12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, August 10, 1967 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 16) 36--Legol 36--Legal oe WHEREAS no claim has been G772209, Michael Henry made by the owners of the Dell, 596 Chaucher, Oshowa; motor vehicles hereinofter 1957 Chev, Lic. L48-704, Serial 71211668459, B. John Kovacic, Gordon House, No. 2, Pickering Village; 1957 Dodge, Lic. 306-679, Serial 97544031, Samuel Crane, 60 King St. W., Oshawa; 1956 Pontiac, Lic. 6-874E, Serial described which have been held more than three months: AND WHEREAS various per- sons hereinafter described are indebted to Foote's Towing Service, or Down's Towing Service for towing ond, or {38--Coming Events EXPO TOURS AUGUST and OCTOBER 3 DAY TOURS Includes Transportation, Pass- ports and Excellent Accom- modation at the Decarie Plaza Hotel, For Reservations Telephone 623-3265 Evenings or 623-3093 Days COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE BOWMANVILLE 62019808855, Ronald Kemp, | OBITUARY CHARLES A. W. WELLS Charles A. W. Wells, 147 Clarke Street, one of the orig- inal postmen when letter car- rier service was inaugurated in Oshawa Aug. 9, 1920, died Aug. 8, at the Oshawa General Hos- pital. Mr. Wells, who had been sick for 10 days, was in his 76th year. | Born, Nov. 1, 1891, at Wood- croft, Hampshire, England, the deceased was a son of the late Charles and Emily Wells. He received his education in Eng- land and after coming to Can- ada settled in Cobourg in 1913 and came to Oshawa in 1919. FORT ERIE RESULTS | FORT ERIE ENTRIES GREENWOOD WEDNESDAY, AUG. 9 DAILY DOUBLE, 1 AND 5$, PAID $34.10. FRIDAY, AUO, 11 |A--Edeor Ridoe, Stable, fae. LJ Me ae | CLOUDY AND SLOW | vinness RACE ' FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,200. Claim-| THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim- |e nace es lng, Maiden' three- and. four-year-olds. | ing, Three-year-olds and up. 62 Fur-| FIRST RACE -- Purse $7,000. Ciaim-| FOURTH RACE. purse $2.30, Cini | ne and one-sixteenth 5 longs. ing <2000). Thre ree- and four-year-old | (00 (4000), 7 > jrignstcrrgd WEDNESDAY, AUG. 9 \-Bye Bye Fifi, Fitz'ns 5.00 3.20 2.40/ 4 Bandit Boat, Kelly 44 3.90 3.00|maidens . pelea iy as SCaven's Reward, LeBlanc 4.00 2.90 |9.saucy Question, Walsh 11.00 6.80 | Roman Derk, No: Boy 107 peabody FIRST RACE -- Mile Pace Purse +Melville, Gomez 2.60 | §-Bench Warrent, Barroby 10|Winning Winnie, Kelly X02 fen orc ony on one $800. Conditioned. Also Ran in Order: DQ-Miss Nowata, Al in Order: Wee Bunty, Si|Golden ir, Gibson A-XXX97 Spartan Girl Leblanc A-X107 3-Dr. Doug a, W'pls 6.70 3.80 2.70 Chimar, Lisa N Lib, Feng Sailed, Tran- | Jolie, suse Mark, V! Gem, |Castiltia, No Boy 107 Promot Ms No Boy 110 1-Solid Play, G'braith 4.90 3.40 sit Pride and Smart Bird. Chopmar, French Twist, Royal Gigi and lance 117 Thu "ay. Harviess 110 8-Vicky Adios, Sie 3.30 DQ--Finished third but was disqualified | Lady Dot. siera, "green X07 aa "yg fed ite Also 'Started: Bonnie Duke, Bonny'yn and placed fourth. fearly 5 tay » No a (EXACTOR WAGERING) Herbert, Cathy Bonn, The Blonde Cash- eens dn babe iss ca FOURTH RACE--Purse $2,100. Claim. | Cow | Turcotte rsd jer, and Phoebe Sue. --Purse $2,000. iM-\ ing. Malden twi-year-cids. 6 Furlongs. " Ing. Three-year-olds and up. 6' Fur- |éKrakatoge, Kelly 7.10 420 3.10 | Breer Kei 'or ile Te Teall nad om On Fens| SECOND RACK -- Mile Trot, Pures SSevet Polly, T 10.30 4.80 3.90 eraiien: ite 9.0 490) BO" Falk, Brectield. X107 Poor Luke ,Harrison 114 $900. Claiming ont Ie Ace" Countess, Bomeut 3.701 also Eligible: Satin Son, Kelly X114 |aNurse G., Crow 6.10 4.4 2.70 1-Silver Gus, Dittfach : Alse Ran in Order: Stanhope Gate, Old Echo Lad ,Fitzsimmons 114 Is the Irishmen, Feagen 4.00 2.50 Also R "f in Order: Abuso, Forever Flame, Overlap, String Tie, and Ad-|Kingdom Bay, Green XXX107 Caesar B. Good, Walsh 114 5-March Van, Corbett 2.60 Pilot, Kerry's Imp, Artista and Ever acto 6 AND 4, PAID $65.40. Naat wl Nose oe av Farm Shit Fig ad No egg sat cea ecb Be . ae ron 4 » Winnifred Po-Ka- Onward. a entry \Bol . 116 oy Winnifred Po-Ka-Bout and Jugier DQ--Jugier finished third was placed TOL TORONTO 10:41 Distribute Toronto Stock & Quotations in -Odd cen' lot, xd--E Tights, xw--Ex- from previous wart boare MIN storage in connection with the | : FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,100. Claim- Towing and, or Storage on the 186 Burk St., Oshawa; 1957 BIRTHS | Always interested in the Boy|1922 to 1925 served as a ser-|ing. 6 Furiongs. i, mags nd Malay Sona task | SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,800. Allow- last for failing to lose ground while Steck Sates motor vehicle _ hereinafter Pontiac, Lic, J4-210, Serial | | Scout Movement, which he join-|geant with the 34th Ontario|¢£lestwell, tinotess Peal t 4 410 | iva of Ist). 6 Furs ig Ce" aaltepet ed BLY couhias 3 AND 4, PAID $2. Acg Am "31500 described, and three wore 72019612353, Robert ---s j jed in England in 1908, Mr. Wells|Regiment. During the Second|s-pew on Roses, Kelly 3:30 carve Cidal poring Tammy's Ringo. Barroby ue : 'aed Ang U Dev 7050 have elapsed since the son, 258 Adeloide St., Os! BYRNE -- John and Margaret are was at one time the leader of|World War he served with the; also ran in Order: E Jay's Grey, he vaacoa 'Werry 112 Cusmex, No Boy THIRD RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse ane debtedness ought to hove awa; 1959 Monarch, Lic. tharkedl We Ged tor toe tale BTA ot the troop at the Oshawa Salva-|35th Company , Veterans'|Tongve Twister, Surfer Joe, Krakanita, | Nobelton, Gibson XXX109 one ees Pats xn 1 $1,000. Conditioned. Aroy 1400 been paid, and default hos L60-221, Serial 358AK59- |20ncg"°hn saturday August's. i67 a1 tion Army. Citadel. Guard of Canada. Lookalot and Beee! Bonnie. Buckminster, Dittfach 107 |Good Ole' Pete, Ditifach 111 Stoney Cashier, List 9.40 330 299 a he Abe beth sods ') payment Here: 574186, Cloude Levoc, 243: "the Omewe General 'Hospttel. Mr, .Wells, who joined the| He is survived by his wife, sixrm race -- Purse $2.00, Allow-|Chopoy's Sister, No. Boy 107 [ERAELOR, Meine? IS#lesn Fire C., McFadden 339 th aa 5 : c | ~ * . ileter of, notice is hereby given Queen St. E., Toronto; 1957 DOLEWEERD -- and. Bev; OShawa postal delivery service|the former Dorothy May Col-|ances. Three-year-old fillies. 6 Furiongs. Bernberti, Kelly X107 SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $3,000. Also Started: Mr. pear Matctvess Bethim 275 ¢ thet on 23 Aug. 1967, at Meteor, Lic. 49-372, Serial | (Moore) finally ceroleea: "har conten: when it was ina ; ' 2 -Ruling Crown, F'zns 30.00 7.00 3.00|Whirling Typhoon, Sicchia 119 Pick, Duke David, Treasure Mir and Black Bay 2000 Y | i t i ugurated 47/liss, whom he married at Co- 1 Allowances, fillies and mares, three- " jack Bay 2:00 P.M., the vehicles will 273BK57-562136, William nial Project, August 6, 1967 with the i 5 -Born to Swing, Kelly 30 250 Brief Garon, Green XXX104 ear-olds and up. 64 Furs Keystone Parma. Bralorne 200 1 + be sold by Auction to Auto Penborthy, 23 Elgin St. E arrival of Denise Dorothy, weighing 7|¥ears ago, retired from that po-|bourg, July 19, 1913; three|1Aa-Forest Path, Barroby 2.60|Last Marriage, No Boy 112 Northern. Blonde, Kelly 107 Br Reet 89200 if lela g oN -, = libs. 10 ozs. A baby sister for Dean, sition in 1951. Subsequently he|daughters, Mrs. T. Mitchinson} Also Ran: Royal Herod and Marron | 5¥2¥ Jon, Bell X107 \Prize Jive, Gomez 116 | FOURTH RACE -- Mile Trot. Purse Brunswk 200 ¢ | Wreckers only, who must Oshawa; 1955 Meteor, Lic. First granddaughter for Vernon d with the © f M Maurice Proctor |S!ace. Also Eligible: So War, No Boy 114 ls Op. Claiming. Bunk H 13000 produce their Class C License. 91-827K, Serial 270BK55- {Dorothy Moore and 9th grandchild Apr | serve , e Corps of Com-| (May), rs .Maurice Proctor |. "tanson Forme an dArmstrong Bros. | Fast Quest, No Boy 107 Schwester Frieda, Turcotte "9 er McNab, Hawke 10.60 6.80 5.10 C Mines 97400 1 + Sale will be held at Foote's 16373, Wayne Kair, 21 War- |Mf. and Mrs. John Doleweerd and ath missionaires for 10 years and) (Ellen) and Mrs. Lloyd Haynes| "Stable entr Choir Beauty, Dittfach |6-Meadow Brooke C., W'wood 7.90 5.10 Camflo 1800 ; * Yard, 79 Wilkinson Ave., at ren Ave., Oshawa; 1954 |Sesterandchild for Mr. Cecil Brediey. |was stationed at the Oshawa/(Mary), all of Oshawa and a} SXACTOR, 2 2"AND 5, PAID $00.3 j THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim- Empress of India, Piatt x07 7-Fairside Star, Curran 3.30 € 8 oo 9:00 GM. eid On concle- Buick, Lic. H92-288, Serial ors -- Roper and Betty of whitby | Unemployment Insurance of-| son, Charles of Toronto. -- gnVENTH GACE_iies Sea Allow Fst ge aiden fwo.yeer-olds. 6 Furs ere Attire, No Boy 1 Lolita, Started: jMasion Hanover, joie é Kaew 1000 tion move to Down's Yard, 4443712501, Robert Bruce bret beget yao ly Se Birth [at " |fice for five years. 'Also surviving are a Sister, | ances. Two-vear-olds. 6 Furlongs. | Tuannies, No Boy 112 | EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,300. Claim- and Cheerful Count. € Nieto $3100 290 Cordova Rd., Oshawa. Hanthorn, P.O. 58, R.R. No. |Peterboro Civic Hospital. A sister for A member of Branch 43,|Miss Emily Wells, of Liss, | 5-Bunty Escar, Kelly 7.0 3.90 | Chic Countess, Leblanc 112 ing (5000). Three-year-olds. About 7 Furs Centrl M: 23000 Sale to be conducted by 3, Bowmanville; 1953 'Chev, | Therese. Royal Canadian Legion, he was|Hants, England; eight grand-|7-porrs Bream, Gel ons 1m Ser aeer'vome rete ie Ale : ; SFloyd's Honor, Hawke 7.70" 3.90 3.40 Cassiar 300 Myles King. is. H54-185, Serial 31069 MILLS -- Mr. and Mrs. G. $. Mill "rood w raataiat b hed rer fon rane and three great-grand-| ay an in Order: Muzledick, Level | |Nush | Kvon, No, Boy, 112 eis se me {Captain Dillons. Hicks atc Soins en. eas: 661, oderick lolness, (nee Diane Dunlop) are happy to sed | n in ssociation | children. Road, Balperion, ig Blunder and Hi | Regadrez, lo Boy Brother Duck, Goldberg XX112 ie . Pal 4 ae oder ues. 214 Dundes S. E., Whitby; psoaeiest ee of trate 08s Benny | jand a former member and pres-; Mr. Wells is resting at the|Ovke- pack' seg oe stormy Linda, iPiatie" Xo Pi al ai jar 3 Piioabogl Pe ae Coch" will 1000 593412, Laurent Bugold, Mile 1956 Pontiac, Lic. H35-082, [ust 9, 1967. Thanks fo Dr. Anderson. |ident of the Oshawa Sons of|MclIntosh - Anderson Funeral! gigyry pace--Purse $2,200. Claim. Vicuna Girl, Steve 117 sudge Wodge, No Boy. 111 hacia tel diied ae rk wate 150, AC Rwy, Sault Ste. Serial 62019808976, Terr- England Lodge. Home for service in St.|ing. Three-year-olds and up. One and sre ida vidi ls rie Vinny's Redhead, No Boy 106 | cael Rane jai Phew Conigo 2000 Mare: 1988 Chev. Lic. ance McBride, 130 Watson Mr. Wells joined the 6th|George's Memorial Anglican /one- Sceslswertt gael Mae ar pee cl aig oeer pare Feat Fall NIB $3,506 Coniditicned. ee. Puree Con-Key 3500 H50364, Serial 41069553. St. W., Whitby; 1952 Chev, Hants Territorials in 1910 in|Church Saturday morning, Aug. | Copper banter' tteve an Teli tas LP beg |&Waygone, G'braith 4.50 3.50 2.60 pS lo Pa ' > |Anti-Climax, Fitzsimmons 112 2-Oneida Howard, Findle: 3 3 ly 655, Lloyd C. Sheard, 165 Lic. H91-592, Serial 21211- DEATHS England and served for three|12. Canon F. G. Ongley will|3Five Loves, Bell 2.80 | Queen's Wild, Barroby 112 jz Onelca sows Findley ¥ 3.90 ee Aree cle Verdun .Rd., Oshawa; 1959 56089, Leon David Smith, | years. During the First World|conduct the service: Interment| Also Ran in Order: Mighty Patrol, |Red's Choice, Dittfach 120 X--$ Ibs AAC; XX--7 Ibs AAC; Ray A € Halli 1600 nab eetarae) , 225 Osh aS int %, ' ; |Fast Answer, Judge Burns ,Silver Run/| Pleasant Miss, Hinojosa 117 XXX--10 Ibs AAC so Started: Stoney Burke, Gentry ¢ Mogu! 2200 Stud. Lic. 762-755, Serial 5 say Me S., a | "Sree eee War he joined the' Royal Cana-| will be in Mount Lawn Ceme-| Fast jiniwer. 4! Bruny, Hivion Nie Yates and Fireside Adios . € Morisn 300 59SC4996, Julius Krunsin- awa; 'ontiac, Lic. entered into rest in London Victoria| dian Regiment in 1915 and from 'tery. Attendance 6,872. Tofal Handle $431,128. 8. Good Jimmy, Walsh 115 POST TIME 2 PM | EXACTOR, 6 AND 2, PAID $38.30, ¢ Neg 20300 ¢ 71502D, Serial 9711916747 {Hospital on' A Sar PE hayek een en a EE ™ ---- -- Con Nichol 7000 oy ele oe pi ey Gordon E. Quibell, 94 St. Reviee aerate er Jip Cochbeidae Aver | Rambler 1300 088, Serial 51211642479, Paul St., Lindsay; 1959 Chev [Y&,,0mawa). Qelaved wife ofthe ate Conwest on i Fs si ve iohn Miskovic and mother o' rs. .John ; foe, Cevnassr 1000. tare, GS9S4, Seles Reccaricke Gort [Peet of Comtaaarenns hn ar Cenaae | Craigmt "400 ve., toronto; 'ord, J ~ |Also survived by six grandchildren. Sis- | Cstland 2700 Lic. 323-104, Serial 670BK- son, 254 Edward Ave., R.R. |ter of Frances Viicka and Simon' Mis- | D'Aragon 1000 §8-123311, Freeman D. No, 3, Oshawa; 1953 Olds, |kovic, both of Czeckoslovakia, in her nae ae Snow, 100 N. Bonnington, Lic. No plates, Serial 529M- Fnitel Home tiled homeal y] 5 a Denison 2609 Searboro; 1956 Buick, Lic. 3598, John Norman Lowes; Mass will be held in Roman Catholic Donalda 2250 503-170, Serial 6C1104466 178 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa; | Shurch on Saturday, 11. a.m. Interment East Sul) "300 Earl Roper, 9 Redwood Ave., an ete cascada & P F Orenada 1000 . ; eri o SETO, T Frobe) 1700 kph -- ARK ee: Arthur M. Mitton, 373 Rit- Suddenly, by drowning, at Bowmanville Glenn Exp 3500 401, jéiees russelt; 335 #00 Ra. Sc Oshowa; 1958 [Raa ne ieee Pe = » Goldrm 20000 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa; 1959 Rambler, Lic. A21924, Serial Mal Mel Seto, 32 Concession Street East, | Gortdrm 800 Chev. Lic. H-97893, Serial 0482413, Arthur D. Carter, |ang"Bonnie' Resting a tne Morris, I've Say fw 9183744447, Gerald J. An- 61A Front St. W., Strathroy, |[neral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service in Crane 100 derson, 1724 Dufferin St., Ont.; 1961 Commercial Van, Nant Gotnchet at Flag p.m. inter- Granisle 100 Whitby; 1956 Olds, Lic. Lic. Quebec EV 8692, Serial . en: Green Prt 500 i j i V5011635, Gerard Martin, WELLS, les A. W. vs oe wri ie 4263 Blanca es roa In inte "Ganeuar Hospital on Tues- ' E Hessen ead 38, Harold L. Sorty, ' day, August 8, 1967, Charles A. W. Wells, IT'S NOWHER Ho sey: ie King St. W., Oshawa; 1952 ho __|in his 76th year." beloved husband si ELSE Gitta'. tae Pontiac, Lic, 195693, Serial 3" Coming Events Bret ton" ay ts aor er Boy 7" one 'a jice Proctor len), an rs. oy Jaye Exp 2000 imeoe St. S., Osh- H (Mary), of 0: Charl ous 1959 Buick. Lie" 250. | HOLY CROSS |orono, bramer of Miss Emily Wella eI : Jonnmith 1000 070, Seria! 9441900504, | | Engian esting a! icIntosh-Anderson Kam KoNa 300 cue tae ae | receding liar sinmentrgy am porghempes Clearance Prices on All Summer Wear CAMPER AND OUTDOOR PICNICKER SPECIALS Kerr Add 2100 Keele, Downsview, Ont.; FO Sees, Setar tee Seg PORTABLE TOILET with disposable | COLEMAN LANTERN 1,33 | 7." 7 Wate tent, Kirk Min. 1000 1958 Ford, Lic. 485-707, all ER Sioa nd lea BELOW COST SELL OUT bags. GAG | LIGHTER. For Price Soke = ** with poles. For Price sexe 19.99 L Dufault 625 Serial 470BK58-11708 Lonce Kiana Ga | For Price Sake STERNO COOKING FUEL. ' GROUND SHEETS with Lekehead = -- 1000 ' yond ge yet 19 L Shore 1770 Foronte "19; 1985" Buick, vee ne OF FAMILY WEAR INCLUDING for Pre oka 8888 | Oue-eatvon 'TueRMos 2,99 | Pootin Covered 9-1. sink me taney" ae Lic. K34215, Serial 546698- THIS WEEK GERROW PIVECHLL FLASHLIGHTS, with | JUm fer Pies dak . Poplin Covered 1b. » 1 Lorado, 10" 01959, Paul Harding, 225 Fe hotteries. 2' x 3' FOLDING PICNIC For Price Sake f Macasse 100 Oshawa Bivd. S., Ciena: F R | D A 4 FUNERAL CHAPEL Shorts ] Bathin Suiis | Summer Seis | For Price Sake 99° TABLES. For Price Soke 6.66 Poplin Covered 4-ib. silk cloud fill- Macdon 500 1955. Lincoln, Lic. H51684, | | 390 KING STREET WEST ° e ° V_-GALLON JERRY CAN, Liquid | STYROFOAM ICE COLD cHiLL | ed SLEEPING BAGS. Maton! | 640 Serial 55WA11472H, Ernest | at 8:00 P.M. Telephone 728-6226 Container. 1,49 | chet 1,99 Lyla igh roe) a 6. 99 Me Adam 1000 Dale Lavoy, 359 Verdun Rd, | ie Ripe C. ] T F t E For Price Sake .......... For Price Be os as 5 i" a eae aide , 2m Oshawa; 1955 Ford, Lic. | --FREE- STAFFORD asua rousers ! ooiwear i Ic. 1-DOZ. £G@ CARRIER. BBe | 8% 7 WALL TENT, == 10,99 | ousre sunK seps, 18.88 MUWLMAT _Yo00 H32864, Serial 270AK55- For Price Soke : with poles. For Price Sake For Price Sake set .... Exp 12500 $1262, 'Wayne Bosley, 314 ADMISSION eo Newent "on Arthur. St., Oshawa; "1954 uthorize ters , Newconx 2 Pontiac, Lic. 74977K, Serial --FREE- sateen Girls' 3 to 6x Smother Feeding for Baby a BUCKLEY'S N Hosco 3900 3203730468, Metro Shew- fivenflo, Unbreakable, fevers oe chuk 296 Grenfell, Apt. 31, 20 Reg. Games -- Tota! $300 318 Dundes St. E. 668-3552 Printed Cott Di bi N Que Rag! 100 Oshawa; 1956 Ford, Lic SNOWBALL Whitby, Ont ee See pacts OWN e ier kee ae wa; rd, IC, --_ ' Md eme 1000 . ; j Norbaske 2250 WIA, Pine rommn S00 | 9, $122, 9 56 NOX, Nurser Bottles 1 Nasal-Mist TABLETS ce, A : ' 4 izontal fine. | High St., Whitby; 1954 be Seer Doerr Compare 1.00 $0 AP Norpax 1500 Motwor, Lie. 750138, Serio! | Reg. Jackpot $50 full card| IN MEMORIAM | tr an se Nortel 20 270BK54-135891, Micheel |$10 each horizontal line 'or Price ° R | 1.2 For quick relief from heed- Northgat 9180 Shabatura, 446 Simeoe St. S., Plus Hori 1 Li COMPARE 1.98 egular 1.25 Compare 19¢ ache, colds arthritic end rhu- Regular 1.49 NRenk 2120 ious, 1958 fod Lc us Fiorizontal Lines a hn hlbel ph gelte Pack of disposable liners. matic pain. 100 tablet jor, N Rock 7100 * g . ir rr la in H83911, Serial 673BK58- Share The Wealth ee FOR PRICE Compare 2.00 FOR PRICE For Price FOR PI Opemska S025 155443, Everette Amfi Early Bird Game 7:45 me ee ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ pad ecegess ¢ = ¢ onan ae ee eae Mideas : MOUNT LAWN SAKE For Price Sake SAKE Sak 4 39 Osisk 2000 178 Albert St., Oshawa; Reg. Games 8:00 MEMORIAL PARK | zs SAKE SAKE Pamnir 7000 1956 Pontiac, Lic. No plates, Good Parking BRONZE MEMORIALS Paremea 1 i Tey Ge i we No Children Please For courteous advice pleose | CTY VecCacl for ied eS Pee ke 36600 nown} ev, Lic. isit the P. fice. | forth, a * jey-' 5 red, "" oe ' Pi sin ter Tice, | ~~ oe a tn ORAL CARE Alberto VO5 Head & Shoulder § "MY Secret" -- 32-0z. Pick "crow 30 Unknown; 1955 Meteor, i biehagag ee eee | | SUNNYSIDE | AFTER FOOT Mouthwash HAIR BUBBLE -- 2 55-53357, Unknown; 1955 | as SHAMP00 Pyramid 300 Pontiac, Lie. No plates, Ser- CARD OF THANKS F Lender Bh A at cee we Seat ee = BINGO B SHAVE | STICK | Sertstuar: BATH cake Temple, Centre St.,. Whitby; | FERGUSON -- We, the family of the Antiseptic and Antiseptic Nature! hold, hard end super For dandruff control, 5-oz. Jar E pasfleal Bo Brickstone Motorcycle, No late Harry Ferguson, would like to ex- Mint or Astringent hard to hold formulas. Rio Alan 350 plates, Seria! 12NO37165, TO-NIGHT |press our sincere thanks to our friends, Com are 1.50 Refresh yourself te morning REGULAR 2.98 COMPARE 2.29 Choose @ fragrance to suit Roman 3906 Unk - 1985 Pi th relatives and neighbors for their floral P pep. Your Choice 16-oz. . Ryanor 8000 nown; J reymoutn, tributes and message¢ of sympathy dur- FOR PRICE SAKE yourself, Sarimco 2000 Lic. 27128E, Serial 96089- |ing the recent loss of our father. A spe- FOR PRICE FOR PRICE FOR PRICE Satel 26300 006, Donna Fenton, Port $2 300 00 [cl thanks to, the nurses on 2D, Rev. | ¢ ¢ Py FOR PRICE FOR PRICE ¢ ait oe Perry, Ont.; 1956 Ford, Lic. U ) Northcutt-Elliot Funeral Home," Bow: SAKE SAKE SAKE SAKE Sivrfide 400 ' @ SAKE Silvmq 2000 72270D, Serial 464DK56- IN PRIZES manville. e Bane 800 bthhd ney R. mera | RACICOT -- In the midst of our sor- - Steep R ito ress Inknown; 9 | lrow, hot heartfelt | boa le A ue ud UR st a + sina! rs . arisen apprecioion, cera AUTOMOBILE eens F MUNTZ HOME OR PENMAN'S 5 Ib. High Quality Suitwen 'Sep 71011600729, Mr. B. King, an ho Kindines ano CUIboriy anual : Territory 400 Address Unknown; 1956 Ford, | Ite Toss et gor beloved at FIRST AID ¥ AB LE AUTO PEP-CA Family Soop Tombill' 1100 = ng "ort nego removed, | AT THE jena tee Es bac -C 7. Torbrit 7100 os i le eet ae T LUSTRA = 3 known; 1957 Chev, Lic. | lier Shain conection words, all the donors | CLOTHS S EREO Tribeg 00 47484, Serial 71037D657- | of the many beautiful floral offerings, | KIT " Trin C 104, M Richardson, JO Jenn |the mass cards, telegrams end cards,| Vinyl, leatherettes, borg and U Butfedn 4200 2 MN. ' the honorary pallbearers and the active | ii i n St., Port Perry, pallbearers, each and every one for] Pini abl pelterned viegl er one ut a tees - bog Cartridge: Player Un Keno 200 DOWN' Prag a z their many acts of kindness and ex- : et yincer eat ates 7 - 7:30 P.M. preagions of sympathy, the <telntesh| COMPARE 3.98 in assorted colors. fics. At a fraction of the or- Regular 1.25 Compare 1.49 bpd GY ic ee 322, Bruce R. Andrus, 274 EXTRA BUSES Chases eurral Heme: tor. ther ira iginal cost. Win-Bid 5000 Cavan St. Bae Hope: 1957 |COSE SOMETHING? Place a lost ad inland efficient management of the serv- FOR PRICE FOR PRICE ¢ For Price FOR PRICE ¢ FOR PRICE ¢ Yale Lead 9675 Stud, Lic. H84-009, Serial pees avers sic pene ly Racicot and Esther Matheson. | SAKE e SAKE Save--Sew---Save Sake e SAKE SAKE 88 Young HG 500 SAR ail i i tl A ana OILS, i "Willing Willie" TH ERMOS KITCHEN SCOURING GENERAL ELECTRIC SNAP TITE IRON BOARD ae ee Look to ETIC SPONGES MODEL F99 CS 'Pete "S00 N € Ex Gas 2600 ci k MAJOR POOL MAG P15 SCOTCH- | STEAM-N- | Vac-Flask | Pap & cover eaiigre "s arter EQUIPMENT BROOMS Plastic case, Vac flask with Stopper SET ogee P 1 Corp. (Can.) Ltd. cap and handle. BRI T t DRY IRON _ pene 3880 Adjustable, feak proof. Silicone aluminized cover with French PY 1980 For Everything Compare 1.98 Compare 2.69 Regular 39¢ Compere 18.00 COMPARE 50c fiberglass pad. eee sie. for your Swimming Pool N_ Davi 1000 : fs dmg 3 FOR PRICE ¢ FOR PRICE | FOR PRICE 19° For Price 12 99 FOR PRICE 39° FOR PRICE ¢ Nc ois 1 eel Pool Kits c © All Stee! Pools SAKE yy SAKE .88 SAKE Sake e SAKE SAKE 77 Mumac wt 'so . ros ~~ Petra 1 saalahded yhiged ° BLACK FLAG boon $6100 Self Storing Sl Poon 346100 @ Aqualock Covers Cihiet Hensin' CENTENNIAL PLAID eeping 126 INSTAMATIC Triad Oil 150 @ Multiport Halves INS ECT u canto 3000 G | W De 3 Sam FLIGHT | cove Bags KODA- COLOR =. @ Diatomite Filters . . PR AY ; INDUS' @ Aluminum Coping BAG Pp S : Abiibl ' @ Vacuumatic Skimmer 10 YEAR ABSOLUTE icnic qa e Acklands as GUARANTEE Werdrshe size ) Nevy or eve For all kinds of Flying In- aie omy ms 4 wit! ey ond loc cove in joma All Pool Accessories ond Instolled in 3 Days for Nominal Charge tough nylon. 6 Models to choose from. sects. 32-oz. giant size, Alcan 1390 Pool Maintenance ets Alcan pr 50 FOR PRICE SAKE as FOR PRICE SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE nis dius Aumin 'te 200 Ang CT 290 215 leu Sot a M®)partan STEEL : Sete FOR PRICE 4 ingly 838° ¢€ Argus. Cpr 900 FROM Asbest No Down Payment DAA 14.44 SAKE 1.99 ) SAKE Se. ae FINANCING Auto Elec 500 B AVAILABLE MAJOR POOL EQUIPMENT Gent A's | Belts 200 moneint. aunts eee' aan Wee § Oshawa Discount House 1038 King St. W. ar cannanp ap. ie M Pool Equip. pate 'an.) . 3° Calt BRUCE CAVERLY. 690 Drake St. Call 725-6582 -- Evenings 576-2287 [i BC Forest 500 | BC Pack B 245 Pah a