10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, August SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell | Associate Sports IT'S THE SEASON! Green Gaels are embroiled in play- offs; other lacrosse teams are at the jumping-off spot for their annual playoffs, base- ball and softball teams are all teed up for the real im- portant part of their season's activity. Green Gaels opened their 'A' Series of playoffs in the OLA Junior 'A' League, on Monday night with a nip- and-tuck win over Brampton and they face the problem of having the next two games in Brampton, on Thursday and Saturday. When you look back and realize what a tough tine the Brampton Juniors gave our Green. Gaels the other night, you know that this first series is at least going to be interesting. MEANWHILE, local soft- ball teams are getting ready for their big test of the sea- son .. OASA playoffs. OASA Playoff dates have been an- nounced, as of yesterday, and we find several Oshawa and area teams facing almost im- mediate competition. Ajax is draw: against Newmarket, in the Inter. 'B' series, with the first game in Newmarket on Aug. 19 while in Inter. 'C' playoffs, Brooklin meets the Markham Zephyr winner, on Wednesday, August 16. SCUGOG CLEANERS are starting off in the Toronto Zone, meeting Scarboro, their sternest rivals, in the very first round, with the first game here in Oshawa on Thursday, August 17. In Ju- venile 'A' playoffs, Oshawa Jaycees are scheduled to play their first round opener in Nortn York on Wednesday. August 16 with the return game back here on the Sat- urday of that week. Oshawa Quality Fuels open their Mid- get 'A' playoffs late in the month, August 25, against the winner of the Belleville - Col- lins Bay series. Oshawa King- side Park Bantams start off on August 19, with the first game. in Belleville and back Editor here the following Saturday Belleville and Oshawa open their Pee Wee 'A' series here on Saturday, August 19 while the Oshawa Squirts (Harman Park) meet Port Perry in the first round, next week. CITY AND DISTRICT teams have got some impor- tant games to play this next week. with People's Clothing challenging Scugog Cleaners, for local OASA playoff rights, while Mister TV Towers and Georgian Motor Hotel have to settle which team will repre- sent Oshawa in Intermediate 'AA' playdowns. The balance of this week's schedule games will serve to determine posi- tion, but in the final analysis it's Georgian. Motor Hotel and Mister TV Towers to decide which team will represent Oshawa in OASA playdowns. FANS of the have been some. great Alexandra SOFTBALL city and area, missing out on actios lately. At Park: last night, Don Calder pitched a no-run, no-hit win for TV Towers over Jaycees, in the first game of the doubleheader and in the sec- ond tilt, Brooklin Concretes came from behind a 2-1 defi- cit to win 4-3 over Scugog Cleaners in one of the most exciting games of the season. This one was a real thriller all the way and if nothing else, pointed up the fact that City and District softball ac- tion this summer has _ pro- vided some outstanding games for their loyal fans. WITH SO MANY teams em- broiled in playoff activity, it becomes essential that score- books be turned in. We would like to point out that even though they are the "losers". Oshawa teams should present their scorebook for games played '"'away from home", since this is the only chance we have of learning about that particular game, the score and how it affects the standings SPORTSCOPE , Steelers Defeated In Playoff Opener Ron Moore, one of the topjville got off to a fast start) Oshawa managed to score |points men on the Oshawa/when Orangeville's Steve Whitel only twice on Orangeville goal- three|scored at the 45 second mark|tender Norm Young in the final 'goals last night in a_ losing of the first period. Gerry Davis,|period. Ron Moore scored his cause as the Steelers were/Hugh Bracken and Walt Mitch-|third of the night while Neil dumped 13-8 by Orangeville injell all scored singles to finish|Armstrong added his first. the first game of the Senior Orangeville's first period scor-| Scoring for Orangeville were "B" lacrosse playoffs. ling. Bob Green with two, to bring The game, played in Orange-| Qshawa notched five goals in|his total for the night to five vee. sae the first frame, two of them/80als, and Walt Mitchell with lby Moore. Other Steeler scor-/@ Single. -- i s ers were Jerry Gray, Bill Lang-| Orangeville led in penaitie ley, Gerry Burrows and Bo b|With 11 while Oshawa had six. Clarice. | A fight broke out in the last . two minutes of the second per- Oshawa took a 6-4 lead intoliqg between Oshawa's Charlie ort 0 e |the second period and werely idiow and Orangeville's Jim held scoreless while Orangevil- Hillhouse e | le scored six of their own. | 'top scorers for Oshawa were | PORT (Staff) - Osh- Bob Green was Orangeville's| Moore with three goals and jawa Legionnaires "'A Majors" |big gun with three second pcr-| Armstrong with a goal and two scored three runs in the first/iod goals. Steve White banged) assists. linning and went on to defeatjin his second of the night) Bob Green led Orangeville /Port Hope 4-1 in an Eastern|While Pete Davies and Harry|with five goals and two assists | Ontario Baseball Association|'Benham added singles. lfor a seven point ing. midget game here EIS iT ca Gees se a ERACAT CEST = whrihtcawte wate" Sweet Daddy Victorious In Wrestling Main Event |Lasco Steelers scored 'Midgets Top HOPE |Wayne Blanchard assuming du-} ties in the sixth. | Kim Rogers' triple, an error jand two singles gave Oshawa lits three runs in the first. Two) jerrors enabled Legionnaires to| jadd the fourth run in the fifth.) Bothwell allowed only two hits} gweet Daddy Siki with a well! The Assassin thinking he had but one followed two walks and| applied kick to the head of the|won went to the dressing room gave Port Hope its run. Both-|ssassin won the third and de-|but was recalled when the |well had eight strikeouts and|cjding fall in the wrestling main| crowd persuaded referee Bunny jwalked four. levent last night at the Civic] Dunlop to see the light. Assassin, | Rogers had two hits for Leg-| Auditorium. {crawling back in through the lionnaires and others went to! The first fall went to the As-|ropes, was drop kicked by Siki |Ted McComb, Bernie McGuire,|sassin when he pinned Siki with|and pinned. |Monty Rose, Paul Bligdon and/pis famous handmans' drop.| In the semi - final bout cham- Bothwell. Siki recovered to win the sec-|pions Fred Atkins and Tiger Legionnaires will compete in|ond fall after working the As-|Jeet Singh defeated Lorenzo the annual Leaside n.idget base-|sassin's arm and forcing him) Parente and Dewey Robertson 4 t ball tournament this week, open-/to give in. lin two out of three falls. total of vy points. Brother ing against Scarborough Birch-| The third fall went to the Assas-|_ In the preliminary bout, Pat fp tied el yoy peel play" white connected for a pair of sin, or so the Assassin thought.|Flanagan used his experience ;mount tonight. 47 0|Siki was pinned buy everyone|to defeat Mohad Singh at the OSHAWA 300 010 0 - PORT. HOPE 000 010 0 - 1 2 3\in the Auditorium, except the}16:12 mark. Bothwell, Blanchard '(6) andj Assassin noticed that Sweet Dad-| The next wrestling bout at | Alexander; Bemma and Jig-|dy's legs were hanging over the|the Civic Auditorium will | gins. ropes held August 15. Canadian Swimmers home siors. brother John will have to sit|Peterborough Brooklin could slip right} ; back spot in brother Terry plays two more|down into Challenge US. Team to and Saturday night at home|mean a_ playoff Baas winner. : i ( Up to and including last night) 514 a5 he held Markham to one : hit while his teammates pick-|the first inning with a bang as|los in the Central Hockey Johnny, who plays with the ed up 12 hits including a home/Phil Solomon and Denis Ben-| League. Ray Hofheinz president pennant winning Peterborough Don Bye Petes, edge of some 12 points. He has/ scored 48 goals and set up a| league-leading 65 'assists for a Rite slaw Mbit = _.._.| could well be the deciding fac- jtor in the scoring championship | scoring title at stake as far as race. The Peterborough plays on Thursday night This will and wait gainst the JOHN DAVIS o « « Peterborougn ace Davis Brothers | In Points Race By CLIFF GORDON BROOKLIN -- The big ques-| tion in the minds of many la- crosse fans right now is who Toronto League play. only two walks. Lumber beat Mark Perry 4-3. Intyre and Bryan. Calder's ham Don Calder fired a no-hit, no- run ball game Tuesday night as Mister TV Towers clipped Osh- 'awa Jaycees 2-0 in Oshawa City jiand District Softball "B" Caldr struck out 11 men on his way to victory and gave up Brooklin edged Scugog 4-3 in city and district "A" play; Gale 10-0, and Bay Ridges clipped Port TV Towers picked up seven hits. including three singles by) Pipher while other singles were hit by Weatherby, Calder, Mac- almost 000 000 000--0 0 2 Olat the plate hitting a pair of Konopacki and Grabko; and \ | Don Calder Wins With No-Hit Game triple with a single going tolone of the remaining eight in- Tom O'Connor. nings. Gales came up with their big| Bennett also banged out a inning in the fifth when they/|triple as did Leaming while scored five runs on four hits.|Siblock hit a single. Davis picked up the first hit of|Scugog 200 000 010--3 5 @ the inning with a double then| Brooklin 000 101 030--4 7 1 Hickey cleared the bases with a home run. BN Leaming and Landers; Pagl O'Connor drew a walk then| parkinsone Scott and Simpson. scored on a double by Price.) Bay Ridges pulled their game O'Reilly hit another double to out of the fire at the last min- round out hitting for the inning|yte. Bol Baird and lan Everest scoring Price from second. _--|nit back to back ninth inning GALE 200 050 102--10 12 O home runs to supply Bay Markham 000 000 000--0 1 0 Ridges with a 4-3 win and give jpitching ace Stu Higham an- 'other victory. Pitcher Dave Leaming for| Port Perry scored two runs The game did-not break till/scugog looked as if he had alin the first inning and looked the seventh inning when tWO0/possible 2-0 win over Brooklin|like winners until the Shell errors and a single broke the/pyt Concretes |deadlock as TV Towers man-jeighth inning to score 'aged a run, following it up With! ryns, another in the eighth inning. game was perfect as he walked only two/ders in relief to stop the rally,with 18 strikeouts. men but got one of them ou! On/and although he did stop the! 2 5 'NO|the base path making him face will win the Senior A scoring only one more than the mini- championship. It would appear! mum 27 batters as if one of the Davis brothers, | ea either Johnny who is the de- |Jaycees fending champion, or his older/TV Towers 000 000 110--2 7 brother. Terry, who toils with the Brooklin Redmen, will have; his name inscribed as the 1967! Goiger and Bryan. the|bats started ringing. three| Larry McKay was top hitter winning}for Shell with a three for four margin. performance while Highman Scugog brougnt in Pete Lan-|took care of Port Perry batters rallied in providing the Harris supplied the only extra surge of runs his teammates |base hit for Port Perry as he could only manage one more banged out a double in the first run. inning. Vern Ferguson led Brooklin singles while Bill Cornish hit a) HOUSTON, Tex. (AP)--Own- double and other singles camejers cf Houston Astros of base- from John Mill, Tom Simpson, pajl's National League said eg White also hurled a shut--Don Ferguson and Doug Scott.'Tuesday they are taking over has a slight run by Reg Hickey. team|the Redmen are mean that|Brampton beat on while older} night, third Maple' powerful Leafs, to see just which one of bel Terry has a game in hand|Mr. and Mrs. Davis' boys will lover his brother John and it|win the scoring championship. There is much more than the concerned. at|Should they drop the game in against Brampton Excel-|Brampton on Friday night and the Petes scored 48 goals but has assist-|Singles _and John Camwith al ed on only 53 for a total of 101 points. in| Thursday the ames, Friday night in Bramp-|league standings. This would) against Peterborough Petes. | the \t Scugog opened their half of/the operation of Houston Apol- nett drove back to back homejof the Houston Sports Associa- Hickey also pounded out a/runs. The rest of the game was/tion said his association is look- double as Dan Price and Ralph|famine for Scugog, however, O'Reilly collected a double and|they were shutout in all but i) g ahead to expansion of the HL to include Houston. a single each. Ralph Davis and|---- -- e GO RACING! POST TIME: 7.45 NIGHTLY THROUGH AUGUST 12 By BOB TRIMBEE jold Vancouver girl lowered herjmen broke nine--four by Hut-| bea hge ; world mark in the 100 back-|ton--while the women smashed| Pb galeynite td 'ke ce stroke to 1:07.1. six--three by Miss Tanner. an - / can G ; ; Pe : Ralph Hutton, 19, of Ocean) Hutton, who lost a gallant bid peepee Bige 4 leg arte ais, B.C., won a gold medal|to upset world record-holder \otet nally: all 29 Bre hee with an upset in the 200 back-/Mike Burton, 19, of Carmichael, events staged at the new of hie' stroke. Calif., in the 1,500-metre free- 000 Bank 1 caddie style Tuesday night; and Sandy Mie Oe ealed is the No BREAK STRING Gilchristo f Ocean Falls were ¢ + haa | dose Fiolo of Brazil, who won|the biggest winners among the 2 team almost across the board. the 100 and 200 breast-/14 Canadians who won medals. TODAY Salem at Maple Grove and : : Tyrone at Solina; both games LAWN BOWLING at 7.00 p.m. Mixed Doubles Tourna- ment -- for Carter Trophy; |TENNIS at Bowmanville Lawn Bowl- ing Club 1:30 p.m. TRACK AND FIELD Legion Track Club--Night- ly training session; at Mc- Laughlin Collegiate Campus; from 6.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. SOFTBALL Civil Service League -- Woods Transport vs Foley's Plumbing; at Lakeview Park (West diamond), 7.00 p.m.; Rundle's Garden Centre vs Cross Canada Paving; at North Oshawa Park, 7.00 p.m. and Rexco vs Cadillac | Kawartha Mixed League: t Peterborough shawa T.C. yaa A O: i THURSDAY LACROSSE OLA Junior 'A' Playoffs -- |Oshawa Green Gaels vs Brampton ABS's; 2nd game }of 4-out-of-7 'A' Series; at |Bramalea Arena, 8:30 p.m. | TENNIS Inter - County 'A' Mixed | League -- Oshawa TC at Pine | Point TC, 7:15 --p. mm. | TRACK AND FIELD Legion Track Club--Nightly On that basis the 14 men and Canadian aquatic squad did bes both strokes, was the only other non-| Hutton won a gold and five events as the powerful Ameri-|three bronze. Miss Tanner's ter than expected in 10 events and failed in only five. 'cans went home with 24 golds\|harvest was two golds and | The youthful Canadian swim- in 29 events. The defeats ad-|three silvers. mers won three gold, 12 silvers ministered by Hutton and Fiolo| Freestyler Marion Lay of 13 bronze medals--27 of the 65|Were . the first suffered by|Vancouver, butterfly expert accumulated by the entire Ca-| American men in the last three| Marilyn Corson of Parry Sound, jnadian Pan-Am team so far in| Pan-Am Games. Ont., and the surprising Angela |the two-week competition which! Aside from the swimming, Coughlan, 14, of Burlington, ends Sunday. Canadians came up with a sil-/all won four medals. All three times Elaine Tan-|ver-medal performance by Bev ner, possibly the world's best|Boys of Pickering, Ont., in the wa fie ore t all '- around woman swimmer,|women's tower diving and a|.o.%) of the men's te ae came up with three world-rec-|bronze by Kathy McDonald of swe set prett ah ig seats ord performances. She won the) V ancouver in the women's to, the boys in the Game end 100 - metre backstroke in one|SPringboard. {think the fact we Broke nine 12 women who comprised the ; ; ' t - ' , ' \events a winner in swimming or Gilchrist.two silvers and |minute, 7.3 seconds and the 200/ While the Americans were native records indicates our PITCHER Reg. $1.37 HAND BLOWN Billiards; at North Oshawa ; , | training session, at McLaugh- ' Park, 8.15 p.m. Hin Collegiate Campus, from backstroke in 2:24.4. As lead|smashing 11 world marks, the|success in reaching them." | Kresge City amd District Assoc, -- | 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. }swimmer on the women's 400) Canadians slashed native rec-) Only in the breaststroke did) 8 Georgian Motor Hotel vs 'okies medley relay team, the 16-year-lords with reckless abandon. The|Canadians slow a weakness. August People's Clothing; at 6.15 an : Pee Aes SE er i ich | Special pm. and Ajax "Merchants | come at Courtice and Hamp. Cansa feel iy Wa 6 a, ' vs Pam International; at 8.15 Paste: ny Rnagh nego Hamp- EB. LL COREBOARD four were in the breaststroke. p.m.; both games at Alex- a ; wee oth games at ie lin the medleys, the big differ- THURS. FRI, SAT. ONLY andra Park. ae By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Houston (Cuellar 10-6) N ence between the winning Tait York. Intermediate | SORTOALL Americal Ueaiie Philadelphia (Bunning 10-9) at| Americans and the second-place Summer time is lemonade time . . . the Ladies' League -- Whitby City and District Assoc. -- i WL Pet. GBI Los Angeles (Singer 6-4) N Canadians lay in the lack of a pee time to use this sparkling, hand Scugog Cleaners at Richmond |People's Clothing vs Bay Chicago 58 42 584 -- : Thursday's Games sees breaststroker. hellish cael a Hill. 8.15 p.m [waar Shells, at Pickering, Rasta. : . 559 24 Atlanta at Chicago | Every winner in the games ' -m.; Scugog Cleaners 2 "cae ag | yi stabli : PWSU Juvenile 'A' Play- (ys Gale Lumber, at Alexan- Leelee . 545 : International League aan established a Pan-Am offs -- Oshawa Woodview |dra Park. 6:15 p.m. and Port |ocnre. me pee YL Pet.GBL thre nee ee Part vs Whitby; 2nd game of |Perry vs Mister TV Towers, Calitornia Ns '524 6 | Rochester 58 41.586 sak au oe Sika 2-out-of-3, Ist round playoff; | at Alexandra Park, 8:15 p.m. Padi 7 a i oo 58 44° 569 114| performances at Whitby Centennial Park, = eg ae »/2\ Toronto 47 50.485 eee fa ital _ . £00 pin BASEBALL Cleveland 46 57 .447 14 | Toledo s72 80 485 lait a ee oe Eastern Ontario Midget |New York 45 56 .446 14 |Jacksonville 48 5 75 Calif., did it in the 400 individ- -- eas |N i 5 5: | Jacks 53. 475 11 ial medley Tudad ' SOCCER |League -- Oshawa at Port Kansas City 45 60 .429 16 | Columbus 48 54 ATL Aaigl ee Mec nay And eaciey oe a ! dav': A lee : Pe 2/in the 200 individual medley; ' Darlington Senior League:-- | Hope, 6:30 p.m ' Tuesday's Results Syracuse 47 53 .470 11% D i ndividual medley, WOMEN'S TT Kanans, Go 14 oan #8 [Bao 4 at S818 Amenean he: ste ao Datrit 4 Bainincee 2 Tuesday's Results |and 800 freestyle and Katie Ball S$ RIEF !California 1 New York 6 Fe cored ry co Ahi gli 4-2 of Jacksonville, Fla., in the 100 : Minnesota 5 Washington 4 Feet ; pects Ae ear breaststroke and as a member HARD ON THE FANS the oldest continuous sporting) Probable Pitchers Today nings dread oan oe neces goed 1 FLOATS rs iggest gold medal win- ; ig ah an Contro]- event in North America. ler Murray Heit thinks the sec- is s§ unity guards a Lansdowne st LOUIS (AP)--- St.Louis Park are just a little too rough Blues of the National Hockey on young football fans. He saw Leacue announced Tuesday vet- Ottawa Rough Riders beat eran goalie Glenn Hall has Saskatchewan Roughriders 20-7\sioned his contract for Monday night and saw guards! 1967.63 season with the Blues twice knock down youngsters|The 35-year-old native of Hum- who were going after loose foot-| boldt ask: was goalie for Chi: balls kicked into end-zone seats ace Hick Hawes last wane N.Z. ROWERS HERE VANCOUVER (CP) -- The New Zealand national rowing team leaves Vancouver tonight for St. Catharines, site of the North American Centenary Re-| gatta. The team: arrived here| Saturday and practised Sunday with a crew from the University of Victoria. Oshawa junior girls dropped U.K. IN, OUT, IN the first game of the Women's ST. CATHARINES (CP) -- Softball Union playoffs, 14-11 to Great Britain Tuesday reversed T0ronto Sunlife Tuesday. decision not to compete in next Sharon Sullivan was Toron- week's first North American|'0's big hitter as she drove a rowing championships and en-|home-run and three singles. tered a cox four crew in the Au-|Gail Foster and Pat Thompson gust 10-13 regatta here. The 4lso picked up three singles British had been invited to send| While Kim Grant and Sharon a full seven-boat team, but ob. | Eumess hit two each and Wen- jected to the flight arrange- dy Hughson one | ments Chris Greer was Oshawa's : best hitter for the game with THE DAY--IF WEATHER OK four singles with Jenny Brock ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)--The |close behind with three. Karen| bigg-st civic holiday of the year |MacKay and Gail Lucas picked | here and one of the unique cele- up a pair of singles and Judy brations in Canada -- Regatta|Esposito, Deannie Sharp and] Day--is scheduled for today if|Janet Connelly one each, weather permits. The 143rd an-|Oshawa 003 050 210--11 15 nual event is centered on a 16-|Toronto 200 514 411--14.17) race program of rowing com- Essex and Watt; and Balfour petitions and is believed to bejand Foster. 4 Junior Girls Drop Opener ' Chicago (Wood 3-0) at Cleve-| land (Hargan 10-8 or Siebert ) N Minnesota (Kaat 8-10) at Washington (Ortega 8-5) N Detroit (Sparma 10-4 and Mc- Lain 12-10) at Baltimore (Bra- bender 0-1 and Hardin 1-0) TN California (Hamilton 5-2) at) |New York (Peterson 2-10) N | Kansas City (Nash 10-10) at | Boston (Bell 7-9) N Thursday's Games | Detroit at Baltimore N |California at New York | Kansas City at Boston Only Games Scheduled MORE National League WL Pct. GBL St. Louis 62 41 .602 = Chicago 59 45 .587 3% |Cincinnati 56 50 .528 7% San Francisco 55 50 .524 8 | | Atlanta 52 48 .520 8% | |Philadelphia 49 51 .490 11%4| Pittsburgh 49 52 .485 12 | Los Angeles 46 56 .451 1544! Houston 46 60 .434 17% New York 40 61 .396 21 Tuesday's Results Chicago 3 St. Louis 2 Cincinnati 2 Atlanta 0 New York 5 Houston 1 Philadelphia 2 Los Angeles 1 San Francisco 3 Pittsburgh 1 Probable Pitchers Today Atlanta (Lemaster 7-5) at Cin- cinnati (Pappas 9-7) Pittsburgh (Ribant 6-4) San Francisco (Perry 7-12) St. Louis (Carlton 9-6 and Hughes 9-3) at Chicago (Shaw | 3-9) and Culp 8-8) at Rochester 7-5 Toledo 6-6 Today's Games Jacksonville at Toronto Richmond at ,Buffalo Toledo at Rochester Columbus at Syracuse SALES - SERVICE - PARTS - ACCES. jner of all was Mark Spitz, 17, 'of Santa Clara, who won both butterfly races in world record | times and won three more golds a a member of Winnipeg re- jays. \ MAGAZINE RACK Reg. $1.00" LADIES' & MEN'S | -- OE RACK Reg. $3.99 lied Kresge August Special Kresge ] Kresge ¢ August : August : Special - Special THURS. FRI. SAT. ONLY Metal plated 'shde rack to hold 6 pairs of shoes, LADY PATRICIA HAIR SPRAY Reg. 77¢ THURS, FRI, SAT. ONLY. Brass plated rack, with rubber tipped feet. so $299 THURS, FRI, SAT. ONLY Coot as a breeze, cotton, summer floats! Choose from THURS. FRI. SAT, ONLY caer to All of Shav eae - | OSHAWA SHAVER SERVICE | ; & SUPPLIES | 39 PRINCE ST. OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-4284 New York (Hendley 5-2) at IK whirl of IN Si: 3m of ates, ize Kresge ¢. Large. Special THURS. FRI. SAT, ONLY. Me f yoopuers' WILKINSON COIFFURE AEROXON PLASTIC CUPS \ 2 PANT SLEEPERS BLADES BONNET 7 OL. FOAM CUPS 20's Reg. $1.99 5's Reg. 63¢ Reg. 59¢ 7 OZ. WHITE ae CUPS 25's Krese : : eg. 39¢ ug' ' resge we wrsge ¢ | kee © | kee ¢ Special Special Special SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED THURS.. FRI. SAT. ONLY THURS. FRI. SAT. ONLY THURS. FRI. SAT. ONLY KRESGE'S DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Ivan prepare cus in St Be CALGA lumbia Li pected Tu lost 20-7 peders in Conferenc before 19, The Li they expe since the Stampede: ers, sevel first - str' By THE Toronto Catharines posted On ciation Ju ies. Paced | formance Toronto T ings Legio game of quarier-fin St. Cat Mimico M opening g fourth - p «i regular se by the st Lakesides, their eight only on t schedule. Mike Ma Hea - For HOUSTO weights me ing double dome. In fights in t there has | mony ami during trai In the tw part of a V tion elimin select a s Clay--Erni Spencer an Jimmy Ell There ha ing during before the ' last Februz Clay and also exchat Meda WINNIPI standings < Games. ' United Sta Canada: ' Brazil Argentina . Mexico _ Cuba Trinidad-To Colombia Chile Puerto Ric Venezuela Ecuador, Panama Uruguay Peru Barbados 'Guyana Neth. Antil Extra gi (bronze awa no silver 01 equestrian; awarded in '| Check the < ¢ | Classitied Se SURO T RRR 1 {