Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Jul 1967, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 10, 1967 - |264--Expo A dation|30--Automobiles For Sole |33--Automobiles Waonfed OBITUARIES OSHAWA TIMES PAT TERNS Saeriae Roma se Hes RESERVATIONS | tor saseplember and '39 METEOR, very good condition, Tele-| fol AbTO Ss WRECKERS ©. . ¢ Sg : 26--Apertments for Rent (26---Apertments for, Bont ee ee oe ae tenia Maa Ferg, Doan, 89 Bloor Street East. "as.11. |MRS. ALICE ANNE BARTLEY | Whitby and 12 grandchildren. per couple, $18 two couples, $10. for ee ee 650. Tele: SeivaTE. Will pay up to $300 cash for| Following a sickness of eight) The funeral service will oe jfamily of four. 723-1355. mote 4 i best car offered. Must be in good condi Funera Eee a FURNISHED and iz ain 4s) CHEVROLET bus, 15 seater. "64|tlon. Telephone 723- 7403. months the death occurred July held at the Robinson UNFURNISHED picid gs RRO TRS 3 Se: TH GMC half-ton V-8, 63 Pontiac convert-|--- --_|9, at the Oshawa General Hos-|Chapel, Brooklin, at 2 p.m., Ae Bain [fact it esireds S10, 'coupien "$6. 'inate ible. 725208, | Automobile » Rep \pital, of Mrs, Alice Anne Bart-| July 11, followed by interment | | 1, 2 and 3 bedroom aport- |aduit. Special rates children. 725-4497. 65 CHEVROLET Biscayne, six cylinder; \UTOMATIC jley, 971 Jarvis Street. She wasiin Groveside Cemetery. Men. | Apartments' ments. Controlled entrance. |20 MINUTES from Expo Site, $10 and up |siancard, four door. $1,875. Telephone | A in her 74th year. bers of the Royal Canadian Twin elevators, swimming |per couple, specie! family rates, Please H TRANSMISSION li A Han-! Legi ll act as pallbearers. | Har ; 4 reserve now M. MacKenzie, 7538 1955 OLDSMOBILE, power equipped, | The former Alice Anne Han-| Legion will a P | __A Distinguished Address pool, fenced ployground, Champlain, Ville Lasalle, PQ.' good running condition. $165 or best. CENTRE /nah, the deceased was a daugh-- The members of Beethoven ------ : 1 | 723- 2347 eller, Teemhone Teer 1038 Simcoe St. N. 728-7339 |ter of the late Albert and Alice Lodge will hold a service at the | . -- ' | i . 6 e A y hoice luxury suites electrice | '27--Rooms tor 'Rent -- '64 MGB, in good condition. Reasonable! Transmissions are Our Onl t Shirley, Ont. ral home at 9 p.m. today. . mn opted: Telephone 668-4SKb B Uniy |Hannah. Born a + fune P. a) ally heated. and tastefully de- | THREE-ROOM upstairs paren elidel a ; 7 | Business -- Repairs, Adjust- | she was married in Port Perry,The Royal Canadian Legion tment. Private bath and entrance, " coach, in good running | \- corated throughout. jepartines! sow, S15 menthly, Children] ATTRACTIVELY condition, with geod fires and carlo Hlth aha All Work 146 years ago. |will hold a service at the ceme Parking, swimming pool, | welcome. Apply 517 Drew Street | FURNISHED ROOM Cartier arene Cone, Steer UR leas uaranteed. |S With her husband, Mrs, Bart-' tery. Seu Ooms. 3 i | A foster \ley farmed for many years in) i % % Souna and recreation ro THREE ROOM spariment in spart-| Available in private home. -- |) CORVAIR automatic, '9 Peni | FRED STONE lthe Greenbank area. She pur-| MISS PHEMIA G. HOOEY men | ee ition. B: fer. | .1e a Wee ccs gypeeiy saan % Vv json > King Streets ares, Telephone 7s Call between 5 and 7 p.m, eee ir lage ort ea | Omer Brooklin: ---- 86: Queen St. £ |chased Maple Lodge at Whitby | BL. ACKSTOCK (TC) ' The CLOSED CIRCUIT | 3296 | 82 PARK RD. N uae huh ae ee, REBUILT ENGINES 16 years ago. A resident of Osh- death of Miss Phemia G. See on your own television rete ag ree ae seat an! standard shift, cream, black top, gerd) CYL. Exchange Price awa for 12 years, she was. a Hooey occurred suddenly, in refrigerator, washer, Pe | iti 495. Teleph a | Saat es | (Ree cae a _728: 8671 __ege ae el] Beers (mie of Can Segoe eT doorbell, betore gr i " : . Exchange Price 1 Unit 4 Church. : |ONE-BEDROOM apartment in new THREE unturnished housekeeping later Centennia nite re | them entry. J [building electric, heating, stove, yi rooms. Refrigerator and stove. Parking. | '31--Compect 'Cars for Sale! as low as $210.00 | predeceased by her husband,| A daughter - a ae -- --_----~ -- erator, drapes. vailable July 1M Private bath. Suit couple. Available now -- eae a penance " db George Hooey ani osephine Court, 723-1282 723-1637. ry Sar eg and Found Mrs. Bartley is survived by an Suites available for odult® | ceaermENTs avaliable for Avguit 1. FURNISHED % VOLVO and PEUGOT ----_ 'adopted nephew, Luther Baver-\Graham, the deceased was nly le Court Apartments, Whitby. bedroom in friendly heme. OST: MALE CAT, grey and black, in Oshaw born in Cartwright Township ° {Georgian ae Higeythy Separate cooking facilities, parking. hr MERCEDES BENZ , |vicinity of Poplar Street, since Tuesday Stock of Oshawa, -- F d d her education in Ideal for 0 quiet ond com= ee aly dace een ae General Repair and |night. Answers to "Nipper". Reward. The funeral service will be 4" eat Ye rp y ah Xo q tT : tment, ne: ec 1 576-3280, err' - fortable living alg inside, here oni Close to ae a er ee sir evats| Auto-Electric Service joe -- held at \ p.m. eo 12, i vi pevedlngie vg a a public school he facititi Teleph . + er ome. nter- jie lle bu Wi Gorernisek: schoo! and shopping facilities, Telephone te Telephone 728-6387 é Jake and Bill's Garage |37----Auction Sales lng as .. Pine' Grove teacher until her retirement 23 h F sagas ae GL! room for ¢ gentleman. Close ; h 1 " 140: Nenques Read, Oshawa Pe ere on Gade talon: io Sout Sorel aimee mpeene: se Ss ual ne AUCTION SALE | Cemetery, Prince Albert. Rev. wee Rey oe at Tongeia tae 30 Hi ' r 369 or apply i ree! S s é ter resi 3 large comfortable suites at moderate - : PROPERTY OF 'Dr. George Minielly, minis' s Call 725 1481] Wiig View AAG time. a ee CANOE, "finer Tere conn ZOLTAN and NICK'S | MRS, M., LONG, of Centennial United Church, Wed Decide Sor aciliti ' § 5 x 4 Sh Centre. Telephone 725-3152. ; vill conduct the service. ive membe! Let us solve your: UPSTAIRS tour room apartment. rl cece RURNISHED reom---for reni| YOU" Authorized Datsun bag pero ar 7" =" Order of the Daughters of the i Fittings Apply a mek street, W"*" clove to Shopping Centre. Available now, ond Fiat Dealer | - eo 10 k Mn WILBERT DAVEY Empire and helped in various rent problem -- Visit BEAUTIFUL large one-bedroom apart. Parking, Apply 368 Fine Ave. and Gren) co eciglizing in Volkeswagen | q ee | The death occurred, July 9, other organizations. ment with separate entrance, parking, bide Repair and Service Chesterfield suite, end tobles, (41 the Cobourg General Hospi- She is survived by a sister, and heating included. Available now, $10 MOTEL rooms to share, private $16, coffee tables, lamps, cherry- Aap ye sigue ogi es ; r] h k Lot f M Telephone 728-3781 suites $25 and $35; also monthly: rates 160 Simcoe South Ba Gatiaue docking chair, (hl. fOuOwang : & lengthy sick- Mrs. Charles Smith (Lottie) o! s Telephone 668-5201, 800 Brock St. N. meee: Soe 9 * Iness, of Wilbert Davey. He Blackstock and a brother, Ber- f Fee eee ee nti | ROOMS. 70. RENT, or "one. fiat' now 728-0051 | Crosley refrigerator (freezer | nis B3rd year tran L. Hooey of Peterborough SHEER ELEGANCE bled lel ge par ed available, Telephone 723-0154 -- | across top), electrolux vac- | < Macny in suevived ste aianrgh Sr hae eg Airc OS Craydon Road, Apt. 4, is 1961 MGA 1600 series. Excellent condi- on elasnat. -WacClary washe Mr. Davey is survived by his She was predeceased by two ais . | 1 ROOM furnished apartment within BACHELOR apartment available imme- tion. Apply to 238 Kaiser Crescent. Ou check y wife, Florence; two sons, Oscar sisters, Mrs. Garnet Sanderson By ALICE BROOKS | walking distance of hospital, heat and dialey in residential east end home 4) sppite, excellent condition, $50 or; '9 Machine, Inglis electric ' fin F Crochet this elegantly design- hydro included. $65 monthly. Telephone consisting of large, completely furnish: p eens dryer, Frigidaire deep freeze, (of Cobourg and Donald of Osh- (Lila) of Orangeville and Mrs. | b ff Telephone 728: We feature lew monthly (tiie ed comfortable room. Seoarate bath, Dest_offer._Telepho! Bell and Howell movie com. awa: nine grandchildren; two Russell Lansing (Violet) of To- ¢4 jac ket to wear on cool Sum- | n 1, sauna * ivat trance. $65 monthly. 723-5964. '62 RAMBLER Classic four-door. An im- > R ' - ; iv 9 gh ay TALK OF TOWN rents, paid Pol, aever TWO ROOM furnished basement apart. >" ie et to re ith Maculate one-owner car, licence K1S016.! era, with lights, projector brothers and a sister. ronto and two brothers, Dr. Mer evenings. Ge ; rcom, gym, three ocres ment. Private bath, parking. Rossland FURNISHED housekeeping room wi $10 down, $10 weekly. Wellman's, 728 58 pad age veri il be ae x i; , lacy, elegant Pine-| n d | kin d St Read area. Suit one or refrigerator, stove and sink, Private en stand, splicer, bedroom suite, The funeral service wi be Leslie Hooey of Seattle and : ea plsidegicl posi pairs 99 le two business people. Telephone 576.0832. trance, Apply 253 Sinclair Avenue. VOLKSWAGEN "deluxe, perfect con.| Chest of drawers, rugs, suite, 'held at the McCoubrey Funeral Herman Hooey of Blackstock. apples sland out against ae wns CER, moe - individual mail delivery, fom- 3 ROOM self-contained apartment with FURNISHED bed - sitting room with '3 Wily. guaranteed, licence 24203., Power dressers, drill ond |Home, Cobourg, at 2.20 p.m., The funeral service was held stitch Very easy 0 CROCE | eae ae iaiceee bean Gl ante stove, refrigerator, and toundry sat kitchenette, pri vate bath Ra eg $10) down, $9 weekly, Wellman's, 728-| sander (Black and Decker), July 11. at. the McDermott-Panabaker with 3-ply fingering yarn. gg the AES ana ie --- Has re size su ies. Centrally located, i ly with frig i ! Lewes "gris : ie or "the your stdy at Mono Lisa Aport- |e. 'Telephone 723-2715. reasonable. Phone 576-1262 after six | dishes, garden tools, many | ERG Ober ae ange Funeral Home, Port Perry, '€" to #8 cage most saath i wae hI | ce F VERY LARGE fi hed housekeeping #4 VOLKESWAGEN Custom, excellent) other articles too numtrous FREDERICK N. HILL gr d wi ducted b FIF (coins) for figure. Petal scallops bloom on ments, 191 Nonquon Rood. 5" ROOM triplex apartment with bai : urnis' ou PING mechanical condition, custom radio, i July 4, and was conducte A eee " tter st :. | cuff collar -- all in all dress |cony, laundry facilities and use of back- room. Water, stove, refrigerator, tele i 18 sagazg $10 down, $10 weekiy., t© mention. Terms cash. ! The death occurred, July 8, at Rey. R. C. Rose, rector of st.\cach pattern (no stamps, | cuff collar a He | 5 yard and basement. Children welcome. vision aerial, private entrance. Central Woiinan's, 728-7351 MYLES KING -- Auctioneer the Oshawa General Hospital, of : please) to Alice Brooks, 'to make yours now! oe ne ty. T 725-7279. I J Angli Church, Black ; 723-6022 [Avaiiabie August Ist. Telephone 728-3643, location. 548 montniy. Telephone 72 $3 VW, $635.59, $50 down, $22 montly 725-3039 -- Oshawa Frederick N, Hill a lifelong resi-(7o"m® Anglican Chure aes lof The Oshawa Times, } Printed Pattern 4911: Misses' ee This is a s APARTMENTS FOR" RENT. Apply 68 TWO furnished rooms, suitable for one 19.4 ' Ww "icq down, $30 monthly, Ap- : a: ock. Interment was in Pine | ft Dept., 60 Front. St lSizes 10. 12. 14. 16.18. Size 14 pg barge capa : gentleman. $15 weekly. Newly decorated. dent of the district who ha cra ept., A Siz A > 19, 18, ~ Wayne St. Apt. 9 = 725-3 eoigeet mid Banik ah cane proval. No reasonable cash offer re- 38--Coming Events : Y . siya Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. Toronto 1, Ont. Ontario vest: taked S86 yards Min ng 1,500,000 b NEW, COMPLETELY aca bed Li rad Pt ~; a fused. 985.7191, Port Perry. -- lived in Brooklin since 1949. He py, pallbearers' were' John aan oe ee ari Pld akes 25s Mae : Se bee Suite open daily 1 p.m. - 8 p.m, sitting room and kitchen with: refriger- San Rick td Doak Vent free Sapply 'S2 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, radio, A-1 was in his 73rd_year. Hamilton, Harry Sanderson, | 2°" add sc sales tax. Print FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins Sior, stove, cuppenres, Three piece' Bath. | Oy ' {ater 3 : shape. Also wrecking '59 Volkswagen, Born in Darlington Township, yy q arait 4 plainly PATTERN NUMBER,|(no stamps, please) for each -- Telephone 263-2966. g 313 Arthur Street after 3 p.m ali parts including radio. Telephone 723- the 'abucaced aac A abn oF the Wallace Marlow, William Ford- NAME, ADDRESS pattern, Ontario residents add WYNNBROOK APARTMENTS. Two ROOM in nurse's home, north end of 4928. 1 s . er, rnet Wright and Norman ~ ue (chtgaas aida Feyrettn 2 : 3 flay RYaE? bedroom apartment available ior Avg: city, close fo bus tap: immedile PO i959 MGA wi ir, Excallent [late William E. Hill and Mary Garnet na 210 MOST BEAUTIFUL | 3c sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, ' 7 1) MGA with MGB motor, Excellent Green. sal A Sings ey rain Far Bas : ' ust 1. On Colborne Street East. Tele- session Telephone 723-8635 between 4 throughsut. Best offer. 300 | Abigail Folsom. A farmer in the A othe feral tabular NEEDLECRAFT DESIGNS injNAME, ADDRESS, STYLE M d more of Oshawa's one RabaeoN tment any sremay Norn "ena turniate (yeas Jens Tan | Whitby, Balsam and Ashburn ,, < e from' Earl Grey|"¢¥ 1987 Needlecratt Catalog! | NUMBE ore and more of Oshaw ONE - BED apartment, in new -- North end, furnish: 1944 BUICK Skylark, convertible, low ie T rs r s . wart --GTeY | two fri atterns, kni rochet| Se: IN MS nicest people ere enjoying [private | heme. triage, tO ener tr ie eencentinedation Tor uleage power steering, automatic ertrude'S res a for many years, he WAS\sehool, Toronto; Ronder-vous |fgshions, everything, 28e. (c Lani edd alge ryer 0 5. i i bucket seats, radio. One owner. Tele- marrie e n Os i ap, | FASE iS, 3 + 20e, % she Se reoscnable rents ot the FHRAE ROOMS tor ren uitable for gentleman in residential: area. Telephone phone 725-6782 PARISH HALL ae a cee 'oun ee Senealienel, ony valve Book| Pattern Dept., 60 Front St. W., two. Low rent. Call 723-0053 or 73 -cegesqes 2 : : : ' 8 S, - of Prize AFGHANS < 18 com:|Tor Ont. R A A Albert Street, hehe ieee tithe ar Kine! 32--Trucks for Sale 690 KING ST. E hs cae tak ccli -- - ho ronto, | plete patterns Se poral aye ng Fashions are a -- elephone, television, ki 7% oe {United Church, a life membe P Ss. + as) s . : O R Pp sees ey Deriil ett ao pa St. West, Apartment 1, or 725-4891. |REPAIRABLE badass with mest lof the Whitby Branch of the JUDITH ANNE IRWIN knit, crochet. 60c. JOY FOR ALL SIZES! See 115 hind t ted. ital, hed, spot- parts to repair, ' ev. convertible, f 4 . - as AININES . J, : Te feoeag ee LEY 3 z 2 S M A |frigerator and | stove, newly decorate: CLOG ts heeeltal, Rly. Ternlahes ae Pe onine" Windbor, Coulee AUte M Royal Canadian Legion, the War) The death occurred, July 10, on Quilt sige com Po fev two free hat patterns, SOLIWA AWD AGH ROADS. Modern Teltiverator, etc. In quiet home. Avall- Wreckers, 723-523. i very on ay |Amputations of Canada and at the sick children's Hospital, Plete patterns for superb /fabrics, accessories in new | wat. able now. Parking 723-1789 $1,050. 1964 HALF-TON Ford Fleetsi ; 165, I Nin Pi é {heirloom quilts. 60c. Spring - Summer Pattern Cata- 1 Seven-room apartment, hot water | hwal- " aa for heavy duty, six cylinder, standard, Good ot 8:00 P.M |Beethoven Lodge, No. 165, In- Toronto of Judith Anne Irwin, Bargain! Quilt Book 1 1liog. Gift C Pinay t L si Telepnone 725 S085, ee ee workin ithe cise fe iiepirat aia dann: little. runner. Telephone 985-7191, Port | : ie | dependent Order of Odd Fel- beloved daughter of Mr. and complete pattern "Be. a ern in 'Catalog. Send _-- - A ramp = ~ =\town, Kendall Ave., private entrance, $9 Perry, _ 9 ames----Jackpot-- |lows, Brooklin. Mrs. Ronald Irwin, 214 Arthur """ 4 : basketmaker he: Y M SRIORT, CLEAN, ee eT Aine weekly, Telephone 728-6987. ____ "56 CHEV. V2 ton pick up. A mechanic: | 09 Jackpot | A veteran of the First World Street. The deceased, who had : in behind the ta é Street, 725-3947. we =; 28--Room and Board pei a as Sa Snowball and | War, he enlisted and went over-/been sick for a year and a half,| die East last m N E THRBE-ROOM ....fueniehed. cee ----~ Hamilton, Raglan, 1-985-7160. | Share the Wealth lseas with the 116th Battalion was in her fifth year, a@ one-woman F N N ey Faeat Maen a: housekeeping ROOM AND BOARD for genileman, vary 33-- ae t bi les. Ww nied. | jand served in France with the Born May 12, 1963, at Smiths SATURDAY; JULY 6 dicta: & and dvenraida, Sonal a Ed "J was so jo' T room. Apply 253 Sinclair Avenue "| Best Or telephone 725-0938 }--Automobi enrec Free Admission |Second Division, C ae il ig Bese gone! rie dau-| i : \éve Furs can pies in a grog |IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Clean, heat- CoLBORNE EAST, 57. Room and board, | Mr, Hill is survived y his ghter of Ronald and June Irwin.) FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,300, Claim- 8-Dauphin Bleu, Grubb 17.70 Ba 5.30 went to Be S jee, thrae-room apartment, fridge, range: gentleman to share, close fo north GM WANTED No Children under 16 wife, the former Helena Fal-|She was a member of St. Greg- ,"%,,woyerrald fillies. § Furs.) |Scusmax, Hinolona pet ie family of fr Motors and 401, Telephone 728-0480. iad Swen Parkin. ' -- Good clean local cars for e SERS _lon; and four daughters, Mrs./ory's Roman Catholic parish. |48almoral, Kelly 410 3.40 Also Ran in Order: Arctic Flashe e came a\ HONE 728-9724 REARACREDIT, umiow, sulin ioe room, for genemnn, goad meat pare: SON "| WOODVIEW Walter Bryant (Marguerite) of| Besides her parents, she is/oy Aan inglose ois princhie Barn hry "and" gee chine There. end k Dead Se Pp O - bedroom unfurnished apartment, stove ing, close to bus stop, 728-4845. | MORLEY STALKER Little Britain, Mrs, Ralph survived by two brothers, John!rea Rick, Foxy Ghost, Patricia GC. a OW. "Apply Apartment 1, 390 Buena YOUNG MEN, seven-day week, lunches| MOTORS COMMUNITY CENTRE [Lynde (Muriel) of Ashburn, and Ronald Jr., a sister, Kathy; |Pomme Souffle, Lookalo!, and Field SX Race = Purse 110,000 added jase m Mae Tike ee 137 King West | |Mrs. Wilfred Appleton (Bernice) her grandfather, Albert Irwin of Furs ae ee Ne YOU |FURNISHED one-bedroom apariment, "e?* ation : aoe | 723-8311 723-6322 B | N G 0 and Mrs. Theodore Knight) Smiths Falls and her grand. seconp RACE--Purse $2,000, Claim: &-Oancer's Image, Grubb 7.70 4.40 3.40 Private bath and entrance, or -- aH 4 four-year-olds and up. 6 Furs 4-Grea' 'ohoes, Dittfach 400 420 could be the July 12, Telephone 725-2549. bonrtecs willing to share. Laundry done. WANTED (Joan) both of Brooklin, : mother, Mrs. Stella Hickey of Gay Pageant, D'lach 10.50 5.10 3.70'6No Parando, 'Turcatte *00 LUCKY TENANT FOR RENT -- Three-room. furniened |CIVe OF six-day. week, Telephone 725-| CARS Ne kee Also surviving are a_ sister,| Godfrey, Ont. i Roya Regret, Hinojosa 6.60 4.40 Also Ran in Order: Balperion, A-Ova- to win 250 DOLLARS i ad month. Apply 120 tigi ROOM AND BOARD for lady or carta: Buying A New Car ? | TONIGHT 8 p. M. \Mrs. Charles Anderson (Clara) She will rest at the home of '4 me gilt Souvenir. MeCornt 5.0 ag hear Po with your apartment number | man. Close to bus stop and north plent.| Sell your'used car to Ted'. | lof Oshawa; a brother, John of/her grandmother at Godfrey. poliar scholar, Tanwood, Five Loves ter son Cactone Poet's Dream and to be drawn on Jenuary 2, |ONE- AND TWO- bedroom apartments 'Telephone 725-2305. bay " % | +Rey. Father Hanley will cele- and Hit The Line Joan's Jester : o be dra "Y 4+ for rent, includes heat, water, fridge Talk "Cash" to the New | D | brat --A R Smallwood and Mra @ F A-Statford. Farms entry 1968 land stove, $75 to $85 per month, 300 PRIVATE -- Room and board for one | Car Desler aod "Save'l: | RE BARN rate the Mass of the Angels in|" Robson entry B--M Crakes entry Bedsitting room $80 -- Two {High Street, Whitby. 668-5462 Soren A ee ome eee cee ae TED CAMPIN MOTORS | | DEATHS Sacred Heart Roman Catholic|D@--Finished 2nd but was disqualified d $119 and $129, (FULLY FURNISHED or unfurnished open Res. 725-5574 EXTRA BUSES Chureh, Godfrey, July 12. In-|2"¢ moved back to third SEVENTH RACH -- Purse $15,008 Bedrooms on + |Eree laundry 'facilities, parking, close' to|-- ------| 723-4494 Res. 725-55 oh : Hemment will' ti DAILY DOUBLE, 8 AND 5, PAID $214.70 added "Connaught Cup Stakes-Handi- Incl; stove, fridge, water, |shopping and bus stops. Reasonable rent, 29--Wanted to to Rent WANTED: Cars and trucks for wreck- STEWART, Ivan John rment will be in Sacred Heart cap' three-year-olds and up, foaled in hydro and electric heating. may occupy July 10. Telephone 723-6690. - ing. No charge for towing. Best prices ' Eden BINGO | A in Lindsay a} the Ross Memorial Hos- j Cemetery, Godfrey, inten ee Purse $2,900. Claim, Cae. 1% ites. Be is WANTED for July 15, } 7 id. Teleph 728-4549 anyti Rob- ie pital, on Sunday, July 9, , Ivan John ing, four-year-olds and up. you! 1-16 tevie |, Gru . 4 2.10 To be seen by appointments |WHITBY. Two - bedroom apartment, vee nv akbead de v.15, In Whitby or Osh. pal Plead ee 2.00--- los. 5 and 5¢ _ | Stewart was in his 40th year, Beloved BENJAMIN E. MOISE miles cn turf course S:Bye and Near, Ditttach $.20 2.19 only. CALL 723-5325 balcony, refrigerator, stove, electric Cont rte excellent references, Tele. ee 1 MUST GO husband of Joyce Kimble, dear father 'NJAMIN E. MOISE 2-Harlon, Hinojosa 23,90 10.10 4,70 2-Victorian Era," Gomez 210 h heat. Apply Apt. 5, 123 Annet = phone 728-2630. 36--Le al pone of Karen, Wanda and Wayne, loving son). The death occurred July 9,|1-Whirling Rich, Kelly 7.30 3.90 Also Ran in Order: He's @ Smoothie Details of draw given wit! WHITBY -- one-bedroom apartmen Ge Boe pga a j $25. C lat: f the late Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart, at the Bowmanville Memoria! 3-Reap The Wind, Gomez 3.20 and Carodan: applications only frigerator, stove and electric heat, "Tele. 30- A fe bi Fi Se le rere eee: onsolation | jear brother of Vera (Mrs. Jim Thach: Also Ran in Order: Gienyvar, Red THE EXACTOR, T AND 5, PAID $38.40 -- phone 725-8020 before 8 p.m --- Aut omo les ror oal e TUESDAY r) of Dunsford, Loraine and Lorne Hospital, of Benjamin Ellison Purse, Latin Artist and Miss Dynamic LIVE In cool comfort, two-bedroom base- JUDICIAL SALE |both of Bebcaygeon and Victor, pre (Shinny) Moise. The deceased,: | seni RACE--Pirse $2,300. Claim. Fu See Saturday's Ad i ee 0 i ' See and Clo fo King and Wien corners, 8188 (GUS BROWN of ADMISSION. 50¢ feral "Home, Peel "Sires, Cingsy, Yor WHO Was in his TIst year, had ing. turyesrous ana'. he mice" [oir cuore oem | Ne Mien be convinced monthly. Adults only. 728-558) | 23 GIBB ST., OSHAWA [TRIPS TO WHEELING, West Virginia, July 12 at. 2 par interment "ar einer: |Dees Sick for the past year. Facer, Cre, Oech 8.90 450 270 ine A ud abaseeh Tory WHITBY. Very comfortable and central MOTORS LIMITED ' for Western Jamboree, August 4 - 6, side Cemetery, Lindsay, A son of the late Mr. and 3xib-Ka, Himiove 3:30 7-Rullahs Image, Coombs '10 of the three - room unfurnished -- apartment. | R.R. No. 3, Oshawa IN THE SUPREME COURT Pane ee ac sone 'pore ae ais |Mrs. Benjamin Moise, the de- pee Lt ia pres Drag Pit, Vedas Also Ran in Order: Sarosv, Marching Many Excellent Features ($4500 Per, month. Shared bath with one, TRADE UP.OR DOWN. Top OF ONTARIO 771, """"| Kindness beyond Price, yet |ceased: was a lifelong resident THE MHACTOR, 6 AND 2, PAID AO.MING bene ba" > OO ane Price paid for Good Clean IN THE MATTER OF THE | within reach of all lo Newcastle. A painter and / "Attendance, 11,025, LARGE two-bedroom apartment, all con, Core liens poid, TERMS. indie, $660,861, MECHANICS' LIEN ACT | BIRTHS | GERROW |paperhanger by trade, he was, "!FTH RACH -- Purse $2,600. Allow- | Total ASA MANANA iSkin Seen, Sat: Phone 728.7578 or 728-7376 | coe St. N. Telephone 43 days, 728- e_ 728-7375 or 728- | BETWEEN: | one of the best all-round ath- 3 4535 _evening GOULDING BROS. | [FUNERAL CHAPEL jletes in the district as a young| FORT ERIE ENTRIES SUBLET -- two-bedroom apartment OSHAWA 220 NIPIGON ST Availeble. July 1% $19. Broadioem, bal | CONSTRUCTION LIMITED, | SHARPE -- Walter and Joan. (nee) 390 KING STREET WEST man. 53-0873 or 725-0657 [cory all uiilities. included, Two. weeks TRANSMISSION SERVICE | Plaintiff, Taylor) are very happy to announce the| oi 728-6226 | A strong competitor in hookes| TUESDAY, July W |Grey Lodge, No Boy 112 723-087: free rent, 10 months left on lease. 728 New Convenient Location --and-- ott Re tee ong UL Fai ee one : and baseball, he played for" °™* '™! lSwosh Catt No Bere, DULT RUILDING WA rici S. ozs., on Friday, July 7, "or a ' ye r Swash Cat, No Boy 115 ADL L 3 FHENCEEDROOM EARS she 116 BOND ST. W. HOWARD M., CRANFIELD, | 1967, at the Oshawa General Hospital. A , Bowmanville teams in the Lake- . FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim- Mambo Cafe, No Boy 120 Realistic Rents | THRE tment, Tronsmissions ore still our JOAN EDNA CRANFIELD, | sister for Ken, Alan and Doug. | LOCKE'S FLORISTS ja... ing (3500). Maiden two-year-olds. § Furs Mutuel Choice, Bell X110 family home, with garage, schools, shop Q shore League for a number of aici 1, 2 and 3 hedrooms ping, share bath, heated $100. Telephone specialty, but we do now HOWARD MONTGOMERY Funeral arrangements and years, He later played for Co- Garlic Ma Bale Par ue Nah oe Aiea! eu from. $120 eveninas 728-4236 have facilities to do all gen- * CRANFIELD, GEORGE | | floral arrangements for all bourg in the old Central On.\Lynene: No Boy 112 Bonnie Amber, Grubb X107 ENS $%. Cheerful one-bedroom apariment.| eral repairs, All work. guar- | COLING, GEORGE E. COL- | | occasions. M- Winning Talk, Walsh m2 Tudor Chimes, Gordon 112 Sheldian Mansions clean modern building, kitchen electrical) Gnteed . | ING ond MONTY CRAN- | OSHAWA SHOPPIN tario Baseball League, and fol-| Briefly, tnovye 112 Coffee Star, Gubbins 112 ly equipped, dinette, living room, near bi 3 an | IG lowing his retirement was in nae Toughts, Leblane 117 Four Ruth, No Boy 112 £85 OXFORD $T., OSHAWA Oshawa Shopping. Centre. Available now, 576-2610 FIELD, BARTLEY, Alice Anne | CENTRE if ld d Bry Jan, Bell X107 Queen's Award, Dittfach 119 Enioy comfortable modern five |August' 1. 723-25 a -- Defendants, |, AV Oshawa: General "Hospital: en: fun | 728-6555 pic dg 'sayy tag Choppy Seas, Duffy XXx107 Also Eligible: = oe ¥ lay, July 9, » Anne Hannah, in her redeceas Nobleton Hills, No Boy 115 Catacol, No Boy Ww ng at low rentals with CRMTRAL "Te Maron: Foon: fur RAMBLER "ey i tha dus + [7an year, beloved widow of Heward |" ed Riad wife, the Fleetgell, Hinojosa 120 My Minion, No Boy 119 outdeor swimming pool, Tr lace eee Pai Coiccbn ctl. SALES SERVICE ursuant to the Judgmen Bartley and foster aunt of Luther Baver-| STAFFORD ormer Laura Walton, about 30 come on Maggie, Griffo 117 free hydro and por! ing ed. Abstainers only. Telephone 576-0116. rig Cc and order for sale made in len Mn, one ls resting i" the jyears ago, Mr. Moise is sur- ay o kligibier' We PER eee Tauguree: Stet. Male. je bs : errow Funeral apel, 390 treet aT iso en. Claimii 1 CALL NOW ScUK AREA Mea and PAINT | this cause there will be offer- |Gyzrew, Funeral Chapel, 200. King Sites! | BROTHERS LTD. jvived by a daughter, Mrs. Don- chic CaunteeE Ne Boy 112 iit na e ; ment with bath, Located at King and New. and Used. Gar ed for sale by public auction inesday, July 12, at 2 p.m. Interment 'Authorized: Deal ald Ferguson (Marie) of An- Restful Thought, Kelly 107 Ly | ° e ars ' r uthorize ealers . 1 "Telephone 1Ua00 or after 7 725. Easy to Finance of | ot 23 Gibb Street, Oshawa, | Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. | ROCK OF AGES caster and a brother, Charles,|ing (sy, Melson toevestons (onl tate an ie Ben Te cee plephone 723-3332 or after 7, 725-1 | Ontaric, on the 19th doy of |MILL, Frederick N. | ing aiden two-year-olds vn | Tutti Mani, No Boy 117 2 BEDROOM THREE-ROOM apartment. Private en- NICOLS MOTORS LTD. | July, 1967, at the aid of |W.W.1, Reg. No. 745668 FAMILY MONUMENTS bee ad and three grand- of ist). 5 Fors Advance, Seen 1 : trance and bath. Parking. Close to foe | Serene Se? | Suddenly at the Oshawa General Hos- E. 668-3552 n Fos Cena yer or oe "! ~ Self contained upper duplex, South General. Motors and Shopping Cen WHITBY -- 668-3331 2:00 clock » Le [pital on Saturday July 6; 196) Frederica! ae me ie | The funeral service: will be 5-7. Attorney D. R'b'II'rd17.00 0 400 Pilgtin Usdyr Nee wey ts * tre. Telephone 725-4589. oe ------| noon, the lands an re- | N. Hill, beloved husband of Helena Fal- G ° : P . aportment with "private ery. |g eee 1 ee awn! ae 95 Gibb lon, and dear father of Marguerite (Mrs. bs Id at the Morris Funeral ;Fancy Kolght, vee ude Yo Chopagain, McComb 118 trance, ample parking, sep- one bedroom. Suitable for lady or MORE CASH Street in the Cily of Osh Core Wait dL eh pile Sule vue Chapel, Bowmanville, at 2 P.M., Time 2:07 3-5 : [Duke's hes Key Sons ie f 'ppporersh | sn- r a ynde) of Ashburn, Bernice Al ti tf She Puna wice ee reat on eae 1 dha vacant now Paid for Good Clean Cars. } owa, which lands and pre- sta wlll Fenaariel and Joan (rs. | IN MEMORIAM July - Interment will be in ite" Coneleorh Pati Faas yy ay 'itttech Ya Monch, King Wilson oreo, Cie inrerbeareom" epariment in aew| Trade up or down. Liens paid. | mises are located on the | <tesdera kia)» bain of Bronkin snd] ond Head Cemetery, Neweas- Said. Toma Teale aise ei: Close to sho n s | Abe : Close te wopeing 3 pens luxury duplex, Simcoe Street North D south side of Gibb Street be- Clara (Mrs. Charles. Anderson) of Osh-| MARTIN -- Remembrance of Mr. Wal-|tle> ling Reo Mile pace, claim- Abundantly, Dittfach 11 cilities. Coll Caw 16 A and Fe sheneina- Telephone ODD MOTOR SALES tween Simcoe Street South 44, Loving grandtather of twelve grand. ter Martin, who entered into rest July 9, | FUNERAL OF [eQue'n Blue Fr'st Nirv's46.70 14.50 7.60) FOURTH RACE Purse $2,200, ninas t 'our. 723-7620 j 7 . childre id ti it i i -- . \ rig 2200, Syeninge Ser Tour cueneu ee : - 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH and Centre Street, in the his 734. year, Ravina at tne -mouiues Wilishing today, as lve wished betore,| MRS. CLARENCE TOAZE Shovel Ose, Weems Me Teo fhalen three-year-olds, fooled: In Cas. SANNE VILLA cinnntge sae tte ln 723-9421 said City of Oshawa. Funeral Chapel, Srookin. Service in the Gog) "would have spered you 'mony 'The memorial service for Time'2.07 Sh eS ft i v : = - a chapel on Tuesday, July a p.m. ears more. if LU seitccontained main floor, couple Pre 62 RAMBLERS, three from which to The property will be offer- interment Groveside Cemetery Brook-| With silent thoughts | will never forget Mrs. Clarence Toaze, 620A Bond ,A¥8° rota ov beminioh a ed de WALD has a 330 GIBR STREET Eile ies 725-25: lea yercellent summer transports. ed for sale subject to a re- (lin. (1.0.0.F. service Monday evening} No tears, no regrets. Street East, who died July 6, at Trina Lee a Siovah: pacree No, Boy 120 artment, adult , tion, fully -reconditione jown, at 9 O'clock 1 wil forget H i d { Exciting prestige building. |central, Available July &. Telephone 72s, weekly, Wellman. for Rambler, 728-7351.| serve bid fixed by the Court. | 1RWIN lane Anne Jed Eyes re: m_ever ioe' the Oshawa General Hospital, in cui ee A Pe ee Fan nee ene: Me haitrally (ecated, elacticalty «1a 1961 ENVOY, body and motor in good, [N€ Purchaser shall pay [in sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, on|--Remembered by his sisters Mrs. Ling, her 77th year, was held at the sandy' Atom, Coke 820 9.0 sedis Wie eee heated Roomy breakfast nook ONE-BEDROOM apartment, $112. Im- Condition, also '60 Pontiac bumpers.) down to the Vendor's Solici- | Monday, July 10, 1967, Judith Anne, be-|Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Webb. ae Funeral Home at 2 Dream Adios, Davies 3.40 2.60 (EXACTOR 4 WAGERING) In 1535 § end kitchen. Tennis court Mediate possession. Apply 291 Marland Telephone 725-4987 j for on the doy of sale 10% [loved daushier of Ronald and jute | July 8 Pree aoe Ween 2.70 ke Ave, Apt. 308. Telephone 576-0668 45 COMET Callanie,, twodser hardion| of th 3 4 rwin, ai lear sister of Kathy, John Lapis a ime FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim. plain too ond borbeque ' +. Iwo-door hardtcp, purcnase money an and Ronald, Jr., granddaughter of Wirs. The service was conducted by| Also Started: Lamars Dream, Adios (2000). F Me a -- ~ ---- TWO - BEDROOM ground fioor apart Nae rey dlldace Feld oak bred rafal shall pay the balance of the |Stella Hickey of Godfrey, Ont., and | Rev. Water Jackson, minister A9"es: Superior Princess and Narciss Comedy, Neh WOA:Xp 6 POTS from some $105 monthiy. Telephone. 728.8876. afer. Privaie. Telephone 668-3781 after, Purchase money into Court | Albert Irwin of Smiths Falls, in her fifth ; : Scratched: Northwood | Fancy My Bey Richard, Kelly X114 @ FOR RENT e@ $105 monthly. Telephone 728-8876 eat 5 phone 668- ae interest. within, 30. Yea" Judith will rest_at the home of of St. aul's Presbyterian SIXTH RACE -- Mile trot, conditioned Fort Rouge, No Boy 119 to lay the a MODERN three - bedroom apartment. |. | jer grandmother in Godfrey, Ont. Mass Church. In' purse $1,900 Dula Gail, Bell xx107 Apt. Houses, Rooms, Room ath. heating, stove and refrigerator, 1963 CHEV sedan. Pure white with red| days after the date of sale. of The Angels in Sacred Heart Church, bath in terment was in Mount fearless Doc, Clements 8.48 4.30 2.90 Orchard, 'Leblanc ft tions of t end Board, Office Hours: -- jaundry facilities. Telephone 728-3546, | trim. Automatic, radio. Perfect car. Lic.| Kaiser b de |So0frey, on Wednesday, July 12. Inter- Lawn Cemetery. 1-Count Rodney, Galbraith 3.10 2.30 Stee! Leader, Harrison' 114 treal. In t Mon. to Fri 8:30 am. to 6 FWOROOM furninad "acarinah Gn J75679. Evenings 942-5693 ferbtin to be made Hvala ashe Heart Cemetery. (For fur- The pallbearers were William aihae' bd -- Lambertus 3.40 Sultan'# Treat, Brownell XX107 pm. Sct. 8: 300.m. to5 p.m. stove, refrigerator, television outlet. Cen- He WOLESLRY, wy series, tomatic: | Fe eee Hiab we leokeear pe atien an Aeinieens Anderson | OF THE Welsh, George Edwards. Colin!" 4 ag 'Saaited;. Araes, cil "Rion Harry's Marilyn, Dittfach 111 SHAE trally ti Ys i neares! offer. iti n issession i] Ai . ei x : Ne traliy. peated elves cal ear parkiog on ee Pipl ih etanint feed : 7 Pi LEAN, Joanne (Baby) Daniel, Frank Foley, Wilfred Follow Suit and Silver Nib Lee SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,500, Allow. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION cilities, $65 monthly. Telephone . Telep given he purchaser shall i 7 j "i Exactor, (5) and (1), paid $20.60 -year- ALGARY 7079 668-4685 p Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen- Duffield and Maurice Thomp-'"'SeventH RACE -- Mil Jain |e TWervear-olds, foaled in Cie. 8 C. Athol West 728-1070 : -| search the title at his own [eral Hospital on Saturday, July & 1967, i scan oye Map lla 8a th - FOUR ROOMS, cehiral, self-contained, ALL USED PARTS, tires, wheels, radi-| eynense. The vendor shall {Joanne Lean, beloved daughter of Mer. Son. ide Md Pesec Pyrochlore, Turcotte 119 seventh rat $85 monthly, possession August 1. Mr. ators, spindles for trailers, springs, S09 ' and Mrs. Robert Lean, sister of Janet, eine barr 20.40 8.00 4.10 Supper Club, Kornblum X16 BONUS Bolahood 728-5123 or 725-8333. Bloor Street East, 723-2281 | mot be bound to produce any |ang Jimmy, grandaughter of Mr. and Par, Findley 4.80 3.10! Arctic Blizzard, Grubb X117 Alf's Folly a {ands bed f BUSINESS GIRL has lovely furnished SAVE DOLLARS! Several good used| abstract of title or any deeds |Mrs. Hubert Chase, Oshawa, in her 3rd. 'Linon. Waples 2.70 jgoytin: Sal, Barnaby. Ww honors in t and 2 bedroom, mee opart- |twodedroom spartment to shere with , '55's and up. Trades accepted.| or evidence of title other than year. Resting at the Armstrong Fun- S| ments, fully equipped lanother 'girl. Reasonable rent, in nice anged. R, B. Molor Sales, 509 thas aa bik oe eral Home, Oshawa, with funeral ser- 4 . ver Donna's Champ, 'chet Ambrose Ab- (EXACTOR WAGERING). the Alberta Rebbe 't location. Call 728-2776 after 5 p.m, Eas : S Possession Or CON- -- |vice_in the chapel, on Monday, July et f f gary Stamp WE PAY MOVING EXPENSES : trol. In all other ts the /10, at 3:1 nt pate SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $2,100, + 65 TIGER. D P. er respects the , 3:15 p.m. Interment Oshawa | raat RACE Mile "84 inns 190 N Road soe noe ge babysit hig hile ete? Quartz-lodine Sanne nee aL "500 | conditions of sale are the [Union Cemetery f |dardbred Futurity "Stakes purse $12,578 'giiming ine). Teenaseroids: end: up, turday. In 1 apartm lor itti i s i R va re 38.972 ees works. Widow or woman with one child headlights. 725-1664 after 5 | Standing: conditions of - sale. |, Mah. Benen eee ee en 0 SATURDAY; JULY 6 Feeble g Pod bere eA Sie tateg (My eh Paton 7 6 preferred. Telephone 728-1547 after 4 P.™. 19% VOLKSWAGEN 1300, radio, excel-| settled by the undersigned i ital, Bo ' |3-Sharp mart, Alberta Sunshine, Poirier XXX101 - Me 4 , " Sunday, July 9, 1967, Benjamin Ellis- Weather Clear--Track Fast 'Lynden Dodger, Silvohent?.30 2.70 DH Berno Miss, ia 3 -|K-MART AREA -- Wedern suburban cont Condition, $1,395, Private. Telephone | On the premises is said to fon (Shinny) Moise, Newcastle, in his| First RACE--Mile pace, conditioned, | pes 2:01 red : Ballingally,. pinsen " COME TO MALA GLEN apartment. One bedroom, kitchen and 723-075 tS be eraclad a oh 7ist year. Husband ef the late Laura! Y | D EF purse $900 Also Started: Phylis Gold, Innerail, River Bully, Hinojosa 116 C e- living room, large closets. Large yard, ¢9 BUICK, also fibregias boat with 's5| @ two-storey mo- Walton, dear father of Marie sgt | zOavey Lee, Coke 22.20 5.80 3.40 Armbro Huck, Armbro Harvey, Armbro Social Jewel, Grubb X106 COURTS private entrance, refrigerator, stove. Mercury motor, trailer. Halffon truck. | tel. Further particulars and |Donald Ferguson), Ancaster, brother andsweep, Feagan 3.00 2.70 Hunter, Be ived Freddy, Tartar and, Blue Mel, Gibson XXX103 Join our happy tenonts, child- Heat and hydro included. Paint to suit poy and sleep! ng trailer. 724-7088, eve.| conditions of sale may be had |Charles, Leaside. Resting at the hae: i Kawartha Beatie, Alexander 5.00 Tom Jone: |Pretty Wise, Hale 111 ih Waleame Siarolie 12 tenants. Vacant July 15. $85. 668-6043 778-7288 | Foon Creighton Denon, Mur ifs Funeral cise Sovana di NO. 583 Time' 2:08 1-5 Autumn Frost and Phylis Gold coupled) en weicol % |, = : 4 e | ; , Mur- fice in the chapel on Tuesday at Also Started: H. A, Dream, Mac Zin, Findley Stable entry EIGHTH RACE WHITBY Two - bedroom basement he Pp ic y --Purse $2,000. Claim. ond 3 bedroom apartments apartment, living room, kitchen, stove ¢! PONTIAC convertible, in' excellent; doch & Victor, Solicitors, 5 |o'clock. Interment Bond Head Ceme-| ___.| Ole Faithful, Dr, Doug Smith and Stew- Armbro Harvey and Armbro Hunter ee (3000), Four-year-olds and up. 6 from $120. 835 Oxford jana refrigerator - Hydre_ included. $90 Condition, V8, automatic radi. Tele-| i. Street North, Osh jee Se eee atts oe Perea rescore eae: een if ae i 0 ed. 97% ime S| | 4 J | i. Mai F xfor [ond atv eleehcob eeeeaot. spel ed one ev pales PESTON, VENOWG, | | gees duke' Mawahande, | A LASTING TRIBUTE sun aiming -- Mile pace, purse R iNT RACE . Mile pace, ¢ondi- Lamartel, Gordon 6 " . 4 lation lagon. ele- At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on For lermanence an ignit claiming ioned, purse lary Catharin, Bell X10? 725- 0657 'two furaistied 'Soarimenis. One hele phone 725-3536 weekdays, 723-9757 eve- DATED ot Whitby, On- | Thursday, July 6. 1967, John Rogers of| e net ay. 3-Right Step, Curran 9.70 5.50 3.60 7-Scat Time, *viitphant 4.20 4.90 3.40 Great Promise, Dittfach 116 it es Sone _____ | room, m, eo ash nings and Saturdays ' |Hampton, in his 43rd year, beloved hus- e sugg 8-King Grattan S., Hicks 7.00 4.10 4-Margie Wick, Waples 4.50 5.40 3.80 Tanwood, Grubb X117 rooms, washing facilities, parking, near 5" PONTIAC Parisienne. hardion, an,|. '0112 this 23rd day of June, {pang of Betty Wilder, dear. father of MOUNT LAWN |4-Sailor Mon, Waples 2.90 2-Angio United, Waddell 5.40 Roman Harold, Kelly X114 GET CASH FAST basians lady." iecmedinte: . poksassion: [apead; 96000 miles,' 62.4%. S97 Olay.) 120%: |Gary, Alexander, Sandra, John, Jody, MEMORIAL PARK |Time 2:08. 1-5 Time 2:03 i _" Tomboy Pete, Gordon 119 SELL Ww) 3+ leas on ap : ALEXANDER C. HALL, |Snafon, Pamela, and Robert, son BRONZE MEMORIALS Saint MEG, Darke Dae ie Dortes lay AtTROre -GOrinel, RIN Hictuert andl irinla Auioncar ioranee 5) ed - i C . , John Rogers, Sr., and the late Lizzie} aint, ° |, Dart lemon al artes Boy, Armbro Gambol, ip Herbert ar an iance, rul = ITH TIMES HITBY -- Very comfortable and cen. '63 CHEVROLET, two-door, six cylinder, Local Master Rogers, Resting at the Northcutt and) For courteous advice please [Patrick : Lachlanna : ; --§ Wes AAC] XX--7 Ibs *aacs XXX--10 jtral, ree-room unfurnisi apariment, § r i i flour new Smit! 'uneral lome. uneral Service ' v, ' » par jt bb ¥ ACTION CLASSIFIED Th f hed 4 1, standard, radio, white walls, f ith Fi 1 Hi F 1 i t the Park Offic Daily Double, (5) and (3), paid $106.40 Scat Time and Margie Wick finished in a tes AAC |345 per month. Shared bath with one tires White with red interior, exceilent|RENT THAT VACANCY through Rential 2 o'clock, Monday afternoon, Inter-| Visit the Po ora THIRD RACE -- Mile pace, claiming dead heat for win person, 468-4363, Condition. $1,100 or best offer, 623-3109, Ads -- Call 723-3492 today for action! 'ment Hampton Cemetery. 723-2633 purse $900 \Alfendance, 11,244, Handle, $480,188, POST TIME 2 PM

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