Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Jul 1967, p. 14

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14 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 10, 1967 'To Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire...Read and Use Times Action Want Ads' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 16 Simco 723-5 Rays Be K \8--Articles for Sale |11--Pet & Livestock 17--Female Help Wanted a ae ELKHO! = e lieve or'. Not/ RUTHERFORD'S ise eros gory = tease WOULD YOU BELIEVE Airport groups, Living Room): eee ne ea 401, $76-1873 TOY CHEST SOUTH EAS : iit Bedroom, Dining Room, $399, jauaciry CLIPPING SERVICE again 1 @ Immaculote s $499, $599, $699. Easy ae nie breeds. Telephone _726-60? OFFERS Athabasca. Hom elds Immediate delivery or er in teak. rmigrsley Ros ghd opin $$$ MORE FUN ed driveway, b pooner Building Trades as Tou BUG (cattobiatta) ayowdy 2 eeote ONSTRATING TOYS. reotion room, + scousaninsinenpear eeedintemec a anitor Service Soles end Servi : A WINGLESS INSECT OF RUTHERFORD'S |POODLE PUPS, registered, black min- We Will Train You. crated. Carport. WILLIAM ¢. HALL, B. Comm Giater: N ri -- BlaratiodMlc adelaide THE CANADIAN ROCKIES, 156 Simcoe St. South re. 'Telephone 668-6137. Ne Investnea Collections, or only one yeor < 1, 36a reet East. ji a oo] Telephone "Oshawa 7254599, o Down Payment ED JEFFREYS "Now Located In Oshawa See ke AD PERO? SPARTAN PORTABLE _ television __ se play bes kh ~ RUDGIES,- ready 723-3568 $92.50, P. ond BAY, Garliticd Ganaval 'Monthivinetatn Also a model H.0. train set. Best offer.|Broad, 114 Elgin oandeels Pe bd Suite fos oe Oe y ents JANITOR SERVICE and Seaw WHEN THE MERCURY CLIMBS Will be accepted. Telephone 576-2474. THREE Pi wala aa . ae amo | Remodelli WINDOW CLEANING ay TO 15 DEGREES ABOVE FREEZING SEAL AAG GOGO Coot cists oped Tee ae ae a ina "AVON CALLING bps lib BOB CLANCY SECoONTS Service. ning Residential Com | D liti GP go Poceitions full, site. ellvensinel sary ra auick. sae Telephone 76463. for! If you need extra money don't 11 @ Immoculat Esvblaig Beebasnibg: eorvica, 17h. Sicv: ce i mercial, eMOo ition Co ox with jacket heater. Hot water pipe| a eet bungelow with coe Street North, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605, @ Bothrooms urches, Schools. -- Floors . Hoe BA la sg hel gi Bhalla '12--Article » Won ted wey =: Seat ah AEN ind ki SORE PH GUTMANN chartered" accnun Ske arathad. waned 'and. butted. Expetiance. is our. guide te phone 623-3777. nl on er es representative. Territories eo a itche: tant, Licensed Trustee. 17 Bond Street fast ond efficent -- servi FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted tree. available immediately in Osh- ot et eee East, Telephone 723-485. Ricrcstinn Rooms 668-8658 WHITBY vice, pot gag Bg gt you ) $ MONEY $ awa, Whtiby and Darlington ore wise to tr YALE) FRIEDLANDER AND €0.- Char @ Gorages Money to --. . ' CALL US AT ae elle lb ala cay ees Twp.. Mrs. J. Hill, 140 Non- peg oil heate ere ccountants. Licensed Trust in si the Beng co h True es it! A new department of Osh ee 728-2801 SURNITURE -- Three rooms of new! For used furniture, picture auon Rd., Oshawa 725- 9696. pad nite = Oshawa, 728-7371 owo's Quality Builder, cay that ee te consolidate your pills, : ftv Tey only ae poonthiy. Beron's frames. Miiitary objects, glass EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER want- . ase co HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charter- Wa: taphire seetnd trorivades of 1h. nor or an estimote meoe south. |. hing, silver: gold, brass, cop- [00 #! Jes! one. Yaar s: experience very bd ed Accountants, Financial Trade Build-| KASSINGER C tA mortgages of 38. per [TYPEWRITERS, new, used, sales, serv- . ¢ : $ COP- |go0d salary. Call bet $ Ing, 187 King Street East, Oshawa, On. Coll T, : ONSTRUCTION Reais' presen: liga con. NO JOB TOO LARGE OR ice, all makes, Free estimates. Call vou per, coins etc. Top prices 576-2494, etween 7 and 8 p.m. DUPLEX--$ tarlo, 7253809; ST. Hopkins, CA; H all Today For Free Estimotes [any time. : toads TOO SMALL [Revel Senate ae see Sve | paid, Toronto 282-5604 FULLY qualified hairdresser, i: Il @ Older pre a vkow, CA ihr cet ASE an GPO ERE OSA BO [FIBERGLAS FENDERS f "oe = te cence, capable of Blueprinting 'i 728- 7583 Mortgages ose FULLY INSURED ioe UB Ney, ane ee solo parts, S\TAPE RECORDER, 8 mm. movie somali "Hairdressing ing sain, specie ca a dancin ti. ae een I rters and generators. 1175 Nel camera, deep freezer, electric dryer. In| Street South, Oshawa. coin ts ec. dn Ne eae TERRANO | PAVING, 10 ) yea in -- Son St, 725-2162, best possible condition. 728-0194. ey See BE pea now rented fo BELL DRAFT! iness. Guarant® vs | iors CLRANING CARY WANTED : Ltd., S34 AFTING "an Reproduction# Bond East, 723-584. were Ge MORTGAGI APPLIANCE chil hd {wORe ond reels. Coleman winked USED FURNITURE wanted, etc.|Per week, $10 per day. Telephone red other owner occu Blueprinting and photostatic cop! ALL TYPES building repairs. R REPAIRS ives. Sportsman's corner ies Byron St, Flanitore, Gab sesh, 6asasie. Macnellt's 562! = venient Senne, $$ chimneys, Dalian Cao * ee Expert repairs to all k ba WOURY, : TE 3 7 as EXPERIENCED WAITRESS wanted. mortgage at 7% Building Trades masonry. Gord May. Whitby. 668-2774. -- LOAN of washers, dryers, Elba CONTINENTAL BEDS from $29.95, mat ed "x 9% preferably. 'Telephone 700 on Resfovrent, 10 King rental district ROOFING, hot tar and ' " y tresses half price, all sizes, headboards |w; ------ ---------- - = oS tage of the off REPAIRS repr Targe and amol aoe, tana | M4 er cne-thied off, Factory oUllet. 723.889. lante for cottages such as gat" stove, LEGAL SECRETARY for lawyers ity, call now Roofing and Construction, 725-6937. ioneys avoilable for first @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ |BUY AND SELL -- good used furni-|dishes Pr os cue to Mg Mi perohs Ran eo cies. ee) f° ; ALTERATIONS WATERPROOFING, basements, flat and second mortgages. Open 10s cane ORD eee One location only. vate. Telephone $76-0242 cag yess Exruninces Case ee eS . ADDIT roots, etc., S. Mastrangelo, 237 Sinclalr| mortgages. No bonus. First ALCAN jaan y Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723- 13c ARI Tea) - -|machine. Partime Penton hig YOURS Té mortgages, second mortgages FURNITURE ond APPLIA t af ae te seit icles for Rent Small Whitby office, 668-8181 goss a IONS SAND AND GRAVEL supplies. Tele- oer for sale pur- Gee Ea ou ah | Whi THE CAMA TRIRE OF PERU coek Bernie age aa te. inc ch as ------| LADIES who drive and heve" 1" heors Nw. ise 'Cel HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES ROOFING, CHIMNEYS, ail types of : eee ARE MADE "BEAUTIFUL" BY pe Blessed tics abet Salle, IDEN, oe pt war on), Oe Se ee very clean, ne Rec Rooms and Kitch cement wirk, stoops, sidewalks, ete. M. F. SWARTZ ___ Telephone 723-0011 | o BINDING THEM IN A WOODEN PRESS GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers,| «) Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee' | Barrie. rite 37 Mershen Street, lerge lot, finis! and Kitchens 655-3061. F. McCann, RR 2, Oshawa. 26a King St. € ag Al 70 GIVE THEM A RECEDING FOREHEAD felevigion, refrigerator, ete." $34.50 and| Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal |y RES PERE s 9 _ a Specialty F aos a ; rast NOW | up. Alcan Furniture 'and Appliances, 452, Wear, Men's Formals, White roll Maged 8 Woman for part-time house- room, Just listed arpentry Baris lite) Bring me your mo till {Sue OU Tee Fox Fi M : ping. North end of city. Starting in James Allen and Sons |----- 723-4697 hs Eid aa pear vi 2 Dérspnal pg nn ee TYPEWRITER, eleciric, | $80. "Standard a litee bie Tie Write Box 73846, Oshawa e 725-6126 i ge Big Pa RE EE Y cooled engines Ports. and Se renee quipment $20., an Fonister se belt machine! ENTALS aie 7 23-4434, } 8 Quality Carpentry iat doe 2nd Mortgages sures Largest service in Removal Of euparhuoue ale _ [Ie CEDARSTRIP cabin cruiser, isieeps |VACUUM REPAIRS, ~all_makes, hoses, | 462 Ritson Rd. S. 725- 3338 LU Male Help Wanted Rigel E e have immediate funds shawa arie Murduff wil imote controls, $ son with re-!brushes, etc. Pkek-up, delivery. 942-0213.| " atti Fede boca tg eaves: Home Improvement Specialists ovoilable for 2nd mortgages. 74 BARRIE AVE Oshawa, July I aealt be seen at Scugog. "Marina, 6666563 iso Feet VERUN RIES: a Aone WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walk: oe | oun ana apes. ANeae uodiante, ayn oapone oe District pone laate with low cost 728-2791 or 725- 4633 12th. Phone Genosha Hotel DELUXE. OLASPAR ski-boat, 75 horse-|WE aay, SELL AND EXCHANGE used plies Aid: Rentater 10s Beatrice 135-16e How to Earn oes ie all big hae gue for Many Years joan. It pays to deol with the j|@UARANT on these dates fo 1 [Bower Johnson, | Tee-nee traller, $700. furniture " thi used ENTERTAINING? mg He no eral. sdatlicslidaetn Npedibis daady Bete Oe BS 76 Service company with the high repu- | washers THEO REPAIR to, all wringer ment en leaein- chonaee : Au 'Trading ls irdas A people? Oshawa fan ne ree cue ee bats cod ae Cr : Bae 8576 tation Call 78-1742 or Ta-0bNt. ELECTROLYSIS leneas lor rent to exper-|Sireet South, 723-1671 quets, parties, weddings, Bar, kitchen, M | easonoply price BRA i Operators only. 29', 1964 Goliath, KITCHEN SUITE, fi parking. 723-7726. or y with good terms MEL MEULEMEESTER | or 623-341] re Septic Service 723-4641 Thane hea at Vachtheven.jxeven Mee Be aL taleehs he 14 B 30 e oney ! big enough to 728-4797 [HOME ADDITIONS, recreation rooms, LIMITED SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt serv- Paavo at Nova Scotia from Oshawa BOAT, mofor and trailer. 45 HP elec- es PROPANE RANGE. er portunities ee Sides Nha Mri r emede in i A : ' , i ATLANTIC PAVING and concrete. Get|P2irs. Telephone E aa aa BY iting Sto Enat ice on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut|call ie ee eee PTR Mea cc LAR i a A |dition. Telephone 728-3801. ve ule betta ds Voor arivenay saved 6 _ D 0 | ig S Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 9 ind controls, T-type trailer. FRANCHISED 0 work warrenty gg experts. AII|A-1 CARPENTRY, block and cement/ Oshawa, Ontario -- ________|Telephone 725-4920. 21" ADMIRAL television, excellent con : ayo S «a work: warranty, Bat Se lt" an" of all 'kinds.| 723-1157 725.6210 |Surveyors 4--Motorbikes | FIBREGLASS BOAT, Tee-Nee trail een Fee ey ae be reel TASTEE- FR 11 PL ID 795.0532, ~~|DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On- + ge hogy Ml ge "66 model Bargai horsepower motor, almost mnew.|4891_atter 5 A oo EEZ 1 need a part time or full VI @ Careful ¢ CLASSIFIED RATES |Dentistry FOR Isto: tario Land Surveyor, Commercial biue|tion, few miles. Apply Excellent condl-|i7" CABIN CRUISER for sale. "0 1 CONTINENTAL SEP arn saa time mah to nele seat the praves the finan WORD ADS |CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN. i MORTGAGE 2nd [prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. 246 Wilson Road South. TANCE neice, "Many axtran: sale, © Scott) board, 36" continental bed and 17" sore YEAR ROUND demand for a much needed of this 11 suite ¥ , ' ; bol lo sodas chs eae an ; visi i j : ; WORD. -ADS. ioe #94 Wards,' 1.20: |Suraeon, 172 King Street Kast, oot LOANS ine 6 HONDA -- 150 c.c., in excellent con- order. $1,350. Also 3.9 Clinton outboard | lonabie. inion, sence at condition, Rea-| service for materials, Pleas- ing distance of t 3Gditiona! words, Sc each; 3 consecu-|For appointment, 72-5171. We have private funds to | oir; IMS ONTARIO LAND Surveyor: dition, take over payments. Telephone |576-1061, 9-3." tank, $75. Telephone | ant, dignified, good i All unit: tive insertions of 24 words, 3.24; addi- iD | loan as Ist ond 2nd MORT. Ede pee Prince St. Res, 103 Elgin st. |723-0233 Phone }576-1061, 9 = 3. Rs AUTO PARTS. 283 motor $100; &oy'| ork Ne ve good paying pil units og Smasds ca pe ne r | wear areet| RESTAURA Circe ar ae tive insertions of 34 words. 5.76; secu-| Dressmaking oo GAGES -- FREE ADVICE. a litres Wevits coe or Meat Seas 7--Swap_ and Barter I eords OE ae Ger euek, (val ends sory but @ cor |s. For tut Paved parking. | honal wards 24¢ each. DRAGAN = Gabel SH we rrangements may be made TV--Radio. Repairs 207 Church or 728-8252. + APPIY BATHTUBS, $20. Flush-O- pete Telephone information contact cuss details, ple Charee----10 Ber cint edditional eharge|Sone, Treeees "Remvtitully falioeed ap: in your own home. Fast cour- --|'66 HONDA, 160 cc, in excellent condi |pasin® sinks, cabinets, Mate Toilet: |peFRIGERATOR o (Over 2,000 stores haa if not paid within 8 days covers, drapes. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. teous service. OSE TV "SERVICE tion, Reasonable. _Telephone em boats, motors, Hrattere caelne Aillngss| cottage or _ rec a ae eat er throughout the world) WESLEY R. WALMSLEY ry) Matar et Bolen co Leer then 24 \Gardenin N a 723-7088. * ")Telephone 723-5862 . -| 304 GOLF eo ep Bye died ig and Supplies | member COLOR [S--Treilers --Articles for Sole [pst "Ats'tox tater' wes altee So OSHAWA oe sne word; phone number courts + int. Mortgage Brokers Assoc or j at ' jou We Tel coc Nel oar Mates Ba al Lith Saad Os modern con- Vil @ This pro words. sued Garden Su lies [Weekends ond Evenings 728-5623 BLACK and WHITE VACATION TRAILERS eae ee nes | sores -- round ae in, Phone 723-6296 good seventies BIRTHS DEATHS -- pp Poet 'ondition, ap walk-in restaurant, featuri oy ' SOCIAL NOTICES FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale FOR THE BEST CALL for RENT fpreiroately a8): YOR, oh hee Fe One. Bf the. moet diverined | oni fet the. Dove 2.50 per insertion with 25 cents odd | | Mises Sia Kile moteerione PUtet Seed e Hennick T R | 0 poeey Mobilux, ; Hunter, Senay Roe st 1 aManlin) adc ie fok bacon want te loy out geben paid within 8 dey5.| Bomogreen 9 rs and. Hemnicks ers, ing Street } de : Tog A Long, Wood's, West- LeRAUTY aguipment. six ai food field: Hamburgers, hot SUMMER ono 4 id andi , etc. one shampoo b: 15; | ; A seit $2.50 for the first 25 words ond 6c\ Gardenall tle we gchatsmann meahory 1d Sreck TELEVISION Trailer Refrigerator SIX SERVICE BAYS gual, slike "new, 820 iwo i cous, chigsen Tans tie: Welle full particulars. soot, eel, Pt anatee Hl vetoad| CYGON Ze spl W, Scharumann Reatir, TM Breck| FOR CLEANER, SHARPER Clearonen FOR FASTER SERVICE (tn éti,cte,commicyeha, ata) drinks ond." the fom W : verse; Ct rae if not po 5 0 wheels, $27; one desk chair, leath- inks -- an t famous within 8 doys | Ant and Grub Painting and Decoratin TV, RECEPTION MILLER TRAILERS WHEEL ALIGNMENT SP er with wheels, $20; ene comb-out chalr,| Tastee-Freez desserts ORK SPLIT LE CARDS OF THANKS ards and 7e] Niglatnion 2 etal }|__Harwood N., Ajex 942-3491 Chev., Dodge, Ford "4 Gresser mirror, 67" ene. wall" mirror, A NATION Vill @ F be §2 3 irs "words and 7e -- cteldbied LANAI stat Sk tc TOE 4 ge, , 'Ply- |si5; two round' mirrors, $7 H INALLY i @ Four tach. thereatter "with 28¢ "adaltiona Chlordane PAINTING TV TOWER | EAST END TEXACO Frouilit: | BontiGe.: We correct. [oer One darae conn' raantiry: 4ntiht ADVERTIFSED NAME Male college and high scheo! clean as a. whis -- if not paid within 8 days DDT INTERIOR, EXTERIOR 79 TRAILERS for SALE wheel alignment, inspect ond |C0rona. 723-5631. Basie MANAGEMENT secon 18-25, Full time ; needs is your fu $2 MS Th alieioy $2.00 for the Chipman Rose Dust Very Reasonable Prices. 8-51.43 Tent Trailers for sale or rent, nent EURO ORH Conver a. are toe are -- Free car-| TRAINING PROGRAM. hed soca tis eptember " Wisi' of space with 2 ie aa ond 6c eoch thereofter| Diazinon O'TOOLE Corner Bond and Division 8 models from $299 up : dela A chy ig ely ter Arc Welding dl gg Plt ah DYNAMIC ADVERTISING ing a hee? eo ' ris ig weet Word Ads | : Camping Suppl : ondition ... Heavy Duty Comet welder before Jul CAMPAIGNS. ie "hig ory PUISE, . GOOI SUeTEN ise Atox TOOLE Camping Supplies, hitches | © Ports' extra if required V7: algo 'discount for farm use. 'For REGIONAL AND NATIONAL Sh1t pet eek, lee Soles {roneperietion: pee eek dag Obenl ies sug. Killer pte TRADE IN Coa eisb @ Torsion bor adjustment contact Murray "Joness Ashburn, '649-5201 | CONVENTIONS il ie 2 ee ae 00. OF feel 'Adal - extro. y Jones, Ashburn, 649-5201 : : to Hawaii fo DEADLINES King Bug Killers Anytime - 576-1250 WiLL TRADE Jaguar fewer guar UNIQUELY ATTRACTIVE $1,000 Weng pe ei alse night for more aaa DDT and Dithane PAINTING AND PAPER hanging, _in- YOUR PRESENT lane R e for Gretch or Gibson hollow-body elec-| BUILDING tt scholarship te e YOR ee BREVIOUS W P terior and exterior. Free estimates and | ENT -- Cabin trailer, sleeps five, BRAKE SP tric, Telephone 723-8923. FULLY E attend college of their ehoice. ps eed Killers iow! prices, Telaphone Tiaseu AERIAL ieee by the week. Telephone 725-8245, Msc ! ECIAL HEAVY DUTY RANGE, refrigerator, OPERATION. EMERSON | LOST AND FOUND Dust INTERIOR AND EXTERI -- RAILER HITCHES made and | ost popular cars. First electric train set, used t : > am. DAY OF PUBLICATION To ak Guns mates. Call 723-1253 TepieR: ada le zs [Also all types of welding dene. Pertabie| Quality Royaline, 4 'ivesis. Serier. AIL MrHGlas TaRsOnARNY. Cle). ZONSTANT AND CONTINUING! Lelephofe for interview op- APPLEHILE E mints ANE Beatin nk Sprayers : equipment for rent. 723-6840. S| 723-6030_anytime SUPERVISION. pointment. 1X @ Truly a b 3 am, DAY OF PUBLICATION Lawn Soakers Plumbing and Heating ( pa yale gg Yent trailer, fully $ ] 4.88 BRPRooy AND LIVING room suites) MINIMUM CASH REQUIRED bungalow with e 's : able from Jul d refrigerator f : ; IN MEMORIUMS and | oy ae ABLE: TV iestt'or 'canbe scena 3p"xeewaiin] Plus $2.00 Per Wheel ETE Best offer: Telephone: 7260968. 718,000, 725-254] poe og hg i pm. DAY PREVIOUS | RX 15, 20, 30 Plumbing Discount wed i j (labor cost) ELEC TROHOME television, 23" screen, Write or phone 9-12 N ea eed eg oe c | : a E A ° CLASSIFIED DISPLAY | Everything for the Garden 149 Brock St. North OSHAWA SA--Camping e |Felephone 668-6343 Good condition, $60.| ~=MAr. Joseph C. Horvat pia ote dining area ¢ 'lui pm. doy previous, 2 col * DbDING acorns . . c mns . , WHEEL BALAN |WEDDING DR' CSR Be iat Oe eg Bl dis a eee Senet inet. Three bedr u or larger -- 10 em. day previous.| ' WHIT! ae ICE SPECHAL ESS, Size 14, Telephone Mr. ee bedr CANCELLATIONS AND | Cooper Smith Co. HITBY 668-6601 CABLE TV Kam ' Including weights per wheel, 668-8767 after 6. Ralph D. Drew, ENROLL tiled bathroom p som. DAY 6 16 CELINA $T Direct to you, plumbing sup- ; LTD. ping eoch .......... 1.95 ee ee in good condi- | 3 Area 'Directors MENT Asai ide Ry 9am. DA FPL BLICATIO - ' ! ) * * 11 ae | l Bomaoay OF PUBLICATION || 793.2312 723-1139 | plumbing line. 20% "off ll ee ae Unlimited SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, | WEDDING DRESS, genty used. sir i | 32 Sugarmaple Lone, aon eee nublication will be charged one day' Bai. io ing ne. 20% off all | FRONT-END WORK at Te UN OnE ee Tere Ae Richmond Hill, Ont OFFICERS mortgage y s f tl stee! eiephone. 728. sf ,. iii is TOW COMPARABLE PRICES | 0738 Tel SMM ES aw ol J, KAMSTRA | STUMAY 9 arn TLV. TOWERS Ce ig ere Sek RaLBKPS Hele | Tammi 25- 88, te oe : ar Loon ar couetle: we ace CLOSED W RD a "BUILT IN OSHAWA" We Rant ond Sell Everything NIROYAL jAug. 1S. Bill Hamilton, Raglan, '-¥85:| We are offering td the right manent position) in Aeawe x ge 0 complet 4] SAAAID istri i Ser ren atiened te be | ANDSC r unlecaell AT QUR OWN : PLANT Tents, Dirims Sh Line, op CENTRES TWINING POOL Tk SWI AIL ee ee district. Sales experience re- b ctl Nia gomaged alleged to arise th . CAPING ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS and remodel- ing Shelters, Cole- |also table tennis table, almost new. Both make excellent earnings with quired. $300 per month roadleem, 6.Jal failure or delay forward ling, new and. used materials. Reasonable We give you a better tower mon Products, Sleeping Bags, The N N |reasonable. Telephone 728-4274. © prime manufacturer of d plenty of closets, clies however 'caused whether by neg! GARDEN SERVICE rales, Estimates tree. 7231191, J. Foley.| for less money etc DOMINION TIRE: Of |ONE-STOP BIKE SHOP Sales. Service| tented: plastic Fouenclt Gis. raw, plus generous bonus. in hollywood kit e aisle dor fan liek uncalled: tort att Pee 'AND HEATING sup- Lorgest Display of Tent Trail ae E STORES |Bepairs. © Cycle Centre, '214 Bond Street) ducts presently rnchanalk: TE not just an aver n 20 days K one 725-3521, r | s ? q i Blois Beer Stark Ltd., Bunn nena aS OSHAWA ers ond Camping Equipment onone 735 rsesti TW IGWER SPECIAL a0 ing through many. of North LEPHONE J. BINNIE everything is of REGULATIONS Bee Engineering, 285 Simcoe Street South. ov 4 in the Area an ue : all channel antenna, = a8. structire America's largest retailers 6 ity Broek tp td THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT BE) Ten ; jSlon._728-5143. in a multi-million -- dol "2 landscape: lose RESPONSIBLE FOR. ERRORS IN ADvER| GOOD STOCK ~|Rug - Upholstery Servi SUPPLY LTD. + Tepiler Bese nl A LU MIN U I [BiviNe on SELLING furniture or ap: growth, secure, jet age py 55 7 House 183 years MBITTED OTHERWISE| { » SOD pllances. Call Elmer, 263-2274, 260 dustry. i : reasonably _pricec LT TA 2695, ry. oe RUG CLEANERS ust East of Ritson TOWNLINE ROAD NORTH » sons Us5S-- TIRES etal MCdGe investment. qisrae (C ne further informat =| Excellent Quality, Low Prices @ AWNINGS Good ze al ite teed by invent ° 2 : PS. soodrich, 88 King Street West. 72 ventory, completely {LEAD HAND { -~------ & E tended Ge Dullveag Pistsienal fun. nd uphol: 723-8131 ri 543 returnabl for steel ation, must SERTIO ; e 5 ' yw 723-81 @ WINDOWS PIANO, | able. be able to read prints y N IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS.) Visitors Welcome srry cleaning done in your § |----------------- 8 32, 728-9942 @ DOORS er, two Good condition: wringer wash-| We. will contact you for a ule work, steer boation: Oe ped dpecinoad HOSPITAL | 725 9 ome or our office. Call for TELEV LESS frigerator, three years old, nine cubic} private, fully informative in- hagas Telephone 623-5232. Write L and XI @ Large 2 '| -9674 snioemation ISION -- RADIO 1 Mile North of King St. E S feet. ToS eet Moving, mus! terview at our factory or in Genera Box 147, Bowmanville. . home. Wall to » : ao ee Open till 10 P.M, Daily _ E V E N Led add your area | 'AL LABORERS WAN' Modern and clear n the coses of display advert ae MERION-KEN 725-9 a 24 hour Service cy | Too | : Z, Whilby Bost Works Limited, euietismmne| RPL Sop) | Zan 206 meinem goa NISS [peneter saier | Bearing tape, eae ae ce than thot which the] LUE s) r eeks, 5 nm | poin t is as cel the" publishers INTERIORS by WINDOLF HOLMES uly 24. August 14 Telephone T2s90a1.;| 15 Prince St. 725-4632 FRESH RASPBERRIES, piceg aniy,| tion, We wil allow port tim 19--Male and Female : reproduce oll advertising All-Green Nursery Sti? TENT for rent. "Telephone ; = By Rea elie on 2, Townline, 1¥s res but: the perion (a pert time Help Wanted e ectly, but assume no libilit c : ree! st be a cement if egetalipeteteatig Sod Growers . ae Upholstery ELECTRONICS é-Mavne Baul ee DRAPES REPAIRED Pky Cane Ge ee | ee period to |MEW, LADIES, STUDENTS, with car INCOME HOA are contained therein Vise NEIL ae e-Covering Marine Equipment AND RELINED ter Hourn Farm, first farm east of| go into full time. can make $100 weekly with Fuller, part- SHOPPING (¢ BEM ary Ef PLACE A 125 9674 - TOWN LINE N @ Antiques Restored RENTALS ------ M & C paiaon Road on 401 North Service) ite giving only name, ad- ville eWay. 92. Oshawa, Bowman- XIl @ 7 room, ANT AD } : ress and phi ' ~ ' 2 M. north Tounton Vill 7 V FREE ESTIMATES One -Poone Dumps). 19 : sist f 2 Coll \._north Tountoy lage 39 $ N i TOWER edd rede i "a2 ay 728.3651 _PHONE wie to repair or refinish your boat, ion GOODS 9A --Eggs & 'Poultry | Box M71 699 20--Real | | Estate for for og or $129 0.00" : 668.5679 any size or construction. -- DRAPERIES EGGS "DAISY FRESH" DAILY --| ot $12,900.00 v eres Le PAHOS BU t thi SESE a : atlas 723. White Feather Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752, | OSHAWA TIMES goge $100.00 a REUPHOLSTERING SERVICE CALL ONLY CALL Co tees Picked up, delivered 'al store or home, (COMPLETE AUTO WRECKING INDEX TO AND REBUILT | 725-9332 e E CALL LY 2.50 Oshawa Yachth CITY TV televisions, radios, Iness, 45 acres of ground. 12,000 oats . @ Wide Selection of Fabrics ast T.V. Service aven s "pied et 10--Farm Cc i ~~ |foot, two-storey building with larae HARMONY CLASSIFICATIONS S Wornenship Gusrneed 723-8186 i gdb dE el whe er's Column tend dans Rnroad ion property. ror : wo : lept. open lays o week. |DEAD AND CRI a' Z| information please call St xi ( fe PPL eve > @ Olive A --Women's Column Phone 728. 3] 7? i te ig ; DOMINION CHRIS CRAFT sy T.V. towers, color and [4 Up promptly. LED farm pHocn,pick- jEnglert, 723-5281, Guide Realty Limited. REAL ESTATE LTD. bungalow with re $ $ 4 rms--Free uke i yrone. Telephone Co! . si a * -- sane ae NURSERY simates TELEVISION aca SALES, and SERVICE a a te ee vone Collec! Hampton 263:/15Employment Wanted 728-7576 Figg wn sili field sod. Free esti-| @ Over 20 years 'i 728-5154 9 cVay fibreglas sail boats, | Servi : s |BALED HAY -- for sale, in the tield.| nice Bedroom: 4&--Marine Equipment es Telephone] = THE FURNITURE CENTRE x 8m. to_9 bm Crestliner, Peterborough and on g tally haga 05, soy ite per bole. Close fo One | The Best Service Yet INCOME HOME ni eek ie R's erat ; 3 en! Heschel seus |FOR FREE estimates o ar 90 Simcoe St. North JOE S COLOR TV er hipai oats Evin- 0500. All work ar Way, se ial anc baled. Ni | CLEANING BY ERED ee Ng oo Uist this 9 ay, eri $2Market: Bask ming, lawn cutting, tree rim: | RE-UPHOLSTERY by expe : le outboard motors as i led. New equip- , two family home. All : ' ieoearmers carn Fei. ck ioe fhe tn entan® aaa] and Radio Service ie outboard motor as, | CHESTERFIELD SUITES |as"saras ua saat anin anal], Inhunel, Residential good size rooms and two kite sic adaaies al T1--Pets ste! 28-9075 or 728-6 a : . . aeae Wane Lage Hah rete mie ice SPECIALIZING IN tein anae ee: 723-8 R186 from hay for sale Seat yous aale ea Inddastal, "Residential ote Boba see Wek Seca nd Bat = we seh Instruction _lasant, Upholstering, 287 Dean 'Avenue EUROPEAN RADIOS AND SPECIAL WILSON'S ne gtr fart year's hay, FE fi: free estimates call VESTED E BIGpEGY: AT HARWN q usines? Opportunities iis are aoa ETS SOROS 7 : BEST Pri i RED'S WIN eg Mh ia IR U paar TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS 12 ft. Aluminum car top. 2 pe Stites frou ie ihe? Aeales HAY for sale, 24 acres. Tele-| 668.6973 FOUR BEDROOMS XIV @ Tos tut ee tis Wan Rutherford's S ug - Upholstery Service 13 Bond W. 576-1670 $159 model, 4-seater and. choir fap Saas ai |MOVING-- Move 1 = rd ae phe mney. pace oer Male aA ' 'f of mixed hay, --- Move Inst x me ol 1$--Male ee areu Hale Wanted PR oc a8 Vv. R fc 7 _yeor quorontee $138. 3 pe. sectionals from 2Sc per bale. Dunbarton 3y- pad field. \truck with driver. ih fA codibl and a pclae garage moster bedroom moRest Estare For sale io RUG CLEAN! .V. Renfals MARINE STORAGE Je 11--Pet & pT os dae, remoase:""™ "=| $15,750.00, cll now to on een 20a--Summer Propertie: D S h | New Sets Wilson's F --Pet Livestoc SUMMER CLEAN. __| $15,750.00, call now to ily e spaciou' ei ila rivIng schoo og aaa ALCAN asset Goan io 6 o's Fur, 20 Church s_|VI----Pet & Livestock __ eit Sat fen Fm wat] guar" "wre Ieowra Obe 16 I wth 2 s for Sa ic 55-3 pen to 9 P.M. ; . - " ates. Telephone 725-1885 "| awa, 4 lace, basket Ml Sieria Gites' ae storage {iiceneed by Police Cammininn) Free Pick-Up and Delivery FURNITURE and 1966 HUMBER, 17-11 fiberalas, com: a ee RIDING STABLE |CARPENTRY WORK or dratting jobs, Vv. 9 builtin bookee 25--Houses for Rent @ Courteous Ins APPL plete. top, sleeper seats, fully equipped.| hold i ms (Former! |large_or small. Telephone | 723-8959. ACANT STORE in living room, di Sus Instr i N 0 HP Ev foods, furnishin, erly Lozy H) 26--Apartments for Rent uctors ngus-Grayaon vd Evinrude. Telephone 725-3529, got, shings etc. Hos y MALE HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER Immediate possession for thi holl. 4 piece ti ee, Cee poaation ' @ Duol Control Cars 728-6254 452 Simcoe South pda Lath dane 4) Sales held every 2nd Satur- lorses for rent by the hour, summer employment. References =e 60' x 20' cor Qi wePivag ttached ; 2--Reoms for Rept G fally Gaued' -- 728-6254 793. 0011 PSTARCRAFT." Grew Tiovaiae "bask, day. ee ery i. week. Also horses able. Telephone' 576-3755. Completely ooisd Bee slice ed garage ¢ ee ee ante STRAPIELDS reushwilerel anaity TOWERS 3 _z[Evinrece motors. Open. seven - days. 8 endon's Sales poste ee ce ---| ing ol fete : 30--Automobiles for Sale Fel dor ee ee eer CT. Ty Towels seciAl diet MIRON Eee 6032 Kingston Rd R.R. No. 3, Bowmanville 17--Female Help Wanted freecir Pie eS . 3]--Compact Cars for Sale 7 al for re-covering. Slip covers made |$50. Gehewn TY Stopiy Lintied, tone, NELL Peers Highland Creek 282-5604 623-7349 | beer. Plenty ot parking, Sele = t0 order. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles |Roed East, [ust Supply, Limited, Taunton iq: Hp Mercury moor, Grayeon: trailer -- rhb ee Bee Must be sold, reduced price GUIDE RI 14 ALBERT STREET | an reco bon r_|new tires, A Cancion poly Ss] WANT R PROFESSIONAL DOG | SERVICE RELIABLE only $15,500. L escapees akespeare A' ; i reeds, poodies - <8 DINE' | TIMES ACTION | Want-Ad |, \F -RUNADOUT OG -16 Ue mei wee] GET WITH saipwak oid a eee 'an delivery boar. PERSON REPAIR GARAGE LIMIT on a ler ni i f inscher: * . seeming, simple Tunes rate. ciessited ade] CLASSIFIED ADS ' S Don't jtater,.in geod sonation. $400 er test] TIMES ACTION ACTION! [pr Grrmen esting papsee for aa) for housekeeping, | live, tn <9 cert Chie athe a Notions sell things you don't need for spot cash = i. rat Kernels, S538 Private room, must i ement block buildi - Diel 723-3492 fer en Ad-writer now, BRING RESULTS! Cost-- -They Pay! [zoe moulded plywood boat. in good CLASSIFIED ADS. COnYs 'Roneh. Rea'd "Hater has ren , must like child- close tp Ritson Rd §, Lot stg 723-53 : s re Telephone] 723.3492 ' Show mare in. foal to quar- 99. Inesent als POE PENCE ET 3 eS ler horse. Pony. Pinto. Western saddle: cee eae Pre: HOW vp eer if s lequipment,. clothing. Ashi $ 3, h 2 perties now by calling T. + If yo : Mestora seat! §~mhone 720-7704 | Zakcrow ot 728- 7h. ony tem you wart nthe W

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