Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jul 1967, p. 16

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or refrigerator eo 1.19 . 69 . 1.19 (397) Nvenient way to ANTOLIN ONE OF THOSE OLD-FASHIONED HERE'S AN OLD-FASHIONED | CORFE MUG | q. ¥ oa | / "1c Paap) Wy THAT WAS les Nice OF Bat DAISY! © we | | YEARS WHAT WERE CALLED AGO MEN HAD) rz evess * Yj) He's WHAT YOU'D CALL A CHOW 008 MAH AIRS GOIN'=64sPY-- FAST!! EF ONLY AH KIN LAST TILL AH CHOPS CON*T' "TELL JOKES UKE THAT IN FRONT oF FRENCH POODLES --- "gel SENSITIVE' 4 Goop % AFTERNOON, SIR. MAY L HELP You? BUZ SAWYER JANE ARDEN YES, PLEASE. 1... ER... A WRIST WATCH, PLEASE, Nt INLY, WE HAVE THEM IN ALL PRICES FROM... SIR, |S SOMETHING WRONG? HOW ODD! YOURE THE SECOND PERSON THIS WEEK WHO'S MISTAKEN ME FOR A PERSON NAMED CHRISTY, AM I. SUPPOSED SECRET AGENT X9 YES, SIGNOR! IT WAS VERY SUDDEN, BUT NOT THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS SUMMER SELL OUT VAUXHALLS PONTIACS LOW PRICES BEAUMONTS poeta HIS HEART, T BELIEVE. THE WHOLE VILLAGE KNEW HE HIS WAS IN BAD AND TODAY MANY ATTEND FUNERAL, I THINK ¥ YOU'D BETTER TAKE ME G.M.A.C. HIGH TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE SUMMER HOURS: MON. TO THURS. 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M. FRI. 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. SAT. 8 A.M. TO 1 P.M. 1 VOTE FOR GASTRIC, HERE, BEIN \_ ALOWEO To JOIN THE CLUB / NOS ue'LL BAT THE MONBY OUT OF THE TREMBURY/ He's PROMISED TO BAT ONLY THE PAPER MONEY! AN' You ANOW THAT WON'T APPECT QUR TREASURY // Channel 2--Buffaloe Channel 3--Barrie Channel 4--Buftalo Channel 6--Toronte Channel 7--Buftalo Channel 8--Rochester Channel %--Torento Channel 11--Hamilton Channel 12--Peterborough SATURDAY @VE. 5.00 P.M. Vi--Secret Agent &--Film Feature 6--Vive En Ce Pays Camera Three Hymn Book | Faith for Today | 1:38 A.M, | 9--Meta Social Security Discovery 67 3--Spectrum | @--Recital \4--God and Man | 2--Sum and Substance 12:08 NOON 9--Italian Arum | 8--Adventures in Para- 4 dise 7--Dialogue 6--Les Cailloux 4-3--News, Weather, | Sports 7--Wide World of Sports | *--Lets Look at Congre: 34- 2 -- Frankenstein Jr. amtiorse Baca. : 30 Pam le Slits is > 2You Asked for It, ee PM. 11--Let's Sing Out 9--Thunderbirds &--McHale's Navy 612 Eric Sykes 1215 PLM. ed tal eam 12:30 PM. | 11---Father Meehan 7--ABC Scope 6--Extension 4--Face the Nation 3-T.BA '| TELEVISION LOG 10:38 PLM, 1--Music Go Round 4-What's My Line? 3-4-12--Struggle for ace 100 P.M. 2-3-6-7-B-11-12--News, Weather, Sports 4-9--News 1.25 P.M. 4--Grentest Headlines ne PM, U--Great Music | 7--Movie 4--Movie &--Johnny Carson 7--Movie 3--Movie | 2--Merv Griffin rom 38 11.40 P.M, 12---Spectrum 9--Mete | mONDAY 4--Captain Kangaree | » 6.30 AM, University of the Air tion 8:55 AM. Dialing for Dollars, | CROSSWORD | ACROSS 1. Symbol of authority 5. Kind of apple DOWN 9. Sawlike 1. Brawl part 2. Medieval 10, Fertile helmet. desert spot 3. Belief 12, Egyptian 4. Digraph dancing 5. Pines 6. Grate T. Samoan mollusk 41. Affirma- tive votes 42, Christmas song girl 13. Naval officer 14, Require 15. Fiber knot of the 16, Exciama. 17. Hates 19. Heart 20. Conjune- 9. Grit 11, Traps ; 21, Learning 8. Wild sheep FINANCING 13. Doors, gates, etc. 18, Old French coin 19. Bird ery {ola} CG Om! 21, Text INIEIAIRIS Mv iAlziolo} ofan \ClAINIOlE1S BEMIO]OIN} vere cee 22. Rubs out Yesterday's Answer 23. Firat team 24. Prayer 25. Also 29. Pro- 30. national 31. Urge organiza- forward tion 32. Kekers 34. Tissue 37, Expire do. imtare 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, July 8, 1967 13 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masiers' Individual Championship Play) South dealer. Neither side vulnerable. NORTH 4AQ8 @Al8s O05 410862 EAST 49532 o--- o7108643 &I97 sOUTH 4K104 9 K1i09752 Oa eAQs 'The bidding: Bouth West North Fast 1g Pass 3 Pass sy Opening lead - monds. What is the factor that dis- tinguishes the expert from the average player in the play of the cards? In most cases it is simply that the expert, when faced with a problem, gives the matter that extra bit of thought that usually enables him to come up with the right answer, if there is one For example, note how our mythical expert approaches the play of this hand. He gets a diamond lead and wins Fasi's jten with the ace It is obvious that the only possible losers are a heart and two clubs. However, a heart jean be Jost only if the suit is |divided 3-0, and even in that case it can be avoided if South |makes the right choice of |whether to cash the king or ace |first. | So the question at the start jis which way to tackle the jhearts. There is not much to go jon in the bidding, since the op- }ponents were silent throughout, Jand therefore South's only clue is the opening lead. He notes that West led the deuce of diamonds, presumably his fourth-best diamond. If the lead is on the level, West must have started with four dia- monds and Fast with six It follows from this that if one opponent does have three \hearts, West is the one more likely to have them, According- ly, declarer leads the king first. When East shows out, South takes the marked finesse and then draws a third round of trumps. Having passed this hurdle, declarer now turns his atten- tion to the clubs. Rather than \ East i diately for the king, South looks for a way to guard against the possibility that West has that card. Accordingly, he cashes the \A-K-Q of spades, ending in two of dia- The effect of this play is that West must now return a club { i | 22. De- 10 or yield a ruff and discard. In viens em partures, LY either case, South makes the L-Fd Allen Time ala Y slam. Romper Room Dunkirk we za am bles in minutes! out tears! Plastic, on stainless steel 4--News,, Weather, 1:80 P.M, 3--Lost in space 1--Continental Mina 2--Death Valley Days | tur * Spectrum am PM, TIC potatoes, onions in e motion they are natic slices numer- , tinned meat, cu- n. jes tomatoes, hard esse, 198 (394) arver Ons Fame Sets TT © King Poareren Syutientn lng, 1967. World sighes renee 11--Wrestling 9--Flintstones 7---Movie &--Sounds '47 4-.News 2--NFL Action 7:08 PM. %--Away We Go &--Film Feature 4--Round Table 3-6-12---Ed Evanko 2----News, Weather Sports 7:38 PLM, 12--Avengers 1-Lacrosse 4--Away We Ge 3-6--Tarzan 2-6--Flipper GOLLY, EATING BY ' CANDLELIGHT DOGSN"T Dut HELP... SO I'LLTAKE OFF MY GLASS ' WELL, ILL TURN OUT THE LIGHTS 8 fe) M-M-M.,, THIS NEW KIND OF YOU CAN'T SEE IT.' CAGGEROLE ISNT HALF BAD...IF 8:00 PM. | %--Academy Pertermance 2-4---Daisies 8:0 PLM. | 7--Lawrence Welk | 4--Mission Impossible 3-6-12---Beverly Hill- billies 2-8--Get Smart 9:00 PLM, Soccer 3-6-12--Movie 2-4--Novie 9:90 PLM, 7--All-America 4--Pistols 'n' Game Petticoats 10:08 P.M. 9--Run For Your Lite 4--Gunsmoke 10: PLM, 1--Movie 11:00 PLM, 9----News 3-4-6-11-12--News, Weather, Sports 1:20 PLM, 8--Movie 1:25 PLM, 4--Greatest Headlines 1:30 PLM, 4--Movie 2--Movie V.35 P.M, Movie Neovie 11:40 P.M, Movie Movie 12:30 A.M. Movie A-Meet the Press 71--First Name Only + -Showcase 4--Film Feature | S--Herald of Truth 1:18 PLM, | 12--Calvary Calls | 1:38 P.M, #--Plattorm | \i--This Space Age | &--Movie | T--Issues and Answere | 4+Science Fiction | Theatre 3--Davy and Gorath 1:45) PLM, 3-6-12---Gardening 2:00 P.M. 2--Farming '67 7--Movie 1l--Expo People 7--Newlywed Game 6--Time For Man 4--Soccer 3--Cathedral of Tomorrow 2: PM. 7--Movie 6-12--As Time Goes By 3:00 P.M. 11--World in Color 3-6-12--Seaway 3:30 P.M, 11--Spectrum 2--Meet the Press 4.00 P.M. 1i--Fugitive 7--Astrojet Classic 4--Track and ied 36-12--Time For Ad- venture 2--Polka Varieties SUNDAY EVE, 4:3 P.M, 9---Daniel Boone 5.00 P.M, 11--Movie 8---Insight 7--Dating Game 3-6-12--Country Calendar 2--Say It Now 5.0 P.M. 9--Brand New Scene 7~-Movie 3-6-1220 - % 2-8--Sportsman's Holi day 0 PM, % Iron Horse 9 8. Biography 4--Forest Rangers 2--Topper 7. AM 10.08 A.M. 1Little People 4--Candid Camera 2-8---Snap Judgement 10.38 A.M. 11--Expo People | 9--Cartoon Playhouse | &-2--Concentration | 7--Dateline: Hollywood 4--Beverly Hillbillies 11.00 A.M, li-Its a Match 9--Fractured Phrases 2-8---Personality 7--Supermarket Sweep 4--Andy Griffith 1138 A.M. 11--Bonnie Pridden 9--Flying Doctor 8-2--Hollywood Squares 4--Dick Van Dyke 3--Ed Allen Time 7--Family Game 12.0 NOON 1i--Hot Line %--Toronto Today 4-2--Jeopardy 7--Movie 3-6---Luncheon Date 4--News, Weather, Sports 12.0 P.M, 8--Eye Guess 12-3--News, Weather, Sport? 4-6--Search for Tomorrow 2--Merv Griffin 12.45 PLM, 4-6--Guiding Light 1.00 PLM. 11--Marriage Confl- dential 9--Movie &--Dialing for Dollars Virginia Graham 7--Fugitive 3-6-12---Luncheon Date 4--Meet the Millers 1. PLM. 11----Movie & Let's Make A Deal 4-6--As the World Turns 3 vie 2--Matches and Mates Talk wildly 7, Jack in cribbage One hundred sq, meters . Zodiac sign 33. Baseball position abbr. . Bind 35, Shade trees 36. Ducks 38, Mulberry cloth 39. Fence step 40. Speak YOUR HEALTH | Dermatologist | | Cure Brittle Nails By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: My right ithumbnail continues to crack down the middle. I have been taping it for weeks. The trou-| ble began eight months ago,) and now it is becoming painful.| Have you a remedy?--A. Z. No, sir, no definite remedy. These lengthwise fissures or! jeracks are usually due to an in-! jury af the nail base or below the cuticle. -|sas, winner of the Helps nai] substance. Usually, though, that occurs in fingernails rather than toenails. | Some conditions should send} folks to the doctor immediately, and day by day | try to call attention to such matters. This nail problem,. however, is one of the things which does not de- mand such urgency 'Daily Papers Host Teachers WATERLOO, Ont. (CP) -- About 50 school teachers and board officials from British Co lumbia to Nova Scotia meet July 23 at the University of Waterloo for a week-long work- shop on newspapers in the classroom, sponsored by the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association. Over five days they will hear 16 speakers, ranging from Hope Shackelford of Wichita, Kan- **Pace- maker" award last year as the best junior high school teacher in the United States, to Beland H. Honderich, president and publisher of the Toronto Star The teachers attending the workshop are chosen by local school boards and newspapers and their costs paid by the pa- pers. During the week the par- ticipants are divided into groups for research into such issues as classroom use of newspapers, interprovincial un- derstanding and the bicultural- ism Issue. The CDNPA Waterloo work shops have been held since 1963, They used to be two weeks long, because U.S. teachers can get formal credit for attending a similar workshop of. this length, but Canadian teachers I would, however, make it a point to show these nails to the receive no formal advantage |from their participation SUNDAY 20 PM. e on these carv- through almost to roasts with rusts or dulls, 7) PHONE 725-7373 - until 9 p.m.) : fx_3} Peery Syston, Inte 1061, Posh ghee memes K t'VE GOT THE KIDS | HELPING ME HOSE DOWN <%, 7AM t--Merald of Truth 8:00 A.M. 1)---Sacred Heart 7--Christopher Program 4~--Word of Life 2--Agriculture U.S.A, 8:30 A.M, 11---Bible Stories 7---Linus 2--This Is The Lite \1--Cathedral Chimes 9--Cartoons 7--King Kong 4--Movie 2--Captain Sailorbird 9:3) AM, '1--Itatian Journal 7--Beany and Cecil 2--Porky Pig 10:00 A.M. 7--Rocketship 7 8--Faith For To-Day 6--La Boite A Chanson 4--Lamp Unto My Feet 10:30 A. 9--Stingray $--This Is The tite 6--La Langue Vivante 4--Look Up and Live 2--Insight 11:00 AM, Lacrosse Cartoons &--Christopher Program 7--Bullwinkle 2--Movie 6.30 PLM 11Tiny Talent Time 8--Smithsonian 4--News, Weather, Sports 7:00 PLM, 1l--Time Tunnel 9--Monkees 8--Animal Secrets 7--Voyage 4--Lassie 36-12-12 For Summer | 7:30 PLM, | 9--FBI | 4--I!'s About Time | 3-612--Hey, Landlord! 2-8--Walt Disney 3:0 mM, \I--Movie 7--FBI 3-4-6-12--Ed. Sullivan Show 3:0 P.M, 9--1 Dream of Jeannie 8--Let's Make A Deal 2--Matches and Mates 9:00 P.M, 7--Movie %--Peyton Place 4--Our Place 2-8-3-6-12--Bonanza 10:00 P.M, 11-Rat Patrol %-Ws at Expo 4--Candid Camera 3612 Other Eye 2-8---The Saint | 2--Ed Allen Time | 7--Newlywed Game | 6--Cuisine 4--Password | 2-8--Days of Our Lives 2.3% P.M, 12--Summer Scene %--People in Conflict 7--Dream Gir! 6--Coronation Street 4--Hoyse Party 2-4--Doctors 2.00 P.M. %--Words and Music 7--General Hospital | 4--To Tell The Truth | 3-4-12--Take 30 24--Another World 3.25 PLM. | 4--News | 2.90 P.M. 9--It's Your Move 7--Superman 11--Mike Douglas 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night 24--You Don't Say 4:00 P.M. 9--1 Love Lucy $--Match Game 4--Secret Storm | 2-6-12--Communicate 2--Mike Douglas 4:30 PLM, 11---Fireball XL5 +~Mavie 2--Yooi Beer 4 -Mevie 3412--Vacation Time Once the split has started, j, doctor on your next visit. He continues as the nail grows Occasionally a collodion (cel-| luloid-like) material is-used to} \fill the crack and prevent sore-| ness, In your case, the pain jcould be from infection. | While there is no home rem- edy, there is good prospect that) a dermatologist can help you--| jand if infection is starting, that) ishould be treated promptly. Dear Doctor: The nails of my| |big toes have turned white {about half way down and have |come loose from the flesh. What causes this? They don't exactly) hurt but seem a little sore ar| irritated at times. Is there any-| jthing I can do? --Mrs. B. W. | The whitness could be due to |the separation of the nails from nail beds. Injury or fungus in- fection can cause such a sep- jaration. Whiteness also can re-| jsult from a faulty development of keratin (hard) part of the imaterial which makes up the) , |may well detect Something that|tive juices, hiatal hernia, te I cannot deduce from your let-|Sion, sometimes faulty diet ter, and be able to help the con- | Guessing that it.is "too much dition or tell you not to sda bert or "'not enough acid" is about it Dear Dr. Molner quinidine?--Mrs, D. W. It is a derivative of cinchona bark, from which quinine also is obtained. Quinidine is used primarily for regulating certain disorders of heart rhythm. Dear Dr. Molner: | am 70 and have so much trouble with heartburn. Sometimes | can scarcely swallow. Does dye have anything to do with this? One person tells me I have too much acid and an- other says I don't have enough. --B.R. Heartburn is a pain that comes from many' things--an ulcer, gall bladder disease, lack of sufficient flow of diges- futile. Rather than asking your lfriends (or even asking me) What is|how to combat heartburn, you must find out the cause in your case, That means going to your doctor for diagnosis Dear Dr. Molner: | am 54 and still have my regular men- strual periods, My doctor tells me he doesn't know when I wil! stop. Could you give me more information. about this? --Mrs. PK No, because there is so much variation in individuals. At 54 you can be sure that it won't be very long before periods cease, however. That is close to the upper age limit. But nobody can predict positively whether yourmenopause will come within a few months, or possi- bly within another year or so

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