Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Aug 1967, p. 2

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Hess beaten: hs ome anmsondbihaded ROBARTS GIVES VIEWS AT PC MONTMORENCY MEETING ---- A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE e ° C ocation Spendin evenues score By R k me i ie sumer f e au e emar S MONTMORENCY, Que. (CP) Party, the reports of the tax nicipalities together would end "Each would operate within -- ira oe has mov --Premier John Robarts said structure committee and the up with a joint deficit of {ts own realm and each would nee Hoot sat at ataeeiiccit of the « today the biggest economic Carter commission '"'have to be $2,100,000,000--a deficit three be responsible for raising its contrac! 4 Siac th cha since the challenge facing Canada's feder- considered together." times the federal surplus. own taxes. De raivaleite is almos' een S I i ar I I ] u al and provincial governments "The question of the division 'Despite this evidence, pro- "However, without the proper cal equi . oe : The U. since the Second World War is of expenditures and revenues ducea by a committee under redistribution of tax fields, such "One result of this situation index fo: allocation of spending revenues. between the federal and provin- the chairmanship of the federal a policy is surely impractical." was a concern = ty would 1957-59 p ney ~ "Ontario is deeply disap- cial governments must still be minister of finance, the mount- drift into some form of associe 116. Deniers. Premier a oe Baby Recovers pointed that we have been un- answered," he said. ing demands upon the provin- Mr. Robarts sited, joderal ate state situation for Quebec. The Cz barts predicted today that able over the years to reach a Mr. Robarts said the tax cial and municipal govern- {Tile Doses ta ue "The change in philosophy by compiled Cherie de. Geulle'a call for & TORONTO (CP)--One of the settlement that would more eq- structure committee found that merts, Ottawa took the view government appears . 'i the federal government appears eek a puehae independence ail mot i gayest and happiest people Sun- uitably distribute the collections by the end of the next five-day that it could not turn adequate result of a situation whic : to have been designed to arrest a Sue disrupt Canadian unity. day at Caribana °67, = week- of tax money among those' lev- tax-sharing period--April 1, tax resources to the provinces." developed in recent years and this drift. During "a recent visit 16 Que- long party on Centre sland els of government which carry 1972--the federal government Mr. Robarts said the federal originated, for the mos ov "Jp doing so, it emphasized Susser bec province the. French leader diane Teas heapaarea ate ee woud Sark an tase Se RE wh A Te nermitied provinces the desirability of equal treat- ; i "ida odiatsy ter rai To produce a logical policy, f $750,000,000. drawn a line between what is ct whic c : en iaiva tor Saemee tee" gatian Gigi Cole, a shalidomied Mr. Robarts told the oaiey ad hh provincial and what is federal to contract out of various feder- ment a og gs fete FRENCH. tn an incident. Sie. HOMME aed Ae an ate th viiory committee of the FORESEES DEFICIT responsibility under the British al-provincial shared cost pro- hg choy $ rs was born with on ree pe Bers " ; " j i : called "one of many buffetings fingers on each baad Each Progressive Conservative The provinces and the mu North American Act. grams si Ce of our national being which we have absorbed throughout our history." "There undoubtedly will be many others," Mr. Robarts said in a speech to the policy hand terminates in short fo- rearms attached directly to her shoulder. But her legs are fine, and Gigi skipped from one booth to another among 30,000 specta- Two-Nation Plan {----- WEATHER REPORT 'Communist Publisher Defects Ott Few Sunny Periods, Cool Chinese Nationalists Report TAIPEI, Formosa (AP)--| Wu flew to Taipei Aug. 2 with See advisory committee of the tors at the festival, past tables Debated At Meet during a debate Progressive Conservative Cen- laden with exocti i tennial Convention. \for the party, sie Weak ante F Th d |Chinese Nationalist officials an-|his wife, official sources said. Bh hig aga Mongo and loud calypso bands. © MONTMORENCY FALLS,|is two nations living within a orecast or urs ay -- oy peng con Me Officials said he is the highest a By Be Canale wire awake SEG CAUE : Making her way despite her Que, (CP)--Participants at the|single country, objections were poe Me CaeTHiibe DUblIEIerS Communist official to defect te QUEBEC (CE lems. ie ewes any ech ~ Progressive Conservative par-jrepeatedly raised that misun') TORONTO (CP)--Official|noon. Cooler Thursday. Winds) , lat agitator in the current | Nationalist China. ane e mpi the first thalidomide child tol! £ policy advisory conferencederstandings would arise] torecasis at 5.30 a.m. light. a chet aE Oe of. viel aD warned Tue s Starvation Victi 1 ane de le ene |debated the "two -nation"|among English-speaking Cana-| synophis: There will be some ; lence in the colony Vege try" unless C ictim PREMIER ROBARTS ae de ie ee ian public school] theory of Confederation for a|dians about the meaning of ihe| -jearing today in Northern On- Forecast Temperatures , . : CANADIAN ry" unless ¢ JAKARTA (AP)--More than , . Seen Hopetal rade 1 class. second day Tuesday without word "'nation."' tario but the unsettled condi-| Low Tonight, high Thursday They said the defector is Lie HEARING AID he federal 1,700 persons in a single central ' E d |reaching any firm conclusions} And Heward Grafftey, MP for jtions will continue in the south.| Windsor .....ssssssss 55 75 |Shu-tung, 61, a member of the| ceo sogd Java area have died from star-| == ~~SOSst~=<"i~'"C:Cti'CSw«*S Journey S$ Gn -- gto aa party ac- pach yates pre ied ae helit will be --, igo f Bg - -- te People's Political Consultative | CONSULTANTS fonts andieoela sation first si onths of . e A . jceptance of it. endorses the two-nation theory|day across southern Ontario DUt|/London ... 5 fh +i tas Patan? | 10 Bond St. E. at e pets Rings Fey ln Storks, Eagles Vie Pg haya peters ee The subject, expected tojhimself, argued that "after the/sunny elsewhere. _ {Kitchener . 5 75 Connett m namie . Loh sg 725-2771 the gulze us ake n news be ae Wap tae oy: tes come before the politicians and|two-nations debate, I'd want) Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,|Mount Fores' 5 79 Province, adjoining Hong Kong, In an_impa eccece OD sian news agency Antara said) js7ANBUL, TURKEY (Reu-from Michigan to Expo ended . . to fol-|Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake On-|Wingham ..... 79 |and the chairman and general | Tuesday. The agency cited the as r of eagies|their trip Tuesd: ing|academics again during- t h e/ 1,000,000 dictionaries . te h 0 ! 1 ist-| i district health officers in the _ 'earl coed cl hem and 1 Wi anes Nes wae four-day policy discussions, had|low Party Leader John Diefen-|tario, Haliburton, Geo Beate Hamilton VE ress ge heed pan ce ri a oe, Me section as its source. Reports leaving 50 of their kind dead parking lot. |been dealt with in part Monday baker across the hustings" toi Bay, Timagami, Windsor, ste St. Catharines 75 | Hong Kong. | response from | from the area a month ago said). fe, losing a two-day aerial; They left White Pigeon,|i" 8 recommendation that equal explain what is meant by the|don, Hamilton, Toronto, ae Toronto s..s.< 7 | eG A 5-Year Canaia (6 Fran that while 5,000 were facing|)attie with storks over a valley|Mich., Aug. 1, each boy doing|!insuistic and access-to-educa-| phrase. : |Bay, Sudbury: Mainly cloudy] Peterborough 70 por bad Bi aration, only 12h ed. pean Tarss. The unexpected 2 mics a daytor a grou daly (ot ENE stared Wy Matt MygttaTana|wundershowers tose. Clarng/emana™ oo" § Te | Looking ron 2 Guaranteed at an [ a | tot 0 j A ».|the constitution in all parts 'seeme agree at, as use unders ers . renton ..++s. 15 se, ' |vietory for the storks followed) total of 120 miles. Their pa) | Canada. |currently in French-Canada, | partially tonight. ThursdayYixinaice ........ 70 COMMFORTABLE QUIET pc Ak i j ighting i i ye-wit-|POse was, said ; Ae eae ifi Sausages Hit ere Ee Oe ie May aaltt at Wille © sesubepeass 00: 78 RENDEZVOUS DOWTOWN? Investment Certificates when. it was pro-|"nation" means a cultural|cloudy with a few sunny Pel) Muskoka | i __inesses said many eagles were|the friendly spirit of White Pi-| However, , Nf : ; 7 } LONDON (AP)--The British| wounded. Stork losses were not| seo." posed Tuesday that the group] grouping and not a political enti-|iods and cool. Winds southatiy aay... e THEN GO TO 'THR NOW EARN 6 It is still po White Fish Authority told &linown. | Robert Blue, a civics and endorse the theory that Canada'ty. |15 becoming northwesterly Sudbury ..<< Cee igs ; news conference Tuesday fish |physical education teacher at |25 tonight. iver: Eariton ...... ; 50 65 Tally-Ho Room w eee sausages have proved a hit P edict Q k |White Pigeon High School,| | Algoma, White River: Cloudy | oat Ste. Marie 4 8s 1 you fear a he with housewives. Its research redl WAKES arove behind the runners in a . 2 . [today with showers and scat- Kapuskasing ........ 45 65 Hotel Lancaster | 2 (4) scrarts ia secretary, Ian Richardson, said) yoscow (Reuters)--Soviet Station wagon. | Provincial Ri hts e tered thundershowers ending unite River. ae a pardcipents in it was part of a research and scientists have developed an in-| ' ys ee ae -- Moosonee .... ms 27 KING ST, WEST sir eene ae ae development program. strument that can predict vol-| Crush Expansion cloudy pers Timmins ..++++++++++ 45 65 : for five years "Put down thi Thursday. Light winds increas-| de ing to northerly 15 to 25 today. Cochrane, Western James| founding people. peoples, we'll ¢ nations.' "' by investing in Guoranteed Investment Certificetes 'gry: " jcanic eruptions by noting : A Hitler" Escapes hve inihe maneic saa! ,zorovme comms wm Qn Culture Agreements t earth's crust, Aha : F | KLERKSDORP, South Africa) 'Re agency Tass reported mse coattenction industry have| Bay: Mainly sag A ey hc which are (Reuters)--Adolf Hitler escaped Sante ' crushed technical school expan- | J SNCY FALLS,!} res S SS ers and scattered thundershow- Gueranteed--os to Principal end PASSED UNDE Tuesday. Scientists discovered sion: here, MONTMORENCY FAL LS,{at present to raise the issue aaa ba today. Thursday sunny with | ideo rincipal en The ¥oor Eo Flexible--may be used es Col- lateral for loans. Redeemable--by Executors in the event of death, |# Authorized--os Trustee Act in- vestments, CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawe 723-5221 from prison Tuesday. Adolf Hit- i : a Toronto school *p)_/! ; s| part ty's program. ler van der Bergh, 19, facing i od yenne en de | tTustee said Tuesday. es ne da. i yo ei Faribault "caitoed the a few cloudy periods and con-| house-breaking charges, sawed|macnetizes rock and natural|, YiM8 Hope .told a Kiwanis/ciuge cultural agreements with|action of the conference's con-|tinuing cool. Winds northerly 15) through bars shortly after being) magnetism disappears) luncheon that extensions to two foreign governments without/stitutional study group in urging|to 25. put behind them, leaving be-|completely at the critical tem.| technical schools will not belr,qeral intervention, Marcel|that the federal government un-- Montreal, Ottawa: Some) hind his brother Phillipus tO} perature, Tass said. jopened in September, 1968, a4|raripault told the Progressive|dertake immediate study to es-|sunny intervals early in the) face the charges alone. . Pn wong and that a call f01| Conservative party's policy ad-|tablish an all-party parliamen-|day. Showers or thunderstorms] | Unity Urged ae a cv engrsad technical Visory conference Tuesday. tary committee to study consti-/developing by evening. Showery| Boy Escapes ohare eg been de-| "Mr. Faribalt, an author on|tutional revision. through the 'night. Thursday QUEBEC (CP)--Premier| 'dss 'constitutional matters as well, He also supported the "'two-|cloudy clearing in the after- TRENTON, Ont. (CP)--Rob-inaniel Johnson told cocagpts | as being president of Trust Ge-|nation" theory of Confed a-| | that in recent y government has tion on property and social mat guise of tax law "And this is said Mr, Faribai ident of Trust G ada. Guarantees of risdiction over civil rights we Quebecers as tl to English-Canac "Two Centuries Of Change" A brief resume of some of the highlights of the post and present of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham is available to residents of the Counties "FREE", if picked up at the office of the Counties' Clerk. If requested , |} by mail, kindly enclose $1.00 to cover cost of handling ond postage. Extra copies are available ot $2.00 for soft-back ond $5.00 for cloth-bound books. ert Davis, 15, of Trenton, es-|Tyesday that he suggests asso- nera du Canada, said such|tion, a subject of debate for two} yyys FOR MONTREAL | 23 King St. W.. Bowmanville caped death Tuesday by hang-|cjations of hoteliers and similar a f|days in the constitutional policy| ; ; sige greements between peoples of/days in the constitutional policy ae i ing by his fingers from a trestle) groups in the Montreal area get the same culture are normal. | group and likely to undergo fur-|_,SiX first feature films from! Swindle Ring MONTREAL (CP)--Montreal | bridge spanning the Trentitogether and try to solve the fraud squad detectives said ever, he advised the con-|ther discussion before the con-|/rance, Japan, Sweden, Roma- Non-resident: cure the book as above ot the River as a ié-car passenger accommodation Srotlems being| acsday they have smashed an Phevdaici it would be unwise!ference concludes Friday. nia, Algeria and Italy will be Pea Atel : ae wd tivel oniiy The author of train roared past him a tlexperienced by visitors to Expo|@t Swindle. ring that has tor-| shown at the Expo Theatre dur-|} price of $2.00 and $5.00 respectively. NIGHTS stitutional quest rey 'pel ced by visitors to Expo | mens European. art dealers | ing Montreal's international j er + | 'ond realer clashed : winter sa Os evita = he said, "the M . \ if * »-»\tilan festival. : Address all requests to the Counties' Clerk's Office, Pound ayy SATURDAYS A Bell, MP fo overnment will have to inter-| More than half of an estimat- R b A ks F R Bi mt Municipal Building, Cobourg. orsenvce Bocacé - ininil Declare Famine -- sorezyment wit have © inte oqi'i39)" oi panings, oar ODALtS Asks Tor Hetum | pa the finance mini ed "that just ist statement by M1 "Tt is true," in ibault, maintaini legislation igno tions of Quebec said that, for ¢ gages as such | Quebec and whe lates on them understand." IGNORANCE 'A The federal r ment showed ' BHOPAL, India (Reuters)--| The premier was 'commenting |C%@sed in Europe with worth- | Rates, Revels Specialist The new non-Congress govern-|on the decision of a group of|!©SS cheques and flown here, | Of W ; C 1 4 Ate soe semcenaane sotensien_ tie deckion of & STG: Alley ontrcaedl th a Setar a estminster Constitution of Madhya Pradesh declared 18)own emergency accommodation | Police raids on private homes, | of its 43 districts famine areas! bureau for Expo visitors. ri stores and restaurants Mon- | Tuesday. Mr. apenas said that Logex- | 7 Tuesday. po, an Expo 67 service set up to olice said 448 were seized|barts said today the time has ; i isi. | Mond. 'i "| sources to meet our constitution- locate accommodation for visi-| Monday and another 178 Tues- come for Canada to bring its| al requirements. tors, has apparently not ful-|day. More were expected to b aati a HERE AND THERE | J located shortly. ig | constitution--the British North} "None the less, we recognize filled its role. COMPLETE STUDY Off F d |American Act--home from that others may have differing hi . Poole, - Westminster. views and that any constitution Bay ik egg ee mag ng er Prayer reedom Vote "Tf we are to achieve the full) mug>-Nave the ability to evolve NAGASAKI, Japan (AP)--| PORT LOUIS, Mauritius,degree of our maturity of na-|and keep pace with the changes ly completed a four - week|This' city's 420,000 citizens of-| (Reuters) -- The voters of this|tionhood, Canada must be able) and demands of a developing, MORE MEAT ' LESS WASTE MONTMORENCY, Que. (CP) | fied with the present situation | --Ontario Premier John Ro- With the proviso that we are| given adequate financial re-| 4 Hi lavas, Installed Fest Dependable Radio Dispatched Plumbing Service. SERVICE MADE US. Call 723-1191 H Fresh PORK SHOULDER 400 Grenfell Street, have recent- course of technica] study at the head office of the State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, Bloomington, Illinois.| bY The two men, claim represent- atives at the company's Downs- viey office, attended the school, which is designed to inform employees of the latest meth- ods, policy contracts and pro- cedures in claim servicing SERVICE CONTRACTS | Board of control is recom-| mending to city council that Tripp Construction Limited of Port Perry be awarded a $113,114 contract to build roads and services into two new Osh- awa subdivisions. Once con- firmed by council, Tripp would start work almost immediately on about six grandular base roads, water mains, sanitary fered a one-minute silent prayer Wednesday at 11.02 a.m. --the hour Nagasaki was struck the second atomic bon.b dropped on Japan by the U.S. Indian Ocean island have given Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam's [Independence party a 16-seat majority in a pre-independence election. The Independence Aug 9, 1945. Last Sunday, Hiro-|Party plans to keep the island shima observed the 22nd anni-|2 the Commonwealth and join versary of the first U.S. nuclear|!h€ Organization of African attack against Japan. Unity Smallpox Kills | Canadian Dies SOELDEN, Austria (AP)-- DACCA (AP)--About 5,000/ 5.) ; | day before he was to re- persons have died of smallpox) turn to Canada, 18-year-old Wil- in rural areas of the Pabna dis-|),. : trict of Pakistan 90 miles oe beg lls Mi base jing of the last statutory tie with to make changes in the consti-} tution without consultation to). dynamic society. . any other government," he said, "IT am firmly convinced that, based upon the spirit of Cana-! dianism generated by this cen- tennial year, the people of Can- ada would welcome this sever- of the Progressive Conservative | Centennial Convention, empha- sized that Ontario does not seek | major changes in the constitu- thwest of Dacca, the govern-|,.<" ' ment-controlled Morning News| ji", accident in the Tyrolean Despatch reports. The news-|-_> paper also reports more than 3,000 smallpox deaths in the Manikganj area, 40 miles from Dacca. The shortage of preven- tive medicines and medical offi- | cers is blamed for thousands of and storm sewers in the sub- divisions of Samand and Foley. | HOSPITAL REPORT Fifty-four babies were born) at the Oshawa General Hospital| during the week ending Aug. 5. During this period, 299 patients were admitted and 343 dis- charged. Eighty-seven major, 108 minor and 61 eye, ear, nose and throat operations were performed. Three hundred and fifty-two treatments and exam-| inations were given and 32| casts applied. The physiother-| apy department gave 741 treat-| ments and made 583 visits. The occupational therapy depart- ment handled 153 cases. APPOINTMENTS The current issue of the On- tario Gazette states Michael Jacula, Oshawa, has been ap- pointed a justice of the peace for the province and that Fred- erick Ross Jones, Oshawa, has deaths annually in rural areas. | Not Guilty NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) U.S. District Court jury delibe ated 13 minutes Tuesday and acquitted a Nashville man charged with transporting a stolen car from Evansville, Ind. Six witnesses supported Charles Morris Stanley's testimony that: "'I can't drive." Mistake Made DALLAS, Tex. (AP)--Assist-| ant City Manager John Stevens made the mistake Tuesday of Staying inside his- office while maintenance crews tested locks in the city manager's office. The lock worked but workmen had to struggle for 20 minutes LEAN, MEATY, NEVER SPARE tion. SRE CROSS CANADA PAVING has 3 YEARS GUARANTEE also 6- 12- 18-20-36 month to pay | England'.' ' Mr. Robarts, in a speech to) re ri c Aes the policy advisory committee |} Neo Pay For 2 he After . @ FREE ESTIMATE... Call 728-9292 Cshawa "Substantially, we are satis- FOOD MARKET, 34 SIMCOE ST. NORTH HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS FROZEN 09 ONTARIO NO. 1 GROWN FIRM CABBAGE to re-open the door. The ith | ate act Leen e maining locks were tested with the doors open. Lein--Pork--Rib Ends UY: ex ROAST whole 37: Lean Pork STEAKS 2 us 1.00 | BONELESS STUFFED PORK ROAST 49°». LEAN MEATY 39 ANY ONE ITEM *1.00 |» 3 LBS. VEAL PATTIES 4LBS. COUNTRY SAUSAGE 3 LBS. BOLOGNA BY THE PIECE curs PEAMEAL BACON uw 79¢ cn 99 SEASONED BEEF PATTIES 8 for LEAN SLICED BACON u 19° For The Freezer SIDE OF BEEF ... 59° rance" of the this was "unacc bec." Debate on t was sparked by Gordon Fairwe: Royal and chair group of conf pants discussins matters. Mr. Fairweath DOWNT DELIGH' AIR COND! DINING REASONABL Special Noon Hotel La 27° KING S$ POT ROAST LOIN OF PORK -. 69° Cut & Wrapped FREE 6 sox $2.99 12 King St. East 123-3633 CHOPS Tenderloin End 3-Ib. Average PORK LOIN Tender--Juicy Leon PRIME RIB Steaks $4 Cc c tb tb OLD COLONY--CANNED DRINKS 69: Assorted DRINKS 24 10-Oz. been appointed a notary public. DX -- DX -- DX -- DX | | LEAN TENDER ] | | LETTERS PATENT | BE WISE: $ $18 Blade Roast Letters patent of incorporation ECONOMIZE! $ Tender Beef have been granted to Ellmar $ISAVE 38 i Shoulder lb Music Productions Limited. The 65 firm has its head office in Pick-| papneccuaraes i] }] i$] ov igl 69 PAINT|°| py <= 6] 22482 BUY DIRECT DX lL $ | Leon Meaty 6th & 7th Rib | TONE-CRAFT | $ IPhone 668-3341 'DX -- DX -- DX -- DX! Skinless WIENERS ering Township. 5-LB. BAG 39° PURE CANE GRANULATED PRIME RIP §9 KING PARK PLAZA

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