Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Jul 1967, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 10, 1967 ANN LANDERS | Soap Operas Fill Lack Of Lad's Fun In Life Dear Ann Landers: Our son| The new girl is a mediocre --212 pounds--was a weighticellist and has absolutely no lifter in high school and captain| vibrato, She has taken lessons of the wrestling team. He now/for only two years. I have stud- is engaged to a beautiful girljied for six years. It is a well- and seems happy. His grades|known fact that this girl got are excellent and he has plenty|my chair because her father is of friends. a friend of the director. She is The problem is that the boy/also good looking. My father is is hooked on soap operas. His!a plumber and I am not much split program at school makes to look at. I am a good cellist, it possible for him to stay at/however, and I want my) home most of the day. jseat back. Any suggestions?-- He starts with Love of Life,|Plumber's Daughter followed by Secret Storm, Guid-| Dear Daughter: Keep prac- ing Light, As The World Turns, |ticing, Toots -- especially your Doctors, General Hospital andjvibrato. When it becomes obvi-| Edge of Night. He did not pick/ous to one and all that you are} up this habit from me as the undeniably the superior cellist, only soap opera I watch is|the director will just have to! Edge of Night. Incidentally, he/give the chair to you. Class doesn't try to conceal his mania| tells. from his friends. I've heard! him brag that he hasn't missed) Dear Ann Landers: I am just | As The World Turns in four|about your age, so please don't! years. think this criticism comes from Do you think something is a stuffy old lady. I was brought | wrong with him? I have al-/up by a mother who had elegant! JUST BRIMMING OVER THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TUESDAY Stress a down-to-earth atti- tude on Tuesday. Do not be- come discouraged over minor obstacles, but take the long- range view in all activities. If projects are truly worthwhile, slight setbacks will not deter you from completing them. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If Tuesday is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that, as of Sept. 1, and continuing for two months, it would be advis- able to lay as firm a foundation as possible for financial ad- vancement, Do not expect im- mediate returns, however. Not until the beginning of January will you note any marked trend along this line, but a fine cycle, beginning then, will last through the end of March. It will be im- portant that you make plans during the aforementioned two months, however, since plan- etary influences then will heighten inspiration, intuition and foresight for you and all Cancerians, And, properly pre- pared, you can take advantage of later opportunities as they arise. There will be many dur- ing the next two years, say the stars, so be alert. Second good period for monetary interests, during 1968, will encompass the three-month period beginning June 1. Further notes on the fiscal score. Do avoid extravagance during the first week of August, and speculation throughout Sep- |tember, November and Decem- a | ber, when it will be extremely ready ruled out the possibility| manners. She taught me it was} Here are some of the left to right, are: Vinyl bonnet by Mr. John. Bot- Aa 'i gg ao that he watches all this TV/a breach of etiquette to apply ; 3 A "A t left to right: frosted rhinestone strap, which can stuff to compensate for a dull|makeup at the table when in| ri hat fashions gh? babi Bie c hat by et Peay Medel draw D8 Worn as a necklace, by life, because his life is pretty|ing out. | n New York Sunday by makers; felt pith helme fo, ; Reggie W. ; interesting. What is your the-| I attended a banquet last} the Millinery Institute. Top, by Frank Olive; pink baby string by Mr, Stanley, and (AP Wirephoto) ory? -- Not Worried But Con-jevening and you were the % . cerned |speaker, I was appalled when Dear Concerned: Maybe you|I saw you dig into your handbag No Opportunities KEEP IN TRIM | WORKER WHISTLED risky. Also, during the latter ATLANTIC CITY, NJ. (AP) three months, make no long- real grandmother, decided nine years ago she was tired of be- ing a housewife. She entered law at McGill, faculty's oldest graduate and now has a thriving law prac- tice, women," she says. 'The afflu- ent society has sapped their de- termination work." ee 7 think his life is interesting, but/and pull out a mirror and lip-| obviously he doesn't think it! stick, There, in the presence of| can compare with Secret/1,000 people you powdered your! Storm, Guiding Light and the nose and proceeded to paint In Summer Stock Teenagers Should Include |Mrs. Jean Nidetch, founder and president of Weight Watchers' Inc., was whistled at by a sani- rest. A boy his age who is so your lips. fascinated by fantasy that he| Could it be that I was seeing spends several hours every day|things? Set me straight.--| as an observer needs to become! Shocked Without Schooling By ROBERTA ROESCH In a season when the thea- tre's opportunities beckon to By Protein Food A IDA JEAN KAIN t Each Meal Fish or poultry three 'ounce} tation worker recently, which, she says happily, never hap- pened when she weighed 214 pounds. She used to be size 44; term financial commitments and limit expenditures to the necessities of life. Cancerians are well known for their love of luxuries but, in the interest of future gain, it would be well to curb such desires for the bal- now she's size 12. Weight ance of 1967. Best periods for more involed with the real Dear Shocked: You are/many young people--eith world--as a participant. t straight. The thing you saw was|jobs in summer stock or fo |I. Good manners are simply|start of careers--one pe Dear Ann Landers: Please|common sense. Often the ladies|whose thoughts are wor print this before school starts|room is a half a block from the|tening to is producer in the fall. I am a girl 17 and|speaker's table. It is more sen- |Ludlum. will be a junior when school| sible for a woman to dab on a starts. I play the cello and do it/little powder and apply lipstick well. I held the first chair for|--which takes all of 10 seconds two years. Then this cute new|--than to hike to the ladies As producer at tl on the Mall in Berg Paramus, N.J., Bob i " r of the first girl came to town and got my|room or face an audience with shies . ; rs jyear-round legitimate chair and I was demoted. a shiny nose and no lips. Ito 'be established in a sh jcentre, Amid stores, shops and |\taurants, his theatre CHILD GUIDANCE Don't Pamper Child pyc gee Who Won't Go To Sleep ing for the theatre, ars you've got for. vou. Nutrition- never will be a ous time. Your food these years in- height, your vigor, your bones, . Your brawn--your Nutrition science ing when you regard s of your body building from the materials fur- ad by what you eat daily. he height score, approxi- 70 percent of your i potential depends on your heredity. What you do with the 30 percent depends on your health and nutritional status. presents The food pattern that enables} jfull-scale background of acting By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD. | Stick to the afternoon nap.| such stars as Joan Fontaine,/you to achieve your inherited! Tom Ewell, David Wayne, Viv-|height potential is the one that |directing, producing and wr A mother writes: s. He eats well, is| the evening almost toilet-trained, plays fre-\and take him back to bed. He|Leave the door ajar with the quently with his father. knows his letters on sight, can/1 do seven-to nine-piece puzzlesj/have no fear. of the playschool variety and is|ANSWERING QUESTIONS learning numbers and colors. He loves to be read to and reads by himself whole books at a time. "During the day he is active) and generally takes a nap of Once he learns the meaning of| "My only child, Danny, is al-|n0 he will stay where put. Just! most 26 months. I have a prob-|d0n't let him come to your bed- lem of getting him to sleep in|Toom. jan Vance, Orson Bean, Bert |Lahr, Arlene Francis, Eli Wal- jlach, Anne Jackson and Eva Gabor, His wife, actress Mary| Smack him then if he comes!Ryde, also performs there. ight on in the hall so he may Q.--Would you hope to help|end of the work. child overcome a fear by| "But for every phase of the + an at him when he has this)work a high level education is ear t," A.--No; nor anybody else. important," added the producer one to two hours. For his nap he usually wants me to sit by } him, but even if I don't he is Do Women Shirk more than likely to go to sleep within five minutes. "It is at night when we have| our problem. He goes to bed} (Management Jobs? |performances, Broadway plays who, prior to opening his New| Jersey theatre, received his) jtheatrical education and train-| jing in four years at Wesleyan, jsummer stock, off - Broadway. jand television shows. TORONTO (CP)--A_ speaker; '"'Here on the Mall," he said, "There are many opportuni-|the key nutrient carriers. ties to stretch yourself and pro-|acquainted with that term "nu- vide good theatre, Ludlum said,|trients," a "and not the least of them are/nourishes. in the technical and production uished in the protective foods! | wor willingly, His musical soldier is| Who urged the National Secre-| 'everyone on our staff has a wound, his stuffed dog is|taries Association international/bachelor's or master's degree, hugged to his chest, and his|Seminar to become more man-\and- we even have some doc- covers tucked in. Then he be-|agement - oriented was told by |torates. gins to plead. He wants some-|delegates that women climbing) 'A never-ending reading pro- one to sit next to him. Eventu-|the business ladder became|gram is important for hopefuls, ally I have to hold his hand, | 'too aggressive, too mascu-|too. Actors and actresses al- tub his head or lie down on the line." |ways read novels to enlarge nearby bed. Dr. Mary Moore, chairman|their imagination and history to "I would be willing to sit next/of the department of business|increase their knowledge. to him if he'd go to sleep, but|law and office administration at} "In addition to obtaining a he ends up talking, wanting an-| Michigan State University, bur-|broad education, young people other toy. But he still doesn't/ied her head in her arms when|Who are seeking opportunities go to sleep. Tonight, for exam-|delegates also remarked from|in the theatre need to perform ple, he has not gone to sleep in|the floor: "Who wants to work|aS much as they can while they the two hours he's been in bed./until-10 or 11 at night. . . ."|Jearn what makes the theatre He's gone potty once. He The comments 'what it is. | meets your nutrition' require- quirements for fitness and well- being. Certain foods, aptly termed "protective," are known "det e substance which The nutrients fur- together to build and leader foods and make them the ion during serving, cooked weight, without) Watchers started as a seven- bone. Egg -- medium, Cheese--one ounce. Bread--cereal three to five servings. ' Accessories Cost |More Than Attire | By JEAN WILSON | NEW YORK (AP)--They are jbreeding bigger frogs in order to produce a new status hand- |bag to replace the alligator. | They are making headlights jinto earrings, Tiffany lamps |into umbrellas. They are disguising bugging jaids with strings of pearls and gold chains, and they are stuff- ing the stemware of pretty girls into sterling silver and 24-carat | gold stockings. "They" are some of the peo- ple who create the accessories to compliment women's cos- tumes, Some accessories cost more than the costumes them- | selves, | At a show Thursday they dis- zle for some 200 fashion writers maintain good health. Know te played this season's razzle daz- foundation of your daily food pattern. The nutritionally important foods are divided into four groups: The Milk Group; the Meat Group; Fruit - Vegetable Group; Bread-Cereal Group. A well-balanced pattern of eating means that foods are selected from each of these four groups. When foods from one group are slighted, a number of nutrients may be in low supply. During the growth - spurt years, your need for calories and protein, is very high. The two important factors to bear in mind are: (1) the body's en- ergy needs come first. (2) the faster the body is growing the more protein it needs for build- ing, maintenance and repair. A high value protein food should be included at each meal, starting with breakfast. The following foods furnish came after climbs down from bed every 15 | shintithe SF 40, tb kee ih he can| oT Moore told the 60 delegates | , | get away with playing with h om the U.S. and Canada at |complete protein: Lean meat, "An apprentice training pro- fish, poultry, eggs, milk, skim gram like the one we have each summer--and like those avail- here for the New York Couture |Group's press week activities, Hoping to give alligators and lizards back to their steamy habitats is handbag designer Coblant. Besides growing bigger frogs for his mini-purses with maxi ($200) price tags, he is stitching together turtle skins for larger carryalls. Prize-winning Stanley Hagler and his associates are respon- sible for the headlight earrings. Hagler also created a necklace that hides a microphone and to- jtal ear ornament that conceals \a hearing aid. | | GLANZER @ CUSTOM CABINETS fe KITCHENS @ HARDWOOD FURNITURE WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES 345 FRENCH ST. milk, cheese and cottage cheese. | toys. t 'S'tending the six - day seminar} hat women are still dragging} able in one form or another in many areas -- is ideal for OSHAWA Dry beans, dry peas, lentils, rot and peanut butter are also Phone 576-2980 __ jand Israel. career advancement: The latter; CREATED OWN ORCHESTRA half of August, the last week in) MONTREAL (CP) -- Lucia pe yo one cues ana cae aie Dlugoszewski, for 13 years com. some qpockal Couneaiion' roan poser in residence for the superiors), late December, next|American Dance Company of February and May. Eric oon appearing ast Expo, performs on a percussion PP sone aa orchestra she created. Using ing most of the year ahead, but|her own musical notations she be alert to possible periods of|Plucks a piano's strings and stress in late October and late|Plays drums and rattles of December. Best periods for ro-|metal, wood, glass and paper, mance: September, late Decem- ber, February, May and June; for travel: August, September, late October, all of January, April and June. A child born on this day will be resourceful, imaginative and versatile, NEVER TOO LATE MONTREAL (CP) -- Adela) Pattison, a 66-year-old Mont-| Enquire About VIC TANNY'S CANADA'S LARGEST AND FINEST CHAIN OF HEALTH SPA'S OPEN SOON OSHAWA became the "Life is too. easy for to get out and PRODUCER-IN-CHARGE | Bob Wagstaff is producer-in- charge of CBC radio's light en- tertainment department. | jmember organization in her| |Little Neck, N.Y., home and} now has tens of thousands of members in 31 states, England OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS Available At : ! | } OPPOSE FASHION RECIFE, Brazil (AP)--Con- |flict is sharpening in the capi- tal of the poverty-ridden state of Pernambuco between ladies of high fashion and legislative! deputies with low opinions of} high skirts. Some deputies ad- vocated arrest for wearers of mini-skirts. Mrs. Luis Cabral, considered a leader of fashion, retorted: "The deputies should jeare more about hunger and jmisery." ! NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. E., Oshewe 8x10--1.50eech || Sx7--1.28 coch | 20% Discount on Orders of 5 or More Pictures That Dog's On Our Lawn Again...! There's nothing more irritating than to have messy dogs undo the care and attention you've given your lawn and flower. beds. Carpets, too, become and look worn and frayed with the trample of feet, day in and day out. That's the time for BAKER'S carpet care. . . BAKER'S restore your carpets and draperies to almost like new condition. CABINETS | es EXPORT... CANADA'S SECOND MOST POPULAR Not all of the good things from Canada come in bottles. Far from it! Electrohome Stereo Hi Fi is another superb example of Canadian skill. Cabinets are breathtakingly styled. And this is one case where you can tell a book by its cover: sound reproduction is as beautiful as the styling. Rich, full and incredibly distortion-free. Unique ii \ Cell BAKER'S, they'll heve the rugs eut end beck egein in amazingly short time ! "Free Pick-Up and Delivery" ~ "JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" "Over 80 Years Experience" BAKE A Cleaning Co. CALL ZENITH 9-9100 We Pay The Charge 4 ls eet onl oe a eh a HOOVER WASHER- 360° Satellite Sound literally surrounds you with music. See and hear Electrohome. Then judge for yourself. BLECTROHOME "He's so cute and innocent their feet in busi 3 ; % | usiness and sec- and proud of himself when he/retaries should stop thinking of|/© climbs out of bed, I can't | i ¥ apank him. 1 do speak firmly | emselves as clerical employ-|,; and consistentl: ds i i jtical experience in set desi, swat him on his bottom, T've|FEW RESPOND land construction, stage man- tried eliminating Danny's nap,| Only a few hands showed agement, lighting, stage proper- but he becomes too cranky and|When she asked if any wanted | ties, wardrobe, sound and other sleepy to get through dinner to|t? be in management. jspecial areas. They see first- a decent bedtime. She told her audience Friday|hand what constitutes quality To top this off, if ever Dan/that in the U.S. half the women and keeps the theatre alive. wakes in the night, whether itjover 25 never finished high| Then, above everything be 11 p.m., 1:30 a.m. or 5:45) school; 60 per cent of those whojélse," Bob Ludlum said, "one's a.m. he runs in our room tojenter college never graduate|motivation for answering the climb in our bed. About threejand only a small percentage|Call of the theatre should come }igoad tte etn oe enter professional careers. ees a rang yer wag ge Was cose to rising time. But) Dr, Moore said the number of|'!ation for it, rather than a| prod decreas ue over| women, in the labor force has|SuPerficial leaning towards it. | : 4 a a |doubled since 1940 and more| a gi fe paccag orf do notithan half are between 45 and 35.| EXPERT RE-FINISHING e She said this indicates! A GOOD SLAP HELPS 'i . j Fi My reply in part: women shirk jobs which put|f On. oll Types Sener ot Acti I think your main problem is|? Premium on talent and|j° 93 7 1 to teach that child the meaning| Prins." } Oshawa Upholstering Co. J) of no while he's up and about.|| The association's annual con-| 725-0311 } Don't tell him to go to sleep | ference opens here Tuesday. | | arning about the theatre. "In these programs, appren- ces get instruction and prac- |good protein sources. Daily Pattern for Protein Allowances -- Teen years Milk--skim or whole, 3 to 4 glasses--eight ounce each; boys ages 15 to 18--4 glasses. Lean meat three ounce serv- ing, cooked weight, without jone. ELECTROLYSIS Removes superfluous hair painlessly Try Our Kree-Imperial Machine MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawe et the GENOSHA HOTEL July 10th, 11, 12th PHONE 723-4641 For appointment on these detes but tell him not to get up and! out of bed. Don't use your Mla dla dl Al, ln, Mn, A, Ml, Mn, Mr, Mn, Mr, Mn, A, Mn, An, A tongue but your hand. When you|" swat him on his bare thigh be) sure it hurts. It would be fine to read to him and talk to him and cuddle him and rock him a bit before bedtime. | SALE! SUMMER DRESSES SUITS & SLACKS 50% Off Girl's Wagon 19 i 19 BOND ST. WEST |). school to teach all phases of hairdressing to ment certificate of qualification. _ OSHAWA HAIR DRESSING SCHOOL Career schools of hairdressing of TORONTO will be opening a qualify for govern- syespmnerrtaeane sta STEREO HI Fi WITH THE DIFFERENCE | 'There's Some Consolation if All Your Dreams 'Don't Come True ++.neither do your nightmares | Middle age is |the time of your life when you can feel bad in the morning without heving fun the |night before. | The ones who usually get the most out of middle age are the grand- children. BOB EAKINS The paper airplanes we all made as kids are the delta wing pets of today. We were just ahead of our time, A toupee is @ breath of fresh hair. All we need now is @ gasoline that puts a rabbit in our tanks -- for short hops. If your-need is for a good clean- = \er you can rely on for quality work, |prompt service at reasonoble prices, OPENING ; Approximately August 15th, 1967 for further information call 576-3558 in oshawa then look no further. We'll do our best to fill your needs. Gillard ASK ABOUT OUR -- SPECIAL CENTENNIAL PRICES In effect during the month of July, PARKWAY TELEVISION We Service What We Sell . . . Ourselves Closed Saturday Noon During July and August CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. 918 Simcoe N. 723-3043 HAMPTON, ONTARIO DRY CLEANING, SHIRT LAUNDERING | 725-3555 -| 263-2241 | es WORLD'S LARGEST SELLING WASHER! EASY TERMS VALIABLE AT: Pappys Manxet Silk stitches Pomers combin produce Mrs. f from ai done 01 Girl By cP A fish Institute, Kiwanis guild are ing 2,000 countries ada's he! The gi nial proj held on islands i River Ju Canadian cadets w provinces Their guides 3 from cou tributed | Britain, | lands, G Denmark Finland, it is hope The gil on the is! their far hospitalit: outdoor screen scenery t One, ¢ Tree, is Reaney ¢ Western ( pageant | since 186% DIRECT! Mrs. ¥ of Richm been dire by mail. ' telling the and ano 'Please le sent.'"" Another of Canada by Mrs. ! Vicki L ton, Onta look at W ern Cana rived the: informatie the Pan- Vicki, w already t} of 15,000 America miles do aS

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