Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Jul 1967, p. 15

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t Ads' siness Opportunities » are offering to the right rsons an Opportunity to ke excellent earnings with prime manufacturer of pa- ited plastic household pro- cts presently merchandis- } through many of North nerica's largest retailers a multi-million dollar, ywth, secure, jet age in- stry. odest investment guoran- 1d by inventory, completely urnable. e will contact you for @ vate, fully informative in- view at our factory or in ur area. e are interested in the per- 1 we appoint to this situa- n. We will allow part time t the person must be pre- red after a trial period te into full time. bs giving only name, od- ind phone number te Box M71699 OSHAWA TIMES CE STATION lessee sequired im- ely for three thousand gallon ay, major brand service station. have real sales ability and some | to invest. Experience preferred, t necessary. Please send replies te ee giving qualification end con- days and times for personal ERY - VARIETY store, $ takes this going concern, $4,000 ly, $110 per month rent. Full price plus stock. East end location, street, small town. 839-3620. -Employment | Wanted The Best Service Yet LEANING BY FRED dows--General, Commercial Industrial, Residential For free estimates call ED'S WINDOW CLEANING 668-6973 ANENT PART-TIME office work 1. Girl Friday experienced in all of office work. Telephone 723- fter 6 p.m. CARE for two or three children in jome, vicinity of south Lovech . Apt. 5, 255 Malaga Rd., Osha' T, male, available for odd awn cutting, hedge trimming, ete. 723-9535. T MAN, counter man, cutter or er, available eeniny: Please wall residential and com- supplies, Multi-Clean NAL maintenance, I, janitors' 'tal Service, 725-1885. ENTRY WORK or d or small, Telephone 723-8959. drafting jobs, -Female Help Wanted SENIOR TYPIST salary $240 -- $275 quired by international ancial @rganization. Must neat appearing, hove od knowledge of figures, e 25 to 40. Salary com- nsurate with ability. Ex. lent opportunity, Call Mr. irdwood, Toronto 364-4151 EARN EXTRA MONEY ow Canada's finest line of ristmas cards, Wraps, No- ties, ete. Over 300 items. r free, beautifully illus- ted catalogue ,samples, on proval and the fastest ser- e, Jeandron Greeting Card Ltd., ag King St. E., milton, WOULD YOU BELIEVE TOY CHEST OFFERS MORE $$$ MORE FUN DEMONSTRATING TOYS. We Will Train You. Investments, Collections, or Deleveries. 723-3568 AVON CALLING you need extra money don't lay -- become an AVON resentative. Territories ailable immediately in Osh- a, Whtiby and Darlington p. Mrs. J. Hill, 140 Nen- on Rd., Oshawa 725-9696. ore presser gael Te rienced, % Oshawa Raene FOR LAUNDRY work, full time. Apply Oshawa jet Mera I Street, "Oshawa, ont be it icieanac oy soll motherless fome, hildren, elephone 668-6176, VE HOME fo, middle-age } with one or two children for | after 14-year-old giri'in mother- yme. Write Box M30419, Oshawe RE LADY with Pibeeogded a | office routine. Two mornings per ply Box 30470, Oshawa Times. GIRL WANTED for compiling and pricing. Apply Brown's Saturday morning, 10. a.m. - 11 D OFFICE EOL for dental lab: Call 723-7491 for office, 5 | '4 Tot 9 p.m. Monday n Friday and Saturday morning. nt voice and personailty, some work, typing not necessary. Write 0 Box 30066, Oshawa Times. E PACKER wanted, full-time env nt, must have own transporta> Apply Algoma Smee Uomited, on Road North, Whitb N TO ASSIST in "nag a and management. Room pi rested. Hollywood Motel, 800 Brock St. SS, 5, Enzo ew 333 2 Siincon "St ephone 7: -Male Help Wanted _ EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE SALESMAN For Progressive Office Many benefits, P.5.1, Apply in contidence to Walter Frank W. FRANK Real Estate uN 21 King St. W. 728- +518 3 MAN with car, part-time, elee ppliance service and sales, salary didiaaanee Write Box 73494, Osh. mes MAN required at Genosha Holel. iw person. (Ne phone calls, 18--Male Help Wanted CREDIT MANAGER WANTED Locel retail firm requires an aggressive young man to manage credit office. Pre- ferred age 21-35. Excellent opportunity for advancement. Should have Grade 12. On the job training provided. Excellent pension plan, em- ployee discounts, group in- surance, holidays with pay. Selery commensurate with post experience. All replies strictly confiden- tial. Our staff is awore of this advertisement. Apply in writing to: BOX 73714 OSHAWA TIMES ZELLERS LTD. Requires Restaurant Managers Mon we ore looking for should hove o minimum grade 10 education, be be tween 21 and 34 years of age, should be willing to oc- cept periodic expense paid transfers. We ore able to offer to the right person a minimum starting solary of $90 per week, based on ability and post experience. Paid training period, incen- tive bonus, free life insur- ance, health plon, purchose discounts, paid summer and winter vacations. Please apply in person to: ZELLERS LTD. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE CAREER OPPORTUNITY Electricians' tools manu- facturer located in Ajax requires male help in the production department. Applicants must have o min- imum of Grade 12 education, be mechanically inclined and should be able to accept re- sponsibility. We offer in re- turn a definite opportunity for advancement in a grow- ing company, pleasant work- ing conditions and a good storting rote. Reply in confidence stating age, education and post ex- perience to BOX M30241 OSHAWA TIMES ture purchasers. tial 'Florida Sales Division, Re How to Earn More Money ! No Layoffs 1 need « port time or full time man to help meet the demand for a much needed service for materials. Pleas- ant, dignified, good poying work. No experience neces- sory but @ cor is. For full information contact WESLEY R. WALMSLEY 304 GOLF ST. OSHAWA | Phone 723-6296 _ Good eornings and excellent opportunity for aggressive ond conscientious SALESMAN for Real Estate Office. Sales experience preferred ut not essential. Regular salary drow against commis- sions arranged. For confiden- tial interview, write Box 30475. YOUNG MAN for local construction of-| fice. Knowledge field experience essential. ef housebuilding between 9-5 p.m, fied leads available. Exceptional com- mission rates. No Real Estate exoeri-| ence necessary, but enquiries from' licensed salesman invited. For confiden- Sales Manager, w. T. Lareen interview phone tate Ltd. 725-1186. 19--Male and Female ___ Help \ Wanted -- NURSING STAFF A large modern centrally \lo- cated Hospital for Chronic and Convalescent Patients hos immediate openings for the following Nursing Staff. Reg. Nurses, Graduate Nurses, Nursing Orderlies (experienc- ed) and Nursing Assistants. These Vacancies ore for full time, part-time and summer relief staff, Child day care facilities for professional staff. In addition to excellent work- ing conditions and a good salary range, we offer a full programme of employee fringe benefits. Applicants are invited to ap- ply in person or by letter only to, PERSONNEL OFFICER, The RIVERDALE HOSPITAL ST, MATTHEWS RD. TORONTO 8, ONT. 19--Male and Female Help Wanted 1, S. A. East Whitby Require. for September a qualified TEACHER For part-time relief for 4 principals. Required to teach grades 7 and 8, two ond a holf days per week. Salary open. SECRETARY-TREASURER Oshawa R.R.2 , phone 728-0458 Of CRAMAHE T.S. A. COUNTY. of NORTHUMBERLAND (near Colborne) requires two | QUALIFIED TEACHERS Duties to commence September 5, 1967 SALARY SCHEDULE 1 ---- $4,200 -- $6,100 2-- 4,700-- 6,800 3-- 5,200-- 7,600 4--- 5,800 8,500 EXPERIENCED HELP WANTED for new tavern @ WAITRESSES @ BARTENDERS @ GRILL MEN Apply in person to BO PEEP RESTAURANT Short Order Cook To work in air conditioned buffeteria. Excellent wages, meals, uniform provided, Ap- ply Chef Gaye, Flying Dutch- mon Hotel, Bowmanville. Telephone 623-7242 be- tween 1-6 P.M, HAIRSTYLISTS WANTED For choice locations in Osh- awa, with or without clientel. 668-2377 -- Mrs. Hughes ES we can use two full MEN OR part-time and 9692, 725-6678 p.m. 723-2647, oF and, Telephone 725-0197. EXPERIENCED hairdresser v highest wage. Call between p.m. only 576-2010. Metca REAL: ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E. ONE LEFT Large 7 room, 3 bedroom side split level, full family dining room, large 'kitchen, plus family room, extra 2 piece washroom, garage, el- electrically heated in choice northeast location, Reasonable down payment, balance on one 634% N.H.A. mort- goge. $15,900 is the asking price for this immaculate 5 room, 3 bed- room bungalow. Good sized fenced-in and hedged lot, well landscaped. "Home in spotless condition. Monthly payment only. $97 including taxes. INVESTMENT WISE ? 2 excellent tri plexes to choose from, good renting area. Good income, large landscaped lot, paved drive, and! Telephone for; "Make more money! selling exclusive lots and homes to ma- No canvassing. Quali-; reasonable monthly payment. Call now for appointment to inspect. SANDRA ST. Large 6 room bungalow on good sized lot, reasonable taxes, hot water -heating. Home in perfect. shape. See this new listing now. COTTAGE on Lake Scugog (Lakeside Beach) 2 bedrooms, plus ex- tra lot with garage and boat- house. Immediate possession, 7 ROOMS a few blocks from downtown, asking $10,500. Shown by appointment only. DOUBLE GARAGE 3 bedroom bungalow, large living room with dining area, breezeway, lot 105 x 150. Asking $15,500. Just listed and so close to high ond pub- lic schools. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678. Joe Maga 725-9191 Frank Fronkfurter 728-5416 Mark Tomina 668-2121 Roy Yeo 725-2217 John O'Driscoll 725-8585 Jack Hogan 728-1554 MEMBER O.D.R.E.B. We list exclusive and M.L.S. Contact J.'H. PASCOE, PUBLIC SCHOOL "BOARD Oshawa Shopping Centre time workers immediately. For appointment call 728- between 6-8 WORM PICKERS wanted, $6 per thous- wanted, 9 a.m. and 20--Real Estate for Sale samo iede is You'll Find Whatever You Want--in. the Times PRIVATE SALE Cosy five room bungalow with attached garage, fire- place, full basement. Very clean home. Fully landscap- ed. Choice location. Apply 86 Switzer Dr., Oshawa, '20--Real Estate for Sale '20--Real Estate for Sele 20--Real Estate for Sale [20--Real Estate for Sele {20---Real Estate for Sale CUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 PRICED RIGHT 1 @ Insul brick home with 10 x 7 enclosed veranda. This home hos a large kitchen ond is im- throughout. furnace, moculate old oil 3 year ond gorage, yours for $11,000. Please coll now for inspection. SEVEN ROOM RANCHER 11 @. with two bathrooms on 0 large 4 acre lot located just ot the City Limits. 500, for spect, call tonight. Asking $22, appointment to in- ROSEDALE -- WHITBY lll @ Three bedroom, semi-de- tached home with a large kit- chen ond a spacious living room, N.H.A. mortgage ot 6% will carry for P.1.T. See this home now. $90 monthly DIVISION ST. TRI-PLEX IV @ This property is o real good investment to get started on, for the buyer who doesn't want to lay out ao large down poyment, over coming in. Phone full particulars. NORTHWEST $200 ao month | tonight for V @ Unusually well appointed | Doctor's Residence, ished recreation room featuring | natural stone fireplace in fin-| Extra} playroom and bathroom down Comfortable living room ond lovely large kitchen. Beautifully landscaped lot, conveniently. lo- coted to shopping, tion, churches and schools transporta Fur ther details and inspection by appointment. EXTRA SPACE VI @ Beautiful 4 bedroom split level with a spacious Hollywood kitchen and two bathrooms on the outskirts of the City pro- vides that little extro spoce you ore seeking. We invite your in- spection, 3 BEDROOM SPECIAL VII @ Not quite as modern as a new home, but a good family property with garage and very nice garden. Close school. Call for further mation, $2,900 DOWN a to infor- VII @ Do you want to be the owner of a neat bungalow which is near schools, shopping and bus service. This home on St Eloi can be bought for $2,900 down and carries for $86 month- ly P. and |. Home has a nice back yard, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living room and a full basement. Call us now to inspect, ELGIN COURT 1X @ Six-plex in excellent state} of repair. Five 2 bedroom units, bedroom. Six . built-in| Plenty | | one | stoves, 6 refrigerators of paved parking. rental Preferred area, never @ vacancy. Good financing can be arranged Shown by appointment anytime CIVIC AUDITORIUM AREA X @ Two year old brick bunga- low, 3 bedrooms with a holly- wood kitchen featuring built- stove and oven. Field stone fire-| in place in the recreation room Yours for $3,000 down. For more information phone to- night. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simcoe Street South ans FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West Bowmanville 623-3393 Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board Excellent Investment Commercial corner 66' x 76' with good brick home. Close to centre of Bowmanville. Asking $25,000 -- $10,000 down. Bowmanville, Liberty St. N. Older four room insul brick home on 11% acres of land. Close to mew school site. $15,000. Oshawa, Olive Ave. Estate sole. Ideal retirement home. 2 bedroom _ brick home. $7,800. Open to of- fers. Trout Pond Retreat 17 acres with 2 stocked trout ponds. Good stream. Beauti- ful cottage with fireplace. Located near Tyrone.* Also extra guest cottoge. $28,- Lake Scugog, Williams Point a: Boga > cottage. Log sid- Good roof. Screens. Porch, 2 pce. bath. Good weil. Furnished. Cedar hedge. $5,- 500 full price -- terms. Im- mediate possession. Call 623-3393, 728-7518 or Toronto 923-9174 AFTER 9 P.M. Bob Johnston 725-6788 Ernie Wilson 725-9750 Rod Kruger 723-7900 Joe Barnoski 723-5787 Clare McCullough 723-7843 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Pat Yeo 623-3077 Roy Foster Orono 983-5801 Weston Banister Garden Hill 102) 12 Howard Forder Brooklin 655-3853 George Beaton : Port Perry 985-2987 CENTRAL | ONTARIO TRUST 19 Simcoe St. North REAL ESTATE DEPT. RALPH SCHOFIELD Manager Income Home Full price $12,900 -- neor Ritson Rd. North ond 401. Two storey solid brick in good condition. Main floor has one bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, separate dining room and liv- ing room and the two up- stairs bedrooms and kitchen focilities makes this home ideally suited for roomers. Nicely landscaped with lovely garden ond poved drive. This is priced right so act quickly. Small Down Payment for low-price accommodation close to Oshawa, north of No. 2 Highway on west side of Solina Road. A three bed- | room cottage-type stucco bungalow on 3% acre lot. Liv- ing room 16' x 11' with drapes and tracks ~-- oil fur- nace -~ garage utility room --- good well cnd new pressure pump, Taxes only $152. FULL PRICE $10,500, First mortgage 7%. A Rare Commodity In spite of this we are pleas- ed to offer a very sharp two bedroom brick bungalow on Cadillac, close to King. Fresh decor -- separate |l- | __ car. gorage ~--- separate din- ing room ---- neatly landscap- ed lot with perimeter hedge. $17,300. Terms. 20 Suite Apartment Modern' electrically heated aportment building with bal- conies and walk-outs. Build- ing; is just three years old and is located in the best rental area in the city. All suites are leased and prop- erty shows excellent returns on investment. Full Price $11,900 -- Central Oshawa 2 bedroom bungalow, com- pletely remodelled --- many fine features include -- beau- tifully finished "'rec" room and new furnace. Priced to sell quickly -- so inspect at once. OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE MAY HELP YOU SELL OR BUY LIST WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 723-5221 -- 9:00 to 5:30 NO TOLL CHARGE FOR THESE PHONES AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL Harvey Hogan 655-3663 Tom Houston 668-4416 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Ralph Schofield 725-5067 SCHOFIELD-AKER REALTOR LIMITED Serving Oshawa and District for over 31 years 723-2265 BARGAIN $1,000 DOWN We have only two, 3 bed- room 2 storey home in excel- lent condition. Vacant -- im- mediate possession possible, These homes hove recently been re-decorated. Must be sold. Call now for an appoint- ment. HARD TO GET This beautiful 4 bedroom home is a rare one. It is in immaculate condition, with broadioom in the living room and hallway. Complete base- ment apartment with bed- room, kitchen, living room and extra 3 pc. bath, plus a beautiful recreation room. Garoge and paved drive. Close to all facilities, must be seen to be appreciated. Call now. CAN'T BUY IT ANYWHERE 13 acres of land for only $7,000 -- on paved road, five miles from Oshawa. Good opportunity. Call now. SOMERVILLE AREA 4 yeor old bungalow in love- ly condition, RIA area. Has double garage, three bed- rooms. Close to schools and shopping facilities. Priced to sell for $18,900. Enjoy the comfort of living in the north- west areo. Call for full de- tails. DUPLEX | This home brings top monthly | rents. 2 bedroom apartments eoch with bath, living room | ond kitchen, one apartment with noturol fireplace. Home in good condition. Gorage. Five minutes walk to down- town Oshawa. For full particulars call 723-2265 Mike Belmonte 576-1908 George Twaites 723-2008 Irwin Cruikshonks 728-5205 Willard Johnston 728-1066 Marg Hall 723-1358 Irene Brown 725-3867 Maible Boudreou 728-2233 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Mel Dale 623-5638 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9 Member of the O.D.R.E.B. WE LIST AND SELL M.L.S. MORTGAGES ARRANGED 360 King St. West, Oshowa GET CASH FAST... SELL WITH TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS H. KEITH . PHOTO MLS REALTOR 303 HILLSIDE 576-0330 BUILDING LOT North end Brooklin on No. 12 Hwy., built up area, several large trees. Asking only $4, 000 with just $500 down for 6 quick sale. Call Gord Charl- ton, 728-8569. IDEAL LOCATION Beoutiful brick tri-level with 4 bedrooms, attached gar- age and 2 washrooms, built- in stove and oven. Lovely landscaped back yard. Call Frank Smith, 576-1415. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY | Adjacent to Oshawa's newest $5,000,000 store. Eight room home with income aportment. Two fireplaces, storms. and screens. Excellent possibilities. Call Frank Smith, 576-1415. CLOVERDALE Lovely brick 5 room bungalow with attoched gorage. Large living room with glass docrs leading out to a lovely patio, and large rovine lot. Only $16,900. Call Idso Wiersma, 728.5683. HARMONY HEIGHTS Only . $14,900 for this 2 storey income home, with two apartments, seporate en- trances, 2 cor gorage, and poved driveway, all on larae lot. Call Idso Wiersma, 728 5683 1377 CEDAR $1,800 DOWN Bock split bungalow, pletely redecorated through- out, floors all resanded, new kitchen and bathroom tiles. Reody to move into this weekend. Phone Bill Millar, 725-2557 -- 725-1186. com- | DUPLEX ON CADILLAC $2,000 DOWN SALE OR RENT Brick storey and a half, ready tor immediate possession, Good location for renting Coll Bill Millar, 725-2557 -- 725-1186. TEN ROOMS ON DIVISION ST. Commercial zoned Lorge brick 22 storey home with business opportunity for the aggressive person. Contact Bill Millar, 725-2557 725-1186 OWNER WILL DISCOUNT pnculate condition. $2,000 FOR QUICK SALE} 'lene, Attractive rancher with' fire- place, on Harmony Road South. Electric heat, broad- loom, built-in range. Many extras, Call BILL MILLAR 725-2557 -- 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE _ 67. King St. E. H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. 9 Bagot. St. $995 DOWN Oshawa brand new 3 bed- room twin homes, possession in August. $1,900 DOWN Immediate possession can be given on this ranch style bungalow with rec room. $3,800 FULL PRICE An excellent well treed 120 x 660 lot just outside Osh- awa. 2 streams at rear of pro- perty. Terms may be ar- ranged. DETACHED BUNGALOW $2,000 down, brand new detached bungalow with gar- age. Near Oshawa Shopping Centre. FOUR BEDROOMS $2,500 down. Brand new two storey home with carport. $3,000 DOWN Completely finished 3 bed- room brick bungalow, fully finished rec room and walk- out built - in garage. 728-1656 or 728-1678 OPEN HOUSE 557 Central Park N. DATE Sat., July 22 Sun., July 23 1 p.m. -- 5 p.m. R. MARTIN REAL ESTATE 3 BEDROOM in WHITBY Well designed living ot 1029 Wardman Cres, Paved drive, newly built planter -- small garden area. Asking $16,- 200 with reasonable down payment. Present P.1.T, pay- ment of $110 month. Phone 668-3622 WANT-ADS DON'T COST--THEY PAY --|W. 0. Martin R THE OSHAWA TIMES, Foiday, July 21, 1967 ]§ WINE-ROOM HOUSE, two barns, 10 acres orchard, Courtice area. Call Bob la rege 728-2548. Kelth Peters Resity Ltd, Realtor. OPEN loide St. East Oshowo. Three and four bedroom split level and two storey homes, wired for intercom, electric heat, two baths. Drive over and see these at- tractive homes, MARIE WIL. SON will be on duty, OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE LTD. (REALTOR) 515 Brock St. S., Whitby back of lot. entrance to Large master bedroom with spacious four-piece bath-; convenient to entrance gol and famil room. Asking $24,500 to one NHA meet: Margaret Hall et 723-1358. ield-Aker Lid IMMACULATE four-bedroom bungalow with attached garage located in Beau Valley on a@ beautifully landscaped lot. Home features large ultra modern fam.) ily kitchen with extra cupboards; L-) shaped living room, dining room. Rec-| ation room, 24' x 14', Very close to ublic and Separate Schools. immedi ate possession as owner is moving out of town. Call Margaret Hail to Inspect this attractive home, 723-1358, Schofield- lAker Ltd. {COLLE HLL -- Attractive five-room 668- 5853 \brick bungalow with garage, paved) _jdrive and well landscaped iot Large rec-room and utility room, finished | a mahogany. Inspect this lovely home by calling Nick Siblock at 728-7576 pat arrange your appointment. SIBBY'S (J. B. McMullan & G. 323 King Street W, Family size kitchen, 12' x 15°. L-sl ; bungalow, attached garage, corner lot ars call Lioyd Stire ot J. B. 'apiece bath, hardwood floors, electric heat, larce kitchen-dining area, full base McMULLAN & CO,, Realtors ment with chimney for fireplace. 985 | ORANGE CRESCENT _ |? | in MADISON AVENUE, 5-room brick home DOWNSVIEW PARK a northwest area of Oshawa asking only 5.500 with $4,000 down and owner will | Your choice of 5 plans, fin ' 3 the balance on one mortgage tA ust Ri A e seen to be appreciate: or appoin | .ished homes with corperts or {rent to inspect. Call Dick Barrisge at attached garages ated and streets all decor 725-3557. sodded, paved (LOT FOR SALE - 132 x 121', Iot on | N_H.A. 614% mort Nash Rd., one .block east of Oshawa | =.) city limits, asking only $4,200, Must b | pal ao raethalty eg ad- |soid, Call Dick Barriage at 725-3557 vante oft c - {ee is builders clear- | coyr BEDROOMS -- This immaculate | ance before prices go up. two-storey, four-bedronm brick hom j Contact has a large ultra modern kitchen, ares family sized living room and delightful | Llo d Metcalf |dining room, two bathrooms, attached | lgarage, rec room facilities. NHA mort | REAL Ss gage of 6% percent and close to public ESTATE LIMITED lane separate schools. Listed at only | 40 King St $22,500. Call George Twaites for ap 728. 467 ointment to inspect this one-year-old 6 8 beauty, Call 723-2008, Schofield-Aker Real Estate $1,500, DOWN -- two-storey, three-bed room semi-detached brick home in north Ee area, Large modern kitchen, huge living. room and good sized dining room jElectric heat. Only one year old. Call| IGeorge Twaites at 723-2008 for appoint $995 DOWN PAYMENT field-Aker Ltd, at 728-2233 of /23-2265 |FULL PRICE $14,900, carries for $90 |monthly, five-room bungalow. Lot size |75' x 190'. Taxes only $250. yearly, Fam- balance. ANY reasonable of- fer accepted, monthly poy- ments only $95, call; ly size kitchen, 12' x 18, good size livingroom plus many other extras Schatzmann Realtor {see "ins. home "ode. "Call Shirtey Moske!, 723-4134, Griffin Real Estate at 668-3338 |Limited. ONLY $2,500 DOWN, carries for $103. monthly, three-bedroom brick bunga HARD TO GET -- This beautiful 4-bed. r $ fom home | $ # rare one. Broadioom in| ranged. Please cell Shirley Moskel at! ving room and hallway, In im- Soars, ffin Real fe Limi Complete. basement |' SUING Del Bele Lioniiee consisting of bedroom, STOREY AND A HALF -- 3 bedroo living room, and 3-piece bath living room, dining room, large Kitchen, | id extra recreation room. Close to all Quiet residential area, North Ajax. Close |facitities, Also garage and paved drive. 'o schools, 942-1216, 5-9 p.m. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call now $18,500 ai tion, immediate possession can be partment 3-bedroom Pickering Village, Mike Belmont, -- Schofield-Aker Real e t brick bungalow, quiet street, close to Estate, 723-2265. Residence 576-1908. schools, shopping and transportation, Hi KEITH LTD }$1,000 wee BARGAIN -- We have Private. Telephone 942-2227 ve a ! three-| Somes, in' exci *cSeon' "Bisset FRAME HOUSE of good aun trmber,|__REALTOR ; espa mus moved off present proper' pip jWe have immediate possession. These further information see Fred Yeo, Orono, CASH FOR YOUR HOME -- Yet, 1 can jus: recently been e RR larrange to get you cash If you really jdecorated. Must be sold. Call now for an | appointment Mike Belmont of Schofield) BRAND NEW HOUSE for sale, in New- |Aker Real Estate, 723-2265. Residence castle. $2,000 down, full price $15,900 576-1908. For further information, call 728-4866 |NEW HOUSE, unfinished, 23' x 37', five BRING THE PAINT BRUSH and enloy | |rooms, heavy wired, insulated. Must village life in this large frame home |sacrifice, $3,500, H. Keith Realtor. Call,priced at only $7,000. All inside plumb-| Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton, 986-4894, ing and within commuting distance trom . |Oshawa. Will swap or barter for older, SPACIOUS BUNGALOW, 3° bedrooms, |aupiex er what have you. in Oshawe den, recreation room, fireplace, half Call me at 728-424] or 723-5281, George acre, double garage, workshop. Earie "ed Allen 725-7782 Keith Peters Reality Lta, Nymevyer at Guide Realty Lim $2,200 DOWN. $126 per month for this two-year-old brick bungalow. Just listed, so call Willard Johnston, 728-1066. Schofieid-Aker Lid 1 WHITBY DUPLEX. Very modern with/ large landscaped Iot and privacy. Ideal | for someone looking for a home plus in- 200--Summer Properties _ For Sale or Rent $5.- $15. come Only $31,900. Call. Wilard Johnston, 728-1066. Schofield-Aker Ltd PER FOOT OWNER TRANSFERRED -- Your op-| [portunity to obtain a bargain on this; 95 miles from Oshawa, go | Spacious two-storey twin home, contains four bedrooms, two bathrooms, recrea-| |tion room, Ideally. located in the Wiison- |King area. Only $18,200 with terms. Call| Sally Wallace, 725-6297, Joseph Bosco,! | east on Highway No. 401 to Highway No. 35 and No. 115 to Peterborough. Go north on Highway No. 28, 55 miles. 2 miles south of Bancroft to "Bentley Lake Estates". Sales personnel on property every weekend. Sand beaches, roads and hydro, custom built cottages. $2,200 complete. 10% down, 10 yeor open mortgage 277- -2407 Toronto. COMPUTER DATING SERVICE |Realtor, 728-7377 | THREE - BEDROOM brick bungalow. In jexcetlent condition. Carries for $75 |monthiy. Close to school and bus serv-| jice, Located at Athol East-Wilson Road |For more information call 728-0712. PRIVATE SALE -- 6 per cent NHA re-| sale, carries for $102 monthly in south-| east section of Oshawa, 11-year-old brick jbungalow, three bedrooms, L-shaped |livingroom and good ely kitchen, Im- |mediate possession. 723-413. TWO-BEDROOM bungalow, close to Col- fee Hill school, basement has extra bed- | om and washroom. Only $13,900 with | tow down payment. Call Willard |Johnston, 728-1066. Schofield-Aker Ltd. | The ultra-modern, Scientific MONEY MAKING DUPLEX, walking} !BM Computer ----- a unique, |distance to downtown, two self-contain: Dating Process using an ed apartments and recreation room. : : iDown payient. open ts. aller. Asking | confidential method of find- $13,900. Call Sally Wallace, 725-6297. ing many more Ideal Dates Joseph Bosco, Reaitor, or the First Step to finding 728-7377. | OWNER WILLING TO TRADE -- five-| True Love and Marriage room brick home in north end of city,! Jon summer cottage property, within 100; FOr information and Applica- miles ie Oshawa. Contact Mr. Perry at, tion, Send 25c¢ to: CUPID, 728-7377, Joseph Basco Realtor | Dept. 0', 62 Richmond St. promis EXECUTIVE bunga-§ W., Toronto], Ont jfow --- brick ranch bungalow, Close to |schools, shopping, finished rec room, FOUR-ROOM apartment, ge stagiay eal nicely landscaped, bl also five-room cottage -a jakeside he Pere Ocubie SIMCOE GR: casen:!: thrempléce bath, |. fireplack, breadloom, boat, motor. 728-7288 jrage. One of Bowmanville's _ finest |homes. $24,500, terms. Call Ken Hockin, |623-2393; W. Frank Real Estate Lid. CROW BAY on Trent, 2 bedroom cot. Realtor. Newtonville--New brick ranchitages, with hydro, for rent $40 weekly bungalow with attached garage. Large|Telephone Campbellford 653-1634 or 653 lot, finished rec room, fireplace, broad-'3773, or write Nes. Douglas Stapiey, 161 loom throughout. Country living with Bridge Street West Campbeilford. city conveniences. $22,500, terms, 'Call 'Ken Hockin, 623-3393. W. Frank' Real COTTAGE - SLEEPS SIX, gas, Estale Ltd. Realtor, furnace, stove, refrigerator, hot wates, flush toilet. and sfidwer. Bancroft dis- NEW LISTING -- spotlessly clean, trict Telephone D. S. Knight, day 576- jthree-bedroom bungalow in desirable 9721, evenings 576-1512. {north-west location, close to schools and | |shopping. Call, 728-5103. W. ©. Martin COTTAGE fer rent, Haliburton district, | Realtor $40 per week, good fishing, good swim nin Telephone '728-0217. ONE-YEAR-OLD BRICK ranch bunga "3 low, close te downtown shopping, ony BANCROFT -- Three heat iKefront cottages $18,900. Anxious for a quick sale. Call |for rent with boat, Salmon Trout Lake, 728-5103. W. ©. Martin, Realtor inside big ibal ge Liege cook stove. =~ - -- 'imm| I' ye GOOD OPPORTUNITY. Port Perry --|gagauan nm [nin Call G. Heed, five-room frame house on quiet street. Garage, fireplace, den, laundry room, |TWo- ROOM COTTAGE and ~ sleeping | hardwood and broadioom floors, oii |Cabin, also housekeeping cabin on Lake heating, one and haif bath. On newiy|Kushog, Haliburton County, good fish one-acre of land well treed. Full price|ing and 14 miles of lake without Portage. $25,000, with easy terms. Agent Marion |723-5364. Hopkins, 985-7215. Margaret' Ballard, LAKE SCUGOG lakefront cottage, five rooms, glassed sunroom, heavy wired, PRIVATE SALE -- Insul-brick home on|Well, large shady lot, sand beach, $3,000, | Vimy Avenue; three bedrooms, living |terms. H. Keith Realtor. . Call room, dining room, large kitchen, sun|Nesbitt, Nestleton, 986-4894 porch, garage, fruit trees. Close to| MOIRA LAKE, Madoc four-hedreom oon view Avenue Priced right. APPIY |cottage, winterized, forced air turnace | lfront and side porch, tile floors, accous |FULL PRICE $16,900 -- five-room orick|tic ceilings, snaenany panneling, 98 | bungalow, in .excelient condition, finish- miles, 723-1605 ie min ike Ree utente een ATTRACTIVE, spacious housekeeping hs i Wary close te. eae ante Pa cottages, among the pines and birches Call Vern Morton, Paul Ristow Ltd i reasonable rates, boats included, good ole ala 723-8327 be ®' swimming, fishing and __ recreational facilities, store and bait supplies. Silver TRY YOUR LOW down payment, four|Burks Resort $34W4 Minden. homes to chcose from, all good loca-| - |tions. Call for full information, 728-5103. W. 0. Martin Realtor. | ONLY $13,500 -- edge of town, four-bed- | room bungalow, 1'« acres good garden WANT RESULTS? soil. Call now. Must be sold las |ly. W. 0. Martin: Re ~ 728-510: GET WITH THE ACTION! [ACRE Lots, rea pre, sev-| TIMES ACTION jera' joices in closs t * lose to Oshawa ieca CLASSIFIED ADS, tions. Inquiries invited. Call 728-5103. 723-3492 Wor arvis Streat, brick nt glass sunporch new furnace, room, $14,500 | PRIVATE SA [three -bedrooms, room with vanity. Also two-piece paily weekdays. Real Estate Ltd. 725-3557 4 PER CENT NHA RE-SALE_1'%4-yr-. old four-bedroom split-level. Full price $1,395 DOWN asking. Carries for $90.75 monthly. Lot New N.H.A. 3 and 4 bhed- size 75' x 330'. Taxes about $400. yearly. | room semi detached homes. Over 1,600 square feet of living rio Payments as low as $118 a livingroom, two bathrooms, family pees onth incl ' acipal. ine |With. built-in. hi-fi, Patio and tennis month including principel, in court, To see this home please call) terest and taxes. Interest rate Shirley Moskal, 723-4134. Griffin Real is 634%. These horhes have Estate Limited | electric heating, aluminum {$12,500 bungalow, garage, northwest dis: | siding, decorated, storms an trict, new listing. Elmer Fredin 725- ae Pes ond 2753. Keith Peters Realty Lid. Realtor screens and lots are com- ee " pletely sodded. For porticu- |PORT PERRY -- Three-bedroom brick p ment. Schofield-Aker Realtor j., React | for, lorger. tomlly. $15,300. OLDER BRICK. store | ve 300 -- a-storey | 3 bedrooms, kitchen, dining {home wilh five bedrooms, all in good room, dinett, living room and condition, garage, nice lot, and very | bathroom. One mortgage for central. Call Maible Boudreau of $cho-| low, close to all schools and transporta-| | |4 BEDROOM, 20a--Summer Properties |\26--Apertments for Rent For Sale or Rent -- We ikovt be Wnree-bedroom bul see, double {80 ots beautifully located, drive 18.900. one crn a, 723-1021, numerous serv! so 100" x 150' build- Keith Suen ; \ing lots. Don't "ia his ne aes LSE t 3-51 Saturday from 12 noon te 6 [JUST Ta co War lnmbeuiade | octane Sere. test, Telephone Pee d Fride i three-bedroom split-level brick home |MAIJAC COTTAGES for 900d p.m. and Friday evening. with afteched. garage. Home features: housekeeping, all facilities. Swimming, Central Park North and Ade- {separate dining room, separate living) Skling, fishing. 725-2909 or 723-8 room with picture window overlooking | igo, sulated house. Timi *, 9 } shunting. Telephone after 61 bered, 725-6185 \LOVELY CEDAR SIDING cottage, 'fully | furnished, hot and celd running water,| patio, TV and TV tower, Just seven! miles from Haliburton on a large lake. front lot which is beautifully treed. Boat {house and fibergias boat. For further | particulars call Lioyd Corson or Vernon) lCorson at Guide Realty Limited, 723- $281 | COTTAGES FOR RENT from August ~s} on Reasonable Telephone -- 723-2789, j Oshawa. \TWO HOUSEKEEPING cottages, July 22-29. $65 a week. Boat $10. Sleeps six McGillen's Lodge, Roseneath. ne 442-5446 Coldsprings LAKEFRONT COTTAGE on ~ Kashapogs Lake, north-east of Lakefield, Excellent |swimming, fishing, quiet location, two week periods. Phone Vasil after 5.30. 21--Farms tor Sale LARGE DOUBLE FARM, two large| homes, three good barns, garage, drive| shed. 226 acres, best clay loam. Call) John Sandy, 728-5103 | 22--Lots for Sale | j COMMERCIAL DOWNTOWN Property 35 x 82 foot only $21,500 terms Coll Jack Appleby now 723-3398 | Bolahood Brothers Ltd H 728-5123 LOT FOR sale 110 x 200. Telephone 723-8630 between 4 and & p.m. "LOTS" -- We nave several lots for sale, one of which in a Leskard Road, ten the city. Douglas J 723-1168 Two LOTS -- 55 x 59 Riverside Drive mony, five minutes 725-2922 BUILDING LOTS (4), ravine type lot on minutes drive from M. Builied Realtor 222 and $5 x 141 on} South, west of Har to O'Donnell School 13 miles north of Oshawa. Nicely situated. Geod roads Terms. available. 576-1168 BROOKLIN -- Iot for sale. Private Telephone 723-7430. 23--Real Estate Wanted © TORONTO buyers for 3 and 4 bedroom homes in NE. or ; NW. area of Oshawa. If you | are thinking of selling or for | appraisal of your property without obligation, call: Wed, WILKINSON | REAL ESTATE j | Telephone Oshowe 576-1411 | | Guaranty Trust | We will sell your home and | . arrange the mortgage. CONTACT JACK SHEPHARD 728-1653. | Listings Urgently Required Call 576-0330 want to sell. Call Willard Johnston, 728- 1066, Schofield-Aker Ltd . olebeacle would like to buy three - bed- 'com home, $1,000 down, Bax 73445 Oshawa Times. |WE HAVE A PURCHASER with $10,000 | cash, looking for a small home, near bus and. shopping. If you are consider- ng seiling call Sally Wallace, 725: 6297, Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377. Please write '24--Stores, Offices, | 'Storage FOR RENT DOWNTOWN STORE in Whitby with good show window. Extra storage space, full basement and ample parking. $200 monthly, Telephone 728-424] |STORE FOR RENT, aiso ~ suitable for jotfice, 350 square feet, 205 Simcoe Street iSouth. 725-5132 |25--Houses for Rent CENTENNIAL ACRES Dwight Avenue | 2 bedroom homes $115 and $120. Broadloom, TV towers, fully landscaped. 723-7711 or 725-999 | Saturday and Sunday P.M | Open separate dining room, 1! baths and garage. Quiet street near) Schools. References. 723-5446 | BURK STREET -- clean "roomy home, | large yard. Family with three children acceptable. Possession to suit tenants, $120. monthly. 725-2515 or 725-483) SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, four sosrps| living room, dining room, large kitchen cupboards, to reliable party, Immediate possession. Very central, with garage. Telephone 723-7845 THREE-BEDROOM HOUSE with aftech-| ed garage, available September |. Bcw jmanville area. Box 30471, Oshawa Times \CENTENNIAL "ACRES, 360 Dwight Ave |nue. Two-bedroom homes for rent, proad loom, TV towers, from $115, 725-9991 or, 723-771) between 9-5 } FOR RENT. Three bedroom sime-de-| tached house, $145 per month, plus util! ties 728: oie 8:30 a.m. till 5 p.m. after 5. 725-1 ieee - BEDROOM house, 1! baths,| | garage, walkout basement to fenced, | landscaped garden. Quiet neighborhood. | $180 monthly, Available August 1. 728-/ 3812 FURNISHED HOUSE for rent, suitable, four gentlemen. Close wut bad 6.M.| Available August |. lephone 725 8720 Marvin | | SELL! SELL! SELL! That's The Job Of Times Want. Ads 723-3492 with $2,000 down, Telephone 78-7242, If you like paying high rents If you like | inconvenience . If you dislike having fun | THEN YOU'LL HATE... PRINCESS ANNE APARTMENTS There may be @ few people who enjoy paying high rents and don't: like convenience but if you're in the major: who DON'T we offer you 4 new concept in apartment living in Oshawa From the Olde English lobby to the twin high speed ele- vators and persona! mail de- livery, from the all year in- door swimming pool to the sauna room and spacious convenient suites you'll tind this a place to stretch out and VR Ate Model suite furnished by Wilson Furniture, broadioom by Angus-Graydon Models open daily 2 om. till 9 pm. Sot. and Sun. 1] am, til 7 p.m, 725-9934 1221 Simcoe St. N. CAVALIER APARTMENTS One and twe bedrooms Modern and Convenient Beautiful T.V. reception for Color and Black and White Equipped with stove, fridge, drapes and F.M. Close to shopping centre and schools. for information CALL 128-4283 or see us of 340 Marland Ave. Apt. 111 GRENFELL SQUARE ONE ond TWO BEDROOMS OSHAWA'S LARGEST SUITES and Best Location FREE @ HEALTH CLUB @ SAUNA ROOM @ SWIMMING POOL FAMILY or ADULT FLOORS FURNISHED or UNFURNISHED RENTAL INFORMATION + 3s 723-5111 AFTER HOURS 576-2826 380 GIBB STREET 'OSHAWA' S BEST ear at RENTAL VALUE P j SEE TOWER on the GREEN Overlooking the park located on Mary St. North, Swimming pool, sauna bath, gym room and rec room Our mode! suite is furnished by WILSON'S FURNITURE, 1, 2, and 3 Bedroom Apt. FREE UNDERGROUND PARKING TO THE FIRST 65 TENANTS OPEN DAILY FROM 1 P.M, -- 9 P.M. or by appointment. 576-2280 or 725-9750 W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD. 21 King St. W. Bowmanville

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