Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Aug 1967, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, August 12, 1967 ]§ EARN SCHOOL CASH WITH "FOR SALE' CLASSIFIED ADS Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. [H_OTHERS VS is very young, ow any definite aid Mr. Naef. fish is another cahit be alee of pease for Sale |14--Business Opportunities '18--Male Help Wanted is y F nace , adjust fc ee ee ee aldndapadeiian dedsilleas t fish when you -- Believe ht or Guaranteed. trouble: et ee ee WE ARE OFFERING to the en te pucenane from Western Oil Company.| right persons an opportunity | MACHINIST. ies icieeadthiaacdaits allie ae se 1 | r | buy them when N SGiiMMiWe BOGL chicee iC em non excellent earnings | S ingly young and vacuums, filters and ether supplies, cali) With. a prime manufacturer of | 2 2 and say "Hey Culligan Man." Whitby,| Potented plostic household FOR urself, This re- 648-4864, products presently merchan- Ch H Wi H but you can get SLARs REPAIRS "to. aluminy um and| dising through many of North 11cago, Inols, . wor windows an alu ni ' 1 sh this way, Accountants Building T Flee lordn and welivacy 726 ne™| America's largest retailers in | U.S.A, ees ______|Building Trades Money to Loan Surveyors CLOSED WOR HOLIDAYS, juiy isto] 9. Multi-million dollor growth, | $2 53 ic $3 48 : HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charter- A NEE i, FL , Aug. 15. Bill Hamilton, Raglan, i-se-| Secure, jet age industry | : ' : D CASH t Ider iis, |H. FLIM, ' G | | me," said Mr, ¢ 'King Financial Trade Build-| REPAIRS buy that as 1s, Sgagatdate your il, [Ohi 4 nonce a Surverer TO, go : | MODEST INVESTMENT guor- | per hour (U.S, Dollars) t expect that a fon, Soh ia alae ae Buea ALTERATIONS [We feature, second mortgages of 12 per iE. 725 | DINING ROOM SUITE, Ti-piece front anteed by inventory, com- | - . 7H, i cen! iso first mortgages available, con senna room furniture, five-plece kitchen s 1 nants! } breeding prize- be _E. Lukow, CA. fidentiel. private. funds. Call" 723-4831 TV----Radio | Repairs | dressers, and other small articles. Tele. peley anal PLUS 10% PREMIUM ray YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Char- ADDITIONS jany time, BiAtiinbdasiend ado cts laterals Ee phone 728-3577 : | LL contact you for. 6 FOR SECOND SHIFT AOR AMEE: hele ayaall Ma orange Trustees in| to IMoitweaes | for WESTINGHOUSE and Kelvinator re| Privote, fully informotive in- | TIME AND ONE-HALF ankruptcy, Ya Simcoe Street North, | ifrigerators, $50. and $60.; i] | terview at o fac fe} Oshawa, 738-7371. orth | HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES 9°98 situa ik eke th miele A sour cna | FOR OVERTIME -- ee earnciptarsnesinereemnninmomssititini ! i yr | progresses, he WILLIAM € HALL, B.Comm., Cha Rec Rooms and Kitchens : coos es reer sore WE ARE interested in the HOURS MINIMUM Leal) j ig 'ccountant, 36! i ; v custom designed in colors and ae i yet hend oes od Accountant, 36¥6, King, Street Gast, ; ph sata is MORTGAGE 1 paiterns to provide @ perfect background Fe sil ee Sppant. to this | PER WEEK y ee ttt pnnere m reception lor itchen athroom. lamily room, ituation, e will allow port | : number of spe+ pony tg Sg Mg alias 6126 -- eae ee Seer ea ae) ie ht ie ee a | NT ena ping Centre. 725-9953. | LOANS on ter of Zl Austria, any sound surtace, inside or outside See) prepared after a trial "per- | yeors of experience setting up : eee espinal the | |Phone tor free estimate, 725-1343 iod" to go into ¢ im from blue t e now it, they are pels gett A og ic ne ATLANTIC PAVING AND AND CONCRETE. | WW WAS SUCC peta ig a Tar ipuy ret Hives a used ara WRITE giving aly it ad ing cast Abe ee ae "i i y t contests," Mr, coe Street N., 725-0397, Res. 723-7605. Ge sqft, all work guaranteed. or Moneys available for first Ch \ OFFICE BY HIS SON, GRANDSON, | and appliances. One location only. Pretty| dress and phone number to other machine parts.on one of JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chariered accoun- years. 723-0281. and second mortgages. Open ad vane GREAT- GRANDSON AND niture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. | BOX 31553 OSHAWA TIMES | the following i : : tant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street ---- ae are No bi F vith GIREAT- GREAT- GRANDDAUGHTER |283 MOTOR -- completely rebuilt, ex-| i 7 Lath s interested in East, Telephone 723-4833. BRICK and block work, chimneys, ver-| Mortgages. No bonus. First wit ellent buy. Private sale. General Motors |] urret Lathes : andas, sidewalks, garages repaired or| mortgages, second mortgages FOR A CONTINUOUS PERIOD | progict. Call 723-6794 |15---Employment Wanted Engine Lath ciety, all they Blueprintin lrebuilt. Concrete removal, all types of} and agreements f. la or no OF /48 YEARS - i gin atnes oruopr ig alterations. Free. estimates, Cell MA greem 'or sole pur- TWO WINTER and one spring coats;|WILL MIND children in my home tive) Vertical Turret Lath s contact Roy BELL DRAFTING and Reproductions Lafontaine 725-3756 chased. antenna Ne ee ee ee Se Cem | Ext | Grind gies at 668-5274, or Lid., $3¥4 Simcoe Street North. 723-4461. | Eavestroughing, free estimates, guar- | THE SOLDIE! ts. Telephone 723-8825. phone 576-03 xternal Grinders tails Blueprinting and photostatic copies. anteed work, Murray Holliday. Tele-| M, F. SWARTZ get HIS R WHO CARVED ~ Mersin ANTIQUE solid oak dining room set |PROFESSIONAL WINDOW, Milling Machines in Oshawa, at Buildi Trod phone 725-9404 | 26) K | OWN EPITAPH GNAT with matching buffet, valued at $1.200,!tloor maintenance, residential Drilling: Mact a a | it sell fi 50; also livin tein i i s uilding trades PIGDEN ROOFING - eavestroughing,| 6% King St. East | Cable SERGEANT MAJOR GEORGE F, POLLEY ALWAYS | consisting Oe ae at alia Cis eee, lanlioes'< suppties Rad a5 Ne nes i -- ' |roofing, cement work, general repairs. | Oshawa, Ontario | : pein et henraeere BUILDS {roster vith footstool and couch, solid al Service, 1885. >| te : rills aetncanees pethiede = v ment iy, ' wood with imported woollen upholstery; |WORKING MOT ni) Paci nternal ¢ pajayayaye) cP vow Payment |ROOFING, CHINNEYS, ail iypes ai| 723-4697 | ON THE DAY BEFORE HE WAS 7 rele | matching custom-made round colfee Deri var eatiatead es byt iar pk Vieebs i x c {ZO 1 Monthly Instalments -- [cement work, stoops, | sidewalks, | etc. ee | KILLED NEAR PETERSBURG, VA., LUMP OF rice $200, Call Pickering 942:vided In' my own home at 114 Euclid} K oring iF SAVING. ie yee ea FIRST --- SECOND. 723- 5278 HIS OMW EPITAPH ON RESIN ON | Whitby, 68-3973 Machines J ~ |TERRANO PAVING, 10 year# in busi ---- SECOND i= | A A PINE MUST SELL -- RCA Whirlpool washer | emoaelling Aine Guaranteed. works 10 suere teotl «© MORTGAGE FUNDS ay SERVI c | WOO! AVE MARKER ~ TREE [ayer combination. | Never | been used 17---Female Help Wanted | STEADY WORK oe ie Wathibome 17 Bond East, 723-5841, | @ Low Rates @ Immediate | Te chon ed ere UNDER va $450 or best offer. Worth $600, 728-6882 : NO LAY AS: aH ; | *ARED (1864) diss , 16-FOOT FIBERGLAS ce, $75.3 two - | SAA} > 4 @ Kitchens Carpentry _ Commitment @ No Obliga- | COLOR : cant norausemns [I6FOOT FIBERGLAS cance, 757 100) WANTED NOW! | AUTOMATIC INCREASES 16711967 i: @ Recreation Rooms | ie? | tion A. ROSEN or j |baby crib, car bed, car seal, and strolte Teenagers, mothers, grand- | ALL BENEFITS @ Garages Qua ity arpentry . | BLACK and WHITE = |5--Trai $10 complete or make offer; Eureka) mothers. Stor pace 46 IN attractive residential (= --Trailers |s-- Articles tor Sale acuum cleaner, $40. 1252 Valley Drive, Oy AY Sige ae A new department of Osh- GENERAL REPAIRS Member Ont. M.B.A. | FOR THE BEST CALL -- -- -- 128-9677 show our exciting line of near ropid transportation epuyuyujayuyaye| awo's Quality Builder. hiome'in rovement Specialists /oeNese.. Evenings | 50 PER CENT OFF -- Artists' supplies Christmas cards and gifts te APARTMENTS ovoilable with- d Coll Today for Free Estimates Serving tees Baa Diatrict and Weekends 728- 5623 1 R | O Pencils, charcoal, pastels, brushes triends neighbours rela- in walking distance. Helpful ---------- ieee . water color paints, oils riety of ; } , KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION tor Many Yack FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale| oy tees Go- Go- ee Seca ieee haaloae ie mee| eh Sain weird - cash for: | people speck your language. Cai aedey toc : Lionest ond Dansnabla Service sareetronts purcrated and sold. Hennick | TELEVISION Photo enlarger, best offer. 725-1365. Christmas this easy way. No | FOR intervie all today for Free Estimate: 2 2: Y, an ennick, Barristers, 3] King Street ® rien | iterview; see our D PLACE y r imates Phone 725-8576 East, 723-7292. FOR CLEANER, SHARPER | Tenk troller from $199;; with : EOMPLETE living room and bedroom| FxPErience needed. Our coto- | 728 7583 + -- ---------- | TV RECEPTION : SIX SERVICE BAYS e. Barely one year old. Beautiful; logue, with over 300 items | MR. CORBETT TO BUY F or 623-3411 FIRST AND SECOND mortaages avail-| Your Own Aas ad 25 used trailers, FOR FASTER SERVICE San, Meat before August 29.! beautifully illustrated in full - CORBE PEST Seen le ss Bi Mette tice j ' nnaitiin: 3.30, 728-2482 ' TERRANO PAVING, 10 years in busi Realtor, 114 Brock models, in good condition; ERVIC oo ae colour, helps you to get plen- ED CAR! a TERR ANO TaMe work. he. xa. Ht. Dressmaking Street Niorthy Whitby, 668-3536 TV TOWER to be sold below cost. Make WRINGER WASHER, saulomalic space! ty of orders. Write tedov { Aug. 12 and 13 17 Bond East. 723-584), Ne --------| FOR SALE -- second mortgage of $3,900,| 'an offer, No money down, | WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL | healer, Baby. carriage, good condition:| Christma stat eeeveual Sai ce ae é 623-3396 ALCAN ALUMINUM siding, rooting, DRESSMAKINO ¥ expertly 'fitted sultg,|8 per cent, S year term. Will also con- | 728 5 Rentals available from $25 Chey., Dodge, Ford, Ply onable. Telephone 668-5086. | : iY os cords n approvol y night, at the and ree-rooms, Telephone 576-2360 coats, resets, Beout fully talored. sile- sider exchange as downpayment for | - 143 fo aay Web ub: Poiehee anal mouth, Pontiac. We 'correct TY TOWER SPECIAL -- Jot. structure a i o catalogue. Monarch ING EDWARD HOTE ROOFING, hot tar and gravel, - shingles, : $ MA ey, ee | Corner Bond ond Division } and installed from $10. up. wheel alignment, inspect and i jon. 728-5143, en ee ee rae : meet \ 22, 217 37 ve és L : fopalrs, Ieee aoe minal bs, Lend 4 Painting ond Decorating [a - - correct castor and comber- jguyinG OR SELLING tf wihabins emilton | 37 King Street East SATTY § 'eofing and Construction. 725-6937. : 3 MACDONALD'S TEXACO, Olign toe «in ond toe - out to |pilances: Call Elmer, 263- tina tesa AVON CALLING | Toronto, ALU TYPES building repairs. Roofing, |PAINTING AND PAPER hanging, int T V TOWERS East of B 0 --~ n | + nging, inte 'ast of Bad Boy. correct condition $7.95 Does an Avon representativ 1 IB, hi % t hi firepl 7 ? ei 4 ou cannot ULA Sey ord. fees, Whiiby, 660-2774. | GARD N eS ag ne and Ve Don't be late to save now. | @ Parts extra if required 9--Market Basket coll bh you? Pathops you live' |. this dme, Aine ed present at GE [PAINTING AND DECORATING, inte "BUILT IN OSHAWA" @ Torsion bar adjustment FRESH VEGETABLES. Tomatoes, pep} - 7 0 SPOn territory! Don't ; 3 A « HAWA* ii dic na extra, pers, onions and potatoes. Walter Huron lelay turn your spore time int: ion CLASSIFIED RATES rior, exterior, Very reasonable prices marin: ve n y s i into 9 woRD ADS SUPPLIES Had estimates. J. O'Toole, 576-1829 any AT OUR OWN PLANT Cle Ss 1 ® lean sania rea OF Oshawa' <on':40 money ----- Service customers - BEE LITTELL vel, cash --- 1 insertion of 24 words, 1.20; | a0) : i lve VOU a BE ad earance oale BRAKE SPECIAL sick NOUR Gh aie lac a) Co ee No ex- | M additional words, oe each; ern SELL unwanted articles. Phone 723-3492 for less money. | 1967 GI Most popular cors. First |Derries at Chomko's farm. No child perience required. We train | & CO, ng ton Pe eeee iaice eeehr 6 contecl- SUPER FINE GRASS MIX for "Action. | . | slendettes & Citations Guslity Rovaline. 4 wheel ren under 14. Bring containers. Tele you. For further information | 4]Q] N reeinsertions 'of 84 words. §:76; addi-| NO. 1 FINE GRASS MIX |Plumbing and Heating | OSHA An Tater Pass end Ac | $14.88 "as cucunaERs see write or call Mrs. J. Hill, 149 |" Chiegg nice as ay tional words 24¢ each. WA 1 V / an cces- and potatoes, $7.00 | o icago inoi 25-2156 sole: a PARKLAWN GRASS MIX | v pares: Prited: 'Te Clear, Buy eked qh basket. Bring' containers. Harry Py ag Road, Oshawa, 725- | 9 'y x 60613 la: Gilbane Chorge--10 per cent additional arge SUBURBAN GRAS MIX P| z . ow. Plus $2.00 Per Wheel Townsend Greenhouses, No. 12 High 69 A. be H her paid within S dove TIMOTHY & ALSIKE umbing Discount SUPPLY LTD. oD (labor cost) eh mG en ts Method of Counting --- Less than MERION BLUEGRAS ti FOR SALE -- pickli cumb words, uate & abbreviation counts as] -- KENTCKY BLUEGRASS Eo aaa pba en eS SO SALES LTD, . Thi Fie tomeartarain| Walter Frank | initial, figure oF opprey tol WHITBY -- 8-. Gust East of Ritson) : | Real Estate Ltd. | ang: wore Drmnin nneer Opes. THe bev yeletal veiw 668-6601 ' 1910 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa | WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL 9A--Eggs & Poultry Requires for their Aerial office | MIRTES DEATHS -- EVERGREEN 6.9.6 Direct te you, , plumbing sus 23-8131 723-8132 Open Evenings 9 a.m, - 9 p'm. | tnchuding weights per wheel, EGos "DAISY FRESH" DAILY --| an experienced f | SOCIAL. NOTICES re plies verything in the 5 | eac ' 7 Stas \White Feather Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752, | $2.50 per insertion with, 25 cents add eT eG Vv a plumbing line. 20% off all TELEVISION -- RADIO |House TRAILER, w tong, room for § SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, jPicked up, delivered @t store or home, Legal Secretary tionol charge if not peid within joys. tL. -6- |boat and motor for sale. Tel 9. - IN MENGES SO-GREEN . 7-7-7 supplise: 24 Hour Service mai hine Ae | Seay Pit at \10--Farme 's Column Hours ar ~> Mon-Fri, $2 30 footy od forge, 25 wore and o lai ie 12 p.m. -- 9 p.m. 46 ALUMINUM. Tag Aine Mar raat RICES FOR sale -- 20 acres, second cut, al-| Fe sedi 35 i LAKE ONT, tac ereafter L T ae sleeps 6, $495, Telephone 723-177. 5 Ifa hay. Telephone 668-4206 | = verse: 25e 'additional charge if not paid | PEAT MOSS SATURDAY 9 a.m. --- 5 p.m. HOLMES Cunningham Ave. ee UNIROYAL DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock pick WALTER FRANK at Ss AUTO within Seve | POTTING SOIL CLOSED WEDNESDAY ELECTR | TRAILER HITCHES made and installed CENTRE id Promptly, Margwill Fur Farm 623-3393 ul er ed da tise 35 words and 7c| TANK SPRAYERS |ALL TYPES repairs and remodelling, 5, | NICS Ali fil iv at Seong aoe Foon S Mi Uicante ere Nalebad tila Nt jequipment for rent. 723-6840. 1 7 eiupataee o ye eer' | ° hth f t' { new and used materials. Reagonabie s;ODY ee) tit eet paid within ® aoe ails Everything for the garden |rates. Estimates. free. 723-1191, J. Foley. 966, 15° Golden Falcon, electric brakes The New Home of ee ecaae M ts a oe EARN EXTRA | 4 | Bstiatshna withstand oe RENTALS [ike new Asking $1,550. Apply 246 Wind DOMINION TIRE ST Y power drive, like new. Cutting . "a COMING EVENTS cas Rug - Upholstery Service TOWERS « |2"_Siree?: ON Tne ORES box "in "good condition." Telephone 728 MONEY LT epairs 2.38 per inch (disploy); 10 for the ° EET ERAN Sob Sie 'or Cole] out lerman Haass, Taunton Show Canada's finest line of ° oe. fetlnietes first 20 words end 6c each thereafter Cooper-Smith OSHAWA PHONE 668-5679 5A--Camping _Phone 725-6511 ira bale, ree FIELDS or fresh cut! Christmas cards, Wraps, No- | $$$ L i up or delivered. 728. Ities, etc. O 300 & FENDER AUCTION SALE RUG CLEANERS velties, etc. Over 300 items. | WH See $2'Se 'Pek INCH PER INSERTION. co. peau naga SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 |SEASON-END CLEARANCE A L UMINU M HAY FOR SALE -- reasonabie, in bern oe ela SIU ITBY ionol rug a ol- ' ea 1 tp bine pe é Y PAINTING seine 16 CELINA ST. Oy ae ee in ae Fast T.V. Service on ALL Trailers, Tents oS eis eee ae Sharsial and We tar ce | ECIALISTS WORD ADS 723-2312 723-1139 home or our office. Call for DOMINION and Camping Supplies | AWNING 11--Pets ond Livestock vice, Jeandron Greeting Card | REQUIRE (King E.) 728-3401 4 p.m. DAY vag DELIVERY SERVICE aa information. PRICES CUT TO COST | 4 INGS QUALITY CLIPPING SERVICE acain an, Ltd., 1253 King St. E., | real AND FOUND oe I Sidawal @ pera TELEVISION | | @ WINDOWS available, all breeds. Telephone 728-0009, |---ramilton. Ont MILLRIGHTS a.m. DAY OF PUsLicaTION ~ Sidewalk Slabs - Patio Slabs = 725-9961 Trailer Rentals Still Available | i leo _Telepho we : sini ai Bk Flag Stones - Plonters - RE-UPHOLSTERING 728-5154 9 a.m, to 9 p.m For August and September, | LES @ POORS Tannery ricete Whey snempoclon, JEWELLE RY | $3 13 P, H Bn DAY OF PUBLICATION Dry Walls - Sand "725-9332 668-6977 ' A ; Py. er Mour MP Deva ee |S wig eet, rave, | JOE'S COLOR TV| KAMPING | EVENISS 2eepres be ames goo ea woe on | lr tne bt ¢ GARDENING SERVICE @ Workmanship G teed | | pei e jocdies our spe Required for full time per j plus fringe benefits ri DAY PREVIOUS IG s p Guarantee | | oe ally. Free pick-up and delivery; board van be DISPLAY Phone 728-7787, Oshawa, Ont. (five full years) and Radio Service | UNLIMITED '« SALES LTD, ine ane Teale nepgnerm an Pinschers Baal ai tad Experience Must hove ot least $ years ys > ' : SPECIALIZING IN Prince St 725-4632 f nan epherd puppies for sale reterre ut not nece r | . T column--4 p.m. day previous; 2 col Lowns Seeded - Sodded - @ Easy Budget Terms--Free 3 Rental -- Sales -- Storage -- 73 32 Dachurst Kennels, 655-3881 Rae Ne experience 5: =~ ------ 88 nly 10-5, Burns : umns or lorger -- 10 .m. day previous. Fertilized Estimates EUROPEAN RADIOS AND CITY TV televisio BEAUTIF epy epenaan ' | on Upholsier CANCELLATIONS AND Pruning - Hedge Clipping - AAG yeors experience TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS PAD pbebh ngs ooh ait A avin nd avtsions lea UL BABY BUDGIES, ready Jewellers Ltd., 20 Simcoe N ALL APP! ICANTS MUST BE CORRECTIONS F ; ITURE CENTRE : ; | 0 ing St. East ' Broad, 114 Elgin East /EEN 21 and 43 ertilizers - Trees - . a RS | dept. open 7 days o week 5 veors ing ww. y Room Rie OF PUBLICATION ee Nata 7 edging _|__90 Simcoe St. North 13 = Ww a= 576-1670 728-9942 | Also TY. towers, cole and HORSES BOARDED -- B-BarL Ranch Legal Bookkeeper of Doe weligting not less than MANVILLE publication will be charged one doy's ---- ee ee Vv entals bith and white TLV. Anten S Ox stalls, exercise pad 1 bs. and in good physical : ode =v; - dock, plenty of room to ride. R clot Cat ° pre my is 23-7341 ee J. KAMSTRA PROFESSIONAL neu: Bae 6--Marine Equipment _ nos, rotors installed. : Soles [competitive games, outdoor arena:| S7/GTY commensurate with ex eneinen BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 . : : =) and i 9pm, [Horses trained for wes pleasure,| Perience. Reply in writing to While every endeavor will be made to complete RUG CLEANING ALCAN CHRIS CRAFT 248 ag hog > ad a t95 stock and trail. Call 725-4294, 6 a.m. 10 PI ik forward replies to box numbers to the C : | . : " m. or 6 p.m. to 8 p.m or i TEE ee eee Ewe nel LANDSCAPING ae Gc, jog ee Be eliey and | Mann ten pear 0500. All work guaranteed. COZY-J RANCH. Reg'd. German Shep Lawson and Clark none Mr. A. Smith zept no liability in respect of loss or} ond s - PPLIANCES | fh ! S sail boots, | herds, pups. Show mare In. foal 1 B 68 P , jomoged alleged to arise through either | | \ Crestli Peterboro ter Oi fon) 1 ane ox 68, Pickerin Personne! Man S SPACE Falcre or delay in formending. such Te GARDEN SERVICE Angus-Graydon | 452 Simcoe South | Noateccate aera are Ligne te on ectipment TCI caineia eae REGISTERED NURSE re a. ao a lies hi hether b' ! / | 1 0 4 C! »_Slerhl ure 2 required for ' dence Or otherwise The: Times will pot 728-8267 728-6254 723- 23-001 1 | rude outboard motors. 50° 11 ', ye Ae ' GOOD SIZE, gentle, ponies, saddle and hours 4 heme in Whitby, | part-time 668-8811 ---- iseesee orga -- int ay y rid! 5. W eat HAO ne jour exible. Mr. Le AILABLE oe ad ald aeons iad REUPHOLSTERY by experts Eves. NEAL'S Communications service| Oshawa Yachthaven toe ie ae eee ee hehe eae PATIOS BUILT lteed, Free Uiiciise Coan tein Mat sret200. phi etl a pd de 723-8186 all-channel antenna com- (HOUSE TRAINED doos, smell and|COUPLE WANTED to take "charge of -- pi : RECAST APE a) ABE hand eee ; Weree $ R YOUR REGULATIONS Hratses recall forniiure. | raninisned TV T ae pletely installed, $70. medium size breeds. $35.-875, delivered re in Qshawa and two school age THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT BE Oshawa Upholstering, 287 Dean A V TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-oot tower | mebloDe. epee Ha ae a aed at ERTISING Responsiece ror eurows iw apveR-| = ANID) REBUILT 22 A an Avenue, structure, allichannel antenna "installed, CLEARANCE | TRIO TELEVISION, 728-5143 BEAUTIFUL shetie" puppies (mini zeae ie ectronic | TISEMENTS SUMBITTED OTHERWISE! oes $50. shawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton 12 ft. Aluminum car top, -------- re Collies), registered. Wm, Rayns. RECEPTIONIST required for Ajax ot THAN IN Ran vION. OF ANY AC: | (CHESTERFIELDS rhuptioiniered 3 n dj Coed Cathy Wh SNH of Rion Eee $140 | ford, Bailieboro, Ontario, 939-6573. e. Telephone 668-8181 for appointment bie YA re-s ee esti ti een bien vagus | ESSAGE VERTISEMENT. NOR BEYOND He Hal Ger raeevannes alls covers. nee Personal | year guarantee | SUMMERTIME SPECIALS PUPS POR SALE = 'six weeks old, Silieti antes racket acy Technician PRICE CHARGE FoR x IN- | Pp one 728-3172 to order, Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles -- | MARINE STORAGE | ot 'ach, Telephone 576-0514 Light duties. Telephone 985-7188, Port SERTION IN WHICH ahhOk occURS.| __|Street, 723-7212, | | : 1 SMALL FEMALE TERRIER ever - . , The Oshawa Times reserves the right to es Sik aid Senke Cu P| | Be | and SUPPLY LTD. Wilson's Furn. weeks old, $20. Apply $7 Elgin'sr EWE WANT FIVE LADIES who have We arr seeking a youna man tlassify advertising according to its) MERION-KENTUCKY ales on ervice COMPUTER DATING ne | 655-3641 Open ta 9 P.M hh ooth top mattresses 29.95 (MALE FOX TERRIER -- smail, smcoth phone Bay Ridges, 839-2537 Eee We Sst ee months ori- proper classification, BLUE GRASS | : SERVICE 1¢° FIBREGL -pc. chesterfield suite 109.95 hair. Reasonable. Call 985-7048 ) will assume important | Are you looking for the date : -AS and 28 HP_ Johnson -- HOUSEKEEPER -- Mature woman tc Ninel. buabbn sibill In the cases of display advertisements All-G N APPLIANCE + (motor tor sale, Also trailer. Telephone 3. pc. bedroom suites 99.50 POODLES, tiny, white toys, also mini- take over full responsibility of how r sponsibilities for The Times will not be held responsible S 4 Gr ursery REPAIRS more dates or tte yOu mar- 668-4976 20 CHURCH STREET ature blacks, registered. Telephone s68- hold Tega' eniidren, Abstaine the Oshowa Cable TV svs- for more space than that. which the fey rower: riage minded and looking for = c % -- E ' ie s Referer required: 'Parmanent tern " | "STARCRAFT," ; } \ : sadever te reproduce an caverns Visitors Deja Expert repairs to all k the right mate? For informa- /eEv fede Riis bt Tee Gare s WE REPAIR SAYMOYED, male, six months old, tree phone 679. This is an attractive - oppor matter correctly, but assume no libility) 725.9674 -- TOWNLIN Fue: icc robe: tion and applications send 25 |week. Marine Storage and Supply Ltd, jo good home. Telephone 576-1967 EXPERIENCED TYPIST required for for on ambitious man 3f advertisement if any inaccuracies in| 17>), ne Ne N of washers, dryers, ranges, cents for mailing and handi- |Sraeklin_ 685-264 Apoliantes household . art. (REGISTERED! Dathehuna puppies: Rea-jo erence olen Office: Call #42154 ires challenge ond re- any form are contained therein. 2 nort aunton Village rhe bin ing costs to -- Cupid Com- |Gate outno CRUSER: 60. horsepower icles,. garden equipment. pre thal 623-3430. WAITRESS REQUIRED ---u Pan to? Experience in " . c ou r and trailer, $1,351 T HOR i yi am nif pp! r. Campbell, Ger irable TEA anton gd yes GOOD STOCK | bd O PARTS AVAILABLE @ | puter als iad 2 Chi- {phone 263-2997 : ee GEORGE'S FIX IT SHOP 2rakes. in Tae comic, ae HORNE Hee AG AWE desiroble but not i | ra Avenue, Toronto 5, state | 19 20 Brock Street, A phe TWO MA to. nianao Call Classified Direct CULTIVATED FIELD SOD | ALCAN | oge. Our services are confi- EN ane bea te. Biting grat og aie 400 Mary St. E., Whitby PART WELSH -- and seddie. win " s tare THO beet ay eo ADB For further mation pleas 30613 crorer 723-3492 | Excellent Quality, Low Prices FURNITURE and APPLIANCE bee and carry a money 26 CABIN CRUISER, sleeps four, 50 668-6211 or 725-8427 se arene: Reasonable: Telephone aM pea IRS Doel BB) Blo call: ne : 2 ; is ac rantee, hp Johnson motor and trail ki RELIABLE WOMAN to mind | Loaded or Delivered. 452 Simcoe S. Oshawa ~ |$1,400. veltolone. 782157 Kae', ASKIN® ONE early Victorian sete and one tall GAMES MARE 7 years old for nd three school-age ehiiaren ¢ INDEX TO Visitors Welcome. : Telephone 723-0011 ELECTROLYSIS. 7 _.... pine cupboard. Telephone 668-8683 Telephone 728028. i Kae tidy ecient housekeening 723-5278 CLASSIFICATIONS -- | 725-9674 NOW 723-464) --Swap and Barter we suy, SELL Ano EXCHANGE vied 12, Articles Wanted ge cae ee A Removal of superfluous hair |BATH AND LAUNDRY tubs, $17.; toi City Trading Beat slere, an wien ~ a nes s ie pete WOMAN for baby siting, Oshawa GC bl TV A +: Niomnle Gokiene eae ring me your mowers, tillers, Marie. Murduff will be in {ltt basins, $10.7 pressure systems, /Street South, 723-1671. f GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc, and light duties, live in, Ajax 942-5054 able Dair 2--Personal IGENERAL LANDSCAPING and home| outboards, all makes, air Osh * sump pumps, kitchen and vanity units type - Highest prices. Call anytime. MacNeiil's SAU RELADY hildrer 600 King St. E y 3--Sportsman's Column |maintenance, roto - tilling, ploughing, ooled F P shawa Aug, 14th, 15th and |made to order and installed; piping fit- WRITER, standard, $25; portable Furniture, 668-548], 668-6526. a "children's wear specialty 8 C : 4--Motorcycles lnatlog: fences; axtarics BRUNI, MECGEE | Coe eee. Lars ond 16th Phone Gentsha Hotel (tings: cers, trucks, trailers. H. Chinn, jo) roche eat epee': $40) 20d ______ | tere. About 30 years of age, experience ueen 5--Trailers 3054, 723-3877. bie Largest service in on these dates for appoint (727088 or 728-728. ing machine $20, .also electric. 723-4434 13--Articles for Rent fle heel ai ha ge lal BERR 4--Marine Equipment hawa, - Sees FISHine av -- vie pres i : : J--Swap and Barter |KING WEST GARDEN CENTRE. Com- ment. EresDeE HAAG Ie eikerie on Ee | RELIABLE WOMAN Feauirs: tor sen' | ENTERPRISING jal 74 BARRIE AVE ic es or Sa le y experts on prem Hag fie di Bw dad lFecohene "Tueaae. Pron, He Lenares 728-2791 72 | : ____|ises. Sportsman's Corner, 103 Byron st.| Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- {3,10 care for one year old boy | REAL ESTATE 9--Market Basket |Telephone 728-9429. Prop. H. Lamers. - or 725-4633 '4--Motorbike | BEAUTIFY. S., Whitby mredyiger ' own home, light housekeeping duties | sec hartate Conia H oe celts: jet Ss pelle AND protect asphalt drive- -- | es, Cutlery, Glasses sffee Telephone 576-266 | SALESMEN ee | . Se ee v rele, sealer. rofes: INTINEN | '" fi eben nee ofits SHA Ipcatticles Wanted |Instruction oy er pees me SuzUK rh ahe ed ad es $400, |ally applied. Telephone 725-8885. a embed es = oe | we Punch Bowls, Bridal |OLBER LADY for "housekeeping. For ) WA Wa--Artictes tor Rent Seaway Demolition Co, |=*Pn* Bln __|ONE 9 X 12 FOOT tent and one 14) \Me-third off. Factory outlet. 723-3889 halt man ~ s, White more information telephone 243-8444 Wanted tor our expanding 4--Business Opportunities 1 : ; YAMAHA - SUZUKI--Auvihorized dealer, |OFbit trailer. Telephone 723-9962. ONE-STOP BIKE SHOP Sales. Servic ox Furs, Mink Stoles, CAPABLE PERSON to mind child week} Oshawa office. Excellent op- 15--Employment Wanted th f Experience is our guide to R sey ~ yer big ang in fet any is so toe aE UP CENTRE i ae oie Wanted Ru er or S fast and efficient service. Ree Warner aie Wien" sin"e 7 SNA oe free nag Priiag also re aed ae Centre, 204 Bond Street SARGEANT'S RENTALS ba data bd aac peated 33 anytime Pp fit y for abs aggressive, vW-- le Help Want 1 . fio i reezer ame ES elf stortin 5 = Stele. b Wee tee Withee eos Call Us At 728-2801 for on [99 ee Reasonable. "Apply 344" Scugog Street, USED TIRES, most all sizes, 8. F 463 Ritson Rd. 5. 725-3338 |18--Male Help Wanted re Inbacastadl 49 Par we ig - © Corsunetor I9--Male or Female Help Wanted Drivin School estimate. No Job Too Large |'67 BSA Thunderbolt, 650 ce, $1,100. Tele-| .- E : Goodrich, 88 King Street West, 725-4583, WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walk. AMATEUR GROUPS invited to play in} $10,000. a year. To a t plbiah al 20---Real Estate For Sale or Too Small. Fully Insured. [Phone Jim, 725-6392. REEL TYPE lawn mower sharpening| VACUUM REPAIRS, ail makes, hoses, "1%, "UCing machines, sick room sup. lounge Saturday afternoons. 171 Brock ei bgt asi y * General & 2, 208-- miele fe x trap' ret wer Bees ' ey ik Gn ee ------ say at Plone A eet $125 panes etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942.0213 plies. Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644. N., Whitby, 668-5012 by appointment man we offer, excellent com- q i} r ] * » racine " ne ~~ - ssrons r fons 22--Lots tor Sale (Licensed by Police Commission) |makes, new hoses, brushes, repairs al |Reasonable. Telephone _ 'as-7087 ene 2RI : ee \plexeria vacuorn: "Service, Mein Sirect, ENTERTAINING? Fifty. to. one. bundred/EUEE, TIME carmaker cequired. lens missions; - benusas, Sree . nee 2 23--Real Estate Wanted ' Jack Lees, pick up and delivery. 728: +1 epee *RIDESMAIDS' DRESSES, $29. 9: peopie: Oshawa Tennis Club for ban-|make application to Property Cnairmar benefits, maximum manoge- Tee Plek-up 24--Stores Offices and Storage @ Courteous Instructors ry 43 JAWA MOTOR SCOOTER, In cx | 2l! Sle Sergeant's Bridal Shop, 463|GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, (ques, Patties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, /Simcoe Sirse! United Church, Box 4771 ment assistance and unlimit- ! vglitia ad apd icon SA RE GUARANTEED R _________|eellent condition. Sacrifice, $99 cash.| 2180". S-_725-3338. television, refrigerator, etc., $3450 and parking. 723-7726 Oshawa, giving details of work exper dvert H : W. 728-0817 24--Apartments for ant @ Dual Control Cars eee eee SERCRIN 15; all iilpom | Teeetone: 942-6887, THESTERFIELD and chair, reasonable, |UP- Alcan rurniure a and Appliances, 452 FO pease a ence and age. House supplied a epi sg po gosety > a Expo Accommodation Fully | 4 ne AC TE ~~ | deal for rec-room or cottage. Telephone jouth, NIGHT CLERK . gy luty t jualinied appii- or pane toe Ren @ Fully Insured Call 728-1742 or 723-0011. 62 BSA 650 SPITFIRE, recently re-|725-8620 FIBERGIAS Sth ieee See meni Talsenes é er pe a S FENDERS {from $29.95 keeping experience helpful. - Telephone cant. pr oi cd Rect Septic Soevica an Call 723-308). eae 2IDING POWER lawn mower, frame up. New and used auto parts, Re: for appointment 942-5580, Carousel in NETT -Wonted te Rent 725 6553 eptic - pe ne DISCOUNTS -- = Suzuki 80, S399 iitch for F85 Oldsmobile. Apply $83 Bui Starters and generators. 1175 Nei} RESULTS | Aiax ee GUIDE REALTY 31--Compact Cars for Sale 1 SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt serv- prices on Yamaha, surhi ang 'Rennel tla ar Mg ae i calle nn SOR RRINTENO NTS. VOr: peace LIMITED . 32--Trucks fer Sale ce_on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut |150 Willi -ADIES' WEARING apparel TYPEWRITERS, new, used, sales, serv building, experienced, with respectab' : 50 jam Street East. 721 pparel, used ials Ltd. 33--Automobiles Wanted 14 ALBERT STREET Siree! West, Whitby, 668-2563. Stats __ | lothing, summer and winter. 'Various| cer &l! makes. Free estimates. Call your and commanding personality, full 16 Simcoe Street South 34--Automobile Repair 'S--Trailers ems, good condition, Size 10-12, Tele-|Roval dealer, 728-3664 anytime. _--_ ACTI eerie wkuy 20 Sey teeny oer Oshawa, Ontario inde 5. oe eee Found science yuToRiNG shee bye rveyors yone 728-399! FURNITUR! Three rooms of new mes ita . - ailered By - Quah |ROAD KNIGHT camp trailer, used thr ARAGE ata "1 furniture, Pa ly $15 thi WAITER for beverage roo expe TART YOUR own business "728-466 i avn fog eens sda," [SONEVA, ANB FLNECHNANN Gtr" Te enue yt | tree, tg tame forbes at mean Sh | ADS er eid cho | "tau, Steet Seat 1 39--Notices Oshawa ares. Reasonable 648-5427, Ipri or, Commercial blue|tires, hub caps, like new. $275, 668-46: | -ady to move. Also 130 cement blocks, 199 CHRYSLI |character references. "Steady emplc | ynment. No money needed, +5427, prints, 11 Ontarip Street, 725-5632. after 5 p. ' . LER Hemi motor and trans *. Appl 7 th k, ; rpm, 160567, mmission, 392, $75, Call 942-2087, 723-3492 may. Seely, ANNAN: NN RICE | Srna re raining "Bre 7 \ . ' "

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