Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Jul 1967, p. 12

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, July 18, 1967 Ten days in the county jail Was the sentence given to Joseph F. O'Neill, 125 East- Mount St., when he was con- Victea of drunk driving by Magistrate Donald Dodds in Oshawa magistrate's court, Monday. ; Early on the morning of July 4 a police officer followed O'Neill as he drove east on King Street. The officer testi- fied that O'Neill had been driv- ing at speeds up to 55 miles per hour and had been weaving through all three lanes. The officer said he had twice tried to cut the accused off with his cruiser but had had to fall back each time. In. convicting the accused, Magistrate Dodds said "Tm! satisfied that the accused was| in a state of stupefaction or near stupefaction. He failed to appreciate the fact that he was being pursued by a_ police cruiser." P Draws 10-Day Jail Term been charged with dangerous driving. The case was remand- ed to July 24. $50 FINE A fine of $50 and costs or 10 days was levied against Donald M. Schriver, 19, also of 28 Checkerdon Dr., Rexdale, when he pleaded guilty to a charge of minor consumption of alcohol. BAIL REDUCED Bail was reduced from $5,000 to $1,000 for Lioyd Pilkey, 29 Wilson Rd. S., when he appear- ed in court on a charge of rob- bery. The case. was remand- ed to July 21, INTOXICATION Lloyd Stephenson had never been in court before his con- viction for public intoxication last Friday. At that time, he was fined $25 and costs or five days. Monday, he pleaded guilty to another charge of pub- DISMISSED John LeBlanc, Cluny Drive, Toronto, pleaded not guilty to| having liquor. Both charges were dismissed. He was repre- sented by lawyer Gilbert Mur- doch. In dismissing driving charge, the careless Magistrate the light weight of the sports car and the wet pavement at the time. He added that he felt that "there was a reasonable doubt." The charge of "'hav- ing" was dismissed when Le- Blanc testified that he was merely taking the beer found in the trunk of his car from one residence to another which is legal. MINOR Gary Oke, 19, of 673 King St. W., was fined $50 and costs er 10 days when he pleaded guilty to a charge of minor consumption of alcohol. Oke lon jug of homemade liquor. DELAY SENTENCE Magistrate Dodds decided to suspend passing a sentence for it he learned that 72-year-old Wil- charge of public intoxication. $200 BAIL Bail was set at $200, cash Magistrate's lic intoxication, and was again fined $25 and costs or five, days. Stephenson, 27, resides at 229 Gliddon Ave., Oshawa. ESPANOLA, Ont. (CP)--Nine persons, four of them Amer- icans, were killed Monday in the head-on collision of two cars on Highway 17, about 50 miles west of Sudbury. Dead in one car were: Mar- shal George Batho, 64, of St. Paul, Minn.; his wife, Aletha Irene, 67; Vera Batho, 61, and Ruth Batho, both of the Elm- wood postal district in Wiscon- sin. Killed in the second car were: Donald Robert Blais, 35, of Ot- tawa, his wife and three young children. A fourth Blais child, a girl, survived the seriously injured. The Blais children killed were identified as Michael 12; Joanne) 11, and Christopher, 8. The survivor, Paula, is 5. It was the worst death toll in, ja Canadian car accident since \nine were killed in a head-on & \collision near Kamsack, Sask., June 22, 1965. The Canada Safety Council Almonte - Town | With A: Problem Head-On Crash Kills Nine On Hwy. 17, Near Espanola crash but was said scene said: 'The kids were all piled up in the back seat." The Ontario car was demol- ished, but only the front end of the American car was dam- aged. It was the second major car accident in Northern Ontario in said the Kamsack crash was|a month on Highway 17. On the worst in Canada in 20 years. Police said the accident hap- pened in good weather at a slight curve in the two - lane highway. The cars collided in the middle of the road. The bodies of the nine per- sons were brought to Sudbury General Hospital. The injured} girl was admitted to hospital at! Espanola. The American car and the small foreign-model Ontario car hit about 9 a.m. | "It appeared as if the Amer-| ican car was trying to overtake} another car and hit the car from Ottawa," a police officer! The occupants of the Amer-| ican car were almost upright in their seats. Two were sitting in| the front seat and the other two! in the rear. The Ontario car took the brunt of the impact. | An officer who was at the! June 21, a car ran off the high- way near Sudbury and hit an abutment, killing six Sudbury persons--Raymond Picard, his wife, three daughters and a son. A fourth daughter survived. LONDON WINERY LIMITED i ccaiacas Second Week! charges of careless driving and} Dodds said he took into account| been declared a public place $15 FINE Being a found-in at 76 Royal St. resulted in a fine of $15 and costs or three days for Charles Galea, RR 6, Bowmanville. The residence at 76 Royal St. has A NEW TOWN under the Liquor Control Act. is being and their families during | built at Churchill Falls, La- and after construction of the $25 FINE | brador, to house workers $800,000,000 Churchill Falls A conviction on the charge of| having liquor illegally resulted in a fine of $25 and costs or five days for Michael Rafferty, 27, of 151 Athol St. E. When officers stopped a car liquor. When none of the four occupants of the car would a dwelling. He was fined $25) CHURCHILL FALLS, Labra-|ernment will set up its own of-|the new idea, but claim ownership of the liquor,|dor (CP)--Seven fire balls shot|fice here to be staffed by| pected "quite soon." Roszel was charged with hav-|from a hilltop beside the big/trouble shooters, whose job it| i i i {Churchill River Monday, : a telling' te was foe vaas| naling the official start on the|Will be to root out discontent sig- adn.itted drinking from a gal-|and costs or five days Magistrate Dodds learned that liquor rather than consuming it. a period of three months when| MINOR or property, for Charles Frank-|Oshawa, pleaded guilty lin Lucas, 28 Checkerdon Dr.,|charge of public intoxication Rexdale, when he appeared injand was fined $25 and costs or Court. He had'five days. when|$700,000,000 Churchill Falls hy- dro-electric project, west of Goose Bay in southern Labrador. The five-year scheme to har- ness the 6,000,000 horsepower on jthe Upper Churchill River, pleaded| trumpeted for a decade as the was a case of transporting A 16-year-old boy liam Andrechuk, 167 Windsor|guilty to a charge of minor} economic key to Newfoundland's St., was appearing in court for/consumption of the first time in his life. Andre-|ard Gilmour, 513 Rossland Rd., chuk had pleaded guilty to a|was fined $50 and costs or 10 days. INTOXICATED alcohol. Rich-|fyture, was doubly launched. Premier Joseph Smallwucd |turned the first sod before a jrough log platform and then |pushed the plunger on a , oF jdynamite charges. Michael John Cranley, 35, of| The sod-turning marked the <2 end of the line for the premier's well-known silver spade and the dynamite was laid where huge will be dug to carry COUNTY LINES Mount Zion Public Schoo! plan to hold a reunion Aug. 19. The pictures or records of the pupils) ® of the past. se Hurt In Fall |* BALSAM AND MOUNT ZION} (TC) -- Walter Pascoe had the misfortune to fall from a load of hay. He suffered a sprained stitches to close a cut in his leg. M COLUMBUS (TC) -- Mrs. Mt. Zion Public School Pupils Planning Reunion BALSAM AND MOUNT ZION|rived from Ste. Rose, Quebec. (TC) -- The former pupils Of/Mr, Barnes will be inducted, ttee is anxious to secure|DUS - Raglan pastoral charge. Serine: ae conned of ev. R. H. Wylie will repre-|plunges over the falls. United Church. BALSAM AND MOUNT ZION (TC) -- Miss Diane Graham ist and required a number of|W@S hostess at a kitchen show-| 1 : Bld . a er for Miss Sheila Disney. Mrs.|scientists say gold ore deposits . i Jones attended a Picnic Held Miss Carol Batty at the home|in of Mrs. Grant Jones, Brooklin. |Churchill River water to the generators. The spade arrived Monday carrying 31 plaques represent- ing $600,000,000 in construction starts. A special plaque will be added emblematic of the $700,- 000,000 Churchill project and the shovel will be retired. OPENS BRIDGE Earlier in the day, the pre- mier cut a ribbon to open the steel bridge built by the British Newfoundland Corp. (Brinco) |Aug. 2, as pastor of the Colum-|over the river a few hundred feet: upstream from where it The hydro scheme is expected to employ up to 7,000 men in three years time. nt Oshawa Presbytery at the rvice to be held in Columbus ceremonies made several an- nouncements, one that the gov- Showers Held RUSSIANS FIND GOLD MOSCOW (AP) -- Russian urray Jones and Doreen|recently found in the Soviet shower for|Union may be as rich as those South Africa which they closely resemble. Robert Hogle and Mrs. Walter Holliday, leaders of the Mes- senger group, held a picnic for members on the lawn of the former's home. Plan Induction COLUMBUS (TC) -- Rev. and Mrs. Allan Barnes and their daughter, Elizabeth, have ar- Jobless Insurance Benefits Outdated | | KINGSTON (CP) -- Cana-| dians "may reasonably look for an improvement" in the levels of unemployment insur- ance, possibly later this year, Labor Minister Nicholson said Monday. : In a speech to the conference PICKIN CHICKEN SPECIAL 'v«' WEEK 4.75 35° Parly Barrel 'Ya-lb, of CHICKEN Daddy's Burger Double-Decker Serve 7 to 10 People with the works SAVE 50c SAVE 10c PICKIN CHICKEN ji:.cn ra. We Deliver -- Call 728-7321 South CLOSED TUESDAY on Social Security Today and Tomorrow at Queen's Univer- sity, the minister said there is an urgent problem over present | levels of insurance benefits. | "The rates have not been | changed for several years and inflation has made them woe- fully inadequate in many cases. "T can say, therefore, without breach of confidence, that we may reasonably look for an improvement in this situation when the amendments to ee Unemployment Insurance Act come before Parliament." He foresaw a long and con- tinuous process of fundamental Tteview and alteration to unem- ployment insurance legislation. IZZA Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 EPI'S 1966!" | National Society of Film Critics | A Corlo Ponti Production Antonioni's BLOW-UP | _», Vanessa Redgrave , David Hemmings Sorch Miles COR Gp ~ ye mars oF a0 one A Promior Productions Co, lec. Releore Today ot: 7:10 & 9:15 <->" ODEON | lies Theatre 39 King St. io ; j and report it quickly to the gov- power project. A cafeteria (Foreground) is among re- cent additions to the com- Nfld. Makes Official Start aa ase te ®: Cx Churchill Falls Project they were ex- WON'T BE SPECIFIC He declined to elaborate on labor trouble at the sight, but munity expected to house 7,000 when construction hits peak. (CP Photo) yond its expected completion date of late 1971 or early 1972 and not. to drive the costs ab- normally high. Brinco's obligation to hire} Newfoundlanders whenever pos-| sible was a statutory require- ment of its act as a corpora- ALMONTE, Ont. (CP) --This jtown smells awful--so bad, ir fact, that officials have closed down its lagoon treatment pro- cess for sewage and started di- verting the wastes straight into the Ottawa River system. The lagoon has had a bad odor ever since it was installed) five years ago, residents say,| but the wind has changed direc-| tion in the last week. Now every- | one is getting the smell and des- perately looking for assistance. The town council is asking the Ontario Water Resources Commission to take over the $300,000 lagoon system, correct whatever problems exist in its design and rent it back to the town, 25 miles southwest of Ot- tion, he said, and this act ap-|tawa. plied to all its Labrador sub- It was on OWRC recommenda- sidiaries and sub-contractors on|tion that the process was instal- the project. led originally. | rat WAR WAGON ROLLS AND THE SCREEN EXPLODES! ah " A hc Re ae? im OuN ie AYNE 'tHe WAR WAGON" SEES TECHNICOLOR®/ PANAVISION' summa TIMES -- 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30 - 7:35 - 9:40 PLAZA "aa Mr. Smallwood at the opening 5 jles | ernment. sy reper He also announced that New-/landers here feel they are. not foundland workers, who were to | be given government-paid trans-|on some of the good jobs. Sev- portation to their homes on in-|eral sought out reporters among sular Newfoundland and quar-/the official 150 guests Monday terly vacations, will be looked | to plead their cases. | | after PPE PETE TEST PC CCC TCC CC aR TER IS THE SHERIFF | scheme which merges the ear-|is not a serious problem and| \lier promise with some Brinco!it could be solved. | proposals. | No details were released oniers not to delay the project be- some workers said Newfound- getting the best break possible instead under a new The premier said discontinent | He appealed to all the work- | CENTENNIAL BUS Shop Here For The Best In RUSSELL'S TEXACO featuring @ Allen tronic Tune-ups for Spring @ Firestone @ Good- year Tires, INESS REVIEW Service - Products - Prices! Dodd & Souter Decor Cent @ CUSTOM DRAPERIES @ BROADLOOM Mrs, J. Sharp, 364 Waverley St., Oshawa Painting & Oecorating Contractors re Whitby Cleaners Lid. 150 COLBORNE E. 668-2345 204 Brock St eee 8807 Ajax Cleaners WHITBY 72 HARWOOD E. ea2.care |) Soreld: 4. Twinn, 40) Andersen, CORNER PIZZA AND RESTAURANT We also have essorted sandwiches, Specializing in Pizzes, Spaghetti, Ribs, Lesagne, Chicken end Fish and Chips. Eat in - take out or home delivery. Mondoy + Thurs. 4-12 Fri, 4-2 AM. Sat. 12-2 A.M, OSHAWA TOWING qo pani'. Ssh5VSa8-7711 107 Byron S. Whitby 668-5862 Have Your Sprin: THE . and sae Poort ALUMINUM CANVAS WHYTE BROS. Furniture and Upholstery FOR ALL YOUR @ Quality workmanship FURNISHING @ Commercial and Residential @ Free Estimates NEEDS MIL JELINEK AWNINGS Townline x. N. RR2 Oshewe Evening Calls Welcomed Automotive Trim 55 King St. £. 623-5252 BOWMANVILLE ; Al TODAY: fentue at: at :15- 4:35 7:00 . 9:20 ™" AES CAAN CHARLENE HOLT PAULFIK ARTHUR HUNNICUTT MICHELE CAREY: (et eet Pa na couse wer oem = HOTA) COPPA NELSON RIDDLE - TECHMICDLOR' A PARAMOUNT PICTURE met fo THORNTON RD. AT HIGHWAY 401 <-- STARTS YOUNG WARRIORS White © Rose | Shell LEN WALL SERVICE CENTRE Fd @ TUNE-UP SPECIALISTS | 0.A.A. 1710 Simcoe N. 725-6841 @ Generator, Alternator, Starter e@ Battery Ch Open 7 Days a week SAM. O12 PAT eel | NAL. 'DRIVE-IN THEATRE PHONE 723-4972 OSHAWA TOMORROW SHOWING i i ye igs, | W. FRANK 728-7518 -- 623-3393 JOHN'S MOVING . and .STORAGE Exclusive Agent tor MAYFLOWER WORLD-WIDE MOVING SERVICE Oshawa 728-3661 -- Whitby 668-6611 Mayflower When You're On HEARD'S TAXI REAL ESTATE 124 Brock St., Wh TIMES FAST ACTION The Move Call and CARTAGE ithy -- 668-3732 WANT ADS SELL ANYTHING THE SIGN YoU Radio Equipped for your C i CAN TRUST WHEN Miss Linda Dolick, 167 Rossland East, Oshawa IT COMES TO REAL ESTATE WIN "FREE" CENT PHONE Each week names will appeor th ENNIAL DOLLARS ighout the ad: on this e TELEPHONE feature. If you find your name, Present it at the Oshawa Times CENTENNIAL SILVER DOLLAR King W. Bowmanville 723-3492 clip out the advertisement and ond receive, absolutely FREE, A i a pee this feature. his Playground! Mr. Al Hanlon, 419 Christine Crese, the on Oshawa DOUG McCLURE JILL ST. JOHN GUY STOCKWELL A Really Good Place To Buy A Finer Used Car 166 KING E, BOWMANVILLE, ONT, 623-3396 : ines (PIRATE Gordon May Roger Appliances This Space CONTRACTING ~ & Furniture TECHNICOLOR® + ; : seis y AW Types of Building | | Vist Our New Store in COBOURG Available MARY ANN MOBLEY | Repairs Same High Quality at Lowest Prices Neo A UNIVERSAL, | ; Roofing, Chimneys, featuring: For Your Ls hated Eavestroughing, Fire- places, Masonry ete, Phillips Advertising Coll us at... MeClery-Eesy 668-2774 and many top Brands. Message 210 Pine -- Whitby 50 Bond E. 728-2151 Mr. Al Dearborn, 125 Baldwin, % ~ ADDED ENTERTAINMENT THE LAST NIGHT: "CAPER OF GOLDEN BULLS" TECHNICOLOR®: PANAVISION® 26 Gibbons St. SHEWRING BROS. LTD. FEATURING TORGINOL .SEAMLESS . FLOORING "WORRY-FREE -- DURABLE -- BEAUTIFUL" 728-3980 cosaring STEVE GARLSON + ROBERT PINE» JONATHAN DALY "THE CAT" YOUR CAR 9 YOUR RESERVED SEAT: CHILDREN under 12 FREE! 725-5833 | BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8:00 P.M. REG. SPECIALIZING IN Reside: commercial and industrial contracting "FAIR LADY" Beauty Lounge Our expert stylists are trained to shape your hair so that you'll look your best. Trust us for hair beauty. 668-4051 See Frank for personal cutting and styling. 116 Brock St. N. Whitby T. SMITH - GENERAL CONTRACTOR 1039 KING E. - Phone 725-2108 ee OSHAWA EXPERTS IN... Renovations and 'ree estimates of additions course! TO TORONTO Dist Toronto Stee Quotations in 1--Odd lot, x rights, xw--Ex: from previous Stock Sal Acme Gas 5 Aetna Inv 2 Agnico V Ang Ruyn ' Ang U Dev 1 Area " Bethim, : Bounty "Ex Bralorne 1 Brov! Reef 1: Brunswk ' Bunker H 5 C Mines Camp Chib Cc Tung ¢ Dyno ' Cdn Keely 1 Candore 3 Can-fer : Cantri v Cassiar { Cent Pat § Chestvi 121 Chib Kay 1 Coch will L Conigo V4 Con Fardy it C Halli 5) C Mogul 7 C Morisn 1 leg 10: C Red Pop 57 Conwest f Cop Fields 1 Cop Man § Craigmt 7 Daering Le D'Aragon 2 Deer Horn 2! D'Elda 388 Denison 5 Diecovry 2 Donalds 20 East Mal 1 East Sull é Endako Lb Frobex 1 Glenn Exp 56 Goldrim 4 Grandroy 1 Granisie f Green Pnt ¢ Huds Bay Hydra Ex 7 Irish Cop § Jelex I Joutel ba Kerr Add V4 Kirk Twns 4 L Dufault 1 La Luz 7 LL Lae § Lorado W Madsen 1 Nealartie 2 Martin 2 Mentor 2) Meta 10 , Midri 665 Mt Wright -- 1¢ Multi-Mi 9 New Cal 10 Newconx 7 N_ Hosco 34 N Senator § Norbaska 5 Norbeau 22 Norgold 0 Norlex 25 Norpax 120 Northcal 1 N Coldstm 21 Northgat 4% N Beauc 10 Opemska 2 Patino b Pax int x Pce Exp 102 Peerless 10 Pine Point 3 Pow Rou Preston Pyramid 1 =. Que Sturg Quemont ue Radiore Rio Algom Rio 580 Pr Roman Rowan €n Ryanr Sherritt a. 4 ¢ = FS °° ee ss Se eee Tribag U Asbestos U_ Buffadn Un Keno West Mine poly e.. f Pee = 5 ES = v- Win-Eld 1 Yale Lead 15 Yk Bear 35 Yukon C€ uv Alminex 4 A Led 110 Asamera s Banff aD Int Helium 4 mill City s Nat Pete s N Cont § Numac wi Permo 4 Petrol 2 Place @ ' Ranger 4 Scurry Rn 7! Spooner 3 Triad Oi = 23 U_ Canso ' U Cansow : Vandoo W Decaita INDU Acklands ' Alla Gas T | Alta Nat Algo Cent Algoma St 3: Alcan { Alcan pr Only Can | ORILLIA | technological enable the r survive, W. vice-presiden "The very today depenc improve the convenience told a YMC. He said | hope to pro rates on ma a result of | the new Nati Act which al lish freight costs. It was po trains using | ciple travelli 200 - to - 400 range by the It would al: non - stop e trolled passe off cars at

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