Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Aug 1967, p. 17

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, esday, August 8, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER ) Record-Holder in Masters' vidual Championship Play) FAMOUS HANDS uth dealer. rth-South Vulnerable. NORTH 107653 99842 8652 WEST ae A084 KQI8752 y109648 KQ76 51053 94° + -- SOUTH @KQs2 @A oA #AKQI1073 The bidding: uth West North Fast TT 59 Pass 69 5 Pass Pass, Dble; ening lead -- King of dia- is ave it on excellent authority |. Harrison - Gray, famous sh expert, is my source -- the deal shown acutally rred in a pair championship y years ago. There is no use ig that hands such as the one by South are never dealt, use the players who partic- d in the tournament would y to the contrary. ith opened with four no- p. He was planning to bid nd slam if his partner show- ne ace in response to the <wood call. | South was playing against y active opponents. By the is was his turn to bid again, West were in six hearts. luctant to double and settle small penalty, and realiz- vat he could not make seven because the opponents sure to have the spade ace, | now bid an imaginative six 's. It seemed to him that on didding North would have spade length. en East doubled, South firmly behind his decision assed. st led the king of diamonds South was now home. He with the ace and led the | of trumps, East holding e ace until the third round. 't returned a diamond and rer ruffed it with his last », South then Jed the ace of s, ruffed it in dummy, drew s last trump, and ran hig to bring home the extaord- slam. s true that West could have n the slam had he led a club id of a diamond, but this d not detract from the | due South for his bold bid. th might have been carted 1 an ambulance if it had d out that North was short ades, but he took the posi- hat six hearts doubled was | to produce a poor match- result and that he there- had little to lose by his ngly dangerous bid. lton Lauds ader Race NCOUVER (CP) -- Davie n, Conservative party lead- ) candidate, said Friday act that nine men have ed themselves candidates ealthy sign. e other eight are all good and all good frtends of * he told a press confer: "That so many want ta the party shows there is lerable optimism about its n asked who he thought ain opponent would be at arty's September leader- 'onvention, he declined to any one man because "I 't them all and don't want icentrate only on one." Fulton, MP for Kamloops, the sixth of a planned of eight policy state- . It involved calling a con- onal conference to deal | national policy for cities. t problems are going un- because the. prov- which have constitutional . have no resources and deral government refuses QUEENIE it considered good man- nd let it go at that. Your or is making too much of ident that has happened ss times. to E.B.M.: A tendency kness of the veins, and varicose veins, can "run family." Pills won't pre- aricose veins; injections effective in coagulating under some circuns - This does not apply to cases, as a rule, since nay require more exten- ngery. THE OSHAWA TIMES, 'eae FF wnat iF THEY'RE RIGHT? SUPPOSE 1 AM HERI... 7 / I-T'VE NOT BEEN WELL.THINGS Tuesday, August 8, 1967 17 BETTER THAN You HK THEN HOW COMB 4! ANG > NEVE CHRISTY SAWYER? SUPPOSE THIS FINE~ THE LOVE IN wis EYES > | ARE SulOWr... Te We ABOUT) | | f "OF | [EVERY YEAR YOU BUY)?! } GET US ONE? LOOKING BOY 1S MY SONE THE ANGUISH!... WHAT. ore a T NEPHEWS. COURSE: HIM A LICENSE... ' AM LTO SAY TO HIM? BRID G E I'VE BEEN oy : a NOT! [==] g | Crucis: j anne E 5 By B. JAY BECKER 3 he + <i i (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Ps wu i Individual Championship Play) 5 South dealer. : ma | Neither side vulnerable, i NORTH @xKs73 } : 9 QI108F oe ae smn\ BUTTON-DOWN SHIRT AND A » Obed TR my cHecKine BOOKKEEPING] | INC wHeNever tr =. es SEVEN DOLLAR Ore Ne A aQ a ACCOUNT BALANCES COMES OUT COMES OUT BILLY ONE SHOT MAY NOT SHOW THAT MISTER DOW! WHAT BUSINESS! | BE ALL OVER TOWN JOMORROW/ WEST EAST. PERFECTLY WITH exAcTLY RiGHT| |} %e THAT RIGHT UP YET FOR A FEW DAYS....- 16 IT OF His THAT 1 BUY A PAIR OF IL NEEP A DRINK! 4986 42102), Rot THE BANKS i pe ap ONE VOLLAR COTTONADE PANTS... eko2 76 STATEMENT 6 iT MUST BE @A54 o1087 So i 4A73 4310982 mae J i Fr SOUTH i a @Ab4 = ; 7 @A43 = : : = oQ36 « Ba AKGSS = Y 4 Zz The bidding: i <= South West North East be. lm@ Pass 19 Pass bd 1NT Pass SNT ve Opening lead - nine of spades. Defense is largely a matter : : a ops dal 7 ary oe Sgg ag f partnership cooperation, but JEST ONE. OKAY THEN OS 11 WAITA MINUTE / THERE TOUGH/THE |i f oKAYIFI Have") (flex) ol FEE IT BEGUN TH' WHUT'LL AH DO?) :+ MAY BE ACHANCE. A LONG, SHADE STAYS UP. |} | ACIGARETTE, VX seine ot the ee ee DOES YO' FEEL DAY SHE SLIM ONE! YOU WOULDN'T |. | SOUTHSIDE? 1/7. 8U sigur hn pres oakne Th SICK TO' TH COME--AN' iz) WANT ME TO. [ifs me BY, CORRIGAN', BUT jon very delicate in erences. The STUMMICK IT NEVAH ad Y SQUINTING G-MAN MISS THE = |3 igen ree y"{ IWOULDN'T messages delivered by standard MOST O'TH STOPPED? e SUN GETTING IN APPROACH |i |< quaem ON. MAKE IT KING signaling in a' well - develop- 43 - = YOUR EYES? | " TO THE NEXT |: * Sa 3 SIZE! ed partnership are highly illumi- ba Z 1 TUNNEL AND |°| "a inating, but there is always the R So MY CUE TO ¥ jdanger of a slight miscalcula- i) \ SHOOT! tion Ee } pias ig Consider this hand where | }South was in three notrump. ' &§ |West judged from the bidding Hd {that his partner had length or au strength in spades and there- fore led the nine of spades. Declarer had no trouble diag- "MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER nosing the nine as a short-svit lead. He therefore went up with {the king, on which East played jthe deuce, led the queen of |hearts, and finessed. West per- a @ Balance Of New a . West pe | Oo win, u Car Warranty res the jack with the king on ithe next play. | There appeared to hg ev fu- jture to another spade lead, so @ G.M.A.C, West shifted to the ace " clube H H on which East singnaled wit! LJ Financing {the jack, West then continued i . jwith the seven, pang dis- jcarding a spade from dummy PRICED FROM $ 4 e Immediate Delivery |as East followed with the deuce if A land South with the five. It was at this point that West \fell from grace by leading still eacaian ". = The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Ltd. =e LN @ PONTIAC , « 4 ry oY \ another club. Declarer won with iT TOP, HUBERT the king, drove out the ace of THIN IT OUT ON TOP, cee eee diamonds and came home with PLEASE, AND MEDIUM ID 7 : meyer ON THE SIPBBURNS. | Channel 2--Bulfale | 11:30 A.M. YOU KNOW TH ee "of 1] $ the third Channet 3--Barrie | 1\~Bonnie Prudden AND IT TAKES STRENG Instead of leading the 4 Channer 4--Buttalo parenting Lega TO SAY NO, BUT I TRULY round of clubs, West should H Channel Jonette, | 'F-Fuetive | 4--Diek Van Dyke DON'T THINK I SHOULD have switched back to spades. id Channel @--Rochester | 4--CBS News Special | 3--Ed Allen Time RUDY-- Had he done this, South would ? {Channel 9--Toronto | ; Lpeag P.M. Seid («ya hel IT, TI have been lost, all told, a i thennel 1soPalerborpogh oan els tco 11---Hot Line spade, a heart, a diamond and seitarhsws | Sterente Today = | |g gg or { Mewes § jean | Ninatiior hd georts 3-6--Luncheon Date East's play of the deuce on t 12--Cartoons ene "Wiathe s| Meee the seven of clubs--which held i eeeegin 'ewe jhe yaaleg 12:30 P.M, the trick - was the significant t 7----M-Squad viewin Te Nieanler tla clue that escaped West's atten- x 4--Sunshine Canada 4--Viewooint | Spor tion. Obviously, if East had . : --E > hy S--Liltes! Hobo i_placd Rope" tan bearch jor Tomorrow wanteg clubs continued, he &--McHate's Navy é--News, Weather, Sports | Merv. Griffin wou'd have overtaken the seven 7---News 4--Greatest Headlines | 12:45 P.M. | 612--Pan American 11:30 PAM. ++--Ouldina Lio in order to lead another club, 7--Movie | HB M, I DROPPED MY OF oer | _4--Movie | 11~Marriage Confidential His play of the deuce there- ANIMAL Seas Sto ) 2-OF 'Lends end Sees 24 Johnny Carson Ae te =" fore suggested a shift to an- ee Scoliwa austen 3-Plerre. Berton" Virginia Graham JUST WHAT OTHE! other suit, Viewed in this light, 7--Movie | 5 ee [ikke canshion pate ALLERGY DID THIS it should not have been too dif- Ey ta ead ze tO | idee 'The. Millers DOCTOR SAY YOU ficult for West to revert to Pridshebead ' iinle | 1:30 P.M, | § S. wes PM panty 1--Movie | HAD BESIDES spades 12--Girl from UN.C.L.E 12:00 P.M, | @4--As The World Turns DISHWASHING, 1--Pierre Berton ll--Mystery eee ne Make A Deal ae Wainer) sooris Lie | 2--Matches and Mates Border Guards 4--News j | 200 P iy 8-2---News, Weather, | | 12--Ed Allen Time So a a Under Attack 100 PLM. | : M, bach ; yen" In Space d-captain Kengareo | G-Ltt's Talk. Music E-America 9-University of The Air) |. 2:30 P.M. From AP-Reuters 4--Honeymooners | 8:55. A.M, ia eta 6--TBA Interviews ?--Dialing tor Dollars, om cacure HONG KONG (CP) -- Thirty SoNene Westners be ia day 7-Dream Girl Chinese crossed the Hong Kong a N--Ed Allen Time ay Ba iF border from China today, at- 120 \* 9--Romper Room f 3:00 PWM tacked two border guards and a TA BIN | SoBaett enaars scene wens |---- British Gurkha soldier, and 12---Star Route Topper tat" \ i 8, including 9--Star Trek | 9:30 A.M, 7---General Hospital seized their weapons, wf th Pareiiey Hawkeye lneite Takenao YOUR HEALTH a machine-gun. 6--Danger Man 9--Uncle Bobby ates BO Later, after a two-hour confer- Fes cit arate : SON eM, ence at Man Kam To with Hong. capa i Maem Baas hv 1-Mike Douglas Sh t M H ] Kong authorities, they gave back n Saker ee " Little People See 0 Ss ay e p the phenotig shook fo with 3+12-Our Place Ez Snap dludament |7--Superman Show " a British official, and recrossed | 9--Avengers 10:30 A.M, | 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night b P I the border. Hl, EARL 'Spotlight | "s<Eartoon Playhouse | 9-1 Love Lucy" ur oison vy A government spokesman said Ou 8 i W be &--The Match Game earby border police and Brit- THIS ONE, HUN ee aN SES vanea | Lalani By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD ish troops were ordered by thelr y 2 -- Wif --Beverly Hillbilll 4--Secre! orm s Wace mwa lO Nene Lee Douglas, Dear Dr. Molner: In an arti-!of desensitization shots, with|commanders not to open fire on aed P.M. * Frectibia Phrases | As woody Woodpecker [Cle on poison ivy, you said it boosters in subequent years. the attackers in order to avoid ar aa ee | ene RRS -12--Vacation Ti jections were worthless but you number I received, including inese soldiers in posi 0 i ALA ind aati Oy fil ee AD add RIL A would be willing to stand cor-|some from manufacturers. the other side gh poi did rected if there was real €vi-' 41) { can say is that when the|/not intervene, the spokesman CROSSWORD dence to the contrary. extract of ivy poison (or poison|said. | = My five-year-old son would/oak) is used in this manner,| The ened ies Yo | ACROSS 2. Across 19, Thin SIRIEMEIE Mitr |get ivy poisoning every spring| whether in the form of drops,/group tol eer an ds it sil & 1. Part 3. Italian cush- JAITiCIAISMMEIOINICIE] |and have it all summer untilltablets or injections, it should|commanders t a Phage i Boe j 5. Dross coin fons CIESMBPIEISITIEIR) ithe plant died. His eyes would|be aone under a physician's|cause posters which they ' 7 9. Satan 4. Guido's 21,Away VC swell shut, his ears, mouth,|supervision, because reactions|put up the ve flevcag * e os 10. Works highest from Ay ny even genital organs would|can occur, and can be as an-|British side had been torn down, 3 a poe 5 Wilises 22 Son pie wie NIE it swell. He was miserable and anoying as a case of poison ivy. { 13. One of a 6. Aquatic "cover- [AICI EIONNSIN pitiful sight. You can't guarantee success; QUEENIE ' "famous bird ing ae (Say Creams and lotions didn't you must be careful and watch- pair 7. Point 23. Bitter NIT Ae help. Being a_ child, he ful. But I certainly would not ee 14, So, Amer, 8. European vetch scratched and made things|want anyone to forego the bene- ------ tree kites 25.Roman Yesterday's Answer {worce and I had to take him to fits, if such treatment can in- ,: 15. Forbid 9. Birds os Sie 38. Po the doctor about three times a deed help him. 16. Perform sym- Heliacal . Popular r treatment to reduce! ' ROSCOE GETS GRIMY] | BUT YESTERDAY IT] [tT TOOK A BUNCH OF] |... AND HE WAS THE ONLY ONE NOT! 17. Digraph bolizing 27. Heroic male rating -- FAIR APPROACH QUICKER THAN ANY PAID OFF/ Woulee ene ON & ; BOTHERED BY ANTS, is, . peace 29. Realm singer Then' our doctor suggested) 1 was pleased, incidentally, to s KID palletes ; an | 19.Cherished 1, Dirty, 30. Poverty- -- shots. The next spring, before note that the pn eae ed f Fl animal asa stricken 6 the plant came up, he had ajManufacturer included empha- -- chimney = $2, Pro-Nazt = 39. Higgs f ks. |SiS on precautions to be taken, q Islands' 35, Clumsy organiza 40. Legis. og Ay pg Tey it Sear Gel a fair and honest approach. g Ag tions ator: , Lage i 23. Waite 18, Plead 35. Rais ed abbr. pos small bumps on his hand,| Physicians are not in agree- / "Inown Om and lotion cleared them up ov-/ment on the efficacy, and the H street oye ps [+ es ernight. He has had boosters|/reason may well lie in the fact | 24. Loiterer 4 way 7 since, in the spring, and this is that although some folks bene- K 26, Appear ? Y his third year. | fit, others expect too much and Sf - ' iy 28. Dimini 2 is The doctor warned us they|do not observe due caution in| (soos Sess fr 31. Unlock: Y might not work, but we are|avoiding ivy. "Old thirty-power, wide-angle ia 7 WA very grateful that they did for lens is with us again" 32. Egyptian ae Y G fe Mis. D.N. Dear Sir: Will you please cas- bo rf 7 Y cy Y Hf tigate or inform those who still ; god /j / NO SURE CURE -- buy, sell, consume and offer un- a allow unpasteure "THERE'S NO SCHOOL... $4 Chin 20 21 lee 72 I guess we didn't achieve a pasteurized milk regardless of Bee aK it wy OGRE, ] TVE GOT NO HOMEWORK | a Y, very good meeting of the a their claims that herds have ized mil } ND ASLEEP...AND GO TO DO... IM NOT TIRED: 24 2s wher I wrote previously. I/heen inspected? These people ay ero WHEN TM 4 pel 4 maittain that I know of no shot represent the weak link in the] Dear Dr. hgeer ot = ~~ WIDE. AWAKE sie 3 ea erat 26 [27 26 2 that can "cure" a person to the/contnunity in eradication of|any cure et oe " gone ed ; 36, Headland x 7, tment jextent of preventing ivy poison-| disease, namely, T.B., etc.--j}minatum an ! 4a : 38. Fruit of LA Y Y/ be ing, any more than there is aly pp. come cancerous?--L.S. 3 the oale Wie WeaGe "cure" for hay fever. | Ihave. I'll repeat: more than| That's the technical term for 40. Firm wee Z Y Extreme sénsitivity, however,|T.B. is involved. Typhoid, bru-|warts in the geuitabenal reaioa. { 41. Fumed ae | 39 77,40 can sometimes be reduced in/cellosis, undulant fever, and/These can be removed effective- 43. Abrasive "i the same fashion that sensitiv-/other diseases can be transmit-|ly and relatively simply . but | material ai WA ity to ragweed and such pollens|ted. Inspection of a herd is fine,]don' try to do it yourself. It 7 48. Youths VA, can be reduced by desensitiza-| but not all diseases can be spot-|requires a physician, preferably - 44, Snift . as YAS tion. : ted immediately. Besides, the]a skin specialist or urologist. sg i VA, VA This evidently is what Mrs.|law says milk must be pasteur- There is no connection with -- D. N.'s youngster had--a series ized. I wouldn't, under any cir-'cancer.

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