ry 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Juty Te, 1797 1Farm Weather Forecasted An additional service to farm- ers in South-Central Ontario is now being provided through an , agricultural weather forecasting | service. | The service is in operation in the Counties of Bruce, Grey, Wellington, Waterloo, Dufferin, Halton, Peel, York, Ontario, Durham, Victoria, Peterboro and North and South Simcoe. The agricultural forecasts are prepared for release at 6:30 each morning with the informa- tion being made available to radio, television and the press, by teletype for immediate dis- tribution. These new weather forecasts jare of primary importance be- cause they take into account current crop conditions and farming operations gathered jdaily from the area served. "Underage Boy Freed KINGSTON (CP)--An Indian boy, sentenced to 3% years in penitentiary last November ' when he was 15, was freed es pa ewe | Thursday. | He had been convicted of ' |breaking and entering a sum- |mer cottage, theft of a boat and motor and assault on a jail |guard, At his trial, he and his mother testified he was 16, bas- ing their belief on writing in a + |family Bible showing his birth ; |\date as June 6, 1950. On Thursday, lawyer Moise Reiter showed Mr, Justice Pat- rick Hartt a birth certificate for June 6, 1951, showing the Parry Sound boy was a juvenile at the time he appeared in adult court. THE MAN WHO LOVES A FIGHT Col. Edward Churchill, now is helping to administer n't want to "put one brick build '"'things with mean- : * 54, the former army engin- it. thins he's been spoiled | on top of another" any ing." ore provides that juveniles eer who built Expo 67 and | by Expo. He finds he does- | more, but would like to | (CP Photo) | ang meer ar oe ae pare ne rant ss Sh ewubiebon cee ; ee | elin- : h | =e jquency. The Ontario Supreme |Court justice quashed the con- Land Spurned 15 Years Ago Spanish Navy Officials Take |: | | | Crown Attorney W. A. Mac- --|whooping crane couple in five/tier Lexington, the Navy years to become parents. ones of Canada announced ino ot i ' ,| Saturday, | Fred Stark and his helpers took | S2cola, Fla., to board the Lex-| ington on Monday. It arrives back in Montreal July 17. | Ontario cadets are: G: aoa ley, Sudbury, G. P. Henning, | Sarnia; D. Macdonald, Trenton; | vey of a century, as it is cal- |M. Panylo, Oshawa, A. Wilson, |the fledgling from its parents' | nest Sunday. An earlier arrival {had been smothered by Rosie's | big wing Friday after one day| lof life. . | Buys Carrier | R b Wh Donald of Parry Sound says the Sought By City For Park | WASHINGTON (AP) -- The| a y ooper ie will not be retried. |Spanish Navy soon will get its | first aircraft carrier, a 25-year-|, SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (AP)-- Sea Cadets could have bought 15 years ago/of $40,000 but failed to act on the ae gin A eg during| plucked a skinny, wet whooping} as at a cost of $40,000 may now be| matter. |the Second Wor! ar. | its bed bought at a minimum cost of} The board Tuesday recom-| The 11,000 - ton 623-foot Cabot, oon raps ae -- naa Go Cruising $104,000. |mended that a motion be sent to/renamed Dedalo by the Spanish, |P®CXnS Parents sunday and) west side of Mohawk Street, is|Chase the land to be used for|years lover to human care. tiie ine Tet ee sently owned by an Oshawa|Park purposes. | ea aa cpa . ° | rrahiese} "3 : Reveioner who is Be to get|. Money in a special reserve} SPENT ON EDUCATION | oo. ripe fice oud a week's training, cruise in| cai to .| sec ate! n fo ays by|the s " i planning board approval to fund could be used by the elty! IODE spent $341,886 on edu Rosie and Crip, the fitat captive | United States Navy aircraft car-| area. eis Reames The area is wooded, with a . creek running through it, and, Osh W F M th d t according to reports received by a a ree e 0 1S S rhe Part Of Historical Di The conservation authority t t has misgivings about the land ar IS Orica 1S a being used for subdivision be-| that sometimes prevails. the Pine Orchard Free Method-|led which is mounted on mas-| Rosie and Crip produced only | gshawa. The city property officer has|ist Camp near Newmarket, was|onite sheets and is more than |two eggs. Stark said the first} ----H_---- assessed the land at $104,000, | an extensive historical display} 120 feet long, recalls, often with bird was not taken from the} but the board felt that the de-|prepared by several members|the use of pictures, something |C@S¢ because of fear the adult for the land. ist Church, Oshawa. years records nearly a dozen|ond egg if humans meddled. : The city had a chance to buy| The religious and secular sur-| events. Stark said the baby whooper Celesti al ' shirts Stone lieesanneamatiaeoeas -- ----~ |" Secular events inciude polit-| Will be kept in a cardboard box Reflective Rocks Caused B In Moon Landing A piece of land that the city|the land 15 years ago at a cost;old American veteran of nine|San Antonio zoo officials 'The 27 acres of land, on the|City council that the city pur-/Will be loaned to Spain for five/turned the important little bird | TORONTO (CP)--A cadet of- ' | . | build high cost homes in the|im the purchase. leational services in 1966. the city would make excellent cause of the marshy condition; On exhibition this week, at veloper would want more money |of the Erie Street Free Method-|for every year and for some|Whoopers would break the sec-|Piloting or jical development and dates as-|f0r a few days, then put outside N avigation sociated with political personal-|i2 @ small pen. The baby will - ities, as well as inventions and|be fed a high-calcium diet of Write to | | discoveries, For religious events | fish and meal. The University of Tennessee |many faiths are mentioned but}, There now are two known|CORRESPONDENCE | the accent is on early Canadian whoopers. Thirteen are in cap- | 0!V!SION OF UNIVERSITY EXTENSION Methodism and Free Method-|tivity, the rest in nesting! Knoxville, Tennessee 37916 jism. Later the display is to be| grounds in Northern Canada. ' PASADENA, Calif. (AP) --,beams as a field of broken mir-;moved to another camp, north] The young crane will be sent| "AME Mysteriously reflective rocksjrors would reflect a search- of Brighton, for the annual ses-|to Baltimore, Md., to join a were blamed Sunday for Sur-!light. sion of the church's Eastern| young flock there. Its sex will] veyor III's nearly disastrous} This so confused the craft's Ontario conference. | jnot be determined for a year. | °'TY double bounce in landing on thejelectronie brain that it broke! The lettering for the display |------ oe, | moon last April 19. jradar lock on the lunar surface}was done by Harry Smithson; | Officials of Jet Propulsion|#nd thus the radar was unable while the display itself was pre- | | Laboratory here said the radar|t® cut off the engines at the/pared by Mr. and Mrs. John| SINGLE VISION at a hich | height {Sigsworth. Mr. Sigsworth | system of the spacecraft, which| Proper a | 5B . Mr. Sigsworth ear hopped into a crater at the end| The three-legged craft rock-|lier wrote the official history of| of its quarter-million-mile flight eted 35 feet into the air after/Canadian Free Methodism "The | : i eri ithe first impact, 20 feet after) Battle was the Lord's." heh ae Pragragetoend | 4 second. A radioed command | -----------____- < point in the touchdown, from earth cut off the rockets| First official explanation of ater the second agave bi | the accident, originally attrib-|feet away on the inner slope of|g'am in Family planning in the uted to possible electronic fail-) crater, luckily upright. It sur-|Kodai village of Villpatti, India, | ure, came with release of plans|viyed to dig several trenches | uses the "incentive method". | for the flight of Surveyor IV./and televise pictures showing| Each woman attending the clin- | scheduled for launch Thursday | the lunar soil was stickier than|ic receives a cash payment | from Cape Kennedy, Fla. supposed. from _the Unitarian Service| As did its predecessor, now The rocks that caused the con-| Committee, Ottawa age tee nag eon fusion have yet to be identified.) ry Ocean of Storms, Survey IV will carry a trenching scoop! and a television camera, plus a} device to detect any iron in the lunar crust. It is scheduled to land Satur- day night near the centre of | the lunar disk, about 400 miles| northeast of Surveyor III. TAKE PREVENTIVE STEPS Radar engineer Charles Kirs-! ten gave this explanation of Sur-| veyor III's troubles and the pre- ventive steps planned for Sur- | veyor IV: Surveyor III's radar altitude- | sensing system--forerunner of descent techniques being tested for manned craft--was designed | to cut off its braking rockets 14 feet above the surface and let the vehicle -settle down on its shock-absorbing legs. sees "2 - As the craft neared the sur- FAMILY PLANNING, INDIA | A crash demonstration pro- | MAUM@Mbeeineug Lenses and Case BIFOCALS POLES LIKE OCTOPUS HOUSEHOLD HINT | A test consignment of 660) Grow parsley and other herbs|pounds of octopus meat sent to in pots across a kitchen window-|Breslau, Poland, was gobbled sill, They're decorative as welljup, and customers clamored as useful. 'for more. ALUMINUM OSHAWA FREE PARKING 3,000,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Aluminum Awnings PRECISION GROUND LENSES 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM Combination Storm /Screen Windows--Doors Prime Windows face, however, the radar beams €.M.H.C. Accepted @ BIFOCALS, IF REQUIRED KRYPTOX, ULTEX OR FLAT-TOPS struck some unusually reflective . a @ BUY DIRECT FROM THE LABORATORY AND SAVE rocks which bounced back the| : @ DONT' SETTLE FOR LESS THAN NATIONAL BRANDS Sliding Gloss @ BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT : Patio Doors @ WE FILL ALL PSI, OCULISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTIONS Canadian Author pes ir AT SAME LOW PRICES Shelters for Dies At Lond Soha Stone End Screen and les At London --Parking Lot Storm Window troubles FOREVER ... Install --Ges Pump Islonds LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Mrs. -- Norman Mack, 58, of London, author of more than 20 romance novels, died Sunday in hospital. | Mrs. Mack published her first | Aluminum Siding novel, Fire Wee, in 1942 and her i * last, Woman of Jerusalem, in| 1962. She was working on al novel when she became ill sev- | eral months ago. | She also contributed stories to magazines. The former Elsie Wilson, she 95 ATHOL ST. EAST--OSHAWA wrote under the names of Fran-| Baked Enamel ces Sarah Moore, Elsie Mack |f Finishes Optional PHONE 728-1633 ' and Martha Blye. | d | Jalousies HOURS: 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Daily c Oe Closed All Day Wednesday, Showroom and Factory PHONE: 728-1261 Reglezing and Rescreening of Inserts for Aluminum Doors and Windows short up to 43% HELENA RUBINSTEIN ONCE-A-YEAR BEAUTY PAIRS SPECIAL Make-up, grooming preparation, fragrances or treatments. With each one you buy, you'll get a bonus...a companion product... at no extra charge. This offer is for a limited time only... make your selection now! VOL. 26--NO. Isra On. Slat UNITED NATIO UN Secretary - Ger was expected to r refusal by Israel its control of Jert Israel Foreign h Eban's reply was Thant Monday ni; secretary - genera iance with a res y the General A 14 invalidating ar the city's status. The resolution a cancellation of | ready taken to bri under the total Is: trative control. Israeli sources d close the content Soviet F To Sup CAIRO (CP) -- miral visiting E; warships promise tians Monday to any aggression" : ers conferred in C of a united polic rael. Many Egyptian the promise of h miral Igor Moloch change in the § cautious Middle E ; Considerable sig | was attached to Monday of the Sc --eight of them at } the northern end Canal, close to th | Israeli and Egyp artillery fought S: Soviet Deputy | ter Jacob Malik | pectedly in Cairc | on what was des Middle East news first leg of a tour patie ssa 28 talks" with Egyp There has bee: Buy: Long Lash Mascara. sion. 1-oz, 4.50 Value SPECIAL, beth ....008... Bonus: Skin Dew Moisturizing Emul- Buy: Silk Fashion Liquid Make-up. 1Y%-oz. Bonus: 11/16-0z, 2.87 Velue. SPECIAL, both Silk Fashion Face Powder. Moscow, howe change in the § Peking Hong k HONG KONG Peking gangs, st terror tactics in keep Hong Kor workers off the men and set fire cars and three bi of attacks today. Hundreds of and streetcar 0} home despite go\ if AWS i eel L SUT ELe Buy: Silk Fashion Face Powder. Bonus: Silk Fashion Liquid Make-up. %-oz, 2.95 Val SPECIAL, ily ig 1.75 Se rr Buy: sion. 2-oz. 2-0z. 5.00 Value. SPECIAL, both Skin Dew Moisturizing Emul- Bonus: Skin Dew Freshener and Toner. 3.75 Buy: Deep Cleanser with Penetrel. 6-02. Bonus: Skin Dew Freshener and Toner. 2-0z, 3.25 Value. SPECIAL, both ises of "'effecti for those who rey Transport Co' be J. Shephard d what protective being taken "be: want to reveal they become nee Chinese claim Buy: Deodorant-Anti-Perspirant, Roll, Spray, Cream, 2-0z., or Double-Check Deodorant, 2-oz. Bonus: Heaven Scent Eau de Parfum. l-oz. 3.12 Value. 1 16 . SPECIAL, both Buy: Beauty Washing Grains 2.75 Value. SPECIAL, both 4-07. Bonus: Woter Lily Pore Lotion. |-oz. 1.75 Buy: Heaven Scent Eau de Parfum Mist. Bonus: 1-07. SPECIAL, both 1%-oz, Heaven 3.62 Value. Buy: Nudit for the Face. 1-oz Bonus: Skin Dew Moisturizer Emul- sion, 3.45 Value, SPECIAL, both ........ Scent Bath Powder. EATON'S COSMETICS, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 312 (104) FATON'S Open Thursday and PHONE 725-7373 A SOUTH Montagnard soldier carr sling on h walks on rc cial Forces To, South In the Oshawa Shopping Centre --_ Friday Nights Until 9 a