Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Jul 1967, p. 2

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2 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 20, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Off-Track Betting Legality To Be Clarified By Wishart TORONTO (CP) -- Attorney- General Arthur Wishart said Wednesday he expects to make re-acquire liberty."' a statement today regarding the|large role in a picture with Or legality of off - track betting/son Welles, brokerages. He had no other comment on) the situation or on statements by police in Toronto and Hamil-| citizenship to be filmed | Greece. ton warning that such establish-|tegime. ments would face crimina]} charges. Meanwhile Bob Gruhl, 34, is taking bets from his pari-mutuel brokerage just off Main Street in' Welland to the Fort Erie race-track, 22 miles away, for fees of 50 cents on a $2 bet to $5 on a $100 bet. Appointment TORONTO (CP) -- The ap- pdintment of Donald §. Beth- une, 44, of Ancaster, Ont., as director of the Province of On- tario Student Awards Program was announced Wednesday by Education Minister William Da- vis. - with the federal government. . Bank Robbery TORONTO (CP) -- Roderick Cameron Hindes, 20, and Pat- rick Donald Clements, 23, both of, Brampton, have been charged with conspiracy to rob t |of a year earlier and compares| a Toronto branch of the Bank r c Pare) jo99 after spending several year's aS a newspaper man. At) the time he was the only free-|can authorities say they have|a campaign of sabotage, terror- squelched a plot financed by|ism and insurrection in cities of Nova Scotia. They were arrested after a police officer saw them in the bank building. Hindes was also charged with robbing the T. again "until the Greek people| She said she had given up a *} in in' their aid to developing countries by billions of do! i velop: Last week Melina Mercouri|m ; onsite was deprived of her Greek|rate, the non Communist for criticizing the|world's chief aid-givers were told Wednesday. Willard L. Asks More Aid PARIS (Reuters) -- Western dustrial nations must boost ent is to progress at a steady LONDON Abortion Bill (Reuters) -- The House of Lords Wednesday night approved in principle a bill to liberalize Britain's abor-| tion laws. was |Thorp, chairman of the 16-na- tion Development Assistance Con.mittee meeting here, told jdelegates that aid contributions |were not keeping pace with the growing needs of the recipients or the increased national in- comes of the donors. Approval Catholic peers and leader Dr. Michael Archbishop of Canterbury. New Course are being terminated at 1970 to obtain her degree. Population | WASHINGTON Anglican} Ramsey, | given despite strong opposition fromy Roman |m vi LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Two)P8in_ Policing this community | programs leading to a bachelor|°! 1,721 this weekend following | of science in nursing degree the resignation of Joseph ly the |qWette, the town's only police- Western Ontario School of Nurs-/™2"- He resigned to head ted Mr, Bethune succeeds F. C.|ing, the school's calendar says. Napanee police department.| Passy who resigned from the|A nurse already taking the -° ; post in February to take a job|course will have until October, ¥/!! be on a trial basis. (AP). -- The 4: Lawrence, 71, one of Mont- census bureau Wednesday esti-/"©4!'s pioneer public relations| mated the total U.S. population|™e", died in hospital Wednes- jas of June 1 at 198,938,000. This @¥ after a brief illness. Born lis 2,209,000 above the estimate ! with the 180,000,000 counted in the 1960 census. Fellowships pu lance public relations man in Montreal. OPP Starts Policing | TWEED, Ont. \cial Town (CP)--Provin- police from Madoc, 14 iles west of here, and Belle- lle, 18 miles to the south, will officials said the move; Mexican authorities say this is part of a 12-ton sup- ply of Communist Chinese propoganda seized yesterday PRO Man Dies MONTREAL (CP) -- William England, he set up his own blic relations firm here in MEXICO CITY in Mexico City from what subservive to over- throw the Mexican govern- was called a group planning China to overthrow the govern-!and across the Mexican coun- ment said was a plot to set up a "popular socialist" re- gime. --AP Wirephoto 'Mexico Halts Chinese Plot To Establish Communism (AP)--Mexi-|to answer charges of planning|nel carrier in rural Guerrero state. The attack, apparently an effort to steal arms, failed, and soldiers riding in the ve- i r | TORONTO (CP)-- Education . ment and set up a Communist 'tryside. hicle escaped uninjured. Eaton Co. of $200 last April 29.) winister William Davis Wednes. Biographer Dead | regime. The government named for-| He said the group operated Di I Colli . |day announced awards of two fi : ; Acting Attorney General|mer Mexican Communist party|out of a bookstore owned by 1es in 1S1ON (sir John A. Macdonald gradu-- WATERFORD, Conn. (AP)-- yylio Sanchez Vargas an-|Leader Javier Fuentes Gutier-|/F uentes Gutierrez and was ate fellowships worth - $6,000 Odell Shepard, 82, former lieu-/ nounced the arrest of 13 men|rez as one of the chief plotters | linked with other subversive or- INGERSOLL, Ont. Andrew Vanodyk of Ingersoll was killed Wednesday night when his motorcycle collided! yo), Prairie Drought (CP)--leach to students from Ottawa and Ingersoll, Ont The winners. are Elwood H. Pulitzer Prize, died Wednesday.| apparently was safe in China. port and an assun es of Ottawa, master of Hii biography, Pedlar's Pro- OTTAWA (CP)--Much of the| sity of Toronto. Prairie grain crop is deteriorat- ing because of drought, The fellowships in Canadian the/history, tenable for two years,| Dominion Bureau of Statistics) were established by the pro-| reported Wednesday. katchewan, corner of Manitoba and the east-central, northeast and Peace River regions of Alberta. Good rains are needed now to} keep the crops, going. Actress Defiant ROME (AP)--Greek actress Irene Pappas defied Wednesday the military regime ruling her country. Miss Pappas, who starred in Electra and Zorba the Greek, told a press conference here) July 6 with feeding and respi-' , vincial government in 1965 to The federal agency said the Mell cob g bad areas cover most of Sas-|niversary of the birth of Can- the southwestern|aqa's first prime minister. the 150th an- Siamese Twin GUELPH (CP)-- The surviv-| deri jing McGee Siamese twin, month-old Crystal Ann, is in sotietoriers condition and will 4 'om hospital e: ey ported Wednesday. Crystal Ann, whose sister Sherri Lee died last September after an operation to separate the children, entered 'hospital tenant - governor of Connecti-| Wednesday night, but an al-|but said he had flown to China| ganizations in the states of Chi- cut whose writing earned him Alleged leader of the conspiracy graduate student at the Univer. WaS lieutenant - governor from -- 194 Grant For Nuns 7 cial $540,000 grant to the Grey Nuns! of the Cross toward construc- 9.| Gay, q 1$5,000 a Fined For Shouting MONTREAT Ba {admitted and a Salvadorean-- 1 to 1943. | Writer Says ononTe (cP)--the erovi-' Guevara Alive n-council released Wednes-|GUevara organized the Bolivian bed. longer in the country. ff Fidel Castro, (CP) -- John|tine associate whose where rry Lord, 28, of Toronto who) abouts shouting o! told reporters \e aid not' see Castro's Argen- have been a mystery "'murderer|since the spring of 1965. But he] j}and butcher" at President John-| emphasized, that Guevara. is)! |son at Expo 67 May 25, was fined] "very much alive" and in Latin {$100 and costs Wednesday for America. June 30, using a LEGISLATOR IMPLICATED ned name, in| aes * . a Eleven Mexicans, and two re-;company with another leftist | with a truck just north of here./arts graduate of the University /8T@ss. the Life of Bronson Al-| puted guerrilla experts--a Ven-| leader, Federico Emery Valle, of Western Ontario in London, ©'t- won a joint Pulitzer Prize! ezuelan and Gail Cuthbert of Ingersoll, |!" 1937. Shepard, a Democrat, faced a court appearance today forged pass-|huahua and Guerrero. day. DI + ne. Threat Of Thundershowers, |Warm Weather Continue another day or two, Widely scat- the lower Great Lakes while a similar area of scattered show- ers and thundershowers moves into Northern Ontario from the Prairies. Friday will be mostly sunny. Toronto, Hamilton, London, Windsor, Lake St. Clair, Lake Lake Huron, Niagara, Ontario, southern Geor- gian Bay, Haliburton regions: Sunny with a few cloudy periods and chance of a few isolated thundershowers today. Friday mostly sunny. Seasonable tem- peratures. Sudbury, North Bay, northern Synop P ar degree weather will continue for|and Frid: fternoon thundershowe.s|ern James Bay regions: Vari- a sk a ee today across|able cloudiness with a few show- lay. Winds light. White' River, Cochrane, west- WEATHER FORECAST lint Feline. Wel peck, hanes jin temperature. Winds light, Forecast temperatures Windsor 82 London . 80 Kitchener 80 Mount Forest-. 78 Wingham . 78 amilton . 80 TORONTO (CP) -- Official|Georgian Bay, Algoma, Tima- St. Catharines 80 : .m. to-|gami regions: Sunny with a few| Toronto ....... 80 ee Sealy panel and not much|Peterborough . 80 in temperature today|Kingston .....s00. 58 80 Trenton ...+--+00- 60 80 Killaloe .....2.0.. 55 80 16 Homes Needed "URGENTLY" Call right now 725-1109. We hove 16 families relocating in the Oshawa Area for Fall Possession, Good substantial, all cosh buyers. W. L. DOUGAN REALTORS 1363 SIMCOE ST. NORTH CALL OR SEE T] 4 government statement also| DIXON + charges against the legislator, | implicated a member of Cong-| ress, Rafael Estrada Villa. But] there was no mention of any | who was said to be visiting | Cuba. j Sanchez Vargas told a press/ -CAMIRI, Bolivia (AP) -- Re- conference the group planned to | tion of a 216-bed home for gis Debray, a young French establish a guerrilla school at} aged at Orleans eae Ottawa | writer awaiting trial in South-|an isolated jungle spot in Chia-| The grant, approved in an or.| €ast Bolivia, says Ernesto (Che)|pas state in southeast Mexico. | FOR OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 He said Peking was using the} was made on the basis of| 2uerTilla movement but is no| Mexican branch of the official s SLS agency to Debray, 26-year-old admirer cheers £600 ($1,800) a month the conspiracy, Mexico does maintain diplomatic rela- New China news .\ tions with China. | Sanchez she would never act in Greece|ratory problems. HERE and THERE. {Oshawa and Whitby, were Asks Land Back IN HOSPITAL Charles G. Dennison, 37, of 1288B Commerce St., French- man's Bay, is being treated in Oshawa General Hospital for a fractured collarbone and a con- cussion following a Tuesday evening collision. Mr. Dennison received the injuries when his vehicle collided with a car driven by Michael John Fern- ley, 22, of 149 Simcoe St. N.| The accident took place at the, intersection of Ritson Road North and Bond Street East. EXTEND SERVICE Door-to-door letter carrier de- livery service will be extended to 176 points of call on six Osh- disturbing the peace. A former editor of Arts Canada magazine, Lord selected the exhibit of con- Contradicting Debray, Ciro Roberto Bustos, an Argentine) painter, said he and Debray 4 nee NOW EARN 01 ea y st : emerged from a guerrilla camp. pg amen'. Ywoeweek| TORONTO (CP)--The Arab|Bustos is expected to be the A : 'nations will have no choice but! government's chief witness at course in developmental read- A . ; $ . ing at East York Collegiate In- (°., fight again if negotiations|Debray's military trial on stitute, Toronto, Arthur Hen-|{4i! to produce a just solution | charges of collaborating with 2 (4) wood i. reading consultant at |t? the Middle East crisis, an/the Communist guerrillas. . = |B +, Egyptian Christian leader said| The two men were inter- per annum R. S. McLaughlin Collegiate in Oshawa, and Grant Henwood of Anderson Collegiate in Whitby participated in the program} sponsored by the Ontario Sec- ondary School Teachers' Ted- eration. FAMILY PICNIC The Oshawa industrial branch of London Life held a family picnic for employees at Fan- tasyland Park jast weekend awa streets as soon as 80 per|which included swimming, ball cent of the homes on the routes have been equipped with mail receiving facilities. The streeis to receive the service are: Wasaga, Dwight, Kenora, Ox- playing, potato sack races, a tug-of-war contest and other races. The branch has 29 agents in the Oshawa area. ford Street, Tremblay north from Phillip Murray, and Lake- field north from Phillip Murray. MORE PATIENTS A total of 953 patients were | treated in emergency at Ajax) and Pickering General Hospital | PAINT BUY DIRECT TONE-CRAFT Tuesday. Bishop Samuel of the! viewed 5,000,000 - member Coptic Ortho- headquarters here where they |temporary Canadian art for the Canadian pavilion at Expo. Bolivia earlier this year. Bustos, 35, and Debray were they jarrested April 20 as separately at jto return home with promises) guerrillas jlo preserve their traditions and religions "Che came with his people," he said met and spoke with Guevara in military Guaranteed Investment Certificates for five years |dox Church of Egypt said in anjare being held in different by investing in Gueranteed linterview a' just solution would! buildings. Investment Certificetes be for Israel to return all cap-| Rustes refused to say how which ore tured lands and allow refugees many foreigners were with the Soereniesd 70 te Principal end Flexible--may be used os Col- lateral for loons; Redeemable--by Executors In the event of death. CITY OF OSHAWA MUNICIPAL DRAFTSMAN SALARY RANGE -- $4,783.00 to $5,437.00 (3614 hour working week), The Public Work Department of the City of Oshawa, icipol Droftsman to work FVISOF. requires a under the direction of a Drofting Duties include the preporation of preliminary profile and locotion plons sewer, sidewalk and paving construction plans, mapping, filing and blueprinting. Comprehensive employee benefits are provided, Reply, IN WRITING ONLY, giving full deptails of age, marital status, education, experience, etc., before July 24th, 1967, to: The Personnel Officer, City Holl, Oshawa, Ontorio, Authorized--as Trustee Act In- vestments. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshowe 723-5221 23 King St. W., Bowmenville 623-2527 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS and SATURDAYS during the month of June, giv-' ing a total for the first six/ months of 4,664, an increase of| over a thousand from the same} period in 1966. There were 45 babies born during the month of June and a total of 371 patients were admitted. COMPLETE COURSE Two unrelated teachers by the name of Henwood, from FLIERS GATHER NANAIMO, B.C. (CP)--More than 70 pilots recently held a reunion here. have} logged more than 2,000 hours in| Neptune aircraft, and come} from points throughout the U.S. and Canada. The Neptune is mainly used for anti-submarine patrols. DX -- DX -- DX -- Dx BE WISE: $ ECONOMIZE! KING PARK PLAZA $|SAVE $$ |$ . px Phone 668-3341 OP N THIS SUNDAY 4:30 TO 8:00 P.M. With ber facilities, Meke your reservations NOW. Phone 723-4641. . telephone directory. Bell Canada COUNTRY The area code for Calgary and the whole province of Alberta is 403. Use the area code when you call Long Distance and your call goes through faster and easier. And where Direct Distance Dialing is available, you can dial your own calls. For area codes and dialing instructions, please consult your Vargas said the group was behind the dynamit- IN THE Canada's largest selling ale -- Arm LBJ By JOSEPH E. WASHINGTON dersecretary of St Katzenbach says administration is 'good hard look" ; a major supplier i growing arms traf But Katzenbach "That doesn't nece it thinks its been | past, or that anythi change overnight. fully complicated | that involves diffe: problems in differ the world." The administratio port policy has cor creasing congressio since the six-day war. Senators hav legislative restricti sales to potentiall areas. A House of tives committee is role of the Export- in financing secret NO CHANGES HIN So far, Pentagon : Britain' Without By JOSEPH Ma Canadian Press Si In planning maj cuts for future years government may | dreaming of simp; "offshore island" -- sponsibilities and | in other parts of t Richard Crossmar leader in the Comm of the party's leadin als, mused aloud the about such attractio1 Japan -- peculiarly with Britain in som a country that has without global comm Britain's planned withdrawal from bas pore and Malaysia n United States take o1 trolling responsibilit may also increase th collision among the ers. Defence Secretary ley's military review noted that much of Middle East and Asi: through a period of ary change: "In recent years. Exchange St s,s 8 Criticize Cai VANCOUVER (CP Montades, a Parisi Poe or food 1 liquor laws ridiculous ods of treating Indi Miss Montades is ¢ member group of stu ing British Columbia sponsorship of the © versity Service. Two other memb group, a Laval unive cal student, Pierre S a University of Wai uate, Kazimiers Kiel: ticized Canada. Mr. Kielan said tl press is distorted : trates harmful over tions. : "A Vancouver nev scribed me as a st an Iron Curtain c failed to mention I a he said. L Ww a R also LAMB 92 WOLFE S AN JU

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