Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Jul 1967, p. 20

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: GET IF YOU'RE GOING a ary bil al ne s0 Toor y RTNER MAKE My NAME BIGGER! BUZ SAWYER DONALD DUCK C38 * Ft oS eee BS SS OW THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 13, 1967 BRIDGE By B, JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) East dealer. Both sides vulnerable. if TU, HAVE To STAY BACK... HE MIGHT HURT MRS, GORDON. [way DON'T YOD GIVE UP? YOU CAN'T 6ET AWAY WITH THIA/ WE WOULDN'T WANT THEM, 'TO FALL INTO THE WRONG HANDS NOW THAT HE'S DY, HE WAS DEPORTED, SECRET AGENT X9 PONTIACS DEAD! THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. SUMMER SELL OUT BEAUMONTS VAUXHALLS PLEASE! I CAN'T TELL. YOU T'M ASKING YOU NICE, MISS FALCON-- MR. WON'T BE SO GENTLE! FINANCING HIGH TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE SUMMER HOURS: MON. TO THURS. 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M. TELEVISION LOG Pine! TAKE A Lerron' 7--Love On A Rooftop aha calle Heroes 7--Di alogue at Expo 67 Channel 12--Peterborough THURSDAY EVENING 12 te 9-8. rans News rts, n oe Weather, Sports ie #-Oirl From ri .C.L.E, 9--University of the Air | 8:55 AM 7--Dialing for Dollars, 7. Wasld vighte revewwed, © King Fectorag Syrdicata, ton, 196) 4--Lucy-Desi Comedy JULIET JONES 9--Cartoon Playhouse 9--Fractured Phrases 7--Supermarket Sweep FRI. 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. SAT. 8 A.M. TO 1 P.M. 4~--Andy Griffith | 14:30 A.M, Bonnie Prudden |9--Flying Doctor 8-2--Hollywood Squares | 7--Family Game | 4--Dick Van Dyke 3--Ed Allen Time iOON -- The Merv Griffin show | 1!--Hot Line 9--Toronto Today | 2-4--Jeopardy 7--Movie 3-6--Luncheon Date 4--News and Weather) Sports ya ie Me M. t--Eye 312-- pea 'Weather ports &--Merv. Griffin 6-4--Search For Tomorrow 12:45 P. a | 64--Oviding 1:00 9--Movie @--vialing For Deliars, Virginia Graham 7--Fugitive 3-6-12--Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Millers 1:30 P.M. 1l--Movie 8--Let's Make A Des! 3--Movie 2--Matches and Mates 2:00 P.M, 12--Ed Allen Time J--Newlywed Game 6--Cuisine | 4--Password 6-4--Days of Our Lives 2:30 P.M. 12--Summer Scene 9--People in Conflict 7--Dream Girl 4--House Party 6--Coronation Street 2-8--Doctors 3:00 P.M, 9--Words and Music 7--General Hospital 4--To Tell The Truth 3-6-12--Take 30 2-8--Another World | 3:30 P.M, 11--Mike Douglas 9--It's Your Move 7--Superman 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night 2-4--You Don't Say 4:00 P.M, 3-6-12--Communicate 2--mMike Dougias 4:30 P.M, MW ier the Myer 9--Mov'! ttckaberry Hound 4--Mov 3612 Vacation Time P. Marriage 'Confidentia 4-4--As The World PK ig CROSSWORD 20. Chinese dynasty cushion MICKEY MOUSE [BUT AT LEAST [HAVEN'T FELT STUPID LATELY., LIKE I OO THE REST «WHEN I TRY TO HELP WITH THEIR HOMEWORK.' BBOn IR] [Al IT} Ole us EEE Hoge oMma SINE MILE SISm 27. Puts forth 28. Spanish lady 29. The sun 37, Bone 30.Guam or 39.Stannum Malta, for 43. Virginium: instance sym, 31, Tunisian 44, Eye: GRANDMA + LISTEN To THiS,PA! HERES A \ FELLOW WITH A THEORY THAT LADIES' HEMLINES FOLLOW 'TRENDS 3 | SS a SNS MUGGS AND SKEETER HUBERT Pas 5@ . .- Opening lead - ten of hearts. You-don't see the defenders' hands when you are declarer, but as play progresses it some times becomes possible to diag- nose their exact holdings and thus play the hand to the best advantage. Here is an example of how it works. South is in five dia- monds and gets a heart lead. East overtakes the ten with the jack and continues with the ce. Declarer ruffs high and enters dummy with a diamond to lead a low spade to the queen. After the finesse succeeds, as he ex- jpected from the bidding, South plays out all his trumps to pro- duce the following position; 4 AKT Declarer hopes to find the clubs divided 3-3, but he knows that if they are not he is still sure to make the hand, There is no combination of cards that can defeat him. Accordingly, he cashes the A-K of clubs and continues with TLL BET YOU'VE GAINED- *WEIGHT, 188 POUNDS -"YOU COMPASSIONATE ANDO COURAGEOUS -YOU ARE ONE, a club to the queen. East shows out and is forced to discard a heart. He cannot spare a spade because that would pern.it de- clarer to lead a low spade to the ace and drop the king. South knows that East has the K-x of spades and king of hearts left. He realizes that East started with precisely five hearts, three diamonds, twa clubs, and hence, three spades. He therefore leads the nine of hearts and discards his los- ing club. East wins with the turn a spade, permitting South to take the last two tricks with © Kuvg Featuowe Syudioumy lan, 1967, World rights reserved the jack and ace. East scoreg two heart tricks, but no mora Artist Priest Dreams of Show | MISSION CITY, B.C. (CP)-- iFather Dunstan Massey, a 43- year-old monk who since boy- hood has filled his idle hours by painting, says he would like to hold a one-man exhibition if it didn't mean tearing down the jmonastery. | The walls of Westminster Ab- YOUR HEALTH cent of the time. find anything wrong with her. phone ring. ach trouble, Could this be from of medicine? VISITS DECREASE Visits from our children (by former marriages) are becon~ ing less frequent and the grand- children almost refuse to come. no one has the heart to tell her. really sick. recognize herself and see what she is doing to herself and Weary Husband. The heart of the problem is to know whether she is really ill or is trying to attract attention. When. "numerous doctors" have found nothing wrong, it makes me wonder whether she ever has been thoroughly ex- amined, or whether she has merely made the rounds, taking one problem to one doctor, an- other to a different one. (Some- thing wrong at times, if she has s0 many prescriptions.) Chronic Complainer Might Be Bored By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: Is there any Our medicine chest looks like| toms? ailment. I know some of these people must hate to hear the The present ailment is stom- a combination of so many kinds|i Of course she doesn't realize she is running everyone off, and We never know when she is then throw She is a devout reader of your, this letter, maybe she would If, after the examination her real trouble proves to be belly- achin' instead of bellyache, tell her, plainly but kindly, that she is driving her friends and loved everyone else. -- Devoted but If she insists on being "'sick"|" anyway, it would seem reason- able that she be required to stay|etable gums are the only stabil- in bed--and away from the tele-lizers or thickeners approved for phone--until she feels recoverediyse in cottage cheese (these enough to get up and do herjare ysed in many food prod- body must have found some-|s bey near Mission City in the Fraser Valley east of Vancou- ver have been covered with Fa- ther Massey's paintings, ceram- ics and other art, all on ec- clesiastical themes. "I haven't really had- the _|time to do small easel paint- ings," he said. "Most of my work fs on a big scale--walls and this sort of thing. I find this very good. I like working on a big scale." Father Massey said his work Has she gone into the hospital/"'is so integrated with the build- help for a chronic complainer?|for a really thorough checkup,|ing that it means practically My wife is one. We have been|including such possibilities as|dismantling the monastery" in married 15 years and she has|thyroid deficiency, hypo-jorder to hold a showing. had some kind of ailment 90 per|glycemia (low blood sugar), or} The priest is planning a the familiar menopause symp-|fresco of the crucifixion for y of these can bejone wall of the monastery's a drugstore with partly used|made to look like a neurosis by|temporary church. It will be 29 patent and prescription medi-|a patient who delights in relat-jfeet high by 40 feet wide and cines. Numerous doctors cannot ing her complaints. Or a psy-jcould take several years to |chiatrist might find that she has/complete. She never feels like doing any|2 depression state. Or even that} He will work with specially- housework but stays on the/She is plain bored. phone calling everyone she prepared plaster of pure lime insist on a really|and sand using a technique em- knows, repeating her current deatonnh examination, with the|Ployed by Michelangelo. physician fully informed of the| The Benedictine priest has complaints of the last 15 years|been painting ever since his and (I should think) a complete|mother gave him a roll of paper list of the medicines still injand crayons while he was con- your medicine cabinet. (If she|valescing from a childhood ill- indiscrimi-|ness. nately with her accumulation of medications, it could upset her TURNED HER COAT stomach. So could nerves.) If she genuinely needs treat-/Borz rounded up some cats to nent for something, throw out)/get rid of rats and mice that all the old medications-and stick} yj, hi ; ; i to what the doctor prescribes. Plagued his chickens in this Al THROW OUT BOTTLES If she doesn't have anything physically" wiong; female cats in his attic peace- out the old medicine bottles|ornhaned in the campaign. MORI, Italy (AP)--Olimpio pine town. After the pussy posse had done its work Borz reported he found one of the fully nursing two baby mice looking for help--church, can- cer pads, Red Cross, etc. self in your letter is doubtful. . let's hope. Note to Mrs. S.; Common veg- ucts), Therefore your worries Self-centered persons like thisjare groundless. Variations in are often bored. Suggest she dojcooking of the curd can change (prefer- not around sick people). Numerous organizations ar elfect the wholesomeness. the consistency from one batch to another, but this does not af- TODA TORONTO 10:40 AM. § Distributed by cp roromte Steck €xchange- Quotations in cents unless Odd lot, xd--Ex-divident rights, xw--x-warrants. Net from previous board-lot clo Stock Sales High Low Acad Uran 2100 3 3 Acme Gas 1500 2 19% Aetna Inv 2100 46 48 Ang U Dev 2000 77 75 Argosy 4360 80 «80 Armore zi00 19 «6 Barnat 1100 (35% 35% Bethim 600 600 Bl Hawk Bralorne Broul Reef 7500 30 200 Bunker H 2000 20 20 iC Mines -- 70 66 850 850 camp RL 400 $21% 21% 48 146 ee 510 152 152 » iCan-fer 2000 123 120 Cantri 4a 1515 Cassiar 10 $164 16% Cent Pat 70 1 Chestrvile $000 35 «35 Conigo 27000 57 = iC Mogul 1100 335 330 C Morisn 2300 470 450 'con Negus 4500 53 52 'Con Nichol 1000 15 15 iC Rambler 500 126 125 Cc RedP 11000 34 34 Cop Man 7500 25 25 'Crowpat 1000 74% % D'Aragon 1000 199 D'Eldona 4300 144 142 Denison 1240 $70% 70V2 Dicknsn 1800 300 290 Discovry 78 101. 103 Donaidea 300 17)~«17 Dunraine z 'Endako 25 $1) = F'west T 5000 142 14 Frobex 1102 460 455 enn 10000 25a 24% oldrim 7 IGranduc 100 S15 515 reen.Pnt 5100 4) Gulch 6000 243 unnar 2600 220 219 Hdway 13500 «18 v7 jleath 3500 ™% 7 High-B} 200 880 880 Int Bibis T 7220 44 44 Hrish Cop 500 144 4a jaye Exp 5000 22 20% jelex 2500 9 39 joliet 1000 434 434 lonsmith 2000 18 #18 am Kofia 400 270 270 err Add 2105 $14% 144 id Coper 1000 75073 irk Min 4000 8 8 Dufauit 200 $10% 10% akehead 2100 26 a Luz 210 $12% 12% angis 1000 37 7 Leitch 4000 600 590 ouvicr? 1000 15 =15 :acasse 780 145 145 adsen 1425 159 «(183 artin 1000 20 attgm! 250 $14 «(14 ic Intyre 100 $82 82 cWat 1000 «50 ta 1100 104 10% idrl 179400 185 175 it Wright 4500 3) 3 ulti-Mt 500 149 149 lat Expl 3000 14 14 lealon 2000 6% 64 New Ath 2235 18 1 Newconx 900 $70 $65 king, but is compelled to re- . Whether she'll recognize-her- ~ People often don't. But maybe ~ PePrare S@ee ttre MAJOR PO EQUIPMER Corp. (Cen.) Lec For Everythi for pr Staoning Steel Pool Kits All Steel Pools Block Pool Kits Aquelock Domes Aqualock Covers Multiport Halves teaete lewlund 16% 16% Que Ragi 100 515 515 Senator 1000 45 Norbaska 1000 57) 57 Norbeau 1000 30 rgold 2000 84 8% 200 166 pax zis2 6 6 istm 3025 Aorthgat 4375 590 875 rock 2700 43 «CO North Cam 2800 199 151 N Beave 500 Obaska 7300 5% Sia Obrien 20 35 «635 Orchan 1200 210 210 Osisko 2000 55 «(55 Paramag 2000 =8 8 Patino 30 910 910 | Pax int 2500 (11% 11% Pce Exp 10700 130 130 © Pick Crow 1000 25 25 Pine Point 250 $4834 48% Preston 150 $18% lad Pyramid 800 370 Q Mattgm! 5000 122 120 © Que Sturg 72150 18 18 Rio Algom 868 $34% 342 Rio Alg cw BY) $18%2 18% Roman 10 $1914 19% R 1 San Antont 2300 24 Sarimco z100 10 «10 Satellite 1500 29 29 Sherritt 2720 430 «415 + Silvrtids 150 425 (425 Silvmq 3000 3) El Siscoe 225 440 440 | Stanrck 235 430 430 St R 200 585 585 Sullivan 300 370 370 Teck Corp 425 475 470 2000 99 = % Tribag 1000 110-110 Tundra 500 32 32 U_ Mining 500 » U Asb 11539 505 490 20 420 Vespar 1500 40 40 West Mine 700 245 242 | Willroy 1000 75 --=--75 Windfall 1000 SASS |g Win€id 2500 124 12% OILS, GAS Am Leduc 1000 ue a Anchor 4500 Banff a ssa i CS _Pete 2390 C Ex Gas Py 465 is C Homestd 200 265 265 Cdn Sup O 900 $48 47% 400 : Fargo 500 510 510 French Pt 1000 475 470 Gr Plains 1100 $13% 13% Gt COilsds 1760 $16 16 tak tiation 4650 268 265 | 1 mo" Look to Above Ground Po Sand Filters Diatomite Filters Aluminum Coping @ Vacuumatie Skim All Pool Accessori: Pool Maintenor Low Cost No Down Payr FINANCIN! AVAILABL TROPICANA ¢ div Majer Pool Equip. Co Ltd. Cell BRUCE CA\

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