Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Jul 1967, p. 6

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SPECIALS EFFECTIVE WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, TILL CLOSING, SATUR= DAY JULY We Reserve the Right te Limit Quantities to Rea» sonable Family Require- ments RE NO DEALERS PLEASE. THE OSHAWA TIMES, 564 KING ST. 8 Weinesdey, be Y 19, 1967 OSHAWA. : cea = $00 ROSSLAND RD. H Windsor Star ton nat ans Publisher Dies Set. Till 6 P.M. WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Hugh A. Graybiel, 77, publisher of the Windsor Star, died yesterday. He suffered a stroe June 12. His* death came just eight days after that of his son Rich- ard, 47, died of a heart attack July 10, Richard was general manager of The Star and first vice-president of The Canadian Press Hugh A. Graybiel had been in the newspaper business most of his life. He was born in Cale- donia, Mich., July 16, 1889 | After studying at the Univer- { sity of Michigan at Ann Arbor, 'he went to Saskatchewan in 1913 and became associated with the late W. F. Herman, Canada Grad "h" Fvi FRYIN NG then owner of the old Saskatoon) et viscera Star and the Regina Post. G or ROAST When Mr. Herman bought the old Windsor Record and changed its name to the Border Cities Star in 1918, Mr. Graybiel went with him. Mr. Herman died in 1938 and Mr. Graybiel, then business manager of The Star, became its publisher. He had been a director of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association and a member of the board of gover- 2- : Ib. nors of the University of Wind- sor. His first wife, the former Alice Wilson, died in 1951. | Mr. Graybiel's second mar- riage was to the former Marg-! aret Guppy Dickson, who had co PLUMP MEATY Rowemary, row ar ee nee oo MENS | Us Weried | soFT DRINKS | & Ul G AR :m aa 97° ut Status ]¢ POWER EVAPORATED IN A BASKET LB. . ccian ikcbonuik of Serente, PURE WHITE GRANULATED WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S.! 24 diplomats are concerned over C the strength of anti-American 10 OZ, TINS ' sentiment in the Arab world 16 oz. j FRESH LEAN despite the fading away of Arab 1 59 PER TIN Tins F charges during the Middle East| . ' PORK 3 a ¢ B. HERE'S WHAT WE MEAN BY "MORE POWER TO YOUR FOOD DOLLAR" Sc war that U.S. armed forces Joined in beg hg oe ne [cou epg ror AYLMER CANADIAN STYLE SAVE 14c eee eats WITH 14 07. ¢ SHOULDERS L ----_--_ § A L M Q Ni PORK Tin Ey IDEAL POR ee Sa But anti-U.S, propaganda still | is finding such wide acceptance| J KRAFT SALAD DRESSING eiue ? HAMBURG STEAK among the Arabs that U.S. au-| thorities fear the U.S. may lose! 43¢ more of its already battered G PRESSWOOD influence in the Middle East. a es Save mis: Goknely VALLEY State Secretary Dean Rusk) 32 oz. 1 Ib. nade a special effort after last) Jar VAC-PAC ¢ : + SHOPSY'S SWEET PICKLED -- CRY-O-VAC Friday's 99-to-0 UN vote against} Scud a's pate oakaaet| eens CLARK'S VEGETABLE OR SAVE 2c SCORNED SEF BRISKET = - 79¢ that despite its abstention in the} vote, the United States nonthe- ' less "deeply regretted' the Is- MARTIN $ e '5 x. BRAND raeli action. 10 oz, bpdiaas Nonetheless few here expect i ® ie 'tnied sues ener) | APPLE JUICE bs VAC PAK WIENERS__»_54/ from the Arab doghouse for ; ©) FRESH - time to come \ MAXWELL HOUSE All Purpose Grind IN ISRAELI CAMP Even with the large-scale U.S 48 OZ. fare ¢ cop FILLETS = 49 aid to Arabs over the years, the| TIN 8 1 Ib : ; U.S. a in a Israeli} L B : ee © G PINK camp when viewed through ag : SALMON TROU WHOLE | Arab lenses. Arabs recall that Israel, which [ HALF they regard as carved out of| Arab lands in 1948, was sup- LEE BRAND CARNATION STOKELY FANCY POWER FRESH SLICED ade from its birth by the Jnited States, the first country EVAPORATED MILK 2 16 oz. / 14 oz. ¢ White * Whol id to recognize it as an independent} $ L a C E D Tins # Tins 31¢ poring ee c state, and that public and pri- vate American assistance to GE } | TReaei has continued throuel tie PINEAPOELE GERBER OR HEINZ STRAINED POWER FROZEN--FLORIDA--ZIP CAN OPEN SAVE 33¢ BREAD Qhez. years 4% In the current crisis, the B A B Y F 0 0 D S 4 lon A6¢ ORAN E icy 6 Arabs note that Washington was| 19 OZ Seve dese sie a leader in pre-war manoeuv- . . yi ring over lifting Egypt's Aqabal TIN ¢ 4c KOUNTY KIST CUT SAVE 3¢ FMILKO POWER CANADA Gulf 'blockade against Israeli 1A FIRST GRADE CREAMERY Sip ue tte ae WAX BEANS "= Me{POWDERED MILK 8 1.25 i was among the few countries op-| posing the UN General Assen-| iy: Gnerechiy-senien: Ge the VA ALL PURPOSE NABOB ALL FLAVOURS 5-MINUTE SAVE 3c posed condemning Israel as ¢n| | DELSEY -- WHITE OR COLOUR F LOUR wi B5e 4p UDDINGS 4: We aggressor and demanding with- drawal of her troops to pre-war TOIL! | TISSUE borders, and was among the} POWE yy, handful abstaining on the Jer- % POWDERED POWER LIQUID SAVE Be usalem vote. 5 Ib. 64 oz, socio tote_ DETERGENT wo 99% }BLEACH on" OlF BOX WAS ON FIRE 2 ROLL marnOn id AIA PKG. Save f GOLD RIBBON CAT OR SAVE Sc NABOB ALL FLAVOURS SAVE Se Firefighters had no trouble lo ing ote "]D0G FOOD 10.5 1.00 ]JELLY POWDERS 3 3s: 24¢ an alarm went off Franklintown Road. Someone had stuffed pa- GO TRY TO PLEASE EVERYBODY ! AT POWER WE TRY. fo AYLMER Ae et log alge ene L $400 | . ver | 7oMaze | CANTALOUPES 4 ~* ME OFT CALL TH | CATSUP ;' __ "PRESIDENT'S HOTLINE" Guaranteed Ween JNIGY on : Investment Certificates : : eee D Large ' ioe | tO* " NAVEL ORANGES = vd * 239.4361 @ 239-4362 6 Yo % VALLEY FARM pale ae ONTARIO GROWN, 2: 2 (Call Toronto Collect) "Ooo Tere mero. NO. 1 GRADE, HOTHOUSE amiseny| FRENCH LETTUCE = 19* CUCUMBER which are Gueranteed--os to Principal and nterest ONTARIO GROWN, Pslbe-cinay' te ised on Coe , es i t _OOL, REFRESHING < lateral Yor. loons 9 OZ. Sove PR Redeemable--by Executora in 3c ie 4 the event of death, PKG. o. 4 Authorized--cs Trustee Act ine 1) eet vestments That's the nice thing about doing business at Power. You can speak your mind to our president or vice- presidents. Talk to them about anything you find irritating when you shop one of our stores, We're human. We make mistakes. But not for long. The "Presi- dent's Hotline' was created to correct errors ---- 4 fast. All our people are committed toa Centennial CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 66RD F -- 4 ig mee = ct Ma as t we hold dd SUMMER project we ho near and.dear., It's simply to win imeem P| uns ROERERcme | OE CASS WAR ie an erin heme a, | 723-5221 S| ' ip on quali oods at's not = he ae NYLONS ECORATED GLASSES DECANTER BICYC ao 7 just advertising talk. It's for real: e || : " ar _ 0 Choose From are. aut $29. gi s So--if eu re eat for a Centennial project of 4 1% © 11 o7. Beverage Glass ©, your own, how about giving more Power t our a Form 206 OPEN : © 702. Cola Glass 52 02.$ 4 : oy $5.04 UL"67 : =", ) | aT s 22° mr wirerMatch'em | ® Cempormet 1.9 = i "a : iq food dollar this week and | wes. With us. = : ONLY EACH : OMLY be USE

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