Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Aug 1967, p. 10

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oe? Au liged t6 take on some new tes- ponsibilities in early January, early February and (or) the first two weeks in April but, properly nandled, they. could bring. fine advancement, in-| crease. prestige and chances to further raise your status, occu- > pationally, in May, June and/ 4 (or) July, sou are pneniness| 2 6 t ; for yourself, transactions. in| L@<--_. . oe FG. TEE SOAS Tiree Rerwrdey, Degen 12, 1E6F late. December and, mid-May WIFE PRESERVER ; ; should prove exceptionally prof- tious, stars in September, Jate|itable. ' ' X THE STARS SAY December, April and May. Best| Best. periods. for romance: Have, fo pound a tack in a ANN LANDERS. Promiscuous Mother's Behavior Is Outrageous Dear Ann Landers: Do you,rude. It isn't that he wants to) have any advice for a high|use the phone, it's just that he school gir! whose mother is al-|hates to see me enjoy myself, Nf f ways. bringing strange men; I do my houework, cook good By ESTRELLITA periods for travel: Early Feb-|September, late. December, corner? Stab it through a piece home? My father is dead and I)meals--nothing is neglected, ruary and the weeks between|next April and May; for trayel:|of paper to hold it while you realize my mother is lonely but|least of all him, Please tell me SUNDAY : |May 15 and Sept. 10 of next|Barly February, and the period) pound away. No more bruised I think she should not entertain|how to deal with my 34-year-old Stars. promise that Sunday year. between May 15 and Septembe"| fi ncers men all night when she has a/problem.--No Phony. will. be another pleasant day,| a child born on this day wijl|of next, year, , ptieedbisee re wee teen-age daughter. It is terribly) Dear No Phony: Your hus- especially where personal rela-|4¢ endowed with an outgoing|.A child born, on this day will) : os : embarrassing to wake up in the|/band is a spoiled noodnik who tionships. are concerned. You) sng gregarious personality, and|be, en lowed. with lofty , ideals, 6s i 4 W i if é § morning and meet a stranger|fee's left out if he is not the will have to be a bit careful in| yi) he generous almost 'to alkeen, perception and an. vut- A A T wandering around the apart-|centre of your world. budgetary matters, however.| rat standing gift for salesmanship Se sD ment. Whenever possible, do your Don't spend too much on either : ' --of both himself and his PI U £ I can't have a boy friend in|telephoning when he is away. entertainment or travel or you|/FOR MONDAY wares. et th j after a date because I don't)Before you make what may| might find yourself somewhat' Monday's early, .hours , will) ---------_---_ RE-PRINTS Lai strapped by. mid-week. call for considerable.caution in) gareTy PRECAUTIONS | | | know what we might find when|turn into a chatty call, ask the} I open. the front door. I|big baby if he wants to use the; | wouldn't.drean: of asking a girl|phone, Offer to get him a cup} § friend to spend the night with)of coffee. an apple or a good me because I never know whojbook. Tell him you are making might show up at the breakfast' a call and you don't want to be interrupted. If he clicks the re-| ran bine jhandling documents, corre- f : Available At FOR BIRTHDAY | gbH , Extra safety precautions with é BE a cog , spondence, all written matters. icnic menu. mean, 4, sate If, Sunday is. your birthday,| Venus, auspicious in. the after- aie Ap tin for all, Life. for NU-WAY P HOTO i your. horoscope indicates that! noon and early evening, is esve- y STETS) while, at present, sou may Delciaty. favorable to. romance. lpr" sa be aure that pale food {0 SERVICE experiencing something, of &)home interests and artistic pur- be. served. cold. is kept felow || 331 big &. &, Shoes table, j i ". dow: " b d fi I have one year and a half|ceiver or yells into the phone| slow-down" in job, and) finan-| suits, that. t fure. U hg imply i i cial matters. both are due for lemperature. Use. an. in-| before I can Jeave and go into/after that, simply ignore him, SF usteent ton per: hatte RHHBAY ls Serb 82 16 = 198 ek the food, The Ontario Food 5x7 1.25 each nurses training. But what do I)make no apologies for him, and do, until then?--No Place Like|show no anger. Home, | Dear Ann Landers: I lost my Dear No Place: Of course It|sight when I was eight years is disgraceful that your mother|old and I have a wife and three shows such little consideration} children. Financial plans, conceived) If Monday is your birthday, + : now. and carried out|your horoscope indicates that a Prien avi that the ie ARG. Basal os Odes progressively, should show fiue|display of initiative and enter- a iu 4 BERR fillings v8 { a3 & Ban bite results by late December, nd|prise now could yield excellent at ihe fice site ulings righ a good cycle, beginning on tife|resulis by the end of D Qist of that' month, will last pecially where fi are } BOW! for you or respect for herself,} It's very hard for a_ blind) t } but her gultagenus behavior is;man to make a living because} until Feb, 15. Do be conserva-|concerned. An uptrend, begin- patios an indication of how mentally/nobody wants to hire me. So I) © itive along these lines duriag the|ning then, will last until inid- disturbed she is, do the next best thing. I sit on |next four months, however, or|February, and you should be Your mother needs profession-|the corner with a cup and sell even your best plans could gojable. to. expand furthr . along 7 al help. Let's hope someone will! pencils. We have moved to sev- awry. these lines early in. June, with steer her to it. As for you, I'm/eral different cities and have Next beneficent monetary| fine results accruing by the end sure you'll live through the next/done ok, In this town two cops| periods: June, July and August a next August. Do be penser: By W 18 months. ok. You sound like ajhave told me that begging is | of next year. nee ce ee & hi if af * of 7 young lady who has her head| against the law and to get mov-| Good chances for occupation- one , y For all your the on straight. ' fag? al advancement and increased ; His. 3 drapery needs see hockey "a Dear Ann Lamders:. Will you) Why should there be a law} prestige run almost parallel to In job affairs, you may be ob- the 80-deg please tell me what to do about) against a man trying to make a} the profitable financial cycles, i B: TT. 30 boys d a husband who cannot stand to/living? My wife is writing this but with outstanding chances of iia : sweaters ' let his wife enjoy a telephone/for me and we need a fast) unusual accomplishment indicat- ide ite dd in'din what ik conversation? -- answer to please hurry.--Tough| ed next month, in January, ELECTROLYSIS INTERIOR DECORATOR era fav If 1 am upstairs talking to a Luck. } April, mid-May, June and July. 15 King Street Eost a friend, or to my mother or my| Dear T. L.: No one needs to For ¢reative workers--and Leo|f| Removes superfluous hair este ikBE BLALES oo sister, my husband gets on the/beg in America, There are| boasts many of them--next| painlessly 8 'ig in extension and clicks until Ijcountless welfare organizations month, October and. the. first Try Our Kree-Imperial Phone 725-2686 tg he a hang up Sometimes he will/who wili help you. Write to three months of 1968 should Machine. Meats potty Hed walk past me and holler, '"Get)/Americar Foundation For The bring gratifying recognition for MARIE MURDUFF ring inatio off the phone, your three hours|Blind 15 West 16th Street, New| original and imaginative work. | sh ey it ee ee | ie Sasori Except for possible brief, per- | tha GENOSHA, HOTEL bapa val BACK TO SCHOOL usual- teen age. But perennial fa- coachman dress in bonded |iods of stress in early March see h into a pro CHILD GUIDANCE ly means hectic shopping vorites such as jumpers orlon knit with brass but- jand early June, your domestic August 14th, 15, 16th, vanture: for mothers with children and smocks make selec- tons and a high-placed belt. |life should be unusually serene, PHONE 723-4641 The "Di . from kindergarten to pre- tions easier. This is a plaid (CP Photo) jand sentimental interests will/f _., ahncinitnent: on Afbe:. dates: for examp! Simple Card Games Can | a resins | LITTER WAR DECLARED | a Tae Z nr finishing | Colorful Jumpers, Smocks Lure Beye ms trom eve Teach Child To Count F gazed an Hider during Reep the basi | Bri 'idy Week in . The ckey, By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD | Andrew Luther, vice ial Back-to-School Clothes Shoppers alenere striated ts Baa practical. bi f summers| dent of the United States Play-| 1 ' S, per HT : KS TRO ISTER IN VALUABLI mene S we ¢ r ling Card Co., says he is often| By MARGARET NESS jdies is the French schoolgirl| Stickers, sugar bags with anti- Qualified train the bi some or nearly all our 13) le is|litter slogans and a pop record | than'-§ | | eo. STERN andchildren have been at our|2Sked by parents, 'When is the) NEW YORK (CP)--Back to|/Smock, This shirtwaist sty . . or : 4 a from two to eight weeks.|best age for the child to begin/schoo] usually 'Fase hectic | @ top favorite for ages two to 12 ira va et Te ae BLAG K & WH ITE At such times I have seen them|to have to play card games?"| shopping days for. mothers with|With Elen Henderson and|'€r° sae in. groups of two to five or six|He replies about this way: By|children from kindergarten to|Comes in several different fab- on the floor playing var-\age four io. child is ready tolore-teen-age. But perennial fa-|T1Cs- 4 Cara . many. of\s handling playing cat r ' | oe Were unfamiliar to me. \fitst he may throw them | smocks its Ter sate: ne ia ache tak The ages ranged from 6 to 15.|@round roughly but as time|And this fall there's lots of|wool-and-cotton blend. In Je These games often occurred on|Passes he begins to notice that) color to please the youngsters. |Leigue's New York show there rainy days and frequent] y|Some have black designs and) 1) the children's shows seen| WS 4 more sophisticated pant- lasted for extended periods. 1/°thers red. He may begin divid-|;ere, there was Cinderella's|4tess version in windowpane never once saw them playing|ing them into piles, Later he purple jumper in orlon acrylic, checks, for an older girl. for. money or prizes. |sees that not all the red cards|o7-) over a green-and-white| CORDUROY IS HANDY A wide variety of card games) 2te alike "oe not all the blacks) striped jumpsuit. For the slight-| Tran there's the tubecie afford non-running fun for|are alike. By the age of 6 orliy older girl, Joseph Love, who) sweater that became a dress, many children the year around,|¢@tlier, he can divide a pack], a Montreal branch, showed hint "a4 ; nmor LCL DTT and especially during summer-|into suits and start learning), jumper with color contrast in et ae Sil Piel jeaine WIFE PRESERVER jlist wait 'til you see Troister in time. They seem to me to fur-|Sames. jthe blue of the front and back |; ; | ther wholesome fun, good| In general, Mr. Luther says|panels and the pink of the ee Si cia one ae quart berry basket holds A sportsmanship and' practice in|that children aged 6 to 9 enjoy] sides. late estvenval eclnetal, ns lozen eggs in very little space : Wee quick manipulation of numbers.|Go Fish, Old Maid, Pig, Eights| Even the youngest set follow) paprika parle banded in gold in your refrigerator. '< € ' Tite for We should note here that a)and War. Children from 10 to 12) fashion trends. Belts are impor-|and green. Helen Lee of New . FREE few conscientous parents as- |like Cassino, Rummy, GO| tant, from adults down to the|York likes a topaz orlon knit, sociate all card games with/Boom, Concentration, Aaction|first-day-at-school child. But|with black-edged white turtle. Stvle t ' CATALOGUE gambling and, therefore, Wish | Pitch and Authors, However,|with youngsters it's the |neck and: cults, | th their children not to '"play|many children at an early age! dropped-waistline belt, says Always taiportant ton hace 40 2 vo rar & mf ea Ay c / y Ave. cards" of any kind. You and I|play games like Bridge and|Fjen Henderson, a Canadian school is corduroy. It takes all cronto 19, Ontaria pn ple rg os ee their parents "* [Wendaaiter and award winner kinds of wear and now, with| parents this column today sees| Here let me add that childten| ". yo oe SI poriges aie it need eee good values from card games. |seem to Jearn a card game best| One of her dropped-waistline|no care, says the Corduroy| 5. bes gies childias These | belts is red velvet on a navy|Council of America. Stripes are | taexemes | other children are more patient |W00-and-cotton dress. But she| the newest look. | EES LES than: parents ane.avt to, be They| also has one natural waistline-| For the kindergarten set} Hl coNectand better Rowe : child belted style and it has been un- there's a pinwale cotton cordu-| tl feaens ~~ | usually popular. roy jumpsuit in green and 4 a Oth , .,|. Melody Maid of Toronto used | royal, with a huge daisy pull on | Weg youn may | kooky chain belts on its dresses|the industrial zipper .Teacher's ; ieee ah Wa de nace ready| i" the 7-to-14 range. oF of cae includes both ian x 4 solid colors and floral cords in to Iearn good sportsmanship.. | PLAIDS ARE POPULAR jackets, belted A-line skirts and ats - y Often the colors also follow |slims, as well as j ||NEEDS EXPERIENCE adult fashions. This fall choco- ae | { Looking on and trying to fur- Miss Jean Bates ) ryin iste brown js at ' || At the, OSHAWA BUSINESS ther interest and skill in the be- ihe brown avian tin PICNIC PIC'INS || COLLEGE, we are proud of our ; [ginning player, we need to seelinctuded it. Joseph Love used it|, Add a little savory variety|] GRADUATES and no. wondet '\with children whe con play eq i 2 jumper with a brown-and.)t0 picnic pic'ins by including aj! THEY DO SO WELL it ildren who can play SO \white striped shirt. More unex- | few cans of tangy sardines, pack- | "The Salon of Smart Oshawa Women" +4 ;|much better than he can OFr|pecteq was his party dress of|¢d in pure olive oil, with other|{ Miss Bates, shown above, be much worse than he can, In the| Chocolate ihean PA ON a ath anes $0 | z 1 above, be- J s q I pleated voile | Picnic goodies. The sardines can|} gan her career-training in the jlong run, he needs experience! vith white yoke, hem and cuffs.|be opened right on the spot | Fall Term, September, 1986, ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF THEIR jat being matched with worthy) "piaids and kiltie styles are and served on crackers, bread, |] 8y May she hod graduated and NEW BEAUTY SALON opponents. |important this fall. Most are in| burger or frankfurter buns. had @ good job. She is set for 9 notte | -- \f life. Now, How About You ? Let us try to guide our child j q | sasttpe bright colors but the newly pop- Sera j|by persuasive precept and eX-| ya) grey also appeared. Young thee one brag of successes|sonhisticates showed a grey| THE NOR j|by himself or his side, or to|cien plaid pleatel dress with| i} y > rk hic jmake ugly remarks about his|iow self belt and white collar |] This same success story can be Tau au oms || MONDAY, AUG. 14th opponents, 'Thus he may have! and cuffs, Love teamed his blue will invade SEPT. 5 , leae away Acie tartan dress with matching Six Career Courses from which b ' lar ie Liege wr Most of knee socks and his plaid coat- THE SOUTH to choose. -- INVESTIGATE 70 BOND STREET WEST | ve want to guide him in/dress sported a high-placed THEN ACT. jjlearning that there are fixed) .4.y leather bell . | in ¢ FEW MONTHS (NOT DOWNTOWN OSHAWA |jtules "from the book," but) Sophisticated for younger la- Monday, Aug. 14 '|trying to change the rules is '|never the thing to do. | i] Mr. Luther adds that, instead|enough for me to do so. What SEE MONDAY'S of burdening the young child|Should 1 do? with rules, it's better just to sit} A.--Keep trying again. and SPORTS PAGE down and start playing with|4sain by reading from books FOR DETAILS him. Tell him what to do when|With short reading matter on} certain situations arise, often|¢#ch page and many attractive) saying, 'The rule book says , ,|Pictures. While he looks at " these pictures talk about them yrAns) you can be indepedent. Pa |] Earning your own money, en- 'ane cin ii lin th prion of sid Telephone 725-8631 Free Customer Parking position. } peecercerae THE FOLLOWING COMPANIES ARE PLEASED TO HAVE ~ -- |e |] YOU . RECEIVE INDIVIDUAL TAKEN PART IN THE STRUCTURE OF THIS FINE BUILDING, === \ || INSTRUCTION -- Training on ' a wide variety of office mach- Anthes Steel Products Ltd. rene is 3430 Dundas West,. a position when you graducte "< 416 and many other Lonehies. -- -- 'snewitiiG Quesons --read. If you can at first hold) M A? t JES IN his attention for half a minute x : WOOP WIT OF A KNIT Q.--I've tried to read to ourjor more, you may be making OSHAWA sactal Tile Ltd. illWwork Build; Sweaters -- the heavenly |son, 3, but he won't sit still longl progress. Provincrey ccuth, Led ng Stippii answer to cold weather chic 359 Simcoe or as6t 1279 td; es -- whether bulky or flat knit | oshaws -- Oshawa limeoe North ig oe FOR THE FINEST cnet sod, They y are lovely essentials in | Custom and , COLLEGE Atlantic ee Ntral Paing & all fashionables' wardrobes. 17 Bon st 81 295 Many Beanital bg oh Ready Made | OPEN SOON 10 Simeooe St. N. Ginewd -- 723-02! Ouh, Ritson Rd. $6, pan DRAPES | st , ~ Fa ag ages | Be it ere sandr, prsebih SP Peg porte rom foreign a es in the latest Shades and By er oe om ahr ae en That e . Ca This. attractive wits wae fobrics . . . see OSHAWA \f Clip ond mail for free literature and veoate® 1614 binet Co, sports sweater, combining a va a | put) sands tas Whitty wai Ss. a ss, 928° 668.4 Nome ..... eeeeeees sereseenees Oshews oF 913 charming feminine look and Mé&C Dry Goods & Draperies active sports styling comes | from Dublin, Ireland. The | body of the sweater is knit- Harry Dickison, Contractor ted in an intricate vertical | LE Wie i eRe: effect pattern and is finish- | ORAPERY TRACKS oe ¢. 238 Edword St., ed off with a turfleneck cal- | 7 SBIR 63s Oshawa -- 725-8213 ed off with 8 ten ina flat || 74 CELINA STREET 723-7827 ib kni' H "Free Customer Parking While Shopping ot Our Store" Fesdnone ~ - rcewierercnanatannna By Teicy Acid, mmm - -- rE sieeliieeiiitalili = oaeeerong e ' a > ig / ' «

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