Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Jul 1967, p. 3

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20 - Man Inspection Team |__""-rio.1'te-190? Keeps Expo Food Palatable| "BOOKS ALIVE" Books brought alive by: By DAVE MacDONALD {are between 75 degrees and 120 | Puppets - Drama - Clay modell- --¢ g- |} Commons 1967 Program Lags Far Behind Schedule [ By RONALD LEBEL In 43 sitting days, the House|the wheat board as a permanent OTTAWA (CP)--The govern-japproved the spending esti-| agency. MONTREAL (CP) -- Food| degrees, so this machine had to} ing - Painting - Poetry - Choral ment's massive centennial-year|mates of 10 departments, spent| The fall part of the session poisoning on the Expo site is a/ be removed." Reading legislative pro.ram -- remains|eight days on the throne speech|shapes up as a livelier affair. relatively unknown factor,, One of the division's most : largely untouched as MPs and|debate, two days for a supply|Amid speculation about a pos- thanks to the work of a 26-man ticklish problems is overseeing | Tuesday 10:00-11:30 senators scatter across the|/motion and one day on the|sible 1968 election, the Conserva- team of inspectors. |the quality of food 'and hygiene Ages 6-10 country for summer recess. budget. Interim supply was/ tives; will field a newly-elected In an interview Sunday lin the 30 restaurants run by and 11-14, _ Of the 20 legislative proposals|yoted to cover government|leader and the New Democrats George Palis, a top executive of foreign countries participating : linted bs Ste -- speech May|spending in the July-October pe-|will push their newly-approved the restaurants division of|in the big fair. Dnaretey Qe ay mnentieaed: Ae iiitonal | seas riod. platform, : Expo's concessions and licens-| The protocol problem with pre-schoolers 4 y Prime Minister The government has pron.ised ing department, said: |these restaurants is that while | Saturday 10:30-11:00 Pearson in his "little throne|FIVE MADE LAW | legislation on such controversial speech" two days later, only} Between all the money de-|topics as divorce, election fi- two have been passed. bates, five bills became law--|nancing, capital _ punishment, The reason is that the first|/creation of the Cape Breton De- abortion, birth control, compul- part of the session was devoted|velopment Corp., more travel sory breath tests for drinking | they are subject to the same! served since the fair opened,|Tules as ordinary concession- we've had only 60 to 70 cases aires, channels normally must!} Beginning July 11, continuing of food poisoning." be gone through to bring inade- : . quacies to notice. | throughout the summer. "Out of 80,000,000 meals Children's Story Hour A large part of the credit for mainly to examination of|loans for immigrants, minor|dti i : : wag < the government's $10,000,000,000| ch ate Ci Aidan A. tage aged eet in| ascartmont inferae tui eeete McLoughlin = spending program for the 1967-|revision of the Interpretation : spectors who make fine-tooth- hit Benes Spd Sepia acter i i ERs 68 fiscal year, a peacetime rec-| Act to sharpen definitions of le-| ECONOMICS NEXT comb checks of the site's Cel bee psig which gets in touch | Public Library bers To . 0 ord. gal terms and confirmation of! In the economic field, the gov- food outlets between 8 a.m. and Wt © PAviion & commis: ETE jernment is proposing a wide| 2 a.m, the next morning. sioner-general who investigates the complaint and passes the The plainclothes inspectors, equipped with walkie-talkie CO pc through the same dio sets, check everything from, ee Ea the location of fire - fighting | _ Highlight of weekend activi- equipment to the size of portions | ties at Expo was Saskatchewan lin a serving of pork and beans | Day on Saturday, with J. W and the bacteria-count on a/@ardiner, Saskatchewan's min- cream-cake. | ister of public works, presiding over Place des Nations cere- monies. range of tariff cuts, creation of ae Col P ; : a department of corporate and ae SHIELD Civil Rights Oldest Group | attalts, sepanslon of the depressed-area development |program, mobility grants for| :D NOT if | jobless workers, revision of the : CASH! pens t onvention | unemployment insurance me | revision of the Corporations Act, BOSTON (AP) -- The oldest,constitution at a convention in| ee eee Nevelerenel Pressure from Expo to con- 4 Ree oe . form to laid-down regulations x - Give Us an Rar amd civil rights group, Oakland, Calif., last week. [Corp., and legislation to drive ban range trom verbal laatrice: Opposition Leader John Dief-| Enquire About Doctors re hissing eee rs baggie MENTIONS OTHERS drug prices down. tions from inspectors to an in-|¢nbaker toured the site Satur- | cription ae aah wi rey cee| "When you make it an etfort| A greuter federal-role in hous- junction closing the premise 'ay eating buffalo and whale } P ple, opened its 58th annual con- y' meat and beav th + 3 ae ee vertainty|on ethnic grounds, you stir up|ing and urban development, ex- juntil it has been brought into Meat and beaver tail broth and ) e rest, pings ag amid -- than groans pea you rouse|Panded credit for farmers' and| Hine, reminding newspaper men that/| j over Me reckon Of the: civil i. power, Swede power,|fishermen, water conservation| pias 4 : fm "We had. special legislation !t, Was he who approved the | ; REE "eS OSH a ga ecutive direc-|German power and all the oth-|laws, higher second-class mail ges |passed which makes a judge oo of ngs St. Lawrence River| CANADA'S LARGEST de Delivery Pa A he 3 po papack te vi ra? he ald: rates and a revision of the Ju- javailable to us 24 hours a day |5!€ while he was in office. AND FINEST CHAIN OF : ganization, renewed Sunday his| "If others adopt a philosophy |Venile Deli ts Act also fig- ONE STEP FROM THE CHIEF |#0 bring in an injunction against) on -- AGGIES 'HELL'S criticism of black power and|that only black people can fight ve a in the legisla- While Opposition Leader on hips, talks to members Saturday. The two met ply capt al done it a A. E. JOHNSON 0 D OPEN SOON RUGS fold a. news conference there md iat f Piokd i leta with "ile Wil fon a staggering Diefenbaker talks to a re- of Mr. Diefenbaker's en- accidentally outside the One concessionaire who sells aaa | | pig Regeln: Beebo ce oe wid load of committee work when, Porter, George Hees, back- tourage during the Tory aac ee ill al thick-ecream waffles was closed OPTOMETRIST IN N. 723-3431 to hel lett gine: | That some of the NAACP'S|they return in the fall. ground right, with hands Chief's visit to Expo 67 see CP Wirepholg) (2 couple of days ago because a | 14 Ki S to help Negroes with jobs, hous-|own branches disagree with its| Major inquiries are planned) ------ ae ____ (CP Wirephoto) |pacteria count showed the 2 King St. East OSHAWA ma es economic «agp | objectives was made evident by| into the fields of election laws, eS consumed by the public 723-2721 panel hone: oe es th : ' -|tentative resolutions submitted] (pe powers of regulatory agen- e ' had too high a reading. ise aw and eet ate enters ore" cer ore eee LAttle Summit Conference awn = eho # gh ae 1 reer oH es tion's consideration. jthe national capitalarea, com- | caused by a gleaming auto-| la police ak lew Goa py | They included suggestions| munications satellites, tax re- |mated hamburger machine that | Sit us to riot,' Wilkins eal 'S\that the organization urge a|form and telephone service, a e e e e oe aia agar put in to SPRING He contrasted the NAACP/| United States withdrawal from rings in g usse1n l re) ( 'airo streamline his stand. | with the black power-oriented|tiie war in Vietnam, start | D P di ts REMOVED MACHINE Congress of Racial Equality, |drive to revitalize its leadership| octor re Ic From Reuters-AP ;source said Israel would agree|nothing to restore their econ- renee omnes Fe BEES which removed a multi-racial and stop criticizing other Negro CAIRO (CP) -- King Hussein |to ceasefire observers but not to|omy or face post - war prob- Rages e ute + wet ee mompership Clause fiom Se lteagers:_ saat HaUPi hae Fl E id M4 of Jordan flew to Cairo today | revival of the truce supervisory|lems one month after the Wit gan ce ie mee 4 eae u pl emic for a Henig summit conference | mission which supervised the ended. |The Aetiparatuves gt which ban, & aye ' . s e with four Arab government|working of the 1949 armistice No Arab er ab vee re ; e Thousands Hail Victorious VANCOUVER (CP)--A. Brit-/chiefs as UN Secretary-General agreements. 1s r a e1 contends ceded rec bce eed aa at lini Me. celled temennin CENTRE ish doctor, who is engaged in re-| ant began laying the|the June war wiped out that) «he oi! bovcott i sing |OX -- DX -- DX -- DX T i ¢ search work on epidemics, says| groundwork for posting military | truce. e oil boycott is causing ake A Drive jie + ett : : Sani sracks in the Arabs' brief war-| 2 Pe the world is due for another|observers along the Suez Canal) Israeli newspapers reported | 1 hewnit | : ae Globe - Circlin Pilot Cre najor influenza epidemic. ceasefire line. that Keyptian MiG-21 Pig ed pags Ci fea | BE WISE: To ' g t Dr. Ian Watson said in an in-| The Security Council, meeting|ers patrolled the canal's west nounced Saudi Arablon CEiGc| ECONOMIZE! VAN BELLE terview Sunday an estimated 30|Saturday and Sunday in New/bank Sunday and that Israeli! ajsal for his reported sntantihe : NEWTON, Kan. (AP)--Thou- ment they had at that time."/per cent of the world's popula-|York, agreed to send UN mili- troops observed Egyptian forces|to defy the ban against oil ship. SAVE GARDENS sands of persons turned out at) Accompanying Mrs. Pelle-|tion was hit by flu virus in 1947, tary observers to the canal zone/strengthening positions about a| ments to the United States and| ; Newton Municipal Airport Sun-|greno on her flight were Col.|the last epidemic. where Israeli and Egyptian] mile from the Israeli outpost of| Britain, ' | | For The... : day to greet Ann Pellegreno,} wijjj ir| ic hit; troops clashed the last two!/Ras El'ish, eight miles south of ---- cl serene OPUS -- WTH -- 3 y & g »|William Payne of the U.S, Air} Records show the world is hit " DO-IT-YOURSELF : who recently completed a globe-|Force, Bill Polhemus of Annjevery 10 or 15 years by epidem-| ¥eekends. the canal's north entrance. FUEL bas " $ circling flight retracing Amelia Arbor, Mich., the navigator, |ics of influenza, said Dr. Wat-| Hussein was expected to urge| Saturday's fighting and Heavy Damage D @ FERTILIZER @ SPREADERS : Earhart's ill-fated flight of 1937./and Lee Koepke of Saline, the'son, a guest at the convention | moderation toward the victori-|clashes the previous weekend OIL @ TOOLS @ TOPSOILS . . The 30-year-old Saline, Mich.,)mechanic who owns the plane./of the Canadian College of Gen-| 0US Israelis, and there was pros-|were near Ras El'ish and tod . . $ $ . a gucuete ate a al wee g pect of a clash with President |@Qantara, about 10 miles to the Inflicted By Riots Phone 668-3341 @ SEEDS, ETC. @ Advice on your Garden Problems : : crew arrived here in a 30-year-| | He added there is no way to Houari Boumedienne of Algeria|south, on the east bank. Israeli | | ae old Lockheed 10 Electra, a sis-| THEY HAVE ANSWER = stop influenza because each|4"d Noureddin Atassi of Syria,|jets Saturday shot down one of} BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP)--More -- DX-- DX-- DX Van Belle Gardens ter of that flown by Miss Ear-/ MORRO BAY, Calif. (AP)--|time researchers develop a vac-|Wh0 have repeatedly demanded |the egatee supplied to Egypt|than 1,000 establishments, most | a | WRG Gatun oc har 4: bart, a native of Newton. The once - rare sea - otter has|cine for one strain of virus, an-|C"tinuation"of the war against|by the Soviet Union. The dog-|of them businesses, were dam- 3 Minutes Kest of Oshawa » oC Mrs. Pellegreno, who com-|made a rarity of the once-|other develops. Israel. President Abdel Rah- pet bade patiod Port Fuad, at\aged during the racial violence On Highway No. 2... 623-5757 3 a E pleted her 28-day flight in Oak-|plentiful abalone in the coastal| Another guest at the conven- ae eet of rag also ida ex-|the canal entrance. and destruction on the city's A eS | land, Calif., Friday, told the air-|waters of San Luis Obispo|tion is Dr. Natasha Vorobieva a A ad "eg F aneat Nucne SHOUT 'REVENGE' jlower east side last month, an sinicieeieiiiiiiiiiaial port crowd that the weather|County. Divers at Morro Bayjof Moscow, international secre-| aad residen Sser| Growda in the Heeutinn te ,. |tmgarance adjuster estimates. | ABeee map een yan 4 around Howland Island in the|report the otters, protected by|tary of the Soviet Medical 'Work- on it «(tal shouted, "revenge! Revenge! |_,"That's not too many, con- Pacific may have been a factor|law, have devoured most of the]ers Union. An Israeli army jeep hit a Ravencer - i ; oe "jsidering the circumstances," La a St k ; in Miss Earhart's disappear-|delicious seafood off the Mon-| She said in an interview on|™ine on a road east of the Matienne Sunday The ft ay the adjuster, who preferred not n cr- ar i ance 30 years ago. |terey coast and are heading|her arrival that almost 75 per|Suez Canal Sunday, killing one d ded e Y. 200 ClOWOS)tA he identified, added. ) "We ran into tremendous rain|south. The state department of|cent of the Soviet Union's 600,-/Soldier and wounding two oth- Neg . eae military | ". weeat GUHA ok Au ° | a tectaas squalls that obscured the is-|fish and game have an answer:|000 doctors are women, though|ers, an Israeli military spokes- em against israel. | claii a b led als] E ire Ab is the Answer > oe 2 tio has been declining|man sald. Cairo sources say Boume-|claims have been settled al- nquire out * ' Jand," Mrs. Pellegreno said.|They aim to herd the otters out|the ratio g die h a i ready and a great many more | . ARE I "They just couldn't see the is-jof the bay--if they can find.ajsince the Second World Wart,'pran FINE PRINT Ii tin; whose fovces did no will be settled in the near fu-| ] | Jand with the navigation equip-| way to herd otters, when 85 per cent were women.) ; eet pe .._| fighting last month, favors im- : | BLE | The semi - official Cairo news-| mediate military action but Nas- | ture- = z <eagmcrremg (paper Al Ahram said Egypt/ser, whose army and air force 1" eee The Question P would need to know the observ-/were smashed, would prefer to DOWNTOWN A Pi ro : storage in- ers' exact job and the extent| contain popular demands for a DELIGHTFUL | CANADA'S LARGEST information of their authority before agree-"second round" until he has AIR CONDITIONED | AND FINEST CHAIN OF Which leodi as epg 3 ing to accept them. | something to fight with. Algeria DINING ROOM ! HEALTH SPA'S | Bap siarel Prog fir ay és These details were left to be| rejected the UN ceasefire res- | Oshawa has Its o cut edna worked out by Thant and Nor- olution which ended the war. GOOD FOOD OPEN SOON Heating Service sett rela wegian Lt.-Gen. Odd Bull, chief AP Correspondent David Lan- seapecas Palos IN | zie keeps contro! of oe the of the UN truce organization in|cashire reported from Beirut Special Noon Luncheons | your service job from ' Palestine. Leb h Arab | start. to finish . o 6 d het. banon, that most of the Arab de piel An authoritative Israelilgovernments are still doing! Hotel Lancaster } HAWA ee ' ae a Me ee 27-KING ST. WEST workmanship? Cell when you | fe 725-3581 for Home n if shop- | D V t Pl Si TLE EERE. Air-Conditioning or thet 'ae 'Dieppe Veterans Place | yet t us with sob ear your home for next winter. d dispense Wreaths On Cenotaph Notyou... | TORONTO (CP) -- About 150/of Detroit and Edson Kemp of, veterans paraded at noon Sat-)Windsor came dressed in the} urday from the legislature | kilts of the Essex Scottish Reg-| buildings to the Cenotaph where|iment and wearing the hand- eight wreaths were placed in|cuffs that bound them in a pris- memory of 850 Canadians whojoner of war camp from Oct. died in the Second World War!8, 1942, to Nov. 22, 1943. They raid on Dieppe. |had been handcuffed for escap-| The march climaxed a two-|ing together. day anniversary reunion of the| Kemp used a sardine-can key | August, 1942 raid in which an.|t open the handcuffs. other 2,000 Canadians were! nnn, | -Year ¥ Guaranteed Poe MANAGEMENT taken prisoner. | Investment Certificates ee TRAINEES Trade Minister Winters and 1 | m4 (4) | A national food service chain requires young LANDER. STARK OIL LIMITED You can ummer. 7 Box A. 43 KING STREET WEST OSHAWA Marcel Lambert, former} Speaker of the House of Com-} mons, attended the ceremonies. | A brief memorial service was| conducted by Rev. Keith Cleed, | chaplain of the Royal Canadian | Sea Cadets, | Among guests at a dinner! Friday night, Tom McDermott | xt % ved space ty room. 8 'ds... live in the No offer ratused ' fied chequi 666-000 fat ; : ; DOWN CHU E LEWIS | ESSE because you ll see (22-35) aggressive men with good educa- CAUGHT UP IN THE : T : : OPTICAL for five years the Royal Bank about a tional backgrounds to undertake a comprehen- A prize-giving gum ma- up the chute from which _ Holyoke police and_fire- : by investing in Gueranteed sive training program leading to manage- chine turned the tables on the prize was supposed to men who had to saw off the Established for over 30 years Taveit west Castine re- lanned mort fir t: Gabe, ; 6. of Hol exit. David was freed, un- top of the machine to re- {1/1012 King Street West which ere | p Pp gage St: ment responsibilities. David Larose, 6, of Holy- injured, after being trap- lease him. : | 725-0444 te Bechet | Th k '. ------e oke, Mass., when it caught ped for over an hour, by (AP Wirephoto) ntenae en you now you have the money, and that the Desired lificati jncluide th srinaiin oF his finger in its gears as Flexible--moy be used os Cok fal Bank's behind you all the way! esired qualifications include the minim he ened: . ye Redomaablesty scammers | NHA or Conventional mortgages--new or grade 12 education, plus further training in with his left hand far the event of death. | existing homes; get your Royal Banker's soun i ini i i - Authorized--os Trustee Act Ine ange spotty Ldap cry Topaaing business administration either through " for estments. | Royal Banker first! malised study course, or through extensive on Fast Action HOUSE SALES! i Call a Member of the OSHAWA and DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST @) ROYA the job experience. Experience in the restau- & SAVINGS CORPORATION | L BAN K rant industry a most definite advantage. 19 cama hae Oshawe | & 23 King St. W., Bowmonville fa Starting salary range $400 to $500 per month, 623-2527 | PRE-PLANNED < Please reply in writing, giving full details of and List Photo ' = A o Resounding taste ... at a quiet price set, mortgages oge, education, work experience & solary © als ie | ELT: desired to box No. D 5. ecioea Ant SUED By SATURDAYS ff! MBLTIPLE LISTING SERVICE : |

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