2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, July 28, 1967 'A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Welfare Minister Denies Indian Racial Hostility New President jnance, returned here Thursday, ister C. P. MacDonald said \from a study tour of the United Thursday he has found no in-) SaINT JOHN, N.B. (CP)--| States and Canada and talks on dication of racial hostility) Rric L. Teed, a Saint John law-|ttade between France and North among Indians in Saskat-|yer, has been elected president; America. Nungesser said the chewan of Acari Mines Ltd., an inter-|French exhibit at Expo 67 is He was commenting on pub-| national mining development|Stimulating considerable inter- REGINA (CP)--Welfare Min-| WEATHER FORECAST [iamiton ; Fickle Weather Continues!22""..i0.5 3 Kingston ..+++++00+ 60 78 'gi | Trenton .- 60 80 Through Whole Weekend) sitet scccc 3 Muskoka . ud TORONTO (CP) -- Official] Winds light but briefly gusty in, Noun Bay : a forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m, to-|thundershowers. -- 2 |Karlton .. nee | 15 day. | Toronto, Hamilton, Niagara,|-- 1 ste Marie ... 55 5 Synopsis: Unsettled weather|Lake Ontario, southern Geor- Kapuskasing s..-+ 50 5 throughout the Great Lakes gian Bay, Haliburton regions: |W it, River .. 15 areas. A weak high pressure|Mostly cloudy with a few scat-| yooconee .. 15 area now is moving east from tered showers or thundershow- |. mins ue 5 lers today, clearing by evening. |_-- | Sunny Saturday but with consid- erable afternoon cloudiness and llikely scattered showers and Wisconsin but its effects are short lived as more cloudiness and potential showers follow. PLAY TIE GAME- LONDON (CP) -- The Cana- The weather through weekend will be variable with some '|cloud, some sunshine and scat- tered showers or thundershow- ers. London, Windsor, Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Huron) lished reports that a researchicompany with headquarters |¢St in France's cultural, scien- | ; team had discovered that pos-' here. tific and economic activities. 3 sibilities of racial violence exist) The new company. set up to in Western Canada. administer the development of : . "There is no question that iron and copper properties in Publish Memoirs there are a lot of problems but) Peru, has applied for listings on : we're trying to find solutions," the major stock exchanges in| MILAN, Italy (Reuters) -- he suid Cohada. Cuban Premier Fidel Castro's The reports indicated racial) A spokesman said the com-,M€moirs are to be. published tension existed at Prince Albert,' pany will place a $3,000,000|/Mere next spring, a spokesman KamSack and Carlyle. stock issue on the market, The|{0r Italian left-wing publisher Giangiacomo Feltrinelli said Thursday. Feltrinelli is a friend }of the Cuban leader, and | 600,000 shares in the issue are! ibeing offered at $5 a share. |reached an agreement with him on one of his trips to Havana. showers and_ thundershowers. Clearing this afternoon. Vari- dlable cloudiness with scattered showers or thunder showers Saturday A little cooler tonight.| Mine Report | ao TORONTO (CP)--Only 14 of Loses Post Canada's 122 metal mines will MADRID (Reuters) -- Vice- exist by 1980 unless mining ex- ; ; Mt M4 rari: 1 is Perret ag the|President Augustin Munoz | Kelvinator Strike Prospectors and Developers As-| Grandes has lost his post under LONDON, 0 5 sociation forecast Thursday. Spain's constitutional changes, unease nt. (CP) -- Sev-, Tt tans: the suidiction ay g it was announced today. enty - five of the 385 day shift} brie to Finance Minister! A decree signed by the head | employees of Kelvinator of Can-| # Shara, Hiner fembers" of the| of State, Gen. Francisco Franco, |ada Ltd. staged an in-plant sit-' } federal overnment and prov. [July a3. and published intiay (Gown Muredey, i incial o hae Senin re.| Said the vice-president could no| R. J. Woxman, president and ship premiers, en |longer hold the post under a re-|general manager, termed the) / apomse, Vo: &. Peauest tor. 5! cent law expanding the council| Work stoppage an "illegal! | views on the Carter commission! 9¢ the realm. strike." tax proposals. Thursday's walkout followed the same pattern of two other Ms stoppages Wednesday. e || Queen Consents s Wednesday. | Fa i 2 LONDON (Reuters) -- The walkouts said gogo gone = |Queen gave formal consent to-| anteed at least a 15-per-cent in- @ [day for her divorced cousin|centive bonus but are being ~ |Lord Harewood to marry Aus-| paid only 13 per cent 5 tralian divorcee Patricia Tuck- ree : well, mother of his fourth son. . Seeks Office The Queen told a meeting of LONDON (AP) -- Sir Winston the Privy Council that she would permit the 43-year-old earl, 18th in line to the Throne, Churchill's grandson made his to remarry. _ = reo ga night for na-| during the Oshawa Kiwanis 3. ional political office by asking, ¢ "s sw -ent- Bon Visits to run in a special election to Paid chad cl ain : |Parliament. The 26 - year - old| '¥ WaS the running jump TEL AVIV (Reuters)--Israeli| journalist carries his grandfath-| hee eat er military authorities banned Is-|er's name and is the son of Sir | raeli civilians from visiting the|Winston's only son, Randolph. Gaza Strip Thursday because of |The House of Commons vacancy Right-Of-Centre Advised For PC's TORONTO (CP) -- Senator) Wallace McCutcheon, one of leight declared candidates for| |the leadership of the ae 'sive Conservative party, says] @\the party should take a "right- of-centre stand." He told about 400 Toronto Con- servatives Thursday night that fin recent years the line between! 4 |Liberals and Conservatives had| become "very blurred" with) both parties attempting to "'out-| flank" the NDP. ; "IT want the Conservative party to take a right-of-centre stand, to stand for an open so- ciety in which government is a servant, not a master, of the individual." DISTANCE, NOT FORM, HIS AIM days, 74 Oshawa and dis- Criticizing the "drift toward izict boys have been in at- | socialism in Canada, the Sena- tendance. A girls' camp j|tor said the Liberal govern- starts Monday | ment's medical care program is| --Oshawa Times Photo |an example of '"compulsion" by} ere puree Ne government, é 4 | Asked about economic nation- alism and how Canada could) e egates ast : |avoid possible U.S. domination, scuffles over mini-skirted girl|was created by the death July ¥ \sonntor McCutcheon said: shoppers. Scuffles broke out in|6 of Konni Zilliacus, a Labor' nator Me rot arora American capital a bit. / aon male? pantie Ag on the left wing of his Seek Finances For Program can capital comes in __ - fill] a vacuum, and thank God it | One of the competitions from the diving board, in which competitors tried for distance rather than form, The camp is located near Kedron, and for the past 12 PREMIER ROBLIN «+. Will state intentions : Next Week TORONTO (CP) -- Premier) some young Arabs were molest- does."" jing the short - skirted Israeli . |girls or getting too fresh with _OTTAWA (CP) -- American} were supported by the CIA. , _Irvin Kreisman, Madison, said, --------tH---------- 'them, military sources said. ts) Newspaper Guild delegates al-' The guild investigated the| first reports of the alleged CIA-| fic "tntaigenee Agency ap undation, found explanations) gd Unk burst lke » bam | Jae Cc) Peers aii ce 'an ; an. uildsmen 'ha eelin, Duff Roblin of Manitoba said Top Cat iE Jeach other 'Thursday night be-|unsalisfactory and severed its!iH3t seq heen had." He advo- oblin of Manitoba sa' fore voting to seek a link with | link with them. : es tee ge de eek, estan casio He? Pec | ja nother U.S. government) Thursday night more than 20a imide con ee Hea teaie | tentions next week about seek- Pepper, seven-month-old alley| jagency. ANG delegates were asked 0/ private Sources. ing the national leadership of|Cat from Omaha, was chosen | 'The key vote carried by 263 authorize their officers seeking)" J y Reistrup of the Washing- | the Progressive Conservative| Thursday night as All-American| 15-9 to 134 4-9. new fund sources for the inter- ton Baltimore Newspaper Guild| party. ; Pelogery pro Mccain | The exchanges at the guild's/Mational program, particularly|<aiq the real issue '"'is whether 1 tills gihgedbiesy Reine el ze retail eset 34th annual convention took sen the Agency for Interna-|the American Newspaper Guild| and heat generated exceeded\ The proposal touched off an\ \9jj ' » anything up to that point in the|"Proar. DP CY 6 the Ninited: States, week - long convention, which Vilification of the U.S. gov- ends today. Dieebiiseattnr * be pull over an hour but the volume\tional Development. \s to be an arm of the foreign- ': . press conference at Tor Wins Divorce to International Airport. =| LoS ANGELES (AP) -- Ac-| Mr. Roblin, who called him- tress Alene Dahl won annul- self 'the official non - candi-| ment Thursday of her marriage date," has spent the last six/to wine importer Alexis Lichine. weeks speaking in Ontario and!The 38-year-old actress stated He said the Agency for Inter- 35,000 news media employees in |the U:S., Canada and Puerto Pared with scenes at the UN| | Rico. when Communist nations are | "attacking the United States." lth dt é ee | CIA SUPPORTED Debate centred on a minority | He cai rl aa rere ; | It was reported six months, committee report recommend-| wom mitte eh |ago to have been accepting aid|ing that no government funds belbe the , whe kes me vec for its international affairs pro-|used for the international pro-| ?¥ \, men a ran the original gram from foundations which|gram. enn SISA ae Age dg te Coe : oe -- yO Sus- pected 'from the beginning" | 2 jthat the money came fromthe 1967 Therapeutic Awards ':'* "Salsa i one of many delegates who praised the guild's aid program jin Latin America and stressed RT. HON. JOHN DIEFENBAKER «++ on de Gaulle visit Quebec centres, her marriage to Lichine was ac- (complished | throngs fraud be-| }cause he told her falsely he Money Supply |wanted children. Miss Dahi and , |Lichine were married Dec. 23 OTTAWA (CP)-- The public| 1965. : money supply rose by $55,000,- 000 to a new high of $22,188,000,-| om 4 . 000 on July 19, the Bank of Can- Ban Mini Skirts ak grep th gelarnd in its) MANILA (AP) -- The state weekly statistical review. 'penitentiary outside Mani! as Had Horde rs see in| banned female vinore ooncel Opposition Leader " NOW SEEKIN an artered bank) mini-skirts, low necklines or MEDICINE HAT + fe T 18 C d D SKING MONEY leposits held by {fi & ing 4 3 | "DICINE , Alta. (CP) t ie pat : : see wee added Soo Oboe eure huzzing Jeans. Prison d-'-- Opposition Leader Dieter. WO LO LO VANAGIAN VOCKCOTS iii ons steam eet RR Govecunient cy' Canela de: petal areeed eats Oltery | baker, says he does not believe the state department didn't | . posits in the chartered banks,/caused a sex problem amaaglee visit of President Charles) TORONTO (CP) -- The Cana-jing up to $7,000 went to: Dr. vide it, the American Institute up $129,000,000 from the pre- the male inmates 8'de Gaulle to Quebec will dam-jdian Foundation for the Ad-| Marc-Andre Gagnon, University|for Free Labor Development vious week : age Franco-Canadian relations. yancement of Therapeutics to- of Sherbrooke; Arnold J. Hill, might. The latter is 90-per-cent See: _Mr. Diefenbaker also repeated day announced its 1967 awards|Dalkousie University, Halifax;|financed' by the state depart- | Minister Returns ;his statement that the French|{o 18 recipients across Canada. Dr. Richard I. Ogilvie, Mont-|ment, Mr. Reistrup said. | Federal Scheme | leader's statements during the. The grants provide for seven real General Hospital; Dr.| -- : : PARIS (Reuters) -- Roland|Visit were "a gross intrusion foundation fellowships, six sum-|Douglas S. Taylor, McGill Uni-| OTTAWA (CP)--The Canada|Nungesser, French Secretary | into the affairs of another coun- mer studentships, the continua-| versity and Montreal Generali} FREE _ Estimates, Reasonable Development Corp, may have tojof state for economy and fi-|tTy." Rates, Repair Specialist. : ie ator pears ) tion of a cancer research pro-|Hospital; Dr. Louis Authier,} prove itself before the public is r ject. and financial support of/University of Montreal; Dr. asked to invest in the proposed four clinical pharmacology! John Brown, University of Man-| federal scheme, a government | source said Thursday. 0 oun Murder Charge units 'itoba; and Dr. Gerald W. Karr, A draft bill to establish the TORONTO (CP) -- James, Ma3ior grant recipients are: University of British Columbia. . corporation is being prepared After C ll by finance department officials ; sal ' ; 5 fi 4 det logy and assistant professor of|selin, University of Sherbrooke; cei dele! ol onc algae anil a haga por cedh ead pda medicine, University of British} Miss Louise Beaulac, Laval Uni-|§ 24 Hour Henry Greenidge, 28, of Toronto| Dr. Keith L. MacCannell; as-, Summer studentships ranging| angt nest mM, MONTREAL (CP)--What ap-|tially decomposed body Colun.bia, $19,092 annually for|versity; Saul Frenkiel, McGilllf Service was charged Thursday with the|Sciate professor of pharmacol-/up to $1,200 went to: Andre As-, Tanks Installed |) The government has indicated; was ioneeita: ; c | eos ony : 'ed to be a bomb was found ae three years. University; David S. Kendal,|f test Dependable Redio Dispetched it will ask Parliament this fall/P°" 4 ' found July 15 in a field near years ; ; ; aay, VI | Plumbing Service. to establish the corporation, | ray)" Greenfield Park town) Markham, Ont. Dr. John Ruedy, associate| University of Toronto; Michael) SERVICE MADE US. | after a warning telephone! Greenidge ear rofess f pharmacology, Mc-| Simmons, University of Western) ge earlier had been) Professor of pharm BY, 7 4 call but an army spokesman|charged with the stteemtel Gill University, and assistant| Ontario, London; and Robert A. said it may not have contained| murder of Wayne Howell, 21,|Professor of medicine, Montreal|Trifts, Dalhousie University. any explosive. of Toronto, who was found nude General Hospital, $10,000. A caller using the name ofjand with his throat slashed July; Dr. William A, Mahon, asso- i Lander-Stark is the A ! is the Answer : whose aim will be to allow Ca- Call 723-1191 nadians to take part in the development of the country, : le Front de liberation du Que- 14 in a ditch north of Barrie, 'iated professor of pharmacol- Gasoline War bec, a name almost identical to} Police said Mortimore, form- 98Y and assistant professor of SIMCOE (CP) -- A gasoline|that of a terrorist group activelerly of Sarnia, last was seen| therapeutics, University of Tor- price war in Simcoe and sur-jhere in 1963, warned police ofjalive July &. onto, $8,000. : rounding Norfolk County has|the bomb and said others were. ----------------- --.. Dr. Norman Eade, associate | dropped the cost of regular gas-!placed in mailboxes. IT: PEATE 'professor in the departments of oline to 39.9 cents a gallon from! 4 search turned up the al- aun iw -- a pharmacology and medicine, 46.9 cents leged bomb in the town hall,/chewan upset Ontario 152-131|MCGi! University and ee bey which also houses the post of-|Thursday to all but eliminate Victoria Hos pital, Montreal, ae : fice, but nothing was found in/the favorites from the Canadian Accredited the 15 mailboxes located in the|cricket championship. Ontario WATERLOO, Ont (CP)=The| Suburb, on the south shore of!now has two wins, one loss and University of Waterloo's under-|he St. Lawrence River. one draw. With point standings graduate urban and regionali Army experts placed the ob-|based on three for a win, 1 for . «+ The Question P Whieh leading Fue! Oi! Company in downtown Oshewe hes its own Dr. Samuel O. Freedman, as- sociate professor of medicine, McGill University, $12,713. Foundation fellowships rang- % fi jnational Development's function ernment and the state depart: |i : ; ';|18 to carry out the foreign policy The guid. represents. some ment reached a point that David ic . i a g p ne Schick of Philadelphia hemi ee the U.S. Mr. Reistrup was thundershowers. A little cooler tonight. Winds light. Sudbury, North Bay, Algoma,| southérn White River, Tima- gami, northern Georgian Bay| regions; Sunny with cloudy in-) ness with a few scattered show- ers or thundershowers tonight and Saturday. Not much change in temperature. Winds light. Northern White River, Coch- rane, western James Bay re- a few scattered showers or thun- dershowers today and Saturday. 'Not much change in tempera-| 5 dian Colts cricket team played to a draw Thursday against Latymer school here, running their record on a British tour to nine draws and eight losses. Russell Webb of Vancouver led the Canadian bowlers with four regions: Cloudy with scattered|tervals today. Variable cloudi-| 4, 57, and Brian Deeks of St. Catharines headed the batsmen with 51. CAUGHT ON SLOWLY Ancient Eg y ptian nobility would not allow statuettes of |gions: Variable cloudiness with|themselves to be cast in bronze for 500 years after the technique was discovered. ture. Winds light. : Montreal and Ottawa regions:, Mainly cloudy with a few show-| ers or thundershowers ending} this morning. Cloudy with sunny) periods this afternoon clearing} in the evening. Saturday mainly) sunny and a little cooler. Winds | light Forecast Temperatures Low overnight, high Saturday Windsor ....+++++0+ 62 80 St. Thomas . see 62 80 London ... 60 78 Kitchener . 60 78 57 75 Il Mount Forest . CALL OR SEE DIXON'S FOR OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 ~ New Home Recipe Reducing Plan It's simple how quickly one may lose pounds of unsightly fat tose bulky fat and help regain right in your own home. Make this home recipe yourself. It's easy, no trouble at all and costs little. Just go to your drug store and ask for four ounces of Naran Concentrate. Pour this into a pint bottle and add enough grapefruit juice to fill the bottle, Take two tablespoons full a day as needed and follow the Naran Plan. If your first purchase does not show you a simple easy way to er more graceful curves; if reducible pounds and inches of excess fat don't disappear from neck, chin, arms, abdomen, hips, calves and ankles just return the empty bottle for your money back. Follow this easy way en- dorsed by many who have tried this plan and help bring back alluring curves and graceful slenderness. Note how quickly bloat disappears--how much bet- ter you feel. More alive, youthful appearing and active. planning program has become|iect in a disposal trailer, took| draw and 1% for a tie score, _ the fifth such Canadian univer-|it to a nearby park and ex-|the three top teams have nine| sity to be accredited by the|Ploded it with detonators. How-| Points while Ontario has seven, Pp A i e # Town Planning Institute of Can-/ever, a spokesman said, "'it did 3 : ada. "i not appear to have active ex- REMEDIES LISTED BUY DIRECT aueee Arab physician Ibn Si yhi plosives. lived in the 11th century licied | TONE-CRAFT KING PARK PLAZA * . When found, the object in a/760 drugs with an outline of False Advertising \flight bag appeared to have| pharmacological methods : i four or five sticks of dynamite, |------------__________ WMP EE Ger KITCHENER (CP) -- Ken+itt also had a battery and alarm neth Burden, 27, was commit-lcioc, ted' for trial Thursday on a! jt was picked up by army ex- charge of false advertising. |perts in a field where it had Cpl. George Scott of the/been taken from the town hall provincial police said at a pre-|about 15 minutes before the| liminary hearing he arrested|timing mechanism was due to Burden May 23 at his Hamil-|cset jt off. ton home, where he found 148|------_--_--__.__ a 'invoices for advertisements for CANADIAN newspapers across Canada. He said the ads offered, in- HEARING AlD CONSULTANTS structions on how to make! money typing at home. He esti-| 10 Bond St. E. 725-2771 ; 16 Homes Needed "URGENTLY" We hove 16 fomilies relocating in the Oshawa Area for Fall Possession, Good substantial, all cash buyers. Call right now 725-1109, W. L. DOUGAN REALTORS 1363 SIMCOE ST, NORTH 'mated the cost of pamphlets de- livered to 9.674 persons was eight cents gpiece. | 725- | , 3581 free estimate. 43 KING be] "Heating Service Staff . keeps control of your service job from stort to finish .. 6 unconditionally guarantees its workmanship? Call 725-3581 for Home Air-Conditioning or thet new Oil Furnace you promised your home for next winter. LANDER- STARK OIL LIMITED STREET WEST SHAWA the real centennial "= ale (Maybe we should have called it Labatt's Centennial?) Ayame RAN FRU By AUS! DETROIT ( pounded the s anger as the N off the new C less than a mil Detroit and sy ers of new mic ing projects r of grassland c renewal. This used Street, a tee Negro area. "Where did Where did all 1 The cleared the man who ¢ vnemnieemiuait nc Walter Evans, on Pingree St. o west side, patier his lawn this af Bomk Watc OTTAWA (CP)- calm has settled | ment circles in t Charles de Gaulle Quebec visit and a ture. Canadian officials to their contentic French president's return to France in a reprimand by the ernment will not severe break in | dian relations. But they could o1 on what might em ally from Gen. de cision to cancel the tion of his Cent visit. The decision ca public statement b; ister Pearson thi Gaulie's adoption o separatist slogan ' bec libre' was a s acceptable.to the C ernment and peop Federal officials dering the possib| the visit on Quebe lations. Most are convin separatist element strated vociferousl; de Gaulle's Quebec sma!i minority, But they are a ment by Premier son of, Quebec, wh kept completely s curtailment of the cate whether the spark any feder fireworks. On the diplom: things were cool. Jules Leger, Car sador to France, r after the president An external af ment spokesman it is "normal pr ambassadors to 1 day or so for cons a visit by a head But he also sai 25 PRINC For All Estate 576-01