16 THE OSHAWA TIMES 36--Legal uomeslldea bt -| OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS '38--Comi g Events NOTICE And OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF ALICE WILLIAMENA OLVER, Spinster, Deceased. deceased, who died on 0 Personal Representatives © the said deceased on or be fore the 10th day of August 1967, full particulars of thei resentatives will cloims of which they shol then have notice 7th doy of July, 1967. Gordon Stephen White, Fred Ormiston, Executors, By their Solicitors, Mackey & Bailey, 17 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. 37--Auction Sales - To CREDITORS All persons having cloims attendance { against the Estate of Alice FREE ADMISSION Williamena Olver, late of the DNIPRO HALL Village of Brooklin, in the Township of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, spinster, about the 23rd day of May, 1967, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned claims. immedictely after the said date the Personal Rep- distribute 'travel agent or Burley Bus Lines, °23- the assets of the said de- (7171. ceased having regard only to DATED at Oshowa, this BINGO DNIPRO HALL EVERY TUESDAY 7:30. P.M. All regular gomes $10 Shore The Wealth Jackpot $150. in 54 Nos, or $20 Consolation Good service for. greoter | Corner Bloor andEdith Sts. 50¢ KINSMEN BINGO } tC 2--$2.00--Nos. 52 and 50 | eee | fo $25. Consolation | cs TUESDAY See Saturday's Ad : ADMISSION 50c jTRIPS TO WHEELING, Wes! Virginia, jfor Western Jamboree, August 4 6, Civic Holiday weekend. Contact cal 1 BIRTHS DONALD -- Marg. and Dick el |pleased to announce the arrival of a daughter, Anne, on July 6, 1967, at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. HAWES -- Shorty and Elsie fora paper GAY FLOWER RUG to announce the birth of a son, | 7 Ibs. 10 o2s., on Saturday, July 8, +967. BY ALICE BROOKS | 4749 A brother for Cindy and Heather. Thanks ' f | Crochet a gay flower rug of} SIZES. 14%4--24% !4 strands of cotton or rags to} fo Dr. Beckett and fourth floor staff. to announce the birth of their daughter, | brighten any room. | SIMPLE, SMART weight 8 Ibs. 5 oz$.,on Saturday, July 8, QUICK - crochet area rug By ANNE ADAMS LAIDLAW -- Maurice and Jean wish AUCTION SALE Property of Mrs. S. C. Spar- ow, 800 Athol St., Whitby. Wednesday, July 12 at 5 p.m. sharp. 24" Viking tele- vision, G.E. electric stove, G.E. refrigerator, (freezer acress top) G.E. automatic washer, G.E. automatic dry- er, chrome kitchen suite, chesterfield suite, swivel chair, mahogany coffee and end tables, rugs, 5 pr. fiber- glass drapes, 2 bedroom suites, wardrobe, chest of drowers, electric motor with pump, sunbeam electric lown mower with 150' cord (new) colored T.V. aerial with short mast, recliner chair, dishes, tools, many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms Cesh. Myles King, Auctioneer 725-3039. 38--Coming Events BINGO $1,450 IN PRIZES Oshawa Lions Club 2 JACKPOTS Nos. 52 and 58 One Must Go $300 in 52 Nos. or Less $200 in Announced Nos. $25 Consolation Prize PLUS $10 per line both games Early Bird Game 7:45 Sharp Guranteed Minimum $5 Per Line $25 Full Card $150 JACKPOT GAME 20 Regular Games at $20 Double in 15 Nos. or Less Lost 5 Gomes $30 Per Game ADMISSION 50c Bus Service Leaves King and Simcoe Sts. at 7:00 and 7:15 p.m. in the area for a 50c admission charge EVERY WEDNESDAY All Proceeds To Charity Jubilee Pavilion MUSIC In The Park 8:30PM McLaughlin Bandshell Memorial Park TUES., JULY 11 Featuring BERNARD TIERNEY and his ORCHESTRA Come and bring the whole fomily to a Free Concert of Modern Music, under the stars. You'll hear the best of Broadway and popular Hit Songs as played in "Big Band" arrangements. Concerts sponsored jointly by General Motors of Caonoda Ltd. and the Toronto Music- ions Associations with o grant from the Trust Fund of the Recording Industry M.C. Barry Sarazin of CKLB Feature artist, JACK McLEAN Well Known Comedian for Action. The Biggest Prize Money SELL unwanted articles. Phone massa) pames Conway and Christopher Credit Card, W'wa 3 ollo. |1967 at the Oshawa Genera! Hospital. A bi shell - stitch, singl 9 Ceres etre eke ta pr |combines shell - stitch, single B pon. Poa nurses on fourth ior, "6 [tomes "phie three colors or two} It's simple and true: an un- tones plus unbleached cotton.| cluttered dress is the coolest, WES re peel 1 annconce 'the| Pattern 7470: rug directions. |happiest choice for hot days, jarrival of their daughter, Laura Sitza-| FIFTY CENTS (coins) for| most flattering. Sew it quickly jdethy 7 loss ous on Sunday wvirerjeach pattern (no stamps,|in twill, shantung. |A sister for Sharon, David, Bryan. bry 4 to Alice Brooks, care} Printed Pattern 4749: Half jof The Oshawa Times, Needle-|Sizes 14%, 16%, 18%, 2014, 22%. | ARER -- Jack and J (nee | i, * 4%, , ' . siblock) thank God for the safe errival|craft Dept., 60 Front' St. W., 2444. Size 16% takes 2% "yards of their daughter, Debra Lee, $ ibs. 9/Toronto 1, Ont. Ontario resi-|35-inch fabric. General Hospital, A sister for Kenneth|dents add 3c sales tax. Print} SIXTY - FIVE CENTS (65c) |and Linda. Many thanks to Dr. Beckett! plainly PATTERN NUMBER, |in coins (no stamps, please) for Se ah Hoor Se |NAME, ADDRESS. each pattern. Ontario residents WINTER -- Robert and Joan (nee; 210 |Johns) are pleased to announce the MOST BEAUTIFUL|add 3c sales tax. Print plainly [dohns) are pleased to announce the/NEEDLECRAFT DESIGNS in|SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, Rose, 6 pounds, 15 ounces, on Senerail t tt knit h Send 'd NNE ADAM jJuly ; wo free patterns, knit, crochet} Send order to A AMS, Hee alate for tere cor star |fashions, everything. 25c. care of The Oshawa Times, of Prize AFGHANS has 12 com-/Toronto 1, Ont. | plete patterns. Beginner - easy! Summer's Fashions are a Museum Quilt Book 2 -- com-| styles, two free hat pattern: Y, Alice A | ad nee Ss, year farkine Generel Hendiial on sun-|Plete patterns for 12 superb/fabrics, accessories in new i f d F ; 'aR haciee ana beoved whew tone | Bargain! Quilt Book 1 -- 18llog. Gift Coupon for free pat- tern in Catalog. Send 50c. \Gerrow Funeral Chapel, 390 King Street |---------- | West for service in the Chapel Wed: p.m. STEWART, Ivan John } |, Lindsay at the Ross Memorial Hos- MONDAY, JULY 10 |. FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,500, ciaim- FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000, claim-'ing three year olds, 6 furs new 1967 Needlecraft Catalog!|STYLE NUMBER. |July 9 1967, af the Oshawa General | Sensational, new value! Book} Pattern Dept., 60 Front St. W., DEATHS | knit, crochet. 60c. JOY FOR ALL SIZES! See 115 |day, July 9, 1967, Anne Hannah, in her | heirloom quilts. 60c. Spring - Summer Pattern Cata- stock, Mrs. Bartley is resting at the complete patterns. 60c. on led- inesday, July 12, at 2 Interment |Pine "Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert FORT ERIE RACE RESULTS | pital, on Sunday, July 9, 1967, Ivan John Stewart was in his 40th year, Beloved|ing maiden 3 and 4 year olds, 6 furs|1-Poor Luke, Harrison 3.90 3.20 2.20 husband of Joyce Kimble, dear father |7-Free Boy, Grubb 17.80 8.70 6.20\5-Victory Trip, Bell 7.0 2.50 of Karen, Wanda and Wayne, loving son|1-Mr. Sa mBud, Inouye 10.40 7.10|2-Forest Path, Barroby 2.10 of the late Mr, and Mrs. William Stewart, |12-Added Luxury, Kelly 6.30|Time 110 4-5 |dear brother of Vera (Mrs, Jim Thach-| Time 113 1-5, clear and fast Also Ran: Right Page and Ruzeila er) of Dunsford, Loraine and Lorne; Also Ran In Order: Chief Tomahawk,|The Exactor, Poor Luke and Victory jboth of Bobcaygeon and Victor, pre-|Oliphant, Cavan's Reward, irish Ensign,/Trip, paid $39.10 |deceased. Resting at the Mackey Fu-/Art Abstract, Good Sunday, Hubert, I'm| SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,000, claim- |neral Home, Peel Street, Lindsay, for|A Devil and Combustion's Miad ing three year olds, 6 furs |service in the chapel on Wednesday,| SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,200, maid-/8-Strateo, Ibson 11.20 4.60 3.50 ljuly 12 at 2 p.m. Interment at River-jen two year olds, foaled in Cda. about 5/4-Football, Green 3.50 3.00 9-Tricky Pal, Simone 4.90 10.80 3.70 2.90) Time 113 1-5 side Cemetery, Lindsay. furs on turf | SScotlend's. Giri, Fit 3.00 Also Ran In Order: G } " 5-Scotland's Girl, zgimmons 3. 2.50 iso Ran in ir: Golden Jive, Spar- Kindness beyond dpe yet |1-Amanotis, Leblanc 3.50|tan Girl, Mad Moo, Challie Moon, 'and ithi h of al Time 102 3-5, course Firm Dark Freedom within reoe Also Ran In Order: Fleeting Storm,|Lu.e Scratch: Super Liner GERROW |Morning Rounds, Bolero Weeper, Coeur, SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $3,200, al- }Volant and Mah Mer lowances, three year olds and up, 1 1-16 | |The Daily Double, Free Boy (7) and miles IFUNERAL CHAPEL |e on (4), paid $67.10 4-Gauchesco, Kelly 3.20 2.40 2.10 | 390 KING STREET WEST | THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,000, claim-|1A-Little Bullfrog, Grubb 2.50 2.30 i i 4 Ids, 6 fi 2. i " x Telephone 728-6226 |Ing maiden 3 and 4 year olds, 6 furs Cosmic Grey, Dittfech 2.50 |11-T, T. Tipped, Gr'bb 7.30 4.00 3.20 Time 143 1-5 | LOCKE'S FLORISTS \7-In The Ring, Harrison 3.70 3.50' Also Ran: Cambridge 8-Villaroma, Werry 17.80|Late Scratch: A-Johnny's Form Time 113 1-5 A-Hillcrest Stable entry Also Ran in Order: Disatate, Breezin,™*> E~--tor. Gauchesco and Cittle Bull- Funeral arrongements and | thry, Periodical, Straindale Leo, Buck- frog, paid $10.60 floral arrangements for oll |minster, Whirling Typhoon, More Mis- EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,200, claim- } occasions fees Pes oe ele Bey ; ing foe vert olds and up, foaled in Cda., | A\ -- Purse $2,000, claim- -16 miles OSHAWA SHOPPING ling three year olds, 6 furs 8-Danish Dancer, Steve 18.90 8.70 6.20 CENTRE |6No Such Animal, Platts 7.40 4.20 2.90/2-Those Who Wait, McComb 7.90 4,90 728-6555 7-Be A Hero, Green 4.90 3.20|1-Erin Pan, Gomez 3.70 Rie ___.|3}-Gambari, Gibson 2.80 Time 146 4-5 ee er Time 112 Also Ran in Order: Saucy Question, | STAFFORD Also Ran tn Order: Crimson North,|Now | Wonder, Roman Tribune, Artista, Busy Man, Pousse Cafe, Frankie's|Market Bid, Firelight and Dark Sin Choice and M. J.'s Boy Attendance, 5,785. Total Handle, $359,222. FORT ERIE ENTRIES WEDNESDAY, JULY 12 Landy Dee, Grubb 106 CLEAR AND FAST Open Page, Grubb X112 FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,200. Maiden @c-d Pet, No Boy 111 two-year-old filles. § Furs Full Force, Kelly X106 Grey Countess, No Boy 118 Nee 'Ernie's Gem, No Boy 111 Dear Park, Grubb X113 Princess Leslie, Bell A-X106 Miss Suzaki, Harrison 118 Blank Pistol, Brownell X111 BROTHERS LTD. | Authorized Dealers | ROCK OF AGES | FAMILY MONUMENTS | | 318 Dundas St. E. 668-3552 | Whitby, Ont. A LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignity we suggest Gold on Gold, Hale 118 A--Mrs G M Graham, Double K Farms) MOUNT LAWN Sharp N'Smart, Dittfach 118 and R_and R Stable entry ie) Grod Anna, Waish 118 SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,600. Claim- SECOND RACE--Purse $2,300. Claim-|ing (6500). Four-year-olds and up. About ing (5000). Two-year-olds, foaled in Cda./1 1-16 Miles on turf |S Furs Chance Encounter, Coombs X112 Brilliant Stone, No Boy 118 x Last Wheel, Kelly X113 Robin Whippet, Dittfach 113 Gay Sister, Bell X110 Bive Sol, McComb 116 Turkish Princess, Gordon 115 Silver Moonlight, Barroby 113 Dialogue, Gomez 118 (EXACTOR WAGERING) SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $10,000 BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Park Office. | 723-2633 | | MEMORIAL PARK | | Red Rick, Turcotte 115 | |Cary Ann, No Boy 115 \added "Bison Stakes," three-year-old | |Cap Nip, Grubb X1i0 __ {fillies foaled in Cda. 1 1-16 Miles | THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,300, Claim-|Speedy Sonnet, Barroby 112 | ing (5000). Two-year-olds, foaled in Cda!Lady Taj, Gomez 116 HOAG--I wish to extend my sincere|(Divn of 2nd). 5 Furs |Zacata, Hinojosa 112 |thanks to relatives and friends for cards|Gold Pinch, Inouye 115 All We Have, Walsh 173 and flowers sent to me during my stay|8uz McFuzz, Gomez 118 |Flamatory, Kornblum 114 lin Oshawa General Hospital, also visits; Dew on Roses, Kelly X110 |Dreamalot, Grubb 116 while convalescing at home. Thanks to|Miss Tiger, Hinojosa 115 {Northern Blonde, A-118 Dociors Bowerman and Stanley, nurses Highest Ruler, No Boy 118 |Jammed Lovely, Fitzsimmons A-123 and staff on 3C. Sincerely, Jock's Pride, No Boy 118 Cool Dance, Turcotte 114 --Bernice Hoag. New Omen, Kornblum X112 A--C_ Smythe entry Hi_Dv'~" Gerona 118 __ | EIGHTH RACE --Purse $2,800. Allow. TOAZE -- The family of the late Mrs. |. FOURTH RACE--Purse $72,300. Claim- ances, three- and four-year-olds, foaled Clarence Toaze wish to convey sincere |Ing_ (5000) Four-year-olds and up, 6Y2/ in eat Poot one Mile on turt thanks to their many friends and rela- + Bas 'eckeral Sky, Gomez 1146 tives and Dr. Morris for their kind ex-|Majestic Sal, Barroby 111 Dark Secret, Platts XX109 pressions of sympathy follcwing the loss Deal, Grubb X117 wei 1 of a dear wife and mother , --Mr, Clarence Toaze and family eee ee ee oe Q Wee Las: Tricky Scamp, Inouye 119 Grubb X117 tiv AX14 0 Momentarily, Coombs X111 ¢ oye XXX10F mcs Sunlit Ride, McComb 110 Free Parkine. Berrchy 113 ee Cares I Clara B. Good, Walsh 105 |A--E Lieberman and T Ziegler entry |Rose of York, Green XXx95 OBITUARIES (EXACTOR WAGERING) Song of Heather, Turcotte 114 : FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2, im. | X-- 7 eK > an FUNERAL OF a AG Purse. $2,100. Claim: |X: § Ibe AAC XX--7 Ibs AAC; XXX MRS, WALLACE BUTT POST TIME 2 PM | a's @itee'twtel GREENWOOD RACEWAY Mrs. Wallace Butt who died July 6, at the Oshawa General ! f Funeral MONDAY, JULY 10 |, Also Started: Flood, Tange Lobell, jhel at the Armetsons =u FIRST RACE -- Mile Pace. Condi-"- -- -tunia, Gentry Mekiye and" Mr. | |Hospital, in her 61st year, was, |Home at 11 a.m., July 10. |ticned. Purse $800 Whiskers. S. G. Saywell, lay pastor of|4C'brk Heather, Barnes 8.60 4.10 3.00 Lu hed second, disqualified and| Ist. Stephen's United Church,|;A%ios Look, Waples = 3.20 2.70) placed third for Interference. |conducted the service. Inter-| Alte Started: Time To Salt, Donna Oil SIXTH RACE -- Mile Pace. "Juvenile| | M ; e _|Machal, Armbro Hurrah, Solar jos, | Elimination Series'. Purse $3,192. bai Prince pi «al Cemes!ana Captain" McWin |S-Tipster Lobell, Dostie 46.30 630 3.30 6Zip Tar, Waple: 220 2.10 | Thé pallbearers were Jack SECOND RACE -- Mile Pace. Cliaim-|8-Armbro Ike, M:cKiniey 4.00 ing. Purse $800. Also Started: Shadydale Summit, Fast- |Warren, Ted Warren, Ro0SS/7-Hurricane Will, O'Dare $.40 3.60 2.80)bacx Lobell, Turn Table, Tarport Doon, |Brown, Ken McConnell, Merv.|3Hi Adieu, Davies 590 438 /and Capetown Hal b a 'oley, Wes' A » SA' E McConnell and Douglas Butt. | "aise Started: Dr. W.. Sunbeam Grat- ice apa oaaed |!an, 'Superior Mark, Widower Lloyd and) SEVENTH RACE -- Mile Trot. Condi- TINIE ; Jerry Hat. tioned. Purse $1,200. FUNERAL OF DAILY DOUBLE, 4 AND 7, PAID $19.80! 4Atlantis. Waples : 6.10 3.90 3, THOMAS McDONOUGH |1-Billy Hall, Hicks 4.90 io THIRD RACE -- Mile Pace. "Juvenile|7-Arawana Lady, Furness 2. > Sta | The memorial service for 4 es 5.70 Elimination Stakes'. Purse $3,19' rted: Kawartha Alibi, e Benen g rg tgs ee whe died EAs oh a Mk ge ier 32.90 240 Hanover, Becky Herbert and Lady Ezra. July 6; at the Oshawa Genera! |3-Royal Highlander, Mac' ¢ v2 Ms cone sumeliKictone Tiirders Mcivsh Sr 3.20, EIGHTH RACE -- Mi } Hospital, in his 88th year, Was! jiso Started: Pat Flicka, Solid Mike,|tioned. Purse sme. gd a ng held at the Armstrong Funeral |Solid Play, Armbro Instant and Drum-|5-Celerina, Kopas Home at 2 p.m., July 10. Ihean ik cht : | The service was conducted | FOURTH RACE -- Mile Pece. Condl- : Joses Dominion, Arriibro , ~ j-|tioned. Purse $1,100. Gimlet, Mae Mir, Chatham Chip ai by Rev. Thomas Gemmell, mi-|(O Onna 'chief, 'Coke 450 3.40 2.50| Rode: ip end nister of St. Luke's Presbyter- LArieen, | Wellwood 5.00 3.30 jan Church. Interment was in|2Jipa, Wapies 2.90' NINTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Claiming. U 2 s Also Started: Mr. Chief C., Echo O Purse $1,300. Mount Lawn Cemetery. +|Valley, Dixianna Blue, Virginia's Boy 3-Nignt . -cket, Feacan 7.80 4.50 3.30 The pallbearers were Robertland Piper Boy. piety Direct C., Megens 440 3.10 Christe, David Conway, Jac! R. Adios, Kovas 50 7.10 4.00 2.90 480 3.40 3 D a FIFTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse| Also Started: Rhodes Conklin, Sand: Petrie, Samuel McKnight. |ss00. conditioned |Deman, Tris Hanover, Globe's Birthday | 86.60 27.10 9.80 and Santa Raider. | ction Jack, Davies 4.30} 4.00 | Attendance 7,578. Handle $400,028, $-DQ-Bruce Pick, Campbell [ ) EATON VIKING APPLIANCES Quality, Performance And Durability ' CHOOSE THESE FOR THE NEW BRIDE OR THE BUSY HOMEMAKER A. VIKING DE LUXE TEFLON-COATED DEEP LID FRY PAN 22.98 This VIKING is Teflon-coated for no-stick cooking, no-scour cleaning. Extra-deep five-position tilt lid has steam vent in top. Features tilt leg for dry frying, signal light and fry guide on handle. Pan is immersible up to control knob. Cast aluminum body has gleaming polished finish, black Bakelite (tradename) handle, knob and no-mar feet. Nylon spatula included. (565) Complete with detachable cord, each , APPLIANCES, LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 277 B. VIKING De Luxe 2-Slice Toaster , Complete with cord ........ 2.25 4 5. : & There's more to an EATON branded line than meets the eye! In this case, it's the "radiant control" that lets you tone your toast to your own taste. Even toasts frozen bread. Beautiful chromium-plated finish is easy to keep clean. Has slide-type control lever, hinged crumb tray. White enamelled Bakelite (tradename) ends. (565) Viking De Luxe 4-Slice Toaster Similar to above but toasts 4 slices at once. 71 00 i) Complete with cord, each. .......5..ceeesee0e: PHONE 725-7373 VIKING ELECTRIC KNIVES Twin serrated blades of stainless steel; keen eutting blades, Safety lock switches; spatter-guard. Handles ere of smooth plastic in woodtone and ivory colours, C. VIKING De Luxe Cordless. Comes complete with nickel- cadmium batteries. They recharge in the storage case that mounts on wall or counter-top. (565) Each .. 39,95 D. VIKING Slim-Line Knife. Operates on 110-120 volt A.C. Powered by a super-torque: motor. Complete with detach- able cord for neat storage. (565) 3 agar cliaralbane ata ts: jottsinnes a F. VIKING E. VIKING DE LUXE VAPOUR KETTLE in| Vapour control lets it humidity, va- pourize and boil water. Cuts off auto- matically should kettle boil dry. Steam flap on spout guards against burned fingers. White enamelled handle and metal base; gleaming chromium-plated finish on brass. Capacity, 2 quarts. 1500 watts. (565) 13 95 Complete with attached cord le SUPERB SPRAY IRON King size sole plate with 17 stéam vents for overall steam coverage. 3- iron; spray, steam, dry. This model has push-button spray that shoots water just in front of iron. Has wide front water fill, safe temperature- guide control with.new wash.and wear setting. Converts from steam to dry ironing at the flick of a switch. Gleam- ing. chromium-plated finish; white plastic handle. Attached 6' extension Goel cron cone oan G. VIKING DE LUXE MIXER This mixer. has our most durable and powerful 3-speed motor. Chromium- plated beaters have finger-tip ejector. Drink mixer is included. Attractively and durably cased in high-impact white plastic with chromium-plated jacket. (565) Complete with cord....... 17.98 FIVE AIDS TO KEEPING YOUR APPLIANCES BRIGHT AND EFFICIENT Treat Water Demineralizer More steam -- Easier ironing Removes clogging scale from gallons of tap water. Approximately 170 fill- ing to the average iron (563) Oe Oa de eee 98 SSS-T New super strength steam iron cleaner; removes clogging scale. Also can be used for removing scale from shower heads (563) GFL. OZ... csc ecececncccere APPLIANCES, LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 277 KETTLE SCALE REMOVER Good for all kettles and easy to use. A clean kettle boils faster. (563) 49 ae GF, O5,. coc vcccsccccesncs Electric Frypan Cleaner Easily removes carbonized grease and encrusted build up from frypans, deep fat fryers, pots and pans. Comes com- plete with small brush. (563) 1 00 8-FI. oz. can . SILICONE RESIN Non-stick protective coating for fry- pans, ovens, ranges, griddles and waffle bakers. If washed with cloth and mild detergent coating will last for several months, (563) ree Ae see eeeeseeces PHONE 725-7373 : EA | C) NX S in the Oshawa Shopping Centre : 6 EATON'S Telephone Order Service Open Monday through Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Thurs, & Fri. until 9 p.m.) { , "1. VOL. 26--NO Reu UA" To ¢ DETROIT (AP) Reuther takes to today new contra the United Auto V They include p with the threat get it. Reuther's Chrys third in as many bers of automotiv where current pacts run out Se; He previously bargaining tables Motors Corp. anc Co. similar sets o scribes as the un and most ambitior mands. The profit - shar as a surprise Mo eral Motors. Reu emphasized this a & peaceful settlen A guaranteed a: previously had be billing among unic Under a guarai income plan, Rev worker must know ning of a year wh: for the next 12 mc any layoffs not w: ALSO WANT BON On top of that, tt ident disclosed as ing opened that the bonuses based on | Former Dies In MONTREAL (CE tice Guy Favreau, the leader of Quet MPs, died Tuesda "T have lost a de: Canada has lost | triot," said Prin Pearson in a trib Once a justice mi Pearson's cabinet ment leader in th Commons, Mr. Jus' was appointed to Superior Court ber signing from the c 4. A long bout of illn him from full-time two portfolios he h his resignation, th Council president a general. He entered Mont Dame Hospital J treatment of urem condition. Funeral arrange not immediately a The late judge minister from Fet to June, 1965, resig after publication of the Dorion royal co allegations made i with Lucien Rivar The then Mr. Fa' the time that his' | Algeria To Cair CAIRO (Reuters Premier Houari decided to return day for a new rou talks with Egypti Nasser and Iraqi del Rahman Aref, tative Al Ahram | Boumedienne fle cus Tuesfay to cc Syrian head of sta Atassi, after Ca with Nasser and .« Hussein. The intense Ari activity was aime out joint strategy | rael from the ter pied in last mont! INTERVIE' "seer rrern seer peony Khr NEW YORK ( Khrushchev, | claims the Kre Richard M. Nixo 1960 and "'made" nedy president States. He calls Republican vice "good for nothin; pled puppet.'* The former § says Nixon sougt by obtaining the spy-plane Pilot Powers from a Khrushchev mait sians saw throug ignored Nixon's In a Nationa Co. television pr night, Khrusl President D wi hower as a g00 easily swayed |