Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Jul 1967, p. 13

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IRISTIANS EARLY EARI THE OSHAWA TIMPs, became a Christian SNELL, Twi aes ae AN, THERE'S THE ALPINE AND THERE'S A GIRL WORKING Pride: peg 1967 ere the fourth century. FRY CHARLIE WONG'S LALINDRY, HOW WAS ee ino ce BEHIND THE COUNTE Rove cetera 13 tN ela ae ac ae CHINESE HAND,.LAUNDRY/]| [His FOOD? THINKS HE SAW CHRISTY i GREAT SCOTT' aaierangesee-aunsuietenee Ag | RIGHT NEXT DooR To {| F ect WORKING. ' =< CHARLIE'S RED CHILI'S. RIGHT. BRID E Till 12 3 SHE DOES LOOK : Lie Cee ee By B. JAY BECKER a | (Top Record-Holder in Masters' 4 Individual Championship Play) 3 2 & BIDDING QUIZ ight! £ [<3] You are South, neither side vulnerable. The bidding has been: To The East Sou \SHVILLE 19 Pas ly" Pan SOUND d ee ; MMOLE TAKIN' Y GoIne, TERE SNAKE, GET ON THA What, would you. bid" now a ee . ; : : } WASTED TIME GETTIN' My HAIR CUT A RIVE WITH ME/ ANYWHERE] | HOZ2 AN' BE QUICK ABOUT ith So oe ares y Veltri i KNOW ME. AN HERE HE SHOWS : eee j UP BIG AS SIN/ | 1, @K86 99652 @AJ3 &KST ond his a ; Ea | 690742 YJ63 OAK 4084 3 3. @K762 Y4 AJ93 40963 TORNADOS Ea Fi |4, @AKS WKI87 $3 478653 ing the lovely ba} a Mdknnin rr} { a 1, Double. Competitive _ bid- = ding for part scores receives commodation for | = short shrift from most writers, 00 people ty ros largely because game and slam f] contracts are much more inter- sHAWA'S esting to talk about than part 'e scores. However, considering ST DANCE that half the hands dealt in bridge contain. no game for alee we ated ete] AFEW 'leither side, these hands surely sites coger hey a att A ' merit more attention than they WIT 2 Aathena customarily receive. q Let's suppose that, in a given \ ds gay olay NO, ITIS hand, you can make three clubs ule vara BECAUSE OF and the opponents can make > RU tee THE FUNERAL. two hearts. If you let them buy = TODAY. lthe hand for two hearts, they -- jscore 60 below the line instead IDAY, Y Sth t the -- \RENA North English Plea- at 11:30 a.m. LI'L ABNER PONTIACS LOW PRICES Ag, o © i oe Preteen hm THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. SECRET AGENT X9 SUMMER SELL OUT BEAUMONTS VAUXHALLS "YES, SIGNOR! AWELL-KNOWN MAN HAS DIED... THE DEPORTED GANGSTER--BIG JOE FALCON! G.M.A.C. FINANCING HIGH TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE SUMMER HOURS: MON. TO THURS. 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M. FRI. 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. SAT. 8 A.M. TO 1 P.M. jof you, and when the hidden | value (about 80 points) of the jpart score is considered, your total loss on the hand comes to about 280 points. | Such swings are not insigni- ficant: they emphasize the Inecessity of fighting for part scores. In the present hand it is clear that partner has at least some of the missing values, judging from the early |stop by the opponents. A douibe for takeout is therefore clearly indicated. North probably has a singleton heart and is very jlikely to have a five-card suit to bid, It would be a mistake to sell out so cheaply 2. Two spades. Ordinarily this would be a dangerous bid, but much of the risk has been dissipated by the reasonable in- ference that partner's hand is not entirely without merit. Granting the danger attached to |a two spade bid, we should not ig 2 P.M. 1 HEARD YOUR ZIM ONLY | TL E L E V I S I O N L O G HUBERT run the even greater risk of let- SHMENT ALLOWED "TO "TALK FOR | Se ae ting East-West make a part J FIFTBEN AINUTBS Channel 2--Buttalo 9:00 P.M, 4--Frankenstein Jr, DON'T FORG OTHERS score when we might make one. $ ; Channel 3--Barrie 12--Movie 1--Binded Jr. Tv eT MW 3. Double. While it is true 7--Rango 10:30 A.M, we have only 10 high-card chi 1 4--Buffal - duly 9th feta ee he gee aba points, the hand will be worth -- Movie #-2--Space Kicettes much more: than that when Channel 7--Buftalo 9.0 PM, 7--Beatles partner responds to the double Channel 8--Rochester n siery Grittin | 11:00 AM in one of our four-card suits. Channel 9--Torento tyne cn inte It is almost certain that North Channel 11--Hamilton sale i dk 7--Casper has between 6 and 10 points, Channel 12--Peterborough | 9 _AAission Impossible | § cousin Bill and it is therefore likely that 7---Avengers | seas we can make eight or nine Pha eae Cote aia Belial ces tricks in a suit, counting ihe V--Family Theatre | 29-News Patty a ears distributional by apes er od &-Superman | 9-6-7-8-11-12--News, 4. Pass. It is obviously not T--Highway Patrol Weather, Sports 7--Milton the Monster compulsory to bid when the op- SEAT REIM.. Beneere i prea Boge wh ponents die at a low contract, oh 5:30 PM. tie Laas i ted ag 3--This is; Expo and the question of whether or omg | eocHale's Navy | ab dae | 2--Jetsons not to intervene always depends oF News | ¢ "fl sued 12 NOON on the circumstances. In this pa j Viewpoint a | Soe aaa na sane 11.28 P.M, |11-Sir_ Lancelot WHAT BO YOU case the pass is best because : 0:00 P.M. peers rene Ponte SUGGEST FOR (1) we have good defense and 964: Wews! Weather yaaa Add al | ?--Bugs Bunny THE WOMAN may beat two hearts and (2) it 9 ern, 11.90 PAM, hy stewie' | WHO EXCHANGES is too dangerous to double for --Seaspray ar ews ; in Ain, spans Businene [ony carson Cool Mecool | EVGRVIVAGE | ital a W's one se Crs "About Tine locum 12:90 P.M. with such a shabby suit. a: PM, | 11.4 PM. 1) Detectives Diary 12 Iron Horse o--Movie - #--Movie } 1)---Plerre Berton 4--Greatest Headlines 7--Magille Gorilla | ame oe 11.45 PLM, 6--On Safari N | tu y ows 4--News 12--Movie 4--Beagies 8-8--Huntley-Brinkiey 6-Movie 3--Western Jamboree | News 4--Movie - 2--Wells Fargo | st y 1:38 PLM, j NeWait 'Disneys. Worle | Mevle Nov | $--Phyllis Diller 7---Championship Bowling VANCOUVER (CP)--A com: | | SoWongertul Were sccnnae | See | | milens that made a study of f irene Are Funny Cees 2--Upbeat | chronic A oo a in Pi yen : 2 News, "Weather | 1-En France th ny Mak tee : ee ; ae arinke will ith Pegs ne 8--Davey Gol 1 s 5 Fs 2) gti "--caplain Kangaroo" =| 48a! Masterson §=-- |. WOTTR HEALTH estimated $1,000,000 this year. i 2 PM, 2--Clutch Cargo 2:00 PAM 3 Th ; head d b 7--News, Weather, Spert: pee Me i =| The committee, heade y { 7:0 PLM, %--Cartoon Playhouse | 9~Soccer Hl : Canon F. A. Ramsey of Central W2-Rat, Patrol ee &--Three Stooges |? Movie | M Bil C City eee 7 a Pisa to SL Sceiston ico ptact km 1h, 6, 12~$ t civic authorities the figure is i --Hercu! 4--Movii } m Bi | creer Hornet igor | seer | any £lments Vause el probably closer to $3,000,000 f Eg Be ace ib Mn ee 1-Outdoors Unlimited 2:8 PM. welfare payments to drunks are . Na' Wild. Wee é Lal's: Go 7---Highway Patrol S ean? U Of Bl d counted. 6:00 PLM. roM | & netting | we | com, = |S pitting Up 00d . racamon, Ramsey said that in 7 Time "Tunnel Hawkeye *pun-putt Golt | é 2700 ip ang Most of ia 4--Paper Capers 7--Putt-Putt Gol we 2, ¢ ks. D 36-12 gente! History stingray a | scTrack and Field | By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD the 2,700 were in and out of jail 4--Hogan's Heroes 11--Bonnie Prudden 4.0 PLM, } Dear Dr. Molner: I am 23 and)"spitting blood" in the morning several times and accounted for 34-12--Get_ Smart | % Stingray | 11--Donna_ Reed 'i w ke : d to be f 9,974 jail sentences, 2-8-11--Man From @--Flintstones 9--Wide World of Sport jhave been smoking a pack of|and it turned out to rom | The canon said it costs at U.N.C.L.E. | 1--Popeye, Gumby 7--Sam Snead cigarettes a day for two years. |soft gums. They. made them | east S85 to convict a drunk and Do you think I have lung can-| bleed by brushing the teeth ViB-| 9 15 aunts ri Kim te fale a CROSSWORD paved arouse: few ae nae "Giconties can Almost every morning my If you really want to 40 | nay fines. = ACROSS 48. Call, to "Stoop [MOSSES [chest hurts and feels awfully what's best for those three ext The report urged city council So 1. Force attract 22. People |EJAINIUCHEUTaInicte jheavy. I spit up blood, but just'dren, stop making excuses for'tg consider development of a = 4, Leap attention 23. Pos- at iN ey 4 fy a . Ni lin the morning. not going to the doctor, Go baad "detoxication centre" to replace lightly DOWN sess Sieialt[s 1 am scared to death of going Morrow, and get one of three existing drunk tank facilities at > $ Mik 2, Worth 24. Dipn- (SAE Jeliisialc) ito the doctor because [am the @nswers ithe Vancouver city jail. i nae = Harden , thong ET afl totatn Isole support of three children, | 1--You are seriously ill and) It also urged the provincial (=) 9. sph 7 alate ao. aa i Bi Ue R | 1 ruled out tuberculosis be- it's @ good thing you didn't de- | government to establish a uni- =| 12. Astringent mullet 26. Fiber [Tlolo qteisitciet] (cause I am the sole support of lay any longer form spr st sete devel- 13. Resound 5. Leg joint 27. Ha- AlN T|OMMP lalule three children. 2--You have some minor trou-;opment of halfway houses--re- 14. More 6. Holm oak " walian me TviPle I feel fine the rest of the day. ble and it can be corrected be-/habilitation craleee cee Y Pri 7 F . ; r vate agencie: imited num- 16 AME one. tard Yesterday's Amewer | Ts there anything else it could tore * becomes serious, Abehag enki Jai ase - Additional 8. Young girl 30. Di- lhe? Di think I might have 3---You don't have anything |°*\ : 17. Observe 10. Contracted graph 37. Ind sae i she her branes, raph Bg tter and can start)" There is a move throughout 18.Exclama- 11.Raucous 33 han ert ened jto be put in the hospital? I'm teally ae man er Ane (a0 hee jCanada and the U.S. for re- tion 15 Kingdom 33. m sa ell : Inot scared for myself. I just devoting your full time to those | oval of the apprehension and 20, Land 19, Upper oxygen 39. Vena {can't pgp Een ay see af ae children instead of worrying. are of the chronic drunkenness Teasure houseof 34. Crazy 41. Orientar ._ ine my children for any length) |p , loffender from the hands of the . ; : ' i r. Molner: About a 21, Dirigibles, British 35. Cooked, nurse of time.--Mrs. E. W. enar hoe tuk aauohig who is(POlice, on the assumption that zeppelins, Parlia- as 43. Pollack I receive a lot of letters more |, > B 8 lan intoxicated person suffers blimps, ment: abbr t a 3 epee tts A Re cae 344, complained of leg aches. " . . Ps, : abbr, mea fish or less like this, and it is diffi- iat anid tale from a serious medical condi- etc. Y cult to know what to say. Would Our doctor just said, "give her tion,"' the report said Be: pen. Lp ' reer VW, 774 jit do any good, Mrs. E. W., if! pri cage "ei poem The report said the drunk is 28, Not 10 Thi said yes, you may have lung < ; .py./entitled to modern medical care 5 j ae 4 s 'o,, and wakes up in the night cry-)*0 2. asleep bearer . itl RO, FOUling. while in custody and urged the 29. Chinese fi2 is probably don't, would you then," .;municipal and provincial gov- menu item go to the doctor and see what oul Fon ape) negroes ge ernments to build the most en- 31. Conjune- 14 iS 7 is the matter? What can I say|fever? 63 ba y Moles lightened type of facilities fur tion to shake you up into doing the Complained a lot about leg) agrinks." ms Bale Ne hea Wien tw 32. Close to v y, " 20 one sensible thing? " Hes hele pid aig Bnd sine EES ee 33. Ancient > nancy tiness, doctors si us . 36. Ap- Ye 2 If you have lung cancer, it }2q rheumatic fever as a child. HIGH-FLYING SHIELD -- roache: Y probably isn't the result of only what should I do?--Mrs. M.E.P.| The magnetosphere which wa 40 Sissinan; i 7 28 two years of smoking. shi Mecca Gal ; protects man from high-energy au peer PP Tuberculosis? The fact that oe ee ee solar particles extends some A 2. Primitiy 5 WV, you haven't lost weight yet isn't/set_ an occasiona 3,500,000 niles from the earth. # -- V/V, \enough evidence to "rule out" rod baci oag Boo _ -- Ey VA Y the disease. So quit trying to 'ne trouble persists s SUTT- MICHELE CAREY 44. Lota WY, YG Gi diagnose your own symptoms Cause should be sought. There Dear Dr. Molner: About the * APARAMOUNT PICTURE, - and 3 7 9 40 14! when even a doctor would need |'S no such thing as "growing|pirth control pills, is it possible Sixpence" more facts than you have as-/Pains."" The pain means some-ito become pregnant between the 45, Esculent a sembled. thing is wrong. Rheumatic fever/time the last pill is taken and 46, Prince | The blood could be from|Can be one possibility. Faulty/the menstrual period begins?-- bad Charles' fs many sources--some infection foot structure or improperly/Mrs. R. R. sister > of throat or bronchial tubes, for fitted shoes may be a factor. No, The pills prevent ovula- 47, Dutch YGu YAe WY one possibility. I've also. known) Take your little girl back to/tion. No ovulation (release of an painter va or] of people who managed to -- doctor and tell him that thejovum, or egg) means no preg- "ae | rify themselves thoroughly by! trouble is continuing. nancy.

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