Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Aug 1967, p. 2

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Z THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, August 8, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Jet Airliner Skids Safely To Halt With Gear Stuck | Earlier Pension OTTAWA (CP)--Demands for) night. earlier retirement and for pen-| The source said the officials|the source said, especially fol- sions tied to the cost of living|were particularly disappointed|lowing the Place des Nations were presented Monday as the|with the program Sunday night|ceremonies marking Youth Union of National Defence Em-|at the Youth pavilion where Dr.|Day ,which were late starting ployees began a four-day con-'Ralph Bunche, UN undersecre-|and disupted by a faulty public NEW YORK (AP)--An Amer-| ican Airlines jet carrying 35 persons, its front landing gear stuck in a closed position, set down on its wing wheels today and skidded to a safe stop. The plane, Flight 418 fron.) Syracuse, N.Y., had been due to land at Newark, N.J., at 7:53 a.m. but 'was diverted to Kenne- dy International Airport be-| cause of that airport's longer! runways. | It swept back and forth over the field, clearly visible from the ground. It landed at 9:01 a.m., bring-| ing a collective sigh of relief from the scores of emergency | personnel who had rushed to the airport. | Radar Removed | TOBERMORY, Ont. (CP)--| : gt The provincial government has} HON. PAUL HELLYER authorized the builders of a pri- . « ~ Leadership vate airstrip near here to remove an abandoned radar tower that prevents extension Hellyer To Run of the runway for commercial use. However, the government wants so it can remove it. The| piece so it can remove it. The builders, Ted, Joseph and Alex.|'@st the 1. ander Jeffery of London and| retires John Blunt of Sarnia, said Sat-| i urday that method would be too expensive. They want to pull it down with a bulldozer. MONTREAL (CP)--Repre-| sentatives of more than 300/> ards Montreal gas station operators /"8, backing. have called a meeting for from locals of the 25,000-mem-|peace. e ber union, set up to deal with| .It was understood that Dr.|arranged at the last moment: ; \the government under collec-| Bunche, 1950 Nobel Peace Prize|Even so, it still had to undergo ing two-day weekends in all|Edwin Murray, 19, both of St.|the Muskoka Ri jtive bargaining legislation| winner, was disturbed because| changes throughout the day. jtion will examine OTTAWA (CP)--A spokes- man for Defence Minister Hell- type in Canada. jyer confirmed Monday that Mr. to be} Prosecutor . William Cahalan | Checkups For Pill TORONTO (CP)--A physical Fess Cntraceptives angj present when the shootings oc- of statements from 80° persons ' : "i er by an 18-man_ Detroit police r § ; a lar checkups thereaft Mr. Sharp said no leadership)" € 8u+a Pp: | The patrolmen, Ronald Aue ras : campaign was under way yet, should be provided to chec Wednesday to decide what to dojp\ he 'would probably run for heart or artery disease that UN Pavilion Disappointed Over Youth Day Program By BORIS MISKEW |gathering of about 200 persons. MONTREAL (CP)--oiticias| REMUS came, (rom Senegal at the United Nations pavilion i , i rugo- have expressed disappointment Unum Cannes, Saar, +Ugo about some arrangements for Youth Day at the world's fair,| GIVES POOR TASTE tary for special political affairs,|address system. | outh pavilion authorities had| Newspaper reporters cover- 4 spokesman said the conven- @ hippie San Francisco musicaljing the program were amazed day was a holiday, showed a the draft de- group playing outside as paneljat the lack of organization of|total of 82 accidental deaths, 63 mands and "'solidify' the un- members attempted to give se-|what had been expected to be in traffic. ion's bargaining position. 1 Retirement suggestions) tion of peace. ranged fron: age 60 to comple-| The musical group drowned speakers renowned for their tion of 20 to 35 years' service, Mixed Wedding -- eo ee oxo cha tomes TWO White Detroit Police given permission by his church, was married in a Protestant church Saturday| with a Roman Catholic priest Charged In Negro Deaths officiating at the wedding. It was the first event of its rious consideration to the ques-'one of the highlights of Expo, especially with an array of ;out_ much of what was being/anti-American views on_ the said by panel members at the|Vietnamese war. DETROIT (AP)--Officials} In other developments Mon- Neither the Anglican bride,/say more arrests are likely in|day growing out of the riots: Hellyer is making plans to con-|Jane Seaborn, nor the Roman|the case of two white Detroit] The national guard issued a Liberal leadership|Catholic bridegroom, Albert|policemen charged with mur-/statement. defending its actions hen Prime Minister Pearsin|Hachey, is changing religion|dering two Negro teen-agers in|in the machine-gun death cf a Wick each reported two high- ; and the bride did not make any|a motel at the peak of the city's| four-year-old Negro girl. The spokesman, William M./written or verbal promise s/riot. Lee, Mr. Hellyer's executive as-|about what sistant, was commenting On a taught to future children. 'Montreal Gazette report saying |Mr. Hellyer, Finance Minister : Sharp and External Affairs Gas Price Cut Minister Martin, are putting to-| gether campaign leadership or-| ganizations and actively seek- The county prosecutor's office : n+, (charged two Negro youths with Hag he eae more ae in murder in the shooting. death of 0 be issued In connection with). white Detroit patrolman. the shotgun killings, "'but not!" aie : murder warrants." He indi-| Cahalan said he recom- cated conspiracy charges might|mended the warrants against be filed against some of those August and Paille as the result curred. jand a 30-page report compiled \gust, 28, and Robert Paille, 32, bureau team. about a recent gasoline Priceline leadership when Mr. Pear. May be encouraged by the pill, |Pleaded not guilty at their ar-- REPORT SECRET reduction of two cents a gallon.| 7 ee Imperial! Oil initiated the} i ; available sociation's Journal. | Mr. Martin was not available The magazine said in an edi-, August is accused of killing|port said. torial its recommendations are|Aubrey Pollard, 19. Paille is) Pollard, Temple and Cooper \based on a survey of research|charged with killing Fred Yem-|Originally were listed in police| ple, 18. reports as suspected snipers| A number of witnesses have| Milled in exchange of gunfire."'| No weapon was reported| move to lower prices--to 41.9! for comment. cents a gallon for regular and 46.9 cents for premium--and| was followed by other major! companies in the area. New Park Rudy Sauve, president of the »oRONTO (CP)--The On- Fraternity of Montreal Gas Re-|tario department of lands and tailers, said he is against the/forest, has bought 3,000 acres @ reduction. "This is not the time/ang is seeking an additional 2,- for a price cut, when a dealer's!o99 to develop a large provin- costs are rising. cial park on Georgian Bay north of Penetanguishene. The park, expected to become Breathe Water? one cf the major public recrea-|the most dangerous country in \tion areas in southern Ontario,|the world for healthy children TORONTO (CP)--Man might| wil] include more than 1%4|le : one day be taught to breathe| miles of shoreline and extensive|tween the ages of five and nine,| the Canadian Medical Associa- water instead of air, Dr. Ed-\camping facilities, resuits fron: England. The Journal says evidence of the pill influencing conditions|said the youths were slain dur- such as a stroke or blood clot in|ing an early-morning raid by|found near their bodies, and| heart artery is slight, "but!police and national guards|this led to an investigation. searching for snipers at the Al-| The bodies of 'Temple andj |giers Motel in midtown Detroit/ Pollard were found in one room| appears to be real." Child Deaths ss than a year old and be-| savs the Canadian Medical As-|raignments Monday. They were Cahalan refused to reveal held without 'bail. what the statements or the re- |July 26, three days after rioting/and Cooper's was in another began. across a hall. is ALSO KILLED | A number of persons who A third Negro, Carl Cooper, said they were in the motel on alah wax found killed by|the night of the shootings said blasts from a 12-gauge shotgun| 'hey were lined up against a in the motel. werd H. Lanphier told the Un-| 'The park will include the tion Journal says. Canada has| But Cahalan said he lacked aiding policemen. derwater Society of An.erica) methodist Point-Methodist Bay- Saturday. Todd Point lakefront in Tiny Dr. Lanphier, associate pro-|Township on the sole of the] st fessor of physiology at the State|boot-shaped peninsula north of ing accounts for most id abiets are responsible for pierre! Newark Jails | of the poisonings. University of New York in Buf-! Penetanguishene. falo, said six dogs survived tests = which they were} anesthetised and had a salt ; water sollution pumped into Royal Holiday their Jungs. | SOUTHAMPTON, England He said sufficient oxygen dif-\(AP)--The Queen and the fused out of the water into the|/Royal Family started their blood stream to keep the dogs|summer holiday Monday. The alive and uninjured. They were|Royal Family boarded their dried out, returned to airlyacht, Britannia, and sailed off breathing and brought out ofifor the Scilly Isles and Scot- anesthetic. 'land. WEATHER REPORT Sunny, Warm For Awhil But Cloud, Rain To Return TORONTO (CP)--Official! Montreal and Ottawa regions: |sons forecasts at 5.30 a.m. but cool weather today. In the! temperatures. Winds light. north, however, some clouds and showers will move in dur- Forecast temperatures ing the day. Low tonight, high Wednesday | Regional forecasts Windsor 60-80 Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie Lake Huron, Southern Georgian Bay, Windsor, London: Sunny} ye : ° berrenas tchener ....... with a few cloudy periods stcneyer ed St. Thomas . --60 ° 80 today. Sunny and warmer -- 60 a Wednesday but becoming most- Hailiton oe 60 80 ly cloudy during the morning + Catharines ah 80 with scattered showers or thun- Toronto ¥ i 80 dershowers. Winds light today Palathorush 80 and southerly 15 Wednesday. Kinest 8 7 80 Niagara, Lake Ontario, Hali- Tr cptea Seer ou 30 burton regions, Hamilton, K Tat ae a ( Toronto: Cloudy becoming most- Mr ss ete oo ly sunny by afternoon. Sunny repay ay nadepy As and warmer Wednesday but be-|. a1 Bay eS ostly cloudy by after- Es 'ell ae 0 scattered showers or Fale Nee fh Sep thundershowers. Winds light va Ste. Marie --... 55 70 today and southerly 15 Wednes- fag ra bese hs 3 oe : : Northern Georgian Bay, Ti- ae : eee 08S ae Algoma, North Bay, | immins tgteeereeeee 55 (70 Sudbury: Cloudy becoming| - * sunny and a little warmer by} afternoon. Wednesday mostly | cloudy with showers and scat- terea thundershowers. Winds| OPTICAL light today and southerly 20) sate on, for over 30 yeors Wednesday. 4) 10% Kin White River, Cochrane, West- on Bovey Weer ern James Bay: Variable cloud-| ./the highest fatal-accident rai of those the te/evidence on claims that Cooper ages, may have been sho' journal said this week. Poison-|formed man. an Expo source said Monday' The loud music gave a poor ing the three-day Civic Holiday taste to a serious discussion,|weekend. | | jdied in car crashes, while | known suicides or slayings. | 82 FATAL ACCIDENTS IN CANADA © 24 Highway Deaths In Ont. Ont., in hospital after a motor- eycle accident. Martin Stoppa, 21, of Doug- las, Ont., in an Ottawa hospital lafter being hit by a car near his home. Donald G. McCartney, 46, drowned in a neighbor's pool in On Three-Day Civic Holiday Nepean Township outside Otta- By THE CANADIAN PRESS The Ontario dead: jleng Richard George Victor Morin, th of wire he was holding) 2, of Brockville, when hit by a MONDAY jtouched an 8,000-volt' power (2. on the Macdonald-Cartier Traffic mishaps claimed 8) Fiyrence Victoria Atkinson, line. total of 24 lives in Ontario dur- 72, ot Stouffville, Ont., killed in| . .._ | Lindsay. | A survey by The Canadian) Troha. Piela, 18, of Hamilton, Press from 6 p.m. Friday untill cited 'in a two-car collision] midnight Monday, local times,| near Guelph. jalso showed two persons! " j yinc | z Sot drowned in the province, one ronto in a head-on collision two provinces except Ontario, Mani-|Mary's, Ont., killed in a car ac- nortt of Orillia. Jarmakowicz, 57, and| Percy Hartwich, 22, Mountain)pjs wife Irene, 44, of Toronto, |{ 24 Hour Grove, Ont., Daniel Marshall,/when hit by a truck while walk-| 21, and Cheryl Massey, 18, both|ing on Highway 11 south of Or- The national survey alsojof Smiths Falls, Ont., in a two-|jjlia. toba and Alberta, where Mon-' cident northwest of Stratford. showed 13 persons drowned,|car collision near Aharbot |three died in fires and three! Lake. died in other mishaps, QUEBEC DEATHS Woodstock. j Quebec recorded 28 deaths by; John Carson Wideman; 25, midnight Sunday, equal to that! Markham, Ont., when a car of Ontario a day later. A total|smashed into a Macdonald-Car- of 20 were killed on the high-|tier Freeway bridge near Pick-| ways in Quebec, six drowned, ering | fire claimed one life. One child) \fichael Rochus, 20, of Ayl- was crushed by a farm wagon.'mer, electrocuted when a British Columbia had four - 2 traffic deaths, one drowning and two deaths in fires; Saskat- chewan recorded three traffic deaths and one drowning and} Newfoundland and New Bruns- way fatalities and one drown- "ing. Nova Scotia reported three Prince Edward Island was fa- tality-free. In. Manitoba one died on the} road and one. drowned and in Alberta four died on the high-| ye ays. The survey does not include} industrial or natural eae PLANNING A.+. SPLAKE FOR LAKE HuRON| © BANQUET Five thousand splake brood stock were released in Lake! ° CONVENTION aly oil © MEETING wall, beaten with gun butts and} threatened with death by the! @ PITTSBURGH PAINTS First Class Facilities @ WINDOW GLASS For 20 to 400 Guests @ TWINDOW Quality Service @ PEACOCK MIRRORS Exsarienced Staff | . «+ @f@ just some of the many products available ot . . . RESERVE YOUR | FUNCTION NOW! PRINTEGLASS \\MmmiRkccne CENTRE HOTEL 273 Simcoe St. S. 723-1181 }| POT Fm | | it by a uni- Singer Recovers | Nearly Cleared | MUNICH, West Germany) NEWARK, N.J. (AP)--Three (Reuters)--Soprano Teres@/weeke of arraignments and in-| Stratas of Toronto, who col-|dictments by the Essex County lapsed at the Munich Opera|srana jury finally have cleared Tuesday, received a standing| Newark jails of most of the ,- ovation when she returned to/4g5 persons arrested during ra- the stage Saturday night. She} oja)' violence last month. collapsed Tuesday with foo poisoning while singing Vioietta tween the evening of July: 12, CANADIAN SCHENLEY DISTILLERIES LTD YFIELD A |when the riots began, and. the| r{ +4 | First Atom Bomb (AP)-- | have been released on bail or in Hiroshima observed the 22nd) the custody of their lawyers. anniversary Sunday of its de-| But Assistant County Prose- TAKE NOTICE THAT: etal oF ws vet gi cutor William R. Ferlanti said 1, The Council of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa intends to construct, as a local atomic bomb, dropped in the|wjonday that another 400 to 500 the Second Some 30,000 per- city's) 489 indictn-ents involving 700 persons have been returned and 2. The estimated cost of the work is $1,310.00, of which omount $355.76 will be paid by the Corporation. The total estimated cost per foot frontage is $2.94. The special assess- ment is to be paid in ten equal annual instalments and the private property owner's an- nuol rate per foot frontage is 40 cents , Increasing cloudiness becoming) Peace Park to offer a minute of Synopsis: |mainly cloudy with a few show-|silent prayer for the thousands) Skies are clearing across On-\ers or thundershowers by after- killed tario and most of southern and|noon. Wednesday variable|wHen a U.S. bomber dropped)' central areas will have sunny|cloudiness. Near seasonable its deadly load. Most of those arrested be morning of July.17, when: Gov- Resounding taste... at a quiet price DISTILLED MATURED AD a two-car collision north of| Noonan, ip FREE i | d his} s, Repair Specialist. man electrocuted when a pipe|milcs east of Minden and 40 Le Ee taecar cin! ay mt were among)was one of the featured panel! The entire Youth Day pro-jhe was handling touched al miles north of Peterborough, | °o0 2amee.*. scores of resolutions tabled)members on a discussion about' gram had been disorganized,|high-voltage wire and another! with the schedule having been|killed while testing a rifle. SUNDAY Al A national survey incorporat-| Karl Klein Seale, 19, and Twill:nsgate, !sion near Guelph. Melvin Gilbert Rogers, 18, 0 | Nfld., growned in ver 55 miles | SATURDAY Call 723-1191 John MeNeil, 87, Otterville,| Martin Larson, 18, of Lively, ' Ont. : sire by 2 Cal: Near ee ee | Take A Drive VAN BELLE GARDENS 4 Freeway near Bowmanville. and Sheila ia, Francis Walters, 18, both 17 of Hamilton, 7) onto, thrown from a motor- killed when hit by a car i leycle and run over by a truck 'in Toronto. Leon Modrzejewski, 50, of To-) -- - ________ ronto, when his car hit a pole in Ricky John Jones, 21, of To- Tororto. | Estimates, Reesoneble Installed Fest Dependable Radio Dispatched Plumbing Service. SERVICE MADE US. Service BALANCE YOUR BUDGET AND PAY ALL YOUR BILLS WITH A SUPERIOR LOAN »»- and reduce your monthly payments by as much as half $50 to $5000 SUPERIOR FINANCE the fastest growing all-Canadian loan company DON REES, Manager 3' Simcoe Street South, 725-6541 Daily to 5:30 p.m.; Friday to 8.00 p.ms Other evenings by appointment. 31 SUPERIOR offices to serve you Gardeninc CENTRE @ SPREADERS @ Advice on your Garden Problems Van Belle Gardens "Your Friendly Garden Centre" 5 Minutes Eest of Oshawa On Highway No. 2... 623-5757 ernor Richard J. Hughes de- clared the emergency over, complaints are still to be heard by the grand jury. Ferlanti said complaints involving 70 per- sons have been dismissed LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE improvement, a concrete curb and gutter on the south side of Bloor Street West, from 1,053.0' west of the east limit of lot 13, broken front concession to 717.0' west of the east limit of lot 13, broken front concession (west of Cromwell. Avenue cloverleaf), and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work. | | DOWNTOWN 3. Application will be made by the Corporation to The Ontario Municipal Board for its op- S Cadet Muster | DELIGHTFUL proval of the undertaking of the said work and ony owner may, within twenty-one days | ea | AIR CONDITIONED after the first publication of this notice, file with the City Clerk his objection to the KINGSTON, Ont. (CP)--The DINING = RO0M said work being undertaken, ; nae gedl pane o- GOOD FOOD 4. The said Board may approve of the said work being undertaken, but before doing so, nat trans nine Js u ntr ie 5 REASONABLE PRICES it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the work will be considered. opened Monday. | Special Noon Luncheons Each day during the two- week event, three shifts of ca- Hotel Lancaster DATED at Oshawa this Ist day of August, 1967. L. R. BARRAND, Clerk, ] City of Oshawa | dets take four-hour cruises on 27 KING ST. WEST Lake Ontario aboard the} square-riggers St. Lawrence If of Kingston and Pathfinder of Toronto. MURPHY OIL The boys also will make one-| | day visits to Expo and Ottawa COMPANY LTD. in groups of 100 25 PRINCE ST. Corner iness and a little warmer today. A few showers this afternoon! and evening. Wednesday cloudy| with 'showers and scattered GROSS CANADA PAVING thundershowers. Turning cooler) has 3 YEARS GUARANTEE also 6- 12-18-20-36 month to poy No Peyment For 2 Months After Completion @ FREE ESTIMATE... Call 728-9292 Cshawa late Wednesday. Light winds in- creasing to southerly 20 today and shifting to northerly on Wednesday. Gohn Ovens 0, D. OPTOMETRIST PHONE 723-4811 8 BOND ST. £., OSHAWA | NORMAN E. OTTAWAY |The appointment of Normon € |Ottawoy os Division Monager for ithe Ontario Marketing Division is announced by W. R. Seuren, Vice President of Murphy Oil Company jLtd. | Mr. Ottoway joined Murphy in 1963 ond succeeds Wayne Hinds) who was recently appointed Divi- |sion Monager for Murphy's Direct Sales Division with headquarters lin Montreo!, Quebec. FORD SALES ¢ 2-DOOR COACH ere RES LIN LL 18 a et Lee '65 Rambler Classic '65 CHEVROLET 660 Sedan 2-DR. HARDTOP Lic. 297241 Lic. K21314 | "With two locations to serve you better' MacDONALD 520 KING ST. W., OSHAWA (OSHAWA) ONT. 219 KING ST. £., BOWMANVILLE MACDONALD FORD SALES "Where friendly people meet . . . AND SAVE" | SEE THESE A-I USED CARS 50 MORE TO CHOOSE FROM '67 VOLKSWAGON | '66 FORD Cust. 500 | Lic, K15088. Lie, K13437 "166 FORD CUSTOM | '65 MERCURY 4-DR. SEDAN (Opposite Oshawa Shopping Centre) LAUGHING ALL THE WAY TO WE ARE THE BANK! Estate Dept. of CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST just sold our house for us CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 21 Estste Derr. wp Ral; ss POUNTANHEA 'alph Schofield 576-1680 AND CHARGED US ONLY 4% COMMISSION Thot saved us $250.00, whi to us! Why don't YOU list they charge you ONLY 4% where they olso have their ow This means they can get you ch is a lot of money YOUR home where TO SELL IT, and nN mortgage money. more cash for your CALL 723-5221 Tom Houston 668-4416 Allen Thompson 728-2820 Hervey Hogen 655-3663 JOSEPH GALEA HOW DO YOU | in Oshawa? Six fp asked this questior man-on-the-s t re e They said: Josept Maple St.: 'I don' the country." Hel 293 Labrador Dr.: Oshawa to play so rennin HN Head Begin By DAVID MI LONDON (CP) bens, head of Brit run national coal bo an investigation of ganization today an "IT just do not kno position will be at the month." Robens offered M: to resign his $37,506 because of a_ judi blan.ing the coal a the Aberfan disaster But Power Minist Marsh asked Roben his decision and con month investigati board to "rectify f "ensure a disaster ¢ can never happen as The report of tl ment-appointed trib the massive slide o killed 144 persons in village last October - sult of folly, ignorans gling ineptitude in tl thority. It said the could have been pre named nine officials | ly blameworthy. REFUSE EVIDENC] The tribunal also clined to accept so: Car Sold | Wins $2.5 BEND, Ore. (AP)- roll Crandall of Ben 1960 car last week Now she would like it Saturday, the cai number, HAB 393, as the weekly winne in a 'lucky licence sponsored by the Sti Co. in Oregon. She says the winnil was leaked out--but --before she sold th Oregon, the licence stays with the car title is transferred. Helton Percell of } Ore., came forward and claimed the $2,501 R. H. Donnelley Cor conducts the contest. However, state polit award will be held u an investigation. Mrs. Crandall says day night, July 31 Soviet Cap To Stand 1 ANCHORAGE, Ala --Russian trawler ca} iel Barokin, charged lating U.S. territori: waters, was free pending trial, after | in jail here since Fric US.. Deputy C Dennis Lazarus relea kin to the custody of mokhud, third secret: Soviet embassy in W Chemokhud arrived to assist Barokin. Barokin's trawler vy by the U.S. Coast Gu three-mile chase 10 m of Akutan Island in th chain. The cutter saic ing boat was inside t limit. The trawler was Dutch Harbor, where held, and Barokin \ here by Coast Guard | enn" ' CANADI, $ HEARING f § CONSULTA ' 10 Bond St. 3 725-2771 ORPPPP PP LIP LA esenishacaetesaatanaiaeeneiiemaanetal EDUCATION f If you lack VOCATIO SCHOOL DIPLOMA, you to qualify as Ee @ DRAFTMAN At @ ACCOUNTANT ADMINISTRATO @ PRIVATE SECRI Through a TECHNICAL Schoo! Course. Earn a "HIGH SCHOOL FICATE OF PROFICIEN( your choice, with only final examinations in y upon completion of cour ond supplies for as little write: "ACADEMIC S$' 40 Main St. W., (ata eaeeemenammmneneneel

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