Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Aug 1967, p. 15

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Painting On Rocks, Fascinating Hobby For Artistic Types By ROBERTA ROESCH There are two ways to be a rock artist today. One is to be like the widow we recently wrote about who) puts her urge to prospect to work by digging into the crust of the earth in search of min- erals and stones. The other is to follow the ex- ample of artisis Jan Gary and William D. Gorman (Mr. and Mrs. in private life) and use the creative urge within you to); 'start "painting on the rocks." Actually, painting on the rocks has unlimited opportuni- ie ties for people who want a @& : : hobby or creative work to do : xs at home. So, if it's the kind of new idea, that holds. an appeal; ANNOUNCE WEDDING PLANS for you, here are ways to begin | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 2, 1967 15 Champion Pam Miller Leaving For A Golfing Holiday In U.K. The Ontario Women's Ama-|awaiting them at Liphook an teur Golf Champion, Oshawa's|at Belfast and Dublin in Ire own Pam Miller, is off tomor-|land. They will fly back to row on a three-week sight-see-|Canada from Shannon Airport. ing and golfing junket in Eng-| A bon-voyage party for Pam, land, Scotland and _ Ireland.|given by the Ladies' section of Pam is one of a team of out-|the Oshawa Golf Club was held standing young Canadian golf-jin the club dining room last! ers on a_ goodwill tour. The} Thursday. Nancy June Morrison and Courtice and the prospec: others are Jocelyne Bourassa,| Mrs. G. D.. Andrews, presi- Get your new hobby. off the) Robert Llovd Gooner hava tang eich cate Shawinigan, Quebec; Sandrajdent, introduced those at the jsround by gathering a small!) chosen as their wedding of Mr: and. Mrs. firaeat Post, Oakville, and Jane Kirk-|head table: Mrs. Donna Grant, : ee ' i supply of rocks, stones and peb-| day, Saturday, September Andor of Oshawa. The cere- patrick, Lambton (Toronto).| vice-president; Mrs. Douglas bles in various sizes, shapes and) 9 "1987. The bride-to-be. is Mane: ik to take Wiebe tA Mrs. Isabel Armstrong of To-|Langmaid, chairman of the \colors. ° Sion Vind can ronto will manage and chap-|captains' committee; Miss Fay . lat ted ius ape putes eal Ce erone the team. McLeish; the guest of honor} SEEK IDEAS elasscbedil ences Psa wheatlcee ds : Pes jae The girls have been sup-|and her mother, Mrs. Kenneth| Then study each one for ideas | plied with a team uniform| Miller. lin what to paint. A few pos- a piece of freezer paper taped COMMON PRACTICE which has eliminated the prob-| Guests included Pam Miller's, sibilities are immortaliz- to cardboard. CENTER HARBOR, NH, lem of "what to wear." It con-jaunt, Mrs. Clifford Mills, Ash-|& sists of a winter rose cardigan} burn, formerly of Oshawa: Mis and skirt and matching shell,|Kay Helleur, Toronto; Mis slims and Bermuda shorts in| Jean Castle, Peterborough. light weight wool. | Following the informal din- Flying to Prestwick the team|ner Mrs. Maible Boudreau will have a tour of Edinburgh|showed films taken at the and a chance to play on some|championship tournament at of Scotland's famous links:|}Chatham in which Pam Mille: : Murrayfield, Prestonfield, St.| retained the title she won last # Andrew's, Glen Eagles andjyear. The winning shots isc ene aa ; >) ;Rakvane Meaionlas rocks or turning a small stone| Quick-drying paints will be a (AP)--Rev. Georges Folovsky, face into an owl, lion or lamb.| "@cessary because you will have a Russian Orthodox priest who After you decide what you|to handle the rock on all sides is a fellow in history and reli- | would like to paint, sketch it in}without smudging it. Acrylic gion at Princeton, told a confer- with a soft pencil, taking ad- \vantage of the natural forma- tion of the rock | Plans to leave some of the natural surface of the rock bare |--for contrast, color and tex fie George. Washington on the, | | paints are best for this purpose ence of Protestant, Roman because they dry almost in- Catholic and Orthodox church- stantly, men that Christian baptism When your painting is fin- should unite the churches ished and the pencil lines te Dunbar and a taste of Scottish| brought sustained applause Gs 4 ture--and pant in other areas. erased, you can spray the rock or for gifts. A few suggestions hospitality. In the jubilant mood that THE REVEREND Robert clothing they are wearing. |If you make a mistake, just f" 4 high polished or glazed are doorstops, paper weights From Carlisle they will/the film evoked Mrs. Donna Nishimura. Mrs. Nishimura The family has resided in (erase or wash off the pencil surface. A crystal-clear varnish or bookends. travel 'south to Stratford-Upon-|Grant presented Miss Miller and their sons, Peter (left), Tokyo for four and a ha'f |lines. is recommended by the rock-| It doesn't take much to be Avon and will have a tour of|with a pearl-set ring with con aged seven and Timothy years and stopped in Osh- To get a "painting in the painting Gormans rocking along with this hobby Windsor before reaching Lon-|gratulations and best wishe aged five. This picture was awa. before completing round' effect--sketch your sub- Finally, to give your painting and a lot of the raw material don. Tournaments will be\for a memorable trip taken in Tokyo in March their around the world tour, |ject or design on all sides, so 0 the rocks a purpose put your|to he painted can be found | id if is evident that ihe to visit' Mrs, Nishimura's |the finished: painting can be 2"! '0 Sood use in your home!within a stone's throw. | KEEP IN TRIM veather was cool. there at father, Mr. J, H. E. Drum- | viewed all around. RINE co ae REE that time of year by the mond, Connaught Street, | Once you finish the drawing {you are ready to paint, As : Appetite Curbers Have Tokyo Exciting, Fascinating -- Ym wit 'meer"iinee or \ WEARING her winter- some-~ of Scotland's, Eng- | ( ibe dealin uniflora Pam ik Jand's and Ireland's famous @) ] T Eff t ba og a var 1 amg tise. cane a my temporary Lilec Says Former Oshawa Woman 3,3, 42 f for,nesium, nes all set to have a swing on --Oshawa Times Photo igiowany pa Ban | By IDA JEAN KAIN a Lied) Tokyo, capital city of Japan,|Japanese, Perhaps I find the\clean engl peatiioinn Si A Struggling dieter writes cluded that life was ton short .o 2 £1!' of 11 million people, ap- language so difficult because l\protect your work table shoutd "You emphasize that reducing gotta snow' *° yroximately 7,000 nuiles fromidiscovered that there are at!be on hand. is 90 percent attitude and that be 'overweight and wear a Size'y.y.u4 is the home of thelleast ten different words in| appetite curbers are not fair to 20/2. The challenge helped me povccend and Mrs. Robert Japanese for the pronoun 'I'.|NEED PALETTE dieters. Will you please spell/'o take a different attitude Vio.imura and their sons, Tim- At times I cannot help my son,| You will also need a palette this out?" toward food. When I changed sable or 874 sabeline water color mer aruda il wae taidy oll and Peter Timothy, with his grade one to mix the paint on; a strip Gladly.. Appetite. curbers 40|+," chance my food hahits. Ii Mis. Nishimura is the for--homework because I am un-|palette (disposable paper), a not change the fundamental! a veat satisfaction to. be in the mer Julia Drummond of Osh able to read the instructions." china plate, a piece of glass or Way YOU. EW SOUE problem. to 16 dvess eb class the awa, and her father, Mr. At present for his home work! ae oe ee The curbing effects of the de-) one i. that small servines J- HE. Drummond, resides in/ assignment, Timothy must keep/orchestras in Tokyo which host Pressant is temporary, a few!) satisfy my appetite.' | Oshawa a daily diary, writing the day| guests from all over the world weeks at the most. If you con- Wh ae : The Reverend Robert. Nishi- iN Japanese and drawing a pic-| The massive population pre- tinue to think the same way, LOST 30 POUNDS mura is a chaplin at a school 'ure to represent a "'hap-|sents problems in traffic (al- that is, if your attitude toward Another homemaker, after re- fo» povs. Saint Paul's Junior Pening'"' that occurred. He has though during rush hour the th : i food has not changed, soon YOU peated diet failures, succeeded High School, in Tokyo and Mrs gathered much material during subway train arrives every two e price ; are back in your old ways Of in taking off 30 excess pounds. \ichimura. teaches English at his trip around the world. minutes), housing, education overeating on fattening fare-- she reported: this school to a grade seven When asked the reactions of and employment. There is a and gaining. : "I was forever starting a diet.) .jac< .her sons to their stay in Osh-| keen competitive spirit felt : e h | On the n.atter of attitude: An|but hated every day of it. Fi-- On a mission to North Amer- #Wa, Mrs. Nishimura said 'The everywhere. University grad- 18 rig t jattitude is a point of view, a nally 1 decided I was doing it jea to learn the methods of hoys don't like Canadian food.|uates are willing to drive taxis jway of regarding a specificjall wrong. I had always dieted qiscipline and the program of they prefer the fish, noodles,|to be employed, and some pri-| problem, a way of looking atjrigidly and felt terribly de-\;eligious education in western|Tice and vegetables they are|vate schools are forced to ac- \life. Your attitude affects your|prived. I resented the fact that|cchools, the Reverend R. Nishi-\Served in Japan. Peter was\|cept only one out of every 27\ actions. \T had to cook meals for the! myra has studied these sub-|®Mazed at the areas of green|applicants. z One homemaker wrote: "I go family. sete in Detroit, Washington. "ass and couldn't believe} An interesting aspect of the on a diet but stay with it only) "Trying to think differently |; hicugo, Seattle. Hawaii and there was as much grass in the} Japanese culture still in exis-) a couple of weeks, then I start}about it all, 1 planned meals vancouver. His ain: is to help whole world. Japan is a crowd-|tence is the arranging of a feeling that life is too short to|that I. could eat too, but I took cat yp a family counselling ed country and the homes do|meeting for two people inter-) deprive myself of my favorite| smaller helpings. In place of the| contre al Saint Paul's Univer- not have the lawns and side-'ested in marriage. These medi- foods, and I'm back on fatten-|family dessert, I had melon.) <jty when he returns. This Insti- walks: found here. ators, called 'go-betweens ing foods." fruit' ice or a three - quarter|i,;o for Social Welfare will be _Mrs. Nishimura has words|are responsible for about one- Contrast this attitude with the ounce of my favorite cheese, _ Sonck tmutitities in Tokyo.| ike 'fascinating, wonderful.|half of the marriages that take |reducer who wrote: "Two years/with a hot beverage, i Peter, aged seven, attends a exciting" to describe her home.|pjace in Japan. jago I resolved to reduce, decid-| "The science of nutrition is) ppoylar public school, a two-|Toyko is a centre for the arts. The Reverend Robert "ee ing I had put up with the fatjhelpful. But the really impor-\ minute walk from. his home.| There is live drama at the Noh{mura and his family are eav- long enough. At dinner that/tant part is to first change your 4). brother, Timothy, aged Theatre, the Kabuki Theatreljing this week for Mxpo, en night it had occurred to mejthinking, Dieting is a mental s;.. {akes 11%4 hours to get to offers traditional Japanese|they travel to London, ang: that the only time I was happy/achievement," she affirmed his 'pradé one class everyday, dancing and entertainment andiland and home to Japan a was at mealtime--since the ex-| How right she is! Dieters.|j,;iuding Saturday, by various|there is also a delightful Bun-|comolete an Saale ee cess poundage took the joy out/honest fact-facing about your y),in< Both children speak "aku Puppet Theatre, In addi-|tour which has taken about = See attitude can give you needed Japanese and English tion, there are four symphony|seven weeks. : SUMMER SLACKS Mrs. Garnet Goyne, and father, insight. With the right attitude Mrs. Nishimura says -- that - MR, AND MRS. ERIC BUECHLER Mr. William Goyne (complete|Your mind finds ways to achieve' <he yoorets not being as fuent with shotgun) persuaded the/Your heart's desire. Reducing}, Jounanese as the rest of the| couple to "get hitched'. The | becomes an exciting challenge family because she attends two W k d S i ] 2 FOR THE PRICE OF 1 . : ; ; a s d of rdeal Savant: as > Surprise Party Honors Pair -- (ecitrs,auepsens, perp ir [Rte te oie Ser A ge ecexend specials Mrs. Charles Langmaid as the HOUSEHOLD HINT which are conducted in Japan PLUS 51.00 a ; bridesmaid and Mrs. Raymond Coat the bottoms of po's and ese. 'My husband is totally bi On 25th Wedding Anniversar y Askin as the flower girl. pans with soap before using on lingual and has the ability to & MEAT DEPT. % Following the evening's enter- the barbecue grill. Smoke and think in English,'? she one Ta ilnped ticm ahi Einest Enalich-cnd domeniecall Over one hundred relatives|1942, and have resided in the tainment, the guests enjoyed a soot vanish at clean-up time 'He writes his sermons In Eng- ¢ and friends gathered in the'|Oshawa area ever since. buffet siipper. this way. lish and delivers them in Fresh Pork SHOULDERS, Ih, eee away 376 wool yarns, dyed worsteds and flannel pic 'n' pic th Civic) The couple have one daugh-| Ee A eer ananrareren nS eR LS < - ' 8 ; Teteriin pecan o onar ter, . Mrs. Ross Cheesman Picnic HAMS Smoked, Ib. soe easeeve 496 neat and plains in grey, brown, black and blue. Breakfast BACON Sliced, Ib 696 Grek BOE te fenterwt above zipper tly, ie 6 De woe renee Mr. and Mrs. Erie (Tip) Buech-| (Faye), two sons, Jim and Dan- r. Farew Str ny, and two grandchildren, Dies Cane oa the cman. 0 pleats, continental style included, tabs on back pockets. Sizes 28 to 44, prise party on the occasion of Tami Cheesman and Michael their silver wedding anniver- Buechler. sary. The attendants at their wed- - ding twenty-five years azo, Mrs, Buechler, the former @ ee bs 4 Pe , Fern Goyne, and Mr. Buechler|Mrs. William Ashton, the for- were married by the Reverend|mer Viola Goyne, and Mr. Wil- J. Verner McNeely in King liam Goyne, were both present, Street United Church. July 18,.and Mr. Goyne very capably @ GROCERY DEPT. e@ : : ECONOMY EXTRA TIDE, Giant Sis. wecssericsiennereens | 83E RANGE PAIR SAVE GE : ee st -- UNION ag as master of ceremonies Rg ; MARGARINE, 1-Ib. pkg. waewe 4 for 1.00 9.95 1.00 8.95 or e evening. CLEANING nivisio PEE WEE EGGS, 5 doz. se-.... 1.00 ie a SOCIAL NOTICES The honored couple 'were pre- sented with many lovely gifts FT RANGE PAIR FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE |which included a transistor Arsus-GRavDON CARP é BREAD, 24-oz. Loaf ...... 4 for 89c 14.95 1.00 13.95 5 Mrs. R M. Alsop radio from co-workers of Mr. eee, eee ee 3 . SAS ES ': oe eg and Mis. Row ario, wish|Buechler at' Brewers Warehous- | g = ---- : FACELLE, 2-ply Bathroom Tissue 8 rolls 99c ° : 5 nee the forthcaming|ing Lid., an electric fry jous . . . bubbly' SA a Ae hale eae Mrs. Buechler's co-wo adi verley Gail Alsop, of Whitby, ;ers in the City Clerk's Office, adiant colors to ge ites Carroll Johnston, |City Hall, and patio furniture. Whitby, son of Mr. and Mrs. | During the evening, spent eae Edgar J . Johnston of Wood-)playing cards and visiting, a stock, New Brunswick The|mock wedding was performed wedding is to take place on by some of the guests. The min- Friday, September 1, 1967, injister, Mrs. Kenneth Calder, Whitby. | conducted a most humorous) : : ; .,,-;wedding ceremony to unite the FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE (pashful bride, Mrs. Douglas *Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison|Coates, and the backward 'HESE @f Courtice wish to announce|Groom, Mr. Raymond Askin, in Briataca mete the forthcoming marriage of| marriage. Mother of the bride, their only . daughter, Nancy| == eee \TER! dune, to Robert Lloyd Cooper, e Se an | NORA BLEACH, 128-oz. ..,....., sx ONE CUSTOM EXTRA RANGE PAIR SAVE @ PRODUCE DEPT. e@ 17.95 1,00 16.95 CANTELOPES, each . ....ne.-cue-.... 29€ MAND EXTRA SAVE CUCUMBERS, Large ---wenx-wws 2 for 25¢ pace son 113's SUNKIST ORANGES, doz. .... 59¢ 19.95 1.00 18.95 NING @ DRUGETTE DEPT. e SECRET Roll-On Deodorant .............. 1.05 fon of Mr. and Mrs. ne OSHAWA TIMES 7 Rac $109 ponor 3 yer aye Satie If your rug is valuable to you . . . it deserves the very best ... COLGATE TOOTH PASTE ............ 1.03 ' ie deca 5 1967 at 3:00 PICTURE and it costs no more. Modern. equipment, skill and a fully Reg. 1.09 .m. in Courtice United experienced men guarantee you the best of results when we TON : : Birurch, RE-PRINTS clean your soiled rugs, whether it be wall-to-wall or loose rugs. COPPERTONE Sun bi oilige sy +o+e. tube for 89 OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Available At Other services offered by Angus-Gra don are binding, repairing, r : oi i i i , i cs m_ installa ons g- Cee wh aw hee es caida. ee r M D No ¢ ine Ch -M d Mrs. Glendon A. Mc NU WAY PHOTO inging, dyeing alterations and custo Ins tions. € Mr. and Mrs, G A, Mc- t t KOTEX Re 53 Master, Oshawa, wish to: an- he Cost Is Only 10c Per Sq. Ft. Example 9' x 12' Only 10.80 ounce' the forthcoming mar- SERVICE ee Pee Se '0e Per Oe i : montane DOWNTOWN riage of their elder daughter, 56 King St Gail L ine, to Robert Wayne 51 King St. E., Osh i ff 5 ik { Gorka, Son: of Mr. and Mrs. * a roe ANGU S . GRAYDON 0 6 eco § u ermar e Tieteasy "ond "iridey Open to 9 p.m. Friday Phillip Goreski, Port Perry.| § x 10 -- 1.50 each The ceremony will take pis?l - § x7 -- 1.28 each. | CARPET COMPANY LIMITED 174 RITSON RD. S., OSHAWA Saturday, September 16, 1967,| : at 12:15 p.m. in Holy Cross} 20% Discount o n Orders | 282 KING ST. WEST 728-6254 FREE PARKING IN THE REAR OF THE BUILDING Roman Catholic Church, sae of 5 or More Pictures | awa, | BOTH STORES CLOSE WEDNESDAY AT 1 P.M,

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