Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Jul 1967, p. 5

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em _DISCHARGED BRITISH SOLDIERS SETTLED IN THORAH IN 1796 This article dealing with the history of Ontario County tells of the settlement and growth of Thorah Township. The history of Thorah Town. ship goes back to about 1796 when a number of soldiers, dis- charged from the British Army, set out to take up land: One of these, Corporal Crawford or Cameron, was a young man who was discharged due to the loss of an.eye. He brought his wife and two stepchildren to Thorah. It is recorded that one day while he was hunting a pack of wolves got into his cabin and the entire family, with the ex- ception of one child, who was hidden under an _ overturned cradle, were mangled. It was 1822 before the first permanent eettlers arrived. En- sign Turner built the first house in the township. The land he cleared is now known as Thorah Beach. His daughter, Elizabeth, was the first white child born in the township. By 1827 the entire township had been surveyed by J. E. White and David Gibson and many discharged soldiers have been given land grants. They followed the old Mississauga In- dian Trail, part of which was made into a road by the army and was known as Yonge Street. These settlers were largely Scottish and British. About 1830 John Gunn came from Scotland, His descendants remained in the area for many years and Dunrobin Farms, now owned by George McLaughlin, was part of the family holding. SHERIFF OF NIAGARA Col. Kenneth Cameron retired from the army in 1835 and set- tled on the chores of Lake Sim- coe. The colonel took a keen interest in roads and later be- came the first reeve. When rebellion broke out he rejoined the army and was posted to Niagara in 1837 where he was appointed sherriff of Niagara. He returned to Thorah some years later. At this time the settlement of Milton, later named Beaverton, was grow- ing and a general store, grist mill and sawmill were in opera- tion. The first religious service in the district was held by the Presbyterian congregation at the mouth of the Talbot River, There was no regular minister; but prayer meetings were held in the homes. Eventually a church was built, though there was still no resident minister. Whenever one passed through the area there was much christening, baptizing and marrying to be done. The first school was in the southeast corner of the town- ship. It was built of logs as were the pioneer schools of that era, A group formed the Thorah branch of the Agricultural So- ciety of the County of Ontario in January 1853. From a_ small beginning the fair grew stead- fly. In 1866 the fair board voted $10 to encourage the holding of a plowing match. FIRST BOAT Canoes and smaller boats were much in evidence on Lake Simcoe for the transport of people and freight. As the popu- lation grew the need for larger vessels became evident. As a result a group of citizens banded together to form a joint stock company to purchase the first boat, 'The Sir John Col- borne," named after the gover- nor of Upper Canada. The building of the boat started in 1831 and the settlers staged a gala week in 1834 when it began its rounds of the vari- ous settlements. The first boat had difficulty passing the nar- rrr m MN rows at Atherley and was re- placed in 1834 and again in 1845, Competition was so keen passen- gers were sometimes carried free and free meals were pro- vided, TRENT CANAL At the time of its great de. pendence on lake boats, busi- ness interests were instrumental in having a canal built to con- nect Lake Simcoe and Lake On- tario. The Trent Valley Canal was commenced in 1833 and took 88. years to complete. The canal was formally opened in 1907 by the postmaster general and the minister of railways and canals. The first train arrived in Beaverton in 1869. In that year Thorah Township made a bar- gain with the Port Hope, Lind- say and Beaverton Railway to provide for the railway with interest of 3 per cent per an- num in perpetuity. The population of the town- ship, including Beaverton, was little over 100 in 1854. The tax statement of that day reads as follows: "Roads and bridges, 66 pounds, 10 shillings; town- ship officers' salaries, 47 pounds, 10 shillings; incidental expenses, 6 pounds, 10 shillings; county, 88 pounds, two shillings and six pence; rate for lunatie asylum, 8 pounds, 15 shillings. The total tax roll in 1854 was 199 pounds, one shilling and two pence. TT THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 10, 1967 5 WHY THEY LICK Cats lick themselves before a storm because the air is over. charged with static electricity to which they are extremely sensitive. Need An Oil Furnace? | PERRY 723-3443 DAY OR NIGHT Makes Eating With FALSE TEETH x Up to 35% Easier Tlinical test now eat and chew better take denturen average up to 35% more effective--tf you sprinkle a little FASTEETH on. lates. FASTEETH 'uppers: and fowers more firmi: rk foey is NOw mT pon " svi neasnegantienn eet '™ore comfortable. FAS' " : acid--doesn't sour. No gummy, 'Rough' Start | _ Se For Venturers, | 475-Mile Trip | Get FASTEETH at all drug counters. WHITBY (Staff) -- Fifth|Baxter and Ron Norris, will Whitby Venturers are hoping|follow along in cars. They will their canoe trip to Expo willjcarry a trailer filled with over $5000? i be smoother than their de-|$200 worth of food and set up 4 parture, camp and prepare neals. They SIL The cofusion started at 10)have another $500 which the p.m., Friday night when they|boys raised for further provi- A decided to depart from Tren- (sions. 'S_PARK ton instead of Lake Scugog | Marina at Port Perry. The ATTEND MASS | "honor guard which was to, Before leaving Whitby Satur- , accompany the Venturers outj)day the Venturers attended, into the lake were notified. j|mass at St. John the Evan-| Then at 1 a.m., Saturday/gelist Church, celebrated by plans reverted back to the|Rev. Leo J. Austin, He will] original and the honor guard|meet the group in Kingston | was again notified. and will celebrate mase there.) Saturday morning a number|Father Austin will also offict-' * of parents and visitors had|ate in Montreal, a difficulty in finding the mar-| Mayor Newman presented) ina which is hidden off a side-| Venturer advisor Ben og kd n Drama Member id Alone DON O'HEARN TO--One of the most le events in recent his- the legislature took he last session. And it ave been mentioned re. sned at 10 o'clock one e house had been in ate all day. Opposition wanted students at the ' of Western Ontario | to elect one of them- the board of gover- ze Noone likes "the waiting game" -- and at Beneficial we don't play it Kt delays us -- and it delays you. So why wait? Phone for vaca pag amido get that Big 0.K. fast. Plus your own Beneficial re exclusive new 30-day Free Loan Privilege. Beneficial... now! xg " ate bills committee onservative members d with them. y didn't all take part yate--only one said he ved in a student rep- B; was the time for the of the agreeing Con- on the committee on hand--they had dden business else- e ones that were here 1) the government, here is something stake a vote in the | be a solemn and ccasion. occasion the govern- 1 first. Which means 'obarts stood up and ed one by one by his How to make SS) . Me road about two miles north of|with letters of introduction to presented! ee 2 --$--_--_--_------____---------------- |Newman of Whitby was unable|Venturers with passports to 4H M b to arrive on schedule for the| Expo | la embers ike eS ja few minutes before depar-|ter, Danny Gravelle, Earl La-| €xp067 pated in a bus trip to Guelph) the 475-mile trip. Gerald Lynch, William Lavalley| The members were addressed right Waterfowl Park which a good Wine: operatives of Ontario in Guelph o a : Sr en ile ie : 3 WHITBY VENTURERS LAUNCH CANOE VOYAGE TO EXPO read shout gh a Se CANOES, with "Whitby" Lake Scugog Marina Satur- to Expo. The canoeists, Whitby Venturers, hope to days, averaging a little over |OPP FIND MAYOR _|stop-overs. Vernon MacCarl, lettered on the side, left the day on a 475-mile journey members of the Fifth reach their destination in 15 30 miles each day. The confusion reached a cli-|chairman of the town's cen- . . _-- the --Oshawa Times Photos |max when Mayor Desmond|tennial committee, lofficial send off. Ontario Pro-| Making the canoe trip are: | |vincial Police were asked to Cornelius Derks, Douglas) FINANCE CO. OF CANADA hare lhelp in locating the mayor and|Woods, John Gauthier, Guy La- "yr ot Visit Guelph jhalf an hour later he arrived,|Haye, Hank Wyste, Steve Bax-| Ad, OnnGd month controcte on leone saet fish ' ; ; ._ | ture, Haye, Tim VanGills, Earl) UXBRIDGE - Sixty - five) The Venturers hope to reach\Keoghan, John and Peter pa gp ig | members of the Ontario County|/myn9 in 15 days averaging alBedard, Gordon Woodcock, e 600 King St. East, East Mali Shopp' Centre eke 4 p 4-H agricultural clubs partici-|1ittle over 30 miles per day for|Vidis Vaicuinas, Gerald Hicks.| OPEN EVENINGS BY RROOHTMENT.c raene roe ---- ee eae on he Gn. They aren't entirely "'rough-|and advisors Ben LaHaye and! farlo: Deoartiient. of Agricul. |(2% it'® since two men, Henry'John Brady. | tural and Food, Uxbridge. tat the University of Guelph by several professors represent- | | ing various areas of study. La- ter the group toured the Kort- contains about 1,000 waterfowl jof more than 50 varieties. | | During the afternoon the |group visited the United Co- where the feed plant, and feed formulating and testing labors: tory, which serves a large part of Ontario. was toured. | One-Stop DECORATING SHOP @ Wellpeper end Murels @ Custom Draperies j @ Broadioom 5 @ C.I.L, Paints end Vernishes |] @ Benjamin Moore Peinte DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. were on this one the count came near idn't stand up. Then s the Opposition time nd be counted there t silence, a cathedral nd while his col- » the Conservative ked away, the mem- their and Guy LaHaye, | Miss Whitby, Cathy Kenny, | Venturer Bill Lavalley and Mayor Desmond Newman. INSPECTING a paddle Saturday are, from left: prior to the start of the 15- Vernon MacCarl, chairman day canoe trip to Expo of the centennial commit- from Lake Scugog Marina tee, Venturers John Gau- mber was A. B. R. nce of Ottawa. 'act it was Mr. Law- it an act of singular SPEEDY TAXI SERVICE 668-6841 44-year-old lawyer is . Rounding out the rest of the sensitivity. Lon Parade To 1c i weekend's activities are a car- WHITBY PHONE 668-5862 kground is Ashbury nival of children's rides at Cen- DAY & NIGHT 107 Byron St. S., Whitby tennial Park, waterfront activi- ties, baseball, lacrosse, tennis Three-Day Town Carnival si << | | Anyone in Whitby interested WHITBY (Staff) - A two and] Jack Woodward, chairman = in entering the parade is urg- | TOWNSH i pr OF a half mile long parade will|the carers sponsene by the! eq to contact Mr. Wilkes at 668- | kick - off the three - day sec-}chamber of Commerce, | says 4501, or Mr. Woodward at 668-| and annual Comniy Towa Care eembered™ by 'Whithy cite | 20 | EAST WHITBY The parade, under the chair-| zens. | ACCIDENT NOTICE NOTICE RE PASSING OF BY-LAW NO. 1989 manship of Robert Wilkes, will] The first morning's activities | Anyone witnessing the J} R.M.C. and Osgoode a gentle man. ainst his party would endous decision for cularly when his ; the government. lecades it has hap- once before. ecision was made on ou-know this when fr. Lawrence. i't dodge, either his or the embarrass- would cause him. include bands, floats by local) yin be capped by a fly-past | merchants and industries, hor- + i of RCAF planes from the Tren- ses and riders, soldiers, clowns, ton' iethioe base. i oo and girls. Back again by popular de-\Jaccident involving a mo- H ee ; mand this year is the British | Under Section 58, Ontario Municipal Act. G % A POLICY og. Empire Motorcycle Club to torcycle and car on Sun- J P Ta éS ' me. e a éS ° LONDON (CP)--A Sou stage another motorcycle scram- day, July 2 at about 9 Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of East Whitby did on Thursday, the 8th day of June, 1967, pass By- law No. 1989, a by-law to revise Polling Subdi- visions in the Township of East Whitby. A certified copy of the said by-law was filed in the office of don borough council has can-)y). "i, @Hillier Park, similar to| poe ere pearance policy oh the one that thrilled hundreds|[P-m. at the corner of | ering lamp-posts and traffic $18-|4¢ spectators last year. Another | nals being knocked over. 'No path event pA er to re-| Athol and Dundas in enough are getting knocked)iyrn this year is the 50 mile| Whitby, please call 668- down to make it worthwhile."| international bicycle race con- said a spokesman for South- ducted by the Canadian Wheels-|f 4296. wark council. men. | The quality of a wine starts with grapes and ends with Wine quality a/ways comes back to one word: a Since 1934 Brights has invested more than two million the Clerk of the Peace for the County of Ontario, dollars in a vast program of vinicultural improvement. In this Se ac : BROCK how Playing -- One Complete at 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, on ff! program we have imported more than 120 varieties of grapes tone lege fin B i NGO wuitsy Program -- Each Evening at 7:30 the 12th day of June, 1967. Any five (5) electors from almost every wine-growing country in the world. Out cbk Meaga - : : may at any time, within two (2) months after the of these, 20 great varieties have been proven in the Niagara modest #s the thanks day of filing, appeal in respect of any Polling Sub- Peninsula from which we are now producing outstanding will be extravagant. et the Columbus Club 133 Brock St. N. WHITBY division, to the Judge of the County of Ontario, whe Canadian wines. Below are six of them. has power to amend the By-law in order to make it conform with the provisions of Section 58 of the JEBERT 6)ST AND Ontario Municipal Act. A copy of the By-law may ; > EVERY be examined at the Municipal Office of the Town- President Champagne * Canada's prize Champagne. ts TU ES, NIGHT ship of East Whitby in Columbus, Ontario, between a cae : A great dry red table wine. the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday to Friday Dessiden gg e Poh wid bey ine a ore ier, Dow. a7 P.M. (inclusive). pistes i Extra Dry °© A dry white wine of quality. Wi : resident Port © A distinguished dessert eis Sie Cihiiin 'Usie 16 Youn Dated at Columbus, Ontario, _ dessert twine, mes of age please. Bingo Starts at 8-P.M. SHARP BEGINS 9:15 SINCE 1874 Also -- SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION' -- Begins 7:30 "RIDE THE WILD SURF" in COLOR With FABIAN -- SHELLEY FABRAES this 13th day of June, 1967. M. WM. GOLDIE, Clerk 'free home delivery of any of Brights wines: just phone?

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