% SRC eee See "4 Wemen 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, July 13, 1967 Paul Wilson, both of Oshawa, who instruct campers, ed by all the counselors, from 78 by 36 foot filtrated pool, weather permitting. Craft activities include clay modelling, painting, plaster o f|t tics. Seventy, bright - eyed girls, between the ages of 7 and 14 years, arrived at Kiwanis Camp this week to begin 12 days of frolicking in the country air. '|An additional 11 girl counselors and two teen - aged boy assist-| ant directors make the total of 83 youngsters living in neat cab- holiday. The Kiwanis Camp which is situated about six niles north of the Four Corners of Oshawa is sponsored by the Oshawa Ki- wanis Club Incorporated, and is under the chairmanship of Rob- ert Sinclair and directed by Kedron Kiwanis Camp Atfor }song around their lcabin camp - fires or the night * * entertainn.ent may also include t t t ; Healthy Holiday For Girls, Boys|sor 'tims and'marshmalion/pos"sna'ye they seem let|nght" It may be a game 4 roasts. On rainy nights, the home - sick. Boys as a rule do|two, campers move indoors and play!o+ ike planned sing - songs; the aie ire More girls compete|on the carpet and pay the us- jin the contests and shows, and|ual ridiculous penalties which dancing and games of low or-/.),4 put on better cabin pro-|is fun, Or it may be piano, grams throughout the 12 - day/ukelele or other selections and camping period. named their cabin "The Little des, films, and People') the intermediate = Posgg iaht be cutdear group of Cabin 'B' the 10 and Pagiel) 11 year olders nicknamed their cabin "The Bat a seniors, 12 to 14 year olds, have dubbed' thelr Cavin 'A' ss thelovere eee Devils' Den". Each day starts with reveille ganization. raising. At about 8:00 a.m. comes breakfast which is not skipped by any of the girls who are not worrying about their I figures yet, but need fuel tojand nights are held, Monday keep up their boundless energy|is 'Backward Day', The girls|p; for the full day of activities to) wear follow. night. paint to indicate their represen-|visited by assist-/tative tribes. girls do. Mr. Cotie thinks the rea-|the most outstanding camper at aris moulding, Working vias.(son is because girls pay more|camp, and also in each cabin. . attention to the instructors dur-|No one leaves the dinner with- ing the swimming lessons inthe|out a prize and many stack Each evening, weather per-|.orning, and also practice more|up quite a collection. } mitting, the girls hold a sing-li, the morning and also in the individual) stternoon and evening. Nightly, there is a snack fol-/the boys prefer to paint their/fire is held and even a "Moon- lowing ~~ ba sewage pe chests and carry wooden axes|light Hike' might terminate the ins at the camp for a summer|at 7:30 a.m., followed by flag|sion and by 9: Lie? and knives. And, as might belusual camping period. About lights are out and the CamMP-|exnected, the boys indulge in ers are tucked away for thel nore fisticuffs. : : lease their energy performing|camp is closed until Monday During the week, special days/on stages and singing. their clothes backward|'Awards Dinner', the banquet land eat their meals in reverse|for all, when the camp will be pero lie ga fag age rer rr ewe eT TF = oT we the Camp Chairman, PARTY LETTUCE Robert Sinclair and his commit-/ A head of western iceberg Between the groups of boys|tee of Kiwanians. Presentations! jetiuce makes a pretty "'pin- 10 to 12 noon, daily, in swim-jand girls who alternatively at-jand prizes are awarded to the/cushion" for hors d'oeuvres on ming and water safety in the|tned the camp, Mr. Cotie has/team and group and individ-|picks. Anchor it to plate with noted some unexpected differ-|ual champions in softball, tab-ja pin - style flower "frog" and, ences, loid meet, scavenger and treas-|fiorist's or modelling clay. He has found that the boys|ure hunts, swimming and arch- - ake longer learning to swimjery the best kept cabin and FUN, FINALE Strange doings will The girls write about five go on less|night. It may be a game. or singing, a 'Mock Trial when the camp staff are put ik es WIFE PRESERVER: Use rock salt in a gravel- driveway, or table salt in the cracks of concrete or asphalt even a solo to round out the drives to discourage weeds For the Indian 'Pow-wow',| program. Then, the final camp- 1:00 p.m., on Saturday every- The girls re-|one leaves for home and the 1 when a new group takes over. The last night, Friday, the! following this girls' camp, arting gesture will be anlthe boys' camp will start on Tom W. Cotie, director of phys- ical, health and safety educa:| tion for the Oshawa city schools. The campers and staff who come from as far away as Pickering, Whitby, Ajax, as} well as Oshawa are bunked in three cabins, each cabin hous-| -------- | the perennial favorite and afterjed for the most original gown, Mini 'Walkabouts' (Newest Lingerie By JEAN SPRAIN WILSON NEW YORK (AP)--Nothing in ing a different age group. The| per's two boys live in their 0WN/beds are inspected. With clean- 'Eagle's Roost'. The youngest) yp out of the way, the activity group of Cabin 'C', the seven/program swings into action at : and eight - year - olds havelabout 9:30 a.m. Swimming is|Do', in which prizes are award- jorder, at the three 'Monk at 9|Meals' complete silence reigns and only one piece of eating equipment is selected. All meals are planned, peers ae -- wash - rooms and grounds. Af- ed by Mrs. A. Killingbeck an ter this, the camp is inspected|Mrs R. Prosser, assisted by for health reasons; each cam-| Miss J. Powell, dining - room sleeping quarters and/8irl. Evening sessions. might be a 'Fashion Show' and 'Masquer- ade Party'; a 'Hard - Times DAILY INSPECTION Shortly after breakfast, a.m., the camp is given a gen- eral spic - and - span treat- ment in and around cabins, ferent camp program, all under experienced direction and a com- petent staff of boy counselors and others. It should prove an equally wonderful experience for these boys who are anxious to spend a two - week holiday close to home. If you are inter- ested in sending your boy to camp, there are vacancies to date, and you should get in touch with the Camp Chairman, Mr. Sinclair by telephoning 728- 7305 or 728-2835. He will for- IC TANNY'S CANADA'S LARGEST 10 days of instruction, the camp- ers are tested for their var- ious awards, and most of them come out with flying colors. | However, whiffle ball (the same j : ' sf 7777/45 softball except that a hollow | With Peeper Trim plastic ball is used); softball, la popular league fixture and others are contested nightly. Other popular sports with the | fashion history has attracted as | girls are volleyball, deck-tennis, much attention to lingerie as the mini-skirt. And as sometimes happens after being in the public eye, }badminton, archery and hiking. In charge of the swimming the least expensive costun.e and the funniest costume. There are scavenger hunts and treasure hunts, too. During the after- noons when hiking, out-trip- ping or crafts are not sched- uled, the whole camp competes in a tabloid meet (a miniature track and field meet) and swim- ming meet. When the Indian 'Pow-Wow' is held at night around the main camp - fire, the girls like program are Gordon Lewis and to get all dressed up, and use BRIDE - ELECT ward to you an application and provide you with all the infor- mation re-the camp. AND FINEST CHA HEALTH SPA'S HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT FAST and still eat 3 meals a day! THE STA By ESTR FOR FRIDAY Planetary infil early part of tt especially gener matters are c workers should t and extra effort will be noted ap superiors. The p.m. pron through romance tivities. FOR THE BIRT If Friday is your horoscope have good cause now--especially | matters are cont During the ne there will be gre the domestic, ro: cial areas of yo you are creativel should have a h year. Incidentally, if a wedding date shows September cember will be t cious periods in 1968, happiest mi king down the ai: February, May « While: occupatic cial matters may stimulating as yo during the balanc should be able to erable progress, especially if you your innate tend extravagance an desire for luxurie EXPECT PROGI On the job front for advancement during the latter | the last week in § last two weeks of ceptionally fine!) days of Decembe: ary and May. Fiscal interests won't advance mu next 54% months and all Canceriar between now and be an excellent or long-range plans the industry is up to all sorts of antics to make certain it does A.-CAMPING WE WILL GO along these lines Do it this sensible way--with the PASTILS/808 R. Plan. during the months A graduate of Oshawa educing You can eat meat, fish, cheese and bles . . . and still lose 1Hteee With all the necessary a light blue blouse and dark Joining this group from {not wind up once again as under General Hospital Class of Vegeta equipment in her bag, Sus- blue shorts, these girls left Oshawa, will be girls from cover to outerwear. . 1966, Miss Betty Ann Car- poe ag AED a a oC t rick : i> tH , ; . "Walkaroundables" is a wor / F - anne Wiltshire (left), a gold this morning for their trip say, Pickering, Bowman- | coined by Warner's Slimwear to rington will become the This new weight control system is already used by thousands "a papier ' cord guide, appears to be to Morrison Island in the ville and Port Hope; |describe one such antic among bride of William Percy throughout North America and Europe! Just take ane or two on ued Par ht * encouraging her cohort, St. Lawrence to attend travelling to the camp _ | others demonstrated Tuesday at Newell of Oshawa on Satur- aig fa Apoyo each meal and follow the clever points first good monet Marci Stainton, a member the National Heritage near Cornwall by bus under ja week-long program of fall day, August 26. Daughter er et tase 90 you'll lone excess weit! three months be of the Land Rangers (sec- Camp. This is a very spe- the supervision of Miss |style previews called the Ameri- of Mr. and Mrs. Norman ds ios Goa cece ee oe ee baw pa rly * Jan. 1, to be fol » from your druggist today. You' ae : other excellent th cle lasting from J Sept. 1. It will b however, that you Carrington of Gormley, the bride-elect is at present a member of the staff of Scarborough General Hospi- Shirley Temperton of Osh- awa, who is also a camp official. can Designer Series. | Ignoring the fact that the out-| erwear industry had previously cial honor for these two hit oP girls as there will be only like it... you'll like yourself too when the pounds start rolling off! 14 attending from Oshawa. ond company) to make room for more, Dressed in the guide's camper outfit of "'Walkaroundables" is a word coined to describe new lingerie demonstrated yes- terday at fall - style pre- views at the American De- signer Series showing in New York. Girl at left mod- els tablecloth - check bloo- mers with lace edges while knee - length socks. | | (AP Wirephoto) | FOR FIRM JELLY | How do you make a molded . salad the center of attraction in the middle of the hot month of * July? The home economists at} - Macdonald Institute, University | of Guelph, suggest that plain} jelly be set at room témpera- ture. It will not melt as readily} when served. With salads con-| taining meat or fish it is better} to add a little extra gelatin in-| stead. | CABINETS @ CUSTOM CABINETS @ KITCHENS @ HARDWOOD FURNITURE WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES 345 FRENCH ST. Phone 576-2980 me 8 Oe Oo 89 Bn Og Fo TI j----__--_-- (epecial TEEWAGE || SPECIAL TEENAGE Oe ne a ee striped or painted with pretty was the chemise. A revival of this exciting 5-week course in self- improvement, OF ONLY For Information Telephone 576-0461 Under the Direction of Mrs. Sharon Hoskin Creative Coiffures Salon King Street West Gain poise and self-confidence with Total cost of course. | stolen their style by producing] ; evening gowns that look like nightgowns and little dresses that look like slips, the inner- wear industry blithly brought out a line of bold patterned jer- tal. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Newell of Oshawa. The wedding is to take place in the Chris- tian Missionary Alliance Pastils/808 Reducing Plan A near-effortiess way to lose weight. agance and - oi throughout Septen ber and Decembe you make no lon cial commitments sey pyjamas and nighties,| | c i Tulse sie tot Giana ee A hurch at Unionville. months. ways, park benches or beaches| | wi amen with bag there is no room at the a and business abilit : bo ceed in any field v7 IPED GIRDLES pees a Hieie: Bal 'nmentionables with the in- Rej tent of being mentioned after | Turns e) = seen under garments so! TO BE WED NEXT MONTH Dod ecie one ek, Saturday, August 5, will Toolen, Oshawa. The pros- Into Succe Regimental stripes on the| be the wedding day of Miss pective bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex- By ROBERTA edges of pantie girdles match the regimental stripes on knee socks, Some girdles were flag posies so any glimpse was a fashionable contribution to the over-all picture. | For the mini - dress devotee who feels nude without a slip the spare camisole - necked pet- Everdina (Dini) Vander Toolen and Ronald Alex Nathan, according to to- day's announcement by the future bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Vander ander Nathan, also of Osh- awa, and the ceremony is to take place in St. Paul's Presbyterian Church at 4.30 p.m. WOMAN WINS GRANT EDMONTON (CP)--Dr. Bar- bara Nelsen de Luna, assistant professor of English at the Uni- ticoats of the Roaring 20s, it covered no more than a hand! towel might. | Black is back in fashion all) the way to the skin. Models demonstrated that there is still nothing sexier than a black nightgown. FEST National Festival Orchestra Yehudi Menuhin and the Bath Festival Orchestra Julian Bream, guitar, Mario Bernardi, conducting Lois Marshall, soprano, Jean-Pierre Rampal, flute, Mario Bernardi, piano Beginning July Stratford Sunday, July 23, 2:00 p.m. the National Festival Orchestra versity of Alberta, has been awarded a $2,500 Canada Coun- cil grant to work on a book, Shakespeare of Warwick: King- maker. She will do research at the British Museum and the little|Public Records Office in Lon- don. IVAL Presents GREAT MUSIC AT STRATFORD Oscar Shumsky, Music Director A Summer Music Festival of Outstanding Concerts Featuring World Famous Artists Oscar Shumsky, volinist-conductor, Friday, August 18,2:00 p.m. | Mstislav Rostropovich, 'cello Sunday, Wilbur de Sunday, July 30, 2:00 p.m. Sunday: August 27, 2:00 p.m. Bach: Mass in B Minor; Elmer Iseler conducting the Festival Singers of Toronto, National Festival Orchestra, soloists trom the Festival Opera Company. SATURDAY MORNING CONCERTS 22 and continuing through August 26, the National Festival Orchestra will present @ series of six Saturday morning concerts. Among those featured are John Burrows, french horn; Oscar Shumsky, violinist-conductor; Mario Bernardi, piano; Jean-Pierre Ramipal, conductor; Lise Nadeau, harp; Ray Still, conductor. Each of these programs begins promptly at 11:00 A.M. ie CANADA 1967 15th Season June 12th -- October 14th NOT PLAGIARIZED MUNICH (AP)--The film ver- sion of My Fair Lady is not plagiarized from a 1935 German movie, a court ruled here. Film producer Eberhard Klagemann brought suit alleging Columbia Pictures stole ideas from his film Pygmalion which, like My Fair Lady, was based on the George Bernard Shaw play. August 20, 2:00 p.m. Paris and his traditional Jazz STOREWIDE SUMMER FASHION LEARANCE LADIES' COTTON SHIFTS Beautiful prints in wild and wonderful col- ours. Skimmers, tents, A-lines. S.M.L. Reg. to 7.00. LADIES' Just in time to complete your holiday ward- robe. Assorted styles and colours. S.M.L. Reg. twirling girl at right shows reo and on irae, SUMMER cou RSE | Sunday, July 16, 2:00 p.m. Sunday, August 13, 2:00 p.m. espe i trying hard, I cai Maureen Forrester, contralto; Modern Jazz Quartet Special 2.99 black my first ness. Special T-SHIRTS 3.99 STRETCH JAMAICA SHORTS Beautiful fit for active sports and play. Side zipper. Assorted colours. Sizes 8-20. Reg. Special 3.99 PR weter Jashions since 1867 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Some people re; 'tion as a. downris of the opportuniti in mind, But other No into a new op dedicate themselv talents to doing w! to do. Such a pers< Bauby, a personal who packs her | comedy and who tr the country preser gram Your Person ings and conventic In addition, Catl in New York, tray to city for her job and beauty cons! 100,000 women n by the Kelly Serv "In my job, In Diller and half c sor," said Oathy BS in speech an Memphis, Tenn., for doing what I ¢ out of this TV pro; But when Cathy get booking agent: out her program, agents she approa the idea on her 1 that wouldn't worl This solid reject was the switch tl ' going. As a resull that she would do ing and develop 2 and entertaining she could present "In order to g really had to pinc deny myself many of 'the good life "But by wanting t Subsequently Ca her program in V a Kelly Service cc was hired by Ru: for her job as con women who worl ganization. Since Cathy's d several years ago. achieved the kin that keeps her tra million miles a y vignettes in livin; while the ente sketches of some medical data on t "The main thir audiences -- and really believe," : that every single do the things we | we really want | really try. "But how well ' doing this depend: cation, and never ourselves than we r ( : Membe fT Ms Issoh ing, for instance GLANZER LOWER SUMMAR OFFER |! |Sunday, August 6, 2:00 p.m. Pit rs of Toronto Mendelssohn iy a = give up e a of giving."