Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Jul 1967, p. 12

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HENRY NUBBIN JULIET JONES MICKEY MOUSE GRANDMA HELLO, ACE PLUMBING EMERGENCY SERVICE P. A BAD LEAK! LY' Gor IS THIS ACE PLUMBING EMERGENCY SERVICE?! RIGHT! NOW, HERE'S Qa pay, MeN © King Fomuys Syndieats lan, 1967. Wold tights vearved PONTIACS LOW PRICES BUZ SAWYER 12 THE OSHAWA TIMEs, Monday, July 10, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) South dealer. Both sides vulnerable, Norta * A104 @s752 oKo6s AS JANE ARDEN L DON'T WANT, To GOW 1TH YOU! ee eo 8 7-10 Smt ea The bidding: South West North Rast 1 Pass 16 Pass! 19 Pass 39 Pass; 4 Opening lead - five of spades, This hand occurred in the match between Argentina and SECRET AGENT X9 BEAUMONTS Joe Falcon,only to find he is Phil arrives to confer icate boss foo late... with ex-6: ITHOUGHT JOE'S FORMER ASSOCIATES WOULD TRY KEEP HIM FROM TALKING/., BIG TO THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. SUMMER SELL OUT VAUXHALLS "..BUT HIS OWN HEART DID THE \) WORK FOR THEM! LOOKS LIKE W ACOUPLE OF REPRESENTATIVES W~\ HAVECOMETO Jf i/ GLOAT/ Jamaica during the Second World Bridge Olympiad staged in New York in 1964. Here is how Arturo Jacques, the Argentine South, described the deal in the June, 1964, issue of the Bridge World magazine: '"'My partner, Marcelo Lerner, and I ordinarily use very simple Acol bidding, but what bid, other than a heart, could [ make after my partner's one diamond response? I had no spade stopper for notrump, and three clubs would not be part- icularly illuminating. And be. sides, how can partner possibly jbid for the notrump with my jheart holding? | "But now he jumps to three hearts, and again I'm stuck for |a bid. I think that bidding three notrump without a spade stop- per is surely out of the question, and in this situation a bid of three spades (after a jump) is not regular fourth-suit-forcing |and must show a spade control. I could see no way out, so [I just bid four hearts and hoped G.M.A.C. FINANCING ANN XEN \ ! \ 'M REAL HAMMOCK, TATER, 11'S STARTING TO RAIN! SA \\ WS » f : ry of & 2--Buffalo 3--Barrie 4--Buffale 4--Toronte 7--Buftalo Channel &@--Rochester Channel %--Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton Channel 12--Peterborough Channel Channel Channel Channel Channel NES os eet \ Q MONDAY &VENING 4 = Yat amily theatre AY a \ .\ cy &---Supermen Patret ere . = ighway 3-6-12--Mr. Piper 5.30 P.M, @--McHale's Navy 7--News 3-6-12--Pan Americana &--Of Lands and Seas 6:08 P.M. @--How's Business 7--Movie é--Gilligan's tsland 4-12--Weather, Sports in Safari 6:78 PLM. 12--Combat N--Plerre Berten 3-6-9--News, Weather, rts 7:0 P.M, Ti--LIttle People 9--Family Affair 6--TBA As HEIRESS CRIS CRINGEL STALKS FARL DELMONICO, CRINGEL 1S LOOK AT IT THIS WAY, EVE... IM A THEN BE PRACTICAL. LET'S GET MARRIED AND WAIT FOR LOVE TO COME ALONG. AND WHILE WE WAIT... COMFORTS THAT MY «.. WE CAN HAVE A GLORIOUS TIME. TRAVEL, HOBBIES -- NAME ANY ONE YOU LIKE -- AND ALL THE INDECENTLY LARGE , FORTUNE CAN BUY. World Rights Reserved LOOKS LIKE ATINY H-M /., LITTLE LEROY OVER THERE WITH ROY, CHA Ruan 7-10 (Ge sly MUGGS AND SKEETER No, TLL. EAT'EM HERE, PLEASE, RAY... @ HERE THEY ARE ... } OK, SKEETER! 27 es) 5 3 © King Fasturen Syndicate, (ne. 1967. W. @--True ° 4 n Hayride 3--Petticoat Junction 2--News, Weather, Sports 7:30 PLM, 11--Tarzan %--Lucille Ball : 7--Iron Horse 4--Gilligan's Island 3-6-12--Singalong Jubilee 2-8--Monkees 5:00 P.M, 9--Bewitched 4--Mr, Terrific 3-6-12--The Saint 2--Movie P.M 8:30 P.M, 1l--My Three Sons 9~--Andy Griffith lovie 7--Rat Patrol 4--Vacation Playhouse 200 P. 9: .M. 11--Petticoat Junction %--Country Music well 7--Felony Squad 4--Andy_ Griffith 3-6-12--Suspense Theatre 9:30 PLM, N--Merv Griffin 8--! Dream of Jeannie | 4-Andy Griffith 'CROSSWORT HIGH TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE SUMMER HOURS: MON. TO THURS. 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M, FRI. 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. SAT. 8 A.M. TO 1 P.M. TELEVISION LOG) 9--Big Valley 7--Peyton Place Louis Prima 10:08 P.M, 7--Big Valley 4--Coronet Blue | _3-6-12--News Magazine 2-4--Run For Your Life 10:38 PLM, 12--T.H.E. Cat 9--Cheaters 6--Dragnet 3--Rat Patrol 11:00 P.M. | 3-4-6-7-11-12--News Weather and Sports 2-9--News ef 1M, 6--Viewpoint nie P.M, \l--Plerre Berton 6--News Weather, and Sports | 4~--Greatest Headlines 1:3 PM, |2-8--Johnny Carson | 11.35 P.M, | Alfred Hitchcock 1 | 9--Nobel_ Lectures 11.45 P.M, | | 12--Movle 6--Girl from U.N.C.L.E, 12.00 A.M. | Mystery Theatre | 12.40 A.M, '--Gunsmoke TUESDAY 8:00 A.M. | 4--Captain Kangaree | 9--University of the Air | 8:55 A.M, | 7--Dlaling For Dollars, | Virginia Graham 9:00 A.M. 1l--Ed Allen Time | 4-Forest Rangers 9--Romper Room 8--Biography 2--Topper 9:30 A.M, 11--Hawkeye 9--Uncle Bobby 8--Gloria 4--Love of Life %Jack LaLanne 10: l 1i--Little People | &2--Snap Judgment | 4--Candid Camera 11--Expo People 9--Cartoon Playhouse &2--Cencentration 7: Dateline: Hollyweod 4--Beverly Hillbillies | 11:00 A.M, |11--It's A Match |, 9--Fractured Phrases 2-8--Personality 7--Supermarket Sweep 11:38 A.M, 11--Bonnie Prudden 9--Flying Doctor 7--Family Game 3-8--Hollywood Squares 4--Dick Van Dyke Shew 3--Ed Alien Time 12:00 NOON | 11--Hot Line %--Toronto Today $-2--Jeopardy 1--Monev Movie 3---Luncheon Date 4--News, Weather, 12:9 P.M, @--Eye Guess 44--Search tor Tomorrow 12-3--News, Weather, &Merv Griffin 3 .M. 44--Gulding Light 1:00 P.M. 1--Marriage Confl- dential 9--Movie &--Dialing for Dollars Virginia Graham 7--Fugitive 3-6-12--Luncheon Date 4--Meet the Millers 1:3 P.M. N--Movie 44--As The World Turns 6--Let's Make @ Deal 3--Movie &--Matches and Mates 2:00 P.M. 12--Ed Allen Time 7--Newlywed Game 6--Pan Americana 4--Password 2-8--Days of Our Lives 2.3 P.M. 12--Summer Scene 9--People In Conflict 7--Dream Girl 6--Coronation Street 4--House Party | 2-8--Doctors 3:00 P.M. | %--Words and Musie | &2--Another World | 7--General Hospital 4--To Tell The Truth | 3-6-12--Take 30 | 3:26 P.M, 4--News B MM, 1i--Mike Douglas %--I1's Your Move 7--Superman Shew 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night 24--You Don't Say 3 M, 4:00 P. 11--Super Comics 3-6-12---Communicate Mike peels 4:2 P.M. --Zerre Movie 4--Movie 3-6-12--Vacation Time ACROSS DOWN , 1. Plant 1, Discolored insects spot on 6. Philistine skin city 2. Sarcasm 10.Came up 3. Harmonize 11.Leave out 4,Large 12. Repression worm 14. Melody 6. Hunting 15. Utiversity dog in New 6. Aim ing Orleans 7. Friendly tool 16. Pert. to 8. Plant of 26. Universe malt aster ', Sounds 33, Poker drink fi 28."The ---- stake 17. Bog 9. Wait and the 34. Tine 18. Storage Pussy Cat" of area 13, Sprint 30. antler 19.Dialectal 14, River in 31,.Dull in 36. "Stowe" affirmative finish character 20. Prickly T Te seed coat 21. Joyful 7) 7 22. Pale 23. Garden 'S Z Y Yy' , Wee Y 20 ez Y 25 Cy 27 [28 'La 7 Wa Yy, >> Y 34 Y re weeks in the hospital with en- cephalitis. Is this sleeping sick- HUBERT for the best. "When dummy came down I noted with great displeasure that three notrump was ice cold, and that my brilliant (!) bid. ding had succeeded in getting us to the wrong contract. "On the lead of a small spade I went up with the ace and played the A-K of clubs follow- ed by the jack - unfortunately BROTHER, CAN 4 ruffed by West with the six, YOU HELP A oi : "1 ve ill oe led y a small diamond to the ace, and pono peng then played the ten of clubs, nies ey dummy discarding a Spade, Then I led still another club, discarding dummy's last spade, and East now ruffs and returns a low trump. "By this time the position is clear. I put in the heart nine, which fetches the ace, and I Di am lucky to bring home ten tricks for my contract." 4 SIR, CAN YOU HELP A POOR SOUL DOWN ON HIS Icelander To Visit Expo REYKJAVIK (Reuters) -- President Asgeir Asgeirsson of Iceland, who is due to visit Expo 87 in Montreal July 11, is a theology graduate who chose politics instead of the church. He entered the Icelandic par- liament in 1923 and served in it for almost 30 years. He has been president of the republic since 1952 and now is in his fourth four-year term. YOUR HEALTH Around 3rd M Dear Dr. Molner: How much eyesight does an infant have at birth? Please discuss its devel- opment up to six months.--Mrs. D. H. M. Little can be determined about a baby's visual sense un- til the child is old enough to co-operate, In early infancy the eyes don't focus. They wobble every which way. Either the little stranger hasn't yet ac- quired the ability to see, or hasn't learned how to aim his) eyes. | However, they apparently see light, shiny objects at a very Babies' Eyes Focus By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Born May 13, 1894, on a small jfarm at Koranes, in southwest Iceland, Asgeirsson went to :|Reykjavik at an early age with his parents. Although his par- ents were poor, they gave their son a good secondary education in Reykjavik and, at 18, he went to university. After a period as a clerk with the National Bank of Iceland, he was a teacher for nine years at von training college in Reykja- vik. onth curable? Are there atfter-ef- fects?--E. F, Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain, and frequently called sleeping sickness be- cause the patient feels drowsy. It must always be considered a serious disease, but the in-| In 1930 when the Althing céle- tensity of the attack is often the|brated its 1,000 anniversary, he important question. Has it|Was its Speaker. caused bleeding, abcess-forma- Asgeirsson was director of the tion or pus in the brain? 'No|Fishing Trade Bank of Iceland answer can be offered without/from 1938 fo 1952, the year ne some idea of the answers to|became president. these questions, because en-| Elegant, tall and well-built, he cephalitis can range from rela-|has the calm, stately bearing tively mild to fatal. Suited to high office. HELD HIGH OFFICES During his long membership of the Althing, or parliament, he held various major political Posts. He was minister of fi- nance for three years and prime minister from 1932 to 1934. early age--eye ts can be determined after the age of object or a light. By about 18 months or two ent; red being distinguished Of course, certain defects in the structure of the eye can be hthal: about two months because the|ous parts of the world, carried i baby's eyes will follow a shiny/by animals, mosquitoes, wood- years color perception is pres-/appear in North America. first. Perhaps colors are rec-|COmmon virus infections reach- ognized earlier than that, buti/ing the brain--measles enceph- we have no way of finding out. gg influenza encephalitis, ete. determined and examined by|™e @ harder question than you Lik e it can result from] In the 1952 presidential elec- many types of infection in vari-|tion, he had two opponents. But in cai 1960 and 1964 he was re-elected without opposition. ae pogg are une it og 2) In his capacity as president » apout SiX/he paid official visits to tne Scandinavian countries and Brit ain. In the spring of 1966 ie made a state visit to Israel and was the first foreign leader to address the Knesset, that coun- y's parliament. His wife, Dora, the daughter of a bishop of Iceland, whom he It can result, also, from some Thus you see you've asked xd I can use of an which operation. It is an instrument look into the eye. By six months a child should persons. One wonders, because of the double most of the time. If so, it doesn't seem to bother them ter has just returned from two ness? How serious is it? Is it . shay if your daughter was does not require the child's co- enough to leave the hospital in which permits the physician to i weeks, it would appear that aot, -- gone vaged informa- } ion would have to come from|(c be fixing his gaze--not neces-lher doctor who knows the ex- sarily focussing--on objects and/tent of her illness. motion of babies' eyes, whether)months ago I had my they may not all be seeing/ breast removed because of can- Shaw! cer. This was followed by alevent series of cobalt treatments, Willlthe second by three-quarters of this in any way affect myla length. Ti fe th events Dear Dr. Molner: My daugh-jheart or shorten my naturallon ig bb le life?--Mrs. A, E, r only that! well married in 1917, died in Septem- ber, 1964, aged 72. er chances of recovery are B.C. CREWS WIN MAIDENHEAD, England P)-- Crews from Shawnigan Lake school near Victoria, B.C., won two out of three events Thursday from Emanuel Col- lege, one of Britain's top row- leftling schools. In the eights, nigan Lake lost the first by 1% lengths, but won Dear Dr. Molner: About two he 1,000-metre course was two minutes, 38 seconds. David No. On the contrary, it is an|Motter, 17, of Calgary won the added precaution against recur- rence of the cancer. sculling singles by five lengths in 2:52, re TOL voRonTe 10:4 istribut Toronto Stock & Quotations in cen 2--Odd lot, xd--E rights, xw--Ex-war1 from previous boa Stock Sales |} Accra 1000 Agnico 1 Ang Ruyn 300 1 Ang U Dev 3000 Argosy 500 Aunor 100 2 Barnat 2300 Bethim 100 5 Broul Reef 2000 Brunswk 1100 6 Bunker H 1000 C Mines = 23000 Camp Chib 250 8 Cc Tung 200 2 Cc Dyno 1000 1 Can-fer 1600 Captain 2000 Chib M 500 Conlagas 1000 Conigo 89800 Con Fardy 700 2 C Halli 1000 ¢ Cc Marcus 1000 Cc Mogul 100 3 € Morisn 1000 4: C Neg 500 C Rambler 1200 1 Red P 41000 Coprcorp z100 Cop Fields 400 1 Craigmt 200 $1 D"Eldona 2600 14 Denison 452 $7 Discovry 100 11 Dome 210 $ East Sull 555 5: Frobex 7150 48 Gnt Masct 350 13 Glenn 12500 3 Goldrim 500 4 Grandroy 3000 4 Green Pnt 2000 3 Gunnar 250 21 Hastings 100 14 Hollinger 475 $2 Huds Bay 110 $é Iron Bay T 2000 34 Jaye Exp 7500 | Jelex 1200 3 Joliet 2000 4 Jonsmith 1300 1 Kerr Add 1423 $1 Kid Coper 500 6 Kirk Twns 2000 1 L Dufauit 75 $1 Lakehead 1000 2 La Luz 100 $1 Leitch 1000 59 Madsen 550 14 Malartie 500 4 Martin 1000 2 Mattgmi 2125 $1 Mc intyre 100 $8. Merrill 1500 11 Midri 92700 14 MinOre 2000 1 Muilti-Mi 500 134 Nealon 101 ' New Ath 9397 2 Newconx 200 56: N Harri 2000 1! N Senator 5500 4 Nick Rim 1400 I Nor Acme 1000 | Norbaska 500 5) Norgold 2000 Northgat 1550 53 N. Beave 2100 9 Obaska 1000 Osisko woo 5. Pamour 100 206 Patino 400 90 Pax int 4500 Pce Expl 9900 12% Placer 750 $35 Preston 200 91s Q Matta 10000 114 Radiore 500 = 5: Rio Algom 1842 $33 jo 580 Pr = 210 $iu0 Rio Alig ew 25 $15 Roman 895 $15 Rowan Cn 2000 13 ya 3500 Satellite 1000 rritt 100 420 Slivrtids 400 435 Steep R 350 590 Sud Cont 1000 2 Texmont 8500 91 Tombill 200 108 Tundra 2125 W U Asbestos 2794 455 U Buffedn 6000 43 Un Cmsti 1000 1¢ Un Keno 250 410 Upp Can 600 140 Urban Q 2000 12 Vespar 50 4 West Mine 1900 255 Windfall 4100 2) Win-Eld 1000 14 Yukon € 500 136 Zenmac 2100. 23 OILS, | Alminex 475 473 Asama 11000 486 Banff 150 $15 Calvert 2400 28 CS Pete 200 227 C Ex Gas 1100 430 C Homestd 600 275 Cdn Sup QO 465 $47 Cent Del 200 $13 Charter © 525 39 Dynamic 300 120 Fargo 500 525 French Pt 100 450 Gt COilsds 750 $1: Mill City 400 138 N Cont 3000 38 NC Oils 5700 591 Numac 700 395 Numac wt 3000 9% Permo 1000 22 Petrol 1200 64 Place @ 1500 239 Ranger 700 265 Scurry Rn 4460 $37 Spooner 6950 89 Triad Oil 200 186 U_ Canso 300 325 W Decalta 1000 298 W Decit w 600 142 INDUSTI Abitibi 48 39 Acklands 100 $9 Alta Gas w 400 925 Algo Cent z10 $8 Algoma St 7160 $24 Alcan 1245 $29 Public | Of Jude MELBOURNE ( John McClemens i In the New Sout preme Court, he | tice with restraint sion, and is Aust sentative on the U on Prevention of Treatment of Of president of Aust: After-Care Council But when Judg let go virtually fr old who had ki youth to death in t public felt justice done. Almost eve! in Australia's 1 joined in a chorus At a time whe fighting a desper stamp out violence by hoodlums, st seemed outrageou was the feeling t South Wales attor ordered an appea sentence, which '\ judges now will de Judge McClemens fair and just. The case arose f of Raymond Dixo' built, 98 - pound who left a discoth 16-year-old girl were standing at t Mer waiting for a

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