Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jul 1967, p. 12

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. BRIEFS 1, 1967 BUSINESS ? Wile atric hinseenacch Blanket Permits May Ease THE IAN PRESS ,the Dominion Bureau of Sta- 6s OW ARG FR BR A AS RP AR A ER ARE HL A aH: Re REP eS aE A OS EH BS OD I By repre sxc Uslies reported in Ottawa Mon- y = .|day. Output for the comparable f . Trend To i re- Fab Houses un ee ek store jales dur;|week of 1966 totalled 180,928, : 11 Sor| Pare locks ce i000" the Domiln-| 7, RETORT WAGES CP) -- Transport] Plans for the homes call for|same wee . omin-| The average worker in build- Muna' Tra Bates aid|12-foot sections to be built aslion Bureau of Statistics. re- ing construction drew a weekly Sunday his department is con-|individual units and jointed to-)ported in Ottawa Monday. On- wage of $127.45 in Aprfl the Do- sidering applications for blan- reg at their destination.|tario sales were up 11.2 per| minion Bureau of Statistics re- pemnnesea ant TODAY'S STO BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT eiering applications, for Dist At, ci toe Seal omilenct | minon Doceny ot attics be : cated house sections which ex- . $10,000 to $13,000, excluding INGOTS UP wages in "en -- 20 290 290 «290 the eight-foot-width limit] the lot. .|tion average .85, bringing TORONTO 10:40 A.M, peng Sor side its ts us tas M e 's 1 e pg hen Ontario Highway| By this fall, Alcan Design ns 1 ee hee p> age the a ere -- -- 'Toremte Steck Sxehenge--Jvi on v4 36a -- Vo t « | Oo nh Traffic Act. Homes plans 100 homes a r|struction trades to 79, Fo ph a oo oP gg ec Sine "oes, boo site ite | anil @) ; cicen Decign Homes. tid. aah oe cakeades a talled Cg hy BF J we Wages ts 'nisiitacturies var. rights, xw--Ex-warrants, Net change is] Con Gas B 108102 102 102 | | said Friday plans for their $2,-| Woodstock plant with an even- 'laged $96.47 and in mining from 'previous board-lol closing sale, | Coron 2 700 25 4% 49% + Ye i Ss f Recover 00,000 plant at Woodstock to|tual production goal of 400 a D DENDS $117.30, ; ae a ia truct prefabricated homes| month. MINES rush 'int 00 $12 a 12 Shows gn Vi [eons IVI Ve might have to be scrapped be- Accounten 1:40 Met | Dome Pere 0016 $6015 sets s0le 4208 : estric. | CREATE HAZARDS Accounten orem Sates Wien Law Om. CW) Darden 5 8k BISSETT, Man. (CP)--|and a few drifted back, but; James Syme, mill superin- ong of the highway r R. H. Humphries, registrar of| BY THE CANADIAN PRESS BOND MARKET eres Acad Uran 1000 3% 3% 3%%--%%!/ Dotasco 250 $23Va 23/4 23/4-- Ve) , ill i shortage of un-|tendent, says everything is be-| tion. rE : Belding-Corticelli Ltd., com- TORONTO (CP)-- The C. @d Accountant, a ee 8 8 Tl BE wh tie ia fin | eared for es ped tian aad Devas and sortace. help. ing readied for continuous op-| "But our prime concern is -- F bagel Faas mon 17% cents, August 1, record] gian bond market was easier in Telephone Osha pei . "-- vs|Manitoba's only producing go : i i ill is bei he safety on our high-|tions for mass- ' : PB lag GORDON RR. Advocate 200 275-270 270 --1S | Domtar 1740 $i47 14% 147 -- ww Manito : : eration. A regrind mill is being) with the safety 8 turned down on the| July 12. fairly active trading Monday. Accountant, Su Ang Ruyn me RR Bee' in file 2 2 -- ley. is Showing signs of 7e00™' EVEN THE JAIL LEFT TOWN = oe ee pai vag Fo would clog high-|_ McIntyre Porcupine Mines) Short - term Government of ping Centre, _7 Arioty " 7000 as a8 ts --1| Emp Life 280 $10% 10% 10% "| San Antonio Gold Mines was| The two-man RCMP detach-|rebuilt. ou wil Kear th ways and create hazards for|Ltd., 70 cents, Sept. 1, record/canada bonds were lower with BOB CLANCY" Armor 100% W 1 +11 Foleon as ane ai ass = Ml gue to uae 'e June, 1966, be-/ment was transferred, taking phages iP save pipetiioar Lo. US R t 7 t other vehicles. August 1. the 4%-per-cent April 1, 1968, coe 'Street. Nort A Va 35m + Me p . is- oar, ° tes is "loa j BrosctenaBbe Auner "? m 280 a ; Flee Me stot ies jcause of financial yo pire paca diy iy otk og spd fame goons with a grin. ae es ric Ss Most ogg yi gg _ E 99.75 beeing ig heue Conioome tear Licsnese" Serhim we 2 wr oeee eth |shortage of workers and man- . ill hold their ways are eet wide w rp neepaeiiegd f. Telephone Com'Mine 7259 73 '70 70 --3| Goodyear _78S208 205 205 laameneet problems that even a bid Mad gg teed Ray eg Pi geoee ten th August. Ni k ] E t some 11 feet and a few 12 feet PRODUC Long-term Canada and proy. eee Camflo 00 325 320 9 -5 ot ae ae path thal Agr ,|$240,000 provincial government poe gee be obtained from/Plans are being made for IC. e xpor in width, he said, TORONTO (CP)-- Wholesale eee seorarg i off with the tered Nccountar E"Tone stop im a tad +2| Horace A i situ i fim" |loan failed to solve, Pine Falls. People do their own|guided underground tours. If permission is granted to|to retail carton eggs average pie 514 Ae ee ihe Oanawer 720-737 ---- a ae Hawker pr "28 si7ta N74 774 | Buta group of seven Western|jaundry and banking transac-| Ted Gaffney, personnel man-| WASHINGTON (AP) -- The |move the units, they would|weighted prices quoted by the|©0sing 4 bid and 85% Onin aa Cen-fer Bi 1A ee a eee ; eundry ill show|/U.S. commerce department lap the. contre of the sae fF 6t aarlilt s of asked. DORs iS a Cantri 1000. 13% 13% 13%-- | Hind Dauc 180 $55 55 55 |Canada businessmen, headed by/tiong must be carried out by/ager, says the tour wi ow ' ae ent overlap centre | department of agriculture a Day-to-4 t ' dd ACcoU , Chestrvile 4000 ry Home A 365 $20% 20% 20% + '4/ Raymond D. Skogsberg, stepped il shareholders what the mine|Placed special restrictions \on/ rower roads, creating hazards|Monday: A large 39.3; A me- Day-to-day money traded at ing, 7 King 'onl st nd fi Va = Volt j ° : ; i i the export licensing of nicke' roming traffic, he added. | di . ll 24. ie 1 ; "foo 298 298 8 --1| Husky' ON 2108 Sime iss 182 'lin to gain control of the com-|"On° the bright side, miners! holds. hi t i {nickellto oncoming ; ma Was A all 8 3% per cent, tarig, 7253507, Tuan gone % +2/ Husky Dw. 274 860 850 8 | i i ig ; i Monday but refrained from im-| 4 special permit can be ob- ; ic Treasury bills remained une ¢ Halli 9000 6 veil % 6% 6% + %4/pany and keep things going. Ik of the ore reserves being ' ; A Sp Eggs: Wholesale price to ; '1 Mi 200 450 450 --25.| Imbrex 601 6% 634 6% + \4| PANY ta ; WIVES WILL LEARN posing a full or partial embargo.|tained for the movement of changed with the 91 - day bills eprintin cue we HB 1) oe fo wet su) Now there are bright aedipullt up. Prior te takeover, (r| "It will also give the wives!" At the same time, the dopert|(eeit wine tren eight feet un-|Country stations fibre cases| closing at 4.27 per cent and the DRAFTII & Red ay FH 5 3 = i Accept 470 $21'2 21% 214 -- | dark sides in this yor nerd 180 ee ici drained of a around here an idea about what|ment said it will 'restme' ian. det rigid conditions which i:|quoted by the Toronto Bosrd of|183day bills a 4.51. BLL DF arr Gop Fields aus 136 135 196 +1| ings 'as sii ttm tim miles northeast of Winnipeg, "| "efficient operation requires their husbands have been yack-/mediately the issuing of export| clude police protection and mu-/Trade from wholesale egg deal- thn Craigmt 325 $12 12 (12 Inland Gas 302 $114 11% l~+%| The doctor, pharmacist,| Ane! below|ing over the breakfast table for|licences for nickel, a process' it|nicipal approval. : Extra 1 36; large 33; 'Building T DiEldona 1200 142 M42 +2] Inspiratin zb 155 155 155 banker and laundryman pulled/stockpiles of broken ore below) 7° ey Ja. 1 suspended last June 9 pendin i il ee ee LEWIS vos Delhi Pos mm Ne NM aa SGe se we' | i ared the mine|ground to provide. continuous|'he past year. suspend peave| House trailers are a special| medium 25-25%; small 18; B 26; = e: Denison 1179 $70Y%s 69%) 70 --%| IBM z1 $540 540 540 out when it app Dray ts the mull On the surface, a bunkhouse|the action announced Monday. category. Owners of 10-foot- OPTICAL ; R Dine | ee te] wan aise' la tae "| would close. Some workers lettiflow to . -- |is being remodelled. New win-| The restrictions apply o|wide house trailers ean obtain |© 20: : REPAI Lis Me 10U | i i d doors have/nickel-bearing scrap and un- e@f ; Butter:Canadian Dairy Com- Established for over 30 years ' 2250 $102 10% 10Ve-- Ye) Int Util 852 $36% 36 36 dows, floor tile and d nic aring P a one-year permit to move a ry P Fiweet ir Bl ae ine hice. us i nh L e e oves been gong Bion ered ail, wrought nickel and stem pate, | them ie aunare, Wider trail-| mission tenderable carlots:|{}10% King Street West < diol -- 5 a 10% 10% -- m OC. : i ong tables, has/from a meeting June 14 between i i it} Buying 39 score 62; buying 40 *725-0444 . Siant Yk 100 790 790 790 --10| Int Pipe w 375 $10% 10% 10 Ys 100 Fin once a series 0 4 | ers require a special permit ying jenn Exp 2000 23¥4 22% 22%-- | Intor Steel 1300 415 415 415 +5 been changed to accommodate/U.S. government and industry|each time they are moved, {score 63; selling 63. oe Goldrim 500 46 46 4b Ore ABD Se Se ee |sittings of from six to eight. It! Jeaders oi ' MES-OF Gradore 1000 18% 18 18 ITL Ind 250 $35% 352 35¥2 + % " } gs > Q ; | Alean officials Friday said HOMES-~ Grend 1000 43% 434 43%4--%2| Jefferson 608 $38'2 38% 3% s even has white tablecloths. Under the new regulations, i ; ' Rec Roor Grandue. 800 -S18. S15 ss rela Df a a sas wel Endin 0 Tl e Northeast of Bissett, the sum-/the department will continue to tinue perigee Me ng 4 a Green Prt 7200 9 20 30 omy Be Bin ten tae Wl mer resort area at Wallace/require exporters of nickel al-lFoonomics Minister Stan- FRED R NES LL.B cae ee ee 8 | eee ae tin ime ism -- Ve : ' q| Lake is being built up. Tourist/loy scrap, stainless steel nickelljay Randall e ; > James A Huds" Bay ki $63% rn au u Laure See 200 $12' 12/4 124 TORONTO (CP) -- A $100|prosecutions were maintaine |eamp owner John Neufeld|pearing scrap and unwrought |-"> : | Sibkeues ea teins 77 re ee le | bau Fin me som iou tou' court fine has removed alagainst them. points to the number of sum-|nickel to apply for export li- | na Jaye Exp 1000 19 19 19 [eet ae oe cle aia hie ling block to settlement " , mer cottages constructed on the|cences--valid for 90 days--to BROKE THE RULE | ANNOUNCES THAT HIS : Seite bao v4 don ih 1a} Lew 8 pr "m0 Lo A Se a sp ik x ainst Ontario HEARING WEDNESDAY is | lakefront all countries except Canada SEVENOAKS, England (CP) Chimney Joliet phil $64 bla 6M of a strike again: : Another court hearing is|/ake ' set A pag Heian > ven troughing i Jonsmith eo 2 5 0 i a ee ane RG 135 "135" +10 |Hydro by 4,000 eg scheduled Wednesday at Cooks-| More and nrvhy oy visitors Adoption of the new licensing| Three Kent detectives broke a OFFICE IS NOW LOCATED : and psn Kerr 'add Sie sis 18 $5 | LobG'Apr 200s 28 28+ %4|Workers, members of the 13-/ 106, similar charges against |return every year," he says. |restrictions is expected to pro-|golden police rule about park- AT : ed, Free es Kerr Add 3187 $15 1515 tsb GB pr 250 $8 28 28 "lunion Allied Construction Coun- 45 members of the local who| A petition has been presented/ vide more effective surveillance|ing a car in a deserted place Bor Kid Coper 1100 66 66 66 +11 Loeb M 445 $1314 13M 134 + 4) Gi i t Hydro's Lake-|to the attorney-general's depart-|over exports of nickel mate-|and provided an object lesson . ioe in ao sie We |. | Mepna le! 100 Slate. tase 10a Ws eo fine 'was assessed at a gt beng ade 'sympathy ment asking that the RCMP de-|rjai,"" the department added. |to other motorists. They parked 130 KIN Ss r . E. MEL MI be - i "s 18% 188 ickerin ickeri d to Bissett.! Short t tly from|their automobile near a farm G Lakehead §=-- 2000 27272? --1¥4/ MM Lt Mills 210 $187 18% 8's | inearby Pickering after Local|,ith the men at Pickering. |tachment be returne ortages stem partly from u : 4 Lt tee 15 fas ies tas Mel stores i00 szair Zits Za)2 + 12721 of the Iron -- i bionet The court settlement came as remaged pen Plas ie Can-| and -- fas te wees PHONE 728-6246 seawne Pa Macdon «2175194194 192 --1%4| Molson A. 255 $232 23% 23% -- | nleaded guilty to one of several) nembers of the construction so ada, the world's largest pro-|accessories an - ae aay | } Modren 1000 140 421 +1 | Mon, Food 100 $1014 0% 108 jcharges laid by Hydro reg council started 4 vote oh hay Commission ducer of the metal. 'way radio stolen. work, warrony 5 $13%e 13% 139% --%| mM 2380 $31 3) 31 lLabor Relations Act. ive agreement reac' ; ° ; mia Tre wt io ia ws 44 more, 100 'sola 'aia Bat te charges followed a a, _ pai between Hydro and coun- Exem ts Two saya rl 9 * . 2000 12 12 12 --%l mM Pi 37 2 27 _|out last December at Hydro's| .i) negotiators. 3 p CLAS: ar aoa wut! tet rag se ee '*| Pickering nuclear power sta- Roland Hill, ae negotiator TORONTO. (CP)--The Ontario "WORD ADS. le x lei ; e- -- Cash -- % % %% +11 NB Tel 34 $1S% 15 15! | tion. for the council and a repr ne sities . Karel _ Revess, it) S78 875 57S --S| Norence 1a $54" bered a + | Officials of the local admitted|sentative of the International |Securities Commission sa id five insertion® N Harri 500 ee 8 8) Nor cll Gp 1150 sul aI 2N4-- ta\ they had encouraged an illegall Union of Operating pena! need -- Soe Pe Re aren 4 seca 73 ; i i wi inco . 0 ntreal, . . \ 1 1400 310-305 305 Nor Phone 25 $734 734 73 trike and Hydro for its part) said Monday the agreemen mi ' n . fhenal words 24 Ny Senstor 2000 43 ane 43 | SR Re Oe ulaareed to drop the other|hecome effective if approved by|Pine Point Mines Ltd. from dis- Shop Here For The Best In Service - Products - Prices! ucla bo weer oS BEL Re eee. tae cn tee ashy | charges: |seven of the sates. 7 Fovonge piel agetird and age 2 os " : if net paid with Noroold 6000 8 8 8 ee Eee ee ee yt cl 1721 officers several| Details of the agreement, in-|tion of funds and earnings for] ' clas beCh Normatat 1m HS 0 Bs t's peu Cap we iin toe tie e ring ago predicted the Pick- vevat ~-- . Gana |e wee eget ue RUSSELL'S TEXACO Deoedd & Souter Decor Centre words eaunts ax Rock 1530 3% % % --2 Price Com 23! y a -- Va} 4 ld refuse to| wort a total o 000, | n other » M BL, ls age te Bo "ad RO 0 M4 00 ai howe" er $n ou Has wee aor pees as long as!have not been made public. 1 Oil Corp. and yt iggeet featuring R. Forster, 980 Chevrolet, Oshowa - oa yore. ai Osisko 3000 60 40 660 +1 | Rothman 140 825% 25¥2 25V2-- V4} _ Business Machines Corp. were @ Allen tronic Tune-ups for Spring @ Firestone @ Good- Donald Howe, 559 Adelaide W., Oshawa BIRTHS -- DEA Patino 558 950 950 950 +258 | Royal Bnk 1050 $15%4 15' 15% . exempted from the commis- es SOCIAL NOTICE -- SS saree ioo 2s 995. 295 4 3 " ion's insider reporting require- ida dhe Painting & Decoreting Contractors \ $2.50 per insert cafe, mm. .,| ii. 2 %% 74] Public Service Alliance Wins |: ne rere] OSHAWA TOWING «ar rand!s!oc8i¥ie" 18 Bees winby" 668-5862 S20 per a Pick Crow 1000 24% 24% 2u%e+1 | Scot ot' Mose ie ath ments. The companies will file 461 PARK S., OSHAWA 728-7711 NN MEMORIUMS Pine Point 99 8 tM) Shell inv w 27s stiss Hise 134 duplicate reports on ch of $3.50 for the | Placer ie ae) 4 2994 29% + Ve ege ® i de to the securi- ian fter Bee SMe 25M s,| Shell Can 165 $2954 2954 21 Of Fed ] W k ownership mai i stm 3 imo" me 30 a2 | Sepsons 37 s28%e to wet |) Wer tl ication era orkers ties and exchange commission. ave Your tenes THE ALUMINUM:CANVAS WHYTE BROS. Sead Simpson $ 732 $16%e 16 ise | : : commission THA Suerte ans ans ts] Simp Srs rt Te off oe 8 4 | OTTAWA (CP) --£The Publicjthe meaning of the Public Ser-|yo:th Canadian Oils Ltd., which and Summer Garments CORNER PIZZA Burnitae ane Ushelsery CARDS OF THAI Radiers vod SB 8 +1] Koen 20s 114 'Service Alliance of Canada has|vice Staff Relations Act, @P-|..4ed for exemptions from cer- AND RESTAURANT * tach: thereafter Rlo =, wu seve a. + Oca " Somville p 100 $48 aS lbeen certified as bargaining|proved by Parliament earlier tain requirements of the Securi- ie ae pec i fen oman 2044 $19 TOM WM -- Va] TT aa sone aie ie agent for some 6,500 federal/this year. ties Act, comply with various Ieidotsing ie" Pes, Maen UUM); { $2°38. per Inch | Sefeliiie" 1000 29% 29v4 yv4-- v4] Steinbo A 100 fie" 2s" 22 --| hospital employees, the public The CNTU singed Bie requirements of the Recutnee gr ae ce Rs yg sree Zit YOUR frat 5 words P Sherritt $00 425 425 425 + S| TE wk 'ge sisi 13 13% -- |service staff relations board an-|that the majority of en: 'S/and exchanges commission an and Chips. @ Quality workmanship FURNISHING y Slivrfids 300 435 435 435 +5] Fo iron W 0 $33. 33 33 hs a aronday. in the proposed bargaining unit)» ake duplicate filings of the in- at Eat in - take out er home delivery. || & 'ommercial and Residential AUCTION we oo" Bl ke le die ee Ae ea te a s v.| The board decision--first since|had never been alliance mem-|iti) insider report and other Whitby Cleaners Lid. Monday, = Thurs. 4 *12 @ Free Estimates NEEDS $2.38 P Stanrek 1500 445 40 MS +S) TE Con Pl 155 SéBls aBla M82 + Vi its creation to administer collec-|bers, had never indicated their) 1» sterial. y fit AeA MIL JELINEK DE Steep R 728 5 ™ 7 --$) orcen Pw x0 910 910.910, \tive bargaining involving some|desire to have the alliance as! ne OSC exempted all non-|| 150 COLBORNE E. 668-2345 Sunday 12 Midnight Aukaive 'Tde WORD ADS i Te oe Wn ae os es) oe oe ee ee 1 employees--|their agent and alliance officers|qanadian subsidiaries of Ba- AWNINGS 4 p.m. DAY P 'wait Trans PPL 100 $778 200,000 federal employ . , ; A Cleaners 204 Brock St. 668-8807 Townline Rd. N. RR2 Oshave ju Terme? tam a ay vo eg | TruWall 200 240 240 240 \handed the Quebec-based Con-|who signed the certification ap-|taafse Petroleum Maatschappij jax n e owniine "728-1993 55 King St. &. 623-5252 LOST AND OF Texore 2000 23 «2323 va see ts tae a wet Yl saavation of National Trade Un-|plication were not authorized to/n'y 'and Shell Petroleum Co.|| 72 HARWOOD E. 942-0310 WHITBY Evening Calls Welcomed BOWMANVILLE aie ae Tex-So! 1000 20 20-0 Un Wo 500 475 470 475 +10 |; do so. . from reporting require- pl ra: uk ulont 8 A a n inter-| The alliance was formed by i ts. ee ae ae ie | Versatile ee Sie Shee The Cn) ee ng d and|the merger of the Civil Service esha WA L. JOHN'S CARO OF THAR 0 Vulcan 750 290 290 290 .ivention with the boar n ' U Buttedn $310 "a2 "2 (2 pai Weldwod 5a 890 908 98 + 'el Teated its case during. a two-day| Federation of Canada and Civil White F LEN WALL = MOVING d . STORAGE pleated Un Keno 1700 a 410 410 --10 | Westeet 70 $25 25 25 |hearing on the alliance's certifi-|Service Association of -- STOCK MARKET Rose 3 SERVICE CENTRE May Howe rg te) ang. CLASSIFIED { pist Upp can 200 230 29280 We Brocest 850 $27, 26% 26% 4 xs/cation bid. The board rejected cent alll teen su can aoe TORONTO (CP)--Prices] Shelf | @ TUNE-UP SPECIALISTS | 0. MAYFLOWER WORLD-WIDE umns of larger -- West Mine yl W Pacif 300 $6% 6% 644-- VY the CNTU position. | 5 : ; . ' a é c | Wire ser ee om TM) Westen 8 21s $20 2-2" "Cyaude Edwards, president of|from members in the hospital|closed higher after a day of desweie DIGG linter¢ Sstep-temen 6 % ht ese ere * CORRECTIONS Witiroy mer 2 White Pas 100 $18 18 18 --% au '| dicating their choice|moderate trading Monday on e ° ° ty Charges J h 728.3661 Whitby 668-6611 IONS Yale "atom 2 23 te 4zia| Wondwa A 1708 isu ise Is + \/the 115,000 - member alliance, popes dispute settlement|the Toronto Stock Exchange. Open 7 Days @ week 8 A.M. - 12 P.M. : Oshawe 728. o> AREY Bers ie Via t shi me is | mi Ow ww Lag ue er Prod © stetees or binding arbitration.| Fleet ewe --_ 15 publication will Bh ty 20¥e 11 | -- earing on th : . : ; icjcents to 1.60 on 34,300 shares | bist: lina |ployees was, in effect, a test ssailuar og ig Ag = vient after announcing it had received WwW FR ANK When You're On The Move Call TIMES eer FOREIGN TRADING jcase. ret | ' 7 ili a $1,654,000 order for flaps and ' > Fouad vanlan | pons ge my | En SR A su tietamee Nepalese, aa Gitte og Boga atest |W > HEARD'S TAXI and CARTAGE FAST ACTION : Sele 300 0 4 4) 4 -| RC} i Am Ledue 2800 18 18 15 lL Saroek ee me joo Aciai io the federal| gaining. |Co. of Canada. REAL ESTATE 124 Brock St., Whitby -- 668-3732 i " Asamera 1900 520-510 $20 +20) couchener $00 105 105 15 --s |though restricted to 'ds in| The alliance itself has filed an| Among other industrials, Mac- * frets gee delay Bantf 150 $i5ve 15¥a 1sla-- | angus Silv 2000 40 40 40 +1 Ifield, has certification bids in) . s lean-Hunter gained 2% to 34 THE SIGN You Radio Equipped fer your C . : plies however co CS Pete 1000 225 223 223 =7| Placer Dev 20 37 37 37 j t employment categor-|jintervention w-ith the board : : i gence or otherw €,Ex Ges 1500 440 440 440 Silver Field 100 505 S05 505 for mos ploy 'led|against the bid by the Council|Western Broadcasting 1% to CAN TRUST WHEN + Se responsible f € Gridoil 100 640 640 640 | Ciecs 200 525 525 825 +8 lies. However, the CNTU filed|ag D ) ified| 2614 and Levy Industries i% to IT COMES TO SELL ANYTHING ' in 20 days. teas: os tok i a interventions with the board on|of Postal Unions to hago 21%. 3 : A WIN "FREE" CENTENNIAL DOLLARS 'a cer Oe yoo ie as as +15 ; el So nt ty > Pgh rye Bg cumptoyees Uranium issues moved lower HAL EA e ion ee Dynamic 400 18 NS NS. ta Ottawa River There was an oe cilehos This hearing is scheduled for|With Denison down 2% to 70%, PHONE Each week names will eppeor throughout the edverti 'ae thle TELEPHONE RESPONSIBLE FC Fargo 1100 $15 SIS 51S +10 jtween the parties--the a di Rio Algom 1% to 34%, Preston] yog 7518 623-3393 | feature. If you find your name, clip out the advertisement ond Lp te Gr Plains 1465 $132 13% 13% + Ue lanu the CNTU--that the CNTU| Thursday. onlk'to 1b and Himaa' Corp % ¥, = Fa e hy » clip ent ani 723-3492 AN IN Wan te Sia Aba oe tee id not proceed on the other} The alliance seeks exclusion, ts Jee = present it at ¢ awe Times end receive, absolutely FREE, A HAN ONE i, Nom" 30 we eon Fe 0 e eane wo Hone if the decision of|of several hundred railway mail|'? 194. mee 21 King W. Bowmanville | CENTENNIAL SILVER DOLLAR, of the busi on | Wm. Garrard, 176 Burke, Oshowo Bef a NC Olls 2500 S75. S70 S78 a haan in the hospital ser-|clerks from the bargaining unit.| In the western-oil list, Dome this " SERTION IN WI Numac 1200 390 390 39% +8] TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario|the boa : in|A majority of such clerks are/8ained 2% to 57%, ra 55 The Oshawa Tim Perma 2 BR Water Resources Commission|Vices group hearing. ue Ri claus aeeutera ite Associa-| cents to 5 and Scurry-Rainbow ' classify advertis Place @ Wr 247 2S Us +10 has called for joint action by|favor of the alliance, . : 1% to 37%. proper clossificat Ponder 38 Ranger 500 260 260 Scurry Rn 8270 $40 (38 5150 84 82 84 --1 | miles of the Ottawa River. = i i tement said. tion of Postal Officials of Can-| _ : 4 ; ort jiigge eases -- es wT Geaaany the CNTU will|ada has filed a similar interven-| ined as cg fy Peg id jooner gga br cogent sea SM cade rari |not be intervening, on these tion to have meaberg SUPER YIOTY ting 65 cents to 9.25. U'Canso, '900 390 Sap 390 410 | In a report released Monday, |grounds, with respect ee excluded. On index, industrials rose .19 U Canso w 100 125 125 125 ithe OWRC said tests carried out)other applications by le Le aera ee es ms ~ to 165.50 and western oils .95 to one ee ae aa 7 1965 have/liance for certification. A |184.14. Golds fell .10 to 167.72 W Decalta 2700 290 285 290 413 between 1961 and A Really Good Place To Buy A Finer Used Car 166 KING E. BOWMANVILLE, ONT, In the cases of The Times will for more space actual error oc endeavor to rer matter correctly, of advertisement 623-3396 r | any form are co lution in the areas of| At the hospital employees' | New Bond Issue and base metals 1.49 to 99.88. Oe as shown pollution p U tended | T's E INDUSTRIALS municipalities along the river ere pe ec ae col el Volume B yo 2aar ne pmerie| Tune ae e allian i om i 2 : Abitibi 1261 $94 9% 934 oe Gia cee e peice organization wit hi n| Details Announced Friday wih ioe ee Gordon May Roger Appliances This Space beg: Ackilands 50 $9! 92 9 ° ane fi 'a Algoma St 218 $24 3m 20 the St. Lawrence River. : OTTAWA (CP)--Details of a CONTRACTING é& Furniture . Aen" 588 sto Se Sout a] 'The report named the Ottawa ks 22" $175,000,000 Government of va bes ae aes treat Available Alcan pr 35 $38% 38% 384 area, Hawkesbury, Arnprior, resse Canada bond issue were an- yan Types of Building Store INI arines A 5 S26He 26% 26% + | Pembroke, Rockland and L'Ori- nounced today by the finance Repeirs Same High Quelity et Lowest Prices yourself Her Veuw CLASSI Argus C pr 100 $114 11% 1% jgnal and municipalities where} l lepartment. : - : Asbestos a5 5k 3 Bat 'ithe quality of river water was] eave 0 e The. Bank of Canada will buy eee es. featuring: to an Richard Vinierusn, {Women's ol Atl Suse ae ea ee ee below OWRC standards of pu- at least $50,000,000 of the open- i scs Masruy otc. Philips 405 Brentwood, Oshawe ae tobe lle Auto Elec 600 $62 62 6l4 Irity. MONTREAL (CP)-- The) maturity, non-callable bonds, to =S hietincyhine ae EMalorcyein Berk mii 488 Size 2% 92244 ¥e| He suggested Ontario and owners of Montreal La Presse|be delivered Aug. 1. Call us ot... Advertising +. fe os Bank is 3s $s ae pid |Quebec begin joint surveys and | are to apply By! a nd _ offering _ made for gen- 668-2774 end meny top Brends. 7-Swap ong ell Phne Va | i : ; i nk 'or per- ment purposes in o--Market, Baske i vs -- %/P Ollution control programs jjslative assembly soon eral govern purp peg z Message ticles Bow Viy'w 250 9007007700 430 [along the river. mission to sell the daily news-| three series: é | 210 Piné -- Whitby 50 Bond E. =. 728-2151 ag aches On hockted Sey dite tose 10% | Rockland. has opened a sew- paper, it was announced Mon-; --14 - month, five-per - cent) | on and uy BA Ol" $50 S30 gee se 2 se age treatment plant since the| day. ss ls da bonds - a. 1. ---- e | 1--Articles tor Bc Suser p 100 $18% 18% 18% + '4/ testing and except for Hawkes- A notice published in the -| a price of 99.50 per cent to a" + 14--Business Opp felery Pao se bury, the other communities|hec Official Gazette said the| yield about 5.44 per cent to ; SHEWRING BROS. LTD. ate oir Beauty Lounge * 1S -Employment Caloy S40 p Noster 107. 107 --'sjhave planned similar facilities.| owners of the i ot - is a community FEATURING Our expert stylists, are, troined to, shape your hair UFamale, Hel Mg eon A | The report said surface water! newspaper will submit a priva --20-month, 514-per-cent bonds . N beauty. oo 4 on Com p 400 $25, 35 25" quality requirements of the com- pill asking the government to| due April 1, 1969, offered at a of quiet elegance TORGINOL . SEAMLESS . FLOORING ale or Fer 668-4051 See Frank for persone! cutting end styling. 116 Brock St. N. Whitby eon er, to See ere ie' | J, mission were not met in somejrescind a law put into effect in 7+ ejareas of the river while labo-| 1961 restricting the ownership of| F?| ratory tests found actual pollu-| the paper until 1975 to descend-| ity. "WORRY-FREE -- DURABLE -- BEAUTIFUL" 26 Gibbons St. 728-3980 H. Fisher, 81 Central Park N., Oshowa price of 99.90 per cent to vield about 5.56 per cent to matur- located in eshawe's northern residentiel Cdn Brew 470 $7 7 C Brew Ap 2 $4) 41 h a i Z--Real Estate | 4 jAtu ame oS jtion near and downstream from/ands of Treffle Berthiaume.| --Four-year, 4!4-month, 5%: erec. Ftp Ns ~ € Chem w 450 400 375 395 +20 [several municipalities. |Berthiaume acquired La Presse} per-cent bonds due Dec. 15, Simece end Teunton E palin Se o oo 4 ~'| "The adverse influence of in 1889. 1971, at a price of 99.75 per 2 -Reoms for Re C Goldse 75 $11 1) 11 ae sanitary and industrial wastes) The bill restricting the owner-| cent to yield about 6.06 per} 4; you are looking for a lot to REG. T. SMITH = GENERAL CONTRACTOR 28--Room and Bi Cl" arcont 22 1242 18% 18--%lemanating from these munici-|ship was passed during a dis-| cent to maturity. _ || buy... . visit cedar ridge -- e : : Epp vt sao Ry on 714+ %|palities is reflected in these/pute over control of La Presse.) The first group are an addi-|| use o builder of your choice 1039 KING ST. E. OSHAWA n-- Cars SR or 34 8% +%/sampling results," the report|It was announced last week that|tion to $441,000,000 outstanding |} for information. sP NG IN EXPERTS IN... 2-T Ser 3 C Petrefia WO Se 1s 1 said |La Presse,largest French-lan-|for the same maturity and a : Phone 725 2108 Renovations and additions it noemeane 'Y 'Yy y i 4 i Negag > ssidential, commer - By a a ' Can Tire A zis $2% 2% 2% | It charged that while the|/guage daily in North America, |dated Oct. 1, 1963 and 1964. The | phone 723-1194 Sadistiial eohtractink Free estimates of . 35--Lost and Fox Cnc cesT® 4 Sieh 1M 10™ . 4, | larger centres provided for sew-|had accepied a purchase offer| second group are an addition to| ee a 36-Lee Clairton 1200 $11 10% 10%-- %4/age treatment, several munici-'that will end family ownership $280,000,000 for the same matur- | OSHAWA i ocean sheen a A Bd pH '> = m|Palities provided little or no, existing almost since its founda-|ity dated April 1, 1960, Oct. 1, | Notices Csi" 2 8 8 treatment at all. ition in 1884, 1962 and Dec, 1, 1965. a 4 /

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