Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Jul 1967, p. 16

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, 18 Tuesday, July 25, 1967 0 TAKE AND WHAT DO YOU PROPOSE TO D0, h alloted a AWAY, DR. KLEY2.. COMMIT BIGAMY BY $ Je MARRYING A WOMAN WHO ALREADY : . : at wainse ae as HAS A HUSBAND? Z, : Is B "Sie peapetiy LONGER : REMEMBERS YOU... By B. JAY BECKER ci tga (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) North dealer. North-South vulnerable. NORTH $875 @AK103 @AKQ104 3 b+---/GUESS IT MUST HAVE | [( WHY DON'T YoU BEEN A SUMMER 'TRY A DIFFERENT a, REPLACEMENT.) || CHANNEL TONIGHT P YOU MEAN A SCARY NIGHTMARE? NO, JUST BUZ SAWYER DONALD DUCK ITS AIRE eI762 3 Sy I DON'T THINK ARY, MARY....I. WON'T EY ; ; 1 MADE MUCH ewe YOU ALONE AGAIN: L. SHOW 200: MS o7 rs OF AN IMPRESSION O35 hA1087 The bidding: North East South 1¢@ Pass 1@ 29 Pass 3h 3@ Pass 66 Opening lead-queen of clubs. Let's say you're declarer at six spades and West leads a BLONDIE West Pass Pass | © King Features Syudicats, tna, 1967. World sights veserrek ; Y OUR SPLITTING UP DOUBLES i i EVERYBODY BE SURE IT'S YOUR J 4 IY BOARDING = \\ | our CHANCES OF GETTING alae edn aed WITH A SIGN= |-iL ae Mare peng TO THE KEY FIRST! At this point you can't tell \ON TO THE « Te 'A / CORRIGAN yo 7 eve what the outcome will be, but SG ALLOWANCE > ? ! E y | OFF, BUT SLOWLY! you know that if you make the § CHECK? 3 | WHAT ARE WITH ME ON slam you will score 1,730 Points, = 0 ie fad YOU GOING THE TRAIN, | | While if you don't you will wind le 0 DO, THE G-MAN'S | |uP with no score, since the 100- 2 | <g ACE? ALREADY point penalty will offset the 100 | Ee ' ; : "\ OUT OF THE points for honors. a3 | : LUCKY FOR # : \ RUNNINGS Also, you realize that if you ig | 6 US, CHERYL! ACE / a try an overtrick - worth 3 | fa AND SOUTHSIDE | a : ', points - and it 'costs you the " ' S E } USUALLY DONT | FOR SWITZERLAND X . *} jslam, you will finish 1,730 «4 \) ; L) a ig er | - ' NEW 9? (oma Mp \NTHECAR... : 1 {points poorer, ar an. it y * S\ 4 P BV) 7) | at LY! AwNe \ A . Consequently, after nning cone OMeR ell FE. . > so J mY Ve | 7 aye | . ee SS XU EFA the club with the ace, you con- centrate all your efforts on making the contract and pay i little attention to anything else. In line with this you make the |somewhat startling lead of the G |jack of spades at trick two. This unusual play is a calcu- jlated effort to guard against a }4-1 trump break, which is the jchief threat to the slam. You |should be willing to concede a |trump trick, perhaps unneces- arily, because you would then have twelve tricks coming to you after one of the defenders wins the jack with the queen. In the actual case, West THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. PONTIACS SUMMER SELL OUT LOW BUICKS BEAUMONTS VAUXHALLS MAS. PRICES HIGH TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE : SUMMER HOURS: MON. TO THURS. 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M. FRI. 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. SAT. 8 A.M. TO 1 P.M, 7 might not take the jack, in | HUBERT which case you would continue mien Vi Eade ae | TELEVISION LOG pcre, [Ti st, War le Ms ING! WHat Ti SNACK oe from winning the rest of the THE MORNING / WHAT ! Channel 2--Bulalo ee 9:30 P.M. 7--Honeymoon Race WITH HIS BRIDE {Hoke ON BART ARE YOu H Channet 3--Barrie slave on 8. Reelin goed he BN THIS MORNING - Suppose, instead of making 2 DOING 7! Fy pnb 4--Buftalo |7--Peyton Place 1--Bonnle Broddee i the trump safety play, you a Channel 6--Toronte 4--Petticoat Junction Flying Doctor 5 eA sth rt - Fam ruffed a club in dummy at trick mo i | Channel 7--Buttalo | 3-6-12--Woleck |%-Family Game es , 1 iJ { * Channel' &--Rochester PREP holt 6 een aap two and then finessed the jack xz | Channet Toronto | 7--Fugitive 24----Hollywood Saugrse of ci Papal mi; Sind pol | Channel 11--Hamiiton | 4--CBS News Special 2 enough to let you win the trick, Pn sate ee AT down i you ether Tuted city nal ni meee P.m. 3-6-Luncheon Date in auanitey ck eoaticane win th TUESDAY EVENING | 4--News, Weather, Sports . , | 5:00 P.M, yaliather. and Sporte Hecpercy, ace of spades. | !2~Certoons 4. 2-3-6-11--News Seay Wenthacs It does not pay to jeopardize 'tcoeme [Ne em | ee apes a contract for the sake of aa 7--M-Squad | 11:20 P.M, | e-Eye Guess overtrick. It is better to al ways | Souittest ooo | SONA ow, l\euanenia en play safe, even if you occasion- 5:30 P.M. | --Plerre Berton cacauiia ck ally have to sacrifice a trick to I Scns: MAY | Saat niente" bier aa 7 THI) improve your chances of mak- iy GirsPan American |. 1 Pa V-Marriage Confidential ARE YOU STILL MAD SWEETIE? eC) ling the hand, i 5 sine | a--Movie for Dollars, I NOTICE YOU WRAPPED MY L_(X}-4 5 2-Of Lands and seus |?4--Johnny Carson =| Virginia. Graham BALONEY SANDWICH INOUR fie Sy 3 en hips Hh ipa | s-Plerre Berton [32 é--tuncheon Date MARRIAGE LICENSE- i i I =] Pope au ow y | VW: ¥ | Meet Miller 1 -- --Movie | 1:30 P.M, y Le pe j rei pne for the Tep | STO Ory, t--Movie | ) re --News, Sports, | 12--Moevie - the tT id Ty a: = j "veer | Bote | ectters Hnawe"A' Deal ™ Soll "8 3 6:30 P.M. j 12:00 P.M. | 3-Movie 43 isits ur e€ 12--Girl from U.N.C.L.E, | 1l---Mystery Theatre a--Matches and Mates rt Bes ll--Pierre Berton | 12:10 A.M, 13 a a 0 iz >, 3-6-9--News; §--Movie fat 6 len Ti 3 can | veienenay | Passware ghee Z ISTANBUL One Teh Np shee } : i t's Talk Music ; a on b ecbapae area 3~Davs a oar tive on Turkey, a land troublesome 7100 FM | 8:30 A.M. 12---Summer Scene for Roman Catholicism even li--Lost in Space | 9--University of The Alr! ¢_peopie in Contiiee = al visit 12 §--F Troop | 55 ALM, 8-1--The Doctore before the last pap &--America | t--Dialing tor Doltats, 7--Dream Girl centuries ago. SteA inervews | YIRGIBG Grehens gelled Five early popes made the | 3-Gilligan's Island | 9:00 A.M. cana *P A | hazardous 1,000 - mile voyage ] Weather, N--Ed Allen, Time gWords and Musie | YOUR HEALTH from Rome to Istanbul, thne | 7:20 P.M. | Se cotapny FoGeneray Hospital | called Constantinople. The great "" | 7--News, Weather, Sports | 4--Forest Rangers | 4=To Tell the Truth = | schism between Roman Cathol- = | ra AM. jS612-- Me | icism and the Eastern Orthodox 3 E "Glove se. Lite Nee | E e Muscle Defect was three centuries away but = 9--Uncle Bobby tian Boucle | slowly building. | oe 9--I1's Your Move One pope died here. Amother 2--vack La Lanne 0 a 4 » 10:00 A.M. iaiperman. show auses Loss Of Use died on the way home. A third C.LE = * | Toute People m I4612--Edge of Night died after banishment be ; 1 ere cameo ee Constantinople by the eastern = 1--Daktari (Candia Camera 9--1 Love Lucy By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD on. I 2-612--Our Place 10:30 A.M. G ; emperor. Like Pope Paul, each we a ri 11--Expo People Salee-Communieste Dear Dr. Molner: My prob-|with the muscle balance defect pete to find reconciliation or to $--Ave Pere cel AU agg Prey tg thf lem is with my three-year-old|--even a rather small error in| Caiate Heil eyecare 7--Dateline: Hollywood daughter. One of her eyes turns| focussing the eyes can. cause a Pope Paul will talk in Istan- 28--Occasional Wite | ¢-Beverly Hillbillies 114-_wes? Wetipecker | out when she stares or looks di- blurring, or cause double Vi-lh41 'Tuesday and Wednesday hi peun nat ane | 1111's a Match 9--Movie rectly at me. My husband says|sion, and the tendency to begin] ¥ i+, Orthodox Patriarch Athen- "36-12---Expo This Week | 9--Fractured Phrases Seat Naeasten' tive it isn't anything to be con-jusing only one eye. agoras about re-uniting their 2-8--Movie fet ecoomallty cise cerned about but it worries me.| Therefore I withdraw that|t\ churches, and then with the 2 I have a son, 13, almost sight-|earlier answer and 'suggest that Orthodox Patriarch Athenago- Ly CROSSWORD less in his right eye but with|any child be examined if there|/..° shout re-uniting their two = 30-20 vision in the other. ai o any ig hag a pd churches, and then with the j id- have reason to be concerne oes not co-ordinate wi : A ki a 4 mut iid " onas ae ue aa T oie N.C. other, regardless of whether the patriarch and Turkish leaders 1. Bend over 3. Man's ren's 2 'Mrs. N.C, : about Middle East tensions, He = 5. Contained " nickname game AS IE wos Yes, you decidedly do have|eye turns inward, outward, or] ¥ i) pray for world peace. fe 9. Candle 4.Caseyand 22. Desire TSIEIR|S reason to be concerned. in any other direction. bad 10. Constella- Kildare, 23. Half PAYED La Your daughter pupereatly has| This ceet Boe a pp 1 ¥, of Pi tion for an a a defect in the muscles, or|course, to infants whose eyes M I o 12. Faultily instance: em panes: -- muscule balance, of the eyes.|do not track well at birth. It ovles gnore = 13, Cant abbr. 24.Hindu Fla A One of the serious results of|takes a bit of time for the baby fe = 14. Decorative 5. Shout sacred AE N UIE Ie | this type of defect is that when|to learn to use both eyes to look . fastener or call tree Cetin Ik] |the eyes do not focus correctly, |at something. 1einam ar 15, Heavy 6. One of #9. Store Yesterday's Answer (2 person will see a double| If, after those early months, = a bapiner uss ead - image. Nature rebels at the ee ve ag ot ios ain ra By GENE HANDSAKER = a . Dis a ion. en have the child examined. FoR TOBAYS LADIES = tion to 1 ee Be. ieenily ts pume Ween Geccal 4 tame ae Ue ae) oy CLUB MEETING T - G3) move A . a a cen. id : * 19. Overhead 8. Followed lottery 35. Loathsome /|to use one eye and not the other | sooner the better. virtually ignored the Vietnans Na a vo : train 9.Ungulate 28. Mend 36. Carries --and eventually much or all of ware ; 20.Musicnote 11.Carols 29. Musical with the sight of the unused eye is} Dear Dr. Molner: Several The Second World War ine : 15. * difficult lost. years ago some of my books 21, Head 15, Perch leh y spired a deluge of batt Ihertill- "covering # 47. Ostrich- ments 39. Chum Therefore the defect should| were borrowed and returned by oe ath an, Corregidor, Guad- 22. Marries like bird 30. Senior 40. Exist be corrected as early as possi-ja friend who had tuberculosis. n, gidor, : ; i " i alcanal Diary, Action in the ind 24, Plead ry se TT 6 ble. Surgery may be required] Since then I have been afraid to North Atlantic, Destinatl 25. Forbid 1 72 3 YW, //4 \but this is not a serious proce-|use them so they just sit on the oy iy Auanuc, Destination = 26. Malayan 4 WAD Pe ee eres eee ee ire tiny danger 1 osath Sisal Helmet poet i V1 the hands of a specialist. "a and pdaceie files list even 3 28. Paddle-like , "3 AS Some weeks ago I answered a| I see no danger whatsoever. such on st World War titles as process Y somewhat similar question, al-|Care should be taken with some We Buide ad Wak and the F258 SHAS. 29, Hebrew iz TIVTIs though by no stretch of the im-|articles at the time of return--|War Brides ai : 25 ERAS letter WY agination as urgent as this onc|washing, sunning or otherwise} Woman. ere Hie hisen chink t ; tage cre hag fe 7 [8 HN" today. It involved a mother hc| making sure that no live bacte-| So far t Se Tae nation YOURE A CONSIDERATE AND CONFIDENTIALLY, IM NOT USED Y | Wie | oe Bie 4 was told by others that he1|ria remain. In the case of these Paigs from ed nore cree POLITE YOUNG MAN -WOUVE. J. 1 to GUCLA DISPLAY OF HANOSINE )1F-% Ayes se en aS We Woe child's eye turned in. The moth-|books, any germs have long] hy offen, but in dusts & REALLY SPOLED ME. HOLDING FouLow . GRANONOTIER | paola VA; Z er herself could not detect it. 1) 2een dead. Wrapping in manila|'@¥ why officially, but 'bate hase" ,|l . ¥ a tangle YAS YZ A25 YW/A/7A \telt that it might be well tc|paper for several weeks is 2|insi sponse tender atl 3 5 - i breed MLM Z wait to see whether there wa: | well-accepted procedure. 1. "Vietnam is well covered -- sets 26 [27 Gia Ya really a defect by television. Why spend four Sense" ee belhiy Nie BA author 747, CLL Ll Several physicians specializ| Dear Dr. Molner: How can|" five million dollars to make "a 41, Metal 3 WY, ing in ophthalmology urged tha' | one purify water when trayel.|? movie when coverage is spacers: a LICL y 3 I reconsider the answer. Imbal.| ing abroad?--D.F. nore real than you could make Se print. WD, ance, they told me, can a'| In many areas there is nc|2 movie? a 42, Enthusi: + 7739 [40 times appear to be very sligh'| \eed but if you get off thr 43, Otherwise 4) yet still cause loss of the use c | -eaten track or into area'|:nd come with complete in- "a 44, Dregs a Vjre an eye. 'here you aren't sure of th | 'tructions for use. They do 4 oN Wy TENDENCY BEGINS sfety of water, you can carr | uch the same job that chlori- Dow 43 V// 4% Y hat is, if you are inside look} hlorine tablets. These ar | ation of our city water, sup- 1. "Feast or --Y; YA, T ify I a = peta A 78 ing out--if you are the. chilu available at any drug store, plies dose. e

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