness . . . best for durability. Best for your home, EXTERIOR OIL BASE HOUSE PAINT Reg. 9.95 SPECIAL, gol. ..... Ce 7.46 Reg. 2.95. SPGCIAL, @ 1:.......-.. 2.21 Glossy protective finish for all exterior wood surfaces. TD 1030 Lemon Yellow; TD1050 Shutter Blue; TD1060 Caribbean Blue; TD1070 Oak Brown; TD1080 Cloud Grey; TD1090 Terrace Green; TD1100 Terra Cotta Red; TD1120 Bright Yellow; TD1140 Venetian Red; TD1160 Colonial Cream; TD1170 Sunfast Green; TD1180 Sudan Ivory; TD1190 Java Brown; TD1200 Dark Green; TD 1210 Sash Black; TD1220 Exterior Undercoat; TD1230 Non Chalking White; TD 1231 Self Cleansing White. Exterior Latex House Paint --. .... o. SPECIAL, gol. . SPEGIAL, Gt cis cee easeewbas 2.25 Reg. 3.00. A low lustre, weather-resistant finish for wood, masonry, or asbestos siding. Brushes, rollers wash out in water, Blisterproof, dries in 30 minutes to a hard surface. TD 2000 Intense White; TD 2010 Turquoise; TD' 2020 Charcoal; TD 2630 Coral} TD 2040 Seige: TD 2050 Ceramic Blue; TD 2060 Glen Green; TD 2070 Indian Red; TD 2090 Sand; TD 2110 Costle grey; TD 2120 Sunflower; TD 2130 Apple Green; TD 2140 Line Yellow; TD 2150 Magnolia White; TD 2160 Chocolate Brown; TD 2190 Masonry Conditioner; TD 2200 Lotex Primer. Exterior Oil Base Trim Colours Reg. 11.50 Special, gol. ......... ce 8.62 Reg. 3.25 oi ae 2.43 TD 1130 Scarlet; TD 1150 Bright Aqua; TD 1240 Emerald Green; TD 1250 Island Coral. COLOUR MATCHED INTERIOR FINISHES LATEX SUPER SATIN SPECIAL, 'oot. Ae ec 6.71 Mee co 1.98 A high quality, washable finish for living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms and halls. Ap- plies easily, leaves no mark, dries in 30 min- utes. Covers most surfaces in one coat, one gallon covers about 450 sa. ft. COLOUR LATEX OIL BASE White TD 3000 TD 4000 Antique White TD 3010 TD 4010 Lime Green TD 3030 TD 4030 Chiffon Green TD 3040 TD 4040 Turquoise TD 3050 TD 4050 Shell Pink TD 3070 TD 4070 Wheat TD 3080 TD 4080 Mocha TD 3090 TD 4090 Sunlight Yellow TD 3100 TD 4100 Fost Dry Primer and sealer-Emulsion Wall Primer and Sealer OIL BASE SEMI-GLOSS SPECIAL, 'got ak06) 60 beeen ees 1.46 oe. ceosss a An enamel-like finish in @ popular subdued gloss, excellent for woodwork to combine with walls done in Latex super satin. Also a fine, washable finish for bathroom and kitchen walls. One gallon covers about 500 sa. ft. COLOUR LATEX OIL BASE Cool Green TD 3110 TD 4110 Taupe TD 3130 TD 4130 Sky Blue TD 3140 TD 4140 Pale Lavender TD 3160 TD 4160 Lamplight TD 3170 TD 4170 French Beige TD 3180 TD 4180 Apricot Ice TD 3190 TD 4190 Celery TD 3200 TD 4200 TD 3500 TD 3501 Exterior Oil Base Super One-Coat White Eg Sy 8.62 se 2.43 Doubly enriched to cover most surfaces in a single coat, super one coat protects and beau- tifies for years. No. 1000 Self-cleansing white for frame buildings only. No. 1010 Chalk-resistant white. Brilliant non-chalking gloss for wood siding and trim, won't stain masonry below. No. 1020 Trim and sash white; fast drying for window sills, screen frames, doorways or anywhere that needs fre- quent washing. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR FLOOR ENAMEL SPECIAL. g6l, ss escessesseeses LOMO SPECIAL, gol. .. R SPRCIAL, at Cee ecu 2.21 For porch and concrete floors. Tough, durable coverage for interior and exterior wood and cement floors. Weather-resistant, applies eas- ily, covers most surfaces in one coat. Dries overnight. TD 5010 Bright Green; TD 5020 Oxide Red; TD 5030 Stone Grey; TD 5040 Porch Grey; TD 5070 Mahogany. TD. 5500 Concrete hardener ond sealer. Gallons Only. Reg. 7.95. SPECIAL, each Moonlight Super White Fast-drying porcelain enamel defies smoke and grease, stays brilliantly white. Dries quickly to o hard durable finish, wipes clean with a domp cloth, For kitchens and bathrooms. speciat, got. ........ 10,12 SMCAL, @. 6-3 2.73 20% Off TECO Paint Accessories Teco Deluxe paint roller sets with Dynel pile 2" thick. Complete with large metal tray. 7%" size Reg, 3.95 SPECIAL, set 3.15 92" size Reg. 4.95 SPECIAL, set 3.95 9%" rough surface roller Reg. 5.50 SPECIAL, each 4.40 Teco Deluxe blended brushes with selected Chinese type bristle. 1" Reg. 1.39 SPECIAL, eoch 1.17 2" Reg. 2.98 SPECIAL, each 2.37 3" Reg, 4.79 SPECIAL, each 3.84 4" Reg. 6.98 SPECIAL, each 5.58 INTERIOR and EXTERIOR HIGH GLOSS ENAMEL Fine alkyd gloss flows on evenly, dries quickly to a smooth surface. Resists heat and stains, use in bathrooms, kitchens, and on furniture or woodwork. Outdoor furniture, garden tools and many other items. TD 6010 Piedmont Grey; TD 6020 Brazil Green; TD 6030 Grecian Pink; TD 6050 Primrose Yellow; TD 6060 Ivory; TD 6070 Tahce Blue; TD 6080 Nut Brown; TD 6090 Vermil- lion; TD 6120. Black; TD 6130 White; TD 6150 Enamel Undercoater; TD 6160 Sunlight Yellow; TD 6170 Antique White; TD 6180 Tinting White; TD 6190 Glade Green; TD 6200 Carnival Red; TD 6210 Ultra Turquoise; TD 6220 Baby Blue. TD 6130, TD 6170, TD 6180, TD 6160 alco available in gallons. 2 Rea. 2.95. SPECIAL, at. ...... i] PAINT AND WALL COVERINGS, LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 274 SPECIAL ot eee 49) PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S in the Oshawa Shopping Centre ' VOL. 26--NC WEST GLA Wild bears | old girls in miles apart i Park early iously injur boy. Killed were San Diego, Helgeson of Roy Ducat o was serious; The Koon when a bea! iy IMU EH THN erepomgagmanmmsncaeessesecnnae PHOTOGR. this angle, n by Picasso civic center 'Wh In C CHICAGO (A it is but 'Whe creating the c Civic Centre ] Even before be taken off storey rust} Tuesday, priva bate is furious Those who great art. Tho it's a $300,000 TitoS Of Ar From 4 CAIRO (CP) ident Tito is 2 Arab leaders | way out of the over Israeli j" tory captured No immedia pected, but | his mission wi it brings th countries to re Stanfi Feder: OTTAWA | Robert Stanfic indicated tod: federal politic not win the | ership next m He said at : he feels his paign is "go deed" and ad would be hai lieve Canada back of such not winning federal ridin would be ops he became le Mr. Stanfie doesn't win decision on | premier of ! depend on t views of leader and cc cabinet colle: He added "might not 1 Politics,"

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