Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Jul 1967, p. 3

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| when does its ex- into a stark reality?" plegates representing ernrnn _ ypeeeeeneenremnege een THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, July 7, 1967 3 Canadian, American " ' " nn -- re Sma ee LIBERTY LAC KED IDEN I ' ( ) N ] S R A E I J i ES E ie V i S H Ss, va On the morning of June 8 when our three Israeli i f AYS li torpedo El Arish coast, suspected of i i ificati ; --The fo 4 d st, suspected of be- They spat two rockets into the " i j idshi , pa ag dl on prot doagi rt a on the srey ship _ing an enemy craft. ship, and plumes of smoke aren § peg ge tik yer pga Mg cng he fell, snguthr page saaosrige a -- was = have picked up prison- | ry lv on a southeast. in Hew Suinites Ge were wie. en hee 7 ¢ ) _by. aph, ¢ : i | s explosion and a ers. He hovered over the boat Navy communications ship erly course off El Arish P : re mov: rose from her. Then the two jets accordance with internationally- with the machine-gun huge water s a L s y , ' J . ge pout. and then signalled us: Liberty was lying off the At that tobe ae ing out in formation toward the headed away toward the coast. accepted methods. But she gave We wanted t ke the shi : " Hed us: " , ment, not sea. mt B Bee 2, SOARS tne snip And then fires broke out--th They are raising the Amert. Egyptian coast when it was one of us'on those tor About 2,000 yards from the no answer. It also seemed that surrender without sinking h i . " . abae ' P : pedo boats We spotted the objecti hi ean : ; * Sinking her. --_ boat leaned sideways as if about an flag. attacked by Israeli jets and could have sus : jective once ships, a strange spectacle met she had managed to control the Once again we circled the ves- i ; 'r s suspected that this on the radar screen, She was our eyes. i i Hg! athe ae ies to sink. We waited for survivors It turned out later shore em- UL sommes sees tila es Was the beginning of an incident moving on a steady course, The high high masts and the sg oe ee ret Por iges in This h in OF he bok ea Ue ttecas ce ee pt reg bat og and which was to cause a long southeast at about 10 knots. We © many weird antenna showed ee effect. No Fons pea ed N no _whether friend or enemy. But 'the attacked vessel was the naval reservist, Micha Lie tal + out International wran- sailed toward the objective at that this was a warship. The ACCEPT CHALLENGE reacted. The shale caused little nO one Appeared On deck, -- aD nOe Oey ee : edibeols) : E an increased speed, looking at side of the vessel was blotted It was deci ss by ' eon r ; Suddenly, something fell int PEye y mor, s ; : was ded t SS - y, something fell into : F wire About iunede ite bat nine aon aoraing of June 8, the her through binoculars in an ef- out by smoke, and apart from in battle rstatod Con doused pss thing a eg oo a the sea. One of oat horeatitn We received orders directly 5 the Liberty. He tells the de- ne | elt ei the six-day war, fort to identify the vessel. three numbers along her side, identification by firing across The order was given to pres 3PProached and picking it up from the officer commanding ANNY S tails in this story at ier bese tohelins abd take PLANES ATTACK pete _ nothing to us, we her bow. So we moved past at a pare for a torpedo attack from wig waters found it to, be tags Ys gee chad he 2 fale tide . eee oy could not discern a thing. tremendous speed, firing across e a rubber lifeboat with the letter the © cepracne if Written ter The AP ge provisions, Two of our planes flew over We could see no flag on the _ the empty bidee aod os or BP gly 4 baat oo "U.S. Navy." Liberty and offered help, shoute DA'S LARGEST By MICHA LIMOR the ay geleaeig Bick gatlg ben go Fi cnsagglpe rage rong sp ag pity tobeseen Suddenly, a sailor appeared and _at full battle speed. We reached That was the first sign of "iies te aera ont f 5 LARGE he s 3 Teceiv ti ard. saw them circle the on the decks and bridge. started firing at us with a h i identificat Prades hed 4 EST CHAIN QF TEL AVIV (AP) -- The tor- fication of an unidentified sail- ship several times, and the i ram the tine Hie Fgnt angle and range---end en the f i a § S, n We spent several minutes try- machine-gun from the brid: I i e first time. on the bridge and ALTH SPA pedoes were ready for firing ing vessel some 12 mil ive i i : ; gun irom the bridge. let go. A moment later there arrived screamed: ' " g miles off the dive into the attack. ing to contact the ship and de- We took the challenge and di- One of the torpedoes hit the on the scene the helicopter that We left, biel ie aces {Woven vnaiinayitt enced svete set tA uta CT mT unt revegetexr rennin r srt . ss PREP N SOON HAWA jciate dean of medicine at the | University of Toronto, said the jcollege does not regard Chris- tian Science lay readers as med+ \ical practitioners. MDs' Request Too Stringent TORONTO (CP)--A member of the provincial government's committee on the healing arts said Thursday that changes in legislation proposed by the Col-! lege of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario would outlaw all non - medical healers, in- cluding chiropractors and faith Commons Closes Session With Tariff Change Talks By DENNIS ORCHARD jmines and attract new industry|peacekeeping force in the Mid- OTTAWA (CP) -- The Com-|to the area. dle East. {mons explores the implications) _The Commons expects tenta-;| Defence Minister Hellyer told of the Kennedy Round tariff|tively to begin its fall sitting |the House Thursday that this changes today and then closes|SePt. 25. jwould require a special sessicn| shop for a summer recess of at One factor that could upset|to ratify any cabinet action pro-| least 11 weeks. this plan would be a United Na-|viding such a contribution. Had | | c i 7 ) ' healers. e ? | MPs prepared the ground for tions call for a new Canadian) Speaking during debate on his H "e Krev e jtheir Centennial vacations own $1,546,783,366 estimates for eee OPAECS ever old j 1950, 008;¢ . s college representatives that Enquire About |Thursday night in two votes| |that authorized the government} |to spend $3,416,295,507.08 in pub lic funds. | They first approved a supply bill covering the main 1967-68) 1967-68, Mr. Hellyer said the thei agreement creating the United| the Medical' Act defined the Nations Emergency Force can| practice of medicine so string- jno longer be used-for dispatch-/ontly that people "would no ing Canadian troops. |longer be free to go to a witch By THE CANADUAN PRESS | weap OFF OPPOSITION if they choose." PARLIAMENT AT-A-GLANCE VIC TANNY'S have the right )and type ? your home spending estimates of 10 depart- lag ; al Pek ee ' CANADA'S LARGEST ' ments. e government move rof, Krever was commenting AND FIN ir ehoice of | The government then received| is Poaguon July %i nyo to [Thursday to cut off an opposi-on a@ brief presented to the bed Abel ul mere Announced {0 ition pressure play aimed at|committee Wednesday in which interim authority for expendi-| tures totalling $965,328,156.84,| representing the money other! departments will spend in the name the new 148-mile lake being created by the South Saskatchewan River Dam for Opposition Leader Diefenba- |forcing an immediate pension|the college urged inclusion in jincrease for retired civil serv-|the Medical Act of a definition jants. |of the practice of medicine. Under Lack of definition makes con- ew Anthes or nox. Installed OPEN SOON ur own careful terms of an_ order; icemen. caer 0ur months. + | ker. : passed last weck by the House,|Viction of "quacks" who prey Yer Revere inisters of these depart- Prime Minister Pearson told unanimous consent of all MPs/ 0M the public almost impossible, HAWA peat. ments must come to the i om-| the Commons the first awards | would have been required today the brief said. mons in the fall for approval of| of the new Order of Canada for the summer adjournment, | Dr. R. Ian MacDonald, asso- the remainder of their main spending programs. ONE BILL PASSED Parliament's recent preoccu- will be announced today. Higher food prices sent the consumer price index for June up seven-tenths of a point to Stanley Knowles (NDP--Win- jnipeg North Centre), threatened} to deny his consent and prolong} the session unless the increase} | ALUMINUM STARK BE : Ks pation with estimates has per-| 144.8. came through. DIL LIMITED . , 4 mitted passage of only one of| Revenue Minister Benson But Health Minister Mac-| OSHAWA the 20 major bills announced in| said there will be no action to Eachen. gover t lead + tal ree Was ROUND - THE - WORLD MARINER KNIGHTED te tone speech that evened) Hneeate cil servants ene le inte elena FREE PARKING Ab the current session May 8. sions before Parliament re- |tice Thursday of a motion to ad- Britain's Queen Elizabeth the Order of the British cesses today for the summer. 'Abe That bill established a Crown Royal Naval College in Lon- British naval hero Sir Fran- journ today. This is debatable, | II dubs Sir Francis Chiches- Empire today during cere- don. The queen used the cis Drake _ had been jcor i y ; j ; 2 : the s poration to phase out Cape! The government served no- |but must come to a vote and silat ter a Knight Commander of mony on the lawn of the same sword with which knighted. --AP Wirephoto (Breton's money - losing coal) tice of a motion. to adjourn |needs only a simple majority. 10} ----- WINDOWS nse MASA -- -| today, thus apparently block- |start the recess. ' c ing a threat by NDP member Storm/Sereen FOR YOUR Windows--Doors CaTepE ieee New Building or Re- Centennial Moderation On All Issues Independent Role Desired 'i senescnce . Gold Bowl | | ssid during debate on his Ge eins tat delling Your Old 0 | NDP Convention Keynote Fo gieen For Canada: NDP Leader | sxrisisiicr eine Danette Patio PRIME AND w Wooo maAMe DELIVERED AS A UNIT GLAZED, HARDWARE FITTED a new Middle East force. The House approved the defence estimates along with | those of nine other depart- ments in a package arrange- ment to prepare for the re- cess. FRIDAY, July 7 The Commons meets at 11 a.m. to debate the trade de- partment estimates. The Sen- TORONTO (CP) -- Election-| But the resolution lacked emo- ' TORONTO (CP) -- NDP eee conscious New Democrats chose|tional bitterness. Andrew| ;.. ae p So gg pene Min-\Teader Douglas said 'Thursday pen ' the tried-and-true and a little bit}Brewin, the party's foreign af- Queen with a solid: gold bowl | the socialist party wants to de- / new at their fourth national con-|fairs expert, warned delegates hefore her departure for London|Velop_ an independent role for ; | vention, biggest since the 1961|the party could ill afford such Wednesday in appreciation of anada. I founding meeting. extremes because it was &P-|hor visit and in recognition of| In a windup. speech to the | Leader I. C. Douglas was/proaching power. Canada's centennial. |party's national convention, he confirmed in his job and the! The convention redefined its} 'The bowl, about 18 inches in|said the party is not anti-Amer- © radical left spurned. On policy,/approach to government man-|diameter and about six inches|ican, nor anti-anybody. ' moderation was the keynote/agement of the economy. The|deep, is engraved with the Ca-| He accused the Pearson ad- | from Vietnam to economics. bulk of the delegates agreed on|nadian coat-of-arms and pro-|ministration of "an abject sur- | | Shelters for --Parking Lote --Bus Stops =ees Pump Islands Enquire About VIC TANNY'S CANADA'S LARGEST FINEST CHAIN QF HEALTH SPA'S OPEN SOON OSHAWA SEALED -- INSULATING GLASS FOR PICTURE WINDOW Jalousies JALOUSIE WINDOWS St Nts Mera Cooer Oy Aluminum Siding €.M.H.C. ond ELECTRIC HEAT ACCEPTED Delegates resisted far-left de-|a nationalization - where - nec-| yincial crests render" of the soverei " Ss. | sreignty of a: mands for a hare ling. Even atlessary approach. It bears the inscription Pre- | free people to the United States |g i ate sits at 3. p.m. Resleriny st M FACTORY what the final Vietnam resolu-| yoderation again prevailed|sented to Her Majesty Queen|through American economic | wii | Inserts for SHOWROOM & MANY USES FOR BUSES EDMONTON (CP) -- Retired |buses of the Edmonton Transit ystem dot the Alberta land- pe as summer cottages, |brooder houses on farms and |mobile schools. S. R. Davies, fay director of equipment for the ETS, says, however, most |buses are stripped of parts and| | scrapped. Aluminum Doors end Windows tion sought a ban on shipments| 4, the touchy issue of Quebec|Elizabeth II by the People of| domination. ee ws | of Canadian arms. rights. The party re-affirmed its|Canada on the occasion of the} He said the NDP would work . : | support for a special constitu-|\Centennial of Confedera- tok an ec ically ind Annk | Ast 1 H ; tional status for the provincial] tion July 1, 1967. _ |eountry that will be nobody's sa- Newspaper Guild home of French culture inCan-| Cost of the bow! was not dis- | tonite He called on anny wane & ada. closed. a ers to work to replace tradi- | Prince Philip was presented|,. : Rejects Increases |NO DRATIC MOVES with a set of ocipinal 'patna enn governments VANCOUVER (CP)--The ex-| There were no sweepingiand sketches of birds drawn by| 1D te NOT. ecutive secretary of the Van-\changes in direction on any is-| Fenwick Lansdowne, 30, of Vic- The nationally - televised couver and New Westminster | sye, only shifts of emphasis by|toria. 95 ATHOL ST. EAST -- OSHAWA Baked Enamel Finishes Optionel PHONE 728-1633 with a smooth new bottle and a celebrated taste... that's how agin should be! That's how White Satin is. Still made to Sir Robert Burnett's original 1770 London Dry formula; still exactly as dry and satin-smooth today as it ever was. After all, when great taste can keep a gin famous for generations on both sides of the ocean--we wouldn't dream of changing it. What we have done, though, is change the White Satin bottle. It's the best way we know to salute a celebrated gin. Have a look. Have a buy. White Satin! That's how a gin should be. nnial lost year, mmaculate cone ire. Located on T. C. DOUGLAS NDP Leader speech was largely a call-te- s --- --_------~-----|arms aimed at party workers. |----__--___ ed in the Globe Newspaper Guild said Thursday| 4 convention clearly not anxious BEG D H f grounds with ta provincial ---- * to rock the policy boat. [Me poneet Boas a federal) as | LEWIS | $40,000 furn- cer's recommendation on sal-) mp. 1,123 delegates, alternates P tp | 1 é C 4 d H | aries for 650 Pacific Press em-|,44 visitors pone well aware OS one ee ge ana a | OPTICAL through the formality of re- electing Mr. Douglas as leader, a job he got with the formation of the NDP in 1961. Chairman s Pension David Lewis, MP f York Increase South, pecahe three jun a It is Lake Tuborg on Elles- OTTAWA (CP)-- The govern-|there were further nominations | mere Island, Canada's most ment threw a road block in the|after Mr. Douglas was nomi-jnortherly land mass, some 40 The word came from Colin| way of efforts to get an imme-|nated. There was no response. miles southeast of the Defence He accused newspapers of try-| Research Board's base camp on ployees is "'absolutely not ac-/tney were drafting a platform big tessa Gil Motemen teat |o which the party would stand Secretary Bill McLem or fail in a federal election. ions will be} ; | the a wa There was even a sign that : sige the NDP's traditional hostility j Oe ee he ai the|to huge American investment in morning Province and the after-C@nada was diminishing. noon Sun. The guild is a local of y ¢ 1 the American Newspaper Guild.|Cameron and Max Saltsman,|diate pension increase for re- Canciliation officer Ge or ge|the members of Parliament who/tired civil servants Thursday|ing to promote a leadership] Tanquary, Fiord. -- Carmichael recommended Wed-|drafted the approved economic|and served notice there will be problem in the party, but there) Board glaciologist Dr. Geof- nesday that increases of five per|resolution. They both indicated|no action until the fall. wasn't one. Mr. Douglas said he|frey Hattersley-Smith, just re- cent a year be granted in a two-|they were not so much con- The road block consisted of aj will step down whenever he/ turned here from leading his year contract with a minimum | cerned about U.S. investment as|motion to adjourn Parliament feels he cannot carry on. |13th expedition to Ellesmere, increase of $4 a week. jputting the proper tools in the|Friday. While it is debatable, it} He said Canadians have never| says the 13-mile-long Jake con- The guild had been seeking alhands of the Canadian govern-| relieves the government of hav-/needed a party like the NDP /tains a 60-foot layer of sea wa-| minimum weekly salary of $200|ment to direct the economy. jing to get unanimous consent/so much before. Nor have they| ter trapped beneath 120 feet of | for key classifications "in edito- of MPs for the adjournment. |ever been so ready to accept it.|fresh water. | rial, advertising, circulation and! ee other non - mechanical depart- ments--a 33-per-cent increase i over the current scale of $147.75.|2n4 the Moravian Brethren the The company had offered four first Czech immigrants came to per cent a year for three years.|Canada in 1884. Established for over 30 years A Dead Sea 10% King Street West OTTAWA (CP)--Canada has : its own salt-water dead sea. 725-0444 ATE $23-2453 siitaaainaaiaiuiminl ©xp067 Four Seasons Travel Are exclusive agents for CANA= DIANA Village. ONLY accommo- dotion--Annex to EXPO grounds. (250 yards). $6.25 per person besed on party of 4, Also inquire about our Bus Tours, Phone 576-3131 CAME IN 1884 Apart from Prince Rupert es but these jiately recog- rized shrunk. v2.95 ve 3.95 ve 4,95 Gardeninc CENTRE ~SIRROBERT _BURNETTS ESTD.1770 Take A Drive To VAN BELLE ; GARDENS WHITE SATIN For The... DO-IT-YOURSELF @ FERTILIZER @ SPREADERS -- 2 em the Original Rromuta of @ TOOLS @ TOPSOILS Robert Burnett & € LONDON, ENGLAND = IY S CORPORATION UMVTED, MONTREAL,CANADA OPEN THIS SUNDAY 4:30 TO 8:00 P.M. With ber facilities, Moke your reservotions NOW. Phone 723-4641. ® SEEDS, ETC. @ Advice on your Garden Problems Van Belle Gardens "Your Friendly Garden Centre" S Minutes Yost of Oshowe On Highway No. 2... 623-5757 *white satin The Premium Gin 1:00 P.M, <eeca

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