B8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, August 1, 1967 Seg, Ole $6,937,447, 40 NET EARNINGS | Sales, Income Increases Samia Strikers workers returned to their +r ee TT ; /ADIAN PRESS | am Pea eee ee et + ee Return To Work =i5 dal ue WO R t d B I d M t ee sce a hele ere i cons a_ share; | epor e y or 0 ors Nett he a Ha TODAY'S STOCKS | susiness spoTLiGHT 1966 months ended June 30: 1967,\this year, compared with $15,-/29 per cent. $5,266,000, 53 picket line duties at major con- $7,812,392, 45 cents. | Acklands Ltd, six months) QAKVILLE (CP)-- Ford Mo-jcar sales to 26.6p er cent of the|struction projects here Monday ended May 31; 1967, $515,290; tor Co, of Canada Ltd. has con-|total market from 24 per cent as a strike against the 70-mem- 1966, $483,479. solidated net income of $24,600,-!a year ago. The share of truck ber Sarnia Construction Associ- ation entered its second full week. Canadian sates totalled $378.-| Local |000,000 compared with $348,000-|tional Canadian Industries Ltd., six|000 in the first six months of|sales rose to 34.2 per cent from 700, of the Interna- share; 500,000 in the similar 1966 pe- a8 as Association of Bridge, cents TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS Bartaco 200 330 330 330 +18 ' ; ' tp 9h 966, $6,566,000, 66 cents. riod. | 4 K Tackite Shoe eeceingh Ans. 3 Sr at ee ae oy : Cs ste Red Lake Mines| Consolidated sales rose to/00, reflecting an increased|Structural and Orna mental Quotations in cents unless marked $.| Bow Valy 400 $15% 15% 15% ~~ 9 OW eat re) ars amphe Me cneed Jensi oa cea parted with (share of the market and better and Ornamental Ironworkers, Fie, ae ROUTER We Gas | Misra We) Was Gs os pees Soe Monee elerhngaci bret ey sales of more expensive models,|representing about 170 area ea : 3 | 30; 1967, $1,257,694, 31 cents a) $517,000,000. ; : from previous board-lot closing sale. | Brazilian 1420 $11 N1!4 T\'4-- | 'are: 1966 $1,307,380, 32 cents ; ae _|Mr. Scott said. workers, is seeking a wage in- BA On Sue sane anc. 387 +o ° ane, eS ost weatseee S-| Net earnings from" overseas) Overseas subsidiaries sales|crease of $1.27 an hour over the MINES a es ia R.. L, Crain Ltd., six months] subsidiaries rose to $11,600.000| 14/1164. $216,000,000 compared|next two years plus a reduction 10:40 Net | CAE. Ind. 1134 | eve S u or anda ] ended June 30: 1967, $854,000,] compared with $4,000,000, while with $169,000,000 a year ago. |in the regular work week from oar me fan Perm 10% -- | $1.12 a share; 1966 $613,000,Canadian sales profits were) 'phe statement said contract|40 hours to 37% hours. The in- 'Advocate a ee 1 OR yo a eee By WARREN BALDWIN _ {ed out the flow of wheat dol-jket prospects because wheat in| $1.05. $13,000,000 compared with $11,- negotiations with the United|crease would bring them to Oe ee ee ee ee "srew Bp $0 $464 4M Mt] _, : lars into the farmers' pockets|Canada is still everyone's busi-/ Canada Trust - Huron and 00,000. Auto Workers--opening today--|$4.90 an hour. Area 225 410 410 410 | CB Alum A 150 $16 16 16 | OTTAWA -- A single short/and their effect. on the earn-|ness. Last year wheat produc-|Erie, six months ended June| Higher sales and a greaterjand the effects of compulsory) Last week ironworkers in the Aroosy 10007732 +B] CR ALA w 2 ins MUS IOS _ys [Wheat crop this year will makelings and spendings of most|tion accounted ,for $1,047 mil-|30: 1967, $1,174,000, 29 cents apreference for optional equip-| safety equipment on prices will|Windsor area signed a similar BL Hawk $00 27% 27% 2m | Can Can A 100 $12 122 sree difference Aw ae Put Canadians. lion. : share; 1966, $1,240,000, 31 cents. linet in ag nila gm tog influence the year's total profit/contract with six steel fabri- Brunswk 1000 590 Si | =A : meee chasing power of mos ana- At jeast as important as the} prospect , t as bright) Cassiar Asbestos C Ltd.,| Africa were the main factors 1N| picture cating firms. i 5 Cc Hydr 60 $214 21% 2% a' me Pee rospects are nol as righ assiar Asbestos orp. M., - pl ie Camilo" "500 3 as as | cme Bink i rie ort or sp wheat SAners abe et size of the western wheat croplas they have been but thanks|six months ended June 30: 1967, the oe, gel mee. on TE See Camp Chib 250 875 875 875 19% 19% 19% +" years in succession would bein any one year are the vrice|to wheat sales to the Commnuu-|$2,006.677; 1966, $1,902,421 president Karl E. Scott said in Lo 3 'a 21% Ns +1%el CPR Tite 71% 71% -- Vela ; Ss ee ; ; sales , 006,677; 1906, 91,902,421. : ST THEIR CHANCE cor Rw T+) oR ors "ame ma mw" another story. But the spread and volume of export sales. In-Inists are still reasonably g0%d. py Pont of Canada 4d,, six 4% interim. report to sharehold-) fig LONDON (CP)--The Bank of al Mr $000 is te Ee Gon tee $80 $23 i Dis + Va he ys by selvents bY |stead of crying over milk that|In 1965-66 export sales were nonths ended June 30: "1967, eh 1res one England says more than $240,- Cin Nisto 750 2 2825 Caribben i armers and the fact that in has not yet been spilled -- re-|584 million bushels. In the crup)§5 676,000, 71 cents a share; The. company increased its : 000.000 in old-style £5 notes had Cassiar 200 $164 1614 16% Chemcel! recent years prices have. al- ports from Saskatchewan arelyear ending July 31 they will! 5,676,000, 7 ents a § lace BE: Canadian GaKeenBer z in old-style £5 notes ha Erie ee at Con ! lowed generous final payments slightly more encouraging --|be about 525 million, In 1967-68 106, 0;be0 Ce AO Cente ---------- not been exchanged for the new Coen wit Soo 88 ... , | ee 'ie dee + v|by the Wheat Board nearly a\*/8)"9 des Ithey will ba below 500 million, 24st llivan Mines Litd., ncrease design notes when the old ones Comb Met 1000 16% 16% 162+ '2| Compr Ap " year and a half after the crop|Canadians generally would do} ; f "till well qnine months ended May 31: ceased to be legal tender June Conigo 0 8 «6 3 | Computr + has been harvested have even-iwell to keep their eye on mar. | bushels though still well ahea 1967, $2,776,927, 65 cents ,a| evenue 26. Con Gillies 200 $ S$ § | ce PS wel Pn ath Sideshecaineall ns sa é _*________|of a ten-year average which in- gine: 1986 '$4,600 88h 85 cents. | AKRON, Ohio. (AP) -- The} See SO eee su cluded three bonanza years. | eked de at geibits es = Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. 355 160 76400 75 11 72 +2 Con Nichol 1000 17 17 #17 C Rambler 700 125 125 125 Cc Rea P 27000 4 4% 4--' Conwest 250 610 610 610 +5 Coulee 1000 36 36H = YI Craigmt 250 $123 12% 12% D'Elda 27200 213 201 210 + 4 Denison 457 $74 «730--~=O74 Con Papr p 250 $25 24% 25 + Cons Gas 1750 $20 19% 1978 - Corby vt 25 $32 2 32 Crain RL 130 $53 52%2 53 Crush Intl 250 $11%@ 11% T1'4 Dale-Ross 175 $10Ve 10% 10! +' .: Seagram Awards Winner 4 Ge BES Receive Total Of $44,000 |LAST SHORT CROP in 1961 when production dropped to 283 million bushels.' months ended June 30: barely more than half the 10- g5 397 99, 75 cents a share; noltotalled $469,115,000 dol- comparative figures. wheat Discovry 230 110 110 110 E year. average.' Yet Dom Store 200 $172 17% 172 + d 5 i Splge ae er] 30 530 $39 4 far 1090 $147% 14% 14% lars that year, including the nia yo et let Mi D Textile -- $00 $21, au yeu -- 4, MONTREAL (CP)-- Eighteen|to faculty members allow for|final payment on the 1959 crop Basal oe 4 4 4 Emco 400 $17 17% 17%-- ' graduate students and nine uni- one year's research or graduate totalled $607 million, $94 mil- Giant Yk 300 790 785 790 --10 | Emp Life 100 ae ue jw fiversity faculty members from study either in Canada orjlion more than the previous oat Bd ee Fam Play 150 $364 36 36 across Canada have received a abroad. Individual amounts arejyear. Saskatchewan farmers, Gortdrm 300 275 273 «275 «+S Gradore 500 20 2 0 Grandroy 3000 «65 64 6 +1 Green Prt 8240 58 56 57 +1 Guich 1000 25 25 25 +1 Gunnar 1000 210 205 210 +1 Hastings 500 136 136 136 --2 Headway 500 1514 15% 154+ '4 Hollinger 200 $274 7 27 --'a Huds Bay 235 $61'2 61 6) Joliet 2000 4) «410 «(41 Joute! 500 (87 87 a7 --6 Kam Kotia 110 280 280 =-5 Kerr Add 960 $15¥2 15% 15a-- 4 Kid Coper 2900 70 70 70 --'1 Kirk Twns 2000 15 15 15 L Dufault 200 $10% 10% 10%-- Ww! Leitch 100 600 400 600 --S§ Liberian 227 $10 925 925 Mact Msh 500 58 38 3) Madsen 200 180 180 180 | Malartic 7428 60 SO SO | Mattgmi 250 $14% 1d\e 14' Mets 3 %% 9 9 --%! Midrim 9800 170 166 167 --3| Min-Ore 2000 10V4 10M 10% + "| Multi 14500 164 156 164 + 8 | Nat Exp! 300 10 10 1 | New Bid 7000 34° 3% 34#-- le New Cel 4700 35 32 35 +5 Newconx 150 625 425 625 N Harri 2000-19 184 18%4-- '4 N Hosco 800 189 185 189 --1 | N Imperal 2175 365 355 360 --5 | N Senator 3000 3% 35 35 --1/ Nick Rim 3400 13% 13% 13% Norbaska 6500 93 9 90 -3| Norbeau 2000 32 3 32 +2) Normetal 700 380 | Northcal 3000 21% 21% 21% + V4} Northgat 5175 720 710 715 +8 N Rock 500 38 38 3B | Opemske 1350 $10 990 «10 +20 Pamour 200 224 224 224 Patino 100 940 940 940 Pce Exp $5100 175 166 167 --8 Peerless 1500 10 10 1 | Pine Point 2130 $50% 50 SOV Placer 120 $35%4 354 3544 -- Ve Preston 270 $20 2 Oo | Pyramid 500 350 350 35 --S) Que Man 1000 22 2 2 +1 | Quemont 1000 725-715 TIS: --10 | Quonto 1250 5 5 5 Rayrock 1100 129 125 128 | Ric Algom 451 $34% 34% 34% + 4) Rio 580 PI " 9 r 5 $99 Rio Alg ¢ W 22 $19 18% 194 Rix Athab 5000 ead 73 2+ Roman 1093 Va 210 Satellite 3000 24 2 Wat Si 4x0 Sil Miller ne Silvmq 500 264 26% 26% Stanrek 1900 480 475 +10 Steep R 400 670 665 670 Sud 1000 27 7 Sullivan 225 415 410 410 --18 Teck Corp 315 495 490 Texmt 22200 110 104 1097) +8 Texore 4750 21% 21 2) --7 Tormont 3000 5 5s --! Towag 290 25 3B 8 --2 Vespar 1000 43% 43% 43% West Mine 400 260 260 260 Wilco z100 44 «4440 «(44 Willroy 500 75 75 7S Windfall 1600 250 «2525 eT Win-Eld 5500 21 2 0 --1 Wr Harg 600.135 135 135 +12 Yk Bear 100 278 278 278 Yukon ¢ 1000 112 110 «110 + 8 OILS, GAS Alminex 600 $25 525 528 Am tedue 1000 18 3% 2 +1 Anchor 500 12% 12% 12% | Bantf 1750 $16% 164 1642 + %) Cc _Dehi 200 285 285 285 --10 | CE Ges 13200 540 525 535 +15 Cc Gridoil 100 725 «(725 725 C Homestd 2700 375 365 370 --S$ C.L! Pete 218) 19 15 vw Cdr SUp © 610 $443 44% 4494 + Vu 8244 $16% 18 184+ % 800 120 120 120 Dynamic 520 +5 French Pt 200 520 520 Gr Plains 100 $1614 164 164 -- Mh Gt COllsds 250 $16' 16% 16+ Int Helium 300 271 271 371 1| YU Corp A Nridcon S00 4) 64k AT 2} Mill City 300 142 142 142 -- 3 | Nat Pete 2000 400 400 400 NC Oils 100 500 500 500 --S5 Numac 1000 380 380 380 Petrol 1500 65 65 65 --1 Place G 1100 282 280 280 Ranger 3500 300 26 30 +3/ Scurry Rn 3042 $522 52 52 + Vs 85 Spoon +2 Triad Ol 2200 235 231 231 U Canso 2100 370 345.«370«-+10 W Decalte 3633 305 00 WO ---5 INDUSTRIALS Abitibi 00 $97 9% a + Ki Acklands 1525 $114 11% W%+ 2 Alta Gas Y 2205 $38 37% 38 Aigo Cent 612 $7% 7% 7% Alo Cent W 700 325 320: 320 --5§ 25a 25 2 116 $365. 36% | Fed Grain 100 Fleet 'Mfg 1500 180 180 186 FPE Pion 275 $27\2 27\2 27/4 lowships as winners of 1967-68 Seagram Bsuiness Fel- $6e ie 6'e-- * total of $44,000 in graduate fel- determined by the of Canadian Schools of Business. got Student winners include Ont., and Robert G. Faculty fellowships winners | FPE Pn pr 20$110 110 130 | Fraser 125 $224 24 22% + % lowships | GMC 726 $91¥2 912 9'2 Ss. : : | Greyhnd 310 $14% 14% 14% +% The students, enrolled in Ca- River, eee ae yy ay nadian graduate business pro-/Sagar, Kingston, Ont. Hard Crp A 450 $13% 13% 13%--%/grams leading towards masters Hawker $ 700 380 370 380 Home A 195 $21 21 21 Horne Pit 1500 345 340 340 HB Oil Gas 131 $38% 38 | receive $1,000 or. $1,600 depend- | Husky C pr 75 $624 624 62% | isecond-year students. Imbrex $654 6% 6% s Imp Oil 1250 $67 6602 67 Research fellowships awarded onto. Ind Accept 220 $23%4 23% 2334 zs pak dnaoneh on eeuabciar Jc Ana aoe tlt Ind Adhes 200 $7% 734 734+ Ye Ind Wire 2100 $64 6\4 a Ingersoll 750 $2434 23% 24% +4%4 Inglis 715 $10¥2 10¥2 10% - Inland Gas 1350 $11% 114 1ll4-- Inspiratin 200 175 «175 «175 + & Inter-City 100-$15% 15% 15% Intr Cty wt 200 375 375 375 1B By THE CANADIAN PRESS Burrard Dry Dock Ltd., class DIVIDENDS | Industrial and doctorate degrees, will each | include John R. Kennedy, University | ergy. 110 + WA alo Sept. 15, record Au- Index Record the Associalion|the hardest hit that year too, ment $365 million. The following ended May 31: year wheat payments were up Seven cents a share; Ronald S. Roberts, Deepiagain to $678 million with the 879,516, 37 cents. Saskatchewan farmers getting) Imperial Tobacco Co. of Can- the first six months of 1966 were) $432 million. ada Ltd., six months 'ended|$438,265,000. Net railway opera-|on all gor 4 sain J 30: 1967, $6 \ting income was $23,640,000. | her rubber producers | INCOME $1,003 MILLION une 30: . 1967, $6,000,000, 60/fing income was $28,660,000. liney plan. no immediate in: Last year the wheat income 59 cents, 38%--'* ing on their rank as first- or/of Western Ontario, and James|reached $1,003 million but this V. Poapst, University of Tor-|Was not a result of the bumper 1966 crop. About 200 million bushels of that crop are still lying in the farmer's bin and when delivered will offset any drop in cash receipts that he may experience through a 'poor crop. Incidentally, he will be!" getting the new initial price of June 30: The last short crop occurred a share; 1966, $972,000, 77 cents. jendea Mz 1966 3 ending. June 17: 1967, $307,000; | 1966, $451,000. months ended June 30, 1967,| pe $555,454, six cents a share; six $195,851, 19. cents, months $676,732, Ltd., six months ended June| see ge a Shows Increase announced Monday it is increas- 967, $698,000, 5 ssitONA. (CPi Naloay ing prices of ingens ged vis I a sa vaY/and tractor tires and tubes by six operating revenues of the CNR|95 io 10.4 per cent. The in- 1967,\for the first six months of 1967| creases are effective today. compared) The company said the price with $461,905,000 for the Ccor-| increases on caused by "sub- Farms Ltd., yearjresponding period i n 1966, it) stantial increase in employment rch 31: 1967, $9,117;/was announced Monday. |costs." The company recently 3. Expenses, taxes and rents to-|signed a new contract with the Hastings Mining and Develop-|talled $473,564,000 for the first|United Rubber Workers union. Co, Ltd., nine months|six months of 1967, resulting in| Firestone said increases will 1967, $340,201,,a net railway operating loss for|be 3.3 to 10.4 per cent on pas- 1966, $1,- the period of $4,440,000. senger tires; 5 to 7.5 per cent Expenses, taxes and rents for|on truck tires; to 10 per cent e|on tractor tires and 2.5 per cent Enaako Mines Ltd, Federal aide tha ed ad ea val Jie | crease in the prices of tires and 82 cents a share; 1966, $642,753, | tubes John Inglis Co. Ltd., 24 weeks)g9 cents. paces Sigma Mines (Quebec) Ltd., |six months ended June 30: 1967,| Seven $179,930, 18 cents a share; 1966, "BUYERS meet SELLERS" =) Jockey Club Ltd, Sullivan Consolidated Mines nine cents. |Ltd., nine months ended May| Madsen Red Lake Gold Mines|?1: 1967, $1,844,008, 46 cents. a| share; 1966, $1,452,134, 36 cents. | ended May 31, 1966, W. Harry Faint, B.Sc. By Calling 576-1411 |The appointment of W. H. Faint int Nickel $1.70, higher by 20 cents than! Int Util 190 $3612 36% 36% , 7 A : 9 1967. $255,155: 15 .| Trans - Canada Pi Lines |i F Is of df} as Plant Manager is announced by felee Stee! 300 is as as ty Chrysler Corp. Ltd., common ea ae og ve wand id ng 495 a ae Ltd:, six months ended June} before. buying or eling. fo. seve E. G. Storie, President and General TL ing 75 $38 a at 50 cents, U.S. funds, Sept. 1, rec- TORONTO (CP) --A 1967 in- ee note 'i © rete ad "| Quebec Lithium Corp., nine|30: 1967, $6,967,000; 1966, $7,-) Yelieation sis re ee penne: Fi _ Faint hos filled dames si IM 0) a ord August 7. dustrial index 'record was| Wheat has been called prairie monins ended May 31: 1967, 832.000 Please. cll ee wuss ap rapa 90 $41 (39% 41 + 3% ~ : reached Monday as prices ad- ct C S\¢194 4 , nente ; ; | REAL Ne detteran of mw ae George Weston Lid., first vanced in heavy tading on thelfar trom cold while it tn'wavine 124,417, _five cents a share;| Union Carbide Carada Ltd., J 1 WILKINSON eer ete Bicivd now eucchede E. N Cowie. whe | Fr | 1966, $107,122, four cents. | six months ended June 30: 1967,/8 190 King st. €. Oshewe §| has retired under the provisions of pref. $1.1244; second pref. $1.50; Jockey Ap 200 S9% 9% 9 : Sept. 1, August 11; class A 18% Jockey 2p 400 $734 734 7% De sa +l : ia Mae aN 7+" cents: class B 1834 cents, Oct Lav Fin 200 485 480 485 --8|1, record Sept. 8. : Levy 1455 $26.4 26% 26% 2 Levy B pr 150 $23 23 Life Inv wt 800 175 170 23 7s «+10 le fee te Wk ak cents, U.S. funds, Sept. 11, rec y,|ord August 7. Mass-Fer Met Stores 110 $28 28 'Montex 100 28 «628 (28 Moore 1500 $31%4 31' 314 Nt Contain 213 $74 7% 7% Net Drug 2750 $10 10 10 Nat Groc p 100 $26 26% 26\% Neon 156 $7%4 7% 7M Loeb M 925 $12V2 12% Pec: A Oe BOP Se San MT i ee ee MB Ltd 245 $28\% 2814 284 + % « Magne El 200 $192 192 192 + 4 380 $22 22 224+ Va 2 TORONTO (CP)-- The Cana- jdian bond market was un |\changed in quiet trading Mon \day Noranda 102 $55% 55% 55% + % Nor Ctl @ 300 $ll%e 11% 112 Ogilvie 470 $13.13 Ont Si 'oo OshaweA 330 SiS at an § newe A etre ia + | 1968, issue closing at 99.75 bid bina 350 $15 14% 15 105 $54 54 SA 300 $10 10% 10% rem iron 100 180 b] 300 $11% 11% 3 26ve + Ve\with the 4%4-per-cent June sl +%) The long - term Canada and! +s/provincial bonds were un- big Com ap Lk, N Gas 39% 97% 97 | ; : Chee, os tee Ge e+ w/ Set. 1, 1088, insue: closing at/and Relchhold 300 gi" 3014 31% +1% 85% bid and 85% asked. evenue 200 $124 124 12% Nene ; Paccover. S77 he Day to-day money traded atl Rockwell 100 $36 «636 «4636 --1'%4\4% per cent. Ronald Fd 200 $15 15 13 sury s reme Tay ies tak at Treasury bills remained fan w 200 275 275 275 changed with the 91 - day bills ; "ys pine arty rose 2 to Salad 573 $10% 10% 10%-- % closi a 7 73.43° an ase metals .90 to 5 si Shell inv w 810 $11% 114 14 -- pp i a dea ples 101.99. Oils lost .04 to 198.39 katchewan Wheat Fool before Shell Can 290 $30 2934 29% 2-day s . spas, 30. Shop Save 150 $13% 137% 137% --_--__--__--___------|Volume was 4,110,000 shares); Simpsons 210 $29 292 = compared with 4,326,000 traded sms, we a' a' "| Unlicensed Friday. ---V Fees ne te Slater Sti 1980 $1) 10% 11 | Southam 25 $45 45 45 bd St Paving 2100 $7! 7 ™ had! con 2153 $24 ade Pris Driver Charged test YOO $24%4 24% 2424 -- 4 ' ¢ we aM et PY tl BRANTEORD (CP) -- Floya Texaco pr 713 $8080 80 Hill, 22, of Wilsonville, Ont.,|t Tor Dm Bk 90 $14 4 ar} | 4 has been charged with driving) without a license following an accident Sunday in which four persons were killed. id Trans Mt 670 $21%@ 21 214+ % ; Trang PPL 100 $8% 85% 8 Hill was driver and lone oc- Un Gas 1240 $15 4%, 472 -- Velo 2 t 7 ears | C ite some ose ost cupant of one of he two car: U Corp pr 100 $26% 2632 2638 involved in the accident. an ae ee oe eet Both Hill: and tris. Doxtatar, 8% + % 15, of Innerkip, the only sur-| Traders A 100 $9 9 9 Trader Ap 1000 $23 23 23 Tr Can PL 1067 $31% 31% 314+ Tr Can Pi p 125 $48 47% 4 + Me Tr Can Pw 7250 930 930 930 | U Sections 225 $8 8 Versatd 575 $8% 81% Versatile 45 $38'4 38'4 38% --~ 4 viving SS. rj) | Wie G Tr 2100 $13% 13% 13 viving passenger of the othe | | Walk GW 150 $34¥2 34% 34 ve car are in fair condition in Westc'st 100 $28%% 28%» 285 West Ind A 10 | W Pacific 150 $67 67% | Weston A 150 $18'2 1812 18% juries | White Pas $00 $182 182 1842+ 4 2 ' - Zellers 75 $292 2914 29%4--\4 The injured girl's parents, | -- Zenith 0 1S 10 +10 Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Henty Doxtator, of Innerkip, her Sales to 11:00 a.m.: 819,000. $ grandfather, Charles Wesley BUSINESS BRIEFS all killed in the accident. Toronto Stock Exchange. nounced The short - term Government| Price of gasoline at some Mont-|ments and probable sales even/ of Canada bonds strengthened |Teal gas stations by two cents|if the driest predictions are ful-| a gallon, gained % to 67, down(|filled. But if 1968 crop condi- from a 1967 high of 67% reached|tions are a repetition of 1967, The industrial index rose .29 to 4934, Levy Industries 1%} Mobil Oil Corp., common 45/t9 9614 and Tip Top Tailors %4|Board cheques. Canadians wii! to 2034. Algoma Steel moved up % to 5 and Stelco % to 24%. CIL Industries gained %4 to 195g. The company reports August 1, until January 1969. lower the period ended June 30. six-month earnings for Imperial Oil, which an-| it has reduced the + %/and 99.80 asked. jearlier in the session. Scurry-Rainbow Oil moved up 4%t o 51%. 0 ; ' «+%lchanged with the 4%-per-cent| Central-Del Rio lost 1 to 17% | paring this year in the west Banff % to 16% among| with the worst drought years of other western oils. ithe 1930's. If you look only at In base metals, PCE Explora- ions advanced 5 cents to 1.75 un-/0n 511,375 shares PRODUCE TORONTO (CP)-- Wholesale o retail carton eggs average weighted prices quoted by the department of agriculture as of Monday. A large 48.3; A me-! lium 38.8; A small 27.8. Eggs: Wholesale price to! '-ountry stations fibre cases! |quoted by the Toronto Board of |Trade from wholesale egg deal- ers: Extra large 45; large 43; medium 33-34; small 20; B 27; "Butter: Canadian Dairy Com- + '* Brantford Genera! Hospital. | A ; | tvs) s\Both suffer from multiple Io eine. tenderable cariote:ee Me Ayerake price for all uying 39 score 62: buying 40 score 63: selling 63. 136 IN THE SHADE Record temperature recorded Doxtator of 'Simcoe, and Cam- is 135 degrees Fahrenheit in the) eron Henry of Hagersville were|shade at Al-Aziziyah, Libya--in farmer. Every telegraphic crop the Sahara desert. sere 8 Hs dow be' By THE CANADIAN PRESS augers : : Movie Will Convince Patients athe A 925 $314 31% 31a + %|STEEL PRODUCTION DOWN « 483105 200 $22% 22%4 22% -- Va Atl Suger 400 $97%e 97% Bank Mil 2211 $12% 12% 12% Bank NS 2530815 15 15 Home Program Criticized TORONTO (CP)-- Ernest W. Dempster, president of the Tor-) RAIL FREIGHT UP | onto Real Estate Board, Mon- day criticized the Ontario gov- ernment's Made Easy program as imply- ing, "'wrongly, that private en- terprise has failed so the gov- ernment has had to step in." He said private enterprise, given an end to government red tape and the slow installation of services, could meet the housing shortage. He added that} real estate men would rather see more orderly and acceler- ated planning and more morey available for speculative build- ing. His comments follow Premler Robarts' announcement at a Monday news conference that the HOME program would start on schedule today despite re- fusal by the federal government to finance fully - serviced lots through its Central Mortgage and Housing Corp. 9% -- Ve Home Ownership) Steel ingot production durin | the week ending July 20 dropped {to 178,011 tons from 179,264 tons |the preceding week, the Domin- jion Bureau of Statistics reported |Monday. The production index, American based on average weekly pro-|finaneed a 19-minute movie to | duction from 1957 to 1959 equal- convince hospital patients that) Hling 100, was 185 in the current|they can learn to speak again) week, 187 a week earlier and/after surgical removal of the 198 a year ago. larynx, | 'Cancer is the most common " . .. |disease necessitating The 25 rail carriers in Can-| of the yoice-box. It is only after, ada carried 47,404,650 tons Of the operation that the patient jrevenue freight in the first quar- fyjjy realizes what it means to| |ter of 1967, up .6 per cent from jearn to speak again, with no, last year. Canadian loadings | vocal chords and nothing but| |rose 1.2 per cent to 41,210,774) his swallowing muscles and tons while receipts from United mouth cavity to help him. States rail connections rose 3.5 "When the patient finally They Can Learn WASHINGTON (CP )--The To Speak Again recovery, delivering a sermon, Cancer Society has and a store salesman who even learned to whistle. One person in the movie, a woman language teacher, dis- cusses extra problems suffered by the woman patient because esophagal speech is uniformly removal lower in pitch than any man's! normal range. But she too is shown back on the job after re- covery, teaching French in a high school. The American Cancer Society distributes the film free of charge from its New York headquarters. jin a prairie breeze or when it is safely stored in the ' poms ain 7, apr f 0 160.66 With Jefferson Lake upltarmera bin, At alll Abedm the| Coc fre fut Ut: OSE ORB BOS Leen ONO ACRE. jan acre for that province, In |1936 the yield was eight bushels) jand in 1937, six bushels. Today |that would mean crops of 239 | even Midas touch of those Wheat not get the full benefit of that 820 million bushel 1966 crop until January 1968 and in tne case of wheat undelivered on Meanwhile: last year's big crop is starting the new crop year off with a stock of wheat) sufficient to cover all commit-| Canadians may be in trouble. In Barrie recently farmers of Scott Paper Ltd., six months) $4,675,000, 47 cents a_ share; the Fittings Limited Retirement ' Program. Phone 576-1411 CENTENNIAL BUSINESS REVIEW Shop Here For The Best In Service - Products - Prices! RUSSELL'S TEXACO Dodd & Souter Decor Centre @ CUSTOM DRAPERIES featuring ; @ BROADLOOM @ Allen tronic Tune-ups for Spring @ Firestone @ Good- Alice Peebles, 41 Ontario \ year Tires. é Painting & BOecorating Contrectors OSHAWA TOWING 4; pank'st osHawa 720.7711 107 Byron. Whitby 668-5862 ~ [the National Union were com- crop yields this may be a rea- sonable comparison though it gives an exaggerated picture of the probable crop loss. The Sas- the rains came was forecast- ing a yield of 11 bushels Have Your Spring THE CORNER PIZZA AND RESTAURANT ALUMINUM:CANVAS § NINGS WHYTE BROS, Furniture and Upholstery have essorted sondwiches. POR ALL in Pizzas, Spaghetti, na, Chicken and Fish A \| YOUR saan oer ot Ect in - take out or home delivery. @ Quality workmanship FURNISHING ' @ Commercial and Residential Whitby Cleaners Lid, eke a ia © Free. Estimates NEEDS Sot. 12-2 A.M 150 COLBORNE E. i Sunday 12 Midnight 668.2345 MIL JELINEK Automotive Trim Ajax Cleaners 204 Brock St. 668-8807 || pein, AWNINGS, 6. 72 HARWOOD E. 942-0310 watine vaeeyi awe . 2 i Norman Wetherup, 448 Fernhill WHITBY Svening Cele Welesues 55 acute oy erga 5252 million bushels and 175 mil- lion bushels. HUNGRY THIRTIES But if there is any sugges- tion of a return to the hungry} thirties for the wheat farmer) the comparison is ridiculous. In those days Canada had very little wheat to sell but the world didn't want what it had. ti White " JOHN'S MOVING and STORAGE LEN WALL | WALL, SERVICE CENTRE i | 0.A.A, Exclusive Agent for Shell | ss. MAYFLOWER WORLD-WIDE 1710 Simcoe N. 725-6841 MOVING SERVICE Oshawe 728-3661 -- Whitby 668-6611 e Separator, Sieronte: Starter @ Battery Charges & Rentals Macon J. Gardner, 321 Marland ipen 7 Days a week 8 A.M, - 12 Prices dropped to 30 cents a bushel or the equivalent of be-| tween 75 cents and 90 cents in: terms of the 1966 dollar. In| \grades of wheat was $1.59 and| at that level farmers last Janu- | jary got $270 million in addition-| al cash. There will be no wheai jfarmers living on potatoes in the next two years. Finally a word to the wheat) 'report from drought areas 1s- sued by Ottawa has had one jalmost identical sentence. It says: "Summer fallow land is |standing up relatively well." In| a dry world all the fertilizer in the world is no substitute for good plain water. a community per cent to 2,828,289 tons, the ali ve * eg zes he has no voice, doc- Dominion Bureau of Statistics | io1, and sures inay be no: hi: reported Monday. |volved with immediate prob- Y TAC lems that they cannot deal with At Dee caren ones his particular needs," says Dr in Montreal Monday, sharehold-|D@vid M. Resnick, director of jers of the Bank Canadienne Na- yay. and Speech Centre | tionale 'adopted a bylaw sub-|°f Washington, D.C. dividing each share with a par|,.\ 5° he just lies there, unable value of $10 into five shares|t0 express himself, and be-| each having a par value of $2.|comes increasingly depressed." | The split in capital stock will} The film, entitled To Speak allow a wider distribution of the |Again, shows a number of pa- bank's shares among eventual /tients learning to speak with purchasers and brings the num-|the esophagus after removal of ber of shares outstanding to) the larynx. They include a min- 6,000,000. ister who-is shown, after | @ PITTSBURGH PAINTS @ WINDOW GLASS @ TWINDOW @ PEACOCK MIRRORS oe ore just some of the many products available ot . . . ! PAINTEGLASS CENTRE of quiet elegance located in oshawa"s W. FRANK When You're On The Move Call SHEWRING REAL ESTATE HEARD'S TAXI and CARTAGE BROS. LTD. THE SIGN YOU 124 Brock St., Whitby -- 668-3732 satel gly eS SEAMLESS REAL ESTATE i" 'oan WIN "FREE" CENTENNIAL DOLLARS FLOORING 728-7518 -- 623-3393 sed wart nome ve appear th h the ad on this lati SAR obi ee : fs feature. you find your name, clip out the advertisement and . 21 King W. Bowmanville | present it at the Oshawa Ti ivi 26 Gibbons St. Lorry R. Fogal, 720 Eastoourne CENTENNIAL SILVER. DOLLAR, and fecaiye; peg gy J FREE, ied 728-3980 A Really Good Place To Buy A Finer Used Car ' (66 KING E, BOWMANVILLE, ONT. 623-3396 Gordon May Roger Appliances LADY CONTRACTING b & Furniture FAIR All Types of Building 3 i Vist Our New Store in COBOURG Repairs x BEA ' Same High Quality at Lowest Prices UTY Roofing, Chimneys, Eavestroughing, Fire- featuring: LOUNGE places, Masonry ete, ae : Phillips A Aoi switch to a new hair oll us ot... style or color is a fl 668-2774 MecClary-Eosy on @ beautiful Wig' br habolece ' se sid diy ton beetle from eur stunning collection, preg » 210 Pine -- Whitb See Fronk for personel cutting and or'392 Athol St. Fast 50 Bond &. 728-2151 i dee styling. 196 Brock St. N., Whitby Murray Miller, Oshawa northern -- residential oreo. Simcoe and Taunton If you are looking for a lot to . . visit cedar ridge -- y use a builder of your choice, for information, phone 723-1194 273 Simcoe St. S. 723-1181 | OSHAWA | Soe REG. T. SMITH - GENERAL CONTRACTOR 1039 KING S >. - OSHAWA Phone 725-2108 ae EXPER' Renovations Free estimates of SPECIALIZING IN... Residential, commercial and industrial contracting and additions course! Two pai surroundin the city h attracted Co Ov Board of | council movec terday to hel building a hig over a $500,01 Howard Phi licitor, appea board late ye for Parkad said work on apartment bl Street North 1 enue would ci money was nc Royal Trust € "We are uJ ready to pour Mr. Phillip: firm was qui The city sh cost of a tru ham College, works commi night . Instead the meet the full imbursed for the city over * provided ther . eharges. Full text of tion to board ed by Ald. Jz as follows: "T the entire co: the extensior from Switzer lege site and imburse Dur one-half the | sion of the city limits ov iod, provided terest charge this financin Fai Nec Attendance Fair, 19,873 w: than last yea! a record for 1 Gordon D. treasurer of § cultur al Soci fall fair. The attend: of 11,050 adu! ren. Mrs. Brow! had hoped t mark but a c opening night all chance of 1 for the rain, } ed the figure reached. She cited fi oe C bati Osh noo run del; ver M bee A Sal mo anc shi s go ter ere yee chi I the