Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Aug 1967, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, August 12, 1967 MEMBERSHIP REACHES NEW HIGH SHARE KNOWLEDGE WITH OTHERS Bowmanville Aquarium Grows Ei Two, three-inch fish were lift- fish -- invariably, the subject the winter months when the "When a fish is very young, ed from small tanks and placed rolls around to breeding. season has come to a halt." it may not show any definite a large one. i ,"' said Mr. Naef. a a " Gia SHARE KNOWLEDGE FIN ROT ail we eninge es '. , Watch _ this, said Peter "This is the purpose of the He examined the fish that had Age of a fish is another Naef of Hampton, president of " : cow, F : roblem -- you can't be sure of. ; : club," said Mr. Naef. We d problem you can s the Bowmanville Aquarium So- lost a piece of its fin and said, : ciety : want to share our knowledge "you have to be careful of fin the age of most fish when you Re with other aquarists and in isa ' buy them from a dealer, The They stalked each other like some way contribute to the wel- rot. I've got some preparation hast Ging is to buy then when jungle cats. fare of our own aquarium. to prevent it, but if it gets go- irl deters esheets i ® But, just before they attack- "One of the biggest interests ing to any degree, you're likely they ge apnea tens wat ed, Mr, Naef parted them. with the more experienced to lose your fish. sae t a chgcheg 5 sai 7 "These are known as Siam- aquarists is finding better "There are a lot of problems quires patience but you can ge to having an aquarium--I have to know your fish this way, Accounta ese fighting fish, they are beaue tiful, but vicious,' he said. breeding methods. "This is half the fun of an around 35 different species and not one of them is a goldfish," "Everyone has to have a start, some time," said Mr, HOPKINS, BE He turned to point out the aquarium," he said. "If we Mr. Naef said. Wack "we don cok In Wk father in another tank, much come across any methods that "f\ you don't, watch: your aef. "We don't expect that a te. ry larger and more colorful, then are worthwhile, we experiment lighting, the colors of the fish novice will be breeding prize- waa SR and if they prove to be posi- " iat fich almost 4 di » FRIEL turned to remove the small fish tive we will put the method into will fade and there goes a show winning fish almost immedl- fered Account to safer quarters. use, piece, ately. Bankruptcy, "Blast." he said. "We do this to either breed SPAWNING "As a person progresses, he WILLIAM ¢. . : SN fish for selling or showing. One "Trying to get a pair of fish develops more skill in the hand- Felephone "Os One of the fighting fish dart : 1 f fish and th Il ed away with a piece of fin ris a members. Fevenlly, Wan fo. spawn is very complex,' Mr. scniniitiniee auabar oF tie GORDON ee ae third prize for Canada and Naef said. 'You have to make igh spe- Accountant, § dangling from its mouth. parts of the U.S. with one of his sure that the fish are male and RE fone, 35 MEMBERS dae fae = ee aay eee "Before you know it, they are Commelee bod : H A 'fe ish -- but many species are competing in contests," Mr, coe Street N.. There are about 35 members 'ester Praline LP cogg vie difficult to identify as male or Naef said. JOSEPH GUI fn the Society. They live in black larva . female when they are young. a pug : fant, Licensed Whitby, Oshawa, Hampton, 2 Wise shad haa dha one ad "If anyone is interested in East, Telepho Bowmanville and Port Hope. : "If the government paid a cae "aealets ge oe Re ial da joining the society, all they Blueprint Members meet once a month sal on mosquitoes, I'd be a ask for a pair of fish and they have to do is contact Roy BELL DRAF to compare notes and discuss Wealthy man, he said. "Those think that yo two fish Kemp, in Whitby, at 668-5274, or pre eae oe any new discoveries th , larva make great fish food. hat you mean two fish, she dosh ied Blueprinting 2 yew ee s that they and the first two that he gets Earl, Gatchel in Oshawa, at ERT ETRE ___have made in the raising of "I freeze a lot of them for are yours. 728-6728." : : Building ; ie PEPER NET --_ : we enna alas ee ee TOURNAMENT SET \ cee seers No [ [TORONTO (CP)--the largest aa eh kkk th ch hah cc cad Mont \lawn in \in North America is scheduled pene grey © 1967 CENTENNIAL rf Rer |14-20. More than 627 competi- - g @ Ba! ters from Ontario and the @ Kit United States will take part in # 1967 1967 SUSINESS and SERVICE DIRECTORY wnerl 987 i: @ Re MRS, EARL GATCHELL, be interested in buying a ciety to learn more about in shows held by the group. 'Bovng Pouramet and or 'f . @ Ga 38 Townline Road South, 10-gallon tank with a few tropical fish and has been S : ; new seen with her grandson, fish. She bought the tank a constant winner of prizes Oshawa Times Photo more thar: $6,000 in prizes. Pupupayayajabajasapanyasayaynyaynjnyapayy "Pupupupapapuyayspuyapuyapuyapayayapejnjajaye aves Douglas Marshall, 3, of 835 and in the span of four years, | a J Coll Tod Oxford, is a keen tropical has accumulated 10 tanks | {| KASSING' fish enthusiast of the Bow- and numerous tropical fish. lite manville Aquarium Society. She also posses one of the < : eee A REALLY GOOD PLACE = 7 Until four years ago, she largest tanks in the club, | TO BUY F TERRANO Pi wasn't too interested in capable of holding 100 gal- } aquariums. A neighborhood lons of water. She joined the | A FINER USED CAR! i ness. "Guaras boy then asked if she would Bowmanville aquarium so- 7 Bond East. ee | 166 KING E.. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. 623-3396 i ALCAN ALL LIBRARY NEWS AND REVIEWS i | NANDALE Unfasten Your Ect Belt for . . . . 7 Rooting and a : AN CHIPS 'N GRAVY if BEATTY | Ate Types: M th C ts Country Club -- OR -- pe HAU ey masonry. Gor asic a S oncep * MEMBERSHIPS ENGLISH STYLE LAGE eeEae | * PAY-AS-YOU-PLAY FISH 'N CHIPS + Constineiinn CLA * Exeovating worRD ADS 27 HOLES Special rates for weekly tournoments. Call Skip Williams for information, 942-3210 * pee Grevel, Cash -- 1 in oom ditional we Top Soil for five. i tive insertion: Lendscaping tional words 725-2156 M-MURRAY'S DRIVE-IN-RESTAURANT Simcoe St. N. at Taunton Rd. ga 1 Tus Home OF ! counmey STYLE | | pee ae tive insertion: tional words Reviewed In New Book -- The following reviews were|reader some drill in the topic} written by Mrs. K. R. Worsley/he has completed. | CHURCH ST., PICKERING cs ue Rs Histae td who is working during the sum-| The reader can learn how to at Int. 65 on 401 THE BIG "M" DRIVE-IN Taunton Rd., Oshawe it por paid ¥ Method of C words counts AB'S MOTORCYCLE SHOP re word, mer at the McLaughlin Public}determine cardinal numbers, to Library. Mrs. Worsley, a grad-/chang numbers from the base uate of Laurentian University)ten to other bases, and to el J. Vv. AVIATION P and the College of Education,|cartesian coordinates and truth} i (Gav's TAnpraved. School) : he words. University of Toronto, will be|tables while solving problems. ett Private" i Commercial _ Flying Introducing: The KAWASAKI re BIRTHS teaching mathematics at Nickel|He will learn also that the new ervey oh ppieete crantme @ BS.A. @ Triumph @ Ducotti hn s } . $2.50 per ins District Collegiate, Sudbury in!math is not strange and mys-| Oshawa MMunteipal Airport Complete Service & A i : tiene) ae the fall. terious but an exciting, living| 728. 114 Stevenson South -- 728-77: IN MEMORIL Modern Elementary Mathe-|subject which should capture) ills 80 $250 tor matics, A Parents' Guide to the|the interest and fire the imag- 0 h M = verse: 25 oe New Concepts by Albert F.\ination of students and parents U a Oe Se Kempf and Tom E. Barnhart.|alike. | Shawa Monument Joe's Color TV TED"S AUTO CARDS OF 7 Are you the type of parent|Silverhill by Phyllis Whitney Company and Radio Service BODY oo3 soteal paced poveggeh when your child) A young woman returns to ' Designers, ond creators of charge if no asks you to help him with his/her estranged grandparents' pentane & varkars in. Granite, COMING EVE . ; ? M 2 ; iS math homework? Has your child/home, Silverhill, to fulfill a scled ale Aiiy telaka ter Pgerenigg neers nares feet ob wor --n aie nine Fagg promise to her deceased mother e ave ree 'Ne dealin anareve the Summer '* Tune. : 'is Free Estimates (Word Ads). at he still does not really|and to find out the cause of letter and erect Ups x Gen. Repair > aecceta AUCTION $/ know what that "new math"jher childhood fears and scars} own monuments Th tedey te: Orie RN WOU Z ® Iroxes ond i sal a $2.38 PER It is all ~~ -- -- Ele-|which still persist. Arriving at Carsten Lane -- models. SPRAY PAINTING % a fg ing mentary . athematics, A Par-|Silvernill, she is faced with op- Statues & Cleaning STAYTHAM'S BA Repairs SPECIALISTS WORD ADS ents' Guide the New Con- position and open antagonism 1437 King E. 728-3111 2 ; 13 Bond W. 576-1670 || RR. No. 4 (Ki 4 p.m. DAY cepts is the book for you which must be overcome be- BS King 8. 723-4733 on Re Nes (ine 2720-080) LOST AND F "The basic factual material/fore her problems are solved > a.m. DAY . goog ranges eget ag eto her new found love is al- ¢ | Upholstering BIRTHS ANE ed, but the approach has been lowed to grow. Specialists 9 a.m, DAY greatly altered in the past few, In Silverhill, 1 followed with ROBSON MOTORS LTD. gb 7 tg IN MEMORIL years." As a result, this bouk fascination as Phyllis Whitney te + furan: von Bay attempts to present the basic\led through raging hostility! ere ' 166 King E., Bowmanville, Ont. Refinishing 6 CLASSIFIED | concepts and the vocabulary ofjand deep secrets into love and ARMSTRONG HOMES Coste bute T column---4 the "new math" so that par-|the beginnings of understand- . Wilfred J. McMechan, president of Robson Motors Ltd., Bowmanville Furniture I Uns OF Boe ents can understand their child- ing. Silverhill is undoubtedly a Presents Ont., iso man with many yeors of experience in the automotive industry. ; - CANCELLAT! Starting with. GM. in 1949 he worked hard toward his present position, Darlington Upholstery CORRECTION am. owner of a thriving new and used car business, As Wilfred will tell you being the owner of a business means that you have to work twice as hard os before. He bought Robson Motors Ltd. in 1961 and has been improving 102 KING ST. Ww. Any advert FOREST GLEN ren's problems novel which a female reader In the classroom, teachers are will enjoy and long remember. publication | BOWMANVILLE attempting to show the child- ren i aa as wall iy Pipe NEW BOOKS HEIGHTS the business ever since. Primarily a sales company for new and jused cors, 623-7341 insertion, a athmnatieg cores th 'st FICTION | *B \ 2 Robson Motors 'also operates a Garage for complete repairs, & body shop BOX NUMBE dents first d ss tt b! 2g Dialogues with the Devil Tay 0 ® * 3&4 Bed morte. wiped ciltuek ses nulls HA a lt ents first discuss the problem) ee tawall ays ; ledrooms Priced from Dealing in General Motors, Cars there are from 25 to 75 new cars on forward (90! in B sre "Ss ane blocks ie hy be ea only $18,700.00 the lot of all times, as well os from 30 to 60 used vehicles that have Seat na. liok and other materials to describe | n 43, re oyle i P een thoroughly reconditiones yy Robson otors garage. jamaged alle their thoughts the subjec The Last Hundred Brigid " = * * D P. . . migrate fe failure or de Next, they are led by the teach. Knight The Oshawa Times Centennial Wedding gift for all couples who mn Payee Jaw os only | Robeon saners Lis bac", ot hi the porsoe woe bank In 19S, TAI PAG : sie howe Q . q A h Y d 3 er through a formal introduc-| Love to the Rescue, Barbara marry between June Ist and December 31st, 1967. 6% N.H.A. Mortgages The shogroses bet, Desh seretened Toe bettie empires 5 tect of 28, AVAILABLE i oe ee H be in 20 days. tion of the abstract ideas pre- --e ass lermeny hngel Oshawa including. Gord Coonsthe, Soles Mgr. and 4 experienced solesmen. Four cy \ ays, y d My t d Ald- 2 ° . . . or Furt! i hanics and 3 bod: I Kk rt of the staff, sent, (aynibols used, ete.), and) toy Beeler Tem James AN The Times will be delivered by carrier to each couple completing a parities en FOR YOUR R finally they do exercises, us- ridge op c ® 723-6461 Married with one son Wilfred McMechan came to Bowmanville from THE OSHAY ing practical applications, of GENERAL eS and mailing the coupon to The Circulation Department, for a Aveees Toronto. ADVERTISING TISeMENTS- what they have just learned. The Age of Optimism Man- iod of 4 ks FREE 8144 For all your cor needs, whether it's 0 new car or used cor, or service on : THAN IN ¥ This book follows essentially|ners and Morals 1848 - 1914, Period of 4 weeks , 942.3310 your. prevent model; Visit Rebeon Meter Mee AGE Kine ee ee MESSAGE VERTISEOAEN the same pattern. Each topic,\James Laver ; : ued deas PRICE CHA (includes sets, subsets, rational, Autocourse The review of the Coupons should be mailed at least two weeks before the wedding SERTION. IN numbers, integers, geometry International Motor Sport 1966-! dat The Oshawa and logic) is discussed briefly 67 are. AJ MOVING slossify ogy with several concrete examples The Maple Leaf for Quite a ' ® ' : en RENT droper classi onto which ithe reader can|While Heather Gilead | The paper will start on the first Monday the couple resides in - a In the case grasp. The book tells '"why'| The New Industrial State,' : , GOOD USED CAR FOR LESS MONEY} LEASE niformed for more sp these a ogent are used and/John Kenneth Galbraith. their new home. During Ou 1 DAY Drivers rauavor tp "how" the student uses them.| One Hundred Years of Medi- A F L walter cor Each section is concluded with|cine in Canada, H. E. Mac- COUPON if cons = Fertilizers te on ee of ccvertivel a helpful exercise to give the Dermot. Pew ew ee eee ---- = oe | la Hoot Ali Stone BONANZA SALE 5 YEARS Specialists e any pate Noble of: * "8 Nene eee Terms Arranged bff TIMES THE PUBLISHER, NG WEST Mel mie Men Of Big Forces T 1 ESHA ves, 1 |} cane Wes', || PELESHOK Motors Ltd. || ~~ [ili " en 1g orces attoo. | OSHAWA, ONTARIO. 843 King W. 728.9429 || Horwood and Station Rd. AJAX 942-6300 728-5930 613 crerer D Sh Of ( bl s | We cre interested in taking advantage of The Oshawa Times Centennial Wedding Gift ae to newly married couples. Please start carrier delivery of The Times for @ period of | oO »hare riping to ney married coup : Daira 3 LOCATIONS TO, SERVE YOU BETTER , eer 2--Personal NIAGARA - ON - THE -| The show breaks up today to| | | Queen se Soft Ice Cream %& Milk Shakes 4 Sundaes all at Dairy sSportsms LAKE, Ont. (CP)--Men of the| give the men three weeks leave, Our eddress will be... 2.06 Si shu Mad huts iocou ta seh Kaa Obakaoe Apt. Ne. ian 1347 Simcoe N., Oshawa -- 235 Simcoe S., Oshawa Queen 5--Trailers Canadian Armed Forces Tat-|the first for most of them since | 1003 DUNDAS HWY. E., WHITBY Bilge too, like servicemen every-|the tattoo began its cross-coun- evi 8--Articles where, do their share of griping.|try tour March 31. It regroups TOWN c.csccnsesscrccetescccencsrosssccosasensonesvees poMarker But the gripers and complain-|in Ottawa in August and from | i 11--~Pets and ers get short shrift from their|then until Oct. 11 it tours the OSHAWA MODERN GRILL OSHAWA ie ares officers and fellow actors.|eas section of the country. Please start the paper on (date) ....-.sesseesereersrenerce eeosceccece. sceeccvccccovecese LAUNDRY & (UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT) eaves: after three months on the road.) "It's been a smash hit all the | j DRY CLEANI SPECIALIZING IN TUNE UP CENTRE \eAgente V When anything goes wrong, it|way," said Maj. Fraser, from| his aes i NG EUROPEAN FOODS! iy--eemate is shrugged off with the phrase: New Glasgow, N.S., who worked | || # PICK-UP & DELIVERY <ctunedin: & 18--Male He "That's show business. on the production for more than x Gar oth pene re sD : Coaiotor is--Male or, 'And show business it is for the|two years. 'We're naturally all Present oddress WS .-+ceceeescerecrsessecenecestserreseraeees Telephone No. ...++++2+++5 # COMPLETE STORAGE eu eases {108 & General & aca208--Summer army, navy and air blige of us a _ tired now but the | | PHONE TODAY \ & Groceries and Smokes onl Electrical sie fbf | pc Ler val lig "5! i _-- Lol love it and they've . 2 en 723-8166 Opes 28 hoe Man cA HI A A Freeteitecip & jeoee 0! ntenni: Ms . e name o e fh ey eee rT eos OP er Tey eee TUTE IL TTT Ce eT eS x' S = Fri 'ti .M. Sat. Sun, "Half of them don't think} Cpl. Kennedy, like most of his -- -- a oe eee oe ee oe ee ee ee oe oe oe 4 . , He "abies oh trees OC B20 ot ae peek 3ecAgerine they're in the services any/fellow performers, does a triple 50 Mill St. 345 Ritson S. 725-3887 || 222 King W. 728-0817 26a-EXp0 more," said Cpl. Robert K. Ken-jbit. He's a French soldier in the 27--Rooms § nedy of Saint John, NB. at 38 epening, scene that depicts Can- > Ww Wanted i ears e jada in , aide to the general . sae arreeran of nine years im telade 1, arto te gurral e Wsnawa wm Meadows Travel Service "ii W. 5. BENNETT shee He agreed with a grin with |that brings down the house and 4 A Complete Travel Service ASPHALT | Paving and Materials Ltd. ee the assessment of Maj. x nil oP rrage of the 61-man : : TRAVEL * Tours * Cruises * Accommodation ALS LeMmI* Driveways % Play Grounds 35--Lost ane Fraser, producer and dred ihe Seater torvass ss "ONTARIO COUNTY'S ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER" BUREAU band = seh ee Ar maekdpemmm'* Porking Lots --* Subdivisions 37--Avetions of the tattoo: "They 25 King E. 723-9441 1290 Somerville 728-4661 39 Notices awful hams." to the remainder of the tour.

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