@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 18, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Indian Act To Be Changed To Give More Freedom FORT QU'APPELLE, Sask. . (CP)-- Indian Affairs Minister Tanker Seized LONDON (AP) -- The Liber- Arthur Laing has described the ian-registered tanker Lake Pa- Indian Act as "'an act which nit cot eg saternaol eel: lourde has been seized in Sin- Basten t gapore on orders from London. |A British treasury spokesman Changes in the act are plan- ned to give Indians more free- | said Monday it was part of Bri- dom in managing their own af- fairs, he told about 3,000 Indians Sunday at the Sioux Indian pow - wow on Standing Buffalo Reserve near this community 45 miles northeast of Regina. Basic lack of communication between Indians and whites is the main problem facing both in living together. Locating of Indians on reserves seems to have had the effect of discourag- ing them, he said. Prize Cows Killed | LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Four-| teen prize - winning Ayrshire | fe 5 Astronauts Warned cows which strayed on to the ae as CPR mainline were killed HON. ARTHUR LAING WASHINGTON (AP)-- Astro- early Monday by a freight... help manage own affairs Nauts who make years --long 'rath. voyages into space must face jpensation for oil damage caused | by the wreck of the tanker's | sister ship, Torrey Canyon, off Cornwall in March. F. Noel Charlton, head of the litigation department of the treasury solicitor's office, ordered the action against the Lake Palourde, and said it was jexpected the owners would put jup as security for her release | sufficient funds to cover dam- age from the Torrey Canyon's oil. Value of the animals is at! #86 ~ the probability that radiation least $10,000, said owner F. G. will shorten their lives and Kingsmill Sr. Gets Contract lengthen their cancer risks, a Mr. Kingsmill said the herd group of scientists reported from Kingsmill Farm was one Ascsoceniii Ag elie Agape Monday of the best in the province from | heen awarded a $3,385,900 con- a breeding standpoint. Some ofjtract to build the New Vanier the blood lines, he said, go back Institution for Women at more than 40 years. Brampton, the Ontario works One of the animals killed was | department announced Monday Jings Laurel, which Mr. Kings-| [he correctional _ institute mill said was judged grand|scheduled for completion in champion last yeat at the Ca-|196§, will replace the 87-year- nadian National Exhibition. | 91q Mercer reformatory in Tor- Kings Ultimate, Kings Utmost onto's west end. The new re- and Kings Veelox, all top breed- formatory will be built on a 30- ing stock, also were killed. acre site adjacent to the reform institutions department's Ingle- side centre for girls. 'Heat Wave Kills 6 TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- The temperature rose to 126.6 for the second straight day at Shushtar Monday and the people of south- ern Iran described the heat wave as hell on earth Ahwaz, with the mercury at|the only survivor. He was listed 116.6, asphalt turned liquid in,in fair condition in a Michigan the streets and six persons were City, Ind., hospital. reported dead from heat stroke. Wagon Runs Over Hundreds of others were made SEAFORTH, Ont. (CP)-- ill. Many. fled the region Linda Turner, 3, of this town 25 Ship Fire Doused miles northwest of Stratford HONG KONG (Reuters) -- was killed Monday when run Firemen put out a blaze in a/9Ver by a hay wagon at her hold of the 27,632-ton British lux-|home. Her grandfather, John ury liner Oronsay Monday night |Turner, was operating the trac- after a 14-hour battle. Many of|'0r that was drawing the the 853 passengers were not! Wason. aware that the fire, which broke out Sunday night while the ship . }was en route from Japan to} Diefenbaker In B.C. Hong Kong, was still not under _ control when the ship docked |, NELSON, B.C. (CP)--Opposi- {here Monday. tion Leader Diefenbaker spent a quick four hours in this south-} ® . eastern British Columbia city| Lord Joins Birdmen Monday, shaking hands, attend-} a ate ae ing functions and not actually ha el ee esd Borer not|22ret, has joined the birdmen. announced whether he will con-|#€, soared 70 feet and remained that hid pariy's lendevahl ono airborne for 10 minutes on his Jus part P con-| first water-ski flight, the British | vention this fall, paraded city Water Ski Federation announced | streets, signed the city hall reg- Monday. The flight was ata ister, twice reviewed militia) ater ski club west of London | units, attended a tea party and Friday a dinner and took a houseboat Masons Meet ride across Kootenay Lake. TORONTO (CP)-- More than HERE AND THER | 4,000 Masons from Canada and LABOR DECISION ithe United States are in Tor- This is an acceptable price for man's further conquest of Space, said a report issued by the space science board of the National Research Council. It} added that the astronauts called| upon to face these perils will be highly-motivated men who' have chosen a risky field with their eyes wide open. Buffalo Accident NEW BUFFALO, Mich. (AP) Seven persons -- five of them children--were killed Monday night in a two-car collision on a jhighway about seven miles north of New Buffalo in south- eastern Michigan she oe tain's legal action to get com-| la working basis for a reorgan- P.'4@¢ tices, and the National <\for administration. of li | | | | WEATHER FORECAST sunny with 8 few cloudy periods. Seasonable tempera- tures. Winds light. Thundershowers Tonight Over Lower Lake Regions TORONTO (CP) -- Official forecasts issued at 5:3 a.m. to- day. Synopsis: Scattered showers and thundershowers are Nex: pected to develop over the low Great Lakes regions tonight. Afternoon temperatures are ex- pected to reach the high 70s or low 80s across southern regions. |through tonight. Wednesday Wednesday will be mostly fair. Windsor, Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, tario, Niagara, southern Geor- gian Bay, Haliburton regions: Mostly sunny with increasing cloudy and a few showers or thundershowers this afterncon Sudbury, North Bay, northern Georgian Bay, Timagami, Coch- rane, Algoma regions: Mostly cloudy with occasional showers and thundershowers today end tonight. Gradual clearing Wed- nesday morning. Not much change in temperature. Winds light. Western James Bay, White River regions: Cloudy with oc- casional showers and a few thundershowers ending by !ae today. Mostly sunny Wednes- day. Not much change in tem- perature. Winds light. Montreal and Ottawa regions: Sunny with a few cloudy periods Toronto, Hamilton, London, Lake Huron, Lake On- ACTRESS PRESENTS BOOK TO QUEEN MOTHER third season in the Confed- eration Centre Theatre mous book to Queen Moth- er Elizabeth. The presenta- Diminutive Jamie Raye who portrays Anne Shirley in the Canadian Musical tion was made when the "Anne of Green Gables" cast was presented to Her presents a copy of Lucy Majesty following the open- Maud Montgomery's fa- for its New ing performance OTTAWA (CP)--Untidy fed-|the trade department's stand- eral programs must be repaired ards branch. and extended to keep Canadian) --Retail Economic Council of Canada. day, the council sets out a blue. | ate. ees ; print for Registrar - General) Co-ordination of work in the Deal For Consumers Says Economic Council inspection services,;consumer inquiries, the depart- The driver of one car, Robert|consumers informed and to pro-|now conducted by the trade,|ment should field them all in In| Watkins, 26, of Three Oaks was|tect their interests, says the) agriculture and fisheries depart-|future, and co-ordinate all fed- ments and by the health depart-|eral information programs for dependent advisory council on In a 17,000-word report Mon-| ment's food and drug director-| consumers. here. Also shown are the other members of the cast, Susan Anderson and Diane Nyland. ; (CP Wirephoto) | To end delays "of many} months" in answering some GIVES CONSUMERS' VIEW CARRYING (CP)--Jack Hazard, a million- + \aire with a fetish for the neat , |and clean, is trying to make this ' | village on the Bay of Quinte one ' lof the tidiest communities in | Canada. The 66-year-old Mr. owns 440 acres, about 80 per cent of the village of 300. He ~~ \owns 18 houses, -* |built nine himself and person- lally designed three. His under- | takings $430,000. He has an intense hatred of messy hung out on front porches, junk- yards and weeds. He rents most of the houses he owns and in exchange rents asks that the buildings and !grounds be kept spic-and-span., Mr. Hazard, who founded and runs a car-parking system which operates across the United | States, has his headquarters in |Los Angeles. there and another at Beach, Calif., but spends part| of his time here. W interest in Carrying Place? His mother, fore her marriage, was born in PLACE, Hazard of which he here have cost him front lawns, washing for relatively low He has a home Malibu hy has he taken such a keen Maude Fitzgerald be- Millionaire Booster | For Clean Community 1 t t the village and lived in it most} of her life. She died here last} year, at the age of 87. Refurbishing Carrying Place j has become a sort of crusade private citizens. | would include some men drawn Turner in the role he soon takes |field of consumer credit, includ-|, It would be up to Mr. Turner|from producer and distributor | lup as the cabinet's No. 1 con-|ing disclosure provisions on in-|® "express the consumer point! interests, }sumer's champion. terest charges. | | If the government follows thc, --Enforcement of five federal | recommendations, Mr. Turner he eer deceptive trade} will assume four new jobs from} Practices. : | lother ministers. He will also co. LAWS NOT ENFORCED = jordinate several co - operative On this point, the council said) programs with. the provinces, |here are "significant. differ- consumer groups and industry.|@nces in the stringency of en- And he will watch over con-|forcement, and in some cases sumer work left in the hands of Virtually no enforcement at all. other federal departments The legislation includes the The council's interim report 4%ti - ¢ombines prohibition} lon consumer functions of the|28ainst misleading price adver- registrar - general's department| ising, the Trade Marks Act) will be followed by reports on|Prohibition against unfair trade anti - combines legislation and| Practices, the Food and Drugs patent, trade mark and copy- Act provisions against fraud in rights laws the sale of food and drugs, The interim report was laid Criminal Code sections against down early to give Mr. Turner fraudulent or misleading trade lization under which his 13-mon|1'@ade Mark and True Labelling lold department will be renamed |ACt Prohibition against untrue the department of corporate and o misleading descriptions of consumer affairs. specified commodities. The report said federal pro- TAKES NEW JOBS grams for consumer protection Specifically, the registrar-gen-| have grown up haphazardly in eral's department would take response to crises and pres- these new functions under its sures. wing As a first measure of ¢o- --Responsibility for ensuring Ordination, the registrar-general accurate weights and measures,|Should set up an_interdepart- the Na-| mental committee on consumer tional Trade Mark and True 'ffairs. Deputy ministers of the The Ontario Labor Relations|°to this week for the annual Board has. officially declared|Comvention of the Grand Lodge in that the United Auto Workers|f Canada, A. F. and A.M "no longer represents the em.| Ontario. Most of the delegates} «+> é Foes |are from the 650 Masonic lodges ployees of Oshawa Engineering | #"° Edi itor Speaks and Welding Company Lim-|{irouzhout et ae The con- ited."" The board says no objec-|Ve"!0" opened Monday. ARNOLD EDINBOROUGH . criticizes education tions were filed following a re- OTTAWA (CP)--A magazine cent vote of employees which Heads Masons editor told the Canadian Col- resulted in the rejection of the lege of Teachers Monday what union as bargaining agent. | OTTAWA (CP) -- Dr. Cc. A. he thinks of Canadian educa-| " ns Bell of Port Stanley, Ont., was tion, lacing his description with | HOSPITAL REPORT elected supreme grand master|the words stupid, ludicrous and Three hundred and thirty- | of the Sovereign Great Piory of | nonsense seven patients were admitted | Canada, Knights Templar, at Arnold Edinborough, editor of and 331 discharged by the Osh-|the annual assembly of the|\Saturday Night and a former awa General Hospital during the| Masonic organization Monday.| university En glish teacher, | week ending July 15. Fifty|The election came at the close|said the fact that a teacher babies were born. A total of 116/0f the assembly after a four-day from one province must take a major, 115 minor and 78 eye,|meeting here. Next year's as-'test to qualify as a teacher in ear. nose and throat operations sembly Will be in Winnipeg. er province is "just stu- were performed. Three hundred ' ple and sixty-one treatments and|Gastro Won t-Come Steps should be taken to end examinations were given, and! i : ; this "patchwork arrangement" asts applied. The physio-| 'OTTAWA (CP)--Neither Pre- of standards. therapy department gave 760 -drmelcteg htld an President OEE reatments and ms ; isits,| OSvaldo Dorticos will represent a cata eer de-|Cuba at its national day, July ; HEARING. AID AlD partment handled 146 cases. |26, at Expo 67. An announce: CONSULTANTS [ment from Government House é |Monday said Cuba will be re- 10 Bond St. E. q 725-2771 WINS SMOKING CONTEST [presented by Foreign Trade MILAN, Italy (AP)--A Milan | hj hister Marcelo Fernan- industrialist, Ottavio Fabsile,|qez yont. 55, won an international pipe- smoking duration championship by keeping three grams of to- bacco going for 1 hour 7 min- utes 27 seconds. Announce New Healing Substance... Shrinks Piles, Checks Itch Exclasive healing substance proven to shrink hemorrhoids...and repair damaged tissue. A renowned research institute has found a unique healing substance with the ability to shrink hemor- thoids painlessly. It relieves itch- ing and discomfort in minutes and | Peeds up healing of the injured, | inflamed tissues. One hemorrhoidal case history ufter another reported "very strik- ing improvement." Pain was promptly and gently relieved . . . actual reduction or retraction (shrinking) took place. | Among these case histories were | variety of hemorrhoidal condi- many months. This was accomplished with 4 new healing substance (Bio-Dyne' gaes which quickly helps heal injured OPEN SOON cells and stimulates growth of new| tissue, Bio-Dyne is offered in oint:| IN ment and me aad form called) In addition to actually shrink- ing hemorrhoids, Preparation H lubricates and makes elimination a Sen It helps prevent in- ection which is a principal cause of hemorrhoids. - Just ask your druggist for Pre | paration H Suppositories or Pre-| paration H Ointment (with 3| special applicator). Satisfaction or your mone), Over a period of | refunded, OSHAWA VIC TANNY'S CANADA'S LARGEST AND FINEST CHAIN OF HFAITH SPOS Dortant of all, results were so thorough that this improvement vas maintained H * | Labelling 'new |goods, all now in the hands of!tice departments would sit on it. Act, and for writing|trade, health, industry, agricul- standards for consumer|iure, fisheries, finance and jus- of view on appropriate occa- sions." On one contentious matter-- possible transfer of the food and drug directorate from the health department--the council made!| no firm recommendation. The complex food laws of among several jurisdictions, | need a thorough review, said! the council. A simple transfer of the di- rectorate should not resolve these difficulties, and the step should remain for a later deci- sion. The report said consumers' The | should work closely with the! provinces and with such groups |adults, Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild as' the Consumers' Association | Strawberry should be in your home. 65-6 federal of Canada and the Better Busi- ness Bureau. The council pays special at- Canada, which lag behind tech.|'ention to the development of nological change and rest| Standards and to private activ- ity in this area. It suggests formation of a na- tional co-ordinating body with representatives of government, business and consumers to bring together existing standards-writ- | ing bodies. DX -- DX -- DX -- Dx | | interests are best served basic-| ally by a free market in which consumer preferences can be expressed in willingness to buy goods. But consumer welfare would be enhanced by improved information, education and un- derstanding. An important recommenda- | tion in this regard is for an in-| $ PAINT BUY DIRECT ' TONE-CRAFT BE WISE: ECONOMIZE! SAVE $$ -- WTH -- DX = OIL $ $ Phone 668-3341 KING PARK PLAZA and when you will return. We matically on your return. CIRCULATION DEPARTME VACATION BOUND ? Call The Times CIRCULATION DEPT. telling us when you are going away your paper stopped and started auto- PHONE 723-3474 The Oshawa Zimes will have a NUMEROUS AS IN THE NUMEROUS BENEFITS YOU'LL ENJOY WHEN YOU HAVE YOUR FURNACE INSTALLED BY MURPHY OIL CO. Expert friendly courteous stoff, delivery. There's no cleaner way to heat a home, oil heat is safe, de- pendable. Why not call todoy for requirements! is for installation end repoir, Fuel Oil free estimate on your heating 100 Gallons of With every new furnace pur- hased from MURPHY OIL CO. LTD. DON'T FORGET Our Centennial Offer of Fuel Oil Free! end instolled by NT MURPHY OIL 78 YOU SAVE WHEN YOU HEAT WITH OIL 725-3571 Bond St. W. Oshawe | moved from Carrying Place for a time. parking business at the age of earnings of $1,000,000 annually, he says, and personal real es- | $10,000,000. and postmaster at Place, sums up what makes the community's benefactor tick. | today and Wednesday. A chance of a thundershower this after- noon and evening and on Wed- nesday. Not much change in temperature. Winds light. Forecast temperatures Low overnight, high Wednesday Windsor .......... 60 80 Ont. for Mr, Hazard. He is the Mr. |St. Thomas ....... 60 80 Clean of the community. London ... - 50 80 In one instance, he could not) Kitchener .. 80 persuade a man with a wife and| wount Forest : 78 11 children to sell the old, ram-| Wingham .. 5 78 shackle house where they lived.|}amilton .......+ 58 78 "Finally I hit on the solution. | St. Catharines .... 58 78 I bought another house nearby, |roronio ..... 2 renovated and painted it with a| peterborough ... 8 nice white picket fence in front.| Kingston .. 7B I swapped him for the ram-| Trenton 78 shackle place." Killaloe .... 76 Now the big family keeps the| wyskoka ......... 6% new home in good shape, the|North Bay ;...... 5 6 jold house has been demolished Sudb 16 and the children shout "Hi,|PUGOUFY ++++++s+s Jack!" as Mr. Hazard drives|Earlton .......... 5 by. Sault Ste. Marie .. 5 75 He was born in Bad Axe,|Kapuskasing ..... 5 15 Mich., to which his parents had White River ..... 5 Moosonee Timmins . Mr. Hazard started his car- 8 and was a millionaire by the ime he was 28. He now has net ate holdings worth more than | Vernon Westfall, storekeeper | Carrying | Summer Ailment |Hot weather can play havoc with our v INC eating and drinking habits. | consumer affairs, comprising 15 | of certain foods, over-activity, over-indul- The number /gence often lead to annoying Diarrhea, or "Summer Complaint". To set you tight quickly, keep Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry on hand at home, cot- Berge "ib bia it eta nausea, cramps ' an jarrhea--gently restores intestinal government |i sance, Family-proven for over115 years, 7 Strikes Many comes suddenly! Over-eating ADA'S LARGEST VD FINEST CHA HEALTH SPA'S A favourite with children as well as What does a great taste look like? It looks like this... has 3 YEARS GUARANTEE also 6- 12- 18-20-36 month to pay For 2 Months After Completi @ FREE ESTIMATE... Call 728-9292 Oshawa Neo Pay NOTICE To Property Owners considering Sale of their property and who want the best deal they can get ! The Real Estate Department of CEN- TRAL ONTARIO TRUST can get you the best deal in the sale of your pro- perty - WHY ? _1.--Because we are also a mortgage company who can often refinance the sale to get you more cash. ' 2.--Because we charge you only 4% commis- sion compared to the 5% or 6% rate charged by most other Real Estate Offices (That saves you a lot of money !) So just think about this when you wish to sell your property to YOUR best advantage -- Then call us. Real Estate Dept. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 19 Simeoe Street North Tel. 723-5221 A fee een enN JOU! Gaston Bunnen: editor of the Brus paper Le Peuple, ' a dozen journalists tive for eight da sangani by mutin mercenaries and troops. He re Brussels Sunday, his story. Written fo The Associated By GASTON BL BRUSSELS (AP)-- of sun-drenched Kis: deserted as our air circled the town. T no way prepared nightmare that awa It was 1:30 p.m., fenuntinsaens anit Canad Embar OTTAWA (CP)--With ception of letters, the ( post office departm placed an immediate « on the exchange of all tween Canada and the States because of the | strike. The department, in nouncement Monday, : action was taken at the of the U.S. postal adr tion. The post office annou here said both surface letters will continue to but "slight delays can cipated" due to reroutin Other classes of 1 transit, such as parce! US. Raily Crumble WASHINGTON (AP)- snarled U.S. railways f to speed vital cargoes and peace on their wa today after picket lines crumbling under a back-to-work law. "This will enable the | of our farms and fact move freely once more President Johnson in the law Congress hastily) Monday to end the first wide rail walkout in 2 It requires a governr posed settlement of th dispute if unions and 1 ment don't reach the agreement within 90 day A union leader angril: the law "the strike-breal of 1967" but members shoperaft unions began it by returning to work more than 48 hours ai strike began. But pickets remained i cities, where strikers sa were awaiting official {rom their union chiefs toing back to their job: TAKE COURT ORDER Machinists' official J. bett of Pine Bluff, Ark., would take a federal cc Picketers Lambton By THE CANADIAN |} Pickets prevented the ing of a major Ontario construction project near Monday while hundreds ployees reiurned to oth jects following partial ment last week of the strike by 3,000 const workers. Recalled employees $217,000,000 Lambton gen plant near Sarnia reft cross picket lines set members of the United / tion of Plumbers and Pi; and the International / tion of Bridge, Structu Ornamental Iron Worke The plumbers and ir ers are among four unio did not sign the agr reached last week betwe tario Hydro and the Alli struction Council, which sented 13 unions thr most of the negotiatior Hydro. Two unions, the Brotherhood of Carpente Joiners and the Hotel a1 taurant Workers, w from the council last we Negotiations between t dissident unions and Hy expected to be reopene The four unions re \