Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Aug 1967, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, August 10, 1967 13 | $600,000 Charcoal Ontario Finance Firms se ee Titiiit TL Gl SH lt 2 6 A a A EN ail REENWOOD +t +4 Mine Issues | ames: : Spark Trade | 7m! RACEWAY WEDNESDAY, AUG. 9 ze ee rorowro «orton. ict! Hit By Quebec Ruling = .2res3.cn ess Smith, W'pls 6.70 4 2.70 9 ing in speculative mining issues | koka Charcoal Co. says it will ann 3 TODAY'S STOCKS _ | Business sporLicHt aceuned for eet the Mel Se teak ee ae ace ie Duke, Bi ea volume Wednesday as ie od CAMPBELL: ae B ' 5 Be A | cig tax from Quebec cus- japetiing plant near Huntsville, jai jonnie » Bonny y -- ge ande | vanced on the Toronto Stock Ex-| (CP) ull judge has : 4 add IR ae Bigs eer TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS eee ia sy, Lol e change. down a decision which probably, Judge Labelle ruled that Ni-| The plant is expected to be gpockragrdd iia CAE ind 785 $12% 12% 124 + Ve R te Of Interest Ex aine | PCE Explorations rose 16 will close the doors of Ontario- agara Finance Co. cannot take producing by the end of the IND RACE -- Mile Trot. Purse Mbetewd ey ae ee nae Calgary P 100 $24%4 244 24\a-- Vo a cents to 2,31 on 277,716 shares|based finance companies to re-,action to recover $759 owned by year. Its capacity will be 10,000 ye ee 6.10 4.40 2.70 Poe , iol, pPrae Ex-dividend, rE: co yor' ies tn 3 and Consolidated Negus lost 6 sidents of Quebec. Mr. De iin ha ar mutt cas bigs tard ay a rishman, Feagan 4.00 2.50 rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is} Can Malt 200 $22 2 2 --\ e cents to 88 cents on 274, 666 | Judge Avila Labe lle, sitting Fe ay ey ¥ _ si gned a cOn-| Muskoka Charcoal is a part- ee seer eS jee See | By Mercantile Bank Head jis terre ocr a mee cut id cect ct: Sr honn Hat, Hea jarted: Merri ler, Thel- Hates, North-| | Tuesda that Gisbet SoHaaath ¥+ | of leary. d Muskoka Ch i CC Manag 50 $692 69%, 69% at 1.63 on 300,022 s uesday i Calgary, and Muskoka Char- Ninnitred .Po-Ka-Bovt end Jugier MINES ee ¢ corns wo 3! jat rose 40 cents to 7.45 On|who have. bought goods in ay reeing 10 pay 'ata coal Lid. of Toronto gler finished third was placed u In Equty =z turnover of 18,375 shares. |Ontario through a finance com-| : sit The plant is d' to be the Steck Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge| c 10 SF 7 7? ' t me | plant is said to be "for falling to lose ground while Accra 1000 91. 9% 9% 15| CG invest 150 $58 58 ss +%| VANCOUVER (CP)--An in-of capital should not hinder| peas ae ere ee In other mining activity,/pany and signed a contract to ee Fag cic a Of RED-\ciest of ite kind in Cansda-< DOUBLE, 3 AND 4, PAID $23.70. Ang Am 31500 25 24 25 +3/| € Goldie 10 $11 11 il + '4/satiable and growing need for growth. jtheir diquidity ' t|Roman Corp. gained % to 23 pay for them need not do so if TW, In Apm d uses a new type of carbonizing Ang U Dev 7050 80 79 80 --2 : He aS 2 Fi} » 4 t lfinancing by the business world, "Interest rates are a small) the money market to borrow a 'and Cassiar and Preston Y each the original vendor is not r | A finance company only has furnace. which produces . cchar 1D RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse cee eee Tele | C,lmt Gas 22) $1144 T4194 is one root of current high in-|proportion of the cost of a|whatever price they had to pay.) 0 'y7y/" ang 913;. tered to collect Quebec sales|the same rights as the original from hardwond waste Woon Conditioned. ers mason a el ek a a terest rates, says Robert P.|project and they are tax de-| 'You will remember that last 1 and 47 tax vendor, the judge ruled and panei Ree cO Mee Gakta ie ee A Arc 18030 27-2626" Sone ie dden of New York, pres-/ductible as an expense," he/August and September there The industrial index rose .37 (ax. : "Moncion Foods has_ neither! y Bing, LaRush 2.70 2.30 Belche- 7200 32 32 32 189 $73% 73 th + % Mcl'adden of New York, pre to 172.19 after touching a 1967; The decision extended the fn as" Fire C., McFadden 2.50 Belletere 1000 25 25 25 Cdn Tire A 175 $25% 25% ident of the Mercantile Bank of said. "If one or two per cent|was a tight money squeeze,' Bd bee eh oF 178 i eather nae gen: rae residence nor place of business BUYERS meet SELLERS Started: | Mr. Steve, Matcivess Bethim 775 630 630 630 : hw es bP et ae Canada. makes a difference as to| said. "It caused a lot of cor-| hig ae serge Soca a scope of a judgment made by|in Quebec and has no Quebec : Parma, Ele ig cae 7700 19 iy tae + M C Westing 252 $1734 1734 17% Capital needs of governments| whether a project goes ahead,|porations to use up their liq- aavine od 1% to 30%, Famou ;| Hull Judge Orville Frenette in)certificate of sales registra- Br Reef 89200492 468i +4¥2| Chemcell bg plat LT ee ag "lalso tend to keep the rates forjthen the Project is not valid in/uidity. "i 4 i a, oe aatesaitonell jJune in which he prevented an|tion {TH RACE -- Mile Trot. Purse Srunswk | 20 600 0 600 + S| Col pas See to 16M loans up, and Mr, McFadden'the first place." "They normally keep funds it vers Ih to 3914 and Tam-| Ottawa store from taking action| Judge Labelle said the only head, Hawke 10.60 6.80 5.10 CoMmines 97400 110 92 $5) 21.3| Cominco Ge ia yl tag Me |predicted in an interview that He explained the high interest on hand, in short term invest- | Utilities be ud 2% to recover a bad debt way in which Niagara could w Brooke C., W'wood 7.50 5.10 Camflo Wen0 35 385 325 Con Blog w 600 38 3 \there is no change in sight. situation this way: ments, for their capital and ae ne S ake lost % to 52%| Both judgments were based collect the debt would be if & cobra dappebes! =~ € Med pe] 4 nd 35 re Con Pap w 100 640 4 ° ad A _He Said, howev er, the cost| Corporations | last fall and this working capital needs. But) | *° ale P t ¥ 1% to on a three-year- old amendment | Moncion Foods registered to By Calling 576-1411 Started: Maston Hanover, Loftus CNeey 10 9 ot Come cas: 108 ome ------|many, like General Electric,|and Revenue Properties 1% 101) 1) obec Retail Sales Act| Collect the Quebec Sales tax. F roliats it roperty and ue HB hal ae ne € Lencourt 7250 15 15 15 coer a on. ir can had spent it all. |27. introduced to force Ontario before Buying 'or 'selling. "ro 'erve : ' A ' é | ost ee pote bd " 2 B12 Corby B 75 $2934 29% 29% +1% | "And ... companies need Among western oils, Great stores ip vegister-to collect Qué PRINTED ON BEACHES your real es! ate needs ond without $ Honor, Hawke 7.70° 3.90 3.40 Cassiar 300 $176 174 Ie Coronatn 250 155 155 155 | orel ar e e ers money for expansion of indus-|Plains rose % to 15% and ct , : a Aaron ta vol Me Ue "$0 40 Cent Pat 200 165165165 -- 1 rotate eat a he wim | try J Scurry - Rainbow % to 45% A mimeographed edition of Please coll nee i : rush In a 1M : " . y ga Fees favo leet Saint, nba Gan ww iia a Be ee ee oe, ee | Take the computer industry. |Central-De! Rio lost % to 1934 sag agg toi 54. Golds ote erie wd Stars ha J.J, WILKINSON state ° i Distl Seag = 25. $39 39 39Me d Banff 14 to 177 to 173.05. Volume was 5,732,000 § Ss was turned out on Nor- ; popes tyrd, Dell Humes, Dora Jo Dip- Coch Will 1000 120 115 120 +8] 5 Pete 262 $582 57a 57% It has to be financed. And the an 4 8. ' A ba : 100 King St. E. shawe nie Reales Fite ey see a ee ae D Bridge 100 $i8% 18% 18% + '4| 0 0 e rices ine lairlines with their orders for; ©n index, base metals ad- shares compared with 5,153,000 mandy beaches soon after D- Phone 576-1411 H RACE -- Mile Pace. Pi ene 7000 44a a4 1 ee Rbk ee " jets and new super-sonic jets. vanced .01 to 102.07, and western traded Tuesday day e Ree Nile Peck. Puree Con-Key 3500 10 10 10 --% wud "ar ' a is. i fie Conditioned. A SCO 125 $7 4 The railways need equip- a eretth re ¢.Caltinen 9009 32 3 33 } Dom Store 2 $17% 17 ius OTTAWA (CP)--After an in-| Most of these ore ge a in sient: aad Lie Suit Gaal. wet | Howard, Findley 5.40 3.50 Sie tk ae Domtar 582 $14% 14% 14% -- % crease of nearly four per cent trade with the , but they ey re ern Wenner 2.50 € Halli 1600 58 57 598 + Pete ee eee ee last year in the prices of left the commodity trade bal-/enough money, Look at the de- Started: Stoney Burke, Gentry © Mogu! 2200 995 385 390 $ | Emco 125 $164 164 164 = | ASE OVE $27,900,000 in Canada's velopment of energy sources. nd Fireside Adios. € Morisn "300 470 470 a7 +5. | Exquite pr was s8 88 {Canada's exports, sellers onjance 30,-/Their demands are insatiable. | CTOR, 6 AND 2, PAID $38.30, € Neg 0 87. as a 3) Ee Rg ig OER \foreign markets managed to favor, compared with §: T eke ad Teta an Cr mice sind ia is Als 3 Fleet mig. 7500 15 185 185 |hold the price line in the first 800,000 last year. see n p.' r - P i € Rear 208 51 '@ \@ | Fleetwd $0 $25 25 25 --% few months of this year. qa ORRLIT BAYS MORTGAGE MONEY SHOWS | Conwest 100 625 625 625 | | ry, i * sai ite| FPE Pion 50 $272 274 27'4 Trade statistics released ne deficit trade with the Mr. McFadden said despite Cop-m 26000 35 3434 | FRE Pn pr 28110 110 10 +1 : e deficit in ' e ; Craigmt 400 $12 12 12 + Ml Braser 125 $21% 21% 21%--% Wednesday for the first four|U.S. was almost unchanged atthe corporate requirements I Baran 2700 Ns " Rs + %| GMC ul 37% BI 2 Ae |months of 1967 showed that the| $353,400,000, com pared with ao to rs cg vonll : D'Eldona 3900 273 719-219 --1 | Goedyear 1 ass ba oe jexport price index dipped in/$354,600,000 in four months last/frora the residentia arke a Bates Se a ee el Capital 500 4 135 135 --18 |January, February and March,|year and $363,300,000 a year mortgage money is again turn- Dede 10 OW AL ek ee nae ae ae and stood at 140.2 in April, earlier. The surplus in trade ing up. cast Sut 30 ss 510 510 | Hawker pr 210 $825 82s 82V4 compared with 140.4 in Decem- with the United Kingdom was He ene! paged ager cel fac- tebe eee ae cea ee ae " 'ber. $153,400,000, compared with ing industry include plant ex- F Orenada 1000 30 30 3% --2| yy B 900 $279 7% Gienh Exp. 300 tk Bh + WI Hore Pit 525 0 360 30 +8| The index is-based on 1948 ex- $150, 000,000 last ord and $163,- Sela seer ice tat ot of H Eri 7210 $10 10 ici i 7 100,000 year earlier, f Goldray #0 115 115 11S +291 Gueey Ol 29911 S19% 1986 eis + 4 OTE prices equalling 100, It was 0 OO a year | co loapacity. A sear. seb UNeduc: Sor sep oY. a *2 | Husky C pr 200 Bes 644 65 1134.9 in January last year. What is tipping the trade fig- ltion was at 91 per cent of ca- : To Gradore = x10) 8k ee ee Trade Minister Winters and og more a ioc bye pacity. Grandue 100 SIS. SIS. SIS ime a, Sx tS ithe Rosmoinic Coumiell of Cag] eet It Ihe TOTe Tone eT erofite. ane ott we. have Granisle 100 605 605 605 --5 mS site 14m 18% : : . P Green Pot $00 55 85 85 --1| Ind Wire 1000 5 400 40 -- 5 jada have warned that holding pritain, the Commonwealth and wage oY beer. Ps DON'T MISS IT... OUR SPECTACULAR AUGUST ee 5000 eu any t Inglis 200 lied 1086 lo + {the price line on the export!the European Common Market. ' a at s " business Inland G: / age . real improvemen Headway = $0015, 1515, --1Na Hibbs ad Clg Nude ale Hh market is important if Canada These are mainly affected by esd ti yilailas saarian Huds Bey 120 960% 63 634+ 4) intr City or 100 $19 19 19 +3 Le to compete in world trade. big wheat shipments to Com- a t space at alt A) 1 | int Nickel Sas Me + ve munist countries. He said the business climates Repeat 4s a a Int uti - 0 S071 Be 94 -- Mr. Winters has set an export Exports to these other coun- in the United States and Can- ; Featuring Huge P Jaye Exp 2000 » iH » +2 Intpr_ Pipe 506 $23 24 a= goal of $11,250,000,000 for 1967, 1.0. rose in the first four.ada are about the same. Special Purchase Of = mv pe w "0 Ve 9 qe Jonsmith = 1000 1717.17 Intpr Steel 250 425 425 425 +10 \COMpared with last year's rec-'months of 1967 to $542,200,000; Mr. McFadden was in Van- " Kam Kotla 300 285 265 285 inv Grp A 250 $10 10 10 + 'e| : 56,500,000 year and couver for a meeti of Mer- 1 :CIALS Pete ae eer aoe ivi. ind 200, $37% 3744 37% + v4 |OFd $10,070,600,000. penprernge 'a gorge chad = nt e's beand SF direotere He a rant, Kid Coper 3000 74 Jamaic P$ 100 $15¥2 15% 1S'2+%) Exports rose sharply to $3,-.?23/,0U8.0U0 | In the § pi cantue's 5. for Price $ 19, 99 outta A + a4 James SH 9m G5 AS 85 430,600,000 in the first four|0f 1965, The favorable trade|is a vice-president of the Cana- 'or Price Soke a L Dufavit 625 $11) 10% + 1. | Jefferson 2277 $522 $2 52 -- Ve 9 |balance with them rose toldian district of the First Na ds 6 p.m. Tues., eel 13) ROUND SHEETS with rig togg 190 Bs OB Bo TAG | Jeffersn w 360 $434 43% 43% jmonths of 1967 from §2,- 5,300,000 $127,700,000 tional City Bank of New York. (Sale ends --_ es rate Fee a sei Aik Jockey C 730 305 305-905 /932,300,000 in the same perio |$145,3' from 7,7 ional City Ba' peer re RAS Ae ets ee Leltch S10 605 405 vaiv'D an ia7s on 'on ste last year. But imports also "4 $61,900, 000 in 1965. owner of Mercantile. 3-Ib. silk eloud fill- Lorado 1000 80 80 80 +3] {atarge 200 $16 166 : boil ial at . -- Spiga " Memes rd 8 1g ce] tere A me Sly Te N+ asa 195,400,000 from $2,879, 500, tn Prefinished, Random Veed - aura 725 $' 2,979.5 PF 4-Ib, silk cloud fill- acdon $0 32 32 «32 1 P 40475475 Senn P t ] W lies 4 A 7 | aes oe oe Mattgm! MO Wish ie ie] es Se ee ha tae + osta OrKers Lose a a Oe wee, Wee St ll ee eee ee | ROM MERYeT i WOODGRAIN PANE A cors, 6 99 Midri 174 164 173 +10 | to Co B 500 $7% 7% 7%-- Ve of a 7 ooo ae Mt Wright 4000 29 Va 2B%a-- Val Lob C 110.844 44 44 oP) -- Cana-)| ay n ominion ay * spall 18.88 Nee v8 rik ie cP er sy sine 12% 1338 "| aan bond woarket was mised in| oe UP TO tee xp Loeb ini sR New Cal 718 2 z hy +3 Maclean H 25 $55 $5. vl --%| quiet trading Wednesday. OTTAWA (CP)--An arbre. eevee Po yard re aged ELM, ASH, TEAK, CHERRY N Harrl 400 BB 2B -- Mae rer 17 ane Fi ae | Short - term Government of | he ee age ob ap dealt with cavaraly, + Peasy 300 iss us io ear} Miner: . 1100 Bo" a 3 * "|Canada bonds were fractionally Workers seeking a pay benefit} The cabinet decided on the AND/OR WALNUT in the group! WHILE THEY M 10 3) 2 am 1h i higher with the 4% - per - cent 7 . Domini D pl a for about 2,500 postal clerks|holiday because Dominion Day N Senator" 2000 "deve 38 "Se -- wy| Moore, June 15, atop beng hoa St) who lost out on the Dominion|fell on Saturday. Any federal acai R 6 caw ae Nt contain 1625 $14 9" 94 v4 (99-73 bid and 99.78 aske [Day public holiday Monday,'employees required to work egular $4.97 to $5.74 egular $5.68 te $6.56 q @ «2250 86 86 8G Net Drug 225 $10 10 10 Long-term Canada and prov-} > 7 verti . Norbeau 500 28 2% 2 ~--3 1! Wat Hees p 150 455 455 455 +10 |July 3. July 3 got overtime pay or an Noriex 400017 T8h TA Me Norenda 6" 290 $55% SSH 55% + 14 eee -- Paige ait about %| Professor Harry Arthurs told,other day. But those whose reg- » Northical 20002514 2514 2s4--% SL p00 sun sek +e Eiok eng tue Rar et the union Wednesday, however, |ular day off fell on that day did N Coldstm 4000 103 102 102 --2| Ont Steel 50 $2512 25Ve 25¥2-~ va | SEP' & that his arbitration decision|not receive any benefit. They gular 1.49 Tae ee. 78 28 +2 Cohawe A 13 Mos Me sh +185 bid and 85% asked. |would not prevent it from other|worked a regular five-day 5 | hoe 7 A = if Fac Fete w 5 ra 50 580, $50 Pp cegped money traded at! avenues of eee to ei eg "es Tuesday to ge BO " 4y7 S$ > . f embina per cen service staff relations boar he union says of its ANE! Opemska = $025 $102 10 10'4 + & 6 ' 4 4 PRICE ¢ Orchan wo mm a4 ms "S| pi an ek cae Ve oe Treasury bills remained un-| The postal union has threat-| 12,000 members, all of whom any quantity KE pSpalend ae ¢ os oc ee 307 $10¥ 10% 10/2 + %|changed with the 91-day bills ened a one-day walkout to pro-|work inside the country's post Paramaq 1800914 94 sg ty| Rank Ora AUS $6e se 6 -- 4 lclosing at 4.32 per cent and the test the treasury board's refus-| offices, fell in the latter cate- Patino 1521 995 990 990 Revenue " $15¥e 15 15% + ve| 182-day bills at 4.60. al to compensate the clerks.!gory. 0 Sit fj ay Pce Exp 36600 231 225 227 --4 1] Rothman 645 $28 (27% 2% + 2 _-- -- gga MAHOGANY PANELS -- 2 CH ICE Secret" -- 32-oz. Peerless = $000 13. -12'--«'12 Royal Bnk 2185 $16% I6e 164 -- Me Pick Crow 3000 2% 26 26 Shell inv w 1650 $11% 11 N+ % Pine Point 170 $51' 51% SI' Shell Can 275 $282 28% 28% Placer 400 $3514 35Ve 350 Shop Save 275 $144 14 14 --W) NATURAL Preston 726 $21% 21% 21% Shopper Ct 100 355 355 955 | | Pyramid 300 350 350 350 +10 | Silverwd A 275 S15%e 15 15 i UNGROOVED ] Que Chib 5150 14 14 14 +21 Simpeons - 205 $90% 30% 3034 ax : » 4 4 8's Q Man 10000 25 24%h 25 +114! Simpson $ 522 $19%4 19% 194 + Ma Q Matigm! 1400 139 138 138 +2] Slater sti S00 311% 14 TM + Ve Less Than Quemont 200 775 wd 775 +5 | Slater A wt 425 425 ene iets Rediers 1009 ST Radio TD Suis 3406. 3ei6 -- He Ge FOOT! la a -- Va iteel C 1293 @ fragrance to suit Romen WO te a ad | Seen ka SMALLER LOTS ADD 5% TO COVER HANDLING CHARGES Ryanor 8000 18% 18 18 Tamblyn 62 $24 2A 274+ Ve a a ae A PRICE Sherritt 200 445 445445 Thom NP 175.8300 30%, 3098 4. 86 A L ¢ Silvrfids 400 435 430 +58 TT Tailors TS $24 24 crag PREFINISHED PHILIPPINE 'A HOGANY PANEL ING KE Silvmq 2000 31% 31% 314+ | Tor Dm Bk 715 $13% 13% 13% -- % SALE Shem, "ton at ass gs" $10'| Tragers, AH 'ah i " VALUE nr rader Ap 100 $23 23 23 AAAS Ho. ae ee an an oh ae NOTE OUR LOW, 2 : Sud Cont 1300 28 28 28 Trans Mt 1375 $2114 21% a4 » High Quality ore, mt | Dee at ak ae | LOW PRICES! 4x1 4x8's Family Soa Texmont 1600 100 100 100 Un Gas 1260 $ise 18, 15 -- | | Lf P Tombill 7100 -98---«9898 Union Oil 50 $412 AI'4 41% -- a VIRGINIA STYLE COOKED | YOU ALWAYS SAVE o ll sac Fl Torbrit 100 57 «8787 Un Wourn 2877 $6%e 6 b+ Va | USTRA Tormont 7m S$ § 1 | U Sect 100 47% 7m e+ S| MORE AT CASHWAY 4 ascan oO 160 160 +40 % i i ee A i RT i SMALLER LOTS ADD 5% TO COVER HANDLING CHARGES Trin C $3000 22% 20\2 21%4+1| Venez Pw 150 6 60 60 R ioe Se ast! | aan ee ee | ) in Keno ulcan 5 +25 | be eine | oe Bat PRINTED PREFINISHED PLYWOOD PANELS! ompare 1.49 White 'Stor 1000 35 38 "38. 41% Weldwod 200 'sole oe 3) | : FIRST QUALITY LEAN & FRESH : Win-Bld $000 232 21 21 --3 | Weste'st 3305 $30% 30% 30% + % P si ee ; , PRICE Yale Lead 9675 33° 32 32 | W Brdcast 840 $17% 17% Wa -- CUT AS YOU LIKE IT. | ORIENTAL TEAK PANELS OF THIS ¢ Yk Bear 1000 276 275 275 --S| W Pacific 102 $7 7 7 +¥% sipieces KE Young HG 500 5 + ¥2| Weston A 250 $182 18% 18% H QUALITY $9.50 & | Weston B 585 S19 18% 1884 -- 14 | ong.0s | ee ee EASTERN CHERRY siozseisewnener 4? y g? ite as z Ma Va Va tee ane idee 530 530 530 --10 | Woodwd A $00 $15Ye 15 15% + Ye AS IN BOARD Archer 100 NO lie lee ee York Camb. ate 195° 185." 18s 'MOUNTAIN H SAVE NOW! ee Bantt 2485 $18% 18 188+ % sere : CS Pete 500 20299 20+ 5 Sales to 11:00 a.m. 1,471,000, Save Even More -- 5% Discount on Crate Lots! Ex Gas + . ) Cdn Sup O 132 $4434 44% 44% eRTUSN TRADINe THURS., FRI., SAT. Cent Del B75 $19% 19% 19% Atnico 160 160 +5 " " ' ihe O° See eae Sullivan 1 450 10 ONLY Heavy Duty Overhead =] Good Dry #1 Spruce Beoutifully Milled ChieHan D 200 750 725 725 --25 | Un Keno Hill 200 $60 800. S80 28 peunserseueeere ---------- , Y2" Thick! You Save ! SET CyWest P1400 10 135 140 + 2 X 4. $ a vnamic = 140 (139 «140 Fargo M5 5 4s DIVIDENDS Special 8' x 6'6" NL ' KNOTTY PINE PANELLING aluminized cover with at ak 190 en ti fi hasty | Mace IFT LOTS! . Ma 16a + a) . 2 pad. Int Hellum 100 27027 270+ 2'| By THE CANADIAN PRESS aire ee BRING YOUR TRUCK! eT 3. 72 1x6-8 4.25 Davies 1000 21 mn 2 dle bundi PRICE Navies 1000 2) 21 | Canadian Refactories Ltd., 20 y 8 x 7 $48.95 9° x 7' $54.75 WESTERN SPRUCE bun apa ¢ Numac 1230 41S. 410.410 anit, Sept. 15, record August] A WZ 4:1 SHEATHI LYwooD 6 Layers Per Bundle! KE Numac wi ano 95 95 95 +1 y Check t [AY BIG SAVINGS Doublecoat White! 12x 12" or 16x 168, '1 Hf T NG P ' Permo 120 23 2 2 ye Bit Co., common 2| 5/16" x 4'x8 --- $2.69 BJOHNS-MANVILLE 'CORRULUX Petrol 600 65 «465 «(65 cents, plus 2 cents extra, Qct. CEILIN TILE Ye" x 4'x8' «2.22. $3.08 FIBERGLAS Sooon 36100 96 'ot a3 + |15, record Sept. 30. Maple Leaf | Maple Leaf Vai! x 4x8! ssc, $489 TIC Teled oll 150 a 25 ms +1 | Great Lakes Power, re Phy ap e ea ap e ea 8 Cartons Or More 54" x 4'x8! 26x96" PANELS anso. 3000 375-375 +10 'g cents, Sept. 29, reco ept. i ' Vandoo 1500 5¥a Sve SYa_- 1 ° "IN 50-SHT. LOTS! 101 Uses ! For Fences, Pat tioa.tte W' Decale "190 295 298 298 4 2 1-7 CARTONS $7.29 EACH Smaller Lots Add 20c Sheet LOR Wilshire 200 800 800 800 --$0 hey de Co, Ltd, 12%] 50-Lb. Cartons! Canadian Made RRARD RD. iat a cents, Sept, cents, 2118. Thompson Paper Box Ltd., 5) Sept. 1, record August 15. 1, record August | | to resail c: department dium 39.0; Eggs: country st: quoted by t Trade from medium 32- Cc Abitibi 2975 $9% ba 9% -- 4 Acklands Algo Cent $8 Algoma St 212 $26 26' Alcan 1390 $30¥2 30% Alcan pr 50 $38 38 A'umin 2p $440k Angli-cn 725 $9 9% Ang CT 290 215 $47 47 Anthes A V5 $33 32% 32% -- Ve Argus C pr 900 $10% 10% 10% + % Asbestos 225 $23 23 23 Atl Sugar 2295 $11% 11% 11% + Ye Auto Elec 500 $7 72 That Ve BACM Ind 600 $10 % 10 +2 Bank Mil 250 $1234 12% 12% Bank NS 460 $15% 15% 154-- Ve Beaver L 220 $34%4 34% 34% Bell Phne 2400 $48%4 485 4850 + Ve Bow Valy 2130 $15% 15% 15% BA Oil 200 $3834 38% 38% -- V%4 BC Forest 500 $20'% 20% 20V--~ Va BC Pack A 118 $22% 22% 22% + % BC Pack B 245 $22 21% 22 + 4 SCPh SIS 210 $91% 912 91% Gr inti Fin 10 (180 PRODUCE TORONTO (CP) -- weighted prices quoted by the Wednesday: A large 48.8; A me- ers: Extra large 43-44; large 41; Wholesale arton eggs average of agriculture as of A small 27.8. ations he Toronto Board of wholesale egg deal- 33; small.20; B 27; 49: THURS., FRI. SAT. ONLY 79: THURS., FRI, SAT, ONLY LOCATED ON HWY. NO. 2, BETWEEN OSHAWA and WHITBY Reynolds Sparkling Horizontal White ALUMINUM SIDING AJAX Hwy. 401 to Exit No. 66, south on Harwood to Station Road and West to 161 Dowty Road. PHONE AJAX 942-1221 $95.15 square OPEN DAILY 8A.M.-6P.M. ; SATURDAYS TO 5 P.M. ; FRIDAYS TO 9 P.M. 12x12" Vinyl Asbestos FLOOR TILES N CARTON EACH 9x9" FLOOR TILES 6%e UP COMMON NAILS $5.76 3" $5.69 $5.63 4" '$5.57 2t2" 312" BROOKLIN PHONE At Highway No. 7 and 12 North of Whtiby BROOKLIN 655-3313

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