Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Aug 1967, p. 19

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PLUS AGE BETTY CROCKER ° 83" PKGS. ) TOMATO SAUCE \, | * oN ¢ TINS 55 ORKI 39° 2 FL. < FL. OZ. 19 ¢ 02. 'BOTTLE 826 JAR } FL. OZ. BOTTLE SR 719: 8-O7Z. EACH 1-LB. 59 PKG. SET OF fichly satin bound, old,. sandalwood and jularly 12.98 each e! 9.88 can .DS OF \LITY ' BATH SEASONED SALT WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OFF ONE 10-18, BAS uw POTATOES P.M. vor wv. TODAY'S STOCKS TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS Distributed by CP 2 GO OH Po ee jagmeees Be Le ak Se Oe ee eT tm om ee Ww TITTY 7 : THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, August 9, 1967 19 Moore Royal Alexandra Hotel, ex-|five per cent during the Jast |Impact Of Pan-Am Games plained his hotel's position was\few weeks pm ge with the g t 'On Business Disappointing «: dated aout fh members o he sles ofclghing and uve increasing by as much as 15 "They' re away all day and/per cent. OUR ECONOMY INDUSTRIALS 10:40 Net Stock Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge Abitibi 3763 $10 9% e e ° ci siness ¢ ity. a ' onse art- major increase. Most downtown y Easing Of Cost Of Living Local businessmen agree the ment and gift stores cornering' outlets and restaurants indicat-|*°'® not sure over-all business WINNIPEG (CP)--The clear,from the centre of the city, success of the actual running of! business was spotty, the fifth Pan-American Games| Outlets nearest the venues re- is in contrast to the hazy as--corded significant sales in- sessment of their effects on the creases with hotels, business community ants, licensed outlets, only come back at night.'"" But spokesmen for two large SAYS NO MAJOR INCREASE |downtown department stores Both said their bar and res- said while increases were re- restaur- taurant receipts showed nO, cor cent depart Pp corded in similar sales they Games provided a temporary|most of the extra custom oq q similar situation. was greatly affected by the Atta Ges T 150 tas" es Bag ie business lift but that the impact)proyided by participating ath-| \el Orestes, manager of a Games. ale Gas w 400 830 825 830 Expected By End Of Year fell below pre- ego iggeae |letes, their entourages and tour- restaurant near the stadium, | ~ rae aka igo Cent 100 $7% 7% 7% {tions. Many say earlier esti-jists, arena, soccer park and velo-) "BUYERS £ foe ae oe ae ee | mates of out-of-town Visitors for| | TRADING PATTERNS ODD drome, gays the Games helped pm get Alcan pr 135 $3734 3734 37% the Games, July 23-Aug. 6, s " business. Ppt digg 7 ing ag aye bd By WARREN BALDWIN cal appliances -- are showing] Milk and bread both take up were too high. Odd trading patterns resulted) Oy) business was definitely Atl Sugar 1650 $1134 114 11% -- % Ail Sug A 300 $21 2) + Auto Elec 250 $7 7 7 BACM Ind 200 $92 94 Bank Mtl 445 $1294 125% 12%8-+ Ya Bank NS 863 $15% 15a 15%e-- Va Bathrst p 100 $17. -17--«17 Becker B p 230 $9 9 9 Beli Phne 1910 $48% 482 4836 + Ye Bow Vi yw 100 840 840 840 Bowater 72. $74 7% 7% Bow-m pr 30 $50% 50\% S0\2 Bramalea 200 $12% 12% 12% + Ve Brazilian 1025 $11%-- 11% 11% BA Oil 673. $3870 38% 38% + BC Forest $60 $20% 20% 20% 1, | Stopped BC Pack A 31S $21" 214 214 414| Finance M Br Intl Fin 225 -150 Surns fds 250 $1516 1s 1st CAE Ind 2250 $13% 1313 Can Com 200 $3814 38 38 Can Cem p 110 $26%4 2614 261% Can iron 418 $21% 21 21% CSL pr wea ke Con Brew 1705 $8 7% 8 COAAW 5 8 8 CB AIBWw 100 5 5 50 --40 Cc Chem w 100 405 government ote A C Coniaur 1000 120 1% 12 ; mert eased pressures for a/Even if. by some _ remote € Curtiss 1000 80 @ 80 +1 |short period but the strong pub-|chance, you did buy the ore Cdn Equty 500 335 335 335 » Ge > «Se > ities € Found pr 75 $16¥2 1614 16% lie demand for goods and serv- things in the same quaatitie Cc Hydro 100 $19% 19% 19% + % ices has revived and led tojit still might not give a true C Imp Bnk 280 $l4¥%e 14 rl Cind Ges 20 $12, 12 12 CIL 100 $20% 20' 20% ¢ Marconi. 227 $5% 5% 5% tive goods, PR 1222 $73% 73 739%4-- Ve that the f Petron ae He is ee that ¢ Uiitities 200 $40 4 4 -- M4 purchase to esting 2725 $i8 «618 | aes a Chat-Gai 165 $10 10 10 "% 0048, are t Chemcell 200 $105 10% 10% + % impact of Chrysler 110 $54 540 $4 oe ithf Clairton w 250 625 625 625 faithtul Codvilie A 200-475 475 475 prices. -- "| predictions Columbia 200 450 450 450 decline this Columbi p 150 $16%@ 165 165% + Ve Cominco 680 $2924 29% 29% -- v4 UP. Con Paper 152 $36%4 362 36% Cons Gas 792 $20% 2 20 -- Crain RL 1200 $52 52% 524, goods have Crush Intl 120 $12%4 12% 124+ % dency Delta E'ec 5600 420 410 420 Seag 760 $39%4 39%» 39% -- \ Dist! ; , Dome Pete 275 $59% 58% 5912 crease the prices of: durable'and services that fits your scaly 540 $247 24% 2472+ \ooods -- cars, refrigerators,)want: may be quite different Dom Glass 230 $105. 102 10%2-- Dom Lime 100 260 260 260 +10 Dosco ROT ae i Dom Store 100 $1734 17% 17% + We Domtar 2095 S$14% 14% 14% Murphy D Textile 230 $222 22% 22 Mrphy Pr Emco 500 $16¥2 16¥a 1612+ Ve| Nt Contain Falcon 2138 $94 94 94 Nat Drug p Fam Play 400 $37 36% 37 + % Neon Fed Grain 900 $6\* 6% 6\e+ ve| Noranda Fleet Mig 100 175 175 1795 --S§ Ford Cnda 50$178 178 178 Nor CH! Gp 150 $22 22 22 4a reasonably quick by ae Sugg. list 3.49 FPE Pn pr 25 $109 109% 10912 -- Ye Ogilvie $60 $13, 13° «13: --'% means that the supply and de- 10 FF G Develop 100 $13 13% 13% Ont Stee! 100 $26 26 «26 ~-- w| mean f tk aintates Other RICHARD GMC 79 $89%4 8934 89% Oshawa A 225 $44% 44% 44% -- Ye Mand oO he momen BS models HUDN T GNGas A p 200 $2312 23% 2314 ees 427 tng us ee price. The clothing index in ' Greyhnd 875 $14% 14% 14% + } Pembina 650 $14% 14% 14% Hs = i Guar Trst 235 '$90 Sak Sante} Pow Corp 700 $10% 10% 10% + 1 May showed no change from a 12 Pe Hard Carp 225 $16 16 16 Pow Crp pr $0 $391 39% 3919 April but if you were buying a 99 Creme Shampoo Hawker $ 400 370 370 370 --§ Price Com 483. $1234 125% 12% wonan's spring coat in May (Dry, Normal er Ofty) Home A 521 $21 21% 21% QN Gas 795 $)0% 10' 10% . : A News 8 723 $20% 2% 2% Rank Org 225 $6% 6% 630 you would have paid 2.7 per Cleer Sheen Shampoo Hoge, ft Tae a a a, ve | Reine eS AM Wht & cent less. It it war a gins coat Crome' Rinee ay Co $19%4 1994 19% x i HB Oll Gas' 100 $364 3612 36la+ | Revenue w 200 $11 11 11 --% you were after, it might have DENTA For Upset S| h : oe : 'or Upset Stomac on Husky Oil 2640 $1914 19 1916+ 1@| Robertson $0 $25 25 25 cost you three per cent less, Creme Ri N'Set Husky B pr 50 $51 51. 51 -- %4| Rothman 50 $27!4- 2712 27" CREAM 6 OZ. LIQUID or ne hee Husky C pr 125 $63 6363 Royal Bnk 1175 $17 16% 17 + % CAMPLED MONTHLY . Husky Dw 306 970 960 970 --g | SIL Cem-w 750 360 360 360 mo : yee " eas 30 Tablets $1.69 value for ,99€ ct Imbrex 100 $64 64 6% Salada 500 $10% 10% 10% -- These prices are sample Family Size imp Oil 526 $66 65% 65% -- va| Sayvette 400 300 300 300 each month in 16 Canadian Mfrs. Special ; Suge. List, .98c ee Imp Tob 2050 $14 142 14a-- | Shell Inve 100 $32 32 32 tie a th miipe then: 1.D.A. Special Ind Accept' 1205 $24 24 24 + %%| Shell Inv w 705 $10% 107% 10% -- ve CICS an i. ete $1,199 for $1.69 RAYETTE Ind Minerl 430 $14% 14¥4 14a | Sei cen a $20% i ~ -- Sixty tea bags in March would Ind Wire 1900. $5% 5 Sve op Save 6 $4 4 4 Ingersoll 30 $25 = a | | Silverwd A 215 $15% 15% 15% have cost 85. Bead re I Save 31c Cc Inglis 1175 $10 16 | sinpeens | got ere 20H om javerage; in April, 85 cents an Iniand Gas 800 $11% we 11% -- Vel Sip ae x , |in May, 84.6 cents. Last year| Inte cHY pr "0 sea 18 Taam Ya Slater an" 304 siise 'ive iw *' lover the same period they | = i FR i iam Dae ty tad Servis tah See se 'se yy lumped by half a-cent. If you . 2 [ : with 2 FREE Jumbo-size IM" Wier sthatte 18 a <ul Senate qt Be, 2e. ae m/buy ground coffe fer percslat ANACIN Transistor Batteries 6 Int UNI 2568 'sae 'savy 'ap Go ag| Steel Can, 163) $24%4 24% 24% -- Ya/ing vou may or may not have | 4 Int Util pr 970 $39 3834 384+ V2 spree ie ght Samm 25% 25% -- Wi noticed that it has dropped by| #216-9 volt int Mosw Races et | tees 392 $29% 29% 2% -- %|four cents a pound since Feb- TABLETS TWO oa cond SPECIAL Intpr Steel 1871 440 425425 +10 | 700", a 180 $20' 30% 302 + %/ruary and was also four cents 4 Inv Grp A 600 $97 9% 9% -- Val yeenom eA a less in April and May than in 109" - Su ITL Ind 200 $37% 374 374+ | rensalr ms 3s SS ; AP may 5 S ie c $1.78 volue for Le whs fer Bat iernh 1236 $53 52% 5234.14) 2f Can PL 307 $31% 31% 314+ % the same months last year. If Tr Can Pl p 215 $47 472 474 i i 5 Poth NM = oe oe a es 1 | TrcanPw 90 910 910 910 you buy the instant variety you! . ees Y) tion tate an sg) Tram it" Te ai "thu paid on the average $1.14 in #1015 14 wk speci (2 HAIR SPRAY Lafarge 500 $164 16% T+ 41 Urrearmg 109 See Bs 8% --% May, 1966 and $1.054 this year., . 4 on a card ca ler adie Cd bat | Un Gas z0 $15 1515 Round steak is still a pretty Saye extra 30¢ $1.20 vohue for .98e 79c hie feed adh: tg ($2.98 Levy 250 $2614 26\6 ale Union Ol 00 sai tv 41 costly item in the family bud- : ( valué} yy i aaa i= Life Inv wi 200 155 185 185 | Gute oo uc fad 1, get but in May at $1.009 a ecret O) for Ic sm seve '° 0 $7 7% 7% | Versafd V4 Ma y Me -- i , i See inch ie on maul Mees 9 $4 Pt at oe 's pound it was slightly less than Y $4.87 so | Loeb M 390 $1296 12% 1236 Walk GW 455 $36 35m 5m -- Ns last year and five cents a ROLL-ON 4 sa si MB Ltd 2200 $28Ve 28 = 28 Wat Equip 100 $5 5 --%|pound less than in February. | : 4 'a Magna El 325 $18% 18% 18% Westc'st 300 $2844 2834 2834 9 "%/A rib roast cost 1.5 ts al Maher 250 $12% 12% 12% West Ind 100-230-230 230 --1 FORE Y SOF ogee 38 Deodorant Double Edge é $2.49 Manoir In 0 390 350 390 +8 West Ind A 100 370 370 370 -- 5 pound less and about two cents H Super Stainless Steel i le 5 Gee ae at : . McCabe 200 6% 6% 6% Weston A us sive Ws Ws less than in April. A half & 1%, ox. 'Mfrs. Special DES CA MEPC 200 325 325 Woodwd A 650 $15Va 15Ve 15\0 pound of side bacon dropped $1.35 for $1.49 ) Molson A V -%| Zellers 100 $30 90 30 +% about one cent a pound be- 5's ples 1 BONUS BLADE Mon Food 400 $10% 10% 10» Zenith 4200 250 245 280 + 5 i vA Q Montex 1000 215 215 215 | tween April and May but nine 1.D.A. 950 $33 33. 33 -- we! Sales te 11:00° a.m. 1,324,000. 'cents a pound on the year, SPECIAL C start to ease off. For the next| practising five months Canadians will ex- ipreaching last fall. Ottawa is inevitable hang-|spending as never before and --19 over from two years when indi- |borrowing its jviduai spending, business and|from the savings of Canadians, available|tenth prics push up that can't be|for housing needs and bringing|bread dropped from 19.3 cents overnight. In perience the 1966 of three per was too conservative. manufacturer heralds of After a short period of} spent. to turn , lagging behind the general in- Nor Ctl G 1650 $12% 12 12' Tue cost of living in Canada|increases. will continue to rise until the|grTrTrAWA SPENDING %2-- lend of the year when it should Finally governments are not what they combined in a leaving less money June, a return of high interest rates. Mitchell inister The consumer price index in |Sharp forecast an average in-| oreased by 0.47 per cent be-|cents to 51.3 cents. crease in prices in 1967 over tween May and June and 3.5 per cent on the year. But that 'average is already higher and! qoes not mean that it was your +» it looks as though this forecast! cost of living index. It was based on what a target group Moderately higher unemploy-\of families buy and how much cent, The of a new business|picture of your family basket +, |upswing in the fall. The sensi-|One of the worst headaches for industrial materials|those who make the surveys is must/ laxity in record-keeping and th produce consumer|morce fan.ilies rely on memory. he first to feel any|the more they report how they this and higher! spent instead of how it was money index has turned) reporting is spent 0 alcohol and tobacco. ~-Those pre- Food and other non-durable paring the cost of living family basket couldn't care less about shown down but some ten- after morals or even family needs. Finally stoves, televisions and electri-|to that of your neighbor and you more or cost housewife knows Pp e e may have less. Every that food prices don't move u and down as a group. The sam applies in other non-durabl 150 $6% 67 6% 40 $26 26 8626 606 $914 9% 100 $13. 13° «(13 750 $7% 734 7% 16 $552 S5¥2 55'2 y lly spent most of pijayty se ; mae ivin | ave reluctant to say just how much modation usua cularly busy after events were ree works: tee ee . ts the Games have affected the their time--and money -- al over * were been Linaesoaceer! con? or general business picture. everts away from the city cen- He said the city as a whole By Calli : 76-14) about rising prices. MUE did) suly usually is. the city's|tre. may not benefit much because| y. Gelling, 576x141) requirements|tween February 1966 the most|think incomes should have been A general case of under-| the basket of goods! goods where the necessity for a los of space in the cost of, The business community was as visitors in downtown accom- abyye Jast year and was parti- For appraisals of your property and before buying or selling. To serve your real estate needs and without obligation to you. Please eg!! J. J. WILKINSON iSrite 100 King St. E. Oshawa Phone 576-1411 jump by 2.3 cents a quart be-/heaviest tourist month and this) W. G. Foster, manager Of most of those attending the and Feb- year's centennial celebrations|CN's Fort Garry Hotel, said Games seen.ed to be local resi- it was a provided an over-all shot in the roon. facilities were well taxed. gents, higher. But arm. "But if all our visitors had Because of the scattered loca- staved around the hotel all day, GENERAL SALES UP a pound to 18.7 cents and eggs tions of the Games venues and business would have been phe- A large department store in a (Grade A Medium) from 63.2) wit! athletes accommodated in|nomenal." shopping centre near the arena ltwo Pan-Am villages away! H. §. Walker, manager at the'said general sales increased ruary 1967. In of a_ cent May s e SVL sh s, So n as Polyethylene DECANTER @ No drip pouring. @ Snap on lid Super size! Super' Value! HAIR SPRAY 8 Ounce Mfrs. Special $1.39 for 95 COOL-RAY POLAROID Sunglasses } Seer" $2.99 S{IEAASBri Ba, aan ! Teronto Stock Exchange--Aug. 9 Quotations in cents uniess marked $. z--Odd 'ot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--E€x-warrants. Net change is from previous board-lot closing sale. 10:40 Net Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Accra 2000 10 «+10 «10 Acme Gas. 1000 18 #18 18 --'% Advocate 100 290 290 290 --S5 Ang Am 10400 17) «15 7. +3% Ang U Dev 1000 75 75 75 +2 Area 100 420 420 420 Argosy 12000 76 76 «76 Armore 16200 24 22 24 +2 Arcadia 1000 22 220 «22 --«+1'2 Atl C Cop 500 65 «65 65 +2 Belletere 1100 23 3 2B Bethim 960 635 635 635 +10 Black Bay 2000° 7% 7'2 7%4--'2 Bounty Ex 1000 162 16% 162+ Vo Bralorne 2000 155 154 154 ®r Reef 59000 40 331% 40 +612 Brunswk 200 600 600 600 Bunker H 5000 21 20% 20% Mines 74166 118111115 Camp Chib 306 875 875 875 +25 Cc Tung 3200 222 220 222 +2 C Jamiesn 7200 68 88 88 Cdn Keely 1500 812 Ble, B2-- '% Cc Nisto 39250 37) 34 WH 2 Candore 1000 (17% 17¥2 WW4--'a Can-fer 1900 115 115 NS -- 2 | Cantri 4500 19°««17,ssdBC+ 1: | Captain 3700 2 19 1944+ Chestrvile m0 2 2 2+ Chimo 7200 75 #75 75 Coch Will 2200 99 99 99 Coin Lake 600 17 17 17 +1 Coniagas 1000 61 «610 61 + 71 Conigo 6000 45. 44 44 1 Con Fardy 3303 315 315 315 +5 Mogu! 1125 375. 375 375 +5 C Morisn 1000 465 465 465 +5 Cc Neg 41200 99 «=--94 0 95S + I Con Nichol 2500 15' 15 Ss --'" C Rambler 700 120 120 1200 --3 Cc RedP 15000 SO 4912 50 Conwest 500 615 610 615 Cop-M 12500 «352 32% 32'2 --2'2 Cou'ee 00 3% HO Craigmt 225 $12 12+ «+12 Cstland $000 27 27) 27 +7 Deering 1000.12 12 #12 +1 D'Elda 13400 224 216 2146 --9% Denison 601 $73. 72% 72% -- a Dicknsn 100 350 350 350 Dome 300 $532 53% 534 Donalda 1000 «182 182 18'2-- East Mal 100 155 155 155 +15 Endako 30 $11 ol. oO Frobex 214 470 465 465 --S5 Gnt Masct 275 125 125 125 +3] Glenn 16000 25 24 244 | Goldray 1500 86 86 86 | Goldrm 17200 65 60 64 +4 Gortdrm 400 275 «275 «275 | Gradore 1000 «(21 21 oa, Grdroy 44475 118 «(112-112 | Granduc 620 520 SIS 515 Granisie 100 610 610 610 +10 Green Pin 700 59 399 59 --1 Gulf L 6000 «8 ™" 7% Gunnar 600 220 218 218 Headway 1000 (15'4 154 15'4-- 2 Heath 2000 «8 8 8 High-BI 270 $10% 107% 10% Hollinger 773 $26%e 26 26 Huds Bay 125 $62 61% 62 +1 Hu-Bam 500 10 10 1 +71 Hydra Ex 1006 194 19% 1914-- 2 {so 200 138 136 138 | Jaye Exp 6000 18 w it] | Joliet 3000 47) «(47 a ~~ Kam Kotia 100 280 260 280 --S5 | Kerr Add 790 15% 15% 154 Kelly Dsd 2500 3% Ww Anacon 500 0 70 6 Kid Coper 6700 78 76 76 Lab Min 750 $31 31 «31 L Dufavit 1850 $11% W% 1iu--% Le Luz 300 $12'4 12¥2 12a + Ve Leitch 100 610 610 610 tL Lae 500 168 168 168 +8 Macdon 720 2% 26 2% MaclL Msh 1200 6 5B SB Madsen 1400 175 170 «171 +3 Mattgmi 225 $144 144 14% Maybrun z100 «7 7 7 Mc Adam 1000 45 45 45 Midri 17572 167 163 165 +2 Mu! ti-M 900 156 155 ae -1 Nat Expl 1000 10 10 New Ath 22 a4 gg Mm na ¥ Newcone "300 420. 620 N Harri 21000 25 23 +) N Mosc: 700 184 182 1? --2 N Imperal 1300 345 340 345 Newlund 1000 15% 152 es +h N Mylama 2000 19 N Que Ragl 150 535 'N Senator 3500 ae tm '0 tm Nick Rim 750 Acme 1000 M4 10 u 3000 TUES ee oe Ree WNorlex 500 164 164 164+ 2 x 1000 9% 9% %4----% N Coldsim 1000 99 98 8 +3 North Exp 1000 27 27) 27 +1 Northgat 5350 715 705 715 +10 N Rank 1200 35 «Oo 3 +5 | Nudul 2300 14 14 «#14 Opemska 1700 $10 10 10 Orchan 3960 259 250 255 +8 | Peramaq 9 9 Patino 500 995 990 995 Pax int 6 6 16 Pce Exp 12100 218 215 215 Peerless 5000 12% 120 «12% Pick Crow 3520 25 25 S ---1 Pine Point 7245 $52 § Placer us beriad Hag ii + ss | Pow Rou 500 --2 Preston 450 ia 1% 34 | Que Man 1000 24 24 #24 +1 600 14 140 140 + 1 Quemont 500 750 750 750 to 500. SS 5 5 Radiore 3700 63 «461 #61 ~2? Rio Algom 221 $354 35 35 --% R 2180 $22% 22% Highes Va San Antoni 2000 21% 21 21 --% Sate! 99350 55 51 $5 +8 Sherritt 1440 445 440 445 Sil Eureka 420 120 120 120 +8 Silvrfids 200 430 425 430 Sil Miller 300 1S «1S 15 --3 Hivma m7 Ow DM +1 Siscoe 100 470 470 470 +5 Stanrek 300 S40 535 53 Steep R 1600 665 655 & _ : Teck Corp 700 480 475 Territory 1000 13'2 fe ia ms vs Texmont 1200 98 98 98 --1 Tombill 2000 99 «98 = 98 | Torbrit a --1 | Towag 6500 38 36H + TO Tribag 200116 116 116 +3 Trin C 2760 23 22% 22%2--1 U Asbestos 5069 500 495 500 + Un Keno 200 530 530 30 Upp Can 200 149 «149 149 + @ Wasmac 730 72 72 72 White Star 1000 3512 35' 35'2-- Wileo 2200 52 5 Willroy z100 72 72 72 Win Eld 20500 25% 2514 254 Yale Lead 7500 2 28 2 +1 Yukon ¢€ 1000 108 108 108 OILS, GAS | Asamera 733 450 450 450 a Be 370 $18¥e 18 1868 500 240 238 240 +5 ¢ Deni 400 285 285. 285 C Ex Gas 200 490 490 490 © Homestd 800 360 360 360 Cent Del 1175 $195 19% 1914 -- 14 Chieftan D 250 775 775 775 --10 Dynamic 500 136 136 136 --4 French Pt 5820 590 san SAD +10 Gr Plains 225 $15 1515 Gt COllsds 1060 $142 162 164+ Int Hell v= 270 268 270 Mill City 150° 146150 Cont 0708 "1 7 © +e NC Olis 300 540 S35 540 ts | lumac 700 410 410 «410 Numac wi 2100 95 94 94 -- 7 Permo $00 20% ite 260 i Peruv } Place @ 3300 0 ie Bn --1/ Ponder 3200 44 40V2 44 | Ranger 2200 340 3 | Scurry Rn 4590 $45' 4414 4414 --114 25045 89 88 89° +1 | Triad Oil 700 225 225 225 +6 U Canso 500 385 385 385 +5 U Canso w z10 185 185 185 4 500 6% 62 bh Wespac z 1% 16 16 W Decaita 1200 290 287 287 --4 W Decit w 100 126 126 1% --? | =| | CALL OR SEE | DIXON'S | FOR OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 | 313 ALBERT ST. | --| DSHAWA PROVISION aaNet. NO MEMBERSHIP FEE Up to 6 months to poy... No extra charges .. . Free Delivery BUY GROCERIES AT COST PLUS 10° Save $200 to $300 every year. Pay only the chain store's cost price plus 10%. The Result you save on name brand foods . . . select from our 5,000 item wholesale catalogue, fresh and frozen, ERS - 312 Simcoe St. S. TO ALL NEW CUSTOMERS CIGARETTES Special This Week Only Any Brand -- 4 Cortons ¢ Per Customer - Per Carton yy If You Do Not Have A Freezer... Cost If You Purchase Your Perishab Months. SO CALL RIGHT NOW We Supply You With Same At No Extra le Foods From Us For A Period of Thirty 576-2990 @ ALL FOODS UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED @ 4) (Regutar or Extra Holding) plus 2 FREE "Mod-Rod' Rollers LAVORIS Mouthwash & Gargle Get $1.25 size PLUS 45c size $1.70 volue for $i75 99: PACQUIN Rinse-off Cold Cream 59c 1LD.A, SPECIAL | FLUSH-A-BYES Disposable Diapers Newborn 60's; Medium or Toddlers 48's Regular or Super 'tae 2 for 88c For Hay Fever, Sinus Congestion and Colds 1.8 oz. list a 'FROIAL FySSUES DELSEY Ke {Delsey Bathroom Tissue KEEP EVERY MOMENT YOUNG IN PICTURES KODAK Instamatic scan 2 31 c Camera Outfit fist $84.50 Ro' 126 bsdana eae =X FILM itamatic - | a Sugg. list $1.72 : fa | 49 | Eastview Pharmacy | Karn's | McCordick's Lane's | 573 King St. E. 28 King St. E. 360 Wilson Rd. S. 302 Stevenson Rd. North ~ | 725-3594 723-4621 | 725-8711 723-1131 and 2 Law's Jamieson's | Mitchell's North Simcoe Pharmacy 1204 Wecker Drive | 241 King St. E. 9 Simcoe St. N. 907 Simcoe St. North 725-3525 725-1169 723-3431 723-3418 » |

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