Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Jul 1967, p. 8

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8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 10, 1967 Water Levels Hit New High WASHAGO, Ont. (CP)--The overburdened Trent Canal sys- tem took another beating during the weekend with thunder- storms raising water levels as high as three feet above nor- mal. Lake Simcoe was six inches above normal Sunday and Spar- row Lake, to the north, was nearly three feet above normal. The northern section of the canal has been reduced to a water removal system but it is inadequate--last week the sys-| tem carried away 65,000 feet of water a second and Friday the gates of Lock 42 here were Millwork & Building Supplies Lid. N Where Parking e Is No Problem Your One Step Building Supply intre 728-6291 OPEN DAILY 7 a.m, to 6 p.m. Friday till 9 p.m. 7 chained open to release 100,000 gallons a minute. me | ueatcee M hile, eanwhile, soggy Hollan SHEATHING Marsh farms got a break when thunderstorms left then. largely untouched. Farmers in the market-gar-| den marsh area south of ere, | citing instances of crop damaze| from the rain, are to meet to- night in Barrie to discuss ap- = /16x4x8...... CADE %™x4x8 'ua ae Ywx4x8 ee, 60 nate . oh Sc : fist . si aba proaches to be made to provin- Mwx4x8 MARY STREET SCHOOL -- ONE OF FIRST IN OSHAWA ieyashage i 10 malles north of ARBORITE Still accommodating a Mary Street Public School tion. One of the first pub- here before it was sur- sone --------7------= Ill! VARIETY OF COLORS 4 x 4 sh | large number of pupils | is still being used 'by the Iie schools erected in Osh- fitioatsed' gs in the cass | CANADIANS IN FIRED || SQ.FT.............. eivancaniest 39 from the surrounding area Oshawa Board of Educa- i g sie awa, the school is seen today. BOSTON (CP)--At least eight| 1 |Canadian yachts will be out to| Kaiser Aluminum WHERE LOW PRI NCE to build a similar plane fe!l| Other new fighters were twojend United States domination | AND MODERNITING Conte ar ea ; : ; i ie g in the biennial Marblehead-Hal DOORS SEE US FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS. |through four days ago when the/types of needle-nosed planes | French pulled out. : | with special auxiliary power for|ifax sailing race when the 360- The swing-wing principle, a!so| short takeoffs and landings, and|mile ocean classic gets under * s 6 Soviet Airshow Previews . invented by the British, is tej small black mystery plane/ way Sunday near Boston. About Seven New Supersonic Jets cist. orsjia tart rites eos Self Storing double diamond gloss. 28" x 68" x 1%" 2'10" x 6110" x 1%" ONLY 26° SEE US FOR slow also speakers, ithan in 1965. invited --jom MOSCOW (AP) -- Seven new;tary attaches in the types of Soviet supersonic jet|crowd at the air show. | fighter planes appeared at an| The VTOL plane rose verti- hil Oe Begs eS (| air show Sunday, including ver-|cally from a runway on the = tical-takeoff and swing - wing/thrust of downward - deflected| @ -- planes that looked as good as/jets, then switched the thrust to SAKRETE i the West's best. the rear and flew away to stunt ALUMICOLOR CEMENT MIX FENCE Picnic Table Four new twin-tail fighter/over the airfield 28 miles south Self Storing BASKETWEAVE bombers with claimed speeds|of Moscow. Then it came back,| White: Srown ond Red ES Ore Stufdy, durable, ideal i : sing for those Balmy Sum- Add beauty ond priv- acy to your yord or 2'8" x 68" x 1%" 2'10" x 6'10" x 1%" $39.95 »| SELF STORING with s.d. glass. 2'8" x 6'8" x 1%" 2'10" x 6/10" x 1%" Reg. 24.95 SPECIAL $938 three times the speed of sound|slowed and stopped in the air,} appeared in the first Soviet air/turned around and slowly sat] show in six years. down on its jet blast. | But only one example was A similar plane is now going} seen of each of the other six/into mass production in Britain, | new types. |where the concept developed, | This suggested to qualified|and is scheduled to reach com-| observers that the Soviet Air/bat units soon. Experiments Force might have been display-| with the concept are under way} ing experimental models. The/in the United States. | speed of sound is about 720, The first swing-wing plane to| miles an hour. appear took off with wings ex-| The absence of any big new\tended for stability at low) bombers suggested that the air/speeds, then folded them back) force is concentrating on fight-|at an angle for supersonic flight. ers for aerial defence and short-| This plane looked like a mod-| range attack, leaving long-range ification of the Sukhoi-7 delta-| striking power to surface-| wing Soviet fighter that has} launched intercontinental mis-|been in use for years. An offi-| siles. |cial commentary claimed it was) But an article in the Commu-|the world's first single-engine | nist party newspaper Pravda! swing-wing plane. | Sunday by the air force com-| ui mander-in - chief, Air Marshal SHOW VERSATILITY | Konstantin A. Vershinin,| The second swing-wing plane claimed the air force is built|@PPeared pyro sro eee wings * jin various positions rom ex- ground longrange planes c2pe, ened almost at ght angles t| the fuselage to swept back into) small cement jobs er mer get Made from B.C. cedar. ony 28.95 (Delivered) togethers, repairs. Add only water. 90 Ib. bag 1.99 potio. Easy to instoll, 154 In The Park 8:30 P.M. McLaughlin Bandshell, Memorial Park Tues., July Il Featuring BERNARD TIERNEY and his ORCHESTRA "YOU CAN'T BEAT IT ON THE FARM!" DONNACONA CEILING TILE Decorative and useful. PLYWOOD For interior and ex- terior use. The solu- tion to maintenance problems, %4x 4x 8 fir factory grade 3.75 Screen Wire Toke care ef screen repairs early to be ready for warmer wea- Assorted patterns. Add ther. 18" Fibergloss 34° wr. beauty to your ceiling. 12 x 24 26° EACH kas gi FIBERGLASS PANELS Strong translucent pan- Come and bring the whole family to a Free Concert of Modern missiles in favor of surface and ; submarine launchings. a dart shape. It appeared to} Music, under the stars. You'll hear the best of Broadway and els. Good selection of have two jet engines, like the | Hi c | d in UR B dq" colors, (Cash & Carry) VTOL CATCHES EYE American swing-wing F-111. popular Mit songs as played in "Big Band" arrangements, (stock item) i a The vertical-takeoff and land-| The second Soviet plane re- - 9¢ EASY BUDGET TERMS ON MOST PURCHASES PL: CE eN ares ing VTOL plane and two ver-|sembled the F-111, now in n.ass/ sions of swing-wing or variable-|production, although still shak- | geometry planes attracted the} ing out bugs. | most attention by Western mili-' A British-French joint project) High Prices Force Firm Into Export Production NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C.|veyor belt and this what Lewis) (CP)--A. small manufacturing) Refrigeration now turns out for company in New Westminster itself. which objected to the price it; L. D. Jones, general manager had to pay for wire mesh used of Lewis, said it is used fairly in industrial refrigerators has generally in food processing, started making its own mesh/continuous heat-treating opera-| and now is exporting it tions and pulp and paper/ Since it began production this making. Concert sponsored jointly by General Motors of Canada Ltd. and the Toronto Musicians Association with a grant from the Trust Fund of the Recording Industry. MC; BARRY SARAZIN of CKLB | ty Underbor | WHEELBARROW Garden Type $7.95 Reg. 9.95 Special built strong, smooth walls with fireproof SHEETROCK in many of my farm buildings -». and in my home too ! Low cost SHEETROCK goes up just right over old walls or bare studs -- adds extra fire protection because its core of gypsum will not burn. Cost is low too -- because, usually, Featuring: JACK McLEAN Well-Known Comedian COME AND ENJOY THE MUSIC Meade from select Redwood 2-6 x 6-6. -- 2-8 x 6-8 -- 2-10 x 6-10 oY 10.95 ace VINYL ASBESTOS .080 gauge 9 x 9 Reg. 14¢ Now Only 12° spring, Lewis Refrigeration Co. of Canada hes obtained orders Tay cet have:te rip out roid CURAR PINE 2 OW SOs ce for $100,000 of the stainless steel jel YON ONS 29. 08 VINYL ASBESTOS A . modelling problem on your } .080 sane alg "_-- potty farm, see us TODAY! Learn LOUVERED SHUTTERS gauge 12 x 12 Travertine. this material were chee a gle ee uated ee Reg. 25¢ each. fois the OS Pp little it costs. 12 x 36. Each 4.10 12 x 54. Each 5.45 Now OM gs. 23 ONE WAY For six years the company 12 x 42. Each 4.55. 12x 60. Each 5.85 | VINYL ASBESTOS .080 has been manufacturing a type gauge. 9 x 9 Agatine +++ Young of refrigerator that turns out TERE CR eee bo ais FS 5.05 Reg. 18¢ Ay . PaaS OPS IES sea a frosee foods in a continuous The Fi oan Coen Now Only. 1 ine. In this machine foods in rep Ne ee Se ol bd armed bags are frozen as they 2 00 VINYL ASBESTOS 080 vent ride through a frigid tunnel. The : 12x12 i : Pe a oe an ccounts ree Preway SURFAGE UNIT | tee sie 23°" 7 as he chooses, because the food : 18 i is not frozen in a solid chunk Mx4x8....,. Ge y . "$a Four burner electric surface units, Brushed chrome Now Only #9 9.00) swe s n 1 The freezing tunnel operation Stare. 2.60 S Se 'lel Rag for the home, family room, summer 1/16 x 9 x 9 Vv I N Y L depends on a stainless steel con- Also available in 2" NS AY hall 109.00 Volos oo ae ASBESTOS. Nearly 3,000 from 4x 6 to 4x 14 NN ij NOW ONLY ' .. 59.00 Reg. 1012c each. crowded the camp Similer to iustretion N P' Approx .08 sq. ft. ow Only Pass piece way College here | the closing day of 1 Seventh-day Adven | Bible Conference. Pastor G. F. Dal tor of publications | Professor Wams Unsafe City SANTIAGO, Chile (Reuters)-- Santiago, with a population of 3,000,000, is a city unarmed against earthquakes and ex- perts say there is an 85-per-cent chance of one taking place dur- ing the next three years Prof. Gajardo Wolff of Chile University, and Fernando Guz- PROFESSIONAL LOOKING DRIVEWAY REPAIRS YOU DO YOURSELF... With sakreTE Black Top Patch and Black Top Sealer you can make your asphalt driveway look as good as new. Fill in cracks and holes with SAKRETE Black Top Patch. Beautify d protect it with sakRETE Liquid Black Top Sealer. Can Be Cheaper Than One Orono | Finds §. CEDAR CLOSET LINING Aromatic, Ideal for mothe proofing closets, Anyone handy with tools LOUVER DOORS \Add charm to your True Chequing. True Savings. Two accounts that home. All types in work together to save you money. And pay you How the two-account plan works at a glance A safe found in man, an engineer, say if a tremor with the characteristics : 2 TRUE CHEQUING TRUE SAVINGS stock. Si - j A of an earthquake should affect) ™uch higher interest on the money you save. ee =--e an eoshy tits terday is believed Santiago, 300,000 houses would With T. bag yn orga The Disadvantage i ings Ue = -- last wee be demolished and about 1,800, ith True Chequing you ge' © interest i as tow as... 13 80 33 ly, ait Company whic 000 persons left homeless. Shan j ang You get your account statement The Advantages ee " 2" Fr. paseo in America MME AG ret! loco, ee ee ee | tele , faa haa k , , implifies budgeting. i ee ; of the big buildings constructed back monthly, too, (They're proof of payment.) "ie 8 gay 'i 4% % on minimum monthly Twenty - one em of reinforced concrete, 10 per Permanent record of balance. velo were foun cover from the place whi station wagon was | Oscar Skelding, 7 Money always available. Free transfers to True Chequing. Free cash withdrawals. expenditures. Cancelled cheques as receipts. Free transfers to True Savings easily arranged. cent of the conventional but re- inforced buildings and 80 per cent of the old adobe houses Wolff estimated that most of the pre-1939 buildings would be destroyed. Between 1575 and 1965, Santi With True Savings, your money grows 50% faster than ever before. But leave chequing to your chequ- ing account. (If you already have a 3% Savings Ac- count, you can convert it to 414 % True Savings). farmer, found the ditch on the south 9th concession R.R: SS } { | ago experienced about 30 earth-| < 11:50 a.m. yesterd: quakes of varying intensity up) <> The place to open both accounts ' i] GARAGE DOOR TILE BOARD The hindges of tl to 12 degrees, the maximum on} = % nee sg Canadiana 1 piece, steel door had been broken vy the international scale 5 2 1s your neighbourhood Bank of Bank of Montreal per 80 Ib. eed: aus ey: . Ideal tor. kitchens, - pore anar An earthquake in 1939, which <4 Montreal | 8' x 66" 59.25 baths utility rooms. | f inch chise! affected the central area of "ANN x J 2 lau ; ssi. : torch and two tank Chile including the cities of Canada's First Bank iquid Black Top Sealer $19: o's" G6"... GBTS ae reer arg ae ; Talca and Concepcion, killed an r als. Oy 7! or eee lev sta estimated 30,000 persons. i - $ 4 Colors ... : 9.60 = hooey w ba i ica maaaTR siBeR EE RA ae is ity ' believe it was use . away the safe. r

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