t Ads' --Female Help Wanted WOULD YOU BELIEVE TOY. CHEST OFFERS MORE $$$ MORE FUN DEMONSTRATING TOYS. We Will Train You. > Investments, Collections, or Deleveries. 723-3568 LADIES art earning now and i be prepared for the big 11 selling season. For infor- ation, please call Oshawa 16- 1301 evenings. F, pleasant lady, with car and good edge of "ast for Ls deliveries te ess aegis Phone Mr. Williams 728- 9 to 5 p.m. SITTER to live-in. To work steady igs, Sunday and Monday off. 1S before 6. iT. Knowledge of bookkeeping, int telephone manner, and hand- i al) assets. Post Office Box 234 "CLERK -- over 21, Telephone 723-4693 ask for Mr. Street. a INCED female help for Smiths' Bar. Telephone 725-3932. DRESSER, permanent position, in Plaza. Willing to pay well rs Tek je 576-0438. "with some between 1-4 ane. presser required. 1 Top must be experienced. Apply to nt Cleaners, Oshawa Shopping CREDIT MANAGER WANTED cal retail firm requires an gressive young man to nage credit office. Pre- red age 21 - 35. Excellent portunity for advancement. uld. have Grade 12. On | job training provided. ellent pension plan, em- yee discounts, group. in- ance, holidays with pay. ary commensurate with it experience, replies strictly contiden- . Our staff is aware of this 'ertisement. \pply in writing: to: BOX 73714 OSHAWA TIMES CAREER PPORTUNITY For Young Men 18-25 ® summer work for stu- ts available. Management ning in the soles and s promotion field. Salary 0 per week. licants must be above rage in ambition and in- gence. elephone for interview appointment. 725-2541 9-12 noon WERS Supermarket requires an experienced ODUCE CLERK ious supermarket experi- preferred. 40 hour week, 1 starting salary with duled salary increases company-paid benefits. ly Mr. Baker, 564 King East, Oshawa. POWERS SUPERMARKET requires experienced PRODUCE CLERK ply to Store Manager 364 King St. E. REAL ESTATE EPRESENTATIVE ings available on our staff for an ambitious, idable man seeking a r in an interesting and rewarding occupation. y to speak a foreign jage a definite asset, Ex- it training and educa- | course. Employee bene- Members of Phote icky confidential inter- please contact Mr, , JOSEPH BOSCO, Real- 28. 7377. for beverage room. Must hi icter relrences npely man. TATE -- W ee mor clusive lots ~~ reheat Fad havers. No canvassin, , available. Exception na aol es. No Real Estate. exper essary, but enquir! elgg invited. Par cotton Phone Sal: ager, ales Division, W." T. manager. 4 te Ltd. 725-1186, it-Ads Don't t-They Pay! for... 19--Mele and Female Help Wanted NURSING STAFF A large modern centrally lo- cated Hospital for Chronic and Convalescent Patients has immediate openings for the following Nursing Staff. Reg. Nurses, Graduate Nurses, Nursing Orderlies (experienc- ed) and Nursing Assistants. These Vacancies are for full time, part-time and summer relief staff. Child day core facilities for professional staff. In addition to excellent work- ing conditions and a good salary range, we offer a full Programme of employee fringe benefits. Applicants are invited to ap- 4 in person or by letter only co) PERSONNEL OFFICER, The RIVERDALE HOSPITAL) ST. MATTHEWS RD, TORONTO 8, ONT. 'Short Order Cook. To work in air conditioned buffeteria. Excellent wages, meols, uniform provided. Ap- ply Chet Gaye, Flying Dutch- mon Hotel, Bowmanville. Telephone 623-7242 be tween 1-6 P.M REAL ESTATE salesman or "sales | jady| experienced. One who is not afraid of Incen- tive bonus as well as good eres Rr. tin Real work and likes to make money. Call Jack Osborne. Estate 576-1200 evenings, | me 20--Real Estate for Sole ARMSTRONG HOMES Preview of Oxtord Park OSHAWA 40 N.H.A. 2 family homes NOW SELLING from $16,995. Down Payment from , . 4 new attractive plans Go south on Stevenson Rd. to Phillip Murray' then east to Park Rd. follow ARMSTRONG and GRIFFIN SIGNS. CRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. 723-6461 OR 942-33 10 576-2430 J.B. " McMULLAN & Co. Realtor _120 Dundas West WHITBY 668-6201 APARTMENT BUILDING Older brick home, consisting of 4 self contained apart- ments. Close to downtown Whitby on commercial land- scoped lot. List price $16,- 900. FOUR UNIT APARTMENTS Consisting of two -- 2 bed- room apartments two -- | bedroom aportments, in older part of Whitby on large land- scaped lot. Showing excellent return on investment. List price $20,900. HILLCREST DRIVE 2 bedroom brick bungalow, living room, kitchen, 4 piece ceramic bath, large rec room 12 x 31, laundry room, util- ity room, many other extras. On large londscaped lot 55 x 145 with plenty of shrub- bery. List price $16,200. BROOKLIN - Beautiful brick home, elec- trically heated, 3 bedrooms, bungalow style, large kitchen x 18, mahogany cup- boards, exhaust fan, 4 piece vanity bath, large rec room 30 x 15 with ber, double windows, screens, Kingston stone front, T.V. tower, patio. Many other extros to numer- ous to mention. List price $22,900. AFTER HOURS CALL: Tim Vipond 668-8562 Alvin Puckrin 668-4335 Doug Winstanley 655-3642 PRIVATE SALE Cosy tive room bungalow with attached garage, fire- place, full basement. Very clean home. Fully landscap- ed. Choice location. Apply 86 Switzer Dr., Oshawa. |20--Real Estate for Sale '|20-----Real Estate tor Sale A GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 e BRICK BUNGALOW 1 @ Just 10 months old, three, family size kitchen living room, Luxu- bedrooms, and lorge rious wool broadioom in living room and master bedroom. Cup- boards and closets galore. veri gage carries for only 6% Phone for appointment feed this exquisite home is sold. e INCOME PROPERTY @ Brick veneer building in o very busy district containing 3! apartments ond | store, also 7 gorages in the rear of the build- reasonable ing to rent. Very down payment to responsible party. For more information ell) tonight. e | HOME of DISTINCTION Ill @ You will appreciate the quolity immediately upon enter- ing this lovely ranch bungalow with its beautiful natural birch} trim. The Hollywood style kit-| eating! orea. For convenience an extra} stool and shower in basement.| Paved drive to attached garage. | chen provides ample Worth every penny of the $19,- 900 asked. % EAST. END .BEAUTY IV @ A very lovely electrically! heated bungalow with attached| gorage in the medium price} range. The spocious kitchen fea- tures a special snack bor, 3 bedrooms, 4 piece bath. A good} your| down payment keeps monthly payments down. 61% % N.H.A, mortgage. PRICED RIGHT V @ Bungoslow in Northeast} section of Oshawa, reation room, 24 x 19'8'. Quiet location: 3 bedrooms, oil heat, spotless throughout. See it right away. Oh yes, the price is $16,- 900. @ $7,000 FULL PRICE VI @ Seven room frame house} in Cesarea, 30 minutes from Oshawa, good woter supply and all inside conveniences. Lot is 110' x 130', will sell or trade. e INCOME POSSIBILITY Vil @ Lorge 2 storey brick home a short walk from the General Hospital. Features wall to wall broadloom, modern bath- room, 3 bedrooms and gorage. Please phone for all further de- tails. NORTHWEST AREA VIIT @ Centre hall plan gives this home a very distinctive charm for the housewife that doesn't like people going through from one room to the other, at a price of only $19,- 900. Can be purchased for $5,- 000 down payment. Very close to schools, shopping, bus ond park. Owner leaving City, call now to inspect. e FOUR BEDROOM IX @ home with completely modernized kitchen, separate dining room ond fireplace in the living room. Garage and large lot. $11,600 open mort- gage with payments of $75 per month for principal and inter- est, toxes $280. Substantial down poyment required. & JOHN ST. -- WHITBY X @ Lovely tree shaded fot, exceptionally large garage, spotlessly clean, storey and one half. Aluminum siding on com- plete home. Owner will take back the first mortgage from a reliable purchaser. Truly a bea- utiful home.at only $18,900. Phone tonight to inspect. | AM TIRED X! @ Ready to retire, | am willing to hand over my well established roofing business complete with property, tools, stock, residence, which is a good income producing duplex.' Asking $40,000 for the works] 1 am willing to look at all rea- sonable offers presented through my Agents, Busy farming com- munity, FOUR YEARS OLD XI1 @ This immoculately kept 3 bedroom bungalow on a quiet street, close to schools, paved drive, Hollywood style kitchen, recreation room with hardwood flooring and notural stone fire- place, built-in stove and oven. Landscaped to perfection. Sub- stantial down payment to 6% % mortgoge. Phone for full por- ticulors. INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY XII1 @ Suitable for business or industry looking for growth po- tential. 47,200 square feet with excellent brick building present- ly used for truck maintenance. Another acre. of land is avail- able across the street. NEED A JOB ? Read Help Wanted Ads Daily The Times DAILY NEWSPAPER R&ADERS An ave daily newspapers are sold throughout the world on any given weekday. That's why It's smart business to ad- vertise in The T 9¢ 300 million copies of 8,000 imes' Classified Section . It's so popular, It's the one place people look for your ad. To get your offer before low cost, just dial 723-3 23,000 subscriber-readers at 492, CENTRAL | ONTARIO TRUST 19 Simcoe St. North REAL ESTATE DEPT. RALPH SCHOFIELD Monager J p--- ee To Property Owners con- sidering sale of their prop- erty and who want the best deal they can get! The Real Estate Department of CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST con get you the best deal in the sale of your property --- WHY? mortgage company who can often refinance the sale to get you more cash, 2. Because we charge you only 4% commission compared to the 5% rate charged by most other Real Estate Offices. (That saves you a lot of money). Hollywood] kitchen with large eating orea.| Beautifully finished Large rec-| So just think about this NOTICE | | 1, Because we ore also a} when you wish to sell your property to your best advon- | tage. Then call us. |. CENTRAL | TRUST Tel. 723-5221 --OMALLEY 1] HOMES Cayuga Street CEDAR RIDGE SEE O'MALLEY HOMES First for Top Value 634% N.H.A. Mortgages; Landscaped; Broadloomed; Free Cable T.V. for 2 years puged ea $21,495 to $22,5 CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST SIGNS. OPEN Saturday ond Sunday 2:00 P.M. :00 P. For Inspection at any time Phone: CENTRAL ONTARIO ONTARIO Turn wen on Cayuga Street | | from Simcoe Street (one | block north of Taunton Road) LOOK for TRUST -- 723-5221. Northwest Location with Swimming Pool The notable features of the 3 bedroom home is worth your immediate inquiry. Ang- el-stone front with flood-lites and stone planters --- Paved drive -- beautiful landscap- ing Family room, rec room, fireplace and swim- ming facilities ot your fin- gertips right at home. Call at once for more details. Northeast Oshawa $18,900 -- Immaculate 3 bedroom brick bungalow with spacious rooms and many fine features including fin- ished recreation room, poved drive and extra washroom. Lovely residential area, near public school and bus. Brookside Acres 3 bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage; many extras include built-in oven ond stove, garbage disposal, corlon floors and broadioom. Located on beoutifully land- scaped lot with lovely patio. Money-Makers ! 10 acre lots, Townline, Va mile north of Taunton Road. That close to Oshawa ond only $9,900 and $10,900 a lot. These will sell fast. Worth so much more and better than money in the bonk. OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE MAY HELP YOU SELL OR BUY LIST WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 723-5221 -- 9:00 to 5:30 NO TOLL CHARGE -FOR THESE PHONES AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL Tom Houston 668-4416 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Harvey Hogan 655-3663 Ralph Schofield 725-5067 Guy LEBLANC REALTOR 623-7461 COURTICE AREA Split level home with attach- ed garage, lot 264 feet deep, house partly finished, excel- lent buy for the handyman ot only $13,500. 63 ACRE FARM Commuter's farm with new 3 bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage, new born, trout stream, asking only $6,000. down. Trade con- sidered. HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL $1,000. down for this 3 bed- room bungalow on large lot, Asking only $6,000. and car- ties for $60. a month at 7%. After hours please coll Howard Wight 623-2524 Inger Jorgensen 987-4491 The Quick Want Ad Way | Get Fast. Cash oe for Sele SIMPLE THINGS TALK: Classified Ads ae things yeu don't need for spat cash. ial |20--Reel Estate for Sale GORDON Osborne REAL ESTATE LTD. 218 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY No, 2 Highway DIAL WHITBY 668-8826 TORONTO 364-6622 THICKSON ROAD A well kept 2 bedroom home on a 75' x 200' lot. If you like @ garden or o hobby thot requires spoce this is it. Only $17,500. WHITBY--LYNDVIEW $23,900 A better Whitby street is the setting for this 6 room brick bungalow nestied on a high elevation on a wide frontage lot. Landscaping complete with lush gross, high hedge and flowering shrubs. Better known Whitby builder built the home about 8 years ago with core with 3 bedrooms, separate dining room, recre- ation room, cozy open fire- place ond other extros. 97 ACRES Manvers Township. Have your own ranch for only $7, 500. 75 ACRES Ideal spot for gentleman farmer, good workable land. Without buildings. NORTH OSHAWA 3 BEDROOM--$16,900 This newiy decorated brick home with garage is neat and clean os a 'pin'. Extra in- come possibility with base- ment rooms for the budget minded family. Front awning keeps living room cool and refreshing while rear has shode and shrubbery. Fire- place here too for those cool- er days ohead, so why look further WHITBY BRICK FOR $15,700. We have a three bedroom bungalow in Whitby. for the price you can afford to pay This is tidy and clean and has thot extra recreation room in the divided base- ment, Just right for a family with that extra size kitchen and convenient to school. Buy cheaper thon you can build ot this price BROOKLIN BUNGALOW A sharp looking residence on a well landscaped lot 75' by 150' and within sight of No. 7 highway. 5 SUITE APARTMENT --WHITBY Centrally located, income of $445 per month, priced at only $38,000. Call for in- formation. SMALL STORE--$14,500. On main street in Whitby. Terms arranged if required. LUPIN DRIVE This 4 bedroom, side split brick bungalow professionally decorated. Built-in stove and oven, natural wood finish. Call today. 50 ACRES--BEAVERTON Eight room, 2 storey brick home, large barn. Only $16, 900. Call now. barbara Reynolds 723. 1887 Marlow Hancock 723-0288 Seorge Abramoff 723-4871 N. Van den Broek 668-2675 Clare Shank 723-5145 Gordon White 668-6337 Vivien Halligan 942-0296 George Sullivan 668-6226 Thomas J HUZAR Realtor 576-1580 KINGSWAY COLLEGE 7 year old brick bungalow carport and covered patio, corner lot. This home is in on area of well kept homes and since the owner hos pur- chased onother property, he will consider any reasonable financial arrangement. Call to-night to inspect. BYNG AVENUE 7 yr. old solid brick Tri-plex in excellent condition throughout. Just off Somer- ville St. this building has 2- 2 bedroom apts. and |- 1 bedroom apt. continuously rented. No leases. Full in- formation on inspection. This is' on excellent investment. Make your appointment now! KING ST. EAST 2 bedroom bungalow, poved drive and beautiful private lot. Broadloom in living room, rec room and bar and cover- ed patio, This well located home can be purchased with $4,000 down and $100 per month for the balance. Reo- sonably priced too! OSHAWA BLVD. N. 1 block north of King St. this well maintained 2% storey brick home hes many pleasing _ features. Large comfortable front verandah, sun room in rear, patio, gor- age, deep lot with full grown shade trees and within com- fortable walking distance to downtown. Treat yourself to © pleasant surprise, call now! Thomas J. Huzar Realtor 576-1580 Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board. SCHOFIELD-AKER REALTOR LIMITED Serving Oshawa ond District for over 31 years 723-2265 ELGIN EAST Spacious two bedroom bung- clow with attached garage on a good lot. This home fea- tures an open fireplace in the living room, nice dining room, and finished rec room, Listed $18,900. EMERALD ST. A little jewel here for the G.M. worker, You should have @ look at this nice three bedroom bungolow in the S.W. area. Listed only $15,- 500. INCOME Lots of room for any fomily in this four bedroom bungo- low in the N.W. area, as well as a finished basement aport- ment for income purposes, Listed only $22,900. Early possession possible BEAU VALLEY RESALE Most of the work finished in this almost new bungalow with basement goroge and walk-out basement. Rec room panelled in knotty pine and flue in for fireplace. Floors are broadioomed and corlon Two baths. Really worth your consideration if you are in the price range of $26,000. GRIERSON ST. Just recently on the morket this 6 room bungalow with finished rec room ond fourth bedroom in basement offers you lots of room for family living. The big lot 60 x 150 is completely hedged and gives you plenty of privacy for sunning and barbeques and family picnics. Listed $21,900, a call to-night could mean the end of your searching for the right home. OWNER TRANSFERRED Only reason for selling this spacious 1,248 sq, ft. three bedroom bungalow with two cor gorage and finished rec room with fireplace. All in excellent condition and early possession available This home is located in the very desirbole Northeost port of the City in an oreo of $25,- 000 homes. If you hove been looking for on executive type home, you should call now for more details. For full porticulors call 723-2265 Maible Boudreou 728-2233 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Marg Holl 723-1358 Irene Brown 725-3867 Willard Johnston 728-1066 Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5205 Mike Belmonte 576-1908 George Twoites 723-2008 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Mel Dale 623-5638 OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9 Member of the O.D.R.E.B. WE LIST AND SELL M.L.S. MORTGAGES ARRANGED 360 King St. West, Oshawa 723-3492 fer an Ad-writer now, L. S. Snelgrove Co. Ltd. Realtor 43 Pork Rd. $, WARREN AVE. Beautiful split level home with 2 self contained apart ments, very clean ond mod- ern, double garage, $6,000 down and one open mort- gage, see for yourself, coll Lloyd Grose 723-8432 KING ST. E Only 2 years old, brick ond stone bungolow of 6 rooms, large divided. rec room with cupboards and full 4 piece bathroom, garage, owner moving to USA, $5,000 down will handle, call Lloyd Grose 723-8432. COLLEGE HILL Spacious 2 bedroom bungalow, immaculate condition, extra large rec room, close to French School, Separate Schoo! and Public School, $13,900 full price, 723- 9810 $8,900 FULL PRICE 5 rooms, 2 bedrooms, locat- ed just off Park Rd. S. for the economy minded we in- vite your inspection, Lloyd Grose 723-8432. WHITBY 8 PLEX Solid brick building fully rent- ed under lease, showing good return, making excellent in- vestment property, close to school and 401 Highway, further details ond appoint- ment by calling 723-9810. AJAX Clean, cosy, compact and economical 2 bedroom bung- alow, very central, $10,900 cash or terms arranged with $3,500 down, Lloyd Grose 723-8432. BUILDING LOT Taunton Rd. East of City, 82 x 255 ft., $1,000 down and builders terms on balance, Mr, Tindall 725-0429, 5. ACRES Taunton Rd. W., very out- standing home for the small family, nice level land for __future subdivision, 723- CABOT STREET OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 4 yeor old modern brick 3 bedroom bungalow with pav- ed drive. Clean home -- land- scaped, only $18,900. and carries complete with taxes for only $111. @ month. Coll Jack Appleby evenings 723-3398. Bolahood Bros. Ltd. 728-5123, 810. |20--Real Estate for Sale | SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA | Call 623-3393, 728-7518 | | FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West Bowmanville 623-3393 Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board STONE HOUSE 19 acres, large barns. 4 miles from Oshawa. 10 acres of hardwood bush. Excellent lo- cation, Must be seen to be oppreciated. $65,000 -- 3 down. 11-SUITE APT. Estate Sale. 7-year old brick apt. Park Road and Adelaide Area, Oshawa. Fully rented. Excellent location, Must be sold. Asking $116,000 Terms. COUNTRY HOME Large 7-room brick bunga- low, 3 years old. Double ot- tached garage. All conven- iences. Extra washroom.. Elec- tric heating. Lot 150' x 300'. 4 miles Northwest of Osh- awa. Priced at $25,000. 3-Bedroom, 114 storey home close to schools and shop ping. Bus at door. Zoned M1 A-1 location. Has several business potentials. $19,750 ~ Terms. Owner anxious to sell or Toronto 923-9174 After 9 p.m Joe Bornoski 723-5787 Clore McCullough 723-7843 Rod Kruger 723-7900 Ernie Wilson 725-9750 Bob Johnston 725-6788 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Pot Yeo 623-3077 Roy Foster, Orono 983-5801 Weston Banister, Garden Hill 102512 Howard Forder, Brooklin 655-3853 George Beaton, Port Perry 985.2987 W. L. Dougan Realtor 1363 Simcoe St. N. 725-1109 WHITBY Lorge two storey four hed rooms with nursery. Extreme- ly attractive exterior with rose garden landscaping. In- terior tastefully deccrated Ideal location, one half block from No, 2 highway, Avail- oble for Sept. 1. First time offered, owner transferred. 10 ACRE LOTS Only two left, nearest porcels to Oshawa, directly north on Simcoe Street frontage. Con be bought with a low down payment. Act now while they last $2,000 DOWN Something special, in a two yeor old brick bungalow Complete with expensive broadioom, drapes, electric stove and refrigerator. Own- ers moved to the U.S.A, Pes- session anytime. Located off Park Rood. Three large bed rooms, Hollywood style kit chen. $2,500 DOWN Country property. 82' front- oge with 200' depth. Storey and half, small barn on pro- perty. Lorge trees, and lo- cated' 112 miles north of NEW DURHAM COLLEGE. No mortgage problems. Own- er will carry payable anytime. See this fine three bedroom home tonight, AFTER 9 P.M, CALL Lloyd S. Lafoy 655-4479 nd Wells 723-5467 Gord Schofield 725-1109 Bill Dougan" __725-1109 Metcal REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E. 4 BEDROOMS Brick home with good size lot 50° x 120', close to Pub- lic and separate schools. Full price $14,500 with down payment of $3,000 -- so give us o call for your ap- pointment. A REAL PLEASURE to show this 5 room bungalow with hollywood kitchen, 3 bedrooms ond with 2 baths, 1 four pc., rec room, paved drive ond in very nice loca- tion. Price $18,900 with 642% NHA mortgage, make your appointment to see this home and you will love it, 7 ROOMS a few blocks from downtown or King St. Only $10,500, Shown by appointment only, LUXURY RANCHER with many extras, plus apart- ment in basement, rented for $65 per month, give us an offer on this one, very nice home OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Mark Tomina 668-2121 Roy Yeo 725-2217 Jack Hogan 728-1554 Joe Maga 725-9191 Frank Frankfurter 728-5416 MEMBER 0O.D.R.E.B. We list exclusive and M.L.S. RESULTS? Use Yimes Action Want Ads. M unemployed or looking for check "Help Wanted" newt [BOarsBost Estate for Sole H. KEI SS S HES RICARD LTD., REALTOR 623-2503 576-1050 Gibbon Street Spacious brick home on large 100 x 150 lot with garden ond fruit trees. Four or five bedrooms, lovely rec. room. Listed at $23,000. $2,500 Down -- Attractive brick bungalow with attached garage, breezewoy, and rec. room. Early possession FOUR BEDROOMS -- Excep- tionally well cared for 7 room home, ideal for large family, across from park, Awnings, rec room, garage, etc. Only $18,500 Nearly New -- Split-level with L-shaped living-dining room, nice kitchen, full base ment, paved drive and deep 142 lot. Listed at only $18, 900 Modern duplex --- Two com- pletely separate 2 bedroom apts. in this attractive brick building. Located in north prestige area. With $5,000 down, vendor will hold open mortgage V.LA. -- Terrific spot for somecne who wishes. to gar den or maybe just acquire a bit more elbow room. Older 7 room brick home with gar- age on 22 acre lot with fruit trees Building Lots On Scott Read, Garrard Road, or good choice in Bowmanville start- ing at $3,700 or huge coun- try lots at $2,000 Dorothy Vivian 263-2138 Mac McDonald 623-3911 Bob Johnston 725-9365 Cal Morgan, Gorden Hill 178 J4 Harold Peck 986-4252 Wilf Hawke 983-5274 PHOTO MLS REALTOR 303 HILLSIDE 576-0330 TWO STOREY DUPLEX Excellent income possibilities in this duplex with two apart- ments, close to the downtown area. Aluminum and wood storms ond screens, double cor gorage. The price is right on this one. Call Frank Smith, 576-1415 COUNTRY HOME Three bedroom brick bung- clow with attached garage, located a short distance from Oshawa Finished recreation room and tool shed, reom di- vider, and flourescent light ng in valance in Iviing room. Call Frank Smith, 576-1415, MOVE OUT! ~ > Spacious ranch style home on outskirts of Oshawa, with breezeway, attached garage and carport, also o 30 ft. wide poved drive. Over one ocre fully landscaped yard featuring a fenced patio. The basement is finished as a separate apartment. - Ask ing price of only $24,500. Call Gord Charlton, 728- 8569 BLACKSTOCK AREA 200 acres with excellent soil ond buildings, stream, L shaped barns, two storey ten room brick house with all conveniences. For information coll Idso Wiersma, 728- 5683. 35 ACRES Partly wooded, year round ppnipg stream, good pond ite, Excellent opportunity for camping and scouting, Only 20 minutes drive from Osh- owa. Asking $15,000 with terms. Call Idso Wiersma, 728-5683 R. MARTIN REAL ESTATE 172 King St. E., Suite 576-1200 SHOPPING AREA $2,900 down. 8 yeor semi bungalow now Asking $15,500. SOUTHEAST $2,500 down. 3 bedroom 114 storey home close to all schools and shopping. Early possession NORTHEAST Just reduced below replace- ment cost, 4 year old 3 bed- room brick bungalow with paved drive ond carport. Large rec room, beautiful landscaped lot. $3,000 down will handle RETIRE HERE Close to downtown, 5 min- utes walk for exercise. A good 6 room. home in good state of repair, 17' kitchen, mod- ern, Asking $13,500. 101 old vacant, THINKING of RETIRING | Here's just the place. Lorge 2 bedroom brick bungalow with paved drive and attach- ed garage, dust free heating, hot water, just steps to bus. Immediate possession, at a price of $17,900. Call JACK OSBORNE 576-1200 Evenings 728-5836 R. MARTIN Real Estate Ltd. | |4oB SWITCHES | jto. is The average man between 20 and 24 lcan expect to switch jobs six or seven |times. In many cases the change will be} a totally new career. | And the place to look for the best jens | column in The! the "Help Wanted' mes' Classified Section. Whether you' 4 @ better lob, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, July 18, 1967 15 20--Real_ Estate for 'Sale KEITH PETERS | REALTY LTD., 728-7328 103 King Street East Reoltor EAST END --- Exceptionally well kept home with so many desirable features a home buyer wants, paved drive, gorage, rear yard privacy, 6 ft. cedar hedge, built-in stove and oven, hood and fan, extra large closets, ma- hogany cupboards, good down payment required. Call Earle Allen 725-7782. Allow me the pleasure UNFINISHED BUT LIVEABLE --- Ranch home in village of Hampton, only 3 years old, 6 room bungalow, al! large rooms, need only trim, floors, brick to finish. Asknig $14, 700. Call Bob Johnson 728- 2548 THREE BEDROOM BUNGA- LOW -- with walk-out base- ment apartment, fenced back yard. Anxious to sell, Asking $18,900. Please contact Joe Crawford 723-1021 JUST LISTED Compact four room bungalow, oi! heat ing, aluminum storms and screens, deep lot, garage good northwest location. Ask ing $12,500. Call Elmer Fredin 725-2753 TEN ACRES Located in Maple Grove area, approxi mately 7 acres located east of Newcastle. Asking only $4,900, Phone Bill Ratcliffe 655-4457 FURNISHED COTTAGES Williams Point location, one with lake frontage $500 DOWN Cedordale District needs. come re pair but only $7,800. Coll 728-7328 1377 CEDAR $1,800 DOWN Back split bungalow, com pletely redecorated through out, floors all resanded, new kitchen ond bathroom tiles. Ready to move into this weekend Phone Bill Millar, 725-2557 -- 725-1186 ; DUPLEX ON CADILLAC | | | | | | | { j | $2,000 DOWN SALE OR RENT Brick storey and a half, ready for immediate possession. Good location for renting Call Bill Millar, 725-2557 -- 725-1186... TEN ROOMS ON DIVISION ST. Commercial zoned Large brick 244 storey home with business opportunity for the ogaressive person. Contact Bill Millar, 725-2557 725-1186 IOWNER WILL DISCOUN $2,000 FOR QUICK SALE |X Attractive rancher with fire- irmony Rood plece, on South. Electric heat, broad- loom, built-in range. Many extros Coll BILL MILLAR 725-2557 25-1186 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE 67 King St. E. SIBBY'S. REAL ESTATE LTD. - 728-7576 N.H.A, RESALE Priced at only $18,900 Buy this two year old brick bungalow with 3 bedrooms and hollywood kitchen, part ly finished rec room. and completely redecorated, VACANT STORE Corner location with cement block 60 x 20 building, com pletely renovated interior plus a large walk-in freezer. Plenty of parking, must be sold, one low price of $15, 500 with good terms DRY-CLEANING BUSINESS Centrai two storey brick building with full line of modern equipment and 3 room apartment for owner. Long established business, ill- ness forces this sale, Inter- ested? Call now for more de- tails. When buying or selling call Tony Zokarow at 728-7576 for fast courteous persona!- ized service DOUGLAS J. M. BULLIED . REALTOR 333 King Street' West 723-1168 "WHITBY" 3 year old brick bungalow with attached garage. A spacicus home for the grow- ing family. N.H.A. mortgage at 614% makes financing attractive. Phone for on ap- pointment to inspect "RAVINE LOT' A floor to ceiling natural stone fireplace, two car gar- age, and broadloom in living room are a few of the fea- tures of this attractive split level home on an extra deep lot with creek, Close to all schools, Phone for complete details. "$1,500" is the down payment for this 6 room home with an asking price of $11,900 and month ly payments of $90. Very reasonable taxes and situat- ed in North Oshawa. |20--Real Estate for Sele SUPPLY LIMITED bata BUNGALOW, 3 ~pedreems, di recreation room, fireplace, naif acre, double garage, workshop. Earle Al $2,200 DOWN. $126 per month 4 for this 'wo-yrar-old brick bungalow. Just fisted, 0 066. Scholieid-Aker WHITBY DUPLEX. Very modern with arge landscaped lot and Privacy. ON BEAU VALLEY Choice -tots Due to the success we've hod recently we find our- selves with only a few of these R1A properties left. This highly desirable area offers the ultimate in resi- dential living unexcelled any- where in Oshawa. Lots ore fully serviced with 60' frontage and priced from 500, Close To School If you order now you can wotch your children walk to the local school situated min- utes from home in this new modern area. 100 Different Plans Available Or Bring Your Own ond hove jit priced for you --- no obligation free valuation on your present home --- Trades accepted -- Mortgages orranged BUY the BEST --- BUY 4 KASSINGER built home. Call 723-2265 for fast courteous service. len 725-7782 Keith Peters Realty Ltd. cal! Willard Lid Johnston, 728-1 for someone looking for a home plus in- al ome Johnsten. 3 payments gains Jast. Only $31,900. 728-1066. Schofii WHAT HAVE you, $1,000 down. We have low with low down homes priced Call Call 728-5103, Realto \CAESAREA, lfour room frame » year round accommodation for @ geod fix. - 'Only $4,300. Ww. 0. JUST LISTED: A large "baitding hous- an apartment for owner plus an extra house, garage and large parking area. Steam bath has ex- cellent equipment and @ good clientele. 'o sell other interests. Call Steve Lehan now at 728-7576 for ng a Owner more information. LARGE INCOME HOME, 3-bed $300 @ menth a a real HANDYMAN'S spacial, cottage needs or it man Martin Realtor 728-5103. steam bath, anxious , central ace low |taxes and small = monthly pot iste Douglas J. M. Builied Realtor. 723-116 |WHITBY COMMERCIAL -- $4,000 down, | four-bedroom, jlivingroom, diningroom, piece bath, utility reom. Close te dewn- |town Whitby. Ideal for small business or lresidence. Vendor will held balance, $100 per month. J. &. McMullan and Co. Realtor, 668-6201 lva-storey heme, OWNER TRANSFERRED -- Your portunity to obtain a bargain on this spacious two-storey twin home, contains four bedrooms, on room. Ideally located in the Wilson- aL Walia" 7ab i) with terms. Call /allace, polly, Wialioes 25-629: iesenh Bosca, T $4, brick -- bungal | Hollywood kitchen, four piece | Large lot 75 x 200. Vender will held bal- . MeMulian two bathrooms, Tving ance at $110 per month. te 8. 668-620 and Co, | THREE. 'BEDROOM, full ment, Elk Lake, excellent monthly. PRIVATE SALE - Realtor. cement oll hee Box 117, Ontario. condition Close to school and more information call ah hated Hillcrest Drive. Two-bedroom four-piece. ceramic tile bath, rec- List McMullan and Cs, large landscaped lot. 668-620 cent NHA re- sale, carries for $102 Trenthiy In south. east section of Oshawa, 11-year-old brick bungalow, livingroom and good family kitehi three bedrooms, L-shaped Im mediate possession, 723-4134 $9,500 -- A quick sale is needed here on this 4-room, two-bedroem home on Park Ra. South. Low down payment. For more details call Maible Boudreau of Schofield- Ak TWO-BEDROOM bun: er Utd. at 728-2233 or 723-2265 close to < lege Hill school, basement has aire bese room and BD calthiall Only $13,900 with |low dow payment. Call Willard | Johnston, 32 8-1066. Schotield-Aker Ltd. $1,000 DOWN .-- for 1 year-old | thre for $95 per month, principal and inte: J. B, McMullen Real Estate. Call 668- 6201 MONEY MAKING DUPLEX, waiking distance to downtown, two seif-contain- ed apartments and recreation room. Down payment open to offer. Asking $13,900. Call Sally Wallace, 725-6297. |Jowsph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377 ;PRIVATE SALE -- Jarvis Street, brick three-bedrooms, new furnace, with $2,000 down, garage, glass sunperch, recreation room, $14,500 Telephone 728- 7242. $12,500 bungalow, "garage, "northwest "diss tri ict, new listing. Elmer Fredin 725- Keith Peters _Realty Ltd. Realtor. PORT PERRY -- Three-bedroom brick bungalow, 4-piece bath, attached garage, corner lot, hardwood floors, electric heat, large kitchen-dining area, full base- ment with chimney for fireplace. 985- MADISON AVENUE, S-room brick in home northwest area of Oshawa asking-only $15,500 with $4,000 down and owner will hold the balance on one mortgage. Must be seen to be appreciated. For appoint- ment to nspect. Call Dick Barriage at 725-3557, LOT FOR SALE - 137' Nash Rd, city limits, x 121, lot on one block east of Oshawa asking only $4,200. Must be Sold Call Dick Barriage at 725-3557 FOUR -- This immaculate jtwo-storey, four-bedroom brick home has a large ultra modern kitchen, large tami dining room, garage y sized living room and delightful two bathrooms, attached rec room facilities, NHA mort- gage of 6'4 percent and close to public beauty Real NORTH-EAST -- Listed at only Call George Twaites for ap- ent to inspect this one-year-old Call 723-2008, Schofield-Aker Estate parale schools. three-bedroom, _ hWwer jstorey brick home with private drive, all oil furnace. calling | large rooms, three-piece bath and Inspect this home new by Anthony Siblock at 728-7576. SIBBY'S Real Estate Ltd. s! 500, DOWN -- two-storey, three-bed- room semi-detached brick home. in north east area. Large modern kitchen, huge living rotm and good sized dining room. Electri¢ heat. |George Twaites at ment |OWNER WILLING TO TRA Only one year old. Call 2008 for appoint- Realtor. Schotield-Aker |room brick home in north end of city on summer cottage property, within 100 {miles of Oshawa. Contact Mr. Perry at | 728-7377, Joseph Bosco Realtor | NORTHEAST SMART brick ranch "bung: jalow, three nice bedrooms, owner re- |locating. Must be sold. Call Bessie Crys- jler 728-5103, Ww. 0. Martin Realtor SUBURBAN DANDY. East limits, seven room oil heated bungalow in bandbox | condition, la acres lawn and garden. | Must be sold. Owner returning te Eur- ope. Asking $13,500. W. ©. Martin Real- tor, 728-5103, Ideal now while these bar- W. 0. Martin ment, from responsible couple, Box Ne. YaST, Osh- a down buys this &reem, zany home on Nassau Street. bag is large kitchen, three- recrea- base- +, good hunting, faking, or exchange for property in cal a Further Information. Om Jenkins, tk Lal ta: BEDROOM brick bungalow. 19 Carries for $79 bus serve ice. Located at Athol East-Wilson Road. For 728-0712. WHITBY, | brick bungalow, |chen, jreation room 32 x 13, utility room, {Price $16,200. J. B. Realtor, large living room, kit Jaundry room,