A TOWN IS BORN Rid Foal i dst in gar nei LL et +E R il F @ 5 | _ s community, : ls les northeast of Moose Jaw, B & dl way relg t lebrated the Centennial by coming Saskatchewan's new- tT ree ae . Rates Increase THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, August 3, 1967 15 Industrial Prices Show ami s s as founded 62 years ago by Fifth D 'milies coming from the , MONTREAL (CP)-- Increase|the increases will range from ay alns lited States. BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT in some railway freight rates| one-quarter of a cent to 12 cents j ALG. EO ea for traffic carried within Can-| per hundred pounds. TORONTO (CP)-- Industrial|perior % at 43% and Great TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS : 10:40 Net | ada under competitive com-| The adjustments were de- Prices had their fifth straight|Plains % at 15%. IZZA cerca ae OY CP | a Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge modity rates were announced signed so that long-haul ship-/4ay of gains Wednesday as the] Inco rose 2% to 113%. 'oronto ge--Aug. y pea Y ilw. | ; stri Quotations in cents unless marked $.|. ferimeo " 3000 144. 14a 1a | esearc eam Wednesday by the Railway AS-/ments bear a proportionately |industrial index touched a 1967/ PCE Explorations gained 19 Phone 723-0241 1--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-| seret oo on ao | sociation of Canada. jlower increase than short-haul|hish in brisk trading on the/cents to 1.9 1,329 sh jone rights, xw--Ex-warrants, Net change is Sherritt 2300 j Th t yhich } 4 X : cents to 1.98 on 641,329 shares or 728-0192 from previous board-lot closing sale. | Si Eureka 700 1a) 140 100 <8 | e ee ion, ue repre-| shipments. Toronto Stock Exchange. lafter' a delayed opening to a Silvrfids 100 440 440 440 +10 ' sents Canadian railways, said! he rate adjustments are ex-| The industrial index moved|match buy and sell orders. ERI s MINES Sit shine 6 em EA SAS S ear VY - es gg mer rogavionk pected to produce about $8,000,-/UP 138 to close to 171.72, down! On index, golds lost 1.83 at 10:40 Net | Siscoe 0 us us 5 +5 5 eiaeneea fe Olen. will cele in additional freight re-|from the 1967 high of 171.77 }173 42 and western oils 2.18 at = a Seer a. Gees missioners in Ottawa, will £0 venue over a fll year and will|reached arlier in the session./185,8i 'Base metals rose 08 (@ -- pane - td me 5 a Cont ar 2 2% 628) --%) VANCOUVER (CP)--The path | cent of all eggs produced arejpressure better than other|. i... in Canada including the help offset higher material | General MOVrs of Canada rose'102.61. Volume was 4,956,000 'ate Royo ie 114 0 110 1 | Teck Corp 40s 405 405 --I0 | of poultry research is littered| cracked somewhere between the |types. CNR and CPR. prices and labor costs, the state-|1 4, . 92 as, Chrysler 44 to 54)shares compared with 3,565,000 INDOOR- otis eating v0) pe - shy TeKiot breed me 109 Toa ; with the shells of 30,000 eggs at}hen and the consumer." Shells with more give are' A statement said about one- egies said. an ord o Canada 8 to 183. traded Tuesday. : R Argosy 1000 75 75 «75 Tribe 1800115 115. 115 jthe University of British Colum- SEE JUSTIFICATION more likely to go splat under third of freight traffic handled|. The adjustments do not apply, Among other industrials, Brit- ouTDOO 'Aunor 200 250 250 250 +2. Trin C 14775 16 15--«16 + 1 bia. § sa ie : a aor le | pressure. be the vailwavs between points | export grain and flour, live-|ish-American Construction ad-! PRODUCE Bethim 325 595 595 595 U Asbestos 400 485 480 485 s| JBC ; r, Richar SSIST- j re in CO ress teres "|stock -- carri rt Jestern|vanc \ y re THEATRE Brunswk m5 598 $75 95 +5| Upp can" 300 10 10 140 14 |,-4 UBC. research team has) ony see reasonable| 'We originally thought the|in Canada is carried under com: |fOCk | carried | {om Western vanced By tp 10, sald from a C Mines 73800 87 83 86 +6 | West Mine 400 235 232 232 --3 been cracking eggs at a rate wl PERSE justification for their|more an egg would bend the petitive commodity rates .For Canada to markets in the East/1967 record of 1414 earlier in TORONTO (CP)-- Wholesale | U 2 : m b J : rt ' sus 7 » j i , . ay > care ch: te bw me te ta | Waban oo tn aw op 4s pene erent for tanee years| dies, but also regard egg pro-|!ess likely it would be to break most shipments in this chioghry, |Commin SR tae Mey once ic: Hae to retail carton eggs average © Tung 600 215 213 215 | Young HG 4000 5 5 § jand project leader Dr. James | udies, re gare biol --but in fact the reverse is the movements, international traf-- In western oils, Dome Petro- weighted prices quoted by the Dyno Bd 158 158 158 + 2°! |K. Richards estimates they will | Saas as an interesting biolog- tava i fic or freight carried under leum lost 1 at 5914, Hudson's department of agriculture as of in Keely 1000 614 64 614--~ ls eta i ast ical phenomenon. os agreed charges i : y 4! 12 Geainry- Rein: | cr Elke Ane Bo OILS, GAS | maintain the pace for at least! ' ' of nS 190 ennis Car greed charges between individ |Bay 1% at 364, Scurry-Rain- Wednesday, A large 48.6: A me- Candore 4000 14 14 14 'Aininex 3650 565 545 $65 +39 |another three years. It takes 26 7 ar ovula-/ THICKNESS FACTOR ual shippers and the railways.'bow 3% at 4914, Canadian Su- dium 38.6: A small 28.0 Capt 46500 22' 212 22 +1 p i i i -e | ti y nd is an intricate i tor in s A eteieadad bes PR 3 he We See: Seam ts) Rem al canal ge 8 mp ten i Ae or el niegtn tak iene | Travels Low Speed AiiRgs" | Winesle orice R SHOW Seevi 10500 27 27 27 -- Ma) Banit 4290 $174 17% 17\4 + oi noiags ; Rgehcaaen Aes said' le "fey eeey , coy se . jcountry stations fibre cases + Calvert 1 \ = y| pac ken's har i J Ss -|for a rences, sai 5 A Ech wat "300 % % % + i | CS Pete 300 "a0 * 0 240 : og solos cues ~~ Mer ie eying os out tie fag foceards seta ac OTTAWA (CP) -- The 1902 Inls ers gricu re oe he ee ee Coin Lake 500 16' 164 16% | a ; e Be ; re Nears pe Trade fr 7 § 1. Comb Met 1000 17 17 17 LG cia ae be a a ana | Broken shelle cost the B.C .|on all the things that determine! 'The researchers are looking at Dennis travels on one cylinder, ry pi tery cho ina Gs. come sao Rn = Gone ate GO i poultry industry about $600,000) shell strength, which can vary|the minor shell constituents-- BYET ARES 35 to 40 miles a gallon Attend Three-Da M ti medium 33: small 20: B 27; Cc C Melick 550 7 6% 6h--Vel Charter O | 100 410 4b 410 oe te Cet said Dr. Richards, as-|from egg to egg and from bird organic matter, water and trace of gas, and cruises at 15 miles y ee Ing on , ' y Vy, j . ry sci-! " + ig 7 ¥ ¢ Caltinan 1500 13 124 12 2--1 | Chieftan D 200 725 725 725 sistant professor of poultry sci-|to bird." Wee elements other than the basic 2" hour ; Pps = : Butter: Canadian Dairy Com- © Met Oy ass sn. ats | cue Poe i i. 1 47 jence at the UBC department of; Two precision crushing instru- calcium. At that speed, I've counted, MONTREAL (CP) -- Agricul-] The conference also agreed lo cenee 'cues ee ee C Morisn 6800 480 475 480 +10/ French Pt 1800 520 520 520 +10 | agriculture. ments, resembling miniature) «We're hopeful the water con- °VeTy blade of grass between ture Minister J. J. Greene Wed-'establish a five - member com puying 39 score 82: buying 40 Sint eo] ai ee «fe | e Plains 300 $16 16 «16 +% "The figure for all of Canada /piledrivers, are used to test the |tent angle will produce an an- Windsor and Ottawa,' British;nesday attended the third day/mittee to consult with the task acre ba: eiite 63. ying C RedP 32500 48 47 472 +! Int Hellum 4 a ot oe 7 is some $4,250,000. relative strength of shells. swer," said Dr, Richards, owner John Dennis, 25, said of a conference of provincial|force, and report back to the ee daesinaein ome wae Midcon 2000 yg oe "Between six and eight per! Stiff shells seem to withstand He said water causes the Wednesday. agriculture ministers and dep-|provinces The Atlantic provin- "BUYERS * SELLERS" stland ose a ee at oe ne ae blotches on eggshells, and He brought the car, built by uty ministers, and heard dele-jces, Quebec, Ontario, the Prai- btn Ce ae we oe pee ee Domtar 1283 $144 1472 4H -- ve) NS LP 200 89% 9% 94 blotches indicate weaknesses, his grandfather's firm, to Can- gates call for greater federal-|rie provinces and British Colum- D'Elda 12300 214 208 214 + 5 | aos io ae Tala At a Be Oclivie m 400 siive Ia I3%_-'%| Dr. Richards, who is assisted ada for a centennial procession! provincial co - operation to in-|bia would each be represented Denison Vit $75 70% 14a + 4) Ponder 2100 38 38 38 East Chrir 25 $33 3233 -- 3.) Oshawa A 150 Sasa 45,45, + tal by graduate student John Van- Of vintage autos to Expo 67. crease farm incomes. by_one member, 1 Pe ra , Best Sul 310 S50 85 550 4 5 | ganger, $200 390 1S SIS -- 8 | Electro Nd as Sat ae ea val pec Pete w "130 525 525525440 |derstoep and PhD candidate| As the oldest of dozens that) The three-day meeting, with) Delegates agreed that a meet- F Orenada 1000 24 24 24 +5%2| Spooner 9000 86 63 8S «+ 2 | Fam Play 150 $36% 36% 36% Pembina 450 $15¥%e 15%e 15¥ Marvin Tung, calls the work ajleft Windsor and Sault Ste. Quebec minister Clement Vin-jing of provincial marketing of- bik ges 4 a " 19 7 be | Tried oil 22 2 922.222 --2 Fed ana hed Dude ic cae ' Had ane productive project. Marie July 24, it led the pro-!cent as chairman, called for ajficials should be-called to dis- Goldrim. °5500 60 60 60 | ty taleew apie tee. Ge ee | eee Gade orgies tea ak 4 | ON Gas as 310 1 And he believes he has come cession to Parliament Hill Wed- federal "task force" to look into) cuss problems arising from ship- By Calling 576-1411 Songs Re A tL Weta 1100 400 400 400 FPE Pion 201 $27'4 274 27a Rank Oro 900 (Si te ee up with the answer to the old nesday the major problems facing Ca-/ping farm produce between the For oppraisols of your property and 7 v8 1 2 1% 2 e a+ MM i . ow 7 ee ; : in ony 1647s 105 100-103 Fs | W ded op = ~" eal _7| Eraser 2100 $22 21% 2 Bemeien 230 $27 274 274 v4 question: 'Which came first the The great phaetons and nadian agriculture. provinces your teal Sitake fuade Gh OTIROUT Srandve 400 520 55 520 Ber pane: "D4 + vm, Royal Bnk 2680 $167 16% 16% chicken or the egg?" saloons recalled the day when' A statement issued after the In addition they agreed to con-|f| obligation to you Bi iY 1 1 | <2 gs 7 7) Ye + wor " ' : Si Pht a ee a INDUSTRIALS GL Power 2 Stag ee Lief read we eee The egg," he said. a man's worth could be esti- closed. session added that thejtinue the current federal and Please coll Gulch 3000 30 292 Wet Ye prin, Mi ie ek pS aade oi Selkirk A 250 $15. 1515 "Chickens are descended from mated by his radiator cap. (fundamental consideration was| provincial system of support forl J, J, WILKINSON .tfat. Hastings 00 ia tae. tas, ta | Acklands 995 $\18-- I1¥2 11% + Ye, Gt W Life s ot yee A ee ee reptiles, so a reptile must have The procession included a Ca- "adequate farm income in this/the Canadian Agricultural Eco-] 190 xing st. & Sukees ADULT Hollinger 250 $26% 26% 26%-- %| Alla Gasp 100 $91 9191 Greyhnd 200 $14% 149% 14% Shoo. Save ae7 S14 laa a laid the egg which hatched the nadian-built Frontenac of the period of rapid technological nomic Research Council for an Pgs ENTERTAINMENT Huds B: 185 $62 61% 62 Alta Gas w 201 850 850 850 --§ | Guar Trst 125 $10Ve 10% 10%+ = ' 9 ag | Phone 576-1411 a a ea a jal Nat 210 $20% 20 20% Hnd Chm A 100 $8 84 814--'4 Fal landt at ~ ae a chicken 1920s. change. 'other two years. that, M ~~, | Algoma St 170 $25¥2 25¥2 25%. + Y%!| Hard Carp 210 $16% 1658 16% i - aig as igen = ee " ne - ae -- Int Bibis T 500 51 51 5) --1 Simpsons 350 $30 29% Alcan 2035 $31% 31% 31%-- % Hawker S$ 1100 385 380 385 +5 FUNNY BONE... sales ain rte) save Ed Fy 4 | Alcan pr 325 $38 37% 7% -- %, Hays Dna 335 $12% 12% 124+ % pe ssaahltrd iat Hd lore e , ord Alumin 2p 2650 $44 44 44 + 1%) Home A 600 $21 21. 21 4 ' em ec self to the Kid Coner 1500 6) fp -- 2 | Anthes A (295 $32 3154 32 + te) HB Ol Gas 375 $36 36 Steel Con 885 $24 Kilembe 500 950 950 950 +50 | Argus C pr $00 $10% 10% 10%-+ ve) Huron Eri 100 $9%0 958 Steinbo A ---100 $19 L Dufavit 400 $10' 10% 10% + Atl Sugar 200 $10% 10% 10% + Husky Oj! 1200 $18 1% 18 Stuart oil 50 $44% Uokehesd 1000 28333 -- | BUG Ele, Ie See am) Husky Dw 470 950 90 940 Suptest od 100 $247 L Shore 400 425 425 425 20 " a Imp Oil 2721 $66 658 65a -- 1 Texaco 400 $28% La Luz 160 $12% 124 12% -- bene a's till He eee ae ees Thom NP 25 $30% Langis 3000 «41 4 4 ccep' z 4 23% Tor Dm Bk 1010 $14 Bell Phne 2010 $48 47% + s s s ' } Leitch pd a Ind Miner! 100° $14 4 M4 + r 1 UL tee 280 193 160173 Brazilian 200 $1144 11% 11% Ind Wire 390 $6 St SM -- 4) Tr Can PL aad Satie Machen 000 22? + 9 | BA Constr 1100 $10 1010 Ingersoll 175 $27 27 (27 «+11 Tr Can Pl p $050 $4734 Madsen 400 173 172«172 BA Oil 744 $39% 39 nv» --M% Inglis 225 $10'% 10% 10's Trans Mt "995 321% 21" " Man Bar 1000-23 23 a +4 43 Forest 725 $20 20 20 + Inland Gas 500 $11% li 114+ Trans PPL 250 $80 Pad Mattgmi 600 $144 14% 14% +" de B 225 $194 194 194 Inspiratin 500 170 170 170 Un Carbid 165 $20% 203s -- Ve Me Adam 2000 432 42 42 iC Sugar 150 $35¥2 352 35¥2+ a! Inter-City 100 $15% 15% 15%! Un Gas 800 $15 Me lay eo Burns Fds 600 $15 4% 15 + %) IBM 11$550 $50 550 --10 | Versatd 300 $8% 8 Midri 18300 161 156 157 --9| CAE Ind. eis $12) 12) 12) + Me! IMC 375 $39 3939 Versatile 310 $39 39 Multi-Mi 2500 168 166 166 4.4 | Calgary P 475 $24% 24% 24-- 4) Int Nickel 14208114 11312114 +4, Wainoce O 300 85 Nat Expl 3100 10 10 10 Gelsy 50 P 108108 108 108 Int Util 490 $3624 362 364+ %1 Walk GW 221 $35 New Ath 1000 23 23-73 t1%4 Hs cae Ther te Int Util pr 830 $36% 3672 36% + 1%! Weste'st 1060 $29.4 lew Ca 6000 39 «3939 } Intpr Pipe 225 $23'4 23% 23) Westee! N Goldvue 3000 5 4% 5 Gdn Brew 3525 $77 736 7% + Yel Int Pipe w 300 TiN 10 l Weerecan sae aie N Harri 30600 23 22 24+ %l CR Ala A 500 $16 16 16 Inv Grp A 3600 $10% 9% 10% + %| W Pacific 600 $6% N Hosco 800 195 190 194.42] CR Ay Med 585 115 100 100 --I15 ITL Ind 150 $3734 37%4 37% Weston A 820 $18% N Imperal 1000 345 345 345 |S euie Me ee $§ | NTL tno pr 100 $22¥2 22v2 22%a-- "| Weston B 100 $184 lewlun 000 «15 2 AS James Stl 300 410 405 410 Ww: y N Myla 11000 19 18% 19 | & [ydro | 200 $20% 20% 20% + Y2| Jefferson 8288 $50% 4812 4814 --2%4| Woodwd'R 2090 Sisia Tv ise N que Rapl 190 625 ams 9s -- 5 | E,me Bnk ped tage ag gery Jefferan w 2345 $402 3914 40 --27 < enator 3000 34 34 cy Jockey C 130 310 i : Nor Acme 1000 10 10 10 eae 1721 $73% 73 73%4+ %| Kelly D A us iy rik om + Salen ie ee os eee Pomnb Norbaska 1500 8 87 8 +3 can te A cr ar Pg yas bt rey Cem S00 440 435 440 | @ Show Storts ot Dusk Merbeey mest ta 1) CWN Ges 35 $17 17% 178 tty tee eet a ae DIVIDENDS Northcal 2125 18 #18 18 ; adits At Me ; Levy 250 $26¥%e 2644 26% + Ve ns Gee Us Ts TO Fe | care Ae eta Ba a Levy A pr 100 $11 WW + %! N Rank 5000 32 Ki ) en | + 2 4 WA" 4; Lob Co 245 $7% 7% 7% , AN 7° -- N Rock 1g: 8 eT carn me $10% 10% tov | Loeb M 7s $124 124 te % BY THE CANADIAN PRESS of ' Va 551 by bt] "00 site sp 138, -- | Columbia 225 480 480 480 MB. rh . 100 Som pit id ve British American Oil 11d. ' Cominco 7305 $30 30 30 Manoir 7515 274 cents, Oct. 2, record Sept. 1. Osisko 1500 56. 55 55 --2/ ¢& 10 in = 400 390-370-375 5 | P 23 220 220 pS rs Pode Ad nee Mass-Fer, 777 $2'% 22 22 + Inspiration Ltd., $1.50 pref. | 940 940 940 a lolson 100 $23 23 23 AVA is @ 200 500 $00 $00 498 | Cons Gas 374 $20' 20% 39% Montex pr 400 $6%4 6% 6% 3744 cents, Sept. 1, record Au MWh de da -- 4 path . 2, $12 at 12 Moore ' A $31% 31% 31% -- ve gust 15, | ; 210 200 209 +11 rain 5 $53% 53% S3% jorse 15 $24 2424 , J Ps 1 0 10 pad 300 $7% M ™ pret Lg 50 $59'% 5914 591% Pages ere poo pn cae | % $20% 19% 204+1 row Nest 225 $1914 19% 191% | ¥ Pr 22 $25 25 25 : "9 . 4-per- -00; | 340340 340 10 | Crush Intl 250 812% 12!4 12M | Nt Contain 1700 $9 8% 8% + % pref. 414-per-cent $1.13; pref. 5-| 137 135 «137: «+ 4'| + ODistl Seag 170 $39%4 39% 39% + %4| Nt Contin w S00 475 450 475 +50 | e. 63 ts, Sept. 1 | 72 720 720 Dome Pete 364 $59 59 59 ---%| Nat Drug 760 $10 10 10 |p ire cents, Sept. 1, rec S480 $4 + 5%! Dofasco 210 $24 24 24 = | Neon 200 $74 7% 74+ ord August 7. TATING! $35'4 3514 354 + t2| Dofasco p 45 $93 93 93 + %&%) Nia Wire B 250 $270 2 20 : | G RRS RE . Dom Glass 250 $104 10'4 10% | Noranda 280 356% sé S64 + Ve Steinberg's Lid., class A 9) RING! $234 2234 22%-- sl Dom Store 200 $17% 17% 173+ Ya! Nor CH @ 200 $il!4 1114 IN" cents, Sept. 2, record August 12 fe ING!" rk Times p-=-==-====-, AUGUST DISCOUNTS. Paint Problems ?... American Motors/Rambler dealers have just been | Seeme oery Ofymie Stain wil ct crak, | offered special end-of-the-model-year discounts puny home needs peel or blister g _ tohelp them clear out their remaining '6/ Ambassadors. | g _ Nowis the best time to buy! (They need the room for the '68's coming next month.) gi There's still a good selection of hardtops, i | a wagons, convertibles, sedans - all available for -- immediate delivery. And, is eaten aa psig bg all at special clear-out discounts! é H BRING YOUR PAINT PROBLEMS TO see your American Motors/Rambler dealer today. y Oshawa Wood Products 1967 AMERICAN MOTORS oe ED OS | Wy ADMITTANCE TO PERSONS 18 YEARS OF AGE 'On OVER =--_---- chollin ST SHOW VALUE" ON \o PHONE 725-58. WHERE THE BASIC DIFFERENCE IS A BETTER CAR. oo WELLMAN MOTORS NICOLS MOTORS SALES LTD. "ALLONT-THE NAME TO BUILD ON" ALLONT 100 NONQUON ROAD NORTH -- 728-7352 1190 KINGSTON ROAD + 668-3331 PORT PERRY BOWMANVILLE HARRY PEEL RAMBLER SALES & SERVICE TRENT AUTO SALES (Bowmanville) LTD. t \ \ '