Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Jul 1967, p. 5

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N'S PARK aling Arts nmittee Key Role DON O'HEARN YTO -- An important at has been holding reg- rings without too much is the Committee on ing .Arts, ymmittee was set up ' to study the practice ine and associated dis- And in the last several it has heard from a of different groups. before this committee, nce, that the College of 1s and Surgeons ap- nd stated that any doc- ) ever went on strike disciplined. dings of the committee sted to be valuable and e some influences of nce, the main reasons. 'it up, for example, was of the protest that doc- India and some other were being prohibited ctice in Ontario. d be logical to expect propose an approach at least.some of these vill be able to follow ession in the province. ready clear, however, main finding of the > will be. be the now-getting-to- ry of shortages. » biggest problem in id the committee. has 0 has been the same jortage of skilled per- e known these short- . We know they exist other parts of ~ the id also in practically er field of high skill he time the committee 1€ actual record, even have known we may 1ocked at the size of m. uable task it can per- ) present a truly' ob- essment of the future. 's whether we actually ble to overcome the ind meet the demand dical personnel we ré- proper Care. ticians, of course, tell e will catch up with nd. iversity people, and in the medical profes. f, make projections Id show that in six or 's, with the new facili- being built, we will duced at. least -the d ones and nurses ed. se projections and have to be viewed sképticism. All of the king them would tend pd, for one reason or independent evalua- ll us just what shape and will be in. DAY IN STORY CANADIAN PRESS 1967... Colt, the man ivention won the s born at Hartford, 3 years ago today The inventor or revolver first went id Jater lectured in 7. In 1835 he ob- s first patent fora breech six-barreled and founded the Arms' Company. he built the great atend fire - Arms at Hartford , Battle of Halidon - Britannia, first steamship, arrived ls st World War years ag today-- rerman forces pen- Russiarx positions 'how, northeastern German Chancele elis gave his supe nrestricted subma- arfare; Finnis t decreed the in- 'e of Finland. VW0S LSM HAA A Dao NAME A$ ENTRY INTO HE SHORES oF ETIC SURVEY 2ED A TOMB. AAN WITH } oT HOLLAND, ERLE CTLY 62 YEARS» DAND PRE = MAN REMAINE. 27 YEARS » The driver of an oil at the Thickson Road-Mac- tanker truck received only donald - Cartier Freeway minor injuries when his cloverleaf Tuesday after- loaded vehicle turned over noon. Whitby Provincial Police Constable Andrew Templar estimated damage to the truck at $6,000, The driver, George Jeffers of DRIVER RECEIVES MINOR INJURIES AS OIL TRUCK TURNS OVER Oakville was treated at the Oshawa General Hospital for back, elbow and knee abrasions, Whitby Township | HIGHWAY CURVE WHITBY (Staff) -- A panel truck with a camper outfit on it came apart on the Macdonald- Cartier Freeway Tuesday after- tempting to negotiate the curve on Highway 401, past Shepard Avenue, when it ran into the guardrails. Constable Donald Timleck of the Whitby Ontario Truck Hits Guardrails Camping Outfit Wrecked toon. |Damage was estimated at!an identification. William Shepard, 51, of|$2,500. The naked, badly decomposed Libertyville, Illionois, was at-| A spokesman for the OPP)body of the man who appeared Provincial Police detachment} suggested the camper was too heavy for the curve. | In Explosion BATON ROUGE, La. (AP)-- An explosion early today dam- aged the home and two autos of Victor Bussie, Louisiana AFL-CIO president..No one was injured. Police said the blast, of un- Victori d P s- (Nurses a few months ago Home Damaged oe ee Other tattoo marks included iday of three exhibition events ] THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 19, 1967. § Tattoo Marks |with three drops of blood drip- |ping from it, and a picture of i what looked like a devil. Identity Clue A five-hour autopsy Monday | failed to find the cause of death, BUTTONVILLE, Ont. (CP)--| Buttonville is about 20 miles Police are hoping that several|northeast of Toronto. Upon hitting the suardralls,| tattoo marks discovered on the! , the clamp-on camper outfit/arms of a male body during an came off and was wrecked.' autopsy Monday, may lead to said there are often children in|to be about 40, was found in a the campers. He added, "Tf|farm field near here Saturday. there had been this time, they| The words Born to Raise would have been in ced shape,'"| Hell, tattooed on his lower left , jarm, are the same as those Af : which led to the arrest of CANADIANS WIN Richard Speck who was con- LONDON (CP) -- Oarsmenjvicted and sentenced to death of Shawinigan Lake school in| for the murder of eight Chicago against Westminster College|@" eagle and three red stars) BRMODYeCm Vin a han on the Thames at Putney. The} the right forearm, a dagger Shawinigan first crew won its race over a 114-mile course by BROCK NOW PLAYING One Complete waney Program «vax Fs 2% lengths in 7.25 while the Each Evening--Starting igan's David Motter of Calgary easily won a singles event over a one-mile course. known origin, damaged both cars, one of them extinsively. Bussie and his wife were asleep when the explosion went} off shortly after midnight Tues-| day night. | When asked who might. have} Area Two Fire Department arrived at the scene soon after the accident to. wash the oil from the roadway. --Oshawa Times Photo Venturers Have Easy Day Paddle To Ottawa Today | WHITBY (Staff)--It was anjed many cottages. The weather easy day Tuesday for the Fifth| Was hot and humid and for the | +f , ; oe_\first time in their trip they en- Whitby Venturers in their 475-| countered flies and mosquitoes. mile canoe trip to Expo as they; ¢o far the Venturers have paddled 16 niles from Kemp-jhad to portage through 49 ville to Long Island Lock, eight/locks, They expect to arrive in) miles from Ottawa, where they Ottawa early today. | camped for the night. Rev. Leo J. Austin of St. Monday night at the camp|John the Evangelist Church site in Kemptville, they met) and chaplain of the Venturers a group of Sea Scouts fromjis making arrangements for a Montreal and enjoyed a camp|welcome upon their arrival at fire. Having lots of time to|/Expo, July 25. Father Austin spare, they slept-in Tuesday and resumed their journey only) at 10.30 a.m. | Along the way the boys visit-| urges all Whitby and district residents attending Expo that day to assen-ble and give the boys a rousing welcome. Blackwater Girl Named County Dairy Princess SEAGRAVE -- Norma Jibb, Blackwater, was the winner of the Dairy Princess competition held at the twilight meeting of the Ontario County Holstein Club at the farm of Roy Leask and Son. The runner-up was June Par- Hiament, RR 2, Cannington. Other contestants were Jan Hoskins, Claremont; Pat Hunt- er, Seagrave and Susan Wood, Cannington. Miss Jibb will represent the county at the pro- vincial competition to be held at the Canadian National Exhi- bition. Jerry Nelson, Holstein field- man, was in charge of the demonstration and judging part of the program. The win- ners of the judging competition were: junior -- Collette Mc- Griskin, and Gail Snodden, Blackwater and George Wilson, Driving Exam Slowdown Ends TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario's driver examiners and motor ve- hicle inspectors have agreed !o call off a work-to-rule slowdown on the understanding the prov- incial government will negotiate in good faith toward a new wage agreement. The examiners, employees of the transport department, be- gan the slowdown early this) month after an arbitration| board awarded them increases of $725 to $750 retroactive to) Claremont; ladies -- Mrs. Les Smith, Mrs. Jeff Bailey and Mrs. Robert Jibb, all of Black- water; men -- Roy Bagshaw, Cannington; Don Hadden, Blackwater and Wayne Dice- man, Greenbank. Neil Hunter, chairman of the Ontario County Milk Commit- gram which featured Vince) Mountford, Brampton. Gospel Singers Church Guests WHITBY Faith Baptist| Church, Whitby, is presenting a "Centennial Special' this weekend featuring the well known Lacy Gospel Singers. The group will sing at the reg- all Lacy musical concert. Mr. Lacy was tenor soloist! with the Cleveland Colored Quintet for 27 years. As a young man, Mr. Lacy had the opportunity to become one of Hollywood's leading comedians and to gain much wealth. With his conversion he turned down many attractive offers to sing the songs of the Christian faith. The public is invited to this "Centennial Special." | Tliw's President | Still In Hospital WHITBY (Staff) -- George A. Anderson, president of the Wil- liam J. Anderson Box Com- pany, is still in Oshawa General Hospital recovering from burns received when he attempted to burn a tree in his backyard earlier this month. Mr. Anderson is said to have |been putting gasoline on the WHITBY - AJAX PERSONALS Miss Jane Moore, International Airport by her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Butler, 226 Lee Ave., and will be their guest for three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. S. G, Ireland) ular Sunday services and at 8|2%¢ Spending a week's vacation/onto, also Mr. and Mrs. Ron p.m. Monday will present an|i? Timmins, their former resi-| Blackstock and son Sandy, Port dence. They are the guests of| Colborne Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Fee and} jwill call on several other) Mrs. Harold Hobson, Hyde Created To |friends. Cheshire, England, has returned Individual Visitors at the home of me | Rogers and her son Arnold,| Brampton, Mrs. Stanley Taylor, | Police Escort OTTAWA (CP) --The 100th) Eskimo child arrived by police car at the steps of the Peace Tower Tuesday to put the fin- ishing touch to one of Centen- | }nial Year's happiest projects. | The arrival of shy Nala, 10, Eskimo child for every year of fire when the accident occurred. He suffered extensive burns to tee, was in charge of the Pro-|his left side and arm. Mrs, Anderson said today her husband is expected to return First HOME Lots | Go On Sale Aug. 1 | TORONTO (CP) -- The first government - owned lots under Ontario's Home program will go on sale Aug. 1 on a first-come first-serve, fixed-price basis. Private home builders will get priority in areas where private demand is expected to. take more than 50 per cent of avail- able lots. In such areas, com mercial builders will be bar- red from the buying until Aug. 15. In low demand areas com- mercial developers can buy Aug. 1, but there will be a limit on the number of lots available to a single developer. Ontario Housing Corp. offi- cials would not reveal the num- ber of lots to be sold or their location. Need An Oi] Furnace? CALL PERRY | 723-3443 last August when their previous contract expired. The increases, which brought the -examiners' salaries to a minimum of $5,725 and maxi- mum of $6,150, were denounced by the men as too low. However, the present contract ends Sept. 30 and a Civil Service Association spokesman said last week the government had pledged to try to reach a new) agreement by that date if the slowdown ended. SPEEDY TAXI SERVICE 668-6841 WHITBY DAY & NIGHT One-Stop DECORATING SHOP @ Wellpaper end Murals @ Custom Draperies @ Broadioom @ C.LL. Paints end Varnishes @ Benjamin Moore Peints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. PHONE 668-5862 107 Byron St. S., Whitby home from the hospital within the next two weeks. BOMBERS CUT FOUR WINNIPEG (CP) -- Winni- peg Blue Bombers, who dropped a 42-30 decision to Tor- onto Argonauts Monday in a Canadian Football League exhi- bition game, Tuesday an- nounced their first player cuts. The Western Football Confer- ence Club placed on waivers Ken Duke; Ed Molstad; Tom Gorham, and Jotn Smith. Confederation was visiting a home in the suburb of Alta Vista. | The rest of the youngsters from 10 to 17 years old were having a party in the high ceilinged railway commit- tee room in the Parliament Buildings, usually reserved for speaker's receptions and the cocktail set. | Surrey,|Danville, Que., England was met at Toronto) Ajjen and Mrs. Thomas Beer, 226/of her son and daughter-in-law Centre St. N., were: Mr. and/Mr. and Mrs. Peter Davis, 1720 Mrs. Ralph _ Hodges, Des'Brock St. S, Plaines, Ill, Mrs. Thiel and se ngs daughter Gay, Arlington, Il... Mrs. L. J. Allen, 7 Wood | Mrs. Freda Hughes, Mrs. E.|house Cr., Ajax has returned STAFFORD BROS. 100th Eskimo from Frobisher Bay meant one | been responsible, Bussie de-| clined to comment. Police would say only that they were investigating. M | The incident came as the Leg- Mr. and Mrs.\jstature in special session con-| Dixon, Cooksville andjsidered creation of a state Mrs. Viola Dixon, White Lake, |agency to investigate racketeer- ing in labor-management rela- tions A two-month-long labor crisis in the Baton Rouge area has halted an estimated $250,000,000) {worth of industrial construction | and made idle 15.000 workmen. | Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brown, 105 Bell Dr., had as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John Rose and daughter Daphne, Tor- to her home after spending R three weeks visiting at the home eau ementy (Gk, \ AGES from a week's visit at Expo 67. LTD. : ee, Tea. Amting, 198 Chris-| MONUMENTS jana Cr., Pickering had as her) guests for the past two weeks,| 668-3552 Mr. and Mrs. Benny Amting of 318 DUNDAS EAST Holland. SAVE $ $ ON AUTO INSURANCE If you are an Abstainer you save up to $22.00 on your auto insurance. win in the same time. Shawin- Y o~-bodies ... bodies ¢ ! everywhere! second crew scored a 30-length E: STRANGE GIRLS IN HIS ROOM... LOADED GUNS IN HIS BACK... f } i gg» ...80 what! ; BUY YOUR | > zante SUNBEAM IMP e e ! @ ARROW | ® e rw RANDALL som BERGER versrrLOM wumoHYDEWHITE 1 TERRY.THOMAS Dead! | »COLOR BEGINS 9:10 ALSO -- SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION "FIRST TO FIGHT" In Color Sterring CHAD EVERETT -- MARILYN DEVIN -- Begins 7:30 ALPINE SIMCA All With 5 Year 5.000 i Mile Power Train Worranty \ BELL'S GARAGE 668-3693 DUNDAS E. WHITBY } NO END TO THESE VALUES! SALE CONTINUES! Summer Clothing Reduced 20% + 50% Cash Your JULY BABY BONUS CHEQUE at the MERCANTILE See... JOHN RIEGER INSURANCE LIMITED PRESIDENT -- CLARE A. SHANK 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA DIAL ie 728-7567 A. E. JOHNSON, ©.D. |} OPTOMETRIST 14% King St. East 723-2721 It's simple how. quickly one may lose pounds of unsightly fat right in your own home. Make this home recipe yourself. It's easy, no trouble at all and costs little. Just go to your drug store and ask for four ounces of Naran Concentrate. Pour this into a pint bottle and add enough sel agtte juice to fill the bottle. 'ake two tablespoons full a day | needed and follow the Naran an. If your first purchase does not show you a simple easy way to DAY OR NIGHT New Home Recipe Reducing Plan bloat disappears--how much bet- ter you feel. More alive, youthful appearing and active. lose bulky fat and help regain slender more gr: I curves; if reducible pounds and inches of excess fat don't disappear from neck, chin, arms, abdomen, hips, calves and ankles just return the empty bottle for your money back. Follow this easy way en- dorsed by many who have tried this plan and help bring back alluring curves and graceful slenderness. Note how quickly OUNG MODERNS Downtown SALE 0%... ® 38 KING ST. E.-OSHAWA @ 135 BROCK ST. S - WHITBY eer KS\, $25.00 in Merchandise to Winner of draw. June Winner Mrs. G. Umphrey, Brougham, Ont. MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE 321 BROCK ST. S. I ae at I, Phineas Q. McPhinn (pictured above), join together with the bottler of Coca-Cola in congratulating a winner in the marvellous promotion, 'Make a date with Coke.' Well done George Coleman, Weston, Ontario, He's just won a trip for two to anywhere In Canada, via Air Canada. And there are still lots of prizes to be won! Coca-Cola and Coke are registered trade marks which identify only the product of Coca-Cola Ltd HAMBLY'S BEVERAGES LIMITED OSHAWA, ONT. Authorized bottler of Coce-Cole under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd MID-SUMMER @ Den Mar @ O' Omphies @ Air Step @ Buster Brown @ Fiancees @ Packard Not ell sizes end widths in every ling -- White & Beigea ° Discontinued Lines in Block and Brown, 0% 10 40% REDUCTIONS @ ALL SALES FINAL @ COLLINS SHOES 119 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY 668-3476 Open Fri. Till 9 P.M. Air Conditioned For Your Comfort _

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